Is food less a word

First, I see the distinction between mass and count «words» as one that is not so rigidly followed these days, if ever, and thus in certain cases to be regarded as pedantic and prescriptive — English is the language as spoken by native speakers today, not the rules as set down by grammarians a couple of centuries ago. While the broad rules still seems to hold in most cases, in some it seems to be a historical artefact that is less and less an indicator of how people speak modern English — that is fewer and fewer people make the distinction as universally as they should according to this rule. So the important thing is not to think about it as a rule, but think of it in terms of the pragmatics and semantics which can and do differ, particularly in the case of the example you give.

Second, both fruit and vegetable can be used as mass nouns so you can say

less fruit and vegetable (you are talking about broad classes of food not specific exemplars).

Third, both fruits and vegetables can be used as plural count nouns so you can say

fewer fruits and vegetables (but these means eat less variety not less in total quantity).

Clearly the last is not what people talking about the food pyramid and diet might mean — e.g. on a high protein diet I am told to eat less fruit and vegetable, particularly in the evening, because of the high sugar/carbohydrate content. This has got nothing to do with how many types of fruit and vegetable I eat, which is what the last one says.

I would regard the following as being semantically correct but to my ear just a trifle grammatically awkward (as not grouped as a mass noun complex by me)

less fruit and vegetables

On the other hand the following does not have the same awkwardness because veges has more of a mass noun feel to it…

less fruit and veges

cf. eat your veges (which can still be said even if the only vege on your plate is carrots)

Also in some dialects we even lose the plural marker:

less fruit and veg

The following is even more awkward because there is a phonological and experiential aspect to this (both in terms of «less fruit» going together and «fruit and vegetables» going together in this specific order.

less vegetables and fruit

Fewer is not appropriate in the diet case because for fruits it means types of fruit (not pieces of fruit) while for vegetables it is somewhat ambiguous: «meat and two vegetables» means two types of vegetable, but «how many veges?» is answered by «two carrots and a potato», while «how much vege?» is answered by «two scoops of mash».

So in short choose less or fewer according to whether you are talking about quantity or count, and then choose your nouns and their inflections to suit.

Finally, to recapitulate the first point, any word can in general be pressed into service in a different part of speech, or in this cases a different noun category, where there isn’t a competing word already in use. Thus I can shoulder someone aside or table a motion, or I can complain there is only so much table for me to use, or there is so little shoulder to cry on, rather than so few tables to use or so few shoulders to cry on (there may only be the one). When this fits the context it doesn’t raise the slightest hackle in a native speaker, but the non-native should be cautious because there may be an appropriate word that should rather be used. Thus you can’t say he «footed» the ball aside as there is a specialist word «kicked», and you aren’t likely to sound natural saying there wasn’t enough «foot» in that shot, if you mean there wasn’t enough «kick» in that shot (noting that here we have verb -> count noun -> mass noun by metonymy for «energy in the kick»)

Обновлено на

3 авг. 2022

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

Food is both plural and singular.

There is a group of words in the English language that are «uncountable» — in order to count them, you have to use a «counter». Food is one of them. Water, juice, wood, air are others.

In order to count these things (and make them singular or plural), they either have to be grouped into some countable «container» (baskets of food, glasses of water or juice, canisters of compressed air etc.), or you can use the words «some», «much» to describe them.

The way to find uncountable nouns is to see if you can «count» them without any other «container» between the number and the item:

«One cake»
«Two Cakes» — this word is countable

«One wood»
«Two woods» — not really. It would be better to say «One piece of wood». This word is uncountable.

«Foods» can be used when referring to different kinds of things, but it is a much less common usage.

Food is both plural and singular.

There is a group of words in the English language that are «uncountable» — in order to count them, you have to use a «counter». Food is one of them. Water, juice, wood, air are others.

In order to count these things (and make them singular or plural), they either have to be grouped into some countable «container» (baskets of food, glasses of water or juice, canisters of compressed air etc.), or you can use the words «some», «much» to describe them.

The way to find uncountable nouns is to see if you can «count» them without any other «container» between the number and the item:

«One cake»
«Two Cakes» — this word is countable

«One wood»
«Two woods» — not really. It would be better to say «One piece of wood». This word is uncountable.

