Is hung out a word



dog hung out its tongue — собака высунула язык
the dog hung out its tongue — собака высунула язык
hang out — раскрыть истину; раскрыть правду; сопротивляться
hang-out — раскрытие всей правды
hang out for — страстно жаждать
hang out with — Проводить время с (быть с кем-то); болтаться с
hang-out road — раскрытие всей правды
hang out a flag — вывесить флаг
hang out shingle — заняться частной практикой; открыть свой кабинет
hang out the wash — вывесить белье

to hang out a flag — вывесить флаг
hang out one’s ear — подслушивать; подслушать
let it all hang out — амер. сл. а) пустить всё на самотёк, послать к чёрту; б) рассказать всё как есть /без утайки/; «расколоться»
hang-out-of-battery — затяжной выстрел
hang out the laundry — воздушный десант
to hang out one’s ear — подслушивать
hang out with friends — зависать с друзьями
where do you hang out? — где ты живёшь?
hang out the white flag — вывесить белый флаг; сдаваться
hang out the wash to dry — вывесить белье для сушки; вывесить бельё сушиться
to hang out one’s tongue — высовывать язык (о собаке)
to hang out a week’s wash — вывесить сушиться бельё, скопившееся за неделю
hang out for better terms — настаивать на более выгодных условиях; торговаться
to hang out one’s shingle — заняться частной практикой; открыть свой кабинет (особ. о враче или адвокате)
hang out clothes on a line — повесить белье на верёвку
to hang out the wash to dry — вывесить бельё для сушки
don’t hang out of the window — не высовывайтесь из окна
to hang out for better terms — настаивать на более выгодных условиях, торговаться
to hang out a flag [the wash] — вывесить флаг [бельё]
to hang (out) clothes on a line — повесить бельё на верёвку

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

болтаться, вывешивать, вывесить, высовываться, развесить, развешивать, обитать, жить, квартировать, околачиваться

Перевод по словам

hang  — висеть, вешать, развесить, подвешивать, вид, наклон, смысл, манера, склон, скат
out  — из, вне, за, вне, наружу, выход, аут, наружный, изгнать


The town was surrounded by the enemy but the people hung out until help came.

Город был окружён врагами, но жители сопротивлялись, пока не пришла помощь.

I knew where she hung out mostly. *

Я знал, где ее искать.

He hung out in a two-by-four office with a desk and a chair. *

Он сидел в крошечной конторе, где кроме стола и стула ничего не было.

Where do the youngsters hang out?

Где тут молодежь тусуется?

My job was to hang out the washing.

Моей задачей было развесить бельё.

Can you tell me where Jim hangs out?

Не знаешь, где Джим тусуется?

Hang out the flag, the victory is ours!

Вывешивай флаги, мы победили!

ещё 18 примеров свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I don’t really know who she hangs out with.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

-verb, To spend time relaxing with friends whilst hung over. Usually involves a lot of MTV watching, deep fried food and hilarious story telling of the previous nights antics.

Can also be used as an adjective eg. «Hunging out»

Hey gurl, what happened to you last night, hope you didn’t go home with that weird sideburns guy. Wanna come hung out?

We’ve just series linked Geordie Shore and are hunging out at home, wanna join?

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When you’ve been left alone to face a situation — especially a dangerous or unpleasant situation — the people who just abandoned you have hung you out to dry. Also known as «Hung Up to Dry.»

1. Right before the company went bankrupt, the CEO sold all of his stock, thereby leaving everyone else there hung out to dry.

by zoopet November 1, 2007

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Women, this one’s for you all. This is like the female version of blue balls. It can happen in any of the ways it can to man, just to one of you fine ladies. Ranging anywhere from being walked in on during masturbation to a guy cumming way too early and leaving you wet and horny.

«Oh my God! Brent left me hung out to dry last night, he finished in like 30 seconds and then just up and left!»

«Last night I was going to town and my mom walked in, I had to hang myself out to dry!»

«Dude, bro, so this bitch was all like suckin my dick bro, and I like started fucking her right? Well I was like you know what I’m done and finished within the minute and left that bitch hung out to dry! She was so pissed bro!»

