Is hail storm one word

Hail Storm is spelled as one word which is hailstorm.

The correct way to spell hail storm is hailstorm.

Hailstorms are when hail comes down in the storm instead of just rain.

Hail forms when a thunderstorm updraft lifts a water droplet above the freezing level in the atmosphere.

The frozen water droplet then accretes super-cooled water or water vapor, which freezes once it comes in contact with the frozen droplet.

This process causes a hailstone to grow.

Hailstorms caused more than 30% of all insured damages inflicted as a result of natural disasters in Australia during this period, and around three quarters of all hailstorm damage has occurred in New South Wales.

The worst hailstorm in the world was the the hailstorm occurring near Moradabad, India, on 30 April, 1888.

This hail event is said to have killed as many as 246 people with hailstones as large as ‘goose eggs and oranges’ and cricket balls.

Hail is a type of precipitation, or water in the atmosphere.

Hail is formed when drops of water freeze together in the cold upper regions of thunderstorm clouds.

These chunks of ice are called hailstones.

Most hailstones measure between 5 millimeters and 15 centimeters in diameter, and can be round or jagged.

  • 1
    hail storm

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hail storm

  • 2
    hail storm

    Англо-русский морской словарь > hail storm

  • 3
    hail storm

    English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > hail storm

  • 4
    hail storm

    English-Russian marine dictionary > hail storm

  • 5
    hail-storm cloud

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hail-storm cloud

  • 6
    (a) freezing hail storm

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) freezing hail storm

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    буря, гроза, ураган, шторм, шквал

    The ship finally rode out the storm. — Корабль благополучно перенес шторм.

    A storm of wind and rain was raging the whole night. — Ураганный ветер с дождем бушевал всю ночь.

    We were caught in the storm. — Мы попали в грозу.

    The fishermen were warned of the coming storm. — Рыбаки были оповещены о надвигающемся шторме.

    A storm in a teacup/in a puddle. — Буря в стакане воды

    magnetic storm

    — winter storm
    — wind storm
    — summer storm

    rain storm

    — freezing hail storm
    — cyclonic storm
    — thunder storm
    — blinding snow storm
    — howling wind storm
    — gathering storm
    — storm clouds
    — storm signals
    — storm epicentre
    — storm of bullets
    — storm of protests
    — storm of laughter
    — storm of applause
    — storm on the sea
    — storm of hail
    — eye of the storm
    — shelter from the storm
    — in the height of the storm
    — be caught in the storm
    — be overtaken by the storm
    — be wrecked in a storm at sea
    — escape the storm
    — face the storm
    — predict a storm
    — raise a storm of tears
    — resist the storm
    — ride out a storm
    — stand the storm
    — threaten a storm
    — survive the storm
    — storm began to rise

    — storm keeps up
    — storm is over

    calm that precedes a storm

    — furious storm is blowing
    — bridge fell in the storm
    — storm came on all of a sudden

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > storm

  • 8

    1) град

    2) оклик

    3) окликать (судно)

    Англо-русский морской словарь > hail

  • 9

    1. n буря, гроза, ураган

    2. n метеор. ураган

    3. n мор. шторм

    4. n взрыв, град, буря

    5. n сильное волнение, смятение

    6. n воен. штурм, приступ

    7. n физ. ионосферное возмущение

    8. v бушевать, свирепствовать

    9. v кричать, горячиться, ругаться, буйствовать

    10. v стремительно нестись, проноситься

    11. v воен. брать приступом, штурмовать

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. barrage (noun) barrage; bombardment; broadside; burst; cannonade; drumfire; fusillade; hail; salvo; shower; volley

    3. commotion (noun) bustle; chaos; clamor; clatter; commotion; convulsion; disturbance; hassle; hubbub; hurly-burly; hysteria; lather; moil; outbreak; pother; rowdydow; ruction; strife; to-do; tow-row; tumult; turbulence; turmoil; upheaval; uproar; violence; whirl; whoopla

    4. tempest (noun) blizzard; cyclone; gale; hailstorm; hurricane; sirocco; snowstorm; squall; tempest; thunderstorm; tornado

    5. attack (verb) aggress; assail; assault; attack; beset; besiege; charge; fall on; fall upon; go at; have at; hit; rush; sail in; strike

    6. blow (verb) blow; bluster; hail; howl; rain; roar; snow; squall

    7. rage (verb) complain; fume; rage; rampage; rant; rave

    Антонимический ряд:

    calm; peace; placidity; reason; retreat; serenity; silence; stillness; tranquility

    English-Russian base dictionary > storm

  • 10

    1. n град

    2. n поток, град, множество

    3. v идти

    4. v сыпаться градом

    5. v осыпать градом

    6. n оклик; приветствие

    7. n расстояние, в пределах которого слышен оклик

    8. v окликать; привлекать внимание окликом

    9. v мор. переговариваться сигналами; окликать

    10. v приветствовать

    all hail — приветствую тебя !, здравствуй!

