Is hung over one word

hang over (someone or something)

1. To be an imminent threat to or imposition on someone or something. I decided to do my essay now so it wouldn’t be hanging over me all weekend. The consequences of the new legislation is hanging over companies across the country.

2. To cause someone continual stress, dread, or unease. Guilt over what happened has been hanging over me for years.

See also: hang, over

hung over

Suffering from the effects of drinking an excessive amount alcohol (typically the night before). Such symptoms, which can include headache and nausea, are collectively called a hangover, from which the adjective is derived. You better start drinking water in between all those shots, or else you’re going to be wicked hung over tomorrow.

See also: hung, over

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

See also:

  • hang over
  • hang over (someone or something)
  • have done
  • have done with
  • have done with (someone or something)
  • be/have done with somebody/something
  • done with (someone or something)
  • it is all up with
  • it is all up with (someone or something)
  • skip out with (someone or something)


Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

hang  — висеть, вешать, развесить, подвешивать, вид, наклон, смысл, манера, склон, скат
over  — больше, за, над, на, по, чрезмерный, чрезмерно, свыше, излишек, перелет


Doom hung over the nation.

Злой рок навис над страной.

A lamp hung over the table.

Лампа висела над столом.

A canopy hung over the altar.

Над алтарём нависал балдахин.

A light haze hung over the city.

Лёгкая дымка повисла над городом.

A thick mist hung over the town.

Над городом висел густой туман.

A pall of thick grey smoke hung over the buildings.

Над зданиями нависла пелена густого серого дыма.

A dust cover (=to keep dirt etc off) hung over the painting.

Над картиной нависал пылезащитный чехол (для защиты от грязи и т.д.).

A banner was hung over the street advertising the local theater production.

Над улицей висел баннер с рекламой спектакля местного театра.

An eerie and portentous stillness hung over the camp the night before the battle.

В ночь перед битвой над лагерем нависла жуткая, зловещая тишина.

A big question mark hangs over the company’s future.

Будущее компании находится под большим вопросом.

A perpetually hung-over juicer living a dead-end life.

Вечно страдающий от похмелья пьяница, живущий тупиковой жизнью.

Schmitty hung him over his shoulder in a comfortable carry.

Шмитти перекинул его через плечо, чтобы удобно было нести.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The miasma of defeat hung over them.  

The cloud of suspicion hangs over her  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • #1

I’m feeling under weather….:confused:

Cosa significa esattamente in italiano??

  • Paulfromitaly

    • #2

    Hai controllato il dizionario?

    Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary © 2006 Oxford University Press:
    weather /ˡweðə(r)/ noun tempo m;
    in this ~ con questo tempo;
    under the weather fam giù di corda


    • #3

    Hai controllato il dizionario?

    Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary © 2006 Oxford University Press:
    weather /ˡweðə(r)/ noun tempo m;
    in this ~ con questo tempo;
    under the weather fam giù di corda

    A me risulta che abbia una connotazione leggermente diversa, espressamente legata allo stato di salute fisica, e quanto riportato dal Cambridge Online sembrerebbe confermarlo:

    be/feel under the weather INFORMAL
    to be or feel ill:
    I’m feeling a bit under the weather — I think I’ve caught a cold.

    Quindi il senso sarebbe «non mi sento molto bene», «non mi sento un granché».


    • #4

    Qui parliamo di sottigliezza, comunque sentirsi giù di corda può implicare anche un certo malessere fisico.

    • #5

    Io l’ho sentito usare addirittura per i postumi di una sbornia.. anche se i postumi sono «hung-overs». :confused:

    • #6

    A me risulta che abbia una connotazione leggermente diversa, espressamente legata allo stato di salute fisica, e quanto riportato dal Cambridge Online sembrerebbe confermarlo:

    be/feel under the weather INFORMAL
    to be or feel ill:
    I’m feeling a bit under the weather — I think I’ve caught a cold.

    Quindi il senso sarebbe «non mi sento molto bene», «non mi sento un granché».

    «To feel under the weather» significa «to not feel well».

