Is flavour a word

вкус, аромат, привкус, букет, особенность, сдабривать, приправлять, придавать вкус


- аромат; приятный запах или вкус; букет (вина, чая)

flavour of food — запах пищи

- привкус
- оттенок; особенность

there is a flavour of mystery about it — в этом есть что-то таинственное

- пикантность, изюминка
- аромат (физическая характеристика кварка)


- приправлять; придавать вкус, запах

to flavour soup with onions — заправлять суп луком

- придавать интерес, пикантность

his witty ad libs flavour the whole performance — его импровизированные остроты оживляют спектакль

- редк. пробовать, узнавать вкус
- (of) обладать вкусом, запахом

Мои примеры


a juicy apple with a slightly acid flavour — сочное яблоко с кисловатым вкусом  
bitter flavour — горький вкус  
pleasant flavour — приятный вкус  
tart flavour — терпкий вкус  
artificial flavour — неестественный вкус  
natural flavour — естественный вкус  
colloquial flavour — особенность разговорной речи  
foreign flavour — чуждая особенность  
old-world flavour — налёт старины  
to impart a flavour to — придавать вкус  
flavour of the month — очередная модная тема  

Примеры с переводом

This coffee has a rich nutty flavour.

Этот кофе имеет насыщенный ореховый аромат.

Which flavor do you want — chocolate or vanilla?

С каким вкусом вы хотите — шоколадным или ванильным?

This cheese has a very strong flavour.

Этот сыр обладает очень сильным ароматом.

Newspaper reports are often flavoured with sex and violence.

Газетные репортажи часто приправлены темами секса и насилия.

The spices really bring out the flavour of the meat.

Специи действительно подчёркивают /раскрывают/ вкус мяса.

The flavour is not unlike Chardonnay, but with a difference.

Букет напоминает шардоне, но отличается оригинальностью.

The stories have a strong regional flavour.

Эти рассказы обладают сильным местным колоритом.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

flavourless  — безвкусный, без запаха, пресный
flavoured  — приправленный, ароматный, пикантный
flavouring  — ароматическое вещество, приправа, специя, заправка, заправка салата

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: flavour
he/she/it: flavours
ing ф. (present participle): flavouring
2-я ф. (past tense): flavoured
3-я ф. (past participle): flavoured

ед. ч.(singular): flavour
мн. ч.(plural): flavours

1. ; брит.; амер. flavor

1) вкус, привкус; букет

bitter flavour — горький вкус

pleasant flavour — приятный вкус

tart flavour — терпкий вкус

artificial flavour — неестественный вкус

natural flavour — естественный вкус

The flavour is not unlike Chardonnay, but with a difference. — Букет напоминает шардоне, но отличается оригинальностью.


2) аромат, запах

delicate flavour — неуловимый аромат


3) особенность; привкус, налёт

colloquial flavour — особенность разговорной речи

foreign flavour — чуждая особенность

old-world flavour — налёт старины

strong flavour — резкий привкус

to impart a flavour to — придавать вкус

A certain aristocratic flavour must have ever dwelt about the Athenians. — Некоторый налёт аристократизма, должно быть, всегда присутствовал в жителях Афин.

4) изюминка, острота, пикантность

flavour of the month — очередная модная тема


2. ; брит.; амер. flavor

1) приправлять , сдабривать прям. и перен.

to flavour the stew with black pepper — добавить в рагу чёрный перец

Newspaper reports are often flavoured with sex and violence. — Газетные репортажи часто приправлены темами секса и насилия.


2) иметь привкус , отдавать прям. и перен.

Англо-русский современный словарь.


Смотреть что такое «flavour» в других словарях:

  • Flavour — oder Flavor (engl. für Aroma oder Geschmack) ist eine der Quantenzahlen von Elementarteilchen (Quarks und Leptonen) im Zusammenhang mit der schwachen Wechselwirkung. In der Theorie der elektroschwachen Wechselwirkung ist diese Symmetrie jedoch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • flavour — (US flavor) ► NOUN 1) the distinctive taste of a food or drink. 2) a quality reminiscent of something specified: balconies gave the building a Spanish flavour. 3) chiefly N. Amer. a flavouring. 4) Physics a property of quarks with values… …   English terms dictionary

  • flavour — v. t. same as {flavor}, v. and n.. [Chiefly Brit.] Syn: season, flavor, give flavor. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flavour — British English spelling of FLAVOR (Cf. flavor); for spelling, see OR (Cf. or). Related: Flavourful; flavouring …   Etymology dictionary

