Is fast paced one word

What is another word for long journey? Contexts. Driving vacation. A long arduous journey, especially one made on foot. A pilgrim’s journey.

So, what do you mean by fast paced?

Adj. 1. fastpaced — of communication that proceeds rapidly; «a fastpaced talker»; «fastpaced fiction» fast — acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; «fast film»; «on the fast track in school»; «set a fast pace«; «a fast car» Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.

Also Know, what is the synonym of quick?

SYNONYMS. fast, swift, rapid, speedy, high-speed, expeditious. brisk, lively, sprightly, nimble, prompt. lightning, meteoric, overnight, whirlwind, fast-track, whistle-stop, breakneck, smart.

What are fast paced jobs?

10 jobs for people who like a fast-paced work environment

  • Advertising manager. What you’d do: Think about how many products—new and existing—you interact with on a daily basis.
  • Air traffic controller.
  • Barista/Bartender.
  • Broadcasting.
  • Computer programmer.
  • Customer support.
  • EMT.
  • Line cook.

What is a word for the ability to learn quickly?

noun. definition 1: ability to learn quickly. synonyms: aptness, cleverness, facility, quickness, sharpness similar words: ability, acuity, bent, brilliance, capacity, faculty, perspicacity, wit.

Write Your Answer
fast paced

Общая лексика: быстро развивающийся, идущий быстрыми шагами

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «fast paced» в других словарях:

  • fast-paced — UK US adjective ► happening very quickly: »It is a myth that all older people struggle with the fast paced evolution of information technology …   Financial and business terms

  • fast-paced — [ ,fæst peıst ] adjective including a lot of different things happening quickly …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fast-paced — adjective of communication that proceeds rapidly a fast paced talker fast paced fiction • Similar to: ↑fast * * * ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective of a narrative : fast moving an extraordinary story as fast p …   Useful english dictionary

  • fast-paced — adjective Moving or changing rapidly. We went to see a fast paced action film …   Wiktionary

  • fast-paced — adj. Fast paced is used with these nouns: ↑world …   Collocations dictionary

  • fast-paced — UK [ˌfɑːst ˈpeɪst] / US [ˌfæst ˈpeɪst] adjective including a lot of different things happening quickly a fast paced game …   English dictionary

  • paced — [pāst] adj. 1. having a specified pace: used in hyphenated compounds [fast paced] 2. measured by paces or pacing 3. Horse Racing having its pace set by a pacemaker …   English World dictionary

  • fast lane — n. 1. a lane on an expressway for moving at higher speeds or passing other vehicles 2. a way of living variously regarded as fast paced, success oriented, very sophisticated, expensive, etc …   English World dictionary

  • paced — [[t]pe͟ɪst[/t]] ADJ: adv ADJ If you talk about the way that something such as a film or book is paced, you are referring to the speed at which the story is told. This excellent thriller is fast paced and believable. …good special effects and… …   English dictionary

  • fast — I 1. adjective 1) a fast pace Syn: speedy, quick, swift, rapid; fast moving, fast paced, high speed, turbo, sporty; accelerated, express, blistering, breakneck, pell mell; hasty, hurried; informal nippy …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • paced — /payst/, adj. 1. having a specified or indicated pace (usually used in combination): fast paced. 2. counted out or measured by paces. 3. run at a pace set by a pacesetter. [1575 85; PACE1 + ED3] * * * …   Universalium

Hyphenations in English make for an interesting addition to typical language rules, though, thankfully, once you learn about one, you learn about them all! So, let’s look at fast-paced or fast paced and ask ourselves the simple question. Is fast-paced hyphenated?

The fast-paced hyphen rule suggests that we use a hyphen to group the words when used as a modifier for a noun or object in a sentence. We leave the words ungrouped when we’re using them as a standalone noun.

Examples Of When To Use “Fast-Paced”

What do we mean by modifying a noun, then? When we look at fast-paced vs fast paced, it’s important to differentiate between the two. We’ll start with some examples using the hyphenated version so you can see how the nouns are modified.

