Is everlasting one word

1. [͵evəʹlɑ:stıŋ]

from everlasting — испокон века /веков/

from everlasting to everlasting — во веки веков


(the Everlasting) Предвечный, Бог

1) бессмертник, иммортель

2) цмин ()

2. [͵evəʹlɑ:stıŋ]

th’everlasting bonfire () — вечный огонь (ада)

everlasting fame — неувядаемая слава

the Everlasting Father, the Everlasting God — предвечный бог

everlasting punishment — вечные муки

everlasting woe — неизбывное горе


вечный, постоянный; надоевший, наскучивший

everlasting headaches — непрестанная головная боль

this everlasting noise — этот вечный шум

his everlasting stupidity — его безнадёжная глупость

I am tired of her everlasting complaints — мне надоели её вечные жалобы

3. долговечный, прочный; выносливый

everlasting wear — очень большая носкость, прочность


многолетний; самовозобновляющийся

everlasting flower — бессмертник, иммортель

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.


Смотреть что такое «everlasting» в других словарях:

  • Everlasting — Ever*last inga. 1. Lasting or enduring forever; exsisting or continuing without end; immortal; eternal. The Everlasting God. Gen. xx1. 33. [1913 Webster] 2. Continuing indefinitely, or during a long period; perpetual; sometimes used, colloquially …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • everlasting — adj Everlasting, endless, interminable, unceasing are comparable when they mean continuing on and on without end. Unlike infinite, eternal, and similar words (see INFINITE), these terms do not presuppose the absence of a beginning and therefore… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Everlasting — means to be eternal or indestructible.It may also may refer to:* Everlasting life, the concept of physical or spiritual immortalityBotany* Everlasting, common name of all plants in Syncarpha genus of the Asteraceae family * Everlasting, common… …   Wikipedia

  • Everlasting — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda everlasting Álbum de Every Little Thing Lanzamiento 9 de abril, 1997 Grabación 1996, 1997 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Everlasting — Ev er*last ing, n. 1. Eternal duration, past or future; eternity. [1913 Webster] From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Ps. xc. 2. [1913 Webster] 2. (With the definite article) The Eternal Being; God. [1913 Webster] 3. (Bot.) A plant… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • everlasting — ȅverlāsting m <N mn nzi> DEFINICIJA veoma jaka vunena tkanina ETIMOLOGIJA engl. everlasting: vječan …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • everlasting — [ev΄ər las′tiŋ] adj. 1. never coming to an end; lasting forever; eternal 2. going on for a long time; lasting indefinitely; durable 3. going on too long or happening too often; seeming never to stop n. 1. eternity 2. a) any of various plants,… …   English World dictionary

  • Everlasting — (spr. Ewwerlasting, d.i. Ewigdauernd), ein früher nur in England, jetzt auch in Deutschland gewebtes, damastartiges Wollenzeug, auf welchem die erhöht liegenden Figuren nicht aufgeschnitten sind; bes. zu Beinkleidern …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Everlasting — (engl. ewwerlästing, d.h. ewig dauernd), fester damastartig gewobener Wollenstoff …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • everlasting — index chronic, continual (perpetual), durable, incessant, indestructible, infallible, infinite …   Law dictionary

  • everlasting — early 13c., from EVER (Cf. ever) + LASTING (Cf. lasting). Related: Everlastingly …   Etymology dictionary

Eternal vs Everlasting

The differences between “everlasting” and “eternal” can be explained in two different ways. First, according to the difference between the words in the English language and, secondly, through theology which is a means to explain the difference between the two with reference to God and spirituality.

Language difference


It is used as an adjective and a noun.

When used as adjective, it means, “without beginning or end, always existing, lasting forever.” For example, “Hindus believe in an eternal soul. The soul is neither created nor destroyed.”
Ceaseless, endless, perpetual. For example, ”She is eternally grateful to the firefighter for saving her life.”
Immutable, enduring. For example, “His eternal principles made him a great man.”

When used as noun it means:

Something which is eternal. For example, “life and death.”
The Eternal, meaning “God.”


It is used as an adjective and noun.

When used as an adjective, it means, “lasting forever”. For example, “everlasting love.”
Lasting for a very long time, for an indefinitely long time. For example, “His everlasting morals were commendable.”
Lasting so long that it seems tedious. For example, “Her everlasting chatter gave her friend a headache.”

When used as noun, it means:

The Everlasting, meaning, “God.”
Endless duration, meaning, “eternity.”
A flower, the flower called “Everlasting.”

Theological difference

In the Bible, according to Dr. Russell Norman Murray, a philosophical theologist, three different phrases were identified as mentioning similar words like “eternal” and “everlasting.” One form was used to express the spirit, which is eternal, that is, “without any beginning or any end.” The second form of the word was used to describe life, “life without any end.” These two forms were used to describe the word “eternal.” “Without start, without an end” which is the last or third form of the word, describes about life which did not always exist but was granted to God so that they could have an everlasting life. It had a beginning but no end. This word was similar to the word “everlasting.”

