Is inflexible a word

Asked by: Mrs. Drew Heaney III

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As adjectives the difference between unflexible and inflexible. is that unflexible is not flexible while inflexible is not flexible; not capable of bending or being bent; stiff; rigid; firm; unyielding.

What does Unflexible mean?

adjective. capable of being bent, usually without breaking; easily bent: a flexible ruler. susceptible of modification or adaptation; adaptable: a flexible schedule. willing or disposed to yield; pliable: a flexible personality.

How do you use the word inflexible in a sentence?

Inflexible sentence example

  1. Richelieu’s foreign policy:was as inflexible as his home policy. …
  2. From this you will see that they are proving inflexible on the matter of the cost of the license. …
  3. These can be deeply ingrained and sometimes lifelong inflexible attitudes and behaviors.

What do you call someone who is inflexible?

In this page you can discover 88 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inflexible, like: obdurate, unchangeable, rigid, adamant, sturdy, unbendable, taut, resolute, stubborn, unyielding and unshakable.

What is the difference between flexible and inflexible?

As adjectives the difference between inflexible and flexible

is that inflexible is not flexible; not capable of bending or being bent; stiff; rigid; firm; unyielding while flexible is capable of being flexed or bent without breaking; able to be turned, bowed, or twisted, without breaking; pliable; not stiff or brittle.

40 related questions found

Is Unflexible correct?

As adjectives the difference between unflexible and inflexible. is that unflexible is not flexible while inflexible is not flexible; not capable of bending or being bent; stiff; rigid; firm; unyielding.

What is another word for not flexible?

OTHER WORDS FOR inflexible

1 unbendable, stiff. 2 rigorous, stern, unrelenting, unremitting, stubborn, obstinate, intractable, obdurate, unbending, adamant. 3 undeviating.

What are inflexible activities?

Some work which makes our body fit is called flexible activity. And some work which does not make our body fit is called inflexible activity.

What does first to act mean?

The first act, or opening narration, is usually used for exposition, to establish the main characters, their relationships, and the world they live in. This is referred to as character development or a character arc. …

Is Unadaptability a word?

not able or willing to change or be changed in order to suit different conditions : He was a Southern gentleman and that made him unadaptable to life in the hustling Midwest.

Why do we become inflexible?

The main reason why people have tightness everywhere in the body is simply the fact that they are weak. You see, flexibility is a form of strength. When you train all of your muscles properly and sufficiently in their full range of motion, the muscles will become quite flexible by proper training alone.

How do you use reflect in a sentence?

«Sound reflects off of surfaces.» «The sun reflected off the water.» «The mirror reflected her face.» «My writing reflects my thoughts.»

How do you use stingy in a sentence?

Stingy sentence example

  1. Her father is very rich and stingy . …
  2. I wanted to tell her that I had been making a list and she was on it, but Gwyneth was not stingy , only stupid.

Is inflexibly a word?

adj. 1. Not easily bent; stiff or rigid.

What is an inflexible deadline?

1 not flexible; rigid; stiff. 2 obstinate; unyielding. 3 without variation; unalterable; fixed.

What does Inadaptable mean?

: incapable of adaptation : belonging to a fixed type.

What does act mean in text?

Summary of Key Points. «SAT type test» is the most common definition for ACT on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. ACT.

What is the Derivating word of act?

Quick Summary. The Latin root act means “do.” This Latin root is the word origin of a large number of English vocabulary words, including actor, action, and active. The root act is easily recalled via the word act, for an act is something having been “done.”

What is called ACT?

1a : the doing of a thing : deed an act of courage. b law : something done voluntarily. 2 : the process of doing something : action caught in the act. 3 : the formal product of a legislative body : statute an act of Congress also : a decision or determination of a sovereign, a legislative council, or a court of justice.

What is inflexible behavior?

The tendency to think in a concrete, rigid, black- and-white manner. These children fail to develop the flexibility in their thinking at the same rate as peers, and tend to regard many situations in an either-or, all-or-none, manner.

How do I teach my child to use the flow?

Try a few of these strategies to help your child move away from rigid thinking.

  1. Bend the rules. Rigid thinkers love rules, and they love to remind other kids about the rules. …
  2. Teach self-talk. Self-talk is a great way to work through a problem. …
  3. Tweak the routine. …
  4. Check in with Amelia Bedelia. …
  5. Get a joke book.

How do you deal with inflexible children?

  1. Why is my child so inflexible? …
  2. How do you teach flexibility?
  3. Validate your child’s emotions and experience. …
  4. Set the limit calmly and lovingly. …
  5. Teach perspective-taking. …
  6. Model flexibility. …
  7. Acknowledge and give a lot of positive feedback when your child is being flexible.

