Is jules a word

what is jule

Christmas or the Christmas season, especially as traditionally celebrated in Northern Europe and North America with customs stemming in part from pagan …

Is Jule a word?

No, jule is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What does Jules mean for a girl?

Jules Origin and Meaning The name Jules is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning «youthful; soft, downy».

What does Jule mean?

as a name for boys is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of the name Jule is «youthful; Jove’s child». Jule is an alternate spelling of Julius (Greek).

What word is joules?

joule Add to list Share. Use the scientific term joule for talking about work, energy, or heat. … The word joule comes from the English physicist James Prescott Joule, who studied the relationship between heat and mechanical work, research that led to the First Law of Thermodynamics.

What is joule and example?

One joule is equal to the work it takes to make a watt of power for a second, or to move a body one meter with a one-Newton force. In physics, it’s common to talk about joules of energy — one example used to illustrate a joule is lifting an apple, which weighs about one Newton.

What is joule in electricity?

Joule (abbreviated J): A measurement of energy or work. … In electronics, it’s the same amount of energy, in electrical units. One joule is one watt of power, applied for one second (a watt-second); or a coulomb of electrical charge raised to a potential of one volt.

What is joule in simple words?

joule, unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI); it is equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one metre. Named in honour of the English physicist James Prescott Joule, it equals 107 ergs, or approximately 0.7377 foot-pounds.

What is a joule in simple terms?

joule, unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI); it is equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one metre. Named in honour of the English physicist James Prescott Joule, it equals 107 ergs, or approximately 0.7377 foot-pounds.

How many volts are in a joule?

Joules to volts calculation · See also · Write how to improve this page.

What is joule equal to?

joule, unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI); it is equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one metre. Named in honour of the English physicist James Prescott Joule, it equals 107 ergs, or approximately 0.7377 foot-pounds.

What is the difference between a watt and a joule?

The watt is the most commonly used unit of measure for power. … A watt equals a joule per second. If a smart phone uses five joules of energy every second, then the power of the phone is five joules per second, or five watts.

What is joule in electricity?

Joule (abbreviated J): A measurement of energy or work. … In electronics, it’s the same amount of energy, in electrical units. One joule is one watt of power, applied for one second (a watt-second); or a coulomb of electrical charge raised to a potential of one volt.

What is a joule simple definition?

joule, unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI); it is equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one metre.

What is the best definition of joule?

(Entry 1 of 2) : a unit of work or energy equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through a distance of one meter.

What is the unit J in chemistry?

Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry – J. J (J): (1) The joule. An International System of Units energy unit equal to an applied force of one newton through a distance of one meter, or the energy equivalent to passing an electric current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm for one second.

What is called 1 joule?

The joule (symbol J) is the SI unit of energy—a measure of the capacity to do work or generate heat. One joule equals the work done (or energy expended) by a force of one newton (N) acting over a distance of one meter (m). … The amount of energy delivered by a one watt source of power in one second is one Joule.

What is a joule in chemistry definition?

One joule is defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter. One joule is the equivalent of one watt of power radiated or dissipated for one second.

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jules — перевод на русский

«Witnesses: Sergeants James and Jules.»

Свидетели — сержанты Джеймс и Джулс.»

Sergeant Jules and I were reading a squeal with Captain Alidos… when Lieutenant Doyle came busting into the office.

Сержант Джулс и я читали рапорт с капитаном Алидосом, когда лейтенант Дойл ворвался в кабинет.

-Sergeant Jules?

Сержант Джулс?

Tell Sgt. Jules to come to my office.

Пусть сержант Джулс зайдёт ко мне в кабинет.

Jules Bergman!

Джулс Бергман!

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Uh… her name’s Jules.

Ее зовут Джулз.

Uh… Jules, this is… my sister-in-law, Deb.

Джулз… это моя невестка Деб.

Deb, this is Jules, my…

Деб, это Джулз, моя…

This is my girlfriend, Jules.