Similarly, according to Hindus, God is eternal. The spirit, the God has been always there, they were not created, they cannot be destroyed, they were never born, they will never die. They were created on their own within no time limits and outside any limitation of time; whereas love could be everlasting as it has a beginning but no end. It runs within a time frame.


1.According to the English language, “eternal” means “without beginning or end, always existing, lasting forever”; whereas “everlasting” means “lasting forever, lasting for a very long time, for an indefinitely long time.”

2.Theologically, “eternal” means “not within any time limit, outside of time and existing without a beginning or end, like spirit”; whereas “everlasting” means “the life which did not always exist but was granted to God and it was forever, running within time, or something similar, which has a beginning but no end.”

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Kaushik, N. (2011, May 7). Difference Between Eternal and Everlasting. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.

Kaushik, Nimisha. «Difference Between Eternal and Everlasting.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 7 May, 2011,

Предложения с «is everlasting»

He gives his life to this organization, and his desire to help the Cameroon people is everlasting .

Он отдает свою жизнь этой организации, и его желание помочь людям Камеруна бесконечно.

Many a tyranny have quickly come to an end, but this one is everlasting , and growing worse from day to day.

За это время восстали и потерпели заслуженный крах бесчисленные тираны, и только этот государь неистребим и с каждым днём становится всё хуже.

Judah, if they would see Jesus of Nazareth they will know that life is everlasting and death is nothing to fear if you have faith.

Если они увидят Иисуса из Назарета, они поймут, что есть вечная жизнь, и не нужно бояться смерти, если у тебя есть вера.

But not even death is everlasting .

Но даже смерть преходяща.

We need to remember that, for those who have faith… this light of truth is everlasting .

Мы должны помнить, что для тех, кто верует, свет правды не погаснет.

The queen of the fairies lives there on the Island of the Blessed, where death never comes and where there is everlasting happiness.

Теперь в нем обитает королева фей. Там же находится чудно — прекрасный остров Блаженства, куда никогда на заглядывает Смерть!

This is everlasting greatness done perfectly.

Это — вечное величие, совершенное в совершенстве.

That was the everlasting moment he had been waiting for.

Hacтaл тoт вeчный миг, кoтopoгo oн тaк ждaл.

How could such harmless sin provoke such everlasting torment?

Как мог такой безвредный грех спровоцировать такие вечные муки?

This young soul seeks to be reborn in Your everlasting love

Эта молодая душа жаждет возрождения в твоей вечной любви

That you can pass on the secret of everlasting life?

О том, что ты можешь передать секрет вечной жизни?

I can personally attest to the Mayor’s purity and strength of his everlasting soul.

Я могу лично подтвердить чистоту мэра и силу его вечной душы.

It felt like the whole world was gradually descending into a cold, numb, everlasting gloom.

Казалось, что весь мир постепенно опускается в холодный, цепенящий нескончаемый сумрак.

Christ did lead us through the toils and tribulations of this earth, from the bondage of suffering into everlasting life.

Христос провел нас через все испытания грешной земли, от страданий к вечной жизни.

The underworld might be the Keeper’s cold domain, but the Creator’s everlasting light nourished and warmed good souls.

У Владетеля должно быть холодно, но вечный свет Создателя питает и обогревает добрые души.

Strict adherence to our pious duties will bring us salvation and everlasting life!

Только неукоснительное следование нашим благочестивым обязанностям может спасти нас и даровать нам вечную жизнь.

May he keep you from the malignant foe and bring you to life everlasting .

Да оградит тебя от нечистого духа и дарует Жизнь Вечную .

Now shall I ferry you into the fire, the cold and the everlasting darkness.

Теперь буду я переправлять Вас через огонь, холод и постоянную темноту.

These heavenly bodies were thought to be everlasting , that they would shine forever.

И когда люди верили, что с небес им вечно светят бессмертные духи.

Not so much nocturnal pleasure as a single, everlasting night.

Не одна ночь греховных наслаждений, а бесконечная, переходящая в вечность .

They believed that this life was only a test, a means to gain entry into everlasting life.

Они полагали, что эта жизнь была только испытанием, средством получить доступ к бессмертию.

Only they will savor life everlasting In a virtual heaven that we have built.

Только они насладятся вечной жизнью, в виртуальном рае, который мы сотворили.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors;.

Поднимите головы, о врата и да отворитесь вы вечные двери.

The city attorney is instructed to recognize The Church of Everlasting Love, where Ms. Coyle shall be interred.

