Is expenditure a word

расход, трата, потребление


- расходование, расход (средств, материалов, сил); трата, потребление

his household and personal expenditures — его хозяйственные и личные расходы
at a minimum expenditure of effort — при минимальной трате сил
to meet expenditures — обеспечивать пополнение расхода
to save expenditure — давать экономию в расходе

- статья расхода (тж. item of expenditure)

a car can be a considerable expenditure — содержание автомобиля может обойтись дорого /потребовать довольно больших расходов/

- расход(ы)

receipts and expenditures — доходы и расходы
expenditure account — учёт расходов
expenditure record — учёт расхода
on the expenditure side — фин. по расходам (о бюджете)
expenditure on armaments — расходы на вооружение

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Put down your expenditure.

Снизьте расходы.

The energy expenditure was significant.

Энергетические затраты были значительными.

Income must govern expenditure.

Расходы должны определяться доходами.

Her expenditure was ever miserly.

Она всегда скупо тратила деньги.

Rent accounts for 50% of expenditure.

Арендная плата составляет половину расходов.

He is rigorous in his control of expenditure.

Он очень тщательно следит за своими расходами.

We must find ways of keeping our expenditure in check.

Мы должны найти способы сокращения расходов.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…in the expenditure of his psychic energies, he strives to strike a balance between the celestial and the terrene…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): expenditure
мн. ч.(plural): expenditures

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  • Чешский
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  • Эрзянский
  • Эстонский
  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > expenditure

  • 2

    expenditure [ɪkˊspendɪtʃə]


    1) потребле́ние

    2) тра́та, расхо́д

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > expenditure

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > expenditure

  • 4


    accrued expenditure аккумулированные непогашенные затраты accrued expenditure задолженность actual expenditure фактические затраты actual expenditure фактические расходы additional expenditure дополнительные затраты adjusted expenditure скорректированные затраты administrative expenditure административные расходы aggregate expenditure суммарные затраты annual expenditure годовые затраты annual expenditure годовые расходы auditing expenditure затраты на проведение ревизии autonomous expenditure независимые расходы book as expenditure записывать в расход capital expenditure инвестиции capital expenditure капиталовложения capital expenditure капитальные затраты cash expenditure денежные затраты cash expenditure денежные расходы central government expenditure правительственные расходы claims expenditure затраты на выплату страховых возмещений compensation expenditure компенсационные издержки current administrative expenditure текущие общефирменные расходы current administrative expenditure текущие расходы на административные нужды current administrative expenditure текущие управленческие расходы current and investment expenditure текущие расходы и капиталовложения current expenditure текущие расходы desired expenditure плановые расходы desired expenditure предусмотренные расходы desired expenditure требуемые затраты enter as an expenditure записывать в расход entertainment expenditure представительские расходы estimated expenditure расчетные затраты excess expenditure чрезмерные затраты expenditure затраты expenditure потребление expenditure расход expenditure расходование expenditure расходы expenditure статья расходов expenditure трата, расход expenditure by nonresidents расходы некоренных жителей expenditure incidental to расходы, связанные с expenditure is spread расходы распределяются expenditure on exports расходы на экспорт expenditure on fixed assets расходы на недвижимое имущество expenditure on improvements расходы на усовершенствования expenditure on wages расходы на заработную плату external expenditure внешние расходы extraordinary expenditure чрезвычайные расходы financial expenditure финансовые затраты government capital expenditure правительственные капитальные затраты government expenditure государственные расходы government expenditure правительственные расходы import expenditure расходы на импорт income and expenditure доход и расход income and expenditure прибыль и убыль indemnity expenditure затраты на возмещение ущерба induced expenditure производные расходы initial expenditure первоначальные затраты insurance expenditure затраты на страхование interest expenditure затраты на выплату процентов internal expenditure внутрифирменние затраты investment expenditure инвестиционные расходы irregular expenditure беспорядочные расходы maintenance expenditure затраты на техническое обслуживание monthly expenditure месячные затраты monthly expenditure месячные расходы monthly expenditure расходы за месяц national expenditure национальные расходы net interest expenditure затраты на нетто-проценты nonrecurring expenditure разовые расходы office expenditure конторские издержки office expenditure расходы на содержание офиса payroll expenditure расходы на заработную плату pension expenditure пенсионные расходы personal expenditure личные расходы priority expenditure неотложные расходы private consumption expenditure расходы на личное потребление public consumption expenditure расходы на общественное потребление public expenditure государственные расходы receipts and expenditure приход и расход rent expenditure арендная плата rent expenditure затраты на оплату жилья salary expenditure расходы на заработную плату social security expenditure затраты на социальное обеспечение security: social expenditure expenditure расходы системы социального обеспечения; расходы на социальные нужды social welfare expenditure затраты на социальное обеспечение stamp duty expenditure затраты на гербовый сбор total expenditure общие расходы

