Is lazy a bad word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Mr. Lance Nader DDS

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Meaning of lazing in English

to relax and enjoy yourself, doing very little: We spent the day lazing around on the beach.

What does the word lazing mean?

: to act or lie lazily : idle. transitive verb. : to pass (time) in idleness or relaxation. Other Words from laze Synonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More About laze.

What part of speech is lazing?

verb (used without object), la·zied, la·zy·ing.

What does lazing around mean?

to idle or lounge lazily (often followed by around): I was too tired to do anything but laze around this weekend. verb (used with object), lazed, laz·ing.

Is Lazy a bad word?

For example, “lazy” will always have a negative connotation; it will give us a very negative idea of the person it’s being used to describe. So lazy is always seen as a very bad thing. However, idle can be used in other contexts, still to mean something or someone doesn’t work, but without the negative judgement.

31 related questions found

What makes a lazy person?

Laziness may reflect a lack of self-esteem, a lack of positive recognition by others, a lack of discipline stemming from low self-confidence, or a lack of interest in the activity or belief in its efficacy. Laziness may manifest as procrastination or vacillation.

Will be lazing around?

laze around. To relax or spend time idly; to do nothing or very little. It’s a gorgeous day outside, so you kids get off your butts and quit lazing around! I can’t wait to go on my vacation and laze around the beach for two weeks!

What does lying around mean?

1 : to be lying in a disordered way He always had a lot of clothes lying around (his house). 2 : to be somewhere within a general area or place I know that pen is lying around here somewhere. 3 : to spend time resting in a lazy way She spent the whole day just lying around.

What is the meaning of gentle hearted?

Having a kind heart; of mild disposition; kind.

What is the verb for lazy?

verb. lazied; lazying. Definition of lazy (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. : to move or lie lazily : laze.

What is the verb form of laziness?

laze. To be lazy, waste time. To pass time relaxing.

Is idle and lazy the same?

When used as verbs, idle means to spend in idleness, whereas lazy means to laze, act in a lazy manner. When used as adjectives, idle means empty, vacant, whereas lazy means unwilling to do work or make an effort.

Is laze a real word?

verb (used without object), lazed, laz·ing. to idle or lounge lazily (often followed by around): I was too tired to do anything but laze around this weekend.

What does laize mean?

breadth {noun} laize (also: largeur, travers)

What does laced mean?

Laced is a slang term with many meanings. It can refer to a drink or drug mixed with another substance (e.g., laced with vodka or cocaine). It can refer to being intoxicated on such a drink or drug.

Do you say laying around or lying around?

People often say lay when they mean lie, but it’s wrong to lay around. You have to lay something, anything — lay an egg if you want. But you can lie around until the cows come home! The main thing to remember about lay and lie is that lay needs a direct object and lie doesn’t.

What is the meaning of lying down?

to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest: He lay down on the bed and tried to relax.

Is laying around all day bad?

Sitting or lying down for too long increases your risk of chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Too much sitting can also be bad for your mental health. Being active is not as hard as you think. There are lots of simple ways to include some physical activity in your day.

Do not idle meaning?

Something idle is not active. If your car is idling, it’s running but not moving. If someone calls you idle, it either means they think you don’t have enough to do or that you’re just plain lazy. … As a verb, idle can also refer to a car engine that is running while the vehicle is not moving.

Is it OK to be lazy?

When we’re idle, it doesn’t look like we’re doing much. But mentally, the exact opposite is true. Chances are you should be lazy more often. Whether it’s to give your brain a rest, dig up insightful ideas or plot future plans, sometimes the best way to make stuff happen is by doing nothing at all.

Why did I become so lazy?

Lifestyle causes of laziness

For example, a poor diet, too much alcohol and lack of good quality sleep can all leave you feeling tired and unmotivated. Make small changes to your lifestyle to try and improve how you feel. If you think poor sleep may be to blame, why not start a sleep routine?

What does Bible say about laziness?

» Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.» «A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.» «All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.» «Whoever is lazy regarding his work is also a brother to the master of destruction.»

What is the word for a lazy person?

In literary contexts, a person who is lazy can be called slothful.