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  1. Hang out — перевод, произношение, транскрипция
  2. глагол ↓
  3. Мои примеры
  4. Словосочетания
  5. Примеры
  6. Что значит hung out
  7. Откройте возможности нейронного машинного перевода PROMT
  8. hang out
  9. Полезное
  10. Смотреть что такое «hang out» в других словарях:
  11. Hang-out — перевод на русский
  12. Словосочетания
  13. Перевод по словам
  14. Примеры
  15. Примеры, ожидающие перевода
  16. hang out
  17. Смотреть что такое «hang out» в других словарях:

Hang out — перевод, произношение, транскрипция

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



Where do the youngsters hang out?

Где тут молодежь тусуется?

Do you still hang out with the same crew?

Вы все еще тусуешься с той же компанией?

Can you tell me where Jim hangs out?

Не знаешь, где Джим тусуется?

Don’t hang out of the window, it’s dangerous.

Не высовывайся из окна, это опасно.

My job was to hang out the washing.

Моей задачей было развесить бельё.

Hang out the flag, the victory is ours!

Вывешивай флаги, мы победили!

A group of roughnecks like to hang out at the roadhouse and harass people.

В этой забегаловке есть шайка отморозков, которая любит там ошиваться и доставать людей.

That guy in tech support is a loner, and never wants to hang out with the rest of us.

Тот парень из техподдержки — одиночка, и не хочет тусоваться со всеми остальными.

Be careful, the dealers may hang out for a higher price.

Будь осторожнее, дилеры могут запросить более высокую цену.

The town was surrounded by the enemy but the people hung out until help came.

Город был окружён врагами, но жители сопротивлялись, пока не пришла помощь.


Что значит hung out

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hang out

your shirt is hanging out — у тебя рубашка торчит /вылезла, плохо заправлена/

the dog hung out its tongue — собака высунула язык

to hang out a flag [the wash] — вывесить флаг [бельё]

the rock hangs out over the gully — скала нависает над оврагом

where do you hang out? — где ты живёшь?

to hang out for better terms — настаивать на более выгодных условиях, торговаться

♢ to hang out one’s shingle — заняться частной практикой; открыть свой кабинет ( особ. о враче или адвокате )

let it all hang out — амер. сл. а) пустить всё на самотёк, послать к чёрту; б) рассказать всё как есть /без утайки/; «расколоться»

Новый большой англо-русский словарь . 2001 .


Смотреть что такое «hang out» в других словарях:

Hang-out — auch: Hang|out 〈[hæŋaʊt] n. 15; umg.; salopp〉 häufig besuchter Ort, Stammplatz ● Baden Baden war früher ein Hang out für Adelige [engl.] … Universal-Lexikon

Hang-out — auch: Hang|out 〈[hæŋaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; umg.; salopp〉 häufig besuchter Ort, Stammplatz; Baden Baden war früher ein Hang out für Adelige [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

hang out — ► hang out informal spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself. Main Entry: ↑hang … English terms dictionary

hang|out — «HANG OWT», noun. Slang. 1. a place one lives in or goes to often. 2. a rendezvous, especially for gangsters and other criminals: »an underworld hangout … Useful english dictionary

hang out — (v.) c.1400, in literal use. Colloquial meaning to be found is recorded from 1811. As a noun (often hangout) residence, lodging attested from 1893 … Etymology dictionary

hang-out — ► NOUN informal ▪ a place one lives in or frequently visits … English terms dictionary

hang out — verb spend time in a certain location or with certain people She hangs out at the corner cafe • Derivationally related forms: ↑hangout • Hypernyms: ↑frequent, ↑haunt • Verb Frames: Somebody s … Useful english dictionary

hang out — phrasal verb Word forms hang out : present tense I/you/we/they hang out he/she/it hangs out present participle hanging out past tense hung out past participle hung out 1) [intransitive] to lean out of a window so that the top part of your body is … English dictionary

hang out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you hang out clothes that you have washed, you hang them on a clothes line to dry. [V n P] I was worried I wouldn t be able to hang my washing out. [Also V P n (not pron)] 2) PHRASAL VERB If you hang out in a particular place… … English dictionary

hang-out — n haunt, den, meeting place, home, patch, local, stamping ground COLLOQ. dive, joint, watering hole * * * ▶ noun HAUNT, stamping ground, favourite spot, meeting place, territory; den, refuge, retreat; N. Amer. stomping ground. * * * ˈhang out [ … Useful english dictionary

hang out — v. (slang) (D; intr.) ( to spend time ) to hang out with (to hang out with one s friends) * * * [ hæŋ aʊt] (slang) (0; intr.) ( to spend time ) to hang out with (to hang out with one s friends) … Combinatory dictionary


