Is intangible a word

Asked by: Loren Schinner

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(53 votes)

Intangible. Not tangible; incapable of being touched; not perceptible to the touch; impalpable; imperceptible.

Is it intangible or non tangible?

As adjectives the difference between intangible and nontangible. is that intangible is incapable of being perceived by the senses; incorporeal while nontangible is intangible.

What is a intangible person?

adjective. not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable. not definite or clear to the mind: intangible arguments.

How do you use intangibles?

Intangible in a Sentence ?

  1. While emotions can be expressed, they are intangible because they cannot be physically touched.
  2. Love is the intangible bond that keeps my husband and I together.
  3. When a man dies, his intangible soul exits his human form. …
  4. Skydiving provides me with an intangible rush that soars through my body.

What is an example of an intangible?

An intangible asset is an asset that is not physical in nature. Goodwill, brand recognition and intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, are all intangible assets. Intangible assets exist in opposition to tangible assets, which include land, vehicles, equipment, and inventory.

26 related questions found

What are the three major types of intangible assets?

Intangible assets include patents, copyrights, and a company’s brand.

What are the two main characteristics of intangible assets?

The two main characteristics of an intangible asset are that it is not physical, meaning it exists as a legal power, and that it is identifiably separate from other assets.

Do intangibles bring success?

Findlaw lists a range of intangibles, all of which play a part in creating value for your company. … Identifying intangible assets is the road to success. Managing those intangible assets keeps your business on track for sustainable success.

What is a good sentence for intangible?

Intangible sentence example. But not all things are intangible which our senses are not subtle enough to detect. All was destroyed, except something intangible yet powerful and indestructible. The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening.

What is the meaning of the word intangible as it is used in the text?

1 : not capable of being touched Light is intangible. 2 : not having physical substance Goodwill is an intangible asset. intangible. adjective. in·​tan·​gi·​ble | in-ˈtan-jə-bəl

What is an example of intangible property?

Some examples of intangible personal property include image, social, and reputational capital, and recently, personal social media pages and other personal digital assets. Companies also have intangible property, such as patents, copyrights, life insurance contracts, securities investments, and partnership interests.

Why is it called intangible?

‘Intangible’ means things that cannot be seen or touch it can only be felt example Goodwill. Management is an intangible force because it is an unseen force.

What is something Cannot be touched?

intangible Add to list Share. You can’t touch this word — it is intangible. … Something intangible can’t be touched physically, but most of the time it is understandable or even felt in the heart.

What is the difference between tangible and intangible products?

Tangible assets are physical; they include cash, inventory, vehicles, equipment, buildings and investments. Intangible assets do not exist in physical form and include things like accounts receivable, pre-paid expenses, and patents and goodwill.

Is a license a tangible asset?

Tangible and intangible assets are the two types of assets that makeup the full list of assets comprehensively for a firm. … These assets include things like copyrights, trademarks, patents, licenses, and brand value. Intangible assets are recorded on a balance sheet as long-term assets.

What are examples of intangible benefits?

Examples of intangible benefits include brand awareness, customer loyalty, and employee morale. Companies that ignore intangible benefits tend to perform poorly over time, while those that make an effort to cultivate them thrive.

Are emotions intangible?

An emotion, for example, is something intangible; it exists and is real, but can’t be touched physically. Intangible can also be a noun and refers to things that can not be quantified because they are not physical or material.

What does intangible mean in 2k21?

Intangibles are simply the clutch factor or a player. The higher the more possibilities of that player to change the game or take over.

What are some intangible services?

Intangible products—travel, freight forwarding, insurance, repair, consulting, computer software, investment banking, brokerage, education, health care, accounting—can seldom be tried out, inspected, or tested in advance.

How do you find intangible value?

Determining the Calculated Intangible Value (CIV)

  1. Calculate the average pretax earnings for the past three years.
  2. Calculate the average year-end tangible assets for the past three years.
  3. Calculate the company’s return on assets (ROA).
  4. Calculate the industry average ROA for the same three-year period as in Step 2.