  • flavour — (Brit.) fla·vour || fleɪvÉ™(r) n. taste; particular or specific taste; something that adds taste, flavoring; characteristic taste; smell, aroma (also flavor) v. give tast, add flavor to; spice, scent; give a particular shade or mood to (also… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • flavour — is spelt our in BrE and flavor in AmE. In BrE the derivatives (flavouring, flavoursome, etc.) are also spelt our except flavorous …   Modern English usage

  • flavour — [flā′vər] n., vt. Brit. sp. of FLAVOR …   English World dictionary

  • flavour — (BrE) (AmE flavor) noun 1 taste of food ADJECTIVE ▪ delicious, fine (esp. BrE), good, lovely (esp. BrE), pleasant (esp. BrE), wonderful ▪ characteristic …   Collocations dictionary

  • flavour — [[t]fle͟ɪvə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ flavours, flavouring, flavoured (in AM, use flavor) 1) N VAR The flavour of a food or drink is its taste. This cheese has a crumbly texture with a strong flavour… I always add some paprika for extra flavour. …drinks of …   English dictionary

  • flavour — I UK [ˈfleɪvə(r)] / US [ˈfleɪvər] noun Word forms flavour : singular flavour plural flavours ** 1) a) [countable] the particular taste that food or drink has a nutty/spicy/bitter flavour a distinctive/delicate/subtle flavour have a flavour: The… …   English dictionary

  • flavour — fla|vour1 BrE flavor AmE [ˈfleıvə US ər] n 1.) the particular taste of a food or drink ▪ Which flavor do you want chocolate or vanilla? flavour of ▪ a dry wine with flavors of honey and apricot a nutty/smoky/bitter etc flavour ▪ White poppy seeds …   Dictionary of contemporary English


Alternative forms[edit]

  • flavor (American spelling)



flavour (countable and uncountable, plural flavours)

  1. British standard spelling of flavor.
    The flavour of this apple pie is delicious.
    Flavour was added to the pudding.
    What flavour of bubble gum do you enjoy?
    The flavour of an experience.
    Debian is one flavour of the Linux operating system.
    • 2014, Robert Kelly, Chung Wah Chow, Taiwan[1], 9th edition, Lonely Planet, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 256:

      Ciaotou Sugar Factory
      (橋頭糖廠, Qiáotóu Tángchǎng) Ciaotou consists of a defunct factory (which you can walk into, and explore the old mechanisms and vats) and an old village that retains most of its early-20th-century flavour.

    • 2022 November 2, Paul Bigland, “New trains, old trains, and splendid scenery”, in RAIL, number 969, pages 56-57:

      The journey is worth an article in itself, but all I can give is a flavour of a railway which traverses a bleak but dramatic coastline that’s regularly battered by the elements — especially around Parton, where the line is constantly threatened by the sea.


flavour (third-person singular simple present flavours, present participle flavouring, simple past and past participle flavoured)

  1. British standard spelling of flavor.

Middle English[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • flavor


Borrowed from Old French flaor, flaour, from Vulgar Latin *flātor. Medial -v- is due to the influence of savour (taste).


  • IPA(key): /flaːˈvuːr/, /ˈflaːvur/



  1. odour (generally pleasing)


  • English: flavour, flavor


  • “flāvǒur, n.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.

flavour — перевод на русский


The flavour deceives you.

Вкус вас обманывает.

Now, each card is a different flavour.

У каждой карты — свой вкус.

— And I got another flavour on top.

— А я хочу другой вкус.

It has a robust, full-bodied flavour which I’m sure you’ll find diverting.

У него чистый богатый вкус, который вы найдете занятным.

It gives them an exquisite flavour. What needs to be done?

Да, конечно, это придает удивительнейший вкус.

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The flavour of our foods surprised them.

Аромат нашей еды очень удивил их.

— It has a… distinct flavour.

— У нее… отличный аромат.

No, they infused it with flavour.

Нет, им придают аромат.

What flavour?

Какой аромат?

So, well, all right, he’s the new flavour of the month.

Он всего лишь новый аромат месяца.

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What is that flavour?

А что это за привкус?

Which, as you probably know, has a distinctive nutty flavour.

У которого, как вы, возможно, знаете, характерный ореховый привкус.

Everyone has their flavour.

— У каждого свой привкус.

And honey, with some nutty flavour in it.

С ореховым привкусом.

What flavour?

А с каким привкусом?

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Which flavour.

С каким запахом?

What flavour?

С каким запахом?

Flavours are rather like primary colours, you know, you blend two to achieve a third, a fourth and etc.

Запахи подобны цветам Вы смешиваете два, чтобы получить третий, четвёртый и тд.

Well, the buckwheat has more of an intense, full-bodied flavour, whereas the clover… Is lighter.