    In this sense, «well» can refer to physical or mental condition.

    La espressione non significia solo «non sto bene», ma anche significa «mi sento depresso» nella esperienza mia.


    • #7

    «To feel under the weather» significa «to not feel well».

    In this sense, «well» can refer to physical or mental condition.

    La espressione non significia solo «non sto bene», ma anche significa «mi sento depresso» nella esperienza mia.


    Ok, then I guess you also answered my question. In fact in the context I heard it used, I wasn’t sure they were referring to «hung-overs», then I guess they were referring to the fact that the person who was hung-over had been drinking because she was feeling depressed… under the weather.

    Thanks man. :D

    • #8

    Ok, then I guess you also answered my question. In fact in the context I heard it used, I wasn’t sure they were referring to «hang-overs», then I guess they were referring to the fact that the person who was hung-over had been drinking because she was feeling depressed… under the weather.

    Thanks man. :D

    No problem. They could have been referring to «hang-overs» as well, as those do generally lead to feeling bad (as in sick), or «under the weather».

    PS — For the use of «hang-over». You have (or had) a «hang-over» (noun), while you are (or were) «hung-over» (adjective, I think).

    • #9

    No problem. They could have been referring to «hang-overs» as well, as those do generally lead to feeling bad (as in sick), or «under the weather».

    PS — For the use of «hang-over». You have (or had) a «hang-over» (noun), while you are (or were) «hung-over» (adjective, I think).

    Yeah, sorry I misspelled it… I’m a bit under the weather myself this morning.. eheh…. Thanks for correcting me.


    • #10

    I am hung over (2 words, no hyphen)
    I have a hangover (1 word, no hyphen)

    • #11

    I am hung over (2 words, no hyphen)
    I have a hangover (1 word, no hyphen)

    Hung over can also be spelled with a hyphen or as one word.



    • #12

    Hung over can also be spelled with a hyphen or as one word.

    OK, well here I’m following my instinct, which is this: phrasal verbs such as «hang over» consist of two separate words. This should apply to «hung over», which is simply the past participle.
    From phrasal verbs we can form nouns, with the verb and particle joined together either as a single word or with a hyphen. This tends to influence people in their spelling of the verb itself, which in my humble opinion is not logical, even though it has become common enough to be quoted in dictionaries.
    Other examples:
    Verb: to come back. An actor makes a come-back or comeback, but the verb remains come back, no hyphen.
    Verb: to set (something) up. Setup and set-up are spellings for the noun, but we say that something has been set up, not set-up. Unfortunately here too there is a tendency to write set-up for the verb, but it’s just a confusion with the noun.

    By this reasoning I can accept hang-over together with hangover, but I stick to my guns on hung over, whatever the dictionary says!:);)

    • #13

    OK, well here I’m following my instinct, which is this: phrasal verbs such as «hang over» consist of two separate words. This should apply to «hung over», which is simply the past participle.
    From phrasal verbs we can form nouns, with the verb and particle joined together either as a single word or with a hyphen. This tends to influence people in their spelling of the verb itself, which in my humble opinion is not logical, even though it has become common enough to be quoted in dictionaries.
    Other examples:
    Verb: to come back. An actor makes a come-back or comeback, but the verb remains come back, no hyphen.
    Verb: to set (something) up. Setup and set-up are spellings for the noun, but we say that something has been set up, not set-up. Unfortunately here too there is a tendency to write set-up for the verb, but it’s just a confusion with the noun.

    By this reasoning I can accept hang-over together with hangover, but I stick to my guns on hung over, whatever the dictionary says!:);)

    There are only two hang over phrasal verbs I’m aware of and they are to hang over someone which is used of unresolved problems and to hang over something which means to project over or lean out from something.

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008


    • #14

    Einstein, you said in Post 10 that hangover is spelled as one word, which I agree with. It doesn’t look like a phrasal verb to me. There are only two hang over phrasal verbs I’m aware of and they are to hang over someone which is used of unresolved problems and to hang over something which means to project over or lean out from something.