«Foods» can be used when referring to different kinds of things, but it is a much less common usage.

  • Португальский (бразильский вариант)

food = comida
foods = comidas

  • Английский (американский вариант)

foods is the plural version of «food» however many english speakers use «food» as the plural form as well
for example someone may ask
«what food do you like to eat?»
which implies what kinds of food you like
it is the same as asking
«what foods do you like to eat?»
again, many english speakers use «food» as the plural form in casual conversation even though it is not correct

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Food is singular and is one specific category.

«The wet food has become soggy and inedible »

Foods is plural that speaks of different types within a category.

«Italy has tons of delicious food — pasta, pizza, biscotti

  • Испанский


» Why do you buy so many foods»

» All the foods in the refrigerator are cold»

«My food is cold»

» My food is warm»

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

Food is both plural and singular.

There is a group of words in the English language that are «uncountable» — in order to count them, you have to use a «counter». Food is one of them. Water, juice, wood, air are others.

In order to count these things (and make them singular or plural), they either have to be grouped into some countable «container» (baskets of food, glasses of water or juice, canisters of compressed air etc.), or you can use the words «some», «much» to describe them.

The way to find uncountable nouns is to see if you can «count» them without any other «container» between the number and the item:

«One cake»
«Two Cakes» — this word is countable

«One wood»
«Two woods» — not really. It would be better to say «One piece of wood». This word is uncountable.

«Foods» can be used when referring to different kinds of things, but it is a much less common usage.

Food is both plural and singular.

There is a group of words in the English language that are «uncountable» — in order to count them, you have to use a «counter». Food is one of them. Water, juice, wood, air are others.

In order to count these things (and make them singular or plural), they either have to be grouped into some countable «container» (baskets of food, glasses of water or juice, canisters of compressed air etc.), or you can use the words «some», «much» to describe them.

The way to find uncountable nouns is to see if you can «count» them without any other «container» between the number and the item:

«One cake»
«Two Cakes» — this word is countable

«One wood»
«Two woods» — not really. It would be better to say «One piece of wood». This word is uncountable.

«Foods» can be used when referring to different kinds of things, but it is a much less common usage.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

«Look at all the different types of foods!»

«Wow that’s a lot of food!»

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Филиппинский язык

no there is not .You cant Say FOODs Its wrong .The exact is FOOD no other than

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Филиппинский язык

no there is no term of foods .Whether many or just one .The exact word to describe is Food .

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

You can also say foods it depends on the structure of the sentence.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Филиппинский язык

cayobit88 .I learn it from my Teacher .

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

Foods can be used when referring to diff. kinds of things.

«Cheese is a food made from milk»

… and in this form, you can pluralise it …

«Italy is the source of many delicious foods — pizza, pasta, salami, biscotti…

  • Английский (американский вариант)

This is a great example of a word in transition. English is a living language, and over time, some things change.

«Food» used to be an uncountable word. In other words, its singular and plural forms are the same.
Wow! Look at all that food!

Today, however, there are many cases where «foods» is considered acceptable. We even have a grocery store chain named «Whole Foods Market».

Personally, I find the use of «foods» strange.

  • Португальский (бразильский вариант)


  • Испанский (венесуэльский вариант)

  • Итальянский
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Испанский

food=음식 goods=식사

  • Английский (американский вариант)

food is singular while foods is plural meaning more than one

  • Арабский

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)


  • Арабский

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

I Want to learn English anyone help me please

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Foods is plural (meaning more than one) it’s usually used when you’ve had more than one meal.
«I’ve had so many different kinds of foods today.»

As compared to food being singular and referring to one item of food or one meal.
«I don’t think I’ve had any food today.»

  • Португальский (бразильский вариант)

food is singular and foods plural

  • Английский (американский вариант)

«Food,» like «wood.» Is non-count when it means food in general, anything edible. Both words are only properly used in the plural when the meaning is «(a) KIND/VARIETY of food.» A table is made of wood (the material in general), but the maker used three woods(three kinds of wood): walnut, maple, & cherry. Ditto for food(s) these days, among some younger people. Personally, I prefer to say «kinds of food» still, as most people over 50 probably do.

