Is free hand one word


free hand — свобода действий
a free hand — полная свобода действий
give a free hand — давать полную свободу действий; иметь полную свободу действий
have a free hand — давать полную свободу действий; иметь полную свободу действий
free hand drawing — чертёж от руки
allow a free hand — предоставлять инициативу; предоставить инициативу
allowing a free hand — предоставляющий инициативу; предоставление инициативы
give with a free hand — раздавать щедрой рукой; давать щедрой рукой
spend with a free hand — швыряться деньгами; бросаться деньгами
free hands from fetters — сбросить оковы

to give with a free hand — раздавать щедрой рукой
to spend with a free hand — швыряться деньгами
free-hand — произвольный; съёмный; от руки
free-handed — щедрый
free-hand curve — кривая, построенная от руки
free-hand sketch — схема, нанесённая от руки; зарисовка от руки; чертёж от руки
free-hand placed — наложенный вручную
free-hand needle — съёмная игла
free-handed help — щедрая помощь
free-hand section — срез, сделанный от руки
free-hand cutting — ручная резка без направляющих устройств
free-hand drawing — создание изображения «от руки»; режим свободного рисования; чертёж от руки
free-hand grinding — ручное шлифование
free-hand blanking — выштамповка при помощи переносного штампа
free-hand polishing — ручное полирование
exercise free-handed — упражнение без предмета
free-handed exercises — вольные упражнения
free-hand region selection — выделение области произвольной формы
to free one’s hands from fetters — сбросить оковы

ещё 19 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

свободная рука, свобода действий

Перевод по словам

free  — бесплатный, бесплатно, свободно, освобождать, выходной
hand  — рука, сторона, стрелка, ручной, подручный, передавать, помочь, вручать


He used his free hand to open the door.

Он воспользовался свободной рукой, чтобы открыть дверь.

Дополнение / ошибка

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Мультитран  Wikipedia(En)  Reverso 

  • 1

    free-hand noun 1) свобода действий 2) рисунок от руки

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > free-hand

  • 2
    free hand

    1. рисунок от руки

    2. свобода действий

    3. щедрая рука

    English-Russian base dictionary > free hand

  • 3
    free hand


    1. рисунок от руки

    2. свобода действий

    to have [to give] a free hand — иметь [давать] полную свободу действий

    3. щедрая рука

    НБАРС > free hand

  • 4
    free hand

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > free hand

  • 5

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > free-hand

  • 6
    free hand

    to give smb. a free hand — давать кому-л. свободу действий

    to get / have a free hand — получать, иметь свободу действий

    Англо-русский современный словарь > free hand

  • 7

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > free-hand

  • 8

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > free-hand

  • 9
    free hand

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > free hand

  • 10

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > free-hand

  • 11
    free hand

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > free hand

  • 12


    свобода действий или принятия решений

    рисунок от руки, набросок

    выполненный от руки

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > free-hand

  • 13
    free hand

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > free hand

  • 14
    free hand

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > free hand

  • 15
    free hand

    рисунок от руки, свобода действий

    * * *

    свобода действий

    Новый англо-русский словарь > free hand

  • 16
    free hand

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > free hand

  • 17
    free hand

    English-Russian sports dictionary > free hand

  • 18
    free hand

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > free hand

  • 19
    Free hand

    Свобода действий [рук]

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Free hand

  • 20
    free hand

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > free hand


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Free Hand — Студийный альбом …   Википедия

  • free|hand — «FREE HAND», adjective, adverb. –adj. done by hand without measurements or instruments: »freehand drawing. –adv. in a freehand manner. free hand, 1. freedom to do as one chooses: »The carriers…have been adamant in their demands for a free hand on …   Useful english dictionary

