Is headquarters one word

штаб, центр, главное управление, главное командование, источник


- употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч.
- воен. штаб; орган управления войсками, штаб-квартира

General Headquarters — ставка, главное командование

- главное управление; штаб-квартира, главная квартира

police headquarters — главное полицейское управление
Permanent Headquarters ot the United Nations — Постоянная штаб-квартира ООН

- достоверный, самый надёжный источник (сведений и т. п.)

Мои примеры


an underhanded attempt at infiltrating the other party’s headquarters — коварная попытка проникновения в штаб-квартиру другой партии  
at headquarters — в штаб-квартире  
to set up headquarters — разместить штаб-квартиру  
to be reassigned to the headquarters staff — быть переведенным в штаб-квартиру  
the Confederate headquarters — штаб-квартира Конфедерации  
corporate headquarters — штаб-квартира корпорации  
supreme headquarters — штаб верховного командования  
central headquarters — центральный штаб  
headquarters plant — головное предприятие  
army headquarters — штаб армии  
forward headquarters — передовой эшелон штаба  

Примеры с переводом

Permanent Headquarters ot the United Nations

Постоянная штаб-квартира ООН

The headquarters of the company are in Switzerland.

Штаб-квартира компании расположена в Швейцарии.

A gunship blasted enemy headquarters.

Вертолёт обстрелял штаб противника.

We galloped the letter to the headquarters.

На лошадях мы быстро доставили письмо в штаб.

The soldiers cabled back to headquarters.

Солдаты телеграфировали обратно в штаб.

After six years as branch manager she has been reassigned to the headquarters staff.

После шести лет работы руководителем отдела ее перевели в центральное управление.

Headquarters assigned the soldiers to a different unit.

Штаб определил солдат в другую часть.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The company decided to relocate its headquarters.

Pickets marched in front of the company headquarters.

They inaugurated the new headquarters with a brief ceremony.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

headquarter  — размещать штаб-квартиру, головной офис, штаб, размещать штаб, управление


  • #1

Is «Headquarters» a singular noun or a plural one?

The company headquarters are/is located in Connecticut.

  • bibliolept

    • #2

    Headquarters can be singular or plural. Here, a single headquarters is described. Use «is.»

    • #3

    It would be unusual to use ‘headquarters’ as a plural unless you are talking about the headquarters of different companies or groups. By definition ‘headquarters’ is THE main location of activity, business, dealings, etc., so technically there shouldn’t be more than one for any one group.


    • #4

    Is «Headquarters» a singular noun or a plural one?

    The company headquarters are/is located in Connecticut.

    It’s context sensitive, and may be either.

    General Electric has its headquarters (sing.) in Fairfield, Ct.

    General Electric and Pitney Bowes have their headquarters (pl.) in Fairfield County, Ct.

    • #5

    Precisely- that’s a perfect example- the first references only one company and the second, regardless of whether the two companies are related or not, references two.


    • #6

    SPECTRE has [regional] headquarters in Kathmandu, Singapore, Sao Paulo, and various uncharted desert islands.


    • #7

    Thanks guys. We were arguing at work over this.


    • #8

    «Headquarters» when used for the main offices of a company is more commonly plural as in «The headquarters are in Paris».

    Headquarters to denote authority is frequently singular as is «Headquarters has said we must used less paper.»

    However singular use is not wrong.



    • #10

    No one ever said that the English language was simple.

    But I think I’ve got it now.


    • #11

    I wonder if there are regional differences as well. To me, in the northeast US, we always use «headquarters» as a singular (unless of course, in reference to more than one entity). This is an apparent contradition to that American Heritage reference. says, «noun plural but singular or plural in construction«.

    I think modern usage does allow for a large or global company to have mutliple or regional headquarters.


    • #12

    My (ex-RAF) husband has just gone past, looked at the title on the screen and yelled Singular!

    And indeed, if I were talking about a military HQ like the one I used to work in, I would definitely use «is».

    But for a company headquarters (= the HQ of a single company), I’m pretty sure I use both «is» and «are». I was putting this down to that free-and-easy way we Brits have with collective nouns, which was why I was intrigued to come across the American Heritage Dictionary view.