What do you call a bum?

of low or inferior quality. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on. synonyms: ass, backside, behind, bottom, buns, butt, buttocks, can, derriere, fanny, fundament, hind end, hindquarters, keister, nates, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, seat, stern, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush.

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B_SARS-750I live in a crunchy-granola-chickenfarm-commune with two of my sisters, my niece and my nephew.

In my house we don’t believe in bad words.

Words are neither good nor bad. Words are just words. The only distinction in our house is that words are not bad, but they are often offensive.

Most of the four-letter words are fair game—those ones aren’t so terribly offensive on the Joslyn Farm. If the saying is true, then we swear like sailors.

But there are a few words we’re working on banishing from our cozy chicken farm.

One of those words is LAZY.

In my house you can damn things and shout words that usually involve asterisks, but please, please don’t use the word lazy.

It’s a hard habit to break.

You see, we grew up learning we could never be enough. Not quiet enough. Not obedient enough. Not smart enough. Without being told, we all learned to work harder, faster, later into the night—maybe we could eventually collect enough points to be GOOD ENOUGH. (But I haven’t seen it happen yet.)

We learned that rest was LAZY.

But that’s not the TRUTH.

The truth is my sister Adina comes home from an 8-hour day of running a jackhammer that weighs more than she does and she fixes the fence and mows the lawn. When she falls into bed at 7pm and mumbles that she is “feeling so lazy,” I remind her that isn’t the TRUTH. I remind her that she is allowed to REST. I remind her that we don’t live in our childhood home any longer—we don’t have to be afraid of not being good enough.

The truth is my sister Joanna takes the one-hour bus ride to Seattle every day to attend her Arabic intensive course. She studies as much as possible and spends a couple of hours cooking dinner for our clan—food you can only dream of. She makes sure her daughter gets a ride to the mall and her son gets plenty of snuggle time. Sometimes she falls asleep with her textbook. She chides herself for feeling too lazy to tackle the mountain range of dishes. But she isn’t lazy, she’s amazing! She is a living, breathing Wonder Woman. She is ENOUGH.

The truth is I’ve said YES to too many things. I’ve been living a spectacular existence: traveling and adventuring and collecting, collecting, collecting—supplies for my tiny house, interesting new friends and a whole pile of freelance projects. Seriously, a ton of projects.

Two months ago I blogged about how much I loved cramming so much life into so few hours.

Two months ago I meant it.

But I’m learning something about my need to say YES—it comes from a deeply rooted need to prove I’m enough. I need to prove I’m not lazy. I need to prove I’m worth having around.

You know what I want to say yes to more often? Nap time. I want to shut down my computer all the way because I have completed my work and I can rest. I want to say yes to rest.

I want to continue being generous with people and adventurous and going along with whatever plans are being made around me, because I really do love cramming my life absolutely full to the brim.

But I think I’ll start all that up again in October. Because right now I’m going on a break. Not a vacation, but a furlough. I’m taking a sabbatical from trying to be enough. I’ll still go to my two jobs every day and that will still take up 50+ hours of my week, but for the other 60 to 70 waking hours I’m going to drink tea and kayak and read novels and finalize the blueprints for my tiny house. And that’s not lazy. Lazy is a bad word—I think I’d rather learn how to use the word Sabbath.

If you need something from me, ask again in October.

Sarah Joslyn

I’m more likely to answer to Sars than Sarah. That’s because years ago my brothers started calling me Sars and, as the name implies, it was infectious. I’m a self-proclaimed writer-photographer-Jesuslover-painter-adventurer-foodie. I have a near obsession with ending injustice and I’m a sucker for a good cause. I blog about life and building a tiny house at

Why aren’t «lazy» and «idle» exactly synonyms?

Почему lazy и idle не являются точными синонимами (ведь у них есть общее значение – ленивый)?

Anne McConnell, England

We have two words here that mean very similar things. Lazy which we know means someone who doesn’t really work very hard, but also one with a very similar meaning, idle. Idle – i.d.l.e.

У нас есть два слова, которые имеют очень похожие значения. Lazy, которое, как мы знаем, означает кого-то, кто не работает в полную силу, а также слово с очень сходным смыслом – idle. Idle – i.d.l.e.