    11. v провозглашать

    12. v мор. быть приписанным, идти

    13. v быть родом

    14. int привет!, здравствуй!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. barrage (noun) barrage; bombardment; broadside; burst; cannonade; drumfire; fusillade; salvo; shower; storm; volley

    2. icy precipitation (noun) frozen rain; golf balls; hailstorm; ice balls; icy particles; icy precipitation; sleet

    4. praise (verb) acclaim; applaud; celebrate; commend; compliment; eulogise; exalt; extol; glorify; honor; honour; kudize; laud; magnify; praise; recognise; recognize; recommend; venerate

    5. speak to (verb) accost; address; call to; cheer; greet; salute; signal; speak to; summon; wave at; welcome

    Антонимический ряд:

    belittle; dismiss

    English-Russian base dictionary > hail

  • 11



    2) поток, град

    The victim was hit by a hail of bullets. — Жертву изрешетили градом пуль.

    The police were met with a hail of stones and petrol bombs. — Полиция была встречена градом камней и зажигательными бомбами.



    it hails, it is hailing — идёт град

    2) сыпаться градом; осыпать градом

    Walter hail’d a score of names upon her. — Уолтер засыпал её двумя десятками имён.





    а) звать, окликать

    Jim saw him and hailed him. — Джим увидел его и окликнул.

    3) провозглашать, называть

    to hail smb. emperor — провозглашать кого-л. императором

    Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation. — Фолкнер был провозглашён лучшим американским романистом своего времени.


    4) происходить, быть родом

    The band hail from Glasgow. — Это группа музыкантов из Глазго.

    This is a film which seems to hail from the hippie era. — Похоже, что это фильм из времён хиппи.



    1) приветствие, возгласы приветствия; оклик

    I could hear hails coming and going between the old buccaneer and his comrades. — Я мог слышать, как старый пират и его товарищи приветствовали друг друга.



    Англо-русский современный словарь > hail

  • 12

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > hail

  • 13

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > storm

  • 14
    (a) storm of hail

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) storm of hail

  • 15

    1. n дождь со снегом; мокрый снег, крупа

    2. n ледяная корка, гололёд

    3. v идти

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. frozen rain (noun) frozen rain; hail; hail storm; ice; ice storm; icy precipitation; icy rain