    Packard: if you’ve put any money on this, I very much doubt you’ll collect. Whichever option you bet on…

    • #13

    It’s context sensitive, and may be either.

    General Electric has its headquarters (sing.) in Fairfield, Ct.

    General Electric and Pitney Bowes have their headquarters (pl.) in Fairfield County, Ct.

    Actually, this isn’t quite true. In the first example, «General Electric» is singular. In the second example, «General Electric and Pitney Bowes» is plural. Neither example illustrates whether «headquarters» is singular or plural.

    Also, in the UK it’s common for entities like companies to be treated as plural even when they seem to be logically singular. In the UK (but not in the USA) you would see «General Electric have their headquarters in Fairfield, Ct.» You would even see «The Parliament are meeting today to discuss economic issues».


    • #14

    Actually, this isn’t quite true. In the first example, «General Electric» is singular. In the second example, «General Electric and Pitney Bowes» is plural. Neither example illustrates whether «headquarters» is singular or plural.

    Also, in the UK it’s common for entities like companies to be treated as plural even when they seem to be logically singular. In the UK (but not in the USA) you would see «General Electric have their headquarters in Fairfield, Ct.» You would even see «The Parliament are meeting today to discuss economic issues».

    You would definitely not see «The Congress are meeting today» or even «The House of Representatives are meeting today» in American usage, and it would be marked wrong by any (American) English teacher.


    • #15

    The WR Dictionary says: ‘ [treated as sing. or pl.]

    Macmillan (British version), rather pedantically, says it after each sense:

    1 the place where a company or organization has its main offices: can be followed by a singular or plural verb
    The UN headquarters are in New York.

    2 the place from which military action is controlled: can be followed by a singular or plural verb
    McCreery established his headquarters at Treviso, just north of Venice.

    a. used for referring to the people in charge of a military operation: can be followed by a singular or plural verb

    Interestingly, this is left out in the American version.

    • #16

    Actually, this isn’t quite true. In the first example, «General Electric» is singular. In the second example, «General Electric and Pitney Bowes» is plural. Neither example illustrates whether «headquarters» is singular or plural.

    Also, in the UK it’s common for entities like companies to be treated as plural even when they seem to be logically singular. In the UK (but not in the USA) you would see «General Electric have their headquarters in Fairfield, Ct.» You would even see «The Parliament are meeting today to discuss economic issues».

    It’s true that the quoted example doesn’t settle the issue, since «General Electric has ITS headquarters» does not reflect, and does not need to reflect, whether headquarters is plural or singular. Since GE is singular (at least to U.S. speakers), «its» is singular as well.

    But that misses the more important point: when a usage rule is so ambiguous or unsettled that educated speakers may well disagree (and therefore think you are making an ignorant mistake even though you’re not), try to rephrase the sentence so as to avoid that rule. And «General Electric has its headquarters in» (wherever) does that very nicely.

    • #17

    Maybe it’s «the headquarter is» and «the headquarters are»?


    • #18

    Maybe it’s «the headquarter is» and «the headquarters are»?

    Sorry, no: it’s always «the headquarters» irrespective of whether the following verb is singular or plural. :(


    • #19

    It is good to see that we are all of a single mind on this issue.:D

    Regardless of which option I choose I am always right and always wrong. That said, I have a hard time dealing with ambiguity, and androgyny drives me nuts.

    • #20

    Sorry, no: it’s always «the headquarters» irrespective of whether the following verb is singular or plural. :(

    Is there a reason why there is an s on the end?


    • #21

    Why do we use the plural form? According to Why not “one headquarter”?, the singular head quarter was possible in the early 17th century, but eventually the plural form was used all the time (except in South Asia). The writers suggest that this might have been influenced by quarters, already used at that time to mean a singular place of abode.

    Q: To my ear, “one headquarter” sounds better than “one headquarters.” Why is the plural “headquarters” used for both the singular and the plural?

    A: When the term first showed up in English in the early 1600s, it was “headquarter” (or, rather, “head quarter”), but the “s”-less singular is rarely seen now except in South Asian English.