What are intangible things that are important to entrepreneurs?

Here’s a list of nine intangible assets that entrepreneurs possess:

  • Ingenuity. You ever hear the saying, being an entrepreneur is like building the bridge as you walk across it? …
  • Stubbornness. I’m referring to good stubbornness. …
  • Cool under pressure. …
  • Their network and peers. …
  • Perseverance. …
  • Vision. …
  • Blind optimism. …
  • Opportunistic.

What are the characteristics of a tangible asset?

Characteristics of Tangible Assets

  • They come in physical form, which means they can be seen, felt, or touched.
  • They are depreciated over a period of time.
  • They possess a scrap or residual value.
  • They can be used as collateral to obtain loans.
  • They are used in the daily operations of the business.

What is the meaning of intangibility?

not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable. not definite or clear to the mind: intangible arguments. (of an asset) existing only in connection with something else, as the goodwill of a business.

What are the major classifications of intangible assets?

These are assets such as intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade names. Software and other computer-related assets outside of hardware also classify as identifiable intangible assets. Unidentifiable intangible assets are those that cannot be physically separated from the company.

What is fictitious asset?

Fictitious assets are the assets which has no tangible existence, but are represented as actual cash expenditure. … Expenses incurred in starting a business, goodwill, patents, trademarks, copy rights comes under expenses which cannot be placed any headings.

The human senses perceive stimuli from outside that helps create an impression of touch, taste, see, hear, or smell.

This human sense helps in perceiving things we cannot comprehend. We can broadly classify our assets into tangible and intangible.

Tangible are assets that we can perceive with our senses, and these assets have a physical existence. The intangible assets have no physical presence, and we cannot comprehend these assets.

Key Takeaways

  1. Tangible refers to something that can be touched or physically experienced, while intangible refers to something that cannot be touched or physically experienced.
  2. Tangible assets include property, equipment, and inventory, while intangible assets include patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
  3. Tangible goods can be easily bought and sold, while intangible goods are more difficult to value and transfer.

The difference between tangible and intangible is that tangible is anything that has physical property and physical existence. We can feel it with our senses. Intangible does not have any physical presence or existence. It is not possible to feel, see or touch it.

Tangible vs Intangible

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Tangible is real and has value. It can be touched and have a form and substance. It can be visually comprehended and can have a clear mental image of physicality. A few examples of tangible is the Leaning Tower of Piza or a car.

Intangible is something that exists, but we cannot touch or feel it. The description of the product is your creativity.

It can express a person’s feelings or quality, and intangible assets add value to a business but do not exist in the real world. A few examples of intangible are goodwill, patent, or trademarks.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Tangible Intangible
Property We can perceive tangible objects. It has physical existence. We cannot see, feel, or touch intangible objects. It does not have physical existence.
Cost factor Tangible cost is read money paid for service. Intangible cost can be considered as knowledge gained.
Product It is a physical object like an asset or anything visible. It is a product that is indirectly perceived.
Value The value of tangible goods has reduced over the years. Intangible asset value appreciates till the date of expiration.
Example Furniture, machine, inventory. Patents, copyrights.

What is Tangible?

Tangible is the Latin word ‘tangere,’ which implies ‘to touch’ It suggests touch, feel or see, basically experience with our senses. The company’s asset can be physically seen and even valued.

The grief of a person can be visible and sensed by the onlookers. Hence tangible need not specify only physical presence but even real factual facts visible. 

The word tangible is an adjective that means concrete and not imaginary. A few basic descriptions are as follows:

  • Anything which has a sensory feel is actual and not an imaginary object. 
  • It is definite, not vague.
  •  As it has physical existence, real estate can be valued.

