Is flashlight one word

Смотреть что такое «flashlight» в других словарях:

  • flashlight — flash light n. a portable battery powered electric lamp, small enough to be held in one hand; it is most commonly cylindrical, but other forms are also made. It is called in Britain a {torch} Syn: torch. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flashlight — (n.) American English for what the British might call an electric torch; 1919, from FLASH (Cf. flash) + LIGHT (Cf. light) (n.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • flashlight — ► NOUN 1) an electric torch with a strong beam. 2) a flashgun …   English terms dictionary

  • flashlight — [flash′līt΄] n. ☆ 1. a portable electric light, usually operated by batteries 2. a light that shines in flashes, used for signaling, as in lighthouses, airplane beacons, etc.: in nautical usage, usually flashing light 3. a brief, dazzling light… …   English World dictionary

  • Flashlight — A flashlight (also called an electric torch or torch) is a portable electric spotlight which emits light from a small incandescent lightbulb, or from one or more light emitting diodes (LEDs). The light source is mounted in a housing which… …   Wikipedia

  • flashlight — noun (esp. AmE) ⇨ See also ↑torch ADJECTIVE ▪ pocket, small VERB + FLASHLIGHT ▪ point, shine ▪ Neesha pointed her flashlight at the floor …   Collocations dictionary

  • flashlight — n. (AE; BE has torch) 1) to turn on a flashlight 2) to shine a flashlight on * * * [ flæʃlaɪt] (AE;BE has torch) to turn on a flashlight to shine a flashlight on …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Flashlight — Flash|light 〈[flæ̣ʃlaıt] n. 15〉 1. (mit einer Lichtanlage erzeugter) Lichtblitz in geschlossenen Räumen, z. B. Diskotheken, Nightclubs usw. 2. die Anlage selbst [<engl. flashlight „Blitzlicht“] * * * Flash|light […la̮it ], das; s, s [engl.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • flashlight — [[t]flæ̱ʃlaɪt[/t]] flashlights N COUNT: also by N A flashlight is a small electric light which gets its power from batteries and which you can carry in your hand. [mainly AM] Len studied it a moment in the beam of his flashlight… The troopers,… …   English dictionary

  • flashlight — UK [ˈflæʃˌlaɪt] / US noun [countable] Word forms flashlight : singular flashlight plural flashlights mainly American a torch I, 1) …   English dictionary

  • Flashlight — Flash|light 〈[flæ̣ʃlaıt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 (mit einer Lichtanlage erzeugter) Lichtblitz in geschlossenen Räumen, z. B. Diskotheken, Nightclubs usw.; Syn. Flash (5) [Etym.: <engl. flashlight »Blitzlicht«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, published between 1889-1914, has two definitions for flash-light:

  1. n. A light so arranged as to emit sudden brilliant gleams, lasting but a short time: used for military signals and in lighthouses. See lighthouse.

  2. n. flash-light A preparation emitting when ignited a sudden and very brilliant light, used in taking instantaneous photographs at night or in a room insufficiently lighted by natural light, etc. It usually consists chiefly of a magnesium powder, sometimes in combination with guncotton.

So the word flashlight precedes the invention of the device we most commonly call a flashlight today, which Wordnet 3.0 defines as «a small portable battery-powered electric lamp».

This helps us to establish that the earliest uses of the word were connected to lighting sources characterized by brief duration. When coupled with my personal experience with antique batteries and short-lived carbon filaments, it goes a long way towards proving that the explanation offered by The Flashlight Museum on is likely to be correct:

The first trustworthy lighting device was the flashlight, invented about 1896. Portable electric lights were called «flash lights» since they would not give a long steady stream of light. The carbon filament bulbs were inefficient and the batteries were weak, allowing the user to flash the light on for only a few seconds, then release the contact. Very early lights did not have an on/off switch, just a ring or tab that would push against a button or band of metal.

Regarding why Brits prefer the word torch, one may as well ask why they prefer to call the trunk of an automobile a «boot», the hood a «bonnet», an elevator a «lift», French fries «chips», potato chips «crisps», cookies «biscuits», and biscuits «scones». I am sure the 3000 miles of ocean separating them from the U.S.A. has something to do with it.