    We’ll have more to say later about the history of “headquarter”/“headquarters,” but first let’s look at how the word is generally used in contemporary English.

    Today, “headquarters” is a noun that’s plural in form but can be used with either a singular or a plural verb.

    As Pat writes in her grammar and usage book Woe Is I (4th ed., 2019), “headquarters” is one of those words, like “series” and “species,” that ends in “s” but can mean either one thing or more—a base or bases.

    She gives this example: “Gizmo’s headquarters was designed by Rube Goldberg. The two rival companies’ headquarters were on opposite sides of town.”

    The Oxford English Dictionary has these modern examples of “headquarters” used in each way:

    singular: “Hundreds of Home Office staff should be moved out of London because a new headquarters is too small to accommodate them.” (From the Daily Telegraph, 2004.)

    plural: “He set up two headquarters, one to control Japan … and the other to command U.S. forces in the Far east.” (From Richard B. Finn’s book Winners in Peace, 1992.)

    Now let’s look at the history of “headquarter” and “headquarters.”

    Both of these forms showed up in written English in the first half of the 17th century, with “headquarter” used in the singular sense and “headquarters” used initially in the plural sense.

    But within a few years, “headquarters” was being used in both singular and plural contexts —or, as the OED puts it, the plural form “headquarters” was being used “with pl. or sing. concord.”

    The dictionary’s earliest example of “headquarter” used in the singular sense is from a 1622 issue of the Continental Newes that refers to military forces “about to draw away their Ordnance into their head quarter.”

    The OED’s earliest example of “headquarters” used as a plural is in a 1639 issue of a newsletter, Curranto This Weeke From Holland: “This Campe is divided into 2 Head-quarters, on one side commandeth Monsieur de Lambert, and on th’other side Colonell Gassion.”

    And the first example of the plural form used in a singular sense is from a 1644 issue of the Weekly Account: “The Hoptonian Forces are as yet at their head quarters at Winchester.”

    In the 1500s and 1600s, the dictionary points out, other Germanic languages had singular forms for the singular sense: German Hauptquartier (1588 or earlier), Swedish huvudkvarter (1658), Dutch hoofdkwartier (1688 or earlier).

    Why did the plural form “headquarters” come to be used in English for both singular and plural senses?

    Perhaps because the plural “quarters” was being used around the same time for a singular place of residence. Here’s an example from Every Man in His Humor, a 1616 play by Ben Jonson: “Turnebull, White-chappell, Shore-ditch, which were then my quarters.”

    (Then as now, “quarters” is used to mean a place or places of residence. But unlike “headquarters,” it always has a singular verb.)

    As we’ve said earlier, the singular “headquarter” is rarely seen now except in South Asian English. Here are some recent examples from military and corporate writing:

    “My headquarter was at Chandhi Mandir which is easily the best laid out military cantonment in the country.” (From S. K. Sinha’s book A Soldier Recalls, 1992.)

    “Another network was established by National Informatics Centre … whose headquarter is at Delhi.” (From Computer Technology for Higher Education, 1993, by Sarla Achuthan and others.)

    [Note: This post was updated on June 15, 2020.]

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    Which is correct headquarters or headquarter?

    The noun headquarters can be either singular or plural. In both cases, it is written with an s at the end; headquarter as a noun is incorrect. The noun headquarters is generally singular: National Defence Headquarters occupies a building complex in downtown Ottawa.

    Why does headquarters have an S?

    Nouns that look like plurals, because they end in -s, but whose meaning is collective or composite, are known as ‘pluralia tantum’. Headquarters is unusual in that it can be followed either by a singular or by a plural verb.

    Is headquarter a word?

    noun, plural head·quar·ters. (used with a singular or plural verb) a center of operations, as of the police or a business, from which orders are issued; the chief administrative office of an organization: The operatives were always in touch with headquarters.

    Do you capitalize the word headquarters?

    Headquarters and/or Washington Headquarters is capitalized when referring to a Washington, DC, organization or office. The word “statewide” is never capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

    What headquarters are used?