    English-Russian short dictionary > expenditure

  • 5

    1) расходование, расход

    2) затраты, расход(ы)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > expenditure

  • 6




    трата, расходование, затрачивание, расход


    to curb [curtail, cut down (on), reduce] expenditures — сокращать расходы

    expenditure chargeable to project [research] — расходы, относящиеся к проекту [к исследованию]

    education expenditures, expenditures on education — расходы на образование



    advertising expenditures, administrative expenditures, aggregate expenditures, annually managed expenditure, appropriated expenditure, arms expenditure, budget expenditures, capital expenditure, civilian expenditures, consumer expenditure, consumers expenditure, current expenditure, departmental expenditure limits, expenditure switching, expenditure estimates, expenditure incidence, government expenditure, government receipts and expenditure account, heads of expenditure, military expenditures, non-obligatory expenditure, obligatory expenditure, off-budget expenditure, on-budget expenditure, public expenditure, resource expenditure, statements of revenues and expenditures, supply expenditure, tax expenditures, total managed expenditure

    * * *

    расходы, затраты; расходная часть бюджета; статья расхода.

    * * *

    статья расходов (на приобретение активов); затраты; издержки; расход; расходование

    * * *

    сумма, израсходованная для оплаты товаров или услуг

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > expenditure

  • 7

    ɪksˈpendɪtʃə сущ.
    1) а) расходование, трата денег at his own expenditure ≈ за его собственный счет Her expenditure was ever miserly. ≈ Она всегда скупо тратила деньги. б) потребление, расходование, трата, затраты( энергии, труда, времени)
    2) издержки, расход(ы) (for) to curb, curtail, cut down (on), reduce expenditures ≈ сокращать затраты advertising expenditure ≈ расходы на рекламу aggregate expenditures ≈ совокупные расходы arms expenditure ≈ расходы на вооружение capital goods expenditures ≈ затраты на средства производства defence expenditure ≈ расходы на оборону expenditure pattern ≈ структура расходов expenditure tax ≈ налог на расходы, косвенный налог final expenditures ≈ конечные расходы government expenditure ≈ правительственные расходы inter-industry expenditure ≈ межотраслевые затраты invisible items of expenditure ≈ невидимые статьи расходов operational expenditure ≈ текущие расходы overseas expenditure ≈ внешние расходы production expenditures ≈ производственные затраты military expenditure ≈ военные расходы public expenditure ≈ общественно-государственные расходы, расходы на государственные нужды receipts and expenditures ≈ доходы и расходы social expenditure ≈ затраты на общественные нужды visible items of expenditure ≈ видимые статьи расходов welfare expenditure ≈ расходы на социальное обеспечение, на социальные нужды Syn: consumption
    расходование, расход (средств, материалов, сил) ;
    трата, потребление — his household and personal *s его хозяйственные и личные расходы — at a minimum * of effort при минимальной трате сил — to meet *s обеспечивать пополнение расхода — to save * давать экономию в расходе статья расхода (тж. item of *) — a car can be a considerable * содержание автомобиля может обойтись дорого /потребовать довольно больших расходов/ расход(ы) — receipts and *s доходы и расходы — * account учет расходов — * record учет расхода — on the * side (финансовое) по расходам( о бюджете) — * on armaments расходы на вооружение
    accrued ~ аккумулированные непогашенные затраты accrued ~ задолженность
    actual ~ фактические затраты actual ~ фактические расходы
    additional ~ дополнительные затраты
    adjusted ~ скорректированные затраты
    administrative ~ административные расходы
    aggregate ~ суммарные затраты
    annual ~ годовые затраты annual ~ годовые расходы
    auditing ~ затраты на проведение ревизии
    autonomous ~ независимые расходы
    book as ~ записывать в расход
    capital ~ инвестиции capital ~ капиталовложения capital ~ капитальные затраты
    cash ~ денежные затраты cash ~ денежные расходы
    central government ~ правительственные расходы
    claims ~ затраты на выплату страховых возмещений
    compensation ~ компенсационные издержки
    current administrative ~ текущие общефирменные расходы current administrative ~ текущие расходы на административные нужды current administrative ~ текущие управленческие расходы
    current and investment ~ текущие расходы и капиталовложения
    current ~ текущие расходы
    desired ~ плановые расходы desired ~ предусмотренные расходы desired ~ требуемые затраты
    enter as an ~ записывать в расход
    entertainment ~ представительские расходы
    estimated ~ расчетные затраты
    excess ~ чрезмерные затраты
    expenditure затраты ~ потребление ~ расход ~ расходование ~ расходы ~ статья расходов ~ трата, расход
    ~ by nonresidents расходы некоренных жителей
    ~ incidental to расходы, связанные с
    ~ is spread расходы распределяются
    ~ on exports расходы на экспорт
    ~ on fixed assets расходы на недвижимое имущество
    ~ on improvements расходы на усовершенствования
    ~ on wages расходы на заработную плату
    external ~ внешние расходы
    extraordinary ~ чрезвычайные расходы
    financial ~ финансовые затраты
    government capital ~ правительственные капитальные затраты
    government ~ государственные расходы government ~ правительственные расходы
    import ~ расходы на импорт
    income and ~ доход и расход income and ~ прибыль и убыль
    indemnity ~ затраты на возмещение ущерба
    induced ~ производные расходы
    initial ~ первоначальные затраты
    insurance ~ затраты на страхование
    interest ~ затраты на выплату процентов
    internal ~ внутрифирменние затраты
    investment ~ инвестиционные расходы
    irregular ~ беспорядочные расходы
    maintenance ~ затраты на техническое обслуживание
    monthly ~ месячные затраты monthly ~ месячные расходы monthly ~ расходы за месяц
    national ~ национальные расходы
    net interest ~ затраты на нетто-проценты
    nonrecurring ~ разовые расходы
    office ~ конторские издержки office ~ расходы на содержание офиса
    payroll ~ расходы на заработную плату
    pension ~ пенсионные расходы
    personal ~ личные расходы
    priority ~ неотложные расходы
    private consumption ~ расходы на личное потребление
    public consumption ~ расходы на общественное потребление
    public ~ государственные расходы
    receipts and ~ приход и расход
    rent ~ арендная плата rent ~ затраты на оплату жилья
    salary ~ расходы на заработную плату
    social security ~ затраты на социальное обеспечение security: social ~ expenditure расходы системы социального обеспечения;
    расходы на социальные нужды
    social welfare ~ затраты на социальное обеспечение
    stamp duty ~ затраты на гербовый сбор
    total ~ общие расходы