  • Free-hand — a. Done by the hand, without support, or the guidance of instruments; of drawing or sculpture; as, free hand drawing. See under {Drawing}. Syn: free, freehanded, unguided, untraced. [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Free Hand — Album par Gentle Giant Sortie 1975 Enregistrement 1975 Durée 36:52 Genre Rock progressif Producteur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • free-hand — (adv.) of drawing, from 1848; see FREE (Cf. free) (adj.) + HAND (Cf. hand) …   Etymology dictionary

  • free|hand|ed — «FREE HAN dihd», adjective. generous; liberal; open handed …   Useful english dictionary

  • free hand — index latitude Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • free hand — noun singular the ability to make your own decisions, without having to ask permission …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • free hand — free′ hand′ n. unrestricted freedom or authority • Etymology: 1925–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • free hand — noun freedom to do as you see fit many have doubts about giving him a free hand to attack • Syn: ↑blank check • Hypernyms: ↑freedom * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: free ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Free Hand — For other uses, see Freehand (disambiguation). Free Hand Studio album by Gentle Giant Released …   Wikipedia

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Перевод и значение FREE HAND в английском и русском языках

transcription, транскрипция: [ ͵fri:ʹhænd ]

1. рисунок от руки

2. свобода действий

to have to give a free hand — иметь давать полную свободу действий

3. щедрая рука

to give with a free hand — давать щедрой рукой

to spend with a free hand — бросаться деньгами

Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

     English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

  • #1


Is it correct to say «the cook added / sprinkled the salt with a free hand»? What does «free hand» mean?

I’d appreciate your help.

  • Uncle Jack

    • #2

    No. Use ‘liberally’, probably before the verb.

    To have ‘a free hand’ means having no restrictions placed on you.
    The cook had a free hand in choosing the dinner menu. (The manager didn’t insist he cook chicken, for example).


    • #3

    «The cook added the salt with a free hand.»

    That sentence doesn’t use the idiom «had a free hand», meaning «had no restrictions». It just uses the words literally.

    The cook was using one hand to do something (stir the sauce, hold something, etc.). So that hand was «busy» and the other hand was «free» (not being used for anything). The cook used the free hand to add some salt.


    • #4

    «The cook added the salt with a free hand.»

    That sentence doesn’t use the idiom «had a free hand», meaning «had no restrictions». It just uses the words literally.

    The cook was using one hand to do something (stir the sauce, hold something, etc.). So that hand was «busy» and the other hand was «free» (not being used for anything). The cook used the free hand to add some salt.

    That was my first thought, but it would make more sense as «with his free hand» (if one hand is occupied, there is no choice of «a» free hand since there are only two).

    • #5

    «The cook added the salt with a free hand.»

    That sentence doesn’t use the idiom «had a free hand», meaning «had no restrictions». It just uses the words literally.

    The cook was using one hand to do something (stir the sauce, hold something, etc.). So that hand was «busy» and the other hand was «free» (not being used for anything). The cook used the free hand to add some salt.

    Can’t the sentence mean the cook added the salt liberally?
    I’ve seen people use «poured the wine with a free hand» in this manner.


    • #6

    Can’t the sentence mean the cook added the salt liberally?

    Yes. That makes more sense. «With a free hand» is a normal idiom with that meaning. It may not fit exactly, but it fits «close enough» to be a perfectly normal thing for an AE speaker to say.

    I am puzzled. I am trying to figure out why I didn’t think of the «liberally» meaning, even after post #2 mentioned the word.

    Is it correct to say «the cook added / sprinkled the salt with a free hand»? What does «free hand» mean?

    I think I have figured it out. You used the expression the salt rather than salt. When talking about cooking, the salt implies a fixed, measured, precise amount of salt (which is what is used, in most recipes). But liberally and with a free hand imply the exact opposite: not a measured amount, but an unmeasured amount based on the cook’s whims (the cook’s emotions at that exact moment).

    «The cook added salt with a free hand» would be understood more easily.

    • #7

    Yes. That makes more sense. «With a free hand» is a normal idiom with that meaning. It may not fit exactly, but it fits «close enough» to be a perfectly normal thing for an AE speaker to say.