What is the opposite of being flexible?

Opposite of capable of bending easily without breaking. rigid. inflexible. stiff. hard.

How do you become flexible?

The best stretches to become more flexible

  1. Start and end each day with static stretches. Static stretches allow for deep, isolated stretching. …
  2. Perform dynamic stretches before and after you exercise. Dynamic stretches improve mobility. …
  3. Mash your muscles a few times each week. …
  4. Practice rotational movements.

What are 3 types of flexibility exercises?

When it comes to stretching, there are three main techniques: static, dynamic, and ballistic stretching.

  • 1

    inflexible [ɪnˊfleksəbl]


    1) неги́бкий, негну́щийся, несгиба́емый

    2) непрекло́нный, непоколеби́мый;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > inflexible

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > inflexible

  • 3

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > inflexible

  • 4


    1. негибкий; несгибаемый, негнущийся, жёсткий

    2. непреклонный, непоколебимый; неумолимый

    3. неизменяемый, неизменный

    НБАРС > inflexible

  • 5


    негибкий, несгибаемый; непреклонный, непоколебимый; неумолимый

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > inflexible

  • 6


    1) негибкий, негнущийся; несгибаемый

    2) непреклонный, непоколебимый; inflexible will непреклонная воля; inflexible courage несгибаемое мужество

    * * *

    1 (a) жесткий; негибкий; неизменный; неизменяемый; непоколебимый; непреклонный; несгибаемый; неумолимый

    2 (r) негнущийся

    * * *

    негибкий, негнущийся; жесткий, несгибаемый

    * * *

    [in·flex·i·ble || ɪn’fleksəbl]
    негибкий, несгибаемый; непреклонный, непоколебимый

    * * *






    * * *

    1) негибкий, негнущийся
    2) непоколебимый, непреклонный, упрямый (in)
    3) негибкий, не допускающий изменений

    Новый англо-русский словарь > inflexible

  • 7


    Hard, rigid, inflexible, stiff


    Rigid, inflexible



    , негнущийся


    Dictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > inflexible

  • 8



    1) негибкий, негнущийся; жёсткий, несгибаемый, твёрдый


    2) непоколебимый, непреклонный, упрямый


    3) негибкий, не допускающий изменений; неизменный

    The new system is too inflexible. — Новая система слишком негибкая.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > inflexible

  • 9

    1. a негибкий; несгибаемый, негнущийся, жёсткий

    2. a непреклонный, непоколебимый; неумолимый

    3. a неизменяемый, неизменный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. adamant (adj.) adamant; adamantine; brassbound; dogged; intractable; iron; relentless; resolved; rockbound; rock-ribbed; single-minded; unbendable; uncompliant; unswayable

    2. constant (adj.) constant; determinate; firm; fixed; immalleable; immutable; impliable; inalterable; incompliant; inelastic; invariable; ironclad; rigid; stiff; unalterable; unbending; unchangeable; unflexible; unmodifiable; unmovable; unyielding

    3. headstrong (adj.) headstrong; immovable; implacable; obstinate; resolute; solid; steadfast

    4. tough (adj.) close-minded; die-hard; hard-headed; hard-line; inexorable; mulish; obdurate; pigheaded; stubborn; tough; uncompromising; unyielding

    Антонимический ряд:

    changeable; flexible; gentle; plastic; pliable; reasonable; resilient; soft; yielding

    English-Russian base dictionary > inflexible

  • 10


    inflexible негибкий inflexible неэластичный

    English-Russian short dictionary > inflexible

  • 11

    Англо-русский технический словарь > inflexible

  • 12

    ɪnˈfleksəblнегибкий, несгибаемый, негнущийся, непреклонный

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > inflexible

  • 13

    Англо-русский металлургический словарь > inflexible

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > inflexible

  • 15

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > inflexible

  • 16


    негибкий, негнущийся; жесткий, несгибаемый, твердый

    непоколебимый, непреклонный, упрямый

    негибкий, не допускающий изменений; неизменный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > inflexible

  • 17

    English-russian dictionary of physics > inflexible

  • 18

    Англо-русский словарь дорожника > inflexible

  • 19

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > inflexible

  • 20

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > inflexible


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См. также в других словарях:

