Is hope a negative word

Is Hope Negative Word?

Oxford Mutual Aid

Optimism. Whereas desperate hope often has a negative connotation optimistichope is often positive. In both cases, the probability of achieving the hoped-for thing can be very variable, often sitting at a very low probability of occurring. › emotions › hope

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Your ‘Family Rights’ believing in the best interest of children. The issues which are important to me are, children and their families, the injustices to parents, which may occur, because of inadequate information, mistakes or corruption. This is happening every day. every minute and every second.

When did Hope become a bad word?Image

Whenever we go through something, we always here those people saying things like:  “I hope things get better for you…”, “I hope you have a better day…”, “I hope you find…”, “I hope the doctors can help…”, etc.  When they say these things to me or I hear someone else get these words, I can’t help but feel the negativity and hopelessness in the words.  When did it become that way?  When did Hope become that type of word?

Romans 15:13 says this:  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

There is nothing negative there, no doubt, no fear.  Paul is saying that hope will bring joy and peace.  Believe that today!  I challenge myself to believe that, and to not be one of those people who idly say “I hope…” to others or myself.  Have real hope for tomorrow, have real hope for today.  We are not who we have been, we are new creations – made whole by the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross.  Hope, Faith, and Love are all powerful tools, and are given to us by the grace of God.  We don’t have to earn them, we don’t have to do anything but trust in Him.  I encourage you today, if you are reading this, to trust God.  Our hope is in Him, and there is nothing about Him that could ever be negative, idle, or meaningless.  Hope.  Let’s take back this word, make it what it is supposed to be.  A promise from our Creator – although life may not be what we imagined, we may have seen heartbreak and hurt, but He wants us to find joy, healing, and peace.  

Asked By: Alexander Allen Date: created: Jul 05 2022

Is Hope always positive

Answered By: Evan Parker Date: created: Jul 07 2022

Throughout history, hope has been viewed favorably, as virtually essential to our welfare.

True, many writers have inveighed against “false hope.” But it’s generally been perceived as a positive, almost essential, motivating force..

Asked By: Chase Barnes Date: created: Jan 15 2023

Is false hope better than no hope

Answered By: Douglas Collins Date: created: Jan 16 2023

No hope is better than false hope. Yes. Not only will it result in disappointment, it could lead to improper action or inaction when it was needed.

Asked By: Eric Foster Date: created: Mar 01 2023

What is a universal sign of hope for Christians

Answered By: Douglas Long Date: created: Mar 04 2023

The anchor is a Christian symbol for hope and steadfastness. The source for this symbol is Hebrews 6:19, “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.” Anchors are found in many inscriptions in the catacombs of Rome. They were also often carved on old Christian gems.

Asked By: Timothy Phillips Date: created: Jan 18 2022

What flower is a sign of hope

Answered By: Rodrigo Campbell Date: created: Jan 19 2022

blue cornflowerThe blue cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), or bachelor’s button, has long been the symbol of hope in love and thrives a summer annual in all USDA plant hardiness zones.

Asked By: Oliver Anderson Date: created: Feb 13 2022

How can hope be dangerous

Answered By: Carter Lewis Date: created: Feb 14 2022

Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.”

Asked By: Jack Martinez Date: created: Nov 17 2022

Is hope good DBD

Answered By: Dylan Simmons Date: created: Nov 19 2022

Hope is a decent perk but not worth running imo. Maybe if you like being chased and combine it with Adrenaline it may be more useful but personally I don’t think it’s worth it most of the time as survivors are rarely in the game for longer than a minute after the 5th generator is complete.

Asked By: Isaac Torres Date: created: Sep 26 2022

Is hope a feeling or emotion

Answered By: Anthony Anderson Date: created: Sep 28 2022

Averill bases his conclusion that hope is an emotion on the findings of a study that compared hope to two other emotions (love and anger).

Asked By: Isaac Rogers Date: created: May 17 2022

What does false hope mean

Answered By: Jordan Bell Date: created: May 18 2022

/ˌfɒls ˈhəʊps/ confident feelings about something that might not be true: I don’t want to raise any false hopes, but I believe your son is still alive.

Asked By: David Lewis Date: created: Aug 03 2022

Do we need hope

Answered By: Diego Allen Date: created: Aug 04 2022

Hope shows us how to act. Though hope is not tied to a particular outcome, it can still be a guiding force in our lives. When we have hope, we are more likely to see the opportunities that come our way. When we have hope, we are more likely to choose a path that leads to something positive.

