Is gowned a word


- одетый в платье, мантию и т. п.

gowned war — борьба в суде

Мои примеры


the man who is gowned in love’s robe — человек, охваченный (окутанный) чувством любви  
she was perfectly gowned — она была прекрасно одета  

Примеры с переводом

The bride wore a lovely lace wedding gown.

Невеста была в прекрасном кружевном свадебном платье.

Возможные однокоренные слова

gown  — платье, мантия, римская тога, одевать, облачать

Definitions For Gowned


  • Wearing a gown


  • A long, formal dress that a woman wears especially during a special event
  • A loose piece of clothing that covers most of the body
  • A loose piece of clothing that is worn over other clothes during an official event by a judge, a priest, a student, etc.

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Gowned is worth 11 points in Scrabble and 13 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Gowned in a Sentence

  • The bride wore a lovely lace wedding gown.
  • A shopping trip for the express purpose of finding the perfect gown for the wedding




1. A long loose flowing garment, such as a robe or nightgown.

2. A long, usually formal dress.

3. A robe or smock worn in operating rooms and other parts of hospitals as a guard against contamination.

4. A distinctive outer robe worn on ceremonial occasions, as by scholars or clerics.

5. The faculty and student body of a university: perfect accord between town and gown.

tr.v. gowned, gown·ing, gowns

To clothe (oneself or another) with a gown.

[Middle English goune, from Old French, from Late Latin gunna, leather garment.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. gowned — wearing a gown; «beautifully gowned women»

clad, clothed — wearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination; «clothed and in his right mind»- Bible; «proud of her well-clothed family»; «nurses clad in white»; «white-clad nurses»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

  • 1

    gown [gaυn]

    2) свобо́дная дома́шняя оде́жда;

    3) ма́нтия (судьи, преподавателя университета

    и т.п.




    студе́нты и преподава́тели университе́та

    5) ри́мская то́га

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > gown

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > gown

  • 3

    1. n платье

    rest gown — домашнее платье, халат, пеньюар

    2. n свободная домашняя одежда

    3. n ночная рубашка

    4. n рабочий халат

    5. n мантия

    black gown — «чёрная сутана», католический священник

    6. n собир. студенты и преподаватели университета

    7. n римская тога

    8. n разг. обёрточная бумага

    9. v облачать; одевать

    Синонимический ряд:

    dress (noun) clothes; costume; dress; evening dress; evening gown; frock; garb; garment; robe; shift; skirt

    English-Russian base dictionary > gown

  • 4


    gown 1 gown pass. быть одетым; she was perfectly gowned она была прекрасно одета gown мантия (судьи, преподавателя университета и т. п.) gown надевать gown платье (женское); morning gown халат gown римская тога; cap and gown см. cap gown платье (женское); morning gown халат morning: gown attr. утренний; morning coat визитка; morning gown халат; morning watch мор. утренняя вахта (с 4 до 8 ч.) gown pass. быть одетым; she was perfectly gowned она была прекрасно одета

    English-Russian short dictionary > gown

  • 5

    1. [gaʋn]

    1. 1) платье (женское)

    2) свободная домашняя одежда

    3) ночная рубашка

    4) рабочий халат

    2. мантия ()

    black gown — «чёрная сутана», католический священник

    to take the gown — принять духовный сан, стать священником


    студенты и преподаватели университета

    4. римская тога

    2. [gaʋn]

    облачать; одевать ()

    НБАРС > gown

  • 6



    а) мантия

    4) студенты, студенческое братство




    1) надевать; одеваться


    2) охватывать, окутывать

    Англо-русский современный словарь > gown

  • 7

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > gown

  • 8

    1) пла́тье с

    2) ма́нтия ж

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > gown

  • 9

    Politics english-russian dictionary > gown

  • 10

    1) платье (женское); morning gown халат

    2) мантия (судьи, преподавателя университета и т. п.)

    3) римская тога

    cap and gown см. cap 1.

