Is handsomer a word

Предложения со словом «handsomer»

It was handsomer to me than all the rosy tan from Coronado to Del Monte.

Для меня этот бледный огонь был красивей всех румяных загаров со всех океанских пляжей.

It was a beautiful beard and if I do say it myself, neither Jeb Stuart nor Nathan Bedford Forrest had a handsomer one.

Да, да, первоклассная борода, и уж если я говорю это сам, значит, можете мне поверить: ни борода Джефа Стюарта, ни борода Натана Бедфорда Форреста не шли ни в какое сравнение с моей.

Now, don’t you think the lad would be handsomer cropped?

Тебе не кажется, что мальчонку хорошо бы остричь?

Do you not think that the dress of those cavaliers whom we have just seen is far handsomer than yours and mine?

Вы не находите, — раздумчиво заговорил архидьякон, — что одежда всадников, которых мы только что видели, гораздо красивее и вашей и моей?

There was a cunning calculation under this noisy joking-a cool resolve to extract something the handsomer from Bulstrode as payment for release from this new application of torture.

За шумным каскадом шуток скрывался тонкий расчет — Рафлс хладнокровно ожидал, когда банкир, стремясь избавиться от своего мучителя, выбросит ему изрядный куш.

He will be marquis some day, and there is no denying that she would make a good marchioness: she looks handsomer than ever in her mourning.

Его когда — нибудь сделают маркизом, и никто не может отрицать, что из миссис Кейсобон получится образцовая маркиза: в трауре она еще красивей , чем всегда.

Then let it be many Sundays, he cried recklessly, while she thought that she had never seen him looking handsomer .

Тогда пусть их будет много! — с жаром воскликнул он; а Дид подумала, что никогда еще его мужественное лицо не нравилось ей так, как в эту минуту.

We shall not find it easy to get rid of that young fellow, said Blondet to Rastignac, when he saw Lucien come in handsomer than ever, and uncommonly well dressed.

От него мы легко не отделаемся, — сказал Блонде Растиньяку, увидев входящего в гостиную Люсьена, прекрасного, как никогда, и восхитительно одетого.

He says, No, and then she grabs the chair and goes sits next to a much younger, much handsomer-looking man.

Он говорит: Нет, и затем она берет стул и относит его поближе к мужчине, намного моложе, намного красивее .

But he looked handsomer than I had seen him look for many a day.

Но я давно уже не видела его таким красивым , как в этот день.

‘But there are several other handsome , rich young men in the world: handsomer , possibly, and richer than he is.

Но есть и другие красивые , богатые молодые люди на свете — может быть, даже богаче его и красивей .

She looks to me thirty-seven times younger and handsomer than she was six years ago.

Она кажется мне раз в тридцать моложе и красивее , нежели шесть лет назад.

And am I not a hundred times better thus? cried Eugenie, smoothing the scattered curls of her hair, which had now quite a masculine appearance; and do you not think me handsomer so?

А разве так не во сто раз лучше? — воскликнула Эжени, приглаживая свои короткие кудри. — И разве, по — твоему, я так не красивее ?

The kingdom never bore a handsomer child.

Он был самым красивым ребёнком во всём королевстве.

Crossword clues for handsomer

The Collaborative International Dictionary


Handsome Hand»some (h[a^]n»s[u^]m; 277), a. [Compar.
Handsomer (-[~e]r); superl. Handsomest.] [Hand + -some.
It at first meant, dexterous; cf. D. handzaam dexterous,
ready, limber, manageable, and E. handy.]

  1. Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready; convenient; — applied
    to things as persons. [Obs.]

    That they [engines of war] be both easy to be
    carried and handsome to be moved and turned about.


    For a thief it is so handsome as it may seem it was
    first invented for him.

  2. Agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a
    pleasing appearance or expression; attractive; having
    symmetry and dignity; comely; — expressing more than
    pretty, and less than beautiful; as, a handsome man or
    woman; a handsome garment, house, tree, horse.