Это моя девушка, Джулз

— Hey, Jules.

— Привет, Джулз.

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Père Jules won’t give me his wash.

Папаша Жюль не хочет давать белыё.

Don’t worry. Your Père Jules will show up.

Можешь не волноваться, не пропадёт твой папаша Жюль.

Come on, Père Jules. Stop fooling around.

Эй, папаша Жюль, перестаньте, не делайте глупости.

Père Jules!

— Папаша Жюль!

It’s Père Jules!

— Это же папаша Жюль.

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A drama in five parts from the book by Jules RENARD

Драма в пяти частях по книге Жюля Ренара

We have to wait for Père Jules.

— Надо подождать папашу Жюля.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Père Jules.

А ты можешь ждать своего папашу Жюля. Восточные науки, ясновидящая

Do you know a Jules Amthor?

Вы знаете Жюля Амтора?

Do you know Jules Parmentier, the art dealer?

Ты знаешь Жюля Парментье, торговца картинами?

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Nihka and Jule listened with me.

Нихка и Джул слушали вместе со мной.

-He died, Jule.

Он умер, Джул.

Where are you, Jule?

Кстати, где ты, Джул?

I’m sorry, Jule.

Прости, Джул.

Sorry, Jule.

Извини, Джул.

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So Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow.

Джули сказала мне, что вы завтра пойдёте по магазинам.

— Let’s just be reasonable here, Jules. — I am being reasonable.

— Давай будем разумными, Джули.

Jules, I never meant to hurt you. Honestly.

Джули, я никогда не желал тебе зла, честно.

Jules, it’s going to be okay.

Джули, все будет хорошо.

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Jules Asner is on the scene at Miramax Studios.

Джулия Ашнeр нахoдится вoзлe студии Мирамакс.

No, you’re right, Jules.

Нет, ты права, Джулия.

You too, Jules.

Ты тоже, Джулия.

You should go, too, Jules.

Ты тоже можешь пойти, Джулия.

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Jules Winfield, our man in Inglewood.

Джульс Винфилд, наш человек из Инглвуда.

[ Jules ] Yes, you did, Brett!

[ Джульс ] Да, ты попал, Брет!

[ Jules ] Hmm?

[ Джульс ] Хмм?

I think it’s time for us to leave, Jules.

Джульс, думаю, самое время уходить.

— Well, Jules, this ain’t my fuckin’ town, man!

Джульс, это не мой родной город, мать твою, что я могу сделать!

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So watch your step… or I may have to pick you up in the same basket with Jules Amthor.

Так что следи за каждым своим шагом или я возьму тебя в одной корзине с Жюлем Амтором.

It was written by Albert Maltz and Malvin Wald… photographed by William Daniels and directed by Jules Dassin.

Сценарий был написан Альбертом Молтцом и Мэлвином Уолдом,… снят Уильямом Дэниелсом и поставлен Жюлем Дассеном.

She cheated on him with Jules Martinet, Mr. President.

— Она изменяла ему с Жюлем Мартине, ваша честь.

You were in cahoots with Jules.

Так вы были заодно с Жюлем?

A child of 7 or 8, said to be Jules Rivière, lying face down, still covered by his clothes.

Ребенок 7 или 8 лет, признанный Жюлем Ривьером, лежал лицом вниз, укрытый своей одеждой.

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Like what about the… Jules, her date?

Как насчет, Джулса, ее кавалера?

So we say thank you to Jules Leotard for the flying trapeze and the leotard.

Итак, мы можем поблагодарить Джулса Леотарда за летающую трапецию и леотард

Semifinal Round» Miko and Jules»

Полуфинал Мико и Джулса

That’s what you call it when a guy like Jules gets his.

Так говорят, когда парень вроде Джулса получает сполна.

How will it not take hold of you the way it did Jules?

Почему это не настигло тебя так же, как Джулса?