The following are a few examples of tangible:

  • Tangible benefits like an increase in salary or shorter working hours.
  • Tangible evidence to file a lawsuit or take legal action.
  • The tangible evidence of improvement seen on the highway is improving the drive.

In a consumer setup selling a tangible product is a direct experience. The consumer can smell, taste, and touch before buying the product.

You can test drive the car before buying. These are tangible experiences of the product.

Packaging plays a crucial role in the experience for a consumer. It can not be possible to taste or smell the product.

The external appearance of the product plays a magical trick for the consumer. A Tangible is something with physical existence, and we don’t need to imagine objects.

What is Intangible?

The word origins from the 17th century from French or Medival Latin ‘intangibilis.’ Intangible implies incapable of being touched and does not have a physical form.

The form or description of the object is our imagination. Intangible is also valuable, but accessing the value is different from tangible assets.

The word intangible is an adjective. A few basic descriptions are as follows:

  • It is impossible to touch or ascertain the value.
  • It can be an influence that benefits you.
  • It is a feeling or a quality of a person.

The word intangible in the accounting world is value. This value is equally crucial for the well-being of the business but does not exist in its physical form. To name a few are Bonds, Copywrite, and patents.

The word intangible is a noun that means something that exists. A few basic descriptions are as follows:

  • It is existential but cannot be described.
  • It is a property like goodwill that adds value but has a physical form.

The following are a few examples of intangible:

  • Creativity and Dedication are the intangible quality we are looking for in our employees.
  • Her leadership qualities are intangible assets for the organization.
  • Underestimating the value of intangibles will cost the company’s reputation.

In a consumer’s world, an intangible experience called services is a glossy image. Insurance, consulting computer software, investment banking, and forwarding are a few intangible experiences.

To pen it all down, a consumer can visit a travel website before booking. They can view the room, review the reviews, and have an imaginary holiday based on the description provided by the website.

The key to success is to merge the intangible and tangible experiences to get the business rocking. Intangible is imaginary with no physical form. The value of intangibles cannot be neglected. 

Main Difference Between Tangible and Intangible

  1. The word tangible means physical. Intangible does not exist in physical form.
  2. Tangible benefits are measured in financial terms. Intangible benefits cannot be measured in financial terms.
  3. A tangible product can be perceived by touch or smell. For example, a ball or a building. An intangible product can be only perceived indirectly. For example, an insurance policy.
  4. Tangible costs are obvious costs that occurred. Employee salary and buying equipment are all tangible costs. Intangible costs are equally important as they are the base of your company. Staff members take time to adapt to a new work system or a new technology.
  5. An example of a tangible is the Taj Mahal or a car. An example of an intangible is intellectual property, the goodwill of the company.



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Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


Leadership is an intangible asset to a company.

electrical energy is completely intangible

Recent Examples on the Web

That could be tangible assets like stocks and buildings, or intangible assets like brand recognition.

Ramishah Maruf, CNN, 18 Mar. 2023

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 after national sports leagues canceled games and cut seasons short, Sinclair took a $4.2 billion charge to goodwill and intangible assets related to the sports networks.

Lorraine Mirabella, Baltimore Sun, 14 Mar. 2023

And asked to draw any comparisons between the Patriots’ dynasty and the Chiefs, Thuney mentioned both teams’ intense level of preparation but also pointed to an intangible.

Nicole Yang,, 9 Feb. 2023

Dutcher recruits that intangible, recruits gym rats, recruits guys who keep an outdoor ball around, just in case.

San Diego Union-Tribune, 26 Jan. 2023

Similarly, some intangible capital investments can be considered intermediate consumption and thus not included in GDP.

Adam A. Millsap, Forbes, 4 Oct. 2022

And Growth Tiers The health of a company stems from the intangible assets woven through it, as well as the tangible ones that are wise to be included in the functional operational costs.

Expert Panel®, Forbes, 22 Feb. 2023

The Financial Accounting Standards Board has said that accountants should no longer treat crypto as an intangible asset and should instead adopt fair-value accounting for it.