Hang-out — перевод на русский


Перевод по словам


They decided to go the hang-out road. *

Они решили ничего не скрывать и все рассказать как на духу. ☰

This is a favourite hang-out for ravers. *

Это любимое место сборищ молодых повес и эмансипированных особ. ☰

This is a favorite hang-out for the local hep cats. *

Это излюбленное место встречи местных пижонов. ☰

Where do the youngsters hang out?

Где тут молодежь тусуется? ☰

My job was to hang out the washing.

Моей задачей было развесить бельё. ☰

Can you tell me where Jim hangs out?

Не знаешь, где Джим тусуется? ☰

Hang out the flag, the victory is ours!

Вывешивай флаги, мы победили! ☰

Do you still hang out with the same crew?

Вы все еще тусуешься с той же компанией? ☰

Don’t hang out of the window, it’s dangerous.

Не высовывайся из окна, это опасно. ☰

Be careful, the dealers may hang out for a higher price.

Будь осторожнее, дилеры могут запросить более высокую цену. ☰

She did the laundry (=washed the clothes etc) and hung it out to dry.

Она постирала бельё и повесила его сушиться. ☰

A group of roughnecks like to hang out at the roadhouse and harass people.

В этой забегаловке есть шайка отморозков, которая любит там ошиваться и доставать людей. ☰

The town was surrounded by the enemy but the people hung out until help came.

Город был окружён врагами, но жители сопротивлялись, пока не пришла помощь. ☰

That guy in tech support is a loner, and never wants to hang out with the rest of us.

Тот парень из техподдержки — одиночка, и не хочет тусоваться со всеми остальными. ☰

Where does he hang out? *

Где он обычно ошивается? ☰

I knew where she hung out mostly. *

Я знал, где ее искать. ☰

Come on now, let it all hang out! *

Плюнь на все и расслабься. ☰

Why do you have to hang out near our house? *

Почему ты всегда околачиваешься возле нашего дома? ☰

She has no secrets, she lets it all hang out. *

У нее нет секретов, она все всем рассказывает. ☰

I let it all hang out but I still feel rotten. *

Я хотел расслабиться, но все равно чувствую себя паршиво. ☰

Tell me the whole story — let it all hang out. *

Расскажи мне все, ничего не скрывая. ☰

Can you make the food hang out till next pay day? *

Ты не могла бы дотянуть с продуктами до следующей получки? ☰

I hope he doesn’t hang out with the wrong people. *

Я надеюсь, что он не попал в дурную компанию. ☰

He hung out in a two-by-four office with a desk and a chair. *

Он сидел в крошечной конторе, где кроме стола и стула ничего не было. ☰

You could feel the tension in the air. I decided to let it all hang out. *

В воздухе чувствовалась какая-то напряженность. Тогда я решила плюнуть на условности и устроить небольшой бардак. ☰

Примеры, отмеченные * , могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I don’t really know who she hangs out with. ☰

Could you put the washing out (=hang it on a washing line) for me? ☰

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.


hang out

If he continues to hang out with that group of tough boys, he will eventually end up in jail.

He spends a lot of time hanging out with friends.

I’ve found a place downtown, and I’ll be hanging out there beginning next week.

Where’s Denis hanging out these days?

Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов . 2013 .