  • flashlight of the lighthouse of your heart

    By Ioana on 02.19.2010

  • The flashlight was blinding. Pushing through the mass of them, I heard my name being shouted several times. “Hiroki! Hiroki!”, they shouted. But I just didn’t listen. Who cares about them?, I thought. They are just going to spread a nwe rumor. No one needs them. Still, people like to read the trash they write. You know who I’m talking of? Yes? Right, Paparazzi.

    By Myself on 02.19.2010

  • i saw a flashlight in his hand and he shone it in my eyes. My eyes burned, but i didin’t care. All I wanted to see was thatcold metal, grasping unto his hand. I knew it was cold, it had to be.

    By moriah on 02.19.2010

  • flash, tickle. the light is too bright, but that is what light does, yes. ashmight. no need to fight, fistfight, lashflight why does this turning into conflict? what happens to you? don’t look away.

    By dog on 02.19.2010

  • the dark room was unlit and i needed a flashlight to see i opened the door and saw someone jump out from behind the kitchen table with a knife. he had a mask on and had wild red eyes. he came after me and i ran. I tripped over the rug and fell down breaking my hip. I had to run on my good leg.

    By Elizabeth Smith on 02.19.2010

  • in unexpected dark there is no greater comfort than a flashlight in your trembling hand. hold steady, shine on. don’t worry what’s behind you, the light has already been there.

    By kristina URL on 02.19.2010

  • go with it into the ceiling. Move like a bean stalk in the dark with one speck of light at the end. my mother moved through the heroin tunnel but came out relatively unscathed: yellow skin from a challenged kidney which returned to opaque with time.

    By ts on 02.19.2010

  • Oh, a flashlight is very useful in the dark. When the power is off at night grab your flashlight and find the candles and matches. Now you have a lovely candlelight atmosphere.
    Flashilights are handy camping. If you are brave youtern off the light and see the stars in the sky as theyt guide you.

    By Brenda Stone on 02.19.2010

  • it was dark in the cellar. i reached from the wall, my hands searching for the switch. success, but no still no light. i looked for the shelf, where the flashlight always waits for me patiently.

    By Jeff on 02.19.2010

  • Flashlight I need one to walk around my neighborhood at night. They turned off some of the lights to save money, but its dark out there.

    By Chris G on 02.19.2010

  • By Ybyt on 02.19.2010

  • flashlight is a simple word i mean it has flash and light i like flashlights they help me to see in the dark and they scare away the monsters and they scare away the demons. they are my bestest friends:) la la la la la

    By Kelsey on 02.19.2010

  • I ran around romantically chasing her. Flashlight Peirce through the dark. She had left, gone with some man, doesn’t matter, ill stay her with my flashlight piercing the dark, as i did to her heart.

    By Andrew on 02.19.2010

  • one dark night I stood upon the crest of drewberry hill. I shone my flashlight at the twisted tree dead ahead of me. Hanging from the top most branch, swayed the remnants of a young girls rag doll. It is an eiry sight, one sad, bringing back bad memories from my own dark childhood. “Why is the world so cruel?” I say aloud to myself.

    By shelby on 02.19.2010

  • I shone the flashlight right into her eyes, and in that moment, I could see into her soul. I could see everything she felt. And I was so relieved. I could see that she loved me too, that she was afraid of what that meant, that she felt exactly what I felt.

    By j on 02.19.2010

  • The forest was dark, and clouds blocked the moon. Without his flashlight he would be lost. He wondered if she would be able to find her way to him. As he swept the light back adn forth over the rocks and trees, he nearly missed her. She was leaning on a giant bolder, she was wearing lipstick and a low cut top, he had never seen her like this. As he moved towards her, the flashlight began to blink on and off, showing her in a stobe light. Eventually the light went out completely, them to find each other by other means.

    By J on 02.19.2010

  • it doesnt really flashlight. it maintains light, its not like only a flash is given. but a solid beam until the battery dies.

    By Kore on 02.19.2010

  • something that you use to see things in the dark, it is useful at night or on camping trips. little ones on keychains. big ones to work on utility stuff. uses batteries. like to play shadow animals with hands

    By cris on 02.19.2010

  • This shines on everything that is in its path and it forgets about those things beyond its scope. It is dim or bright and it brings clarity and understanding to those things previously unknown. It is in the drawer in the kitchen and it useless during the day, but at night it could be a life saver. If the batteries run out, it becomes powerless and that which is unknown will continue to be unknonw.

