Is guaranteed a word

be guaranteed

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


On-campus housing is guaranteed for first-year students.

Жильё на кампусе гарантируется на первые З года обучения.

Please specify how their effective implementation is guaranteed.

Просьба уточнить, каким образом гарантируется эффективное применение соответствующих норм.

The point is that nothing in this world is guaranteed.

Обратим внимание, что в этом мире никому и ничего не гарантировано.

Pretty solid, of course nothing is guaranteed.

Вполне реальные, но, конечно, ничего не гарантировано.

Jurisdictional protection is guaranteed both to citizens and foreigners, without any discrimination.

Судебная защита гарантирована, как гражданам, так и иностранцам, без какой бы то ни было дискриминации.

At least 10% is guaranteed.

Weekly backups are provided and uptime is guaranteed at 99 percent.

Предоставляются еженедельные резервные копии, а время безотказной работы гарантируется на уровне 99 процентов.

Confidentiality is guaranteed for both clients and candidates.

Соблюдение конфиденциальности гарантируется как клиентам, так и претендентам на вакансии.

Operating costs are reduced while reliable data acquisition is guaranteed.

Эксплуатационные расходы уменьшены, в то же время, когда надежное получение и накопление данных гарантируется.

As I’ve mentioned above, nothing is guaranteed.

Подобно предсказаниям, которые я обсуждал выше, ничто не гарантируется.

Nothing is guaranteed in life, especially financial security.

Ничто не гарантировано в этой жизни, в том числе и политическая стабильность.

If the entity whose obligation is guaranteed

в том случае, если то обязательство, которое ими гарантировано, окажется

The only guarantee in life is that nothing is guaranteed.

Одна вещь, которая гарантирована для собственности, заключается в том, что ничего не гарантируется.

It has something for everyone and the fun is guaranteed.

В нее может играть любое количество людей, и безумное веселье гарантировано всем.

On-campus accommodation is guaranteed for first years.

Жильё на кампусе гарантируется на первые З года обучения.

I hoped so, but nothing is guaranteed.

Так что ожидать этого можно, но ничего не гарантировано.

Basic legal protection is guaranteed for people detained for violation of Vietnamese laws.

Для лиц, содержащихся под стражей в связи с нарушением вьетнамских законов, гарантирована базовая правовая защита.

This right is guaranteed to everyone lawfully within HKSAR without distinction.

Это право в законном порядке гарантируется всем лицам в ОАРКГ без каких-либо различий.

In case of damages to citizens is guaranteed payment of not less than the sum paid by employer premiums.

В случае возникновения убытков гражданам гарантируется выплата в размере не меньше суммы уплаченных работодателем страховых взносов.

Russia is orchestrating multiple strategies for multiple outcomes, and no outcome is guaranteed.

Россия руководствуется одновременно несколькими стратегиями для достижения нескольких целей, из которых ни одна не гарантирована.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат is guaranteed

Результатов: 7464. Точных совпадений: 7464. Затраченное время: 220 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Asked by: Pierre Kuhic

Score: 4.6/5
(64 votes)

ANSWER: Guarantee, the broader and more common term, is both a verb and a noun. The narrower term, guaranty, today appears mostly in banking and other financial contexts; it seldom appears in nonlegal writing.

Is it spelled guaranteed or guaranteed?

Only guarantee is used as a verb. If a person or organization is promising something, this is the correct word choice. In most contexts, a written agreement is also referred to as a guarantee.

What is the plural of guarantee?

plural guarantees. 1 guarantee. /ˌgerənˈtiː/ plural guarantees.

What does guarantor and guarantee mean?

Definition of a guarantee made by a guarantor

A guarantor is an individual person or firm who approves a three-party-contract to ensure (or guarantee) that the first party (the principal debtor) keeps their promises to the second party and takes on liability if the first party fails to keep these promises.

What is the difference between guaranty and suretyship?

A suretyship is an undertaking that the debt shall be paid; a guaranty, an undertaking that the debtor shall pay. … A guarantor, on the other hand, does not contract that the principal will pay, but simply that he is able to do so.