    2. drop (verb) deposit; drop; hail; precipitate; rain; snow; throw down

    English-Russian base dictionary > sleet

  • 16

    ̈ɪˈʃəuə I сущ.
    1) тот, кто показывает;
    2) животное, демонстрирующее на выставке свои качества II
    1. сущ.
    1) а) ливень, ливневый дождь April shower ≈ внезапный ливень heavy shower ≈ сильный ливень passing showers ≈ проходящие дожди rain shower ≈ дождь scattered showers ≈ моросящие дожди thunder shower ≈ дождь с громом Syn: downpour, cloud-burst б) обильные атмосферные осадки (снег, дождь, град) в) дождь (о потоке частиц из космоса) meteor shower ≈ звездный дождь;
    метеорный дождь г) физ. поток (электронов) д) австрал. пыльная буря Syn: dust-storm
    2) душ;
    душевая to have брит., take a shower ≈ принимать душ shower pan, shower tray ≈ душевой поддон shower room ≈ душевая (комната) shower cubicle, амер. shower stall ≈ душевая кабина Syn: shower-bath, douche
    3) а) поток (слез) to make showers ≈ плакать, рыдать Syn: weep б) поэт. поток ( света, звуков) в) сл. толпа Syn: rabble I, crowd
    1. г) множество, ‘град’ ( пуль, вопросов)
    2. гл.
    1) литься ливнем (out) ;
    пролиться сильным дождем It showered all afternoon. ≈ Весь день шел сильный дождь.
    2) литься потоком, сыпаться (напр., о слезах, искрах, пыли и т.д.)
    3) а) изливать, выливать;
    забрасывать to shower rotten eggs ≈ забросать тухлыми яйцами б) задарить( подарками, милостями и т.д.) to shower gifts upon smb. ≈ забросать подарками, задарить
    4) а) орошать, поливать to shower plants ≈ полить растения Syn: water
    2. б) усыпать, усеивать (напр., блестками, цветами и т.д.)
    5) принять душ I shaved and showered and dressed. ≈ Я побрился, принял душ и оделся.
    ливень — to be overtaken by a * попасть под проливной дождь обильное выпадение( снега, града) — * of rain дождь, ливень — * of hail град, выпадение града — * of sleet мокрый снег — * of sparks сноп искр — * of meteors, meteor * (астрономия) метеорный поток( физическое) ливень космических лучей, космический ливень душ (тж. * bath) — * room душевая — * stall (американизм) душевая кабина обилие, множество — * of tears потоки слез — * of dust туча пыли — * of arrows град стрел — letters come in *s письма сыплются как из рога изобилия преим. (американизм) прием гостей в доме невесты с преподнесением свадебных подарков осыпать, забрасывать (тж. * up) — to * stones (up) on smb. забрасывать кого-либо камнями — to * bullets (up) on smb. осыпать кого-либо градом пуль — to * letters (up) on smb. бомбардировать кого-либо письмами — to * gifts (up) on smb. задаривать кого-либо, засыпать кого-либо подарками — to * smb. with honours оказывать кому-либо всевозможные почести литься ливнем;
    быть сильным (о граде, снеге) — it is *ing (дождь) льет как из ведра, идет сильный ливень литься (ручьями) ;
    сыпаться (градом) — tears * from her yeys слезы ручьем текут у нее из глаз поливать, орошать;
    брызгать — to * rain upon the fields напоить поля дождем — to * spray over smb., to * smb. with spray обрызгать кого-либо брызгами принять душ — he *ed он принял душ экспонент
    ~ осыпать;
    to be showered with telegrams быть засыпанным телеграммами;
    to shower stones (upon smb.) забросать (кого-л.) камнями
    shower град (пуль, вопросов) ~ душ ~ ливень;
    a shower of hail град ~ лить(ся) ливнем ~ осыпать;
    to be showered with telegrams быть засыпанным телеграммами;
    to shower stones (upon smb.) забросать (кого-л.) камнями ~ поливать, орошать ~ физ. поток (электронов) ~ принять душ ~ тот, кто показывает ~ экспонент
    ~ ливень;
    a shower of hail град
    ~ осыпать;
    to be showered with telegrams быть засыпанным телеграммами;
    to shower stones (upon smb.) забросать (кого-л.) камнями

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > shower

  • 17

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > volley

  • 18

    1. n ружейный огонь

    2. n расстрел

    3. v обстреливать

    4. v расстреливать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. barrage (noun) barrage; bombardment; broadside; burst; cannonade; drumfire; hail; salvo; shower; storm; volley

    English-Russian base dictionary > fusillade

  • 19

    1. n ливень

    2. n обильное выпадение

    3. n физ. ливень космических лучей, космический ливень

    4. n душ

    5. n обилие, множество

    6. v осыпать, забрасывать

    7. v литься ливнем; быть сильным

    8. v литься; сыпаться

    9. v поливать, орошать; брызгать

    10. v принять душ

    11. n экспонент

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. barrage (noun) barrage; bombardment; broadside; burst; cannonade; drumfire; fusillade; hail; salvo; storm; volley

    2. bathing (noun) bath; bathing; cleanliness; locker room; sauna; shower bath; shower room; shower stall; sponge bath

    4. rain (noun) deluge; downpour; drizzle; light rainfall; mist; rain; rain flurry; sprinkle; thundershower; torrent

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > shower

  • 20

    1. n взрыв; разрыв

    2. n воен. шквал огня; огневой налёт

    3. n очередь огня

    4. n взрыв, вспышка

    5. n прорыв

    6. n спорт. бросок в беге, рывок

    7. n спорт. спурт

    8. n разг. попойка, пьянка; пьяный разгул

    9. n книжн. внезапное возникновение

    10. n астр. всплеск или вспышка излучения

    11. n вчт. пакет

    burst mode — монопольный режим, пакетный режим

    12. v взрываться, разрываться

    13. v взрывать

    14. v лопаться, прорываться

    15. v надорваться

    16. v разрывать; прорывать

    17. v прорываться, пробиваться

    18. v врываться

    19. v внезапно вспыхнуть, разразиться

    20. v быть переполненным

    21. v переполнять

    22. v разг. сорвать, провалить

    23. v разг. потерпеть крах, провалиться

    24. v разг. разориться

    25. v разг. книжн. внезапно появиться

    26. v разг. неожиданно сломаться; треснуть, надломиться

    27. v разг. неожиданно сломать; надломить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. bang (noun) bang; blast; boom; clap; crack; crash; roar; slam; smash; thunder; wham