Смотреть что такое «hang out» в других словарях:

Hang-out — auch: Hang|out 〈[hæŋaʊt] n. 15; umg.; salopp〉 häufig besuchter Ort, Stammplatz ● Baden Baden war früher ein Hang out für Adelige [engl.] … Universal-Lexikon

Hang-out — auch: Hang|out 〈[hæŋaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; umg.; salopp〉 häufig besuchter Ort, Stammplatz; Baden Baden war früher ein Hang out für Adelige [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

hang out — ► hang out informal spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself. Main Entry: ↑hang … English terms dictionary

hang|out — «HANG OWT», noun. Slang. 1. a place one lives in or goes to often. 2. a rendezvous, especially for gangsters and other criminals: »an underworld hangout … Useful english dictionary

hang out — (v.) c.1400, in literal use. Colloquial meaning to be found is recorded from 1811. As a noun (often hangout) residence, lodging attested from 1893 … Etymology dictionary

hang-out — ► NOUN informal ▪ a place one lives in or frequently visits … English terms dictionary

hang out — verb spend time in a certain location or with certain people She hangs out at the corner cafe • Derivationally related forms: ↑hangout • Hypernyms: ↑frequent, ↑haunt • Verb Frames: Somebody s … Useful english dictionary

hang out — phrasal verb Word forms hang out : present tense I/you/we/they hang out he/she/it hangs out present participle hanging out past tense hung out past participle hung out 1) [intransitive] to lean out of a window so that the top part of your body is … English dictionary

hang out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you hang out clothes that you have washed, you hang them on a clothes line to dry. [V n P] I was worried I wouldn t be able to hang my washing out. [Also V P n (not pron)] 2) PHRASAL VERB If you hang out in a particular place… … English dictionary

hang-out — n haunt, den, meeting place, home, patch, local, stamping ground COLLOQ. dive, joint, watering hole * * * ▶ noun HAUNT, stamping ground, favourite spot, meeting place, territory; den, refuge, retreat; N. Amer. stomping ground. * * * ˈhang out [ … Useful english dictionary

hang out — v. (slang) (D; intr.) ( to spend time ) to hang out with (to hang out with one s friends) * * * [ hæŋ aʊt] (slang) (0; intr.) ( to spend time ) to hang out with (to hang out with one s friends) … Combinatory dictionary


    • See Also:
      • hanefiyeh
      • Hanepoot
      • Hanford
      • hang
      • hang about
      • hang back
      • hang glider
      • hang gliding
      • hang in
      • hang on
      • hang out
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      • hang time
      • hang together
      • hang up
      • hang-glider
      • hang-on
      • hang-up
      • hangar
      • hangbird
      • Hangchow
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Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

hang out vb (adverb)

  1. to suspend, be suspended, or lean, esp from an opening, as for display or airing
  2. (intransitive) informal to live at or frequent a place
  3. slang to relax completely in an unassuming way (esp in the phrase let it all hang out)
  4. (intransitive) US informal to act or speak freely, in an open, cooperative, or indiscreet manner

n hang-out

  1. informal a place where one lives or that one frequently visits

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

hang /hæŋ/USA pronunciation  
v., hung /hʌŋ/USA pronunciation  or (esp. for 4. ) hanged, hang•ing, n. 

  1. to fasten (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or near its own top;
    suspend:[+ object]I hung a few pictures on the wall.
  2. to be suspended;
    dangle:[no object]clothes hanging on the clothesline.
  3. to (cause to) be placed in position or suspended so as to allow free movement: [+ object]The workmen hung the door of the new house.[no object]The door doesn’t hang properly.
  4. to kill by suspending (someone) by the neck from a rope:[+ object]to hang a convicted murderer.
  5. to furnish or decorate with something suspended:[+ object]to hang a room with pictures.
  6. [no object] to stick out downward, jut out, or lean over or forward.
  7. Informal Terms hang around:
    • [+ around (+ with)] to spend time in a certain place or in certain company:He’s been hanging around with older kids.
    • [no object] to linger about;
      remain in one place;
      loiter:hung around until the bus left.

  8. hang back, [no obj] to hesitate or be reluctant to move forward or take action:She hung back from taking part in the game.
  9. hang in (there), [no object][Informal.]to manage to go on or keep going;
    persevere or endure:Hang in there; your hard work will pay off.
  10. hang on:
    • [no object] to cling tightly:My niece hung on tight to me.
    • [+ object] to be dependent on:The future of our company may hang on this one deal.
    • [no object] to continue;
      manage to keep going:This job is so bad; how much longer can I hang on?
    • [no object] to keep a telephone line open:Hang on, I’ll see if she’s here.
    • [no object] to wait briefly;
      keep calm:«Hang on, we’re almost home,» he shouted.
    • [+ object] to listen very carefully or attentively to:They hung on his every word.