  3. Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease;
    graceful; becoming; appropriate; as, a handsome style,

    Easiness and handsome address in writing.

  4. Evincing a becoming generosity or nobleness of character;
    liberal; generous.

    Handsome is as handsome does.
    —Old Proverb.

  5. Ample; moderately large.

    He . . . accumulated a handsome sum of money.

    To do the handsome thing, to act liberally. [Colloq.]

    Syn: Handsome, Pretty.

    Usage: Pretty applies to things comparatively small, which
    please by their delicacy and grace; as, a pretty girl,
    a pretty flower, a pretty cottage. Handsome rises
    higher, and is applied to objects on a larger scale.
    We admire what is handsome, we are pleased with what
    is pretty. The word is connected with hand, and has
    thus acquired the idea of training, cultivation,
    symmetry, and proportion, which enters so largely into
    our conception of handsome. Thus Drayton makes mention
    of handsome players, meaning those who are well
    trained; and hence we speak of a man’s having a
    handsome address, which is the result of culture; of a
    handsome horse or dog, which implies well proportioned
    limbs; of a handsome face, to which, among other
    qualities, the idea of proportion and a graceful
    contour are essential; of a handsome tree, and a
    handsome house or villa. So, from this idea of
    proportion or suitableness, we have, with a different
    application, the expressions, a handsome fortune, a
    handsome offer.



a. (context obsolete English) (en-comparative of: handsome)

Usage examples of «handsomer».

A rich strong expressive affection in short pounced upon her in the shape of a handsomer, ampler, older Mrs.

Those that I do know, the gods and goddesses who have been most involved in the fighting at Troy, stand out in the crowd like movie stars at a meeting of minor politicians, but even the least of these gods is taller, stronger, handsomer, and more perfect than any human movie star I remember from my other life.

Now the people passing were suddenly all nude, and certainly the booth made handsomer nudists of them than nature.

He said that instruction would do, and he was not only, younger and handsomer, but he was fresher from the schools than old Harrington, who, even the lady sketchers could see, painted in an obsolescent manner.

I had the portrait in the interior of a gold snuff-box, but I had never shewn it to Esther for fear she should think Manon handsomer than herself, and conclude that I only shewd it her out of vanity.

The younger sister, who was by far the handsomer of the two, afterwards became the wife of Prince Gonzaga Solferino.

In the evening everyone in our circle, being well aware of what had happened, complimented me, and assured me that nothing could be handsomer than my new head-dress.

Blifil, who, besides that he is come of honest parents, and will be one of the greatest squires all hereabouts, he is to be sure, in my poor opinion, a more handsomer and a more politer man by half.

If he were a little handsomer he would sufficiently reproduce for me the Chauncey Depew of the great New England dinner nights of some years ago.

The shiners, pouts, and perch also, and indeed all the fishes which inhabit this pond, are much cleaner, handsomer, and firmer-fleshed than those in the river and most other ponds, as the water is purer, and they can easily be distinguished from them.


Handsome is always a compliment, an admiring way of describing someone, although it’s sometimes used as a way to describe a woman who’s not conventionally attractive but is still interesting-looking. You can use it to describe an object as well as a person, in which case you are most likely talking about something that’s really well-made, or of an obviously high quality, like a particularly handsome oak dining-room table. Occasionally, people talk about a handsome amount of money or a handsome number of votes; this is a generally admiring way of describing almost anything.

Word story – handsome

handsome (adjective) – having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance
Definition – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Значение прилагательного handsome

Прилагательное handsome употребляется в значении «привлекательный», «хорошо сложенный и хорошо выглядящий», и, как правило, намекает на уравновешенность, достоинство и силу.

Сегодня handsome чаще используется по отношению к мужчинам, (иногда и к предметам), чем к женщинам, хотя так было не всегда. В 19 и начале 20 века handsome применялось почти в равной степени к обоим полам. Handsome предполагает приятный внешний вид, правильные пропорции, достоинство и вкус.