Asked By: Cole Sanders Date: created: Aug 17 2022

How do you get hope

Answered By: Miguel Flores Date: created: Aug 18 2022

Now that you know what hope is and why it’s important to find it, here are some different ways you can rediscover it in your life again.Believe you can achieve your goals. … Reflect on past success. … Practice prayer or meditation. … Use uncertainty as a tool. … Focus on the positive. … Be creative. … Find humor. … Have social support.More items…•Aug 31, 2020

Asked By: David Rogers Date: created: Dec 25 2021

What are the different types of hope

Answered By: Noah Garcia Date: created: Dec 25 2021

4 Types of HopeRealistic hope: It is hope for an outcome that is reasonable and possible. … Utopian hope: It is a collectively oriented hope that combined action can lead to a better future for everyone.Chosen hope: Hope helps us live with a problematic present in an uncertain future.More items…

Asked By: Fred Flores Date: created: Jun 03 2022

Answered By: Adam Gray Date: created: Jun 03 2022

Because many will use the word in everyday conversations even if they don’t really mean it, even if what they actually mean is something quite different. … Many even think hope is a negative word – that it reeks of pessimism or weakness. It’s even used sarcastically.

Asked By: Evan Patterson Date: created: May 22 2022

What are the qualities of hope

Answered By: Dennis Washington Date: created: May 22 2022

Characteristics of the HopefulThe Hopeful. … Cultivate Optimism. … Enhance Your Perception of Control. … Build Your Problem-Solving Ability. … Work on Your Competitiveness. … Raise Self-esteem. … Increase Positive Affectivity. … Overcome Negative Affectivity.

Asked By: Clifford Wood Date: created: May 06 2022

What can I say instead of hope

Answered By: Harry Griffin Date: created: May 07 2022

other words for

Asked By: Lawrence Flores Date: created: Dec 17 2021

What is the power of hope

Answered By: Seth Ward Date: created: Dec 18 2021

Hope is the belief things will work, especially when it seems otherwise. It helps you stay calm and peaceful when something less than desirable emerges. Hope believes you will get through it. Hope remembers the times you made it through. Hope teams with faith and believes in the impossible.

Asked By: Patrick Robinson Date: created: Oct 11 2022

Is hope a negative emotion

Answered By: Jaden Nelson Date: created: Oct 13 2022

In the feed-backward mechanism, hope is directly and negatively associated with both negative emotion and psychological resources (Figure 5).

Asked By: Jeffery Evans Date: created: Oct 08 2022

Is hope a good thing

Answered By: Walter Morgan Date: created: Oct 08 2022

Hope is associated with many positive outcomes, including greater happiness, better academic achievement and even lowered risk of death. It’s a necessary ingredient for getting through tough times, of course, but also for meeting everyday goals.

Asked By: Martin Jackson Date: created: Oct 25 2022

What is a sign of hope

Answered By: Evan Simmons Date: created: Oct 26 2022

Symbolism: Hope, guidance. Also known as Star Knowledge, the eight-pointed star is a Native American symbol of hope and guidance. Eight is a vital number in the Native American culture because it represents balance. The outer circle of the eight-pointed star symbol, on the other hand, symbolizes protection.

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Who is the dumbest God? KoalemosIn Greek mythology, Koalemos is the god of stupidity, mentioned once by Aristophanes, and being found also in Lives by Plutarch.Coalemus is the Latin spelling of the name.Sometimes it is referred to as a dæmon, more of a spirit and minor deity.. Who is Zeus afraid of? The answer is simple: he was afraid of making Nyx angry. This story is unique because Zeus usually is not afraid of angering the other gods or goddesses. In fact, many myths feature situations in which gods or men are afraid of angering Zeus. What weapon did Cronus use? harpe swordThe harpe sword is most notably identified as the weapon used by Cronus to castrate and depose his father, Uranus. Alternately, that weapon is identified as a more traditional sickle or scythe. The harpe, scythe or sickle was either a flint or adamantine (diamond) blade, and was provided…

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Quick Answer: Why Did Zeus Eat His Wife ?

Why did Zeus swallowed Athena? Athena (Minerva), the goddess of war and wisdom, had a strange birth.Her father Zeus (Jupiter) had swallowed his pregnant consort Metis (“wisdom”), because he was afraid she would bear a son who would overthrow him.. How many illegitimate children did Zeus? Terms in this set (30) Who were Zeus’ illegitimate children? Athena(minerva), Phoebus(Apollo), Artemis(Diana), Dionysus(Bacchus), Hermes(Mercury), Aphrodite(Venus), Perseus, Hercules, How was Athena born? Is Zeus dead in blood of Zeus? Blood of Zeus ends with Heron and the rest of the Gods in Mount Olympus in a peaceful place, but very soon they’ll all have to address the power vacuum that’s been opened now that Zeus is dead. Did Zeus eat his father? So long story short, Zeus swallowed Metis, who hereafter lived inside him as his voice of wisdom, and she was pregnant with Athena, who was then born from her father’s head. Is…

Alan Brown


Who Are The Children Of Zeus ?