  • We live in a fast-paced home.
  • That’s a fast-paced work environment.
  • The restaurant has a fast-paced kitchen.
  • Our school works to a fast-paced schedule.
  • I’m a fast-paced speaker.

Examples Of When To Use “Fast Paced”

Now let’s look at fast paced without the hyphen. Comparing fast paced or fast-paced is easy. If the words come at the end of the clause, we usually always leave them unhyphenated. In each of these examples, you’ll notice that we’re using “fast paced” as a phrase noun. However, it’s worth noting that this variation of “fast-paced” is slowly being phased out of the language. Most people opt for the hyphenated version no matter what.

  • We work fast paced.
  • This is too fast paced.
  • Can this place be more fast paced?
  • I haven’t been this fast paced in years.
  • We’re all trying to be fast paced.

Is Fast-Paced Hyphenated AP Style?

AP style suggests many English rules for us, and it’s a great book to reference to make sure you’re getting everything right. About hyphens, AP style says they’re used as “joiners” between two or more closely linked words in a sentence. These words are connected by a hyphen and used to modify a noun to help the reader comprehend what they’re reading. If the words are left unhyphenated, then they act as their own phrase noun instead.

Should I Capitalize “Paced” In The Word “Fast-Paced”?

Capitalizing titles adds a whole new spanner in the works when we look through hyphenation rules. With “fast-paced,” we’re often left wondering which of the two words we’re supposed to capitalize since they become one word when a hyphen is used. The answer is simple but needs elaboration. It depends entirely on you and what title style you use when you’re writing. There are three main title styles to choose from.

Style one involves only capitalizing the first word and proper nouns. Unless “fast-paced” is the first word in the title, neither of the words are capitalized in this style. In style two, all words except short prepositions, conjunctions, and articles are capitalized, meaning “fast” always is, but “paced” never is (as they’re part of the same word).

The final style involves capitalizing all words in a title, no matter what. In this case, we’d always capitalize both words in “fast-paced.” Even though they count as one word, this style makes sure to keep them both upper case.

Alternatives To “Fast-Paced”

If you’re still struggling with the fast-paced hyphen rule, there’s one last thing we can recommend for you! Find alternatives that hold the same meaning but don’t require a hyphen to make them work. This way, you don’t have to worry about potentially getting any of the hyphen rules wrong and can instead show off your newfound language skills without fear!

  • Hurriedly
  • Quickly
  • Promptly
  • Expeditiously
  • Fast

Quiz – Fast-Paced Or Fast Paced?

Let’s finish with a quick quiz to see what you’ve learned from us. You can compare your answers at the end to see if you went wrong anywhere. If you did, just read through the article again to see what you missed!

  1. Native speakers are always (A. fast-paced / B. fast paced).
  2. That’s a (A. fast-paced / B. fast paced) race.
  3. I watched a (A. fast-paced / B. fast paced) thriller the other day.
  4. That thriller was so (A. fast-paced / B. fast paced).
  5. We come from a (A. fast-paced / B. fast paced) home life.

Quiz Answers

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

быстрый темп

быстро меняющемся

быстро развивающейся

быстром темпе

быстро развивающемся

быстро развивающийся

быстрым темпом

быстрого темпа

быстро меняющейся

быстрыми темпами


быстро развивающаяся


The gameplay is very fast paced, due to players being able to move at high speed and jump erratically.

Геймплей имеет очень быстрый темп, из-за игроков, находящихся в состоянии двигаться на высокой скорости и беспорядочно прыгать.

They are fast paced, offer a number of opportunities and can be traded around the clock.

Они имеют быстрый темп, и предлагают целый ряд возможностей и можно торговать круглосуточно.

Shoot down the enemy space craft foreign entry in this fast paced arcade shooter.

Сбить самолет врага пространства иностранными запись в этом быстро меняющемся аркадный шутер.

In today’s fast paced digital world responsive web design is one of the most efficient means of safe-guarding your website for the foreseeable future.