Quartz, 6 Dec. 2022

Some define it as an intangible asset described as the soul of the company.

Danielle Abril, Anchorage Daily News, 1 Sep. 2022

Those intangibles caught the Chargers’ attention, Lynn said.

Jeff Miller, Los Angeles Times, 26 Apr. 2020

But what about the intangibles, like touch, reading defenses and feel for the game?

Don Norcross, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Aug. 2019

But the intangibles seem to be at least as much of a loss to the music education veteran.

David Z. Morris, Fortune, 27 Apr. 2020

His brain and his intangibles are an asset on the field.

Nathan Baird, cleveland, 20 Feb. 2020

But those are intangibles that wouldn’t show up on the balance sheet.

Greg Jefferson,, 10 Oct. 2019

But there are also some intangibles worth discussing beyond the gunplay and the gameplay loop.

Samuel Axon, Ars Technica, 23 Jan. 2020

There are also the intangibles that only Lynch can bring to a locker room.

Ken Belson, New York Times, 24 Dec. 2019

The Dolphins are banking on those intangibles to help return them to relevance.

Nate Davis, USA TODAY, 16 Mar. 2018

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘intangible.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

What are intangible words?

intangible Add to list Share. You can’t touch this word — it is intangible. The Latin verb tangere means “to touch,” and the 16th-century English word tangible comes from it. Something intangible can’t be touched physically, but most of the time it is understandable or even felt in the heart.

What are intangible skills?

That’s because the most in-demand skills that employers crave are the elusive “soft skills”—the intangible but important qualities that enable you to work and interact with the people around you effectively. These traits include leadership, self-awareness, communication skills, and emotional intelligence.

What is intangible assets with examples?

An intangible asset is an asset that is not physical in nature. Goodwill, brand recognition and intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, are all intangible assets. Intangible assets exist in opposition to tangible assets, which include land, vehicles, equipment, and inventory.

Is Intangible a good thing?

An intangible good is claimed to be a type of good that does not have a physical nature, as opposed to a physical good (an object). Digital goods such as downloadable music, mobile apps or virtual goods used in virtual economies are proposed to be examples of intangible goods.

What is a sentence for goods?

Use “goods” in a sentence | “goods” sentence examples. (1) Of earthly goods the best is a good wifeA bad the bitterest curse of human life. (2) Goods are theirs that enjoy them. (3) The salesclerks ranged the goods in good order in the shop-windows.

What are some good paragraph starters?

Paragraph Starters for Persuasive Essays

  • In my opinion….
  • I believe….
  • I’m sure of…
  • We all know….
  • I know……
  • I feel that….
  • We all agree…
  • While I agree…

What is a topic sentence and examples?

Here are some examples: Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world. The topic is “pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world” and the controlling idea is “many reasons.”

How do you start an assignment introduction?

The Ingredients of An Introduction

  1. Highlight the importance of the subject.
  2. The definition of the topic being discussed.
  3. The reason why you are writing on this topic.
  4. An overview of your approach on the topic.
  5. Highlight the points that you want to discuss in the assignment.
  6. State some previous works about the topic.

What is a brief overview?

A brief summary of a topic, situation, or plan; an outline or survey.

What is an overview sentence?

An overview is simply a summary of the main or most important points in a graph, chart, process or map. It is normally 2-3 sentences long and should be the second paragraph you write in your essay. As we will see below, it also influences what you write in the rest of your essay.

Is overview and introduction the same?

As nouns the difference between overview and introduction is that overview is a brief summary, as of a book or a presentation while introduction is the act or process of introducing.

Other forms: intangibles; intangibly

You can’t touch this word — it is intangible. You can grasp the meaning of the word in your head, but you can’t close your hands around it; you’ll just put fingerprints on your monitor.