Ну,у гречишного меда более выраженный насыщенный запах , в то время, как клеверный… светлее.

With whom each meal is a journey to the land of a thousand flavours.

С которой каждый обед превращается в путешествие в страну тысячи запахов.

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Sometimes it’s good to remember how bad food can be, so you can enjoy the concept of flavour to the fullest.

John Oliver



From Old French flaour, from Late Latin flātor (unattested) bad smell, breath, from Latin flāre to blow.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Flavour is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb flavour in English.



Flavor is the sensory impression of a food or other substance, and is determined mainly by the chemical senses of taste and smell. The «trigeminal senses», which detect chemical irritants in the mouth and throat as well as temperature and texture, are also very important to the overall Gestalt of flavor perception. The flavor of the food, as such, can be altered with natural or artificial flavorants, which affect these senses. Flavorant is defined as a substance that gives another substance flavor, altering the characteristics of the solute, causing it to become sweet, sour, tangy, etc. Of the three chemical senses, smell is the main determinant of a food item’s flavor. While the taste of food is limited to sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami, pungent or piquant, and metallic – the seven basic tastes – the smells of a food are potentially limitless. A food’s flavor, therefore, can be easily altered by changing its smell while keeping its taste similar.

Definition of flavour in the English dictionary

The first definition of flavour in the dictionary is taste perceived in food or liquid in the mouth. Other definition of flavour is a substance added to food, etc, to impart a specific taste. Flavour is also a distinctive quality or atmosphere; suggestion.




I flavour

you flavour

he/she/it flavours

we flavour

you flavour

they flavour

Present continuous

I am flavouring

you are flavouring

he/she/it is flavouring

we are flavouring

you are flavouring

they are flavouring

Present perfect

I have flavoured

you have flavoured

he/she/it has flavoured

we have flavoured

you have flavoured

they have flavoured

Present perfect continuous

I have been flavouring

you have been flavouring

he/she/it has been flavouring

we have been flavouring

you have been flavouring

they have been flavouring

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I flavoured

you flavoured

he/she/it flavoured

we flavoured

you flavoured

they flavoured

Past continuous

I was flavouring

you were flavouring

he/she/it was flavouring

we were flavouring

you were flavouring

they were flavouring

Past perfect

I had flavoured

you had flavoured

he/she/it had flavoured

we had flavoured

you had flavoured

they had flavoured

Past perfect continuous

I had been flavouring

you had been flavouring

he/she/it had been flavouring

we had been flavouring

you had been flavouring

they had been flavouring

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will flavour

you will flavour

he/she/it will flavour

we will flavour

you will flavour

they will flavour

Future continuous

I will be flavouring

you will be flavouring

he/she/it will be flavouring

we will be flavouring

you will be flavouring

they will be flavouring

Future perfect

I will have flavoured

you will have flavoured

he/she/it will have flavoured

we will have flavoured

you will have flavoured

they will have flavoured

Future perfect continuous

I will have been flavouring

you will have been flavouring

he/she/it will have been flavouring

we will have been flavouring

you will have been flavouring

they will have been flavouring

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would flavour

you would flavour

he/she/it would flavour

we would flavour

you would flavour

they would flavour

Conditional continuous

I would be flavouring

you would be flavouring

he/she/it would be flavouring

we would be flavouring

you would be flavouring

they would be flavouring

Conditional perfect

I would have flavour

you would have flavour

he/she/it would have flavour

we would have flavour

you would have flavour

they would have flavour

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been flavouring

you would have been flavouring

he/she/it would have been flavouring

we would have been flavouring

you would have been flavouring

they would have been flavouring

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you flavour
we let´s flavour
you flavour

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Past participle


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of flavour in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «flavour» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «flavour» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of flavour to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of flavour from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «flavour» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

mùi vị

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of flavour


The term «flavour» is very widely used and occupies the 16.130 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «flavour» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of flavour

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «flavour».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «flavour» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «flavour» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about flavour


Famous quotes and sentences with the word flavour.

The flavour of something fresh out of the ground is 10 times better than something that’s been flown halfway across the world.

I collect imported teas, I have a few cupboards full! It’s like wine, each has it’s own flavour and you get into their little nuances.

Corporate nationalism to me is a little bit like what would have happened if Hitler had won. It’s scary stuff. It’s totalitarianism in a different from, under a different flavour.

I always do things that are not the flavour of the season. And that’s why people like me.

I eat soup noodles for comfort. In fact, noodles of any kind. It’s a food that is very easy to eat; it’s very soothing and comfortable, too. If I could choose any, I’d say buckwheat was my favourite: it has a very good flavour and is healthy, too.

I don’t decide my politics based on the flavour of the month.