Can the Greek gods die? The Greek Gods can’t «Die», but they can be crippled forever, chopped into tiny pieces, or just fade.For example, when Kronos sliced Ouranus (Uranus) to death, Ouranus was never able to have a physical form again.In the 3rd Century BC, people referred to Apollo and Helios and Artemis and Selene as the same gods.. Who is Zeus’s favorite child? AthenaAthena is also the favorite child of Zeus, being allowed to carry his Aegis, or armor, into battle. Who is the real son of Zeus? CronusRheaKronosZeus/Parents Who is Poseidon in love with? APHRODITEAPHRODITE The goddess of love and beauty was loved by Poseidon and, according to some, bore him two daughters Rhode and Herophile (though both daughters are given alternative parents by other authors). Who is the strongest God? ZeusThe most powerful of all, Zeus was god of the sky and the king of Mount Olympus.…

Douglas Griffin


Quick Answer: How Did Zeus Poseidon And Hades Overthrow Cronus ?

How did Zeus and Poseidon trick Hades? After the Titans were gone, the three brothers, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, decided to draw straws on top of Mount Olympus.Zeus and Poseidon had already made a pact to trick Hades into accepting the rulership of the underworld.. Who is the weakest Olympian god? Because what a person considers “powerful” varies from one person to another, you can often make a case one way or another. I, however, think that the weakest of the Twelve Olympians in Greek mythology is clear and obvious: Ares. Who married Zeus? HeraIn most traditions, he is married to Hera, by whom he is usually said to have fathered Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus. At the oracle of Dodona, his consort was said to be Dione, by whom the Iliad states that he fathered Aphrodite. Zeus was also infamous for his erotic escapades. Did Cronus kill Zeus? He overthrew…

Jordan Nelson


Quick Answer: What Happened To Zeus First Wife ?

Why did Zeus put his first wife away in his belly? «[Zeus], apart from Hera, had lain in love with a fair-faced daughter of Okeanos (Oceanus) and lovley-haired Tethys, Metis, whom he deceived, for all she was so resourceful, for he snatched her up in his hands and put her inside his belly for fear that she might bring forth a thunderbolt stronger than his own; …. Is Zeus really dead in blood of Zeus? Perhaps the biggest shock of Blood Of Zeus was the apparent deaths of two of the show’s most powerful gods: Hera and Zeus. The two fell trying to take on one of the Titans, who was only defeated when the two combined their abilities for a massive explosion. Did Hades have multiple wives? Hades wasn’t much of a cheater on Persephone and had little romantic relationships besides his wife. Yet, there are still two other…

Photo by DennisPhoto by Mistretta

Several years ago a friend told me not to use the word “hope” and that it’s a “negative word.”

The more I thought about it, I realized he’s right. Though the dictionary’s definition of “hope” is a positive outcome, I feel that in life it’s an overused word that can sound extremely … uh … hopeless.

When people say or write: “I hope everything is all right.” The first thing that comes to mind is Black Francis, of The Pixies, and his cry of desperation in the opening of the song, “Mr. Grieves.”

“Hope everything is all right …” From the tone of his voice, it certainly doesn’t sound “all right.”

When people write me that line, I snap back: “Why wouldn’t it be?! Am I on my death bed?”

That line just doesn’t sound refreshing. It makes me think of crotchety old-before-their-time people complaining about their bleak future. My immediate response is to spin it around and write back what a blessing LIFE is! Because I’m MORE than just “okay.” And I’m more than “hope.” I’m manifestation of life’s every day miracles! It’s just so great to be alive!

In Law of Attraction, it’s more awesome to view positive things as something that has already happened.

When I write emails to friends, my emails reek of positivity:

“I bet you’re rockin’ it!”

“I’m excited to hear what you’re up to!”

“What’s new, Pretty Lady?”

“Great to hear from you! How the hell are you?!”

Now, tell me these phrases aren’t better than a boring, outdated phrase like: “Hope you’re okay.”

When you use enthusiasm in your words, it automatically lifts the vibrations, therefore lifting the spirits of the person you’re addressing. Be creative and exciting in your words! Let that lust for life wear off on other people and put a great spin on the day!