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  • 1 English
    • 1.1 Pronunciation
    • 1.2 Etymology 1
      • 1.2.1 Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
    • 1.3 Etymology 2
      • 1.3.1 Alternative forms
      • 1.3.2 Proper noun
  • 2 French
    • 2.1 Pronunciation
    • 2.2 Proper noun
      • 2.2.1 Derived terms
  • 3 Norman
    • 3.1 Proper noun
      • 3.1.1 Related terms



  • IPA(key): /d͡ʒuːlz/
  • Rhymes: -uːlz
  • Homophones: joules, jewels (one pronunciation)
  • (as a French name) IPA(key): /ʒuːl/

Etymology 1[edit]

From French. Doublet of Julius.

Proper noun[edit]


  1. A male given name from French.
Derived terms[edit]
  • Julesburg

masculine name from French

  • Arabic: جُول‎ m (jūl)
  • Belarusian: Жуль m (Žulʹ)
  • Bulgarian: Жул m (Žul)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 儒勒 (Rúlè)
  • French: Jules (fr) m
  • Greek: Ιούλιος (el) m (Ioúlios)
  • Japanese: ジュール (ja) (Jūru)
  • Korean: (Jwil)
  • Russian: Жюль (ru) m (Žulʹ)
  • Ukrainian: Жуль m (Žulʹ)

Etymology 2[edit]

Diminutive, influenced by Etymology 1.

Alternative forms[edit]

  • Jools

Proper noun[edit]


  1. A male given name A nickname for Julian or Julius.
  2. A female given name A nickname for Julia or Julie.



  • IPA(key): /ʒyl/

Proper noun[edit]

Jules m

  1. a male given name, equivalent to English Julius

Derived terms[edit]

  • jules


Proper noun[edit]

Jules m

  1. a male given name, equivalent to English Julius

Related terms[edit]

  • Julot


1) человек из преступной среды; сутенёр

2) любовник; муж; мужик

3) ночной горшок

Большой французско-русский и русско-французский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «jules» в других словарях:

  • jules — [ ʒyl ] n. m. • 1866; du prénom Jules 1 ♦ Pop. et vx Vase de nuit. 2 ♦ Arg. Vieilli Homme du milieu, souteneur. Un vrai Jules. C est mon jules. ⇒ homme. On dit aussi JULOT . 3 ♦ Fam. Amant, amoureux, mari. ⇒ mec. « Quelqu un de la famille ?… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jules — ist ein männlicher Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bekannte Namensträger 1.1 Vorname 1.2 Familienname 1.3 Pseudonym …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jules II — Pape de l’Église catholique Nom de naissance Giuliano della Rovere …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jules — may refer to:*Didacus Jules, a St. Lucian educator *Gary Jules (b. 1969), an American singer songwriter *Jules Brunet, a French General *Jules Lund, an Australian television presenter *Jules Maenen, a Dutch road bicycle and track cyclist *Jules… …   Wikipedia

  • Jules — hace referencia a: Alfred Jules Ayer, filósofo británico; Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, mariscal del Primer Imperio y rey de Suecia; Jules Barbey d Aurevilly, escritor y periodista francés; Jules Bordet, médico belga, premio Nobel de Medicina… …   Wikipedia Español

  • JULES II — JULES II, GIULIANO DELLA ROVERE (1443 1513) pape (1503 1513) Neveu du franciscain Francesco Della Rovere, Giuliano dut à la protection de celui ci son ascension dans la carrière ecclésiastique. Quand son oncle devint pape, sous le nom de Sixte IV …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • JULES — (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) is a land surface parameterisation model scheme describing soil vegetation atmosphere interactions.cite web |url= |title = JULES |date=2008 |accessdate=2008 09 05] JULES is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Jules — m, now sometimes also f 1 (m.) French form of JULIUS (SEE Julius). It is a very common given name in France and is occasionally also found in the English speaking world. 2 (m.) English: pet form of JULIAN (SEE Julian). 3 (f.) English: informal… …   First names dictionary