    2. barrage (noun) barrage; bombardment; broadside; cannonade; discharge; drumfire; fusillade; hail; round; salvo; shower; storm; volley

    3. fit (noun) access; blast; blowout; blow-out; blowup; blow-up; detonation; eruption; explosion; fit; flare; flare-up; gust; outbreak; outburst; outpouring; rush; sally; spurt; torrent

    5. break (verb) break; erupt; fissure; rend; tear

    7. exploded (verb) blew up/blown up; detonated; exploded; mushroomed; went off/gone off

    8. fire (verb) blast; blew; blow out; blow up; crack; detonate; explode; fire; go off; mushroom; popped; split; touch off

    9. pierce (verb) penetrate; perforate; pierce; prick; puncture

    11. plunged (verb) dived or dove/dived; drove/driven; lunged; pitched; plunged

    12. shatter (verb) fragment; rive; shatter; shiver; smash; splinter; splinterize; splitter

    13. shattered (verb) fragmented; rived/riven; shattered; shivered; smashed; splintered

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > burst

  • hailstorm

    November 20th, 2018
    | 40 Entries

    40 Entries for “hailstorm”

    1. another hailstorm but we just missed it, we keep missing them but one day you just know we’re gonna be out and get caught in it and the umbrella will be useless and we’ll get wet but why doeas it matter so much that we miss the hailstorm, why does it matter if we get soaked. Maybe if we do, we’ll feel more alive.

    2. One night i was walking down an alley, suddenly it started to rain, i didnt quite mind it, but it started to get worse, i was already on my way so i had to keep going, but it got worse as time went by.

      By rodrigo on 11.20.2018

    3. Luckily, as we were driving up the mountain, none of the hell stories told about the weather came into fruition. There was no heavy rain. There was no hailstorm. There was no blizzard or flurry or even one speck of snow. Sure, it was cold, but I enjoyed that. I enjoyed seeing my breath float in front of me like a new, ghostly friend. I enjoyed the look of the cabin we stayed at – like something out of a fairy tale, or a picture book from the 1800s.

      By Belinda Roddie URL on 11.20.2018

    4. there was a big hailstorm that broke tons of windows and cars and lots of other things in my town it was bad no one got hurt but pople were super cold

      By aidanmowry URL on 11.20.2018

    5. hailstorm drumming my haircut plastered flat to my scalp, coiled heavy locks and dripping hairpins splashing my shoes, they are ruined and they’re so new, the sky is deep and gray.

      By Fred Fingery URL on 11.20.2018

    6. I don’t believe in God(s).
      I don’t believe in ghosts.
      I don’t believe in Bigfoot.
      I don’t believe in crystals.
      I don’t believe in Witchcraft.
      I don’t believe in a flat Earth.
      I don’t believe conspiracy theories.
      I don’t believe in demon possession.
      Or Astrology…unleash the hailstorm.

      By Pudding Pop URL on 11.20.2018

    7. it’s a cold day in hell if i won’t think about these days
      in a future where my past is a frozen contemplate
      is there a better moment gone as i ruminate the change
      the weary hailstorm is the warmest all the same

      By matt m on 11.20.2018

    8. There was a hailstorm developing in the north, showers were passing through this afternoon, however tonight will be a torrential downpour that could bring hail the size of golf balls.

      By Connor on 11.21.2018

    9. It felt like I hailstorm but the brightly colored pellets hitting the ground and my face were definitely not hail. As I continued to be assaulted by the sky’s diarrhea, I knelt and picked one up. Licked it.

      Jelly beans.

      They’re jelly beans.

      By Abby Jelly on 11.21.2018

    10. Thundering down,
      Nipping frozen skin
      creating slight bruises
      banging windows, bouncing
      off grounds.

      By canwebevampires on 11.21.2018

    11. The mountain tops rumbled as the first flutters of snow cascaded down. No one expected the temperature to drop. The group’s throat heaved in chilled air awaiting the golf ball sized hail.

      By Kasandra on 11.21.2018

    12. the streaming of our collective consciousness
      interrupted by the static of confusion
      last lost of living in these progressively stranger days
      the hailstorm maelstrom of information
      no wonder we can’t procreate
      we don’t touch fingers abated

      By matt m on 11.21.2018

    13. I can sit around all day long and expect things to go smoothly, but ultimately – if a hailstorm comes, you can’t stop it. All you can do is sit and wait. take cover and wait. If you tried to stop what was inevitable, you only end up hurt. You have to accept what is coming, and take shelter when it is wise.