I don’t “hope” you have a nice day — I KNOW you’re gonna have a great day!

And even when people aren’t having a good day, they always tell me that I’ve lifted their spirits by my positive attitude.

So, let’s not “hope” — let’s TRUST!

The reason why English learners often confuse these two verbs is probably that in most languages, there is no difference between wish and hope. The main point is that these two verbs are similar; they both express desire, or in other words, they mean “to want something”.

  • I wish to pass the test.
  • I hope to pass the test.

So, you see, there is not much difference. However, if we look at the dictionary, we will find that the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries define the verb wish as “to want something to happen or to be true even though it is unlikely or impossible”.  

  • I wish to go on holiday (but I can’t because I have to work)

On the other hand, the verb hope is defined as “to want something to happen and think that it is possible”.

  • I hope to go on holiday in August. (it’s a realistic expectation)

Now you probably realize that these two words are totally different. Wish refers to something you long for or desire and it has to do with regret, while hope refers to possibility which is likely to happen. In other words, we can say that wish has a negative connotation, while hope has a positive one.

Difference between wish and hope

How to use WISH

Wish + (object) + to-infinitive 

We can use  wish + (object) + to-infinitive to mean “want” or “would like”

  • I wish to write a book. (I’d love to write a book)
  • They wish to leave. (they want to leave)
  • I wish you to live a long and prosperous life. (that’s what I want for you)
  • Now that you’ve graduated, we wish you all to be good citizens.
Wish + past tense

We use wish + past tense to talk about our wishes in the present.

  • I wish I had a bigger salary. (but I don’t!)
  • We wish we were younger. (but we aren’t and we can’t be younger)
  • I wish I could speak Japanese. (but I obviously don’t)
  • I wish I had more free time. (but I have so much work to do)

Difference between wish and hope

Wish + would

Use the structure wish + would to talk about your wishes for the future.

  • We wish it would stop raining. (we don’t know if it will stop in the future, but we’d love it would)
  • I wish you would stop teasing me. (you are teasing me now but I’d like you to stop)
  • I wish our new neighbours would stop making so much noise. (I want our neighbours to stop making noise in the future)
  • I wish you would stop drinking. (I’ll be happy if you stop drinking)
Wish + Past Perfect

We use the structure wish + Past Perfect to talk about things we regret we did or didn’t do in the past.

  • I wish I had been a better student (but I wasn’t)
  • I wish I had learned to drive when I was younger. (I’m too old for that now)
  • We all wish we hadn’t polluted our planet. (but we did)
  • I wish I’d never found out that my wife cheated on me. (but I did)

Check out the lesson (+PDF & exercise) about wishes and regrets here.

Difference between wish and hope

How to use HOPE

Hope + to-infinitive

We can use the structure hope + to-infinitive to express hope about the future.

  • I hope to pass the test. (I’m studying now, it’s a realistic expectation)
  • We hope to see you soon/again.
  • Mary hoped to persuade her husband to buy her a new phone.
  • Brian hopes to climb all the highest mountains on all continents.
Hope + that clause

We normally use hope + that clause to express our wishes and hopes.

  • The citizens hoped that the new president will keep the peace in the country.
  • Robert hoped that he will pass by the old neighbourhood on his way.
  • John hoped that the meeting won’t last too long as he had some things to do in town.
  • We hope that the new law on the environment will prove effective in practice.

Difference between wish and hope

Hope in continuous tenses

Hope is often used in the continuous tense.

  • She was hoping to have a big family.
  • They are hoping to meet their son-in-law soon.
  • Milly was hoping the rain would stop because she wanted to work in the garden.
  • I am hoping to pass my driving test this time.
The phrases “hope so” & “hope not”

We will often hear the phrases hope so and hope not in spoken English used as short answers.

  • “Can we expect to have nice weather for our fishing trip?” “I hope so”.
  • “Have you been to the job interview? Do you think they’ll hire you?” “I sincerely hope so”.
  • “Do you think we’ll be in debt when we pay all the bills?” “I hope not.”
  • “I can see some dark clouds coming. Do you think it’s going to rain?” “I hope not.”

Difference between wish and hope

Remember to use the preposition FOR with the verb hope.

  • Monica was hoping for better pay in the new job.
  • They didn’t know what to expect, but they hoped for the best.
  • We have achieved more than we could ever hope for.
  • We are hoping for a positive outcome of our mutual efforts.

Follow the link to learn collocations with HOPE

The definitions of wish and hope in this post are taken from the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries.

Difference between WISH and HOPE

Difference between WISH and HOPE

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