  11. hang out:
    • to lean out, suspend, or be suspended: [no object]He hung out the window, gulping in the fresh air.[+ object + out]He hung his head out the window.
    • [no object][Informal.]to go often to or spend time at a certain place:hanging out at the mall on weekends.
    • [no object][Informal.]to spend time in a casual way:We were just hanging out and gossiping.

  12. hang up:
    • to suspend something on or as if on a hook: [+ up + object]I hung up my jacket on the hook.[+ object + up]I hung it up.
    • to stop or delay the progress of: [+ up + object]This broken machine is hanging up the whole assembly line.[+ object + up]You’re hanging everybody up by not cooperating.
    • to end a telephone call by breaking the connection: [no object]I hung up and wrote down the message.[+ up + object]I hung up the phone.

n. [countable* usually singular]

  1. the way in which a thing hangs:the hang of a jacket.
  2. Informal Termsthe precise manner of doing or using something;
    knack:I’ve finally got the hang of programming a computer.


  1. Idioms hang a left (or right),[Slang.]to make a left (or right) turn, as while driving an automobile.
  2. Idioms hang in the balance, [no object] to be in a dangerous, unsteady, or uncertain state or condition:The fate of the world hung in the balance.
  3. Informal Terms, Idioms hang it up, to quit;
    resign:He decided to hang it up after years on the job.
  4. hang loose, [no object][Slang.]to remain relaxed or calm:She’s still hanging loose in spite of all the pressures of her new job.
  5. hang one on, [Slang.]
    • [no object] to become extremely drunk.
    • [+ object] to hit (someone):He hung one on his tormentor.

  6. Idioms hang together, [no object]
    • to be loyal to one another;
      remain united:We must hang together to get out of this difficulty.
    • to be logical or consistent:His research doesn’t hang together.

  7. hang tough, [no object][Informal.]to remain unchanging in one’s attitude;
    to be unyielding:The union has to hang tough during these negotiations.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(hang),USA pronunciation v., hung or (esp. for 4, 5, 20, 24) hanged;


  1. to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top;
  2. to attach or suspend so as to allow free movement:to hang a pendulum.
  3. to place in position or fasten so as to allow easy or ready movement.
  4. to put to death by suspending by the neck from a gallows, gibbet, yardarm, or the like.
  5. to suspend (oneself ) by the neck until dead:He hanged himself from a beam in the attic.
  6. to fasten to a cross;
  7. to furnish or decorate with something suspended:to hang a room with pictures.
  8. to fasten into position;
    fix at a proper angle:to hang a scythe.
  9. to fasten or attach (wallpaper, pictures, etc.) to a wall:to hang pictures in a room.
  10. to suspend (something) in front of anything:to hang curtains on a window.
  11. Fine Art
    • to exhibit (a painting or group of paintings):The gallery hung his paintings in a small corner.
    • to put the paintings of (an art exhibition) on the wall of a gallery:They hung the show that morning.

  12. to attach or annex as an addition:to hang a rider on a bill.
  13. Buildingto attach (a door or the like) to its frame by means of hinges.
  14. to make (an idea, form, etc.) dependent on a situation, structure, concept, or the like, usually derived from another source:He hung the meaning of his puns on the current political scene.
  15. Law(of a juror) to keep (a jury) from rendering a verdict by refusing to agree with the others.
  16. Informal Termsto cause (a nickname, epithet, etc.) to become associated with a person:Friends hung that nickname on him.
  17. Slang Termsto hit with (a fist, blow, punch, etc.):He hung a left on his opponent’s jaw.
  18. Sport[Baseball.]to throw (a pitch) so that it fails to break, as a curve.
  19. Nautical, Naval Termsto steady (a boat) in one place against a wind or current by thrusting a pole or the like into the bottom under the boat and allowing the wind or current to push the boat side-on against the pole.
  20. (used in mild curses and emphatic expressions, often as a euphemism for damn):I’ll be hanged if I do. Hang it all!