The Latin verb tangere means «to touch,» and the 16th-century English word tangible comes from it. Something intangible can’t be touched physically, but most of the time it is understandable or even felt in the heart. Sadness can’t be picked up and thrown in the garbage can because it is intangible, but you can throw away the tissues wet with tears. Laughing is intangible too, but you can hold onto movies, pets, and friends that make you laugh.

Definitions of intangible

  1. adjective

    incapable of being perceived by the senses, especially the sense of touch

    intangible constituent of energy»- James Jeans”




    existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment

  2. adjective

    lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen

    intangible thing—the soul”



    immaterial, nonmaterial

    not consisting of matter

  3. adjective

    (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value

    intangible assets such as good will”

  4. adjective

    hard to pin down or identify

    intangible feeling of impending disaster”



    impossible to identify

  5. noun

    assets that are saleable though not material or physical


    intangible asset

    see moresee less


    good will, goodwill

    (accounting) an intangible asset valued according to the advantage or reputation a business has acquired (over and above its tangible assets)

    type of:


    anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘intangible’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Definitions For Intangible


  • Assets that are saleable though not material or physical


  • Lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen
  • Hard to pin down or identify


  • Incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch
  • (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Intangible is worth 13 points in Scrabble and 18 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Intangible in a Sentence

  • Leadership is an intangible asset to a company.
  • Electrical energy is completely intangible

Synonyms for Intangible

Antonyms for Intangible

неосязаемый, неуловимый, непостижимый, нечто неуловимое, нечто непостижимое


- неосязаемый, не воспринимаемый на ощупь
- неуловимый, смутный; непостижимый, неясный

intangible difficulties — непонятные трудности
intangible hopes — смутные надежды
intangible idea — неясное /смутное/ представление

- нематериальный

intangible assets — эк. нематериальные активы
intangible property — юр. нематериальное имущество, имущество в правах


- нечто неосязаемое, неуловимое, смутное
- pl. эк. нематериальные активы (хорошая репутация фирмы и т. п.)

Мои примеры


intangible assets such as customer goodwill — такие нематериальные активы, как доброжелательное отношение клиентов  
an intangible feeling of impending disaster — неуловимое ощущение надвигающейся катастрофы  
intangible feeling — неуловимое чувство  
intangible personalty — нематериальное движимое имущество  
intangible property right — право на нематериальную вещь  
intangible thing — нематериальная вещь  
amortizable intangible assets — амортизируемые нематериальные активы  
intangible flood loss — нематериальный ущерб от паводка  
intangible assets other than goodwill — неосязаемые активы за вычетом условной стоимости фактора деловых связей  
oral and intangible heritage of humanity — устное и духовное наследие человечества  
intangible in value — не имеющий существенного значения  
intangible non-produced assets — нематериальные непроизведённые активы  

Примеры с переводом

Electrical energy is completely intangible.

Электрическая энергия совершенно неосязаема.

The island has an intangible quality of holiness.

В этом острове есть какая-то неуловимая святость.

These service firms are producing intangibles rather than physical products.

Эти компании сферы услуг преимущественно производят нематериальные продукты.

Leadership is an intangible asset to a company.

Лидерская позиция является нематериальным активом любой компании.

Intangibles can sometimes be moved around geographically at very low costs.

Иногда стоимость географического перемещения неосязаемых активов очень низка.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ in-tan-juh-buhl ]

/ ɪnˈtæn dʒə bəl /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable.

not definite or clear to the mind: intangible arguments.

(of an asset) existing only in connection with something else, as the goodwill of a business.


something intangible, especially an intangible asset: Intangibles are hard to value.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of intangible

From the Medieval Latin word intangibilis, dating back to 1630–40. See in-3, tangible


in·tan·gi·bil·i·ty, in·tan·gi·ble·ness, nounin·tan·gi·bly, adverb

Words nearby intangible

intact, intaglio, intake, intake manifold, intake valve, intangible, intarsia, intarsist, integer, integers, integer vitae Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to intangible

ethereal, unreal, abstract, eluding, hypothetical, impalpable, imponderable, slight, abstruse, airy, dim, elusive, evading, evanescent, evasive, imperceptible, inappreciable, incorporeal, indeterminate, insensible

How to use intangible in a sentence

  • Until then, offsets had seemed abstract and intangible to me.