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Вы знаете как улучшить свои языковые навыки❓ Все, что вам нужно – это исправление вашего письма носителем языка!
С HiNative ваше письмо носители языка могут исправить бесплатно ✍️✨.


Never conduct an operational goals and less food.


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Women are likely to receive less food than men

and one third of women aged 15-49 are malnourished and suffer from chronic energy depletion.


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С большой долей вероятности можно утверждать,

и треть женщин в возрасте от 15 до 49 лет страдают от недоедания и хронического истощения.


Putting less food in the stomach often allows more digestive process

to break down


more efficiently to get the most out of what you eat.


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Полагая меньше пищи в желудке часто позволяет более пищеварительный

процесс сломать продовольствия в более эффективно получать большую часть из того, что вы едите.


Mr. Singh(India) said that


security was not a function of aggregate population; even with their larger population,

the developing countries consumed less food than the developed countries.


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Гн Сингх( Индия) говорит, что продовольственная безопасность не зависит от общей численности населения; даже будучи более населенными,


Once you begin to train to eat less food and snacks on a more frequent basis,

among other things, you will notice almost immediately a great improvement in your energy levels.


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Как только вы начнете тренироваться есть меньше пищи и закуски на более частой основе,

среди прочего, можно заметить, почти сразу большое улучшение в ваших энергетических уровней.


Less food will allow your body to process


more efficiently

and increase your metabolism.


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Меньше пищи позволит вашему телу для обработки продовольственных более эффективно

и увеличить ваш метаболизм.


Rural communities can also suffer from the loss of young workers who migrate,

often meaning that less food is produced or available.


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Сельские общины также страдают от того, что лишаются молодежи, которая уезжают, а это значит,


Restaurants often, but eat less food will be helpful in that you will never feel hungry

and your metabolism will run continuously.


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Рестораны часто, но едят меньше пищи будет полезна в этом вы никогда не будете чувствовать себя голодными,

и ваш метаболизм будет работать постоянно.


But after your metabolism increased, you will eat less food, again, continuing to burn calories at an accelerated pace.


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Но после вашего обмена веществ возросли, вы съедите меньше пищи, снова, продолжая сжигать калории в ускоренном темпе.


But with sufficient self-control and eat less food than large enough to curb your appetite, you are likely to push through.


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Но с достаточной самоконтроля и едят меньше пищи, чем достаточно большие, чтобы обуздать ваш аппетит, вам, скорее всего протащить.


By eating less food, it also minimizes the other bad habits

of snacking between your main



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По едят меньше пищи оно также позволяет свести к минимуму другие плохие

привычки перекусов между вашей основной едой.


In comparison with conventional Cameroonian goat eats less food, three times, preferring usually grass(hay),

leaves and shoots of young trees.


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В сравнении с обычной козой камерунская съедает в три раза меньше пищи, предпочитая, как правило,

траву( сено), листья и молодые побеги деревьев.


One way is to increase your exercise or just be more active during the day and secondly,

there is less food more often, every day.


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Один из способов заключается в увеличении ваших упражнений или просто быть более активным в течение дня и во-вторых,


Are numerous and readily available, more malleable and impressionable, learn quickly, are small and agile,

and quite simply require less food and supplies than adults”.


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Много и они всегда наготове, они податливы и впечатлительны, быстро учатся, они маленькие и проворные, и кроме всего

прочего, по сравнению со взрослыми, им нужно меньше пищи и всего остального.


Evidence given for this included the fact that bivalves needed less food to subsist because of their energetically efficient ligament-muscle system for opening

and closing valves.

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Основанием для такого вывода считали факт, что двустворчатому моллюску для существования нужно меньше пищи из-за ее системы открывания- закрывания раковины с энергетически эффективным лигаментом.

In addition, most low-calorie


eat first, they will fill the stomach,

and you will eat less food that contains lots of calories.

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Кроме того, самые низкокалорийные продукты съедайте первыми, они заполнят желудок,

и вы съедите меньше пищи, содержащей много калорий.

As your cells continue changing from carbon to crystalline,

you will need less food and you will find light-filled


more satisfying.

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Так как ваши клетки продолжают меняется из углеродных в кристаллические,

вам нужно меньше пищи, и вы найдете светонаполненные продукты более подходящими.