В сегодняшнем быстро меняющемся цифровом мире, отзывчивый веб-дизайн является одним из наиболее эффективных средств протекции сайта в обозримом будущем.

Being able to answer questions quickly and definitely is essential in a fast paced and independent profession or business at home.

Быть способным быстро и определенно отвечать на вопросы важно в быстро развивающейся и независимой профессии или бизнесе дома.

The best casino software offers astonishingly realistic graphics along with fast paced action and a user friendly interface.

Лучшее программное обеспечение казино предлагает удивительно реалистичную графику, а также быстрый темп действий и удобный интерфейс.

That gives a fast paced introduction for people who already know Java well.

Это дает быстрый темп введение для люди, которые уже хорошо знаете Java.

Ride again our ghost on this fast paced Motrobike game with great art style.

Ездить снова наш призрак на этом быстрый темп Motrobike игры с большим художественным стилем.

Red Kart Racer is a fast paced pseudo 3D kart racing game with 10 different tracks.

Красный Kart Racer является быстрый темп псевдо 3D картинг гоночная игра с 10 различных треков.

Conversations tend to be fast paced and often in emotional tones.

Беседы обычно протекают в быстром темпе и, зачастую, на повышенных эмоциональных тонах.

Nothing fast paced or super athletic.

Здесь нет ничего броского, супермодного или спортивного.

But in industrialized nations it is very fast paced.

In the fast paced world in which we…

If you’re looking for fast paced drums, you’ll be disappointed.

I’ve always led a very fast paced life.

This field is fast paced, frequently changing, and incredibly complex.

Эта сфера очень быстрая, часто меняется и достаточно сложная.

But in industrialized nations it is very fast paced.

В высокоразвитых промышленных странах она стоит очень остро.

This makes it a rather poor form of money, especially in a fast paced electronic economic system.

Это делает его не очень удобной формой денег, особенно в высокоскоростной электронной экономической системе.

In this fast paced society everyone is so much under stress, so finding a place of peace is a blessing.

В этом быстро развивающемся обществе все так сильно стесняются, поэтому найти место мира — это благословение.

I’ve always thought of content marketing as a fast paced, agile and high energy approach to engaging the modern buyer.

Я всегда думал о контент-маркетинге как о быстром, гибком и энергичном подходе к привлечению современного покупателя.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

быстро идущий, задающий быстрый темп, идущий быстрыми шагами, быстро…


- идущий быстрыми шагами; быстро развивающийся

a fast-paced world — быстро меняющийся мир

Мои примеры


fast paced — идущий быстрыми шагами; быстро развивающийся  
fast-paced — идущий быстрыми шагами; быстро развивающийся  

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the novel’s plot is kinetic and fast-paced, and its effect on the reader is much like that of a surfeit of caffeine…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Why sure you can, and indeed you have just done so!

I really cannot imagine what it is that makes you think you cannot do what you have just yourself done. Do you mistrust your own eyes? What’s the source of your afraidness here regarding fast-pacedness?

Perhaps it’s just its nonceness or ad-hoc-ness, its brand-newness or its yuckiness, or even its unapproachableness, but those are all their own concerns unrelated to what you have created.

Why? Because -ness is particularly superpowered among English derivational suffixes, that’s why. It does what it pleases, as too should you. It is a suffix of neverending plentifulness, for its cornucopiousness knows no bottom!

I strongly recommend that you read Aranoff and Fuhrhop’s 2002 paper on Restricting Suffix Combinations in German and English: Closing Suffixes and the Monosuffix Constraint, published in the journal Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.

There you will learn that -ness is the most liberal of all derivational suffixes, one that freely combines with nearly any base, even atop Latinate bases or piling atop not merely Germanic bases but even other Germanic suffixes, two things that just never happen with other Germanic derivational suffixes.

That’s why you can have cluelessness but not cluenessless. Heck, you can even have admissibleness! It doesn’t even have to be one word, which is where anal retentiveness comes into the picture.