Both words can actually be used to describe someone who doesn’t work very hard, for example «John is really lazy» or «John is really idle.» Both mean that really John doesn’t work as much as he should do.

Оба слова действительно могут обозначать кого-то, кто не работает в полную силу, например, «John is really lazy – Джон очень ленивый» или «John is really idle – Джон и вправду бездельник«. Оба варианта означают то, что Джон не работает столько, сколько следует.

However, there are some very subtle differences between the two words which mean we can’t use them completely interchangeably. For example, «lazy» will always have a negative connotation; it will give us a very negative idea of the person it’s being used to describe. So lazy is always seen as a very bad thing.

Тем не менее между этими словами существуют тонкие различия, которые не позволяют их полностью взаимозаменять. Например, «lazy» всегда будет иметь негативный оттенок; оно формирует у нас отрицательное представление о человеке, по отношению к которому оно было использовано. Так что «lazy» всегда считается очень плохим качеством или особенностью.

However, «idle» can be used in other contexts, still to mean something or someone doesn’t work, but without the negative judgement. So for example, if you press print on your computer, you may see a sign which says «Printer idle.» This means that the printer, at the moment, isn’t doing anything. Similarly, sometimes factories must close, because there isn’t enough work, an so at that point, the factory is idle. And also, the work force, the people are idle.

Слово «idle«, в свою очередь, может использоваться в другом контексте, все еще обозначая что-то или кого-то неработающего, но без негативного суждения. Так, например, если вы нажимаете кнопку «Печать» на вашем компьютере, вы можете увидеть сообщение «Printer idle – Принтер не используется, не работает, простаивает». Это значит, что принтер в данный момент ничего не делает. Подобным же образом, из-за недостатка работы иногда закрываются фабрики, и с этой точки зрения фабрика тоже «idle (не работает, в простое)«. То же касается и работников – люди не работают (idle).

So when we use idle in this way we are not giving a negative comment on the people or the thing, we are just saying they’re not working.

Поэтому, когда мы употребляем слово «idle» таким образом, мы не придаем негативного оттенка этому слову в отношении людей или предметов, мы просто говорим, что они не работают.

It’s very very important to think about the adjectives you use in particular because very many of them can carry different connotations. For example: cheap and inexpensive. Both mean that something doesn’t cost a lot of money. However, in British English, we often use the adjective cheap to describe something that’s not of very good quality. So it can sometimes have a negative connotation.

Очень, очень важно понимать, какие прилагательные следует использовать в конкретных ситуациях, потому что очень многие из них могут иметь разные смысловые оттенки. Например: cheap (дешевый) и inexpensive (недорогой). В обоих случаях подразумевается, что что-то стоит небольшую сумму денег. Однако, в британском английском мы часто используем слово «cheap» для описания чего-то, имеющего не очень хорошее качество. Так что иногда это слово имеет отрицательный подтекст.

Similarly, you may find two adjectives that mean similar things, but one adjective can be used with a wider range of nouns. So for example wealthy and rich. We can talk about wealthy people or rich people. Both mean people with lots of money.

Подобным образом, вы можете найти два прилагательных, которые имеют схожий смысл, но одно из которых может сочетаться с бо́льшим количеством существительных. Такими прилагательными, например, являются wealthy (состоятельный) и rich (богатый). Мы можем говорить о состоятельных (wealthy) и богатых (rich) людях. В обоих случаях речь идет о людях с большим количеством денег.

However, we can also talk about rich food, we can also talk about rich furnishings, meaning very good quality. So here, rich has a slightly different meaning. It’s important to remember that it’s difficult to find words that are exact synonyms, which can be used interchangeably, in all contexts.

Но, с другой стороны, мы также можем говорить о «rich food (качественной еде)», «rich furnishings (дорогой мебели)», имея в виду очень хорошее качество. Здесь слово «rich» имеет несколько другой смысл. Важно помнить, что трудно найти слова, которые являются точными синонимами и которые могут быть заменены друг другом в любом контексте.

So when you learn some new synonyms, it’s important to learn not just what they share, but also what the difference is between them.