When your diet is using these rules, your metabolism can Skyrocket This means that you burn more calories every day, without changing your daily ritual,


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Когда ваша диета использует эти правила, ваш метаболизм может Skyrocket это значит, что вы сжигаете больше калорий каждый день, не меняя ваш ежедневный ритуал,


The European mother who is forced to buy less food because she cannot afford the costs unwittingly affects

the economy of all nations in the world.


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Европейская мать, вынужденная покупать меньше еды изза ее дороговизны, неосознанно подрывает экономику всех стран мира.


The troops of this type consume less food and have better combat performance than the regular units.


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Избранные войска потребляют меньше зерна и имеют лучшие показатели, по сравнению с обычными войсками.


So, take 500 calories more


and you will burn proportionately

more than if you had only 250 calories with less food.


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Итак, возьмите на 500 калорий больше


и вы будете сжигать пропорциональном больше,

чем если бы Вы приняли только 250 калорий с меньшим еды.


In a world with a growing population and declining natural resources, there is an ever-increasing demand for safer


more efficient production and less food waste.


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В мире, где растет численность населения и сокращается объем природных ресурсов, растет спрос на более безопасное продовольствие,


The decrease may be accidental or intentional,

but ultimately leads to less food available for all.


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Это уменьшение объемов может быть случайным или намеренным,


Metabolism is regulated in those days, with great


and accelerating,

and in the days when you eat less food, you burn more than you take in.


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Обмен веществ в организме регулируется в те дни, с большим блюда, и ускоряется,

и в дни, когда вы едите меньше пищи, вы сжигаете больше, чем вы берете дюйма В результате быстрой потерей веса.


This means that they eat smaller meals more often eat heavy


earlier in the day, but most importantly, after dieting technique called calorie cycling, which involves eating large meals to bring to your metabolism,


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Это означает, что едят

меньше пищи

чаще едят тяжелый продовольственный ранее в этот день, но самое главное, после диеты техника называется калорий велосипеде, что предполагает большую едят еду привлечь в свой обмен веществ,


Children, the soulless recruiters boast, are numerous and readily available, more malleable and impressionable, learn quickly, are small and agile,

and quite simply require less food and supplies than adults.


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Как хвастают бездушные наемщики, детей много и они всегда наготове, они податливы и впечатлительны, быстро учатся, они маленькие и проворные,

и кроме всего прочего по сравнению со взрослыми им нужно меньше пищи и всего остального.


Compared to peaceful African countries, African countries in armed conflict have, on average, a 50 per cent higher rate of infant mortality; 15 per cent more undernourished people; life expectancy that is five years shorter; 20 per cent more adult illiteracy; 2.5 times fewer doctors per patient;

and 12.4 per cent less food per person.


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Во время вооруженных конфликтов в африканских странах, если сравнивать их с невоюющими африканскими странами, в среднем на 50 процентов больше умирает детей младенческого возраста; на 15 процентов увеличивается количество голодающих; на 5 лет снижается продолжительность жизни населения; на 20 процентов увеличивается количество неграмотного взрослого населения; в 2, 5 раза снижается количество врачей, приходящихся на одного пациента; и на 12,


Because of this,

Boldenone Acetate is able to make much more use of less food, enhancing its capabilities as an effective hormone to use when»cutting» Also,

the increased red blood cell count caused by this steroid also increases oxygen transportation throughout the body, thus giving athletes and bodybuilders much more endurance and the capability to endure cardio sessions for much longer periods of time, which obviously makes this drug even more popular among those looking to shed body fat.

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Вследствие этого,

ацетат Болденоне может сделать очень больше пользы из меньше еды, увеличивая свои возможности как эффективная инкреть для использования когда« режущ» также,

увеличенный отсчет клетки крови причиненный этим стероидом также увеличивает транспорт кислорода повсеместно в тело, таким образом дающ спортсменов и культуристов очень больше выносливости и возможность для того чтобы вытерпеть кардио периоды времени встреч намного дольше, которая очевидно делает это лекарство даже более популярным среди тех смотря к полинянным жировым отложениям.

As the IELTS speaking test is based on what we do every day in our leisure time and what our daily life looks like, improving your vocabulary related to food can help you frame your answer better and thus improve your IELTS score significantly. 