  1. to be suspended;
  2. to swing freely, as on a hinge.
  3. to incline downward, jut out, or lean over or forward:The tree hung over the edge of the lake.
  4. to be suspended by the neck, as from a gallows, and suffer death in this way.
  5. to be crucified.
  6. to be conditioned or contingent;
    be dependent:His future hangs on the outcome of their discussion.
  7. to be doubtful or undecided;
    waver or hesitate:He hung between staying and going.
  8. to remain unfinished or undecided;
    be delayed:Let that matter hang until our next meeting.
  9. to linger, remain, or persist:He hung by her side, unwilling to leave.
  10. to float or hover in the air:Fog hung over the city.
  11. to be oppressive, burdensome, or tedious:guilt that hangs on one’s conscience.
  12. to remain in attention or consideration (often fol. by on or upon): They hung on his every word.
  13. to fit or drape in graceful lines:That coat hangs well in back.
  14. Fine Art
    • to be exhibited:His works hang in most major museums.
    • to have one’s works on display:Rembrandt hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  15. [Informal.]to hang out.
  16. hang a left (or right),[Slang.]to make a left (or right) turn, as while driving an automobile:Hang a right at the next corner.
  17. hang around or about, [Informal.]
    • to spend time in a certain place or in certain company:He hangs around with an older crowd.
    • to linger about;
      loiter:They had stopped working and were just hanging around to talk.

  18. hang back:
    • to be reluctant to proceed or move forward:The older pupils went straight to the podium, but the younger ones hung back out of shyness.
    • to refrain from taking action;
      hesitate:A forward pass would have been the best call, but the quarterback hung back because his last pass had been intercepted.

  19. Sport, Idioms hang five, to ride a surfboard with the weight of the body forward and the toes of the forward foot curled over the front edge of the surfboard.
  20. hang in, [Slang.]to persevere:She has managed to hang in despite years of bad luck.Also, hang in there. 
  21. Idioms hang in the balance, to be in a precarious state or condition:The wounded man’s life hung in the balance.
  22. hang it up, [Informal.]to quit, resign, give up, etc.:The chief engineer is hanging it up after 40 years with the company.
  23. hang loose, [Slang.]to remain relaxed or calm:Try to hang loose and don’t let it bother you.
  24. hang on:
    • to hold fast;
      cling to.
    • to continue with effort;
      persevere:If you can hang on for a month longer, you will be eligible for the bonus.
    • to be sustained to the point of danger, tedium, etc.:coughs that hang on for months.
    • to keep a telephone line open:Hang on, I’ll see if she’s here.
    • to wait briefly;
      keep calm.

  25. hang one on, [Slang.]
    • to hit:He hung one on the bully and knocked him down.
    • to become extremely drunk:Every payday he hangs one on.

  26. Idioms hang one’s head. See head (def. 44).
  27. hang out:
    • to lean or be suspended through an opening.
    • [Informal.]to frequent a particular place, esp. in idling away one’s free time:to hang out in a bar.
    • [Informal.]to loiter in public places:nothing to do on Saturday night but hang out.
    • [Informal.]to consort or appear in public with:Who’s she been hanging out with?
    • [Slang.]to calm down:Hang out, Mom, I’m OK.
    • to wait, esp. briefly:Hang out a minute while I get my backpack.
    • to suspend in open view;
      display:to hang out the flag.

  28. hang over:
    • to remain to be settled;
      be postponed:They will probably let the final decision hang over until next year.
    • to be imminent or foreboding;
      threaten:Economic ruin hangs over the town.

  29. Sport, Idioms hang ten, to ride a surfboard with the weight of the body as far forward as possible and the toes of both feet curled over the front edge of the surfboard.
  30. Idioms hang together:
    • to be loyal to one another;
      remain united:«We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.»
    • to cohere:This pancake batter doesn’t hang together.
    • to be logical or consistent:His version of the story does not hang together.