So do as you will with your fast-pacedness. Just consider it your superpoweredness shining through. Eventually your friends may tire of your shock-and-awe-ness, but don’t let them hold you back! Be creative!

The OED Speaks

The OED says that the twin etymons of paced the adjective are pace the verb combined with the -ed inflectional morpheme. The verb appeared in print a couple of centuries after the noun, which dates to 1300. The primary sense they give for the adjective is:

  1. Having a particular pace, gait, or rate of walking or moving. Chiefly as the second element in compounds.

    For more established compounds, see the first element; recorded earliest in well-paced adj. 1, with reference to a woman metaphorically likened to a horse.

(Sense 1 is the one that applies here; their senses 2 and 3 are for other sorts of uses.)

Here is that earliest citation just now mentioned:

  • ?1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Husbandry f. xxxiᵛ
    The first [property of a woman] is to be mery of chere, the seconde to be well pased.

As you see, spelling was not yet at all standardized during late Middle English. They then proceed to illustrate the historical progression of the dominant spellings used over many centuries, including in this order and beginning with the first just given: well pased, slowe paste, high-pac’d, slowly pac’d, middle paced, slow-pac’d, stealthy-paced, quick-paced.

Elsewhere in the OED they separately document all of broken-paced, easy-paced, fine-paced, firm-paced, giddy-paced, half-paced, heavy-paced, lazy-paced, lofty-paced, medium-paced, motor-paced, proud-paced, quick-paced, slow-paced, snail-paced, swift-paced, tandem-paced, thorough-paced, tortoise-paced, true-paced.

As you see, it’s used in really all sorts of compounds, many of them rather more unusual that you own. Honestly, given quick-paced and swift-paced, not to mention slow-paced and tortoise-paced, what can possibly be “wrong” with your fast-pacedness? It lacks but a -ness, which is covered in the section previous to this one and in the section subsequent to this one alike.

Their most recent citation included under the paced headword is ideally paced, which is an open compound:

  • 1990 Gramophone May 1982/2
    A buoyant, ideally paced scherzo whose refulgent second subject Litton pointedly relishes even more on its second appearance.

My personal conclusion, based solely on OED inspection alone, is that your own version is unremarkable, no matter whether viewed diachronically or synchronically.

Published Citations of -pacedness

Here for your delectation are a couple of centuries’ worth of references to published instances
of various sorts of X-pacedness terms. I see no difference whatsoever between swift-pacedness or slow-pacedness and the asker’s fast-pacedness.

  • 1823 European Magazine and London Review, Volume 84, p 141.
    This thorough-pacedness has communicated itself to his pleasures as well as
    his labours; and he runs through the business of relaxation with
    earnestness, because he has deliberated and resolved upon it.

  • 1836 Isaac Taylor The Characters of Theophrastus, p. 77
    In this movement there is that peculiar character of even-pacedness which
    belongs to all the undisturbed operations of nature.

  • 1884 L.H. Grindon Life: Its Nature, Varieties, and Phenomena, p. 397
    Virtue, wisdom, poetry, the Bible, are matters which from intellectual
    slow-pacedness, or moral disrelish, excite only moieties of interest,
    but life is the central, universal, indomitable solicitude.

  • 1892 The American Magazine, Volume 34, p. 349
    Scientific development has invested most things with a modern air of
    improvement and utility that contrasts violently with the staidness and
    slow-pacedness so characteristic of the age of our grandfathers.

  • 1903 E.V. Lucas The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb: Letters, 1796-1834, p. 14
    Your simile of the Laplander..will bear comparison with any in Milton for
    fullness of circumstance and lofty-pacedness of Versification.

  • 1983 S.G. Abbas The Immortal Poetry & Mir Anis, p. 174
    Very like the presentation of the qualities of the sword, Anis made a
    description of the grace, faithfulness, agility, trot and swift-pacedness
    of the horse.

  • 1985 J.M. Heath and M. Payne Text, Interpretation, Theory, p 170 Tennyson’s use of “the most characteristic of the Keatsian
    metonymies, which is the substitution of a near-stasis or slow-pacedness
    for the language of the sense, for the sounds and sights of passing time.”