  • Though it can be viscerally felt, company culture is a largely intangible thing—all the more so when there’s no office to bring people together and serve as a physical manifestation of an organization’s style or values.

  • It’s these intangibles that provide context to music, and these difficult-to-describe elements can’t be represented in data that software understands—at least for now.

  • This is a necessary resource, just as familiar as the first one, including both tangible and intangible assets.

  • Yet there were so many intangibles — a love of nature, the busy pace of life, the high cost of moving — that conspired to keep us from leaving.

  • Indeed, in 2011 UNESCO received a formal petition to declare Latin and Greek an “intangible heritage of humanity.”

  • The touted gains of attack are intangible, while its downside is real and grave.

  • Does coming to terms with the past require the destruction of its effects, tangible or intangible?

  • Or is there something more intangible going on in the workplace?

  • In fact, intellectual property and, more broadly, intangible assets now dominate American business.

  • The way seemed perfectly plain, and yet everything seemed intangible, unreal.

  • What becomes of the invisible and intangible molecules which have composed our body during life?

  • It was his link with the otherwise inaccessible and intangible elements in her, the elements that made for separation.

  • Instantly in a single dazzling flash of flame the tangible forest symbol vanished in intangible fragrance.

  • Besides, we shall have to examine whether the earth be invisible without fire, and the fire intangible without822 the earth.

British Dictionary definitions for intangible


incapable of being perceived by touch; impalpable

imprecise or unclear to the mindintangible ideas

(of property or a business asset) saleable though not possessing intrinsic productive value


something that is intangible

Derived forms of intangible

intangibility or intangibleness, nounintangibly, adverb

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

  • 1

    intangible [ɪnˊtændʒəbl]

    1) неосяза́емый

    2) неулови́мый; непостижи́мый



    не́что неулови́мое, непостижи́мое

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > intangible

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > intangible

  • 3






    неосязаемый, не воспринимаемый на ощупь



    неуловимый, смутный, неясный



    нематериальный, неосязаемый, невещественный








    мн. нечто неосязаемое, неуловимое, смутное

    Intangibles can sometimes be moved around geographically at very low costs. — Иногда стоимость географического перемещения неосязаемых активов очень низка.


    These service firms are producing intangibles rather than physical products. — Эти компании сферы услуг преимущественно производят нематериальные продукты.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > intangible

  • 4

    1. [ınʹtændʒəb(ə)l]

    1. нечто неосязаемое, неуловимое, смутное


    эк. нематериальные активы ()

    2. [ınʹtændʒəb(ə)l]

    1. 1) неосязаемый, не воспринимаемый на ощупь

    2) неуловимый, смутный; непостижимый, неясный

    intangible idea — неясное /смутное/ представление

    2. нематериальный

    НБАРС > intangible

  • 5

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > intangible

  • 6

    1. n нечто неосязаемое, неуловимое, смутное

    2. n эк. нематериальные активы

    3. a неосязаемый, не воспринимаемый на ощупь

    4. a неуловимый, смутный; непостижимый, неясный

    5. a нематериальный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. elusive (adj.) elusive; elusory; evasive

    2. ethereal (adj.) abstract; airy; ethereal; immaterial; impalpable; incorporeal; unsubstantial; vaporous

    3. imperceptible (adj.) hypothetical; imperceptible; imponderable; inappreciable; indefinite; indiscernible; indistinguishable; insensible; invisible; theoretical; transient; unapparent; unappreciable; undiscernible; unnoticeable; unobservable; unperceivable; vague