    1) надевать

    2) pass. быть одетым; she was perfectly gowned она была прекрасно одета

    * * *

    1 (n) мантия; ночная рубашка; оберточная бумага; платье; рабочий халат; свободная домашняя одежда; студенты и преподаватели университета

    2 (v) облачать; облачить; одевать; одеть

    * * *

    * * *

    [ gaʊn]
    свободная домашняя одежда, платье; мантия, римская тога
    облачать, одевать

    * * *





    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) платье (женское)
    2) а) мантия
    б) военная форма
    2. гл.
    1) надевать
    2) перен. охватывать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > gown

  • 11

    Англо-русский текстильный словар > gown

  • 12

    Англо-русский текстильный словар > gown

  • 13


    1) ма́нтия ], барристерами [см. barrister] во время исполнения служебных обязанностей; мантии студентов и профессорско-преподавательского состава университетов и колледжей [см. academic dress] различаются по фасону в зависимости от учебного заведения, а тж. академического статуса носящего; у профессоров [см. professor] и докторов наук бывают тж. цветные мантии)

    2) студе́нты, профессора́ и т.п. )

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > gown

  • 14

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > gown

  • 15

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > gown

  • 16

    Англо-русский словарь по рекламе > gown

  • 17


    1) Общая лексика: быть одетым, мантия , надевать, ночная рубашка, облачать, одевать, одеть, платье , рабочий халат, римская тога, свободная домашняя одежда, одевать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gown

  • 18




    военная форма

    римская тога

    студенты, студенческое братство

    надевать; одеваться

    охватывать, окутывать

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > gown

  • 19

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > gown

  • 20

    The English annotation is below. (English-Russian) > gown


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gown — Gown, n. [OE. goune, prob. from W. gwn gown, loose robe, akin to Ir. gunn, Gael. g[ u]n; cf. OF. gone, prob. of the same origin.] 1. A loose, flowing upper garment; especially: (a) The ordinary outer dress of a woman; as, a calico or silk gown.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gown — /gown/, n. 1. a woman s dress or robe, esp. one that is full length. 2. nightgown. 3. dressing gown. 4. See evening gown. 5. a loose, flowing outer garment in any of various forms, worn by a man or woman as distinctive of office, profession, or… …   Universalium

  • gown — [gaun] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: goune, from Late Latin gunna] 1.) a long dress that a woman wears on formal occasions wedding/evening/ball gown ▪ a white silk wedding gown 2.) a long loose piece of clothing worn for special… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • gown — [ gaun ] noun count * 1. ) a special long dress worn by a woman, often for dancing or other special occasions: a ball gown a white wedding gown a ) a long dress worn by a woman in the past: ladies in silk gowns 2. ) a piece of formal clothing… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • gown — c.1300, from O.Fr. goune robe, coat, habit, gown, from L.L. gunna leather garment, skin, hide, of unknown origin. Used by St. Boniface (8c.) for a fur garment permitted for old or infirm monks. Klein writes it is probably a word adopted from a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gown — [goun] n. [ME goune < OFr < LL gunna, loose robe, orig., fur cloak] 1. a long, loose outer garment; specif., a) DRESSING GOWN b) a nightgown, nightshirt, etc. c) a cotton smock worn by a surgeon d) a flowing robe worn as a symbol of office… …   English World dictionary

  • gown — ► NOUN 1) a long dress worn on formal occasions. 2) a protective garment worn in hospital by surgical staff or patients. 3) a loose cloak indicating one s profession or status, worn by a lawyer, teacher, academic, or university student. 4) the… …   English terms dictionary

  • gown — [n] robe, dress clothes, costume, frock, garb, garment, habit; concept 451 …   New thesaurus

  • Gown — A gown (medieval Latin gunna ) is a (usually) loose outer garment from knee to full length worn by men and women in Europe from the early Middle Ages to the seventeenth century (and continuing today in certain professions); later, gown was… …   Wikipedia

  • gown — 01. She looked simply stunning in a classic red strapless evening [gown]. 02. The native chiefs wore their beautiful ceremonial [gowns] at the signing of the historic treaty. 03. The old woman had on a fetching black [gown] and a long string of… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • gown — noun 1 woman s long dress ADJECTIVE ▪ long ▪ floor length ▪ elegant ▪ flowing ▪ She was dressed in a long flowing gown …   Collocations dictionary

Crossword clues for gowned

  • Dressed for a ball, maybe
  • Attired like hospital patients
  • Appropriately dressed for the ball
  • Dressed for the ball?
  • Dressed for a ball

The Collaborative International Dictionary


clothed clothed adj.