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > expenditure

  • 8

    1. n расходование, расход; трата, потребление

    2. n статья расхода

    3. n расход

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. money spent (noun) cost; disbursement; expense; investment; money spent; outgo; payment; remuneration

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > expenditure

  • 9

    [ɪk’spendɪʧə], [ek-]



    а) расходование, трата денег

    Her expenditure was ever miserly. — Она всегда скупо тратила деньги.

    б) потребление, расходование, трата, затраты

    2) издержки, расход(ы)

    to curb / curtail / cut down (on) / reduce expenditures — сокращать затраты

    public expenditure — общественно-государственные расходы, расходы на государственные нужды


    Англо-русский современный словарь > expenditure

  • 10

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > expenditure

  • 11


    1. 1) расходование, расход (); трата, потребление

    his household and personal expenditures — его хозяйственные и личные расходы

    2) статья расхода (

    item of expenditure)

    a car can be a considerable expenditure — содержание автомобиля может обойтись дорого /потребовать довольно больших расходов/

    2. расход(ы)

    НБАРС > expenditure

  • 12

    Politics english-russian dictionary > expenditure

  • 13


    1) расходование, расход ; трата, потребление; статья расхода

    2) расход(ы), затраты

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > expenditure

  • 14

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > expenditure

  • 15

    расход, затрата; издержки

    * * *

    1. расходование; расход, потребление

    2. расходы; затраты; издержки

    * * *

    расход, издержки; трата

    * * *

    1) расходование; расход, потребление

    2) расходы; затраты; издержки

    — failure expenditure

    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > expenditure

  • 16

    English-Russian military dictionary > expenditure

  • 17

    1) расход, расходование; трата, потребление

    3) расходы, затраты, издержки

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > expenditure

  • 18

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > expenditure

  • 19

    расход ; трата ; ? expenditure pattern ; ? expenditure rate ; ? authorized expenditures ; ? combined expenditures ; ? committed expenditures ; ? consumption expenditures ; ? domestic cash expenditure at factor cost ; ? estimated gross expenditure ; ? hos