    The corporate headquarters is a key element of a corporate structure and covers different corporate functions such as strategic planning, corporate communications, tax, legal, marketing, finance, human resources, information technology, and procurement.

    What headquarter means?

    1 : a place from which a commander performs the functions of command. 2 : the administrative center of an enterprise.

    What means impossible?

    1a : incapable of being or of occurring. b : felt to be incapable of being done, attained, or fulfilled : insuperably difficult an impossible deadline. 2a : extremely undesirable : unacceptable. b : extremely awkward or difficult to deal with the actor was impossible on the set.

    Where is the headquarter of UNO situated?

    The office of the United Nations in Geneva is the European headquarters of the UN, the other headquarters being in New York.

    Where is Google headoffice?

    Mountain View, CA

    Who is the highest paid CEO in the world?

    World’s top 5 highest paid CEOs of 2020

    1. Elon Musk – $595.3 million. Elon Musk also criticized the way most companies are run.
    2. Tim Cook – $133.7 million.
    3. Thomas Rutledge – $116.9 million.
    4. Joseph Ianniello – $116.6 million.
    5. Sumit Singh – $108.2 million.

    Which country is best for unskilled workers?

    Although the United States is usu- ally the reference country where greater wage dif- ferentials help reduce unemployment of the low- skilled, low-wage workers as compared, for example to Germany, it is Sweden where the employment chances of the unskilled are best, followed by Switzerland, Portugal and Norway.

    What is the lowest paying salary?

    Lowest-Paying Jobs In America 2020

    • Dishwashers; $23.6K median annual income.
    • Restaurant Hosts and Hostesses; $23.7K median annual income.
    • Fast Food Workers; $24K median annual income.
    • Laundry Dry-Cleaning Workers; $25.5K median annual income.
    • Maids; $25.5K median annual income.
    • Childcare Workers; $25.7K median annual income.

    What jobs pay 50K a year without degree?

    Jobs that pay a $50K a year without a degree

    • Property manager.
    • Retail store manager.
    • Law enforcement officer.
    • Title examiner.
    • Web developer.
    • Fitness manager.
    • Hotel manager.
    • Pipe welder.

    headquarters — перевод на русский


    ‘Here would be headquarters for USFET…

    Здесь была штаб-квартира USFET —

    It will make ideal campaign headquarters for my siege of Lord Augustus.

    Во-первых, это идеальная штаб-квартира для осады лорда Огастеса…

    Ah, headquarters?


    But, sir… shouldn’t headquarters handle something like this?

    Разве не штаб-квартира занимается такими делами?

    Headquarters seem to have sent another killer here.

    ѕохоже, штаб-квартира послала к нам ещЄ одного киллера.

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    Voluntary messenger go to the regimental headquarters.

    Посыльный отправится в штаб полка.

    Send a man immediately to Brigade Headquarters

    Отправьте его немедленно в штаб бригады

    — This was their headquarters.

    -Они разместили в доме штаб.

    I’d like to turn him over to headquarters.

    — Я хочу привести его в штаб.

    Later on it became headquarters for the storm troopers.

    Позднее штурмовики устроили в нем свой штаб.

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    — We’re going to headquarters.

    — В управление.

    — We’re going down to headquarters.

    — Так, все едут в управление.

    Our picture shows them on their way to the police headquarters following an invitation from the Marshal.

    На нашем фото они на пути в управление полиции, по приглашению начальника полиции.

    Macky, did we sneak into the police headquarters?

    Мэки, мы прокрались в управление полиции? Ха, прокрались!

    Police headquarters, please.

    Алло, полицейское управление, пожалуйста.

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    You must come to the police headquarters.

    Вы должны прийти в главное управление полиции.

    Hello, Police Headquarters?

    Алло, Главное управление полиции?

    The Headquarters desk is the 24-hour nerve center.

    Главное управление — круглосуточный мозговой центр.

    Hello, Headquarters?

    Алло, главное управление?

    In the brain there’s the central headquarters, it decides

    В мозге главное управление.

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    Я отведу его в участок.