Вот пример из романа английской писательницы викторианской эпохи Элизабет Гаскелл.

And there was Bessy Witter as would ha’ given her eyes for him; she as is Mrs Carson now, for she were a handsome lass, although I never could see her beauty then; and Carson warn’t so much above her, as they’re both above us all now.
Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton, 1848

Мы так привыкли к современному значению слова handsome, что редко задумываемся о значении, с которым это слово пришло в английский язык.

Появившееся в начале 15 века прилагательное handsome образовано от существительного hand и суффикса -some. Первое значение слова – easy to handle, ready at hand, «легкий в обращении; находящийся под рукой».

К середине 16 века значение слова расширилось до «подходящий по размеру, форме и условиям», а к 1580 годам handsome стало использоваться в значении «имеющий прекрасную форму, красивый, приятный для глаз». Примерно через 100 лет слово приобрело еще одно значение – «щедрый, благородный».

Гарриет Мартино, английская писательница, которая занималась социологией и экономикой, а также популяризировала экономическую науку с помощью рассказов, имевших в свое время колоссальный успех, обратила особое внимание на употребление слова handsome и его производных в своей работе «Общество в Америке».

[Americans] use the word «handsome» much more extensively than we do: saying that Webster made a handsome speech in the Senate: that a lady talks handsomely, (eloquently:) that a book sells handsomely. A gentleman asked me on the Catskill Mountain, whether I thought the sun handsomer there than at New York.
Harriet Martineau, Society in America, 1837

Варианты перевода handsome


Произношение прилагательного handsome

handsome [ˈhæn.səm]

Примеры употребления прилагательного handsome

He was a handsome man, in a big-screen way, with the deep-set eyes and boyish smile and even the lumpy, interesting complexion of a Harrison Ford or a Robert Redford.
Adam Gopnik, New Yorker, 10 May 2004

An Alexandrian statue of a ruggedly handsome man with gaunt features like Caesar’s exploits the translucent glow of large-grained marble from the distant Greek island of Thasos, combining Roman attention to the texture of aging skin with the abstract elegance of Egyptian-style almond eyes and chiseled cheekbones.
Ingrid D. Rowland, New Republic, 1 & 8 April 2002

The Galaxy’s first stop, St. Lucia’s capital city of Castries, has been destroyed by so many fires that travel writers dismiss it as holding little interest. There I came upon a handsome three-story brick building that had clearly withstood the city’s century of conflagrations. It was, of all things, a Carnegie Library, built by that American millionaire’s beneficence in 1916.
Carla Davidson, American Heritage, November 1999

Up until the end, Richard Gere is never much more than a handsome guy with a lot of money.
cleveland, 10 March 2022

Фото: Mens wear photo created by halayalex

Asked by: Norris Gorczany

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(52 votes)

The quality of being handsome.

Is handsomeness a real word?

Having stately or attractive proportions or appearance; impressive: a handsome manor; a sleek, handsome car.

What does the word handsomeness mean?

having an attractive, well-proportioned, and imposing appearance suggestive of health and strength; good-looking: a handsome man;a handsome woman. having pleasing proportions, relationships, or arrangements, as of shapes, forms, or colors; attractive: a handsome house;a handsome interior.

What is plural of handsome?

handsome handsomer handsomest Adjective Positive Comparative Superlative handsome handsomes handsome’s handsomes’ Noun Singular Plural.

What’s another word for handsomeness?

Some common synonyms of handsome are beautiful, comely, fair, lovely, and pretty.

41 related questions found

What do you call a guy besides cute?


  • attractive.
  • bonny.
  • comely.
  • easy on the eyes.
  • fine-looking.
  • good-looking.
  • gorgeous.
  • handsome.

Can you call a guy Beautiful?

Yeah, beautiful is not a good word for a guy. I might joke around with a friend by saying “you are a beautiful man!” but it usually doesn’t come through as a compliment since it’s not very masculine. Attractive, sexy and handsome are all fine. Men definitely like to hear they’re good looking.