  • inflexible — [ ɛ̃flɛksibl ] adj. • 1314; lat. inflexibilis 1 ♦ Rare Qu on ne peut fléchir ou ployer; qui n est pas flexible. ⇒ rigide. 2 ♦ Cour. (Personnes) Que rien ne peut fléchir ni émouvoir; qui résiste à toutes les tentatives de persuasion, à toutes les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • inflexible — Inflexible. adj. de tout. g. Qui ne se laisse point émouvoir à compassion. Qui ne se laisse esbranler par aucune consideration. Il se dit également en mal & en bien. Inflexible aux prieres. tyran inflexible. il est rigide & inflexible. une vertu… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • inflexible — 1 rigid, *stiff, tense, stark, wooden Analogous words: hard, solid, *firm: *rigid, rigorous, strict, stringent: tough, tenacious, stout, *strong: immobile, immovable Antonyms: flexible Contrasted words: *elastic, resilient, supple, springy …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Inflexible — In*flex i*ble, a. [L. inflexiblis: cf. F. inflexible. See {In } not, and {Flexible}.] 1. Not capable of being bent; stiff; rigid; firm; unyielding. [1913 Webster] 2. Firm in will or purpose; not to be turned, changed, or altered; resolute;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • inflexible — [in flek′sə bəl] adj. [ME < L inflexibilis: see IN 2 & FLEXIBLE] 1. that cannot be bent or curved; stiff; rigid 2. firm in mind or purpose; stubborn; unyielding; unshakable 3. that cannot be changed; fixed; unalterable [an inflexible rule]… …   English World dictionary

  • inflexible — UK US /ɪnˈfleksəbl/ adjective ► unable or unwilling to change as conditions or situations change: »He called the European Union model too bureaucratic and inflexible. »Nurses were frustrated by inflexible working arrangements …   Financial and business terms

  • inflexible — I adjective adamant, cantankerous, changeless, contumacious, decided, determined, dogged, firm, fixed, hard, hardened, headstrong, immobile, immovable, immutable, impersuadible, impersuasible, indocile, indomitable, inelastic, inexorable,… …   Law dictionary

  • inflexible — late 14c., incapable of being bent, physically rigid, also figuratively, unbending in temper or purpose, from M.Fr. inflexible and directly from L. inflexibilis, from inflexus, pp. of inflectere (see INFLECT (Cf. inflect)). In early 15c. an… …   Etymology dictionary

  • inflexible — [adj1] stubborn adamant, adamantine, determined, dogged, dyed in the wool*, firm, fixed, hard, hard and fast*, immovable, immutable, implacable, indomitable, inexorable, intractable, iron, obdurate, obstinate, relentless, resolute, rigid,… …   New thesaurus

  • inflexible — adjetivo 1. Que no se acomoda o no cede con facilidad a las circunstancias, ni a las opiniones o deseos de otras personas: Tu postura es inflexible, demasiado rígida. Antónimo: flexible …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • inflexible — is spelt ible, not able. See able, ible …   Modern English usage

inflexible — перевод на русский


Unreasonable, inflexible, uncontactable.

Необоснованным, негибким, uncontactable.

The process by which the body hardens, becomes inflexible.

Процесс, от которого тело твердеет, становится негибким.

My one reservation about you as a co-worker was that you seem inflexible.

Единственным моим сомнением касательно тебя, как коллеги, было то, что ты кажешься негибким.

I don’t know, but I think that with such an inflexible attitude it’s…

Не знаю, но, по-моему, с таким негибким подходом, Вам…

Yet this inflexible father

Но отец ваш непреклонен.

So don’t be so inflexible…

Поэтому не будь такой непреклонной.

They are both inflexible, too.

Оба непреклонны в своих предпочтениях.

And with Jackie working, Larry is Dick’s primary influence, and he’s so inflexible and demanding and just so frigging weird.

Когда Джеки на работе, Ларри единственный пример для Дика, а он такой непреклонный, требовательный и просто чудило.

You see, typical male, totally inflexible.

Видите, типичный мужчина, совершенно негибкий.

He is too inflexible a person.

Он слишком негибкий человек.

I would describe his position on this as inflexible.

Я бы сказал, что его позиция непоколебима.

You would describe Mr. Jensen’s position on Beale as inflexible?

Ты сказал, позиция мистера Дженсена насчёт Била непоколебима?

but she found him inflexible.

но нашла его непоколебимым.

The rigid ones are those who operate this garage and enforce such inflexible policies.

Упрямцы те, кто руководит этим гаражом и внедряет негибкие политики.

We’re not as informal as they say, and they’re not as inflexible…

И не такие они неформальные, как говорят. Добрый день! И не такие негибкие.

Is it possible that we two, you and I, have grown so old and inflexible that we have outlived our usefulness?

Возможно ли это… ТО, ЧТО МЫ ДВОЕ, вы и я стали старыми и не гибкими — то, что мы пережили эту ситуацию?

Okay, but you might break up with me when you see how inflexible I am, literally.