    I am puzzled. I am trying to figure out why I didn’t think of the «liberally» meaning, even after post #2 mentioned the word.

    I think I have figured it out. You used the expression the salt rather than salt. When talking about cooking, the salt implies a fixed, measured, precise amount of salt (which is what is used, in most recipes). But liberally and with a free hand imply the exact opposite: not a measured amount, but an unmeasured amount based on the cook’s whims (the cook’s emotions at that exact moment).

    «The cook added salt with a free hand» would be understood more easily.

    Can’t «the salt» refer to the salt in a salt shaker so that «to add THE salt with a free hand» means to add a large amount of the salt in the shaker?


    • #8

    My immediate understanding of the sentence was that the cook added salt liberally (and probably excessively to my taste; I don’t like very salty food…) I agree that doji’s understanding is possible, but it wasn’t the one that first came to my mind.

    a free hand

    Complete freedom to do what one wants or chooses. Can you believe the boss gave me a free hand on this project? Finally, I can present a campaign with my own vision! It seems ludicrous that the government would give a megacorporation like them a free hand with so much funding. Surely there ought to be some sort of limitation on it, right? Whoa, you don’t totally have a free hand with this assignment! You still have to get your topic approved by the professor.

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    *free hand (with someone or something)

    Fig. freedom to exercise complete control over something. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) I didn’t get a free hand with the last project. John was in charge then, but he didn’t get a free hand either.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    free hand

    Also, free rein. Freedom to do or decide as one sees fit. For example, The teacher gave her assistant a free hand with the class, or They gave me free rein to reorganize the department. The first expression dates from the late 1800s, the second from the mid-1900s.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    See also:

    • a free hand
    • have a free hand
    • have a free hand (with something)
    • get a free hand
    • get, have, etc. a free hand
    • free rein
    • give (one) a free hand
    • give (one) a free hand with (something)
    • give (one) full rein
    • get a free hand with (something)


    She took a course in freehand drawing.


    gave him free hand in managing the club

    Recent Examples on the Web

    On set, 19-year-old artist Chella Man felt right at home in the second floor bathroom painted by Keith Haring; both Haring and Chella use a fluid, often abstract yet heavily emotive, freehand style to express themselves.

    Sean Bennett, Teen Vogue, 21 June 2018

    And throughout, all kinds of brushes and tools enable an entire palette’s worth of colors to flow, stutter, twist, suffuse and fold, while freehand additions à la de Kooning — and Mr. Green’s earlier work, as well — occasionally flit about.

    New York Times, 16 Mar. 2017

    Amato reaches out with his free hand and pushes one of the shopping carts toward the officer on the left.

    Catalina Gaitán, oregonlive, 25 Mar. 2023

    But even though Cleveland waited in the wings, Harrison had a relatively free hand at being president without his rival stealing the limelight every day.

    Peter Baker, New York Times, 16 Aug. 2022

    Hahn fanned out his free hand.

    Rachel Syme, The New Yorker, 6 Mar. 2023

    Russia has given Israel a relatively free hand to strike Iranian targets in Syria, and the Israelis are also concerned about the Kremlin’s obstructing Jewish emigration.

    Neil Macfarquhar, New York Times, 17 Oct. 2022

    The reform added for the first time political standards the maps must meet, a hypothetical change from the largely free hand the majority party got under the old rules.

    Andrew J. Tobias, cleveland, 29 Dec. 2022

    My free hand clutches rope while the other grips my camera.

    Eric Betz, Discover Magazine, 2 May 2016

    The Boissonnases gave Breuer, who had just completed the Whitney Museum in New York, an almost free hand.

    Toby Skinner, Condé Nast Traveler, 18 Jan. 2022

    Lionel Richie while applying lip balm with her free hand.

    Amanda Curran, Glamour, 1 Jan. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘freehand.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    [ free-hand ]

    / ˈfriˌhænd /

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


    drawn or executed by hand without guiding instruments, measurements, or other aids: a freehand map.


    in a freehand manner: to draw freehand.