    Things hang over from the past; we can say it about an obsolete law, for example. The headache you have in the morning hangs over from the drinking session of the night before. This is the origin of hangover (although the noun is far more common than the verb). You could say that a person being «hung over» is not a directly logical derivation of this. However, I would still pronounce hangover with one stress, hung over with two.

    • #15

    Things hang over from the past; we can say it about an obsolete law, for example. The headache you have in the morning hangs over from the drinking session of the night before. This is the origin of hangover (although the noun is far more common than the verb). You could say that a person being «hung over» is not a directly logical derivation of this. However, I would still pronounce hangover with one stress, hung over with two.

    It’s because hung over is not a natural derativation that I think the alternative spellings are acceptable. I found it in 6 dictionaries including the Oxford. :)

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008

    • 1
      hang over

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > hang over

    • 2
      hang over

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > hang over

    • 3
      hang over

      1. phr v оставаться; продолжаться

      2. phr v откладываться; быть незавершённым

      Синонимический ряд:

      loom (verb) approach; be imminent; be suspended; hover; impend; loom; menace; near; threaten

      English-Russian base dictionary > hang over

    • 4
      hang over

      hang over until some time they will probably let the final decision hang over until next year они, вероятно, отложат окончательное решение до будущего года; this custom hangs over from the old days этот обычай идет еще из старины

      English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > hang over

    • 5
      hang over


      1. оставаться; продолжаться

      this custom hangs over from the old days — этот обычай — наследие /пережиток/ прошлого

      2. откладываться; быть незавершённым

      they will let the final decision hang over until next year — они отложат окончательное решение до будущего года

      НБАРС > hang over

    • 6
      hang over

      фраз. гл.

      1) оставаться, продолжаться

      Англо-русский современный словарь > hang over

    • 7
      hang over


      1) Общая лексика: быть незавершённым, висеть над головой, нависать, нависнуть, околачиваться, оставаться, остаться незаконченным, откладываться, перевешиваться, похмелье, продолжаться, свешиваться, свеситься

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hang over

    • 8

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hang-over

    • 9
      hang over

      нависать; грозить, угрожать

      остаться незаконченным

      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > hang over

    • 10


      пережиток; наследие


      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > hang-over

    • 11
      hang over

      а) нависать; fig. грозить, угрожать;

      б) остаться незаконченным

      * * *

      остаться незаконченным, нависать, нависнуть, грозить, угрожать

      * * *

      1) нависать; перен. грозить
      2) остаться незаконченным

      Новый англо-русский словарь > hang over

    • 12

      Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > hang-over

    • 13
      hang over

      English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > hang over

    • 14

      English-Russian base dictionary > hang-over

    • 15

       состояние похмелья, «бодуна»

      Subsidiary English-Russian dictionary > hang-over

    • 16
      hang over

       состояние похмелья, «бодуна»

      Subsidiary English-Russian dictionary > hang over

    • 17

      English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > hang-over

    • 18
      hang over smb.’s head

      висеть над чьей-л. головой

      Treason hung over his head for some time. (WD) — Несколько времени над ним висела угроза обвинения в измене.

      Death hangs over a bull-fighter’s head every time he performs. (DAI) — Смерть грозит тореадору во время каждого его выступления.

      Large English-Russian phrasebook > hang over smb.’s head

    • 19
      hang over smb.’s head

         виceть нaд чьeй-л. гoлoвoй, гpoзить кoму-л.

      Concise English-Russian phrasebook > hang over smb.’s head

    • 20
      they will let the final decision hang over until next year

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > they will let the final decision hang over until next year


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • Hang-over — auch: Hang|over 〈[hæŋoʊvə(r)] m.; s; unz.; umg.〉 nach Alkoholgenuss auftretende Kopfschmerzen, Kater [<engl. hang over „überhängen, übrig bleiben“] * * * Hang|over, Hang over [ hæŋ|oʊvɐ , hæŋ |oʊvɐ ], der; s [engl. hangover, zu: to hang over …   Universal-Lexikon