19 related questions found

What is condonation or remission?

Condonation or remission is an act of liberality where the creditor gives up his right against the debtor, either in whole or in part, resulting in the extinguishment of the latter’s obligation.

What is a real guaranty?


Personal—guaranty properly so-called or guaranty in the strict sense. The guarantee given is the credit given by the person who guarantees the fulfillment of the principal obligation. b. Real—the guaranty is property, movable or immovable.

Who all are parties to a guarantee?

In general, 3 parties are involved in guarantee. Applicant, the Issuing Bank and the Beneficiary. Issuing Bank promises to pay to the beneficiary on behalf of applicant upon the failure of contractual obligations by the applicant.

What is a sentence for guarantee?

He guaranteed us that everything would go according to plan. Money doesn’t guarantee a happy life. He guaranteed a victory in the championship game. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘guarantee.

Who are the parties to a guarantee?

In a contract of guarantee, there are three parties to a contract namely surety, principal debtor and creditor whereas in case of indemnity there are only two parties to a contract, promisor, and promisee.

Is guarantee a noun or a verb?

Guarantee is a word that is both a noun and a verb: the noun means «a binding agreement» and the verb is the act of making that agreement.

What is the difference between guarantee and warranty?

The guarantee is a sort of commitment made by the manufacturer to the purchaser of goods, whereas Warranty is an assurance given to the buyer by the manufacturer of the goods. … The guarantee covers product, service, persons and consumer satisfaction while warranty covers products only. The guarantee is free of cost.

Is Guarantys a word?

noun, plural guar·an·ties. a warrant, pledge, or formal assurance given as security that another’s debt or obligation will be fulfilled. something that is taken or presented as security.

Why is guarantee spelled that way?

“Guarantee” is derived from an Old French word, garantir meaning “to protect”. When English adopted certain French words, a “u” was often inserted to mark the “g” as a hard sound, as in “guest” and “guilt”. The long “e” at the end of “guarantee” is also spelt “guaranty”.

How do you use guaranteed?

Guaranteed sentence example

  1. No one is guaranteed a free ride. …
  2. In that world, everyone will be guaranteed a minimum income. …
  3. It’s not guaranteed , but it’s a shot, she said. …
  4. At the same time he assured them that absolute liberty would be guaranteed to the deliberations of a conclave.

Does guarantee mean 100 %?

to promise that something will happen or is true: guarantee sb sth European Airlines guarantees its customers top-quality service. guarantee that sth is sth We guarantee that our products are 100% safe.

What is guarantee example?

The definition of a guarantee is a promise that something will happen. An example of guarantee is a document stating that a new barbecue grill will be repaired free of charge for the first two years after purchase. To assume responsibility for the quality or performance of. … A guaranty.

Can guarantee be used as a verb?

verb (used with object), guar·an·teed, guar·an·tee·ing. to secure, as by giving or taking security: A credit card guarantees your reservation at the hotel.

What are the kinds of guarantee?

There are two types of Guarantee i.e. Specific Guarantee which is for a specific transaction and Continuing Guarantee which is for a series of transactions. Specific Guarantee: A guarantee which is given for only one transaction or debt, the guarantee is known as a Specific Guarantee.

How can a guarantee be revoked or discharged?

So, when the creditor makes any changes in the terms of the contract with the principal debtor without the consent of the surety, the surety is discharged from his liability as to future transactions and the guarantee is deemed to be revoked.

What is a guarantee How can a guarantee be revoked or discharged?

When the surety is no longer liable under the agreement the surety is said to be discharged from liability. … By Revocation (Section-130)Revocation of continuing guarantee: The surety can revoke continuing guarantee by notifying the creditor with respect to the future transactions.

What is group guarantee?

Group Guarantee means a guarantee mechanism by which a group of borrowers undertake to be liable jointly or severally to a loan of any one of them.

What is a guarantee investopedia?