  • Jules — [jo͞olz] n. a masculine name: see JULIUS …   English World dictionary

  • Jules — /joohlz/; Fr. /zhyuul/, n. a male given name, French form of Julius. * * * (as used in expressions) Ayer Sir Alfred Jules Bordet Jules Jean Baptiste–Vincent Dubos René Jules Dumont d Urville Jules Sébastien César Feiffer Jules Ferry Jules… …   Universalium

  • Jules — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour l’article homophone, voir Jules …   Wikipédia en Français

Jules is the French form of the Latin «Julius» (e.g. Jules César, the French name for Julius Caesar). It is the given name of:


Félix Nadar 1820-1910 portraits Jules Verne.jpg

Jules Verne

Pronunciation French: [ʒyl]
Gender masculine
Language(s) 1. Greek
2. Latin
Meaning 1. «devoted to Jove»
Other names
Related names Julia, Julian, Julie, Julien, Julio, Julius, Jolyon

Look up jules in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

People with the nameEdit

  • Jules Aarons (1921–2008), American space physicist and photographer
  • Jules Abadie (1876–1953), French politician and surgeon
  • Jules Accorsi (born 1937), French football player and manager
  • Jules Adenis (1823–1900), French playwright and opera librettist
  • Jules Adler 1865–1952), French painter
  • Jules Asner (born 1968), American television personality
  • Jules Aimé Battandier (1848–1922), French botanist
  • Jules Bernard (born 2000), American basketball player
  • Jules Bianchi (1989–2015), French Formula One driver
  • Jules Breton (1827–1906), French Realist painter
  • Jules-André Brillant (1888–1973), Canadian entrepreneur
  • Jules Brunet (1838–1911), French Army general
  • Jules Charles-Roux (1841–1918), French businessman and politician
  • Jules Dewaquez (1899–1971), French footballer
  • Jules Marie Alphonse Jacques de Dixmude (1858–1928), Belgian Army general
  • Jules Armand Dufaure (1798–1881), French statesman
  • Jules Engel, American filmmaker, painter, sculptor, graphic artist, set designer, animator, film director and teacher
  • Jules Feiffer (born 1929), American cartoonist
  • Jules Gervais-Courtellemont (1863–1931), French war photographer from World War I
  • Jules Greenbaum (1867-1924), German film producer
  • Jules Jordan (1850-1927), American composer, operatic tenor, vocal instructor and conductor
  • Jules Jordan (born 1972), American pornographic actor, director and producer
  • Jules «Skip» Kendall (born 1964), American professional golfer
  • Jules Gilmer Korner Jr. (1888–1967), judge of the United States Board of Tax Appeals
  • Jules Maenen (1932–2007), Dutch road bicycle and track cyclist
  • Jules Massenet (1842–1912), French composer
  • Jules Michelet (1798–1874), French historian
  • Jules Monge (1855–1934), French painter
  • Jules Auguste Muraire (1883-1946), French Actor
  • Jules Achille Noël (1815–1881), French landscape and maritime painter
  • Jules Pastré (1809–1899), French banker, businessman and equestrian active in Egypt.
  • Jules Rimet (1878–1956), French football administrator and former FIFA president
  • Jules Védrines (1881–1919), French aviator
  • Jules Verne (1828–1905), French author
  • Jules Wright (1948-2015), Australian-English theatre director
  • Jules Wright (politician) (1933-2022), American politician and businessman

Fictional charactersEdit

  • Jules Cobb, the main character of the US television series Cougar Town
  • Jules Winnfield, a fictional character in the film Pulp Fiction
  • Jules Vaughn, one of the main characters in the US television series Euphoria
  • Jules, a fictional character featured in the video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In this case, the use of the name Jules is assigned to a young woman.
  • Jules Tournier, the twelve-year-old twin brother of Julie, and one of the two titular characters of the 1990s animated show- The Twins of Destiny
  • Jules, a fictional character in the graphic novel On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
  • Jules Van Patten, a fictional character from the film St. Elmo’s Fire
  • Jules Verne Durand, a linguist aboard the Daban Urnud in Anathem by Neal Stephenson


  • Jules (film) is an upcoming feature film starring Ben Kingsley and Jane Curtin.