      By Rachel Morris on 11.21.2018

    14. angels playing with stones

      By Monica Rossi on 11.21.2018

    15. Why was it storming? Were you kidding?

      They just wanted to get home.

      Seriously, this was ridiculous.

      Their phone binged.

      “Careful out there. It’s pretty slippery.”

      They slipped.

      By Em on 11.21.2018

    16. Hailstorm: little white stones that fall from sky and hit caveman on head. Hurt caveman when fall and hit on head. not know why fall from sky and hit caveman on head. caveman will make hailstone stop fall from sky!
      Progress report: caveman make hailstones stop falling from sky. also, caveman see pigs fly.

      By David M. on 11.21.2018

    17. A hail storm is raging in Las Vegas today and is destroying cars and houses and windows.

      By Jesse Mowry on 11.21.2018

    18. Oh. this started.

      It was raining. Well, it was supposed to be raining. That’s what the weather report had said anyway. But that wasn’t what they got. What they got was ice. Large, hard, rock-solid balls of ice that shattered as they fell and made horrifying tapping noises on the windows. Ellen shivered listening to it.

      By Jasmine on 11.21.2018

    19. hailstorm puppy chow footprints in the muddy snowdrift, beams of headlight wobbling over the crystals, twinkling snow angles flutter and dance, the snow prints are hollow tubes of smoky cool.

      By Fred Fingery URL on 11.21.2018

    20. It is sunny, you feel good you can listen to the bird from your widow, woow what great flowers’ smell… you start dancing with your own; … you are optimist, motivated and every thing is good in this moment you believe that it’s the best because it’s all what you want!!
      After that you see a new flowers so you want to try it to your garden, you start your planning after that you see that the trees want also change its tree leaves because they are yellow… so you start your work to get something new suddenly you see the cloud in the sky there is no sun you feel cold, you continue your working hard to finish but this time you receive the wind from every side however you get your strength and you keep on because you really want it, after that it’s thunder and it start snowing, but you trust in yourself because you want to get what you want and you believe that you have to fight and be strong to pass all obstacles that you find in your dreams’ way as the ground do it resist hailstorm to get her beautiful dress after in the spring to enjoy with what it wants

      By Roumaissaa FERHI on 11.21.2018

    21. oh prem do you remember
      those summer days
      the memory fades
      i was playing basketball
      your lip was bleeding
      an ice pack pink stained
      and a hailstorm of lemonade
      the green eyed girl
      i had never seen before
      etched into my mind’s eye
      calling to me in my deep sighs
      there’s never been anything like this
      nothing quite like my mind’s eye
      nothing quite like your eye
      nothing quite like you and i

      By matt m on 11.21.2018

    22. there once was a hail storm and then a little baby Jesus came down and said “Hey ya’ll I am here! Pray for me”!

      By Evalee on 11.21.2018

    23. well, damn. It was supposed to be a simple launch with this rocket. The danger was supposed to be 10 miles up. But no. My ship is going to be destroyed by this insane hailstorm and sunk in the ocean minutes off the ground. Why did I become an astro…

      By Janet on 11.21.2018

    24. Heavy loud wet pelting pain bruised broken cleansed

      By Val Theroux on 11.21.2018

    25. so I listened to the ice stones hitting the tin roof like a staccato melody unchained!

      By Val Theroux on 11.21.2018

    26. the hail fell hard around my feet but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I looked at my lifted arms amazed at what i could do. But why hadn’t i been able to do it when i needed to. Desperately, i closed my fists and the hail stopped, water drops formed on my knuckles

      By Jessica Hewlett on 11.21.2018

    27. Looking out into the kitchen window. The lights on the apartment buildings lighting up the scenery. A flurry of snow and little rocks of ice. Tinkering on the top of the roof, the window pane and on cars.

      By km on 11.21.2018

    28. Big balls of ice pelted down on my head. Cracking my skull. Making me bleed. But was it just another hallucination from this bad booze and rotten ham. Nothing could be trusted these days. After all, just last week I imagined that large caterpillars had replaced my eyebrows and were doing laps around my face

      By Michel Zaidan URL on 11.21.2018

    29. there is neither poem nor prayer in this cold.