Прокурору города предписывается признать Церковь Бесконечной Любви, где мисс Койл должна быть похоронена.

But as I left that night, I was certain that somehow I’d traded the life of my everlasting soul for this one night with Roy Campanella.

Но когда я уходила в тот вечер я была уверена, что наверняка продала душу дьяволу за один вечер с Роем Кампанеллой.

With Thy blessed saints in glory everlasting , the soul of this Thy servant save, set at rest; preserving her in the blessed life, as Thou hast loving kindness for man.

Со духи праведных скончавшихся душу рабы твоея, спасе, упокой, сохраняя ю во блаженной жизни, яже у тебе человеколюбие.

Azazel, we submit to you body and soul, the lord of the underworld, we offer you our obedience and everlasting devotion until death sanctifies this unholy union.

Азазель, мы представляем тебе плоть и душу, владыка подземного мира, мы предлагаем тебе наше повиновение и вечную преданность, пока смерть освящает наш нечестивый союз.

Woe betide the man who, in the first moments of a love affair, doesn’t believe that love to be everlasting .

Горе тому, кто с первых моментов любви не верит в то, что эта любовь будет вечной .

But I am everlasting , unlike you, and when the starry messenger returns, it will be I who completes the Grand Rite.

Но в отличии от тебя, я бессмертна, и когда комета вернётся, именно я буду той, кто завершит Великий Обряд.

Enfold him in the arms of your mercy, in the blessed rest of everlasting peace…

Прими его в объятия своего милосердия, и благослови на вечный покой…

With other men, perhaps, such things would not have been inducements; but as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.

Быть может, другим такие вещи не кажутся столь заманчивыми, но меня вечно томит жажда познать отдаленное.

Now, shove ahead a bit out there with your everlasting trench warfare-Smash through the johnnies and then there will be peace.

А вам, фронтовикам, надо бы наконец отказаться от вашей позиционной войны и хоть немножечко продвинуться вперед. Вышвырните этих французишек, тогда можно будет и мир заключить.

Shove ahead out there and don’t stick to that everlasting trench warfare!

Прорвите там фронт и не придерживайтесь этой бесконечной французкой позиционной войны.

His voracity is well known, and from the circumstance that the inner angles of his lips are curved upwards, he carries an everlasting Mephistophelean grin on his face.

Прожорливость кита — гиены широко известна, а тому обстоятельству, что углы его рта загнуты кверху, он обязан своей непреходящей мефистофельской усмешкой.

Up on Disturbed there’s an everlasting high-pitched machine-room clatter, a prison mill stamping out license plates.

В буйном вечный пронзительный механический грохот, тюремная мастерская штампует номера для автомашин.

Chet Wilton, creator of Everlasting , big kahuna.

Чет Уилтон, создатель Эверластинг, большая шишка.

In the offing a chain of islands, dark, crumbling shapes, stand out in the everlasting sunlit haze like the remnants of a wall breached by the sea.

Недалеко от берега цепь островов — темных осыпающихся глыб — резко вырисовывается в вечной дымке, пронизанной солнечным светом, словно остатки стены, пробитой волнами.

Perennialists proposed that everlasting divine wisdom goes back to man’s beginnings before religion.

Перенниалисты предполагали что вся существующая мудрость, возвращается к началу человека еще до религии.

After the show’s done, all he has to do is sell it as Adam Cromwell’s Retreat for Everlasting Romance.

После конца шоу, все что ему нужно сделать это продать его как Романтический Приют для Everlasting Адама Кромвела.

Nothing happens till I am relieved;-only the everlasting rolling over there.

За мою смену ничего нового не происходит; я слышу только гул колес с той стороны.

Not even Life, the stool-pigeon, the arch-capper for the game-Life, the ever flourishing graveyard, the everlasting funeral procession.

Даже и не Жизнь — великий шулер, заманивающий игроков, этот вечно цветущий погост, нескончаемое траурное шествие.

What worried her, however, was that he was not very open to new ideas, and after the long, everlasting plodding for a career, was unmistakably beginning to feel the need of repose.

Но все — таки ее беспокоило, что он как — то уж очень мало восприимчив и, после долгого, вечного искания карьеры, решительно начинал ощущать потребность покоя.

He was so astounded that he forgot to put on his coat, and received her as he was, in his everlasting pink-wadded dressing-jacket.

Он до того был поражен, что забыл переменить костюм и принял ее как был, в своей всегдашней розовой ватной фуфайке.

Your toils only begin; wrap yourself in furs and provide food, for we shall soon enter upon a journey where your sufferings will satisfy my everlasting hatred.

Твои испытания только начинаются; кутайся в меха, запасай пищу; мы отправляемся в такое путешествие, что твои муки утолят даже мою неугасимую ненависть.

And your parents deserve to boil in hell’s everlasting sulfur.