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > intangible

  • 7


    intangible нематериальный intangible неосязаемый intangible неуловимый, непостижимый

    English-Russian short dictionary > intangible

  • 8

    «неосязаемый» ; нематериальный ; ? intangible assets ;

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > intangible

  • 9

    1) сму́тный, неулови́мый

    2) неосяза́емый, нематериа́льный

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > intangible

  • 10

    БФРС > intangible

  • 11

    БИРС > intangible

  • 12

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > intangible

  • 13

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > intangible

  • 14



    неуловимый; непостижимый


    нечто неуловимое, непостижимое

    хорошая репутация фирмы и

    т. п.

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > intangible

  • 15

    Универсальный немецко-русский словарь > intangible

  • 16


    1) неосязаемый; нематериальный; интеллектуальный

    2) не подлежащий конфискации, изъятию, реквизиции или отмене

    El diccionario Español-ruso jurídico > intangible

  • 17




    неосязаемый, неощутимый , неощутительный , неприкосновенный



    интеллектуальный, нематериальный

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > intangible

  • 18




    незыблемый, нерушимый, неприкосновенный

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > intangible

  • 19


    1) неприкоснове́нный; свяще́нный

    2) неощути́мый; беспло́тный; нематериа́льный

    Diccionario Español-Ruso de Uso Moderno > intangible

  • 20

    Англо-русский словарь дорожника > intangible


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • intangible — [ ɛ̃tɑ̃ʒibl ] adj. • XVe; de 1. in et tangible 1 ♦ Vx Qu on ne peut toucher, qui échappe au sens du toucher. ⇒ impalpable. Fluides intangibles. 2 ♦ (1899) Mod. À quoi on ne doit pas toucher, porter atteinte; que l on doit maintenir intact. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • intangible — in‧tan‧gi‧ble [ɪnˈtændʒbl] adjective used to describe something that has value but does not exist physically: • intangible property such as stocks, copyrights, and trademarks * * * Ⅰ. intangible UK US /ɪnˈtændʒəbl/ adjective ► used about a… …   Financial and business terms

  • intangible — I adjective abstract, aerial, airy, amorphous, asomatous, bodiless, difficult to appraise, dim, discarnate, disembodied, ethereal, immaterial, impalpable, imperceptible, imponderable, inappreciable, inconspicuous, incorporal, incorporate,… …   Law dictionary

  • Intangible — In*tan gi*ble, a. [Pref. in not + tangible: cf. F. intangible.] Not tangible; incapable of being touched; not perceptible to the touch; impalpable; imperceptible. Bp. Wilkins. [1913 Webster] A corporation is an artificial, invisible, intangible… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intangible — (adj.) 1630s, incapable of being touched, from Fr. intangible (c.1500) or directly from M.L. intangibilis, from in not (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + L.L. tangibilis that may be touched (see TANGIBLE (Cf. tangible)). Figurative sense of that cannot be… …   Etymology dictionary

  • intangible — Uso/registro: elevado. adjetivo 1. Que no se puede tocar: El alma es intangible. 2. Uso/registro: restringido. Que no puede someterse a crítica porque tiene mucho poder: El presidente es intangible …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • intangible — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unable to be touched; not solid or real. 2) vague and abstract. ► NOUN ▪ an intangible thing. DERIVATIVES intangibility noun intangibly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • intangible — [in tan′jə bəl] adj. [ML intangibilis: see IN 2 & TANGIBLE] 1. that cannot be touched; incorporeal; impalpable 2. designating or of any of certain business assets, esp. goodwill, that have no material being but have monetary value 3. that cannot… …   English World dictionary

  • intangible — Long term or non current asset that lacks physical substance, but which confers valuable rights or privileges upon the holders; e.g., patents, goodwill. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • intangible — impalpable, *imperceptible, insensible, inappreciable, imponderable Analogous words: tenuous, rare, slight, slender, *thin: ethereal, *airy, aerial: eluding or elusive, evading or evasive (see corre sponding verbs at ESCAPE) Antonyms: tangible… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • intangible — [adj] indefinite, obscured abstract, abstruse, airy, dim, eluding, elusive, ethereal, evading, evanescent, evasive, hypothetical, impalpable, imperceptible, imponderable, inappreciable, incorporeal, indeterminate, insensible, invisible, rare,… …   New thesaurus


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1 февр. 2021

  • Японский
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  • Английский (американский вариант)

«Intangible» means you cannot physically touch something. Examples of intangible nouns are «love» and «time».