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > expenditure

  • 20

    Англо-русский технический словарь > expenditure


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • expenditure — ex‧pen‧di‧ture [ɪkˈspendɪtʆə ǁ ər] noun [countable, uncountable] the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time: • An advertiser rarely knows what its return on investment in… …   Financial and business terms

  • expenditure — ex·pen·di·ture /ik spen di chər, ˌchu̇r/ n 1: the act or process of paying out 2: something paid out see also capital expenditure Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Expenditure — Ex*pend iture, n. 1. The act of expending; a laying out, as of money; disbursement. [1913 Webster] Our expenditure purchased commerce and conquest. Burke. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expended or paid out; expense. [1913 Webster] The receipts… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • expenditure — 1769, from M.L. expenditus, irregular pp. of expendere (see EXPEND (Cf. expend)) + URE (Cf. ure). Related: Expenditures …   Etymology dictionary

  • expenditure — [n] payment amount, application, bottom line*, cash on barrelhead*, charge, come to*, consumption, cost, disbursement, dissipation, expense, figure, investment, kickback*, outgo, outlay, output, payoff, price, rate, setback*, spending, splurge,… …   New thesaurus

  • expenditure — ► NOUN 1) the action of spending funds. 2) the amount of money spent …   English terms dictionary

  • expenditure — [ek spen′di chər, ikspen′də chər] n. [< ML expenditus, irreg. pp. for L expendere + URE] 1. the act of expending; a spending or using up of money, time, etc. 2. the amount of money, time, etc. expended; expense …   English World dictionary

  • expenditure — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, great, heavy, high, huge, large, major, massive, significant ▪ The group is calling for higher …   Collocations dictionary

  • expenditure */*/ — UK [ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] / US [ɪkˈspendɪtʃər] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms expenditure : singular expenditure plural expenditures formal 1) money spent by a government, organization, or person Expenditure should ideally not exceed income.… …   English dictionary

  • expenditure — ex|pen|di|ture W2 [ıkˈspendıtʃə US ər] n 1.) [U and C] the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time →↑income expenditure on ▪ expenditure on research and development ▪ huge cuts in …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • expenditure — ex|pen|di|ture [ ık spendıtʃər ] noun FORMAL ** 1. ) count or uncount money spent by a government, organization, or person: SPENDING: Expenditure should ideally not exceed income. government/public expenditure capital expenditure expenditure on:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English


Example Sentences

an increase in military expenditures

an increase in military expenditure

vast expenditures of time and effort

The energy expenditure was significant.

the expenditure of funds for the new school

The project will require an expenditure of effort on everyone’s part.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

These sorts of expenditures have continued to creep into ETF budgets every year.

Kyle Whitmire, al, 6 Apr. 2023

Less than 20 percent of Medicare expenditures are on drugs.

Brian Blase, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

The credits would also be capped to the amount of capital expenditures made by oil producers, which has a difficult-to-determine revenue impact.

Sean Maguire, Anchorage Daily News, 26 Mar. 2023

In 2000, military spending in Asia and the Pacific accounted for 17.5 percent of worldwide defense expenditures, according to SIPRI, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Damien Cave Chang W. Lee, New York Times, 25 Mar. 2023

The category accounts for more than half of core consumer expenditures, Powell said.

Alicia Wallace, CNN, 7 Mar. 2023

Officials said the total amount of awards should be 35% or less of the projects’ capital expenditures.

Joseph Morton, Dallas News, 28 Feb. 2023

Since the launch of its cash rebate in 2018, which covers up to 40% of qualifying expenditures along with 30% in tax relief, Greece has become one of Europe’s hottest filming destinations.

Christopher Vourlias, Variety, 16 Feb. 2023

When campaigns do report on payments, they are required to disclose the name and address of the recipient, as well as the date, purpose and amount of the expenditure.

Isaac Stanley-becker, Washington Post, 27 Jan. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘expenditure.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


irregular from expend

First Known Use

1769, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of expenditure was
in 1769

Dictionary Entries Near expenditure

Cite this Entry

“Expenditure.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
8 Apr 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Asked by: Tiffany Schamberger

Score: 4.9/5
(46 votes)

Word forms: expenditures

Expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the money that is spent on something.