    Come to headquarters.

    Пошёл в участок.

    — Police headquarters?

    — Полицейский участок?

    Take me to the headquarters…

    В участок.

    He disappeared a week ago. This is more like a mortuary than police headquarters.

    Это больше похоже на морг, чем на полицейский участок.

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    Do you know what headquarters thinks of us?

    Знаешь, что Генштаб о нас думает?

    If it isn’t Shaw up our ass, it’s fucking headquarters.

    Если не Шо надирает нам зад, так чертов Генштаб.

    I don’t care what Headquarters says.

    Мне не важно, что говорит Генштаб.

    Headquarters confirmed it’s a female bomber.

    Генштаб подтвердил, что террорист – женщина.

    If word gets out that Hector and I were here, we’ll be on the next plane back to headquarters before Clare’s in the ground.

    Если всплывет то, что мы с Гектором были здесь, то нас первым самолетом отправят в Генштаб еще до того, как Клэр похоронят.

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    There was an anomaly alert a few months ago at her headquarters.

    У неё в офисе несколько месяцев назад был сигнал об аномалии.

    Large chemical manufacturer Venus Gate and their CEO Vega are holding a press conference at the company headquarters.

    Президент ведущей корпорации в области химии Venus Gate на пресс-конференции в офисе Vegas объявил об удивительном проекте.

    At our dc headquarters, here on the navy yard.

    В нашем Вашингтонском офисе, здесь, на верфи.

    Soit’stimefor you to visit Joanna Coles at Marie Claire’s headquarters.

    Вам пора навестить Джоан в офисе Мэри Клер.

    Lily and I paid her a visit at the new World Wide News headquarters.

    Я и Лили навестили ее в новом офисе World Wide News.

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    They’d have some letterhead that would say Amalgamated Widget on the top in some goofy, maybe a script typeface, above Amalgamated Widget it would have an engraving showing their headquarters in Paducah, Iowa, with smokestacks belching smoke

    У них был какой-нибудь фирменный бланк, с названием Amalgamated Widget вверху выполненный в каком-то дурацком, возможно, рукописном шрифте над Amalgamated Widget была гравировка, изображающая их главный офис в городе Падьюка (Айова), с дымоходами, клубами дыма

    His corporate headquarters are there,

    Там главный офис его фирмы

    Headquarters are notoriously unforgiving in all matters of transgression.

    И я всему виной. Главный офис печально известен строгостью к любого рода нарушениям.

    Headquarters might not be as diligent as you suppose.

    Главный офис может оказаться не таким старательным, как вы думаете.

    I suspect that everyone at headquarters knows what an honourable and trustworthy postmistress Dorcas Lane is.

    Подозреваю, весь главный офис знает, как достойна и как заслуживает доверия начальница почты Доркас Лэйн.

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    Well, couldn’t you get reassigned there to your headquarters or something?

    Ты не мог бы получить назначение в ваш головной офис?

    Inthatcase,don ‘tattack the bank headquarters.

    В таком случае, не нападайте на головной офис.

    I need you to go down to headquarters.

    Нужно чтоб вы отправились в головной офис.

    I’m headquarters.

    Головной офис — это я.

    Well, Mr. Brooks would rather have his headquarters in San Vicente.

    Мистер Брукс предпочёл бы головной офис в Сан-Висенте.

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    The pawnshop «Lombard» is the headquarters.

    Залоговая контора «Ломбард» — это центр.

    That report was sent to headquarters and disappeared.

    Его переслали в Центр, а там он исчез.

    Did you shut your eyes to the traffic, or the crowd… or to every financial headquarters in Asia?

    ВЫ ЧТО НЕ ПОНИМЗЕТЕ КЗКОЕ ТЗМ ДВИЖЕНИЕ, СКОЛЬКО ТЗМ НЗХОДИТСЯ ЛЮДЕЙ… Это же самый центр банковского дела в Азии?

    Haejoo, fax this to headquarters

    Эджу, отправь это по факсу в центр!

    We’re going to the world modeling headquarters.

    Мы отправляемся в центр мировой моды.

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