Is gotten really a word

From Sarah Woodbury’s website: Romance and Fantasy in Medieval Wales

On the use of the word ‘gotten’

Several UK readers have wondered about the use of the word ‘gotten’ in my medieval mysteries. Since the word is not in common usage in England right now, it seems odd to them to read it at all, and a glaring ‘Americanism’ in a book set in the medieval period. At first glance, this might appear to be yet another instance of ‘two countries separated by a common language,’ but as it turns out, the history of the word ‘gotten’ is a lot more interesting than that.

‘Gotten’ is, in fact, an ancient English word that was in use in England at the time America was colonized by the English. Over the centuries, the Americans kept on using it and the English did not.

Origin: 1150-1200(v.) Middle English geten < Old Norse geta to obtain, beget; cognate with Old English –gietan (> Middle English yeten), German-gessen, in vergessen to forget; (noun) Middle English: something gotten, offspring, derivative of the v.

The British author quotes from, whose the page is now obsolete.

“British English discontinued the use of “have gotten” as a form of the past participle for “get” over 300 years ago. […]. It is now rarely used in the British version of the English language. American English continues to use “have gotten” to emphasis the action performed. In American English language “has got” implies possession. It is assumed that if “has got” is used that it is referencing what the person has in their possession. On the other hand, “has gotten” implies that the person acquired, received or obtained an item.”

In brief, gotten is a perfectly legitimate word with a long and glorious history.

  • #1

My fourth grade teacher told me it’s not a word, but everyone uses it AND it’s in the dictionary. Can anybody tell me for sure if it’s really a word?

  • Hockey13

    • #2

    My fourth grade teacher told me it’s not a word, but everyone uses it AND it’s in the dictionary. Can anybody tell me for sure if it’s really a word?

    I can assure you: it is a word.

    Furthermore, I believe it is an older word than «got,» but it tends to be more used in the US…to the best of my knowledge. I’m sure a friendly mod can point you to a good thread on the subject.


    • #4

    Okay, it’s a word. :)


    • #5

    It’s a word in AE.
    It’s not a word in BE.

    • #6

    It’s a word in AE.
    It’s not a word in BE.

    It’s also a word in Hiberno-E ;)

    • #7

    It’s a word in AE.
    It’s not a word in BE.

    But in BE we do often use the phrase «ill-gotten gains». Apart from that instance I can’t, off the top of my head, think of other common uses of gotten in BE.


    • #8

    It’s a word in AE.
    It’s not a word in BE.

    It is a word in BE, not used a great deal now, but most of us have for-gotten that :D
    They didn’t forget over there.

    • #9

    If I said «gotten» in front of a British person, what will he/she think??

    • #10

    If I said «gotten» in front of a British person, what will he/she think??

    That either you’re American or that you learned your English in America — depending on your accent and fluency.

    • #11

    So…what do they say when an American person would say «gotten?» Something like «received» or «become» depending on the sentence?


    • #12

    So…what do they say when an American person would say «gotten?» Something like «received» or «become» depending on the sentence?

    I believe it’s just «got» but I’m not sure.

    • #13

    We just say got.

    Gotten does sound American or eighteenth century. But there is a great deal of usage of the word on «Talk Like a Pirate Day» (I kid you not).

    Avast me hearties, I’ve gotten many a message full of such scurvy talk!

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    Is «gotten» really a word?

    1. Unread

      #1 —
      Nov 23, 2007 at 3:12 PM

    2. 0wnedwithgaxe

      Jul 16, 2006
      Sythe Gold:


      Is «gotten» really a word?

      Is it?

    3. Unread

      #2 —
      Nov 23, 2007 at 4:01 PM

    4. Is «gotten» really a word?

      Yes, yes it is.

    5. Unread

      #3 —
      Nov 23, 2007 at 4:34 PM

    6. Is «gotten» really a word?

      Sure is.

    7. Unread

      #4 —
      Nov 23, 2007 at 4:36 PM

    8. Is «gotten» really a word?

      as in van Benego Gotten ? the painter

    9. Unread

      #5 —
      Nov 23, 2007 at 11:46 PM

    10. Is «gotten» really a word?

      Yes, everyone knows that

    11. Unread

      #6 —
      Nov 24, 2007 at 7:39 AM

    12. Is «gotten» really a word?

      Dictionary > You.

    13. Unread

      #7 —
      Nov 24, 2007 at 9:48 AM

    14. oozabooman

      Aug 6, 2007
      Sythe Gold:

      Forum Addict

      Is «gotten» really a word?

      faget u die now

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    действительно получили

    действительно стало

    действительно получил

    не ладили

    This is why so few people have really gotten free.

    And we’ve really gotten more IPs than we’ve been able to take advantage of.

    Has innovation really gotten so much harder?

    We are in the midst of a long-term economic decline and it is time for all of us to admit how bad things have really gotten.

    Мы находимся в разгаре долгосрочного экономического спада, и настало время для всех нас, признаться, как плохие вещи действительно получили.

    We haven’t really gotten acquainted, bartender.

    Нам так и не удалось как следует познакомиться, бармен.

    I have never really gotten into poetry.

    I guess the only thing that’s really gotten under my skin is…

    He told me the bank hasn’t really gotten back on its feet after the financial crisis.

    Он мне сказал, что банк еще не совсем оправился после финансового кризиса.

    That person has really gotten him… or herself… into quite a predicament.

    Этот человек действительно поставил себя (его или ее) в довольно затруднительное положение.

    Word has really gotten out about this thing.

    I must’ve really gotten you going.

    We’ve never really gotten along.

    Мы никогда не общались с ней наедине.

    Never really gotten an «a» before.

    You must’ve really gotten under their skin.

    My mom and him… they’ve never really gotten along.

    Sounds like this guy’s really gotten under your skin.

    You’ve really gotten comfortable with your breaking and entering duties.

    Oliver’s never really gotten over it.

    I think he’s the first person who’s ever really gotten me.

    Я считаю, «он» единственный, кто меня понимает.

    Well, I haven’t really gotten too far with it.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 137. Точных совпадений: 137. Затраченное время: 84 мс


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