Is expenditure the same as spending?

As nouns the difference between spending and expenditure is that spending is an amount that has been, or is planned to be spent while expenditure is (uncountable|countable) act of expending or paying out.

What means under expenditure?

Under-expenditure reflects expenditure management strategies that resulted in reductions in transportation costs, in telecommunications and other communications costs, and in professional fees.

Does expenditure mean expense?

The key difference between an expense and an expenditure is that an expense recognizes the consumption of a cost, while an expenditure represents the disbursement of funds. … An expenditure is usually recognized either when cash is paid out or a liability is incurred.

What does expenditure mean in economics?

Expenditure is a reference to spending. In economics, another term for consumer spending is demand. The total spending, or demand, in the economy is known as aggregate demand. … The GDP under this method is calculated by summing up all of the expenditures made on final goods and services.

41 related questions found

What are the 4 types of expenses?

Terms in this set (4)

  • Variable expenses. Expenses that vary from month to month (electriticy, gas, groceries, clothing).
  • Fixed expenses. Expenses that remain the same from month to month(rent, cable bill, car payment)
  • Intermittent expenses. …
  • Discretionary (non-essential) expenses.

Is revenue a expenditure?

Revenue expenditures are short-term expenses used in the current period or typically within one year. Revenue expenditures include the expenses required to meet the ongoing operational costs of running a business, and thus are essentially the same as operating expenses (OPEX).

Is capital expenditure an expense?

Put differently, CapEx is any type of expense that a company capitalizes, or shows on its balance sheet as an investment, rather than on its income statement as an expenditure. … You can also calculate capital expenditures by using data from a company’s income statement and balance sheet.

Is expenditure an asset?

This is an advanced form of prepaid expenses. The arrangement is usually an agreement that the company will receive a service or goods in the future – but it pays for the goods or services in advance. As a result, the company treats the transaction as an asset until it receives all the benefits of the purchase.

What is current expenditure?

Current expenditure is expenditure on goods and services consumed within the current year, which needs to be made recurrently to sustain the production of educational services. Minor expenditure on items of equipment, below a certain cost threshold, is also reported as current spending.

What is expenditure simple words?

An expenditure is money spent on something. Expenditure is often used when people are talking about budgets. It is the government’s job to decide what to do with tax money collected, or in other words, to determine the expenditure of public funds. The word is more than a long way of saying expense.

Which one is the capital expenditure?

A capital expenditure (CapEx) is the money companies use to purchase, upgrade, or extend the life of an asset. Capital expenditures are long-term investments, meaning the assets purchased have a useful life of one year or more.

What is high expenditure?

1. spending more than is necessary or appropriate. curbs on high-spending councils. 2. having a lot of money to spend, esp on expensive items.

Is spend short for expenditure?

As nouns the difference between spending and expenditure

is that spending is an amount that has been, or is planned to be spent while expenditure is (uncountable|countable) act of expending or paying out.

What are the examples of expenditure?

The definition of an expenditure is the act of spending money or time and it is something on which you spend money. An example of an expenditure is the money spent on office equipment that you have purchased. (uncountable, countable) Amount expended; expense; outlay.

How do you use expenditure in a sentence?

Expenditure sentence example

  1. Of the expenditure a large amount is absorbed by interest on debt. …
  2. The annual expenditure on tobacco was 5s.

Is software a capital expenditure?

Enterprise software licenses are CAPEX, but the annual maintenance costs are OPEX. … Even if you end up customizing a SaaS application, the development costs will still be OPEX because you are renting the software. You don’t own the asset; that is, it doesn’t sit on the company’s balance sheet.

Is Depreciation a capital expenditure?

Over the life of an asset, total depreciation will be equal to the net capital expenditure. This means if a company regularly has more CapEx than depreciation, its asset base is growing. … CapEx > Depreciation = Growing Assets. CapEx < Depreciation = Shrinking Assets.

How expenses are recorded?

Recording an expense

Expenses are recorded on the debit side of an expense account (which is an income statement account) and a credit is recorded to either a liability or an asset account in accordance with double-entry bookkeeping.

Can I accrue for capital expenditure?

Capital expenditures are capitalized so that their values can be expensed across multiple periods to reflect their lasting usefulness. … Although businesses must do the same for accrued expenses, this does not mean that capitalized expenditures count as such.

What is capital expenditure example?