Хорошо, но ты наверно бросишь меня, когда увидишь какой я не гибкий, в прямом смысле.

They were inflexible in the nuclear discussions.

Они жестко себя вели на ядерных переговорах.

But my partner convinced me that I need to be a little more inflexible.

Но мой партнер убедил меня, что нужно быть жёстче.

You’re too inflexible, too disciplined, once you’ve made up your mind.

Вы слишком негибки, слишком дисциплинированны.

You are really an inflexible fellow ,

Вы действительно inflexible партнер ,

José seems sometimes authoritarian despotic, inflexible.

Хосе, знаешь, иногда кажется… деспотичным, жестоким, нетерпимым.

I’m not inflexible.

— Я не жадный.

All defense against catastrophic failure of an inflexible system.

Всё во имя защиты от краха, который неизбежно терпит статическая, неизменная система.

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: characterized by firmness of will or purpose : unyielding

took an inflexible stance

… he pulled out of the talks, saying administration officials were being inflexibleLloyd Grove

His secret, it turned out, was an inflexible regimen that required a permanent diet except on certain cheating days each week …Calvin Trillin


: not easily bent or twisted : lacking or deficient in suppleness

Imbalances in any area of this soft tissue, as well as inflexible or weak hip muscles, can pull the kneecap off track …Food & Fitness Advisor


: not easily changed : unalterable

jobs with inflexible hours



plural inflexibilities

the inflexibility of the schedule



rules that are inflexibly applied


Choose the Right Synonym for inflexible

inflexible in their demands

obdurate stresses hardness of heart and insensitivity to appeals for mercy or the influence of divine grace.

obdurate in his refusal to grant clemency

adamant implies utter immovability in the face of all temptation or entreaty.

adamant that the work should continue

synonyms see in addition

Example Sentences

the inflexible law of gravity

shoes made of inflexible plastic hurt my feet

Recent Examples on the Web

Brandon is inflexible, conservative and yet still dares to swashbuckle, a unique package.

Nick Canepacolumnist, San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 Jan. 2023

The schedule was inflexible.

Douglas Belkin, WSJ, 7 Sep. 2022

These positions earn less and are often inflexible to schedule changes.

William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 12 July 2022

Since the start of the pandemic, the United States’ testing infrastructure has been widely criticized as inadequate — hampered by supply issues, high costs and what critics describe as an inflexible, pricey and convoluted process for test makers to obtain government authorization.

Washington Post, 23 Dec. 2021

Some conditions are inflexible.

Justin Davidson, Curbed, 11 Dec. 2021

That works, but is dangerously inflexible.

Martin Shenkman, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

But Sara Jane Ahmed, an energy finance analyst who advises the Vulnerable Twenty Group, or V20, a coalition of countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, said nuclear plants are inflexible in their operation.

Rebecca Tan And Jhesset O. Enano, Anchorage Daily News, 26 Jan. 2023

The answers for why the St. Louis couldn’t find safe harbor, for why Auschwitz wasn’t bombed, for why the State Department visa system was so inflexible probably won’t make most modern viewers happy, but the directors are too smart to exclusively look back damningly with 20/20 hindsight.

Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 16 Sep. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘inflexible.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Latin inflexibilis, from in- + flexibilis flexible

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of inflexible was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near inflexible

Cite this Entry

“Inflexible.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on inflexible

Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

негибкий, несгибаемый, несгибающийся, непреклонный, негнущийся, непоколебимый


- негибкий; несгибаемый, негнущийся, жёсткий

inflexible twigs — негибкие ветви

- непреклонный, непоколебимый; неумолимый

inflexible will — непреклонная воля
inflexible courage — несгибаемое мужество

- неизменяемый, неизменный

Мои примеры


knife with an inflexible blade — нож с негнущимся лезвием  
firm / hard-and-fast / inflexible / strict rule — твёрдое правило  
inflexible material — жесткий материал  
inflexible flame — жёсткий факел  
inflexible determination — непреклонная решимость  
inflexible drive mechanism — жёсткий приводной механизм  
inflexible missile — ракета, запускаемая со стационарной пусковой установки  
inflexible price — контролируемая цена; регулируемая цена; негибкая цена  
inflexible response — негибкое реагирование  
inflexible wiring — жёсткая схема управления  

Примеры с переводом

The new system is too inflexible.

Новая система слишком негибкая.

This approach is too inflexible and too costly.

Этот подход слишком негибкий и затратный.

…the inflexible law of gravity…

…неумолимый закон всемирного тяготения…

Shoes made of inflexible plastic hurt my feet.

Туфли, сделанные из жёсткой пластмассы, натёрли мне ноги.

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