Table of Contents

Read on to learn new Vocabulary About Food and improve your language skills as part of your IELTS preparation.

vocabulary about food

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Food IELTS Vocabulary: Guide on Food Related Vocabulary for IELTS 2023

Food as a topic covers various topics ranging from cuisines, recipes and techniques etc. We have divided the vocabulary related to food into 6 segments so you can understand and associate the words better. These segments can be:

  • Food condition
  • Food verbs
  • Food quantities
  • Food taste
  • Food types
  • Eating and drinking

Vocabulary About Food Condition

Word Meaning Usage
Overcooked Cooked beyond the optimal cooking time The pasta was overcooked and too soft
Fresh Food materials or products that have been recently prepared The marinara at that outlet is prepared fresh every day
Raw Not cooked properly/at all The vegetables were raw and hard to chew
Stale/Rotten Spoiled and past its optimal usage time The whole room smells like rotten eggs
Unripe Immature food item – not fit for consumption The bananas you bought yesterday were unripe
Off Not tasting as it should The food at last night’s restaurant seemed off to me

Food Verbs

Word Meaning Usage
Bake Cook food with dry heat and without exposure to a flame
Usage: She has been a fan of baking ever since she got back from France
She has been a fan of baking ever since she got back from France
Poach Cooking an egg without its outer shell in or over boiling water I like my eggs poached and cooked well
Grill Cooking food using a grill That place serves the best-grilled chicken in the city
Food Preparation Cooking food by mixing and combining ingredients The food preparation at her house was amazing
Fry Cooking food in hot oil or fat While frying, you should always look out for oil splatter

Vocabulary About Food Quantities

Word Meaning Usage
Pint A unit that is equal to 550 millilitres I grabbed a pint of milk on my way home
Portion A part or section of a whole I just want a small portion of the pie
Spoonful As much as a spoon can hold I take my coffee with two spoonfuls of sugar
Slice A small portion of a whole I am on a diet and had only one slice of the cake

Vocabulary About Food Taste

Word Meaning Usage
Bland Tasteless or having little taste The food tasted bland without the spices
Spicy Flavoured with spices Indians have a taste for spicy food and snacks
Savoury Delicious She cooks amazing and savoury food.
Mild Not hot, sharp or strong in flavour Elderly people like to have food with mild spices and flavours
Delicious Extremely good tasting Cooking delicious food is an art
Tasteless Having no taste or flavour The food at that new restaurant is completely tasteless

Types of Food

Word Meaning Usage
Cuisine A style or method of cooking specific to a region, state or country Italian cuisine is my go-to at any time of the day
Four-course meal A meal consists of four parts, namely a soup, appetiser, main course and dessert Indian weddings generally have four-course meals for guests
Nutritious A meal consisting of all the required nutrients Having a healthy, nutritious diet plan is the key to a healthy life
Dairy  Products created from milk such as yoghurt, cream, butter, etc Most vegans avoid dairy products and have shifted to alternatives like almond milk
Barbecue A meal in which food is cooked over an open fire outdoors or in a special appliance India doesn’t have the trend of barbecues as much as the West
Buffet A meal that consists of a number of dishes that guests often have to serve for themselves Breakfast buffets at hotels are becoming a very popular thing these days
Appetiser The food is served after the soup and before the main course during a meal For our appetisers, we’d like to have spring rolls, please, and some hors d’oeuvre