In many cases, a guarantee is a legal contract that promises repayment of a debt to a lender. This agreement takes place when a guarantor agrees to take on the financial responsibility if the original debtor defaults on their financial obligation or goes insolvent.

What is a personal guarantee UK?

Personal guarantees in a nutshell

Put simply, giving a personal guarantee means you as a business owner or director will be held personally liable if the business can’t pay what it owes, therefore allowing the lender to pursue you personally if your company defaults on its loan.

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В таких случаях информация также предоставляется только при гарантии анонимности.


Various sex and full satisfaction of your most treasured imaginations is guaranteed to you.


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Вам гарантирован разнообразный секс и полное удовлетворение ваших самых заветных фантазий.


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Стопроцентная гарантия повышения уровня твоего английского!


Free and unrestricted access to programmes on foreign television channels and to the Internet is guaranteed.


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Гарантирован свободный и неограниченный доступ к зарубежным телеканалам и в Интернет.


The service reliability is guaranteed by partnership between InstaRebate and large broker InstaForex.


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Гарантированная надежность сервиса, обеспеченная партнерством InstaRebate с крупнейшим брокером ИнстаФорекс.


Flatness, before and after laser cutting, is guaranteed to≤ 3.0 mm/m.


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Гарантированная плоскостность как до лазерной резки, так и после, составляет≤ 3, мм/ м.


This product is guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of purchase.


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Гарантия на данный товар действует в течение одного года со дня покупки.



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Гарантией этого является установленная процедура выдачи.



This right is guaranteed in article 37, paragraph 3 of the Constitution,


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Гарантия данного права закреплена в части 3 статьи 37 Конституции.


Article 8 of the Lebanese Constitution provides that»Individual freedom is guaranteed and protected.


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Статья 8 Конституции Ливана предусматривает гарантию и защиту» личной свободы.


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The spouse of the diplomat is guaranteed medical and health insurance.


No matter what, the $200,000 prize pool of the tournament is guaranteed.

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The Schengen area represents a

territory where the free movement of persons is guaranteed.


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Шенгенская зона является территорией, где гарантированна свобода передвижения граждан.




in excellent condition,


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Машины находятся в превосходном техническом состоянии и поэтому безопасность гарантированна.


The sale of 150 new Citation Latitude jets is guaranteed due to assurance of a major customer NetJets.


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Гарантированная для 150 новейших самолетов Citation Latitude продажа обеспечена крупным заказчиком NetJets.


The stand-out reason for choosing a commercial CMS is guaranteed support.


This ensures that the service level is guaranteed and our equipment can function optimally.


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Благодаря этому мы можем гарантировать высокий уровень обслуживания и оптимальную работу оборудования.


Every Cuban is guaranteed access to quality free health services.


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Каждый кубинец имеет гарантированный доступ к высококачественному и бесплатному медицинскому обслуживанию.


Your product is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase.


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Every Cuban is guaranteed access to free high-quality health services.


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Presence of the first buyers on the first day of placement is guaranteed.


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Наличие первых покупателей гарантируем уже в первый день размещения.


The accuracy of the watch is guaranteed by a reliable Swiss mechanism.


This is guaranteed by the precision V-Tail and the bullet’s nickel-plated finish.


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Гарантируется она точной хвостовой частью V- Tail и никелированной поверхностью пули.


This right is guaranteed in article 167 of the Marriage and Family Code.


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Это право закреплено в статье 167 Кодекса о браке и семье Республики Беларусь.


The principle of non-discrimination is guaranteed by the Constitution.


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Запрет дискриминации закреплен в Конституции.


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Results: 3445,
Time: 0.0362







- гарантированный

guaranteed bonds — беспроигрышные облигации
minimum guaranteed wage, guaranteed wage plan, guaranteed hourly rate — гарантированный минимум зарплаты

Мои примеры


guaranteed protection — гарантированная защита  
at a guaranteed rate — по гарантированному курсу  
guaranteed amount — гарантированная сумма  
guaranteed annual income — гарантированный годовой доход  
guaranteed annual wages — гарантированный годовой минимум заработной платы  
guaranteed bank deposit — банковский депозит, возврат которого гарантирован властями  
guaranteed bill — гарантированный вексель; гарантийный вексель  
guaranteed bond — облигация, гарантированная в отношении выплаты основного долга или процентов  
guaranteed delivery — гарантированная доставка  
guaranteed farm prices — гарантированные цены на фермерскую продукцию  

Примеры с переводом

It’s guaranteed to last five years.