  • 1985 Peter Clark A Review of the Theories of Time and Structure for Organizational Sociology, p. 31
    Probably the other most important dimensions requiring investigation are
    societal expectations about the even pacedness of working and excitement
    control (Elias, 1982).

  • 1994 Industrial & Labor Relations Review Volume 48, p. 335
    We then ran preliminary regressions with salaried status as the dependent
    variable and a “pacedness” variable (combining the three measures of
    pacedness into one) as one of the independent variables..

  • 1999 K. Jahandarie Spoken and Written Discourse: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective, p. 133
    In his Dialogues on the Differences Between Speaking and Writing, Pedro de
    Navarra, the 16th-century Spanish linguist, referred to several such
    differences, including the evanescence, contextuality, other-pacedness, and
    redundancy of speech vs. the permanents, autonomy, self-pacedness, and
    conciseness of writing

  • 2012 M.S. Frings Philosophy of Prediction and Capitalism, p. 3
    This slow-pacedness of philosophical thinking does not, however, agree very
    well with the restless speed of our lives and present-day cravings for ever
    faster short-term solutions of all impending problems.

And although these terms may not be especially popular for any number of possible reasons, they are certainly morphologically grammatical
and can be found here and there in various published works from the past 200 years.

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fast paced


— / —


•Scalping is very fast paced and requires a significant amount of attention throughout the day to find and take trades.
•Скальпинг очень динамичен и требует пристального внимания на протяжении дня для нахождения и совершения сделок.

Timber production has declined in the past year, but it is still fast paced, i.e. 50 per cent higher than the desirable level of sustainability, according to the IMF.
За последний год несколько снизилось производство древесины, однако, согласно оценкам МВФ, объем производства тем не менее на 50 % превышает уровень, позволяющий обеспечивать этому сектору необходимую устойчивость.

When trading in a fast paced market like the forex market, it is crucial that you choose a broker that can execute your trades in a fast and efficient manner.
Если Вы хотите торговать на высоковолатильных рынках, таких как рынок Forex, очень важно, чтобы выбранный Вами брокер мог быстро реагировать на Ваши ордера и исполнять сделки максимально эффективно и оперативно.

Driving too fast is dangerous.
Слишком быстрая езда опасна.

Mayweather took his time, paced and delivered all of the lines he wanted to and McGregor seemed a little overwhelmed by the moment during his time on the mic.
Мейвезер не спешил, действовал размеренно и сказал все, что хотел. А Макгрегор в этот момент не справился с эмоциями, стоя перед микрофоном.


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With money you can

buy new soldiers who will help in this fast-paced adventure.


Jezzball is a simple, yet engaging fast-paced game of skill and strategy.

context icon

Бешенный Мяч является простой, и в то же время, увлекательной динамичной игрой мастерства и стратегии.

Take a trip through another dimension in this fast-paced Android game.


Clash of Clans is an addictive mixture of strategic planning and competitive fast-paced combats.

context icon

Столкновение Кланов захватывающая смесь стратегического планирования и конкурентоспособных стремительных боев.

Both approaches will book you a weekly bonus in this fast-paced fastforward exclusive promotion.


context icon

Оба способа принесут вам еженедельный бонус в этой динамичной эксклюзивной акции с покером fastforward.


Timber-scale is easy to use and designed for fast-paced loading.


context icon

Весы Timber удобны в использовании и предназначены для быстрой загрузки.


Create the best combination and compete in this fast-paced horse race.


context icon


The routine should include fast-paced, high-intensity interval training exercises.

context icon

Процедура должна включать интервал стремительно, высокой интенсивности тренировки.

Enjoy fast-paced binary options trading with the Binary.

com Tick Trade App.


Mastered this fast-paced motorcycle game and try more exciting driving games.

Not yet enjoyed the fun and fast-paced action of ARMS?


context icon

У вас еще не было возможности попробовать свои силы в забавных и динамичных боях ARMS?