Eating & Drinking

Word Meaning Usage
Guzzle Eat or drink something hurriedly He guzzled his drink before getting on the train
Gulp Eating or swallowing food in large mouthfuls Rather than gulping your food, you should chew and eat it properly
Wining & Dining Entertainment that includes good food and drinks The company wined and dined their prospective investors
Swallow Allowing food or drinks to pass down the throat Her mannerism of swallowing audibly made everyone uncomfortable
Chew Biting and crushing food in the mouth to make it easier to swallow Proper chewing helps with better digestion
Phrases Meaning Usage
A balanced diet A diet consisting of healthy food with good nutrients Maintaining a balanced diet is the key to a healthy life
A scrumptious meal An extremely delicious meal His mother cooked up a scrumptious meal for us
Calm the hunger pangs  Reducing the discomfort caused by hunger He grabbed a quick bite to eat to calm his hunger pangs
Cut down on Reducing the intake Since diabetes is hereditary in my family, I’ve cut down on my sugar intake
Sweet tooth A person fond of sweet food She has a very sweet tooth when it comes to brownies
Junk food Food with little or no nutritional value Eating junk food every day can harm your body
My mouth is watering Feeling hungry for something My mouth watered at the thought of fried chicken
Fussy eater Someone who dislikes many foods Her baby is a fussy eater
Quick Snack A small meal that you can eat on the go She was getting late for her office, so she grabbed a quick snack instead of a proper breakfast
Take-away A meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home I was feeling too lazy to cook, so I ordered a takeaway from my favourite restaurant
A bottle of bubbly Sparkling wine To celebrate their anniversary, they opened up a bottle of bubbly at the restaurant

Food Vocab Sample for IELTS Speaking

Part 1

1. What kind of meals do you like?

Ans. Oh, I love different kinds of meat. My mouth waters whenever I see grilled chicken or mutton chops. I don’t like to cook by myself, so I often eat ready-to-eat meals and takeaways.

2. How often do you have dinner with your friends or family?

Ans. I try to dine out with my family as much as possible. Unfortunately, I don’t get enough time for family dinners due to my extremely busy schedule. 

3. When do you usually have dinner?

Ans. I usually have my dinner at about 8 p.m. I’m starving by then and sometimes overeat.

4. What fruits or vegetables do you like or don’t like? Why?

Ans. Well, I’m not a fussy eater, but I hate seafood. I try to avoid going to restaurants that serve seafood.

5. And what is your favourite cuisine?

Ans. I love French cuisine. Its versatility and flavourful ingredients make it my favourite. French cuisine has many dishes, like their famous onion soup and cheese fondue. Also, French food rarely contains artificial ingredients or flavours.

Details On IELTS Travel Vocabulary 

Part 2

1. Have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.

  • Describe a place you like to eat at. You should say:
  • Where is it
  • What kind of food does it serves
  • Why do you like its food
  • and how often do you eat there

Ans. I would like to talk about a pretty little restaurant within walking distance of my home called “La Pizzeria.” It is situated on an ancient street in the heart of the city. This restaurant serves Italian cuisine, which is one of my favourites. They serve Italian delicacies like pasta, pizza and tomato soup. My favourite among these is the pizza. It is an extremely versatile food and can be made with various toppings and sauces. I love Italian food because its fresh and flavourful ingredients satisfy the heart and soul. Hence, I eat frequently at that restaurant. Although it’s not cheap by any means, the quality of their food justifies the bill.

vocabulary list food


Food is the language of the world and is different in every nook and cranny around the globe. Thus, there are a plethora of terms and phrases related to food and drink that you can learn and improve your vocab for food for the IELTS exam. Read and understand the terms and phrases and practice them to bring them into your daily lingo. This will help you perform better in the exam and improve your language skills as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my food vocabulary for IELTS?

Ans. You can improve your vocabulary for IELTS through the following methods:

A. Look up words you hear for the first time and understand their meaning.
B. Listen to audio pronunciations.
C. Read newspapers, books and magazines about food.
D. Use vocabulary building apps.
E. Learn about the grammatical nature of different terms such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.

How much food vocabulary is enough for IELTS?

Ans. According to a recent study, having a large vocabulary and knowledge about 6000 to 7000-word families will help you work well in an English-speaking environment. Hence, a basic to intermediate vocabulary can help you score well in your IELTS exam.  Regarding food, you should watch cooking shows, read about various chefs and learn new words and general food lingo.

How can I improve my food vocabulary for IELTS writing task 2?

Ans. Building your vocabulary is an essential part of scoring well in the IELTS exam, as it makes up for 25% of your marks. To improve your vocabulary for writing task 2, you can use the following tips:

A. Read a lot of articles, blogs, newspapers and books.
B. Mnemonics can be a good way to memorise important words.
C. Practice your writing skills regularly and maintain a separate notebook to monitor your progress.
D. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, radios and other audio sources that will improve your understanding of the usage of specific terms.

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