Поэтому, когда вы учите какие-то новые синонимы, важно знать не только то, что у них общего, но и какие имеются различия между ними.

Remember, when we say someone is lazy, we mean they don’t work very hard, but we can’t say the printer is lazy, we can only say the printer is idle.

Запомните, когда мы говорим, что кто-то lazy (ленивый), мы имеем в виду недостаточное трудолюбие, но мы не можем сказать, что «printer is lazy» (принтер ленивый), мы только можем сказать: «Printer is idle» (принтер не используется, простаивает).

Karen Adams

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u/RedditHermanita avatar

So now the word «lazy» is fatphobic and apparently doesn’t even exist as a concept. Congrats everyone on no longer being lazy, ever.

r/fatlogic - 000 been trying my best to just remove all traces of "lazy" altogether from my speech because it fr just doesnt exist and just reproduces fatphobia and ableism. 2:29 PM · Nov 29, 2020 · Twitter for Android 12 Retweets 1 Quote Tweet 41 Likes

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Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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The notion of laziness being a positive attribute is not one shared by many. However, is laziness always a bad thing? Bill Gates said he would always «hire a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.’» Often, lazy people find means with which to do their job efficiently and quickly because, as you might imagine, a lazy person wants finish his or her work as soon as possible.

Aspects of laziness may allow a person to be healthier, develop excellent managerial skills, and succeed at professional relationships. Laziness just may be the key to success and happiness.

Here are a few positive characteristics of laziness:

1. It helps you eat and sleep better

Man sleeping at workistock

A lazy person may be less inclined to leave the office to grab fast food or go to a restaurant. Instead, he or she may be more inclined to sit at his or her desk and eat leftovers, salad, soup, or a homemade sandwich. Additionally, grabbing an apple, grapes, or a few pretzels might suffice for a snack, too.

It is also rare for a lazy person to burn the midnight oil. Instead, a lazy person goes to bed at a decent hour and gets plenty of sleep. Rather than working a multitude of hours or pushing the limits of human exhaustion, they are well rested.

A 2013 article in The New York Times noted that working an abundance of hours, notably overtime, often results in less sleep, which negatively affects performance – often considerably. It went on to cite a Harvard study which reports that employees who are overworked and sleeping less than six hours a night perform worse than their well-rested counterparts. Even worse, exhausted workers often suffer from burnout. In fact, the Harvard study estimated that sleep deprivation cost American companies nearly $63.2 billion annually in terms of lost productivity. Simply put, working too hard can hurt – not help – productivity.

Maybe that is why you never hear of anybody having an early heart attack or enduring ulcers because of not working too hard.

2. It makes you more efficient

While most think of Ben Franklin as a hard worker, it should be remembered that he once said he was «the laziest man in the world. I invented all those things to save myself from toil.» Although a lazy person may not have the drive to work nonstop, it doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t have ambition. Franklin was lazy, thus he invented ways to make work easier; he wanted to do less work. It is the idea of embracing laziness and using it to your advantage.

If a good shortcut or a more efficient method for accomplishing a task exists, a lazy person will attempt to figure it out. Society didn’t progress from walking to horses to trains to cars to airplanes because we all enjoy running long distances. Every human being possesses some natural laziness, which has led to everything from microwaves to remote controls.

3. It makes you more innovative

Looking through handsistock

A task-orientated mindset prevents the creative juices from flowing (the old, now heavily debated, theory of left vs. right brain functions). The artistic and creative side can’t flourish if one is concentrating, determined to solve a problem, or focused on completing a task. In fact, the hit show The Big Bang Theory did an episode that noted this idea, titled “The Einstein Approximation” (Season 3, Episode 14). Although it’s a fictional show, the premise of the plot is supported by a plethora of research.

A lazy person’s ability to avoid constant work allows for times where the mind can wander, which promotes creative thinking. Many people consider a lack of concentration or goofing off as forms of unproductivity, but it is quite the opposite. Great ideas rarely emerge when one is bogged down with finishing predetermined tasks. Hard workers and task-orientated employees are usually the ones working for those that have great ideas and visions; those visions and ideas usually come from times when one is at play, or relaxing.