See alsoEdit

  • Jools
  • Julian (disambiguation)
  • Julien (disambiguation)
  • Julius (disambiguation)

Yeah, I had to stop and talk to Jules about a few things.

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Да, я заскочил к Джулз, поговорить кое о чем.

Representative Jules Blatt put your name on the list to be a witness?

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Член палаты представителей Джул Блатт включил тебя в список свидетелей?

It feels great, Jules, you know, to live in a house of lies.

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Прекрасное ощущение, Джулз, знаешь, жить в доме лжи.

Mr. Jules Rattankoemar Ajodhia,

Vice-President of the Republic of Suriname, was escorted from the rostrum.


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Г-на Юлеса Раттанкумара Аджодиа,

вице-президента Республики Суринам, сопровождают с трибуны.


Jules, I know you’re under a lot of pressure right now.

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Джул, я знаю, что ты сейчас под большим давлением.

Look, Jules, I need to know that we can get through this.

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Слушай, Джулз, я должен знать, что мы сможем через это пройти.

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Тебе нравится Жуль Верн?

You know, Jules, traditionally, a woman would take her current

husband’s last name.

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Знаешь, Джулз, по традиции, женщина берет фамилию ее нынешнего мужа.

Jules Verne wrote many books.

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Юль¬ ерн написал много книг.

And he loves Jules Verne, you know?

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И ему нравится Жуль Верн, знаешь?

He also studied under master cornetist Jules Levy.

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Выступал аккомпаниатором корнетиста Джулса Леви.

I’m so telling Jules that you’re a spoon-lickin’ bagel-waster.

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Я расскажу Джулз, что ты облизывающий ложки растратчик бубликов.

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A museum is devoted to the painter Jules Bastien-Lepage.

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Музей посвящен живописцу Жюлю Бастьен- Лепажу.

You own the network, Jules.

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Это твоя медиасеть, Джул.

That’s what you call it when a guy like Jules gets his.

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Так говорят, когда парень вроде Джулса получает сполна.

Jules told me never to ask, but why do you call me»Jelly Bean»?

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Джулз попросила меня никогда не спрашивать, но все же, почему ты называешь меня» мармеладка»?

Judge Jules DESCHÊNES(Canada) retired from office effective 1 May 1997.


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Судья Жуль ДЕШЕН( Канада) ушел в отставку с 1 мая 1997 года.


I never met a woman who liked Jules Verne before.

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Ќикогда не встречал женщину, которой нравитс€∆ юль¬ ерн.

Yeah, well, Dan also hired Jules to make Keith fall in love with her.

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Да. Ден также нанял Джулз, чтоб влюбить в нее Кита.

What do you think, Jules?

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Что ты думаешь, Джул.?

The Group is obsessed with Jules Mutebutsi and his men.


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Группа уделяет чрезмерно большое внимание Жюлю Мутебутси и его людям.


That’s how much I trust you, Jules.

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Так сильно я тебе доверяю, Джул.

His Excellency Mr. Jules Albert Wijdenbosch,


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Президент Республики Суринам Его Превосходительство г-н Юлес Альберт Вейденбосх.


Kivshono Shel Olam, ie»World Secrets» by Jules Simon.

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Казас И. И. Кившоно Шель Олам,

то есть« Мировые тайны» по Жюлю Симону.

I know lots of people in this town… but I never heard of Jules Amthor.

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Я знаю многих в городе но никогда не слышал о Жюле Амторе.

Mom caught me in the pool… with Jules.

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Мама поймала меня в бассейне с Джулсом.

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Jules and Ellie… a hard-fought zero.

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Джулз и Элли- с натяжкой,

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