    • Hang-over — Hang o|ver auch: Hang|o|ver 〈[hæŋoʊvə(r)] m.; Gen.: s; Pl.: unz.; umg.〉 nach übermäßigem Alkoholgenuss auftretende Kopfschmerzen, Kater [Etym.: <engl. hang over »überhängen, übrig bleiben«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

    • hang over — index project (extend beyond) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

    • hang over — intransitive verb : to remain to be handled or completed (as of unfinished business at the end of a meeting) the meeting adjourned and left the plans hanging over let the case hang over for the new administration Time * * * hang over 1. To… …   Useful english dictionary

    • hang over — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms hang over : present tense I/you/we/they hang over he/she/it hangs over present participle hanging over past tense hung over past participle hung over hang over someone/something if something hangs over you,… …   English dictionary

    • Hang-over — D✓Hang|over, Hang over [ hɛŋ|o:vɐ , … |o:… ], der; s <englisch> (umgangssprachlich für Katerstimmung) …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

    • hang over — phr verb Hang over is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑question mark, ↑spectre …   Collocations dictionary

    • Hang-over-Effekt — [hängo̱uwer…; engl. amer. hang over = Überbleibsel] m; s, e: Überhangeffekt, unerwünschte Spät oder Langzeitwirkung eines Medikaments …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

    • hang over somebody — ˌhang ˈover sb derived if sth bad or unpleasant is hanging over you, you think about it and worry about it a lot because it is happening or might happen • The possibility of a court case is still hanging over her. Main entry: ↑hangderived …   Useful english dictionary

    • hang over — Synonyms and related words: approach, arch over, await, be imminent, be in store, beetle, bestraddle, bestride, brew, bridge, come on, confront, draw near, draw nigh, draw on, extend over, face, forthcome, gather, hang out, hover, imbricate,… …   Moby Thesaurus

    • hang over — (Roget s Thesaurus II) I verb To be imminent: brew, impend, loom, lower1, menace, overhang, threaten. See NEAR. II verb See HANG …   English dictionary for students

    hang over — перевод на русский

    /hæŋ ˈəʊvə/

    I may still be hung over that almost made sense.

    Наверное у меня еще похмелье не прошло, но я почти понял тебя.

    — It’s not my fault you’re hung over.

    — Я не виноват, что у тебя похмелье.

    I’m hung over and on holiday.

    У меня выходные и похмелье.

    I’m sorry, I’m terminally hung over and I just took a cleat in the groin.

    ЧАРЛИ Извините, у меня жуткое похмелье и мне заехали набойкой в пах…

    Are you hung over?


    Показать ещё примеры для «похмелье»…

    Now, you’ve got a new rap hanging over your head, Lacey, a tough one.

    Теперь на тебе висит другое обвинение, Лэйси, более жесткое.

    All that dough and a murder rap hanging over him.

    Такой куш, плюс на нем висит убийство.

    The sword of Damocles Is hanging over my head I’ve got the feeling someone’s Gonna be cutting the thread

    Дамоклов меч надо мною висит, и кто-то у нити наготове стоит

    The sword of Damocles Is hanging over my head

    Дамоклов меч надо мною висит!

    You already got two murder beats hanging over your head.

    На тебе уже и так висит два трупа.

    Показать ещё примеры для «висит»…

    The threat I had felt hanging over Julia and me at the fountain had been averted perhaps dispelled forever.

    Опасность, которая нависла над Джулией и мною с того самого вечера у фонтана, теперь была устранена и, может быть, развеяна навеки.

    The threat of a new and higher body count at the airport hangs over the heads of everyone, and the holiday season of peace and love has become a nightmare.

    Угроза нового и более высокого числа потерь в аэропорту нависла над головами всех, и время праздника мира и любви сменилось кошмаром.

    The shadow of the axe hangs over every joy.

    Тень топора нависла над каждой радостью.

    I know full well that a cloud of uncertainty is hanging over the future of this firm.

    Я прекрасно знаю, что тень сомнения нависла над этой фирмой.

    O’BRIEN: A cloud of suspicion hangs over this administration.