Recent research suggests that the only way to daydream, create, and dream for the future is to relax and occasionally become a couch potato, thus stimulating the Default Mode Network, or DMN. The Daily Touch reported back in 2013 how researchers believe that the art of relaxing helped people focus better, inspired motivation, encouraged creativity, provided for better long-term memory skills, and even helped people stay in touch with their own set of values and self-identity. Several studies found that after learning a new skill or receiving new information, greater activity is found in the DMN, representing our brains forming long-term memories.

In the end, by allowing your brain to go into default mode, or let it do whatever it wants to do, it can do wonderful things. The less we manage our brains, the better they can help us become a success.

4. It helps you focus

Lazy people don’t stress about making the bed, cleaning their desk, organizing their emails, or other extraneous tasks. Inherent laziness leads one to focus on an assignment in order to finish it quickly and efficiently. Lazy workers occupy their minds with vital information rather than worry about irrelevant errands. The only way to truly focus on a task is to simplify how many tasks you have. Not to mention, exhaustion and stress preclude you from concentrating on one goal. If there are only a few hours a day to work on a big project, don’t worry about filling the other remaining hours with meaningless tasks. Instead, use the downtime to both rest the mind and possibly think of strategies.

A lazy person does not have an insatiable need to stay busy. Rather, a lazy person embraces downtime. A lazy person will not do work for the sake of working hard. As a result, a lazy person keeps his or her mind fresh and rested, which leads to better productivity because a rested worker that minimizes tasks has greater focus, thus greater effectiveness.

5. It helps you delegate tasks

George Clooney directingGo Northeast Oregon

Lazy people prefer not to work, obviously. If there exists an opportunity to delegate work to others, lazy workers will happily share the workload. Moreover, no lazy worker wants to clean up another worker’s mess, so they are skilled at finding the right person to do the job. Furthermore, lazy people refrain from micromanaging, avoid endless meetings, and don’t need constant status updates. They tend to ask big-picture questions and guide their workers. They avoid gathering opinions, too, because that often leads to more work. In the end, laziness can lead to effective management because lazy workers select the right person for the right job, let that person do his or her job, and then move on to the next task.

6. You avoid drama

Lazy people are too busy being lazy to worry about gossip, arguing, getting into lengthy discussions, or caring about coworkers’ relationships. They prefer to finish work and go home where they can, well, get back to being lazy.

Laziness rarely results in fighting or stabbing someone in the back to get ahead at work, metaphorically speaking. If it is a choice between office politics and getting through a day without drama, a lazy person will usually avoid the drama.

Obviously, laziness as a trait is different from laziness as an attitude. One who shows no desire to work, refuses to lift a helping hand in a relationship, takes shortcuts at work (instead of finding efficient ways with which to accomplish a task), or generally doesn’t care is a bad thing. It is one thing to be lazy and create methods with which to make a job easier. It is another thing to be lazy and refuse to do much work.

Laziness as a mannerism can serve one well. It behooves everyone to take some tips from the lazy person.

  1. Do not feel a constant need to create tasks. When the work is done, it is done. Relax.
  2. Go to bed! A good night’s rest equates to better health and productivity.
  3. Find easier ways to accomplish tasks. Doing things the «hard way» or the «easy way» has the same result – the job is done. There is no shame in finishing an assignment faster, if it is done well.
  4. Focus on what is important. The more you focus, the faster you get a job done. The faster you get a job done, the more time you have to do other things – work or leisure.

Like everything in life, moderation is the key. Laziness, like anything else, can be a positive thing.

Be lazy once in a while. Go ahead. It’s okay.


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Person Lying on Bed Covering White Blanket White and Tan English Bulldog Lying on Black Rug Photo of Person Holding Alarm Clock Woman Lying on Tree Near Awter Bored ethnic female in casual clothes sitting at table with netbook and watching sad movie while resting at home during weekend Bored formal man watching laptop at desk

Image search results for Lazy

african lion, lion, male dog, boxer, boxer dog cat, bury cat, tabby mammal, hirsch, animal world cat, animal, pet cat, black cat, rest

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Antonyms for Lazy. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

Antonyms for Lazy. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2023. <>.

Antonyms for Lazy. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

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