Can a girl be called handsome?

Answer. Yes, you can use the adjective handsome for women. While handsome is more often used for men, women can also be called handsome. When a woman is described as handsome, it suggests that she is very good-looking, and also healthy and strong.

What does a hansom mean?

: a light 2-wheeled covered carriage with the driver’s seat elevated behind.

Can a man be beautiful?

Of course not. Beautiful also can be used to describe masculine beauty. A man can be as beautiful as a sunset or a waterfall. And this word is stronger than pretty or handsome.

Is handsomeness a noun?

HANDSOMENESS (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Who is handsome in BTS?

BTS V tops the list of The Most Handsome Man in the World 2021. According to the Nubia Magazine, the popular BTS member, V, also known as Kim Taehyung has topped the list of ‘The Most Handsome Man in the World’.

Who is the most handsome guy in the world?

TheTealMango announced Top 7 Most Handsome Men In The World in 2021

  • Kim Tae Young (BTS V) Country: South Korea. Age: 25. …
  • Hrithik Roshan. Country: India. Age: 47. …
  • Robert Pattinson. Country: England. Age: 35. …
  • Brad Pitt. Country: America. Age: 57. …
  • Tom Cruise. Country: America. Age: 59. …
  • Omar Borkan Al Gala. Country: Iraq. …
  • Chris Evans.

How do you use handsomeness in a sentence?

handsomeness in a sentence

  1. What has handsomeness to do with a full set of teeth?
  2. I inherited his resolve and his disease, but not his handsomeness.
  3. Marty was an ex-boxer with a dark-haired swarthy handsomeness.
  4. But his handsomeness is also seen as a danger, especially by Flo.

Is Beautifulness a word?

noun The quality of being beautiful ; beauty .

Is allurement a word?

1. The power or quality of attracting: allure, appeal, attraction, attractiveness, call, charisma, charm, draw, enchantment, enticement, fascination, glamour, lure, magnetism, witchery.

Can a hansom be handsome?

The word handsome begins with «h» so always takes an «a». The most common use of the word is to mean good looking, as in a handsome man. A similar word is «hansom», an old-fashioned word for a taxi cab: «a hansom cab» or just «a hansom».

What do you mean by undisguised?

(ʌndɪsgaɪzd ) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] If you describe someone’s feelings as undisguised, you mean that they show them openly and do not make any attempt to hide them.

What means growler?

1 : one that growls. 2 : a container (such as a can or pitcher) for beer bought by the measure. 3 : a small iceberg.

Who is the No 1 beautiful woman in the world?

1. Bella Hadid. Based on the recent report provided by “Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi,” Bella Hadid is considered the most sexiest and beautiful woman with presentable facial features.

What is the female version of handsome?

The feminine equivalent to (usually, facetious) «Hey, handsome!» is… «Hey, gorgeous!» Pretty or beautiful are the most common words. Handsome can be used for women, but is somewhat old-fashioned.

What makes a man beautiful?

A great man is considered physically attractive when they are compassionate, caring, and loving. If they would make a good father or lifelong companion, these define the qualities of a great man.

What names can I call my boyfriend?

Cute Nicknames For Boyfriends

  • Good-looking.
  • Handsome.
  • Stud.
  • Prince Charming.
  • Boo.
  • Casanova.
  • Knight In Shining Armor.
  • Bugs.

What can I say instead of cute?

synonyms for cute

  • adorable.
  • beautiful.
  • charming.
  • delightful.
  • pleasant.
  • pretty.
  • dainty.

How do guys feel about being called Daddy?

Do Guys Like When You Call Them Daddy? Men love being called daddy because it means that they are more powerful and more dominant, it charges their ego and that makes them feel more strong and more of an alpha men. 2. … Most individual utilize the moniker daddy as a bad term in a cooperative and powerful affiliation.

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