Examples of capital expenditures are as follows: Buildings (including subsequent costs that extend the useful life of a building) Computer equipment. … Furniture and fixtures (including the cost of furniture that is aggregated and treated as a single unit, such as a group of desks)

What is the capital expenditure formula?

Subtract fixed assets from the previous year from the fixed assets listed for the most recent financial year. This will show you the change in fixed assets. Subtract the value of intangible assets, because CapEx only uses tangible asset expenses.

What are the types of revenue expenditure?

All of the following are examples of revenue expenditures:

  • Routine repair/update costs on equipment.
  • Smaller-scale software initiative or subscription.
  • Cost of goods sold.
  • Rent on a property.
  • Salaries and wages.
  • Insurance.
  • Advertising.

Is rent a revenue expenditure?

Revenue expenditure refers to those expenditures which are incurred during normal business operation by the company, benefit of which will be received in the same period and the example of which includes rent expenses, utility expenses, salary expenses, insurance expenses, commission expenses, manufacturing expenses, …

How many types of revenue expenditure are there?

Revenue expenditure can be divided into two categories; direct expenses and indirect expenses.



From stem of Medieval Latin expenditus, irregular perfect passive participle of expendō (I weigh, I pay out), +‎ -ure (process or result).


  • (General American) IPA(key): /ɛkˈspɛndɪt͡ʃɚ/, /ɪkˈspɛndɪt͡ʃɚ/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ɛkˈspɛndɪt͡ʃə/, /ɪkˈspɛndɪt͡ʃə/
  • Hyphenation: ex‧pen‧di‧ture


expenditure (usually uncountable, plural expenditures)

  1. (uncountable, countable) Act of expending or paying out.
  2. (uncountable, countable) The amount expended; expense; outlay.

    The expenditure of time, money, and political capital on this project has been excessive.


  • (act of expending):
  • (amount expended): disbursement, expense, payment, cost, charge, outlay

Derived terms[edit]

  • capital expenditure
  • energy expenditure
  • government expenditure


act of expending

  • Azerbaijani: xərc (az), xərcləmə
  • Catalan: despesa (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 花費花费 (zh) (huāfèi)
  • Dutch: uitgave (nl)
  • Finnish: rahan kulutus, rahan käyttö
  • French: dépense (fr) f
  • German: Aufwand (de) m
  • Greek: δαπάνη (el) f (dapáni), εκταμίευση (el) f (ektamíefsi), έξοδα (el) n pl (éxoda)
  • Hungarian: kiadás (hu), kifizetés (hu)
  • Italian: spesa (it) f
  • Malay: perbelanjaan (ms)
  • Malayalam: ചെലവ് (ml) (celavŭ)
  • Maori: whakapaunga moni, whakapaunga, whakapaunga utu
  • Norwegian: forbruk n
  • Portuguese: gastamento m
  • Russian: расхо́дование (ru) n (rasxódovanije), расхо́д (ru) m (rasxód)
  • Spanish: gasto (es) m
  • Turkish: harcama (tr)

amount expended

  • Bulgarian: разход (bg) m (razhod)
  • Catalan: despesa (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 費用费用 (zh) (fèiyòng), 支出 (zh) (zhīchū)
  • Finnish: menoerä, menot (fi) pl
  • French: dépense (fr) f
  • German: Aufwendungen (de) f pl, Ausgaben (de) f pl, Unkosten (de) n pl
  • Greek: δαπάνη (el) f (dapáni), έξοδα (el) n pl (éxoda), έξοδο (el) n (éxodo)
  • Hindi: ख़र्च m (xarc)
  • Hungarian: kiadás (hu), költség (hu)
  • Irish: costas m
  • Italian:costo (it) m, dispendio (it) m, esborso (it) m
  • Japanese: 費用 (ja) (ひよう, hiyō), 支出 (ja) (ししゅつ, shishutsu), 出費 (ja) (しゅっぴ, shuppi)
  • Korean: 비용 (ko) (biyong), 지출 (ko) (jichul)
  • Ladin: speisa f
  • Maori: moni whakapaunga, whakapaunga, whakapaunga utu
  • Norwegian: forbruk n
  • Polish: rozchód m
  • Portuguese: despesa (pt) f, gasto (pt) m
  • Russian: изде́ржки (ru) f pl (izdéržki), расхо́д (ru) m (rasxód), расхо́ды (ru) pl (rasxódy), затра́ты (ru) f pl (zatráty)
  • Sicilian: spisa f
  • Venetian: spexa f

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