      By d on 11.21.2018

    30. staring at the dream of the consequent
      laughing at the reality
      as we defend the mediocrity
      why we take our time
      when there’s only the moments in between
      those breaths we pretend to take
      the hailstorm of drudgery is so pithy
      the yawning of the maw is so gaping
      while i’m never here although my body is
      i can’t remember why
      the sighs are so clean
      and explain more than
      i want them to

      By matt m on 11.22.2018

    31. heil, whoever
      this world is shit
      pontificating authoritarianism
      hailstorm abomination
      echoes from the past in the moment
      time is an abstraction it repeats again
      angst of a forgotten time
      is a quiet whisper
      hagiography graffiti
      spitting on our graves
      don’t you want this to happen now?

      By matt m on 11.22.2018

    32. hailstorm is a storm of heavy hail. it is composed of small ice that are heavily hitting the is transparent in color and very small

      By Agnes Pangilinan on 11.22.2018

    33. it is a storm of heavy hail. it is also composed of ice that are heavily hitting the ground and is transparent in color and very small

      By Agnes Pangilinan on 11.22.2018

    34. By boy boy URL on 11.22.2018

    35. “Another hailstorm struck this Summer, I guess I should be use to it by now. But I still find something about them eerie.”

      By Juliet on 11.22.2018

    36. There was a hailstorm. There hadn’t been one in years. It was horrible. The hail hit my delicate skin that was the color of ivory. I was actually getting small red spots.

      By Inno on 11.22.2018

    37. Well, I’m sure that I already wrote for this word in the last twenty-four hours, she thought to herself when she opened the webpage. But it’s a holiday, so the site runners might be a bit lazy today. So she glanced out the window, gathering her thoughts. It was a hailstorm coming towards her. Not outside, not literally, but figuratively.

      By Jasmine on 11.22.2018

    38. The roads certainly couldn’t be getting better, she thought peering through the glint of the fireplace on the window-pane. But they must be close, they’re certainly close.
      The rain poured down through the needles and boughs of the pine trees heavier and heavier, blocking out the moon. As the rain intensified, it brought along with it darkness.
      Suddenly, from the wood of the deck, she heard it start. Tinc-tinc at first, lifting to a thud-thud, and a crescendo of booming power on the roof, the walls, the windows. The darkness outside was overwhelming, and the window of the living room only reflected back the light of the fire.
      On the surface of the road, balls of ice exploded in shards and dust.

      By mr.bojangals on 11.22.2018

    39. a hail storm is like snow but not, its like chunky fat snow that ate too much of the clouds, and it falls on you and hurts. when i was in edmonton we would get extra chunky hailstorms. and my parents would get so mad if we went outside. cux we would get hit with the little balls and be stupid and throw them at each other

      By veronica URL on 11.22.2018

    40. By veronica URL on 11.22.2018

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    : a storm accompanied by hail

    Example Sentences

    Recent Examples on the Web

    The family was on a hike when a hailstorm broke out, during which time Pink heard Jameson talking to Trish.

    Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 8 Feb. 2023

    Hail pads reveal where hail falls—and at what intensity—during a hailstorm.

    Lily Bui, Discover Magazine, 16 Jan. 2013

    As much as those reference points can fuel Phoenix’s big picture, the current one has several cracks from this recent hailstorm of defeats.

    Duane Rankin, The Arizona Republic, 10 Jan. 2023

    Will your home insurance policy pay to fully replace your roof if it’s damaged in a hailstorm, a tornado, a fire, or by a falling tree branch during a summer thunderstorm?

    Ron Hurtibise,, 6 Feb. 2022

    This shift seems likely because a few major hailstorm influences will grow stronger and more common over time.

    Leslie Nemo, Discover Magazine, 13 Jan. 2021

    Jacqueline Huskey, a Black woman living in suburban Illinois, tried more than a dozen times to get help from State Farm after a hailstorm punched holes in her roof.

    Emily Flitter, New York Times, 14 Dec. 2022

    MacCracken also mentioned a hailstorm that hit the neighborhood about three years ago, resulting in substantial roof damage.

    Hope Hodge Seck, Washington Post, 23 Nov. 2022

    Russia shoots down one of its old satellites, creating a hailstorm of orbiting junk that sets of a chain reaction.

    Corey S. Powell, Discover Magazine, 7 Oct. 2013

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘hailstorm.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    15th century, in the meaning defined above

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of hailstorm was
    in the 15th century

    Dictionary Entries Near hailstorm

    Cite this Entry

    “Hailstorm.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on hailstorm

    Last Updated:
    31 Mar 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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