  31. hang tough, [Slang.]to remain unyielding, stubborn, or inflexible:He’s hanging tough and won’t change his mind.
  32. hang up:
    • to suspend by placing on a hook, peg, or hanger.
    • to cause or encounter delay;
      suspend or slow the progress of:The accident hung up the traffic for several hours.
    • to break a telephone connection by replacing the receiver on the hook:She received an anonymous call, but the party hung up when she threatened to call the police.
    • to cause a hang-up or hang-ups in:The experience hung her up for years.

  33. let it all hang out, [Slang.]
    • to be completely candid in expressing one’s feelings, opinions, etc.:She’s never been one to let it all hang out.
    • to act or live without restraint or inhibitions.


  1. the way in which a thing hangs.
  2. Informal Termsthe precise manner of doing, using, etc., something;
    knack:to get the hang of a tool.
  3. Informal Termsmeaning or thought:to get the hang of a subject.
  4. Nautical, Naval Terms
    • loss of way due to adverse wind or current.
    • a rake, as of a mast.

  5. the least degree of care, concern, etc. (used in mild curses and emphatic expressions as a euphemism for damn): He doesn’t give a hang about those things.
  • Old Norse hengja (transitive), cognate with German hängen to hang
  • bef. 900; fusion of 3 verbs: (1) Middle English, Old English hōn to hang (transitive), cognate with Gothic hāhan, origin, originally *haghan; (2) Middle English hang(i)en, Old English hangian to hang (intrans.), cognate with German hangen; (3) Middle English henge

hanga•ble, adj. 
hang′a•bili•ty, n. 

    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Hang, lynch have in common the meaning of «to put to death,» but lynching is not always by hanging.
      Hang, in the sense of execute, is in accordance with a legal sentence, the method of execution being to suspend by the neck until dead. To lynch, however, implies the summary putting to death, by any method, of someone charged with a flagrant offense (though guilt may not have been proved). Lynching is done by private persons, usually a mob, without legal authority.
    • 26.See corresponding entry in Unabridged depend, rely, rest, hinge.

    Hang has two forms for the past tense and past participle, hanged and hung. The historically older form hanged is now used exclusively in the sense of causing or putting to death:He was sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead.In the sense of legal execution, hung is also quite common and is standard in all types of speech and writing except in legal documents. When legal execution is not meant, hung has become the more frequent form:The prisoner hung himself in his cell.

hang, +v.i.

  1. [Informal.]to hang out.

hang out‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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So over the years we’ve mostly hung out at my place.

Поэтому все эти годы мы тусовались в основном у меня.

First year, we hung out, like, ten times.

В первый год мы тусовались, вроде, десть раз.

I mean, you hung out with him once.

Greg, you hung out with Rachel once.

Actually, I barely hung out with Burcu’s friends.

Вообще-то, я почти не общался с друзьями Бурджу.

But yesterday I hung out with Bono.

А ведь вчера я общался с Боно.

Okay, first of all, I’ve hung out with Fantasy Guy.

Во-первых, я тусовался с Парнем-Фентези.

Feels like forever since we just hung out.

Такое ощущение, что прошла вечность с тех пор, как мы просто общались.

We also hung out together outside of work.

Как-то мы совместно работали, и вне работы тоже пересекались.

There were several musicians that hung out there, including myself.

Были разве различные музыкальные фестивали, которые давали путевки в жизнь, в том числе и мне.

But more importantly we hung out with family.

Last year we hung out together.

«В прошлом году мы вышли из состава Объединенных демсил.

He hung out in his little place.

They were very good friends who had a common circle of friends with whom they hung out often.

Их связывали дружеские отношения и общий круг друзей, с которыми они часто проводили время.

We hung out together sometimes, when we had free time.

Мы часто вместе играли, когда было свободное время.

He just hung out there, I think.

We hung out, talked, but not more.

He hung out on the back porch like this for probably 30 minutes.

Перевернулся на спину и пролежал так, наверное, минут тридцать.

I knew where they hung out on the internet, and I was a trusted member of the community.

Я знал, где они общаются в интернете, и я был доверенным членом сообщества.

I hung out with one friend at a time.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 836. Точных совпадений: 836. Затраченное время: 78 мс


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