You don’t choose a party because it’s the flavour of the month. I feel I will be able to work under a political system. I feel if people like me don’t enter politics to bring change, who will?

Sometimes it’s good to remember how bad food can be, so you can enjoy the concept of flavour to the fullest.

I’m a lot less travelled as an adult than I was as a child, but I think living in far flung places gives you a perspective on the world and people that adds flavour to your writing.

A good spicy challenge strikes a balance between flavour and fear.


Discover the use of flavour in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to flavour and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Or lacked inspiration for what to do with a bundle of beetroot? The Flavour Thesaurus is the first book to examine what goes with what, pair by pair. The book follows the form of Roget’s Thesaurus.


Food Flavour Technology

The book is aimed at food scientists and technologists, ingredients suppliers, quality assurance personnel, analytical chemists and biotechnologists. Food flavour technology is of key importance for the food industry.

Andrew J. Taylor, Robert Linforth, 2009


Wine: Flavour Chemistry

Both EU and non-EU countries are referred to, making this book a truly global reference for academics and enologists worldwide.

Jokie Bakker, Ronald J. Clarke, 2011

In this book renowned food writer Barbara Santich develops a credo for enjoying eating in modern Australia. With topics like ‘flavour first, rainforests second’, her book is sure to provoke passionate debate.


Flavour Science: Recent Advances and Trends

This latest volume presents the proceedings of the 11th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium and describes the most recent and original research advances related to the flavour of foods and beverages with contributions of experts from 25 …

Wender L.P. Bredie, Mikael Agerlin Petersen, 2006


Flavour and Fragrance Chemistry

The volume deals with several aspects of the chemistry of both synthetic and natural organic compounds related to flavours and fragrances.

Virginia Lanzotti, Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati, 2000


Gordon Ramsey’s Passion for Flavour

Written by the winner of the 1996 Chef’s Chef Award. This is a collection of 100 recipes, each with step-by-step instructions, including ideas for soups, starters, salads, fish, meat and desserts.

Look at the images, read the recipes, and just imagine their incredible, mouthwatering taste. These 100 dishes from hot chef Gordon Ramsay radiate an ethereal lightness and outstanding intensity of flavor.


Flavour Science: Recent Developments

This volume contains the 86 lectures, posters and workshop presentations made at the 8th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium.

A. J. Taylor, D S Mottram, 1997

Vancouver Island has a diverse and exceptional food culture, drawn from both land and ocean. With this unique cookbook, try a vast array of favourite recipes from the Island’s innovative chefs.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term flavour is used in the context of the following news items.

Sweet discovery added flavour to her fish

Imagine sipping tea or coffee accompanied with baked, dough coated fish buns. It was a first for me when fish farmer Zinath Deen welcomed … «The Standard Digital News, Jul 15»

Flavour combination: Vibrant and grassy pasta dinner

Toss in garlic and lemon zest, and reiterate the lemon flavour later on by sprinkling in the juice once the spaghetti is in there. Grate some … «Pulse Nigeria, Jul 15»

A flavour like no other

Content-wise, Hindi films are no longer what they were 50 years ago, which to many people means that we haven’t remained stuck in the past … «The Statesman, Jul 15»

Crime novel’s flavour bold, bewildering

Book review: Crime novel’s flavour bold, bewildering 0. By Joan Barfoot, Special to Postmedia Network. Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:45:54 EDT … «London Free Press, Jul 15»

Summer Grilling: Slash the sodium but keep the flavour

From seafood to meat, chefs love salt because it enhances the natural flavor of just about anything but do you add flavour without the salt. «CTV News, Jul 15»

Cheese flavour ice cream anyone?

Forget vanilla, mint choc chip and raspberry ripple — a Cheshire ice cream parlour has created a range of CHEESE flavour frozen treats. «Manchester Evening News, Jul 15»

Chance The Brewer:

Chance The Rapper has collaborated with Chicago brewery Goose Island to produce his own flavour of beer. A beer “for the hardworking … «DIY Magazine, Jul 15»

Flavour model Galia melon for better communication within the chain

There’s no accounting for taste. But differences of opinion may arise about the definition of taste. When a product’s flavour needs to be … «FreshPlaza, Jul 15»

Tea time treat offers a taste of Hampshire and a flavour of Sri Lanka

VISITORS to an award-winning Hampshire B&B enjoyed a traditional tea with a top travel writer as part of Hampshire Food festival. Graeme … «Daily Echo, Jul 15»

Last chance to help choose Flavour Fest frozen yoghurt

FRIDAY is your last chance to decide which is the city’s favourite frozen yoghurt flavour. The Flavour Find public taste test, which has seen … «Plymouth Herald, Jul 15»


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