    By Stacy on 02.19.2010

  • The light flashes in my eyes out of nowhere. I can’t imagine where the light was coming from, it was a completely dark room with no windows, and only the one door, but I was staring straight at the door and it had remained shut. I called out, there couldn’t be someone else in here could there? Was I not alone in my imprisonment?

    By Amy on 02.19.2010

  • illuminate the shadows of oppression, the world does no benefit from your confessions, so quit with the questions. one flashlight at night to lead the way, no matter what they say we pray for the sun. until my time is done. Flashlight.

    By Vincent on 02.19.2010

  • Also called torches. They’re bright and very, very useful after a hurricane. Also fun during slumber parties and to make shadow puppets. I remember doing that w/ my cousins at my grandma’s house when I was like 2.

    By Victoria on 02.19.2010

  • Flashlights are often converted to sex toys. They remind me of summer nights without power. Windows opened, playing uno by flashlight with my sister, sleeping on a mattress on the living room floor.

    By eli on 02.19.2010

  • The flashlight, the check list, the man.

    What it takes to get into a bank and successfully alter your life. A breath, a stare, a bead of sweat on the dirty forehead.
    The man woke, he looked intentely on the security guard as the man he met a few hours before smashed the back of his head with the butt of his pump shotgun.

    By Chuck Lit on 02.19.2010

  • in the dark there is light, a sudden flicker of light, of understanding, of spirituality…. breath,a sudden electronic sunrise that is mute but bright in mind and in the eye.

    By B on 02.19.2010

  • One day, I found a flashlight on the streets. It was a very intriguing flashlight, for it had magic powers. I clicked it on, and it sucked me up into a whoorlwind of colors. Before I knew it, I was in a different world with lots of different colored items. I tried my hardest to keep calm, but it was just so hard when you have no idea what’s going on.

    By Nicole on 02.19.2010

  • It exposes the shadows for what they are, shedding a little flash on the lack of light.

    Yes, my flashlight. A spot light in the darkness.

    By Kunze on 02.19.2010

  • The light clicked off. It was night, and the asylum looked like a castle under the thundercloud. The earth was cold, it felt almost frozen. People’s dead spirits seemed to be present here, like they never left this place.

    By Scythe42 on 02.19.2010

  • flash·light



    1. A small portable lamp usually powered by batteries.

    2. A brief brilliant flood of light from a photographic lamp.

    3. A bright light, as of a signal lamp, that flashes at regular intervals.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




    1. (Electronics) chiefly US and Canadian a small portable electric lamp powered by one or more dry batteries. Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): torch

    2. (Photography) photog the brief bright light emitted by an electronic flash unit. Sometimes shortened to: flash

    3. (Electronics) chiefly US and Canadian a light that flashes, used for signalling, in a lighthouse, etc

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




    1. Also called, esp. Brit., torch. a small portable electric lamp powered by dry batteries or a tiny generator.

    2. a light that flashes, as a lighthouse beacon.

    3. any source of artificial light as used in flash photography.


    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

    ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    Noun 1. flashlight - a small portable battery-powered electric lampflashlight — a small portable battery-powered electric lamp

    flashlight battery — a small dry battery containing dry cells; used to power flashlights

    penlight — a small flashlight resembling a fountain pen

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


    baterkableskkapesní svítilna



    baterijska svjetiljkadžepna lampa


    flass, leifturljósvasaljós



    vrecková baterka




    đèn flashđèn pin


    [ˈflæʃlaɪt] N (US) (= torch) → linterna f

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (flӕʃ) noun

    1. a quick showing of a bright light. a flash of lightning.

    2. a moment; a very short time. He was with her in a flash.

    3. a flashlight.

    4. (often ˈnewsflash) a brief news report sent by radio, television etc. Did you hear the flash about the king’s death?


    1. (of a light) to (cause to) shine quickly. He flashed a torch.

    2. (usually with by or past) to pass quickly. The days flashed by; The cars flashed past.

    3. to show; to display. He flashed a card and was allowed to pass.

    ˈflashing adjective

    flashing lights.

    ˈflashy adjective

    big, bright etc but cheap and of poor quality. flashy clothes.