Твоим родителям гореть в аду.

The little beasts are hard and the everlasting cracking with one’s fingernails very soon becomes wearisome.

Эти твари не такие уж мягкие, и давить их ногтем в конце концов надоедает.

All right, said Ostap, keep sowing the seeds of reason, good, and the everlasting , and then we’ll see.

Ладно, — сообщил Остап, прощаясь, — сейте разумное, Доброе, вечное , а там посмотрим!

You could see these two roaming about all day long with their heads close together in an everlasting confab.

Можно было наблюдать, как эти двое целыми днями бродят вместе, погруженные в нескончаемую беседу.

And added to that is the everlasting praying.

К тому же, они то и дело молятся.

Couples bolt padlocks onto the bridge with their names on it, and then they throw the key into the river to signify their everlasting bond.

Пары вешают на мосту висячие замочки, на которых написаны их имена, а затем бросают ключ от него в воду, чтобы показать их вечную связь.

Where the lamentations of the damned are without end for their black hearts are ripped asunder and cast into the pit of everlasting fire!

Где стенания проклятых — бесконечны из — за того, что сердца их черные разрезаны на части И брошены в самое пекло вечного огня!

It is a beautiful day for our first Everlasting powder-puff football playoff.

Прекрасный день для первого футбольного матча Долго и Счастливо.

That in his mercy she may attain everlasting life.

Чтобы в милости его, она обрела вечную жизнь.

I’m not talking about the cheesy Everlasting one.

А не об этом вшивом спа Вечность .

No, no, I drove my wife crazy with my everlasting fear of getting the sack.

Нет, нет, это я довел ее до безумия своей вечной боязнью увольнения.

Suppose I was to tell you that if you could bring yourself to unlatch your hands from around your brother’s throat, you could have life everlasting ?

Представьте, что я бы вам сказал, что если вы заставите себя разомкнуть руки, сомкнутые вокруг горла вашего брата, сможете обоести вечную жизнь?

There was a moment of real and profound intimacy, unexpected and short-lived like a glimpse of some everlasting , of some saving truth.

Была секунда подлинной и глубокой близости — неожиданной и мимолетной, как проблеск какой — то вечной , спасительной правды.

But here at Everlasting , chivalry is not dead.

В шоу Вечность мы храним эту рыцарскую традицию.

I know I deserve more shame and misery in this life and everlasting hellfire.

Я знаю, что заслужила позор и страдание в этой жизни и буду гореть в аду.

What could death be for him but the entrance into everlasting life?

Что для него смерть? — всего лишь вступление в жизнь вечную .

Never-ending, everlasting, and endless are some of those simple-looking (but confusing) words that make English look not so easy. They all are used to describe something that goes on indefinitely or for a very long time. However, as made evident by the need of this article, these words have slightly different meanings. So, it is important to understand the differences between them in order to use them correctly.

Never-ending Everlasting Endless
Definition – Never-ending refers to something that continues without end or seems to go on forever.

– It can be used to describe situations, events, or processes that have no end in sight.

– Often used in a negative way

– Everlasting refers to something that lasts forever or is eternal.

– It can be used to describe permanent or enduring things, such as love, friendship, or God.

– Often used in a positive way

– Endless refers to something that has no end or limit.

– It can be used to describe things that seem to go on forever or that seem to have no end, such as a vast and boundless expanse or an unending supply or abundance of something.

Correct usage Always hyphenated One word; never hyphenated One word; never hyphenated
Examples Her never-ending tweets about her children must be what drove her followers away. Her everlasting love for him gave him the strength to fight and conquer cancer. No matter how much you get done, the laundry in our home is endless. It just keeps coming!

When describing something that goes on indefinitely or without end, we often use words like never-ending, everlasting, and endless. These three words may seem similar at first glance, but when we look closely, there are subtle differences in their meanings and connotations.

The term Never-ending implies that something has no end in sight and will probably continue to happen indefinitely. It is often used to describe something that is tedious or monotonous, as it seems to go on forever. For example, when you say, “I feel like this journey is never-ending. It’s taking forever to reach home,” you are expressing frustration at the seemingly endless length of your commute.

So, a never-ending task is one that you have been working on for a long time and don’t seem to be making any progress on.

Synonyms for the word “Never-ending”: –

  • incessant
  • continuous
  • ceaseless
  • unceasing
  • unremitting
  • perpetual

Antonyms for the word “Never-ending”: –

  • brief
  • temporary
  • terminable
  • inconsistent
  • ending

Examples of when the word “Never-ending” might be used:

  1. I’ve been stuck in this never-ending traffic jam for hours!
  2. I feel like this never-ending project will never be finished.
  3. The list of things I need to do feels like a never-ending cycle.
  4. The never-ending cycle of tasks at work left me feeling exhausted and