  1. wearing clothing. [Narrower terms: adorned(predicate),
    bedecked(predicate), decked(predicate), decked
    out(predicate); appareled, attired, clad, dressed,
    garbed, garmented, habilimented, robed; arrayed,
    panoplied; breeched, pantalooned, trousered;
    bundled-up; caparisoned; cassocked: costumed:
    decent] [Narrower terms: dight] [Narrower terms:
    dressed-up, dressed to the nines(predicate), dressed to
    kill(predicate), dolled up, spruced up, spiffed up]
    [Narrower terms: heavy-coated] [Narrower terms:
    overdressed] [Narrower terms: petticoated] [Narrower
    terms: red-coated, lobster-backed] [Narrower terms:
    surpliced] [Narrower terms: togged dressed esp in smart
    clothes)] [Narrower terms: turned out] [Narrower terms:
    underdressed] [Narrower terms: uniformed] [Narrower
    terms: vestmented] Also See: adorned, decorated.
    Antonym: unclothed.

  2. covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak.
    fog-cloaked meadows

    Syn: cloaked, draped, mantled, wrapped.



vb. (en-past of: gown)



adj. wearing a gown; «beautifully gowned women»

Usage examples of «gowned».

Sometimes, lying wide-eyed in the dark, she pictured herself at such a moment, gorgeously gowned, and delightfully disdainful of the bejeweled, becrowned, stately kings and queens and little princelings, dukes and duchesses and earls and countesses, all hanging on the exquisite notes she drew from her strings.

Via Mozza, he found Mini entertaining a lavishly gowned emissary from the Duke of Ferrara.

She was gowned once more in the yellow and black, and stood in tigrine splendor cap-a-pie.

He gave a cry of rapture when Valentine at last made her appearance gowned in a delicious travelling dress, with a cavalier toque on her head.

Tentatively Elise formed a vision of herself richly gowned and he, wealthily attired, entering some majestic and courtly chamber with her hand upon his arm.

And so, as if he were a worthy Architect properly gowned and cleansed, he opened the door to the meditation hall and stepped inside.

The beautifully gowned and bejeweled woman at table, her orange hair elaborately ringleted and besprent with pearls and tiny red stones, was the Lady Samaire, daughter of Ulad and Princess of Leinster.

Two finely gowned women sat with Carruthers: Pelly Carpenter beside the man, Jessica Alder next.

I saw her breasts rise and fall in pleasure beneath the flames that gowned her, and she let out a small, purring sound of satisfaction.

Behind her came her daughter, Eugenia, prettily gowned in white silk, with a stocky gentleman, undoubtedly Lord Bennington, whose fair hair gleamed with pomade.

A Communicant made up the party, gowned in brocade, hazed by a blur of entoptic projections.

A gowned abbe, by Vandyck, made the centre of another wall, facing the Gainsboroughs.

They were in evening clothes, the women gowned in the fashion that only the French can attain, the bulky veilleurs-the antikidnapping bracelets worn by anyone in Europe with money-encircling one wrist.

Had kind fate but willed her to be born a gentlewoman of high degree in her own right and had she only received the benefit of a good education Gerty MacDowell might easily have held her own beside any lady in the land and have seen herself exquisitely gowned with jewels on her brow and patrician suitors at her feet vying with one another to pay their devoirs to her.

Then, before entering one of the rooms, they double gowned, adding hoods, goggles, masks, gloves and booties.

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