    ˈflashily adverbˈflashlight noun

    1. a (battery) torch.

    2. (often abbreviated to flash) an instrument which produces a sudden bright light for taking photographs.

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


    كَشَّافٌ كَهْرَبائِيّ, مِصْباحٌ بَطَّارِيَّة baterka fakkel, lommelygte Blitzlicht, Taschenlampe φακός linterna salamavalo, taskulamppu torche baterijska svjetiljka, džepna lampa pila tascabile, torcia 懐中電灯 손전등, 플래시 zaklamp, zaklantaarn lommelykt latarka, pochodnia lanterna, lanterna de mão факел, фонарь ficklampa ไฟฉาย el feneri, flaş đèn flash, đèn pin 手电筒

    Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


    n. linterna eléctrica.

    English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Перевод и значение FLASHLIGHT в английском и русском языках

    transcription, транскрипция: [ ʹflæʃlaıt ]


    1. 1> сигнальный огонь 2> проблесковый огонь маяка 3> яркий мигающий огонь ( световых реклам и т. п. )

    2. карманный электрический фонарь

    3. фото вспышка магния

    flashlight photograph — снимок при вспышке магния

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

         English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

    Educalingo использует cookies для персонализации рекламы и получения статистики по использованию веб-трафика. Мы также передаем информацию об использовании сайта в нашу социальную сеть, партнерам по рекламе и аналитике.





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    Фонарик — это портативный источник света с электрическим питанием. Обычно источником света является небольшая лампа накаливания или светоизлучающий диод. Типичный фонарик состоит из лампочки, установленной в отражателе, прозрачной крышки для защиты источника света и отражателя, аккумулятора и переключателя. Они поддерживаются и защищены корпусом. Изобретение сухих клеток и миниатюрных ламп накаливания привело к тому, что в 1899 году появились первые фонарики с батарейным питанием. В настоящее время фонарики используют в основном лампы накаливания или светодиоды и работают на одноразовых или перезаряжаемых батареях. Некоторые из них питаются от пользователя, поворачивающего кривошип или встряхивающего лампу, а некоторые имеют солнечные батареи для подзарядки аккумулятора. В дополнение к ручному фонарику общего назначения многие формы были адаптированы для специальных целей. Фонари на голове или шлеме, предназначенные для шахтеров и отдыхающих, оставляют руки свободными. Некоторые фонарики могут использоваться под водой или в горючих атмосферах. A flashlight is a hand-held portable electrically-powered light source. Usually the light source is a small incandescent light bulb or light-emitting diode. A typical flashlight consists of a light bulb mounted in a reflector, a transparent cover to protect the light source and reflector, a battery, and a switch. These are supported and protected by a case. The invention of the dry cell and miniature incandescent electric light bulbs made the first battery-powered flashlights possible around 1899. Today flashlights use mostly incandescent lamps or light-emitting diodes and run on disposable or rechargeable batteries. Some are powered by the user turning a crank or shaking the lamp, and some have solar panels to recharge a battery. In addition to the general-purpose hand-held flashlight, many forms have been adapted for special uses. Head or helmet-mounted flashlights designed for miners and campers leave the hands free. Some flashlights can be used underwater or in flammable atmospheres.

    Значение слова flashlight в словаре английский языка

    Первое определение фонарика в словаре — небольшая портативная электрическая лампа, питаемая одной или несколькими сухими батареями. Также называется: факел. Другое определение фонарика — это краткий яркий свет, испускаемый электронной вспышкой. Иногда сокращается до: вспышка. Фонарик также свет, который мигает, используется для сигнализации, в маяке и т. Д.

    The first definition of flashlight in the dictionary is a small portable electric lamp powered by one or more dry batteries Also called : torch. Other definition of flashlight is the brief bright light emitted by an electronic flash unit Sometimes shortened to: flash. Flashlight is also a light that flashes, used for signalling, in a lighthouse, etc.

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    Синонимы и антонимы слова flashlight в словаре английский языка

    Перевод слова «flashlight» на 25 языков

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    Переводы слова flashlight с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «flashlight» на английский языке.

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    đèn flash

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    Тенденции использования слова flashlight




    Слово используется очень часто

    На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «flashlight» в разных странах.

    Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова flashlight

    Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «flashlight».


    На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «flashlight» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «flashlight» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

    Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове flashlight


    Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом flashlight.

    I see myself as a flashlight in the dark. I’m not trying to be overlooked anymore.

    I was the kind of reader in smudged pink harlequin glasses sitting on the cool, dusty floor of the Arrandale public library, standing at the edge of the playground, having broken a tooth in dodge ball, and lying under my covers with a flashlight.

    Ego is to the true self what a flashlight is to a spotlight.

    Superman was my first comic back in the ’50s; that was me under the bedspread with the flashlight reading comic books.

    Brits and Americans have hundreds of different phrases for the same thing. Luckily, it’s usually a source of amusement rather than frustration. A flashlight by any other name is still a torch. My personal favourite is ‘fairy lights,’ which we boringly refer to as ‘Christmas lights.’

    I loved ghost stories, creaky staircases, stormy nights. If it guaranteed nightmares I read it by flashlight, after midnight.

    With acting, I started very young, and I’d performed for a lot of children in boarding schools, late at night after the dormitory lights were out. I’d have a flashlight, and I’d be Count Dracula, or Shakespeare, or Yogi Bear, and leap from bunk to bunk. I loved the laughter; I liked the way it made people feel.

    Some bands blow it before they even play. The most important moment of any show is when a band walks out with the red amp lights glowing, the flashlight that shows each performer the way to his spot on the stage. It’s crucial not to blow it. It sets the tempo of the show; it affects everyone’s perception of the band.

    Science is like a flashlight in the hands of people living in a huge balloon. They can illuminate anything in the balloon, but cannot shine it outside the balloon to see where it is floating — or if it is floating at all.


    Поиск случаев использования слова flashlight в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову flashlight, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


    Flashlight 1: Teacher’s Book

    Worksheets and optional activities in the Teacher’s Book provide extra help for students who need either additional support or extra challenge.

    Paul A. Davies, Patricia Reilly, Tim Falla, 2007


    After the Flashlight Man: A Memoir of Awakening

    After the Flashlight Man is the story of how one author came to terms with these experiences that threw her life into a whole new light: the self-defense classes, rape crisis volunteer work, writing, and meditation that served as …


    Build Your Own Periscope, Flashlight, and Other Useful Stuff

    «Provides children with instructions and tips on how to build a variety of useful objects»—


    Ernie and Bert’s flashlight adventure

    Ernie and Bert share some bedtime adventures while searching for a treasure—without ever leaving their bedroom.


    Complete Self-instructing Library of Practical Photography: …

    Flash-lamp, Position of the 507 Flashlight Compounds 478 Flashlight
    Compounds, Methods of Igniting 479 Flashlight, Groups and Interiors by 522-540
    Flashlight, Groups by 522-525 Flashlight — Interior Photography, General 527-
    529 …

    James Boniface Schriever, Thomas Harrison Cummings, American School of Art and Photography (Scranton, Pa.), 1908


    Complete Self-instructing Library of Practical Photography: …

    Flashlight, Groups and Interiors by 522-540 Flashlight, Groups by 522-525
    Flashlight — Interior Photography, General 527-529 Flashlight Photography —
    Amount of Powder to Use 513-516 Flashlight Photography — Developing 485,
    521 …

    James Boniface Schriever, American School of Art and Photography, Scranton, Pa, 1909


    At-home portraiture, flashlight, interiors, lenses

    “527-529 Flashlight Photography—Amount of Powder to Use . . . . . . “513-516
    Flashlight Photography—Developing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..485, 521 Flashlight
    Photography—Difficulties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..541-551 Detail in Shadows,
    Lack …

    James Boniface Schriever, 1909

    Two flashlight guns, one fired by small cartridgelike primers and the other by a
    sparking mechanism; a box of fuse-type flash cartridges; and a flash sheet holder
    with flash sheets COIN TRICK PAYS MAGICIAN TEN CENTS Most amateur …



    BRYAN L SMITH. Later that night we heard a noise outside the tent. Later that
    night we heard a noise outside the tent. Paw Paw grabbed his flashlight and I
    looked for mine, Paw Paw grabbed his flashlight and I looked for mine, but I
    couldn’t …

    Children can learn how to make magic happen in the dark with step-by-step instructions for flashlight fun. Color illustrations throughout. Flashlight included.