    There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

    Which sentence is correct?

    Origin of freehand

    First recorded in 1860–65; free + hand

    Words nearby freehand

    Free French, freegan, free gift, free gold, free goods, freehand, free-handed, free-hearted, freehold, freeholder, free house

    Other definitions for freehand (2 of 2)


    unrestricted freedom or authority: They gave the decorator a free hand.

    Origin of free hand

    First recorded in 1925–30 Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

    Words related to freehand

    How to use freehand in a sentence

    • The main annotation tools are up in the top left corner—you can draw freehand scribbles, create shapes, and drop text on your picture.

    • Grinding is a really weird thing, when you grind a blade freehand.

    • Some chefs freehand it, but see the previous note about scars.

    • Pencils for mechanical drawing should be sharpened with a chisel point, and those for freehand work with a round point.

    • During each year there is regular instruction in freehand drawing, the last year being from life.

    • May I ask,” said the teacher, “to have explained the system by which the supposedly freehand drawing in this book has been done?

    • By art teaching I hasten to say that I do not mean giving children lessons in freehand drawing and perspective.

    • Mr. Nasmyth was a good freehand draughtsman, and he sketched the Rocket as it stood on the line.

    British Dictionary definitions for freehand


    unrestricted freedom to act (esp in the phrase give (someone) a free hand)

    adjective, adverb freehand

    (done) by hand without the use of guiding instrumentsa freehand drawing

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

    Other Idioms and Phrases with freehand

    Also, free rein. Freedom to do or decide as one sees fit. For example, The teacher gave her assistant a free hand with the class, or They gave me free rein to reorganize the department. The first expression dates from the late 1800s, the second from the mid-1900s.

    The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
    Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

    The full name of the file is FreeHand 10 Drawing File.


    context icon

    Полное название файла: FreeHand 10 Drawing File.


    To the limit, even with the Dremel»Freehand«, as in the following example.


    context icon

    До предела, даже с Dremel» От руки«, как в следующем примере.


    Fh10 file extension FreeHand 10 Drawing File.


    context icon

    Расширение файла. fh10 FreeHand 10 Drawing File.


    Freehand— lets you quickly select an area by dragging.


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    От руки: быстрое выделение области путем перетаскивания курсора.


    The full name of the file is FreeHand 10 Drawing Template.


    context icon

    Полное название файла: FreeHand 10 Drawing Template.


    Elaine, look. I drew this triangle freehand.

    context icon

    Элейн, смотри, я начертил этот треугольник от руки.

    The full name of the file is FreeHand 8 Template.


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    Полное название файла: FreeHand 8 Template.


    It usually takes years of practice in order to draw a good circle freehand.


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    Обычно необходимы годы практики, чтобы нарисовать хороший круг от руки.


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    Расширение файла. ft8 FreeHand 8 Template.


    Today we are going to review one of such devices- Freehand S squonk box mod.


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    Сегодня речь пойдет об одном из таких устройств- боксмоде Freehand S формата« сквонк».


    You can also use a totally freehand approach to painting the canvas.


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    Вы можете также использовать совершенно рукописного подход к живописи холст.


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    For the first time in Spain, implementation of the FreeHand system for hand functionality of quadriplegic patients

    with high cervical injury.


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    Первая в Испании имплантация системы» FreeHand» для функциональности кисти парализованных пациентов с поражением на высоком

    уровне шейного отдела позвоночника.


    Other applications such as QuarkXpress 6, FreeHand and older versions of Word only offer

    access to the first 256 glyphs of the fonts, ignoring the others.


    context icon

    Другие же программы- такие как Quark XPress, FreeHand и более старые версии Word-

    имеют доступ только к 256 символам шрифтов и игнорируют остальные.


    Freehand Selection tool- lets you create a selection around the edges of an object, such as

    petals of a flower or fingers on a hand.