    Тень подозрений нависла над этой администрацией.

    Показать ещё примеры для «нависла над»…

    I’m just staring to realize that I can’t let that one moment hang over my head for the rest of my life.

    Я начинаю понимать что не могу дать одному моменту в моей голове перечеркнуть всю мою жизнь.

    And… holding it in, you know, hanging over my head every day… the guilt just…

    И… Держать в себе то, понимаете, прокручивая это каждый день в голове… вина просто…

    But I’m gonna have a family of my own someday, and I can’t have all of this hanging over their heads.

    Но однажды у меня самого будет семья, и я не хочу этого дамоклова меча у них над головой.

    I can’t live with a sword hanging over my head.

    Я не могу жить с мечом над головой.

    I wake up the next day somewhere, in some bed, I don’t know who this person is next to me, and I’m drunk, completely hung over, and have a show to do.

    На следующий день я просыпался непонятно где, на какой-то кровати, я не знал человека, который был рядом со мной, я был пьян в дубину, ужасно болела голова, а вечером мне еще выступать.

    Показать ещё примеры для «голове»…

    Her forehead hangs over her head like a canopy.

    У нее лоб нависает над головой как балдахин.

    CAL: Corruption hangs over my city like an all-pervasive smog.

    Коррупция нависает над моим городом всепоглощающим смогом.

    This has been hanging over my head long enough.

    Это слишком долго нависает над моей головой.

    You know, she has this tree. It just sort of hangs over the property line.

    У неё растёт одно дерево, которое так и нависает над нашей территорией.

    I see a man who can’t pass a mirror… without looking into it… a man whose face hangs over mine at night… like a moon, a guide.

    й не может пройти мимо зеркала, не посмотревшись в него. Человек, чье лицо нависает надо мной ночью, как луна.

    Показать ещё примеры для «нависает над»…

    A young start-up with an IP lawsuit hanging over its head?

    Молодой проект с нависшей над головой судебной проблемой?

    The clock of the doom that hangs over Salem, over the puritans, over this whole land.

    Грядущей гибели, нависшей над Салемом, над пуританами и всей этой землёй.

    I love all those who are as heavy drops, falling one by one out of the dark cloud that hangs over men.

    Я люблю всех тех, кто являются тяжелыми каплями, падающими одна за другой из темной тучи, нависшей над человеком.»

    You want me to live with a sword hanging over my head every day, afraid to hiccup because I might blow an aneurysm?

    Ты хочешь, чтобы я жила под нависшим над головой мечом, боясь икнуть, потому что может разорваться новая аневризма?

    Yes, yes, with this cloud hanging over him, so…

    Да, да, с этим облаком, нависшим над ним, так что…

    Показать ещё примеры для «нависшей над»…

    And with this lawsuit hanging over us,

    А учитывая висящий над нами иск,

    He has a late-period manet hanging over the piano in his state room.

    У него поздний Мане, висящий над пианино в каюте.

    Whilst getting the job done, they’re having a laugh at work with the Sword of Damocles hanging over them.

    Пока они делают свою работу, они хохочут на рабочем месте с висящим над их головами Дамокловым мечом.

    I’ve seen better tires hanging over the side of a tug.

    Я видал покрышки получше, висящие за бортом буксира.

    I can’t see life sometimes because of the fog of death constantly hanging over.

    Иногда мне не видно самой жизни из-за постоянно висящего надо мной тумана смерти.

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    I just feel, I feel fat, like I had rolls hanging over those gold shorts.

    Я просто, просто чувствую себя толстым, как будто у меня складки свисают над этими золотыми шортами.

    Yeah, if muscle hangs over your trousers.

    Да уж, если мышцы свисают над штанами.

    Is that pigeon hanging over the church altar made of gold?

    А голубь, что свисает со шпиля вашей церкви…

    Oh, hang on, it’s hanging over.

    Ну, снова. Он свисает.

    You might wanna look into an extra wide, so your toes don’t hang over too much.

    Тебе стоит выбрать доску пошире, тогда пятки не будут сильно свисать.

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