Рабочая гарантия пять лет.

All our products are fully guaranteed.

На всю нашу продукцию предоставляется полная гарантия.

This watch is guaranteed for 24 months.

Эти часы имеют гарантию на 24 месяца.

A splendid time is guaranteed for all!

Всем будет обеспечено прекрасное времяпровождение!

The investment was guaranteed by the bank.

Инвестиция была гарантирована банком.

This tonic is guaranteed to give you more pep.

Этот тоник наверняка придаст вам энергии.

The owner guaranteed the coins to be genuine.

Владелец ручается, что монеты настоящие.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The fabric is guaranteed not to discolor.

The washer is guaranteed against defects for one year.

Using celebrities in advertising is guaranteed to pull in big bucks.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.



guaranteed bonds — беспроигрышные облигации

minimum guaranteed wage, guaranteed wage plan, guaranteed hourly rate — гарантированный минимум зарплаты

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «guaranteed» в других словарях:

  • Guaranteed — Chanson par Eddie Vedder extrait de l’album Into the Wild Durée 3:05 Genre Folk rock Parolier Eddie Vedder Producteur Adam Kasper, Eddie Vedder …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Guaranteed — may be the name of one of three albums: * Guaranteed (Ronnie Drew album) * Guaranteed (Phatfish album) * Guaranteed (Level 42 album) ** Guaranteed (Level 42 song) …   Wikipedia

  • guaranteed — UK US /ˌɡærənˈtiːd/ adjective ► COMMERCE if a product is guaranteed, the company that made it promises to repair it, change it, or return the customer’s money if a fault develops within a particular period of time: »We offer franchise businesses… …   Financial and business terms

  • guaranteed — adj. 1. secured by written agreement. Syn: bonded, secured, warranted. [WordNet 1.5] 2. certified. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • guaranteed — guaranteed; un·guaranteed; …   English syllables

  • guaranteed — I (definite) adjective agreed, assured, attested, certain, certified, committed, conclusive, definite, dependable, ensured, indubious, inevitable, pledged, promised, reliable, safe, secure, secured, solid, sure II (insured) adjective assured,… …   Law dictionary

  • guaranteed — [adj] made certain affirmed, approved, ascertained, assured, attested, bonded, certified, confirmed, endorsed, for a fact, for sure, have a lock on*, insured, on ice*, pledged, plighted, protected, sealed, secured, sure, sure enough*, sure fire* …   New thesaurus

  • guaranteed — guar|an|teed [ ,gerən tid ] adjective * 1. ) if something is guaranteed, you will definitely get it or have it: Our salespeople are on a guaranteed income of $850 a month. a land where sunshine is absolutely guaranteed 2. ) BUSINESS a guaranteed… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • guaranteed — [[t]gæ̱rənti͟ːd[/t]] ADJ: v link ADJ, usu ADJ to inf, it v link ADJ that If you say that something is guaranteed to happen, you mean that you are certain that it will happen. → See also guarantee Reports of this kind are guaranteed to cause… …   English dictionary

  • guaranteed */ — UK [ˌɡeærənˈtiːd] / US [ˌɡerənˈtɪd] adjective 1) if something is guaranteed, you will definitely get it or have it Our salespeople are on a guaranteed income of £1000 a month. a land where sunshine is absolutely guaranteed 2) business a… …   English dictionary

  • guaranteed — Guarantee Guar an*tee , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {guaranteed}; p, pr. & vb. n. {Guaranteeing}.] [From {Guarantee}, n.] In law and common usage: to undertake or engage for the payment of (a debt) or the performance of (a duty) by another person; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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