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    Инструмент Выделение от руки: позволяет создать выделение по краям таких объектов,

    как лепестки цветка или пальцы



    Freehand Los Angeles is housed in the iconic

    Commercial Exchange building in L.A. ‘s vibrant Downtown neighborhood.


    context icon

    Отель Freehand Los Angeles находится в культовом историческом здании,

    где когда-то располагалась фондовая биржа, в кипящем жизнью центре Лос-Анджелеса.


    Then, using brushes, sponges and other applicators,

    apply different colors of paints in freehand patterns.


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    Затем, с помощью щетки, губки и другие аппликаторы,

    применять различные цвета красок в узоры от руки.


    There is nothing more to say about Freehand S by Limelight Mechanics-

    we want just to collect a required sum and buy it.


    context icon

    Больше о Freehand S by Limelight Mechanics говорить не хочется-

    хочется накопить нужную сумму и приобрести его.


    The footage was captured by an artist living in Cornwall, UK. The video shows the talented

    calligrapher reproducing famous brand logos freehand, using just one pen.

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    Ролик был снят художником из Корнуолла,

    Великобритания. На видео талантливый каллиграф от руки воспроизводит логотипы известных брендов, используя только ручку.

    Freehand form-button- This button lets you draw a shape in GeoGebra in freehand and then will GeoGebra draw the shape.

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    Эта кнопка позволяет рисовать фигуру в GeoGebra в руки, а затем будет GeoGebra нарисовать фигуру.

    Computer-aided 3D jewellery modelling is an excellent

    tool to supplement the traditional techniques of representation(freehand technical drawing)

    and the traditional jewellery techniques, in order to be able to develop projects from the design phase through the development stage and up to actual production.

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    Трехмерного моделирование является отличным инструментом наряду с традиционными методами изображения(

    технический чертеж и рисунок от руки), а также с традиционными ювелирными техниками,

    чтобы выполнять свои собственные проекты


    стадии разработки концепции до этапа проработки и вплоть до реализации.

    During the TOUR you will discover, accompanied by the potter himself, a collection of luster pieces,

    all of them elaborated on the potter’s wheel, freehand painted and fired in third reduction firing.


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    В ходе визита я обнаруживаю сопровождается возиться сам, коллекция произведений отражающей металлической все сделанные на

    гончарном круге, раскрашенные от руки и приготовленные в приготовлении третий снижение по той же мастером.


    He was adept to expand freehand and pure among the overall imagery,

    he is the most successful master on the fusion of Chinese and Western art, and yet still has kept the Chinese painting charms in the process of integration.


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    Он был адептом расширить руки и чистая среди общей образности,

    он является самым успешным мастером на слияние китайского и западного искусства, и все же сохранил прелести китайской живописи в процессе интеграции.


    It is housed in a Renaissance palazzo, with a large, well-equipped workshop containing individual professional workbenches, tools and equipment for the various specializations, machinery for executing the complete precision casting cycle and classrooms for drawing and

    designing, both freehand and computer-aided.


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    Школа расположена в старинном здании с просторной лабораторией, оснащенной индивидуальными профессиональными рабочими станками, специальными средствами и инструментами, оборудованием, необходимым для выполнения полного цикла литья и аудиториями для рисования и

    проектирования, как ручного, так и компьютерного.


    FREEHAND PASTE is a dough elastic

    and stringy texture that makes it easy to create endless looks. packaging:

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    упругие и тягучий текстуру, что делает его легко создать бесконечный выгляди….

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    context icon

    Не выполняйте каких-либо действий одними руками.


    Polygonal Lasso lets creating a freehand selection from straight segments.


    Admiral Freehand Drawing indicator The Admiral Freehand Drawing indicator is a tool that allows freehand drawing in the chart.


    context icon

    Индикатор произвольного рисования Admiral( Freehand Drawing) Индикатор


    рисования Admiral является инструментом,

    который позволяет произвольно рисовать на графике.


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