An example of a countable noun that is also intangible would be a «day». You can count days (for example, there are 7 days in a week), but you cannot see, touch, smell, hear, or feel a «day» like you can with an «apple».

  • Английский (американский вариант)

«Intangible» means you cannot physically touch something. Examples of intangible nouns are «love» and «time».

An example of a countable noun that is also intangible would be a «day». You can count days (for example, there are 7 days in a week), but you cannot see, touch, smell, hear, or feel a «day» like you can with an «apple».

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

Generally, solid objects and liquid objects are considered as tangible, while gaseous objects and abstract objects are considered intangible

  • Японский

  • Японский

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Что значит the word "intangible" in "Sometimes countable nouns are intangible."?

  • Are «worthless» and «worthwhile» antonym?


    Yes. «Worthless» means it has no real value or effort. While «Worthwhile» means of value of importance.

  • Что значит que significa «though» y pueden poner un ejemplo?


    though can mean aunque or sin embargo
    sin embargo:
    «I don’t know though»
    «You can try, though»
    (like a casual however)


  • Is the word «contributed» can be a synonym for «catalyst»?


    Catalyst means it started it
    Contributed means it helped it but not necessarily started

  • Что значит que significa «available» ?


    Significa «disponible»

  • Что значит «no word» in this sentence: «we have no word on releasing those editions»?


    It means «no information»

  • Что значит What’s the meaning the word «Pad»in the word «I pad»?


    Are you talking about the Apple product?

  • is there a difference between the words «capable» and «able»


    they can be used interchangeably

  • Что значит «yet» but in the front of the sentence like «yet you don’t pay attention to me»?


    «Yet» has two uses, here, it functions as a conjunction: «to introduce a sentence contrary to the former statement.»

  • Покажите мне примеры предложений с ‎»Drink» (as an uncountable noun, without ‘the’ and any ‘posse…


    As alcohol, it’s common to get/have/take «a drink» or «drinks» and both are uncountable — «a drink» can mean a single glass or many glasses….

  • Что значит the word combination «cannot help but»?


    @Pavel235 The word combination means “не могу не”.

    For example: “В этом контексте я не могу не затронуть вопрос о нынешнем финансовом положе…

  • Here is a new word for me ‘slalom’: they both slalom through the station.

  • About the word «Alright»
    If someone said: Alright, thanks.
    How to explain the emotion of «Alrig…
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  • Что значит do u know what’s better than 69?
    it’s 88 because u get 8 twice.

    please explain the jo…

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  • Что значит bing chilling?
  • Что значит fake as fuck?
  • Что значит Будь что будет ?
  • Что значит Раз на раз?
  • Что значит Я убит на кайфах ?
  • Что значит Стоять за кем. Это значение— поддержать кого? ?
  • Что значит Стоять на своем месте. Как мне понять?
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  • Что значит Будь что будет ?
  • Что значит Всем привет! Я делаю анкету про русские глаголы для дипломной работы, буду очень благо…
  • Что значит Раз на раз?
  • Что значит Я убит на кайфах ?

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  • for describing houses, I can use 크다, but for rooms, I should use 넓다? Can’t I say 넓다 for 집?
  • Как сказать на Французский? 1. I don’t like answering such questions as how much money I have, wh…

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  • Is inseparable a word
  • Is insecurities a word
  • Is insanely a word
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