    Ellen Keller, Abby Carter, 1999


    Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин flashlight в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

    White Mississippi Cop Accused Of Choking Unarmed Black Man To …

    “But there was no flashlight used to choke anybody – that’s false. And there were no shots fired by either man, there were no weapons at all, … «News One, Июл 15»

    Hailee Steinfeld Is Singing ‘Flashlight‘ Live in ‘Pitch Perfect 2’ Bellas …

    “So in the movie, when I auditioned for the Bellas, I sing a song called ‘Flashlight,’ which my character wrote. I pre-recorded my audition … «Just Jared Jr., Июл 15»

    Mississippi Officer Allegedly Choked 39-Year-Old Man To Death …

    … that Sanders was exercising his horses when he was stopped by Officer Kevin Herrington, who began to choke Sanders with a flashlight. «Global Grind, Июл 15»

    Nightstick XPP-5422GM

    Bayco’s Nightstick flashlight brand is expanding its multi-purpose lighting inroads into potentially explosive environments with the introduction of the Nightstick … «, Июл 15»

    This TripleLite flashlight illuminates a greater area than any other …

    Why use a flashlight that only lights a small circular area in front of you (top right image) when you could light up a full 180o around you (bottom … «The Gadgeteer, Июл 15»

    West Bridgewater man finds flashlight in home after attempted larceny

    WEST BRIDGEWATER – A South Street resident woke up Friday to find that someone had entered his house overnight and left a flashlight … «Wicked Local Bridgewater, Июл 15»

    On Sale: Winchester House Fall Flashlight Tours

    DO TRY THIS AT HOME: Know where your flashlight might be? We all should, since when we really, really need it our house tends to be rather … «NBC Bay Area, Июл 15»

    Say goodbye to the sun with evening flashlight tours

    Visitors with light-up jewelry walk along the trail with flashlights as part of the flashlight tours at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. «, Июн 15»

    Beat Phoenix’s heat with Botanical Garden flashlight tour

    If you’ve only experienced the Desert Botanical Garden during the day, you might want to try the Flashlight Tours going on there this summer. «, Июн 15»

    Bethany Mota Teams Up With Kurt Hugo Schneider For ‘Flashlight

    “My face right now because a new video is uploading! It also includes some VERY cool news ???????????? who’s ready?” Bethany, 19, wrote … «Just Jared Jr., Июн 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Flashlight [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».

    фонарик, мигающий свет, карманный фонарик, ручной электрический фонарь


    - сигнальный огонь
    - проблесковый огонь маяка
    - яркий мигающий огонь (световых реклам и т. п.)
    - карманный электрический фонарь
    - фото вспышка магния

    flashlight photograph — снимок при вспышке магния

    Мои примеры


    the beam of a powerful flashlight — луч мощного фонаря  
    to turn on a flashlight — зажигать фонарь  
    to shine a flashlight on — освещать что-л. фонарём  
    turn on the flashlight — зажечь фонарь  
    baton flashlight — сигнальный фонарик с длинной ручкой  
    flashlight battery — батарея для карманных фонарей; батарея для карманного фонаря  
    flashlight cell — элемент для батареи карманного фонаря; батарейка от карманного фонаря  
    flashlight powder — порошок для осветительной вспышки; смесь для осветительной вспышки  
    flashlight signal — мигающий световой сигнал  
    flashlight valve — импульсная лампа  
    laser flashlight — портативный лазерный целеуказатель  

    Примеры с переводом

    The flashlight was still functional after I dropped it.

    Фонарик по прежнему был в рабочем состоянии после того, как я уронил его.

    Since you aren’t taking a flashlight, make sure you’re back at camp by nightfall.

    Поскольку вы не берёте фонарик, обязательно вернитесь в лагерь до наступления темноты.

    He saw the gleam of a flashlight in the distance.

    Он увидел, как вдалеке мелькнул свет фонарика.

    We could see inside the cave even without a flashlight because of the luminescence coming from some of the fungus on the walls.

    Благодаря свечению, исходящему от некоторых из грибов, растущих на стенах пещеры, там было видно даже без фонаря.

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): flashlight
    мн. ч.(plural): flashlights

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