Is ill placed a word

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9243 posts

12 years ago

I’ve used the word/phrase ‘ill-placed’

i.e. «polar bears are ill-placed to conduct research on penguins, because they may eat them»

Is this correct — it sounds fine to be, but *looks* a bit wrong, its not coming up with any errors in word though.

Sounds ok Sneaks, i’ve seen ill-advised used quite frequently and I suppose it’s similar to that. I guess it’s a more specific way of saying ‘unsuitable’?

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9243 posts

12 years ago

yeah, ‘unsuitable’ isn’t quite right, neither is unable — because they can and IMO should research ‘penguins’, its just their situation in life (being carnivorous bears) puts them at a slight disadvantage.



2676 posts

12 years ago

I was going to say ‘ill-equiped’ instead but re-reading your polar bear example that would not be right either, ie polar bears can not be trusted (in their instincts)…as they may eat them’. However if you mean not have the qualifications or is not the most suitable person (or bear as the case may be!) I don’t think ‘ill-placed’ is correct. Interesting…

Quote From sneaks:

yeah, ‘unsuitable’ isn’t quite right, neither is unable — because they can and IMO should research ‘penguins’, its just their situation in life (being carnivorous bears) puts them at a slight disadvantage.

Are you sure that polar bears could do research on penguins? Somehow, I first only read the first half of the sentence and thought, yeah, they cant do the research as polar bears live on the North Pole and penguins at the South Pole. Thus, the polar bear is not at the right place…. But then I read the second half and had to realise that you didnt mean that…

ill-placed suggests to me that the ploar bears are in the wrong place to conduct the penguin research. What about ‘inappropriate’?

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9243 posts

12 years ago

yeah, I was thinking about the north/south divide :-) For anyone unclear — I’m not actually doing research on penguins, or polar bears.

what I;m trying to say in the sentence, is really that the polar bears — being bears, will be unable to really understand where the penguins are coming from, and therefore won’t be able to elicit ‘authentic’ responses from them in qualitative interviews. (I then go on to persuade the reader (hopefully) that bears can indeed do this, just with a few simple tweaks to their methodology).



2676 posts

12 years ago

as in the researcher’s postionality in the research and how it may influence, or be seen to influence research and its subsequent analysis?
I don’t think ill-placed in this context is correct as to be ill-placed (to me) means that you are in the wrong place, or the wrong person (or bear!) to conduct the interview. However you see to be arguing that «while polar bears may seem ill-placed to conduct the research, in fact they were able to because…» Difficult to write without italics!!

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9243 posts

12 years ago

ok — more info here’s my full (adapted sentence)

Nevertheless, many researchers argue that [polar bear] interviewers are ill-placed to conduct research with [penguins], because they are disadvantaged in gaining trust, building rapport and therefore are unable to elicit personal or private information from participants

I too would think ill-placed would mean that the polar bear was in the wrong place.

I actually can’t find a definition on the internet for ill-placed! who’d thought there is a phrase/word that isn’t defined on the internet!

I originally wanted to post on this thread to let you know that I had a good chuckle at your example, I love it!

can you use ‘unsuitable’ instead?

I would say a phrase that contained ill-placed would be like:

«Elephants in Asia are ill-placed to carry out research on penguins since the elephants are far away from the natural habitat of the penguins»

maybe ‘ill suited’ or unsuitable as the previous poster said?



2676 posts

12 years ago

I presume your next sentence starts with ‘However’? Still not convinced that ill-placed is correct word choice in this instance as for me it implies that they are not suitable for this case but could be suitable for another — possibly this is part of your argument though? I am wrestling with reseracher positionality a lot at the moment as a lot of my stuff focusses on people under 18.

Unsuitable, ill-equiped to me would be preferable to ill-placed.

What about «not well-placed»? «Ill-placed» for some reason jangles and jars, just does not sound right somehow…

Variants on «not well-placed» might be phrases like, «not ideally positioned, poorly positioned,» something along those lines…

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9243 posts

12 years ago

i’m going with ‘poorly positioned’

Thank you :-)

ill placed

Общая лексика: неудачно расположенный, неуместный

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

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оказывается необоснованной

Their faith was ill-placed with that which is temporal.

Her nervousness was ill-placed as her friends declared it one of her best works.

Ее нервозность была неуместной, так как друзья объявили эту картину одной из лучших работ.

International police would also be crucial to establishing peace because soldiers in tanks would be ill-placed to deal with any protests that could follow such a vote, he said.

Международная полиция была бы также чрезвычайно важна в установлении мира, поскольку солдаты на танках были бы неуместны во время протестов, которые могли бы последовать после такого голосования, отметил он .