Fast-paced, real-time battles, where Artes are

activated via the Touch Screen.


context icon

Динамичные сражения в реальном времени с возможностью активации

маневров Artes с помощью сенсорного дисплея.


context icon

Fast-paced reform in the field requires corresponding policy changes at headquarters.


context icon

Стремительная реформа на местах требует соответствующих изменений политики на уровне штаб-квартир.


Flowers do fantastic things in our fast-paced life, they can work wonders.


context icon

Цветы совершают фантастические вещи в нашей стремительной жизни, они способны творить настоящие чудеса.


Fast-paced action and intense, accurate FPS gun battles.

context icon

Динамичный экшен и захватывающие, интенсивные битвы.

Here you will try out gentleman’s wrestling, mass suggestion, raucous cheering and fast-paced jumping.


context icon

Борьба джентльменов, массовый гипноз, умеренное ликование и быстрые прыжки.


It combines rich 3D visuals with accessible, fast-paced player-versus-player action.


context icon

Она сочетает в себе богатую 3D графику с доступными, быстро развивающимся игрок- против- игрока битвами.


Today, the world is much more interdependent, complex and fast-paced.


context icon

Сегодняшний мир в значительно большей степени взаимозависим, сложен и динамичен.


Web presence is an important asset for a company in today’s fast-paced world.


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Веб присутствие является важным активом для компании в современном быстро меняющемся мире.


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and incredibly beautiful and modern graphics will not let you get bored.


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и невероятно красивая и современна графика не дадут вам заскучать.


Our fast-paced world requires us to act with urgency in addressing these issues.


Prove your skill in fast-paced, synchronous multiplayer challenges.


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Докажите свое мастерство в скоростных синхронных сетевых гонках.


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Игра протекает очень быстро и хаотично.

In an era of fast-paced economic activity and increasing interdependence among nations,

UNCTAD’s member States are determined to continue to build an effective partnership for development.


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В эпоху быстро развивающейся экономической деятельности и усиливающейся взаимозависимости между странами государства-

члены ЮНКТАД исполнены решимости и впредь строить отношения действенного партнерства в целях развития.


Management: if you thrive in the fast-paced environment, and want to be a part of the extraordinary industry,

this is the place for your professional career development!


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Для менеджеров: если вы отлично ориентируетесь в динамичной обстановке и хотите присоединиться к крайне необычной индустрии,

то это отличное место для вашего профессионального развития!


A total of $12,000 in cash prizes is up for

grabs during the month of May for players who participate in the fast-paced action at Titan Poker’s cash tables.

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Всего$ 12, 000 в денежных призов можно ухватить

в течение месяца мая для игроков, которые участвуют в стремительных действий в кэш- столами Titan Poker.

Take control of this ship and defeat the enemy planes in this fast-paced adventure in the skies.


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Возьмите под свой контроль этот корабль и победить вражеские самолеты в этой быстро развивающейся приключение в небе.


Collecting wood materials with the Bioforest scale is efficient, with the scale weighing the wood whilst work is still underway,

making it particularly well-suited to fast-paced loading.


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Эффективность лесозаготовок с помощью весов Bioforest обеспечивается возможностью взвешивания в процессе работ,

что позволяет использовать весы для быстрой погрузки.


The game is fast-paced and full of fun, especially if you get in a good room with four players. Graffiti is a fast-paced, fun game that provides solid entertainment to players.

Then Is it fast pace or fast paced? fast paced vs fast pace

fast paced is the most popular phrase on the web.

Furthermore, What is a slow pace?

adjective. Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired: dilatory, laggard, slow, slow-footed, slow-going, tardy.

What is pacing in a text? Pacing refers to how fast or slow the story is moving for the reader. This is determined by the length of a scene and the speed at which you, the writer, distribute information.

What is a fast-paced environment?

What is a fast-paced environment? A fast-paced environment is when things are always happening at a rapid pace. Employees who work in this type of workplace often juggle multiple projects or tasks at once and be prepared to take on something new with only a moment’s notice.