Again, it made me cringe, this ill-placed bragging about his connections, coming from an undeniable talent who would be remembered when all those other names would be forgotten.

И снова меня коробило от этого неуместного хвастовства своими связями со стороны несомненного таланта, которого будут помнить тогда, когда эти имена забудутся.

To start with, I will have to state that I categorically refute the statements contained in your letter dated 2nd March 2017, and your extremely ill-placed accusations contained therein.

Во-первых, должен заявить, что категорически отрицаю все утверждения и совершенно беспочвенные обвинения, которые содержались в вашем письме от 2 марта 2017 года.

Bishop Hall thus descants on this: What means this ill-placed love?

Епископ Холл так толкует это место: «Что означает эта незаслуженная любовь?

The Working Group, however, after extensive debate had agreed to delete those provisions, mainly because they were felt to be regulatory in nature, ill-placed in a commercial law instrument, unduly intrusive and potentially harmful to certain existing business practices.

Тем не менее Рабочая группа после обстоятельного обсуждения приняла решение исключить эти положения главным образом потому, что они, по ее мнению, носили регламентирующий характер, плохо вписывались в документ коммерческого права, были излишне дидактическими и потенциально вредными для некоторых существующих видов деловой практики.

At present, African countries are ill-placed to mobilize due to a number of factors, including the heavy external debt burden, lack of access to markets of the industrialized countries for their products, and weak institutional capacities.

В настоящее время африканские страны не в состоянии мобилизовать необходимые ресурсы из-за ряда факторов, в том числе из-за бремени огромной внешней задолженности, отсутствия доступа их товаров на рынки промышленно развитых стран, а также слабого институционального потенциала.

Many countries in central and eastern Europe already get much of their gas from Russia, making them ill-placed to criticize South Stream.

Многие страны Центральной и Восточной Европы уже получили от России достаточно газа, чтобы чувствовать себя вправе критиковать «Южный поток».

The first one occurs as distortion elements different in brightness (example — skin irregularities), the second one — as minor spots different in color (example — ill-placed red or blue spots).

Первый проявляется в искажающих элементах, отличающихся яркостью (например, неровности кожи), второй — в виде небольших пятен, которые имеют различие в цветах (например, пятна синего или красного цвета).

Trading strategies designed to protect investors could end up exacerbating any correction, just as in 1987, while regulators could be as ill-placed to monitor risks as they were back then.

Торговые стратегии, предназначенные для защиты инвесторов, могут, как и в 1987 году, обернуться усугублением коррекции, а регулирующие органы могут снова не справиться с контролем рисков.

Firstly, banks saddled with NPLs may be ill-placed to extend fresh credit.

I recognize that a view exists that the Organization is already overextended and is ill-placed to take on additional commitments.

ЗЗ. Я признаю, что существует точка зрения, согласно которой Организация уже и так перенапряжена и находится в неблагоприятном положении для принятия дополнительных обязательств.

Regrettably, with lots of SEO firms, this self-confidence in the warranty is ill-placed.

К несчастью для целого ряда SEO-компаний такая уверенность в предоставляемых гарантиях оказывается необоснованной.

Regrettably, numerous SEO companies, this confidence in the promise is ill-placed.

К несчастью для целого ряда SEO-компаний такая уверенность в предоставляемых гарантиях оказывается необоснованной.

This measure provides more space for the game and also without the risk of a child to climb out the window of his ill-placed beds.

Эта мера дает дополнительное пространство для игр, а также без риска того, что ваш ребенок сможет покинуть открытое окно с плохо поставленной кровати.

And Russia, which is fast becoming a party to the conflict, is ill-placed to make such a claim, and it does it no credit.

И России, которая быстро становится стороной в конфликте, не подобает выступать с подобными утверждениями, которые не делают ей чести.

Insofar as Western social democrats have no coherent idea of what planned and non-commodity forms of production are ultimately about, and how their efficiency can be assessed, they are ill-placed to defend their favoured ‘mixture’, except in a rather vague and moralising manner.

Раз западные социал-демократы не имеют согласованных идей, как должны выглядеть плановые и нетоварные формы производства, как оценить их эффективность, то защита ими их любимой «смеси» неуместна, разве что только как повод для невнятного морализирования.

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амер.  |ˈɪlˈpleɪst|

брит.  |ˈɪlˈpleɪst|

неудачно расположенный, неуместный


- неудачно расположенный; положенный не на место
- неуместный

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ill placed — неудачно расположенный; неуместный  
ill-placed — неудачно расположенный; положенный не на место; неуместный  

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