Is fast-paced correct?

Meaning of fast-paced in English. happening very quickly: It is a myth that all older people struggle with the fast-paced evolution of information technology.

What’s the meaning of paced?

: moving or progressing at a stated speed —used in combination a fast-paced action movie…

What is the pace of life?

—used to refer to the speed at which changes and events occur She liked the fast pace of life in the city. We moved to a small town, seeking a slower pace of life.

What is the opposite of fast-paced?

antonyms for fast-paced

MOST RELEVANT. slow-moving. slow-paced. slow.

What is slow pace and fast pace?

A fast-paced story keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eager to know what’s happening. There’s a lot of action. … In contrast, a slow-paced story is more atmospheric. An author takes ample time to describe the scenery.

What does pace mean in writing?

A. Pace is Latin for “in peace,” and in footnotes it means something like “no offense intended” toward a person or source that you are contradicting. For example, This conclusion is usually incorrect (pace Smith and Jones 1999).

Why do people pace?

Examples include pacing around the room, tapping your toes, or rapid talking. Psychomotor agitation often occurs with mania or anxiety. It’s seen most often in people with bipolar disorder. Psychomotor agitation can be caused by other conditions, too, such as posttraumatic stress disorder or depression.

What is an example of pacing?

They can use short sentences and less description when they want to speed the action of the story along. Authors also control pacing when they use dialogue between characters. Examples of Pacing: … In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen uses dialogue and description to slow the pacing in certain scenes.

What industries are fast paced?

Fast-paced environments and careers.

  • Restaurant industry. Servers, bartenders, even hostesses: all of these jobs involve hustle and a whole lot of multi-tasking. …
  • Journalism. …
  • Entrepreneurism and startups. …
  • Emergency services. …
  • 5. Entertainment industry.

How would you describe the pace of work?

Example Answer #1

I usually work at a steady, consistent pace. Because of my ability to organize and plan out my work schedule, I always complete my work ahead of time. For example, when I was assigned a large project due in six months, I broke the project into large goals and small, day-to-day goals.

What are the most fast paced jobs?

If you’re looking for a fast paced career, then the following jobs need to be on your radar:

  • Air Traffic Controller.
  • Entrepreneur.
  • Bodyguard.
  • Explosive Workers.
  • Extreme Sports Instructors.
  • EMT/Paramedic.
  • Police Officer.
  • Emergency Room Doctor.

What kind of word is fast-paced?

What is another word for fast-paced?

fast expeditiously
hurriedly quickly
rapidly briskly
hastily promptly
speedily swiftly

What jobs are fast-paced?

Lots of adults enjoy fast-paced careers.

  1. Outside Sales. ” ”
  2. Event Planning. ” ” …
  3. Food Service. …
  4. Construction. …
  5. Education. …
  6. Health Care. …
  7. Military and Law Enforcement. …
  8. Transportation. …

What does slow pace mean?

Definition of slow-paced

: moving at a slow rate of speed : slow-footed.

What is pace and pacing?

As nouns the difference between pace and pacing

is that pace is (obsolete) passage, route or pace can be easter while pacing is the act of moving in paces, or their arrangement or timing.

How long is a pace?

In the United States the pace is an uncommon customary unit of length denoting a brisk single step and equal to 21⁄2 feet or 30.0 inches or 76.2 centimetres.

What is an example of pace?

An example of pace is when you walk back and forth in your hall as you wait for your wife to get ready to leave. An example of pace is when you slowly complete a book. To train (a horse) in a particular gait, especially the pace. To move or make progress at a sensible or moderate rate.

What does pace yourself mean?

Definition of pace oneself

: to do something at a speed that is steady and that allows one to continue without becoming too tired.

Why is life more fast paced?

Work and personal life are often rushed and mashed together in a blur of activity. Information streams into you faster than any time in human history. Thanks largely to advances in technology, the pace of life seems to be getting faster and more frenetic every year.

What does pace mean in health and social care?

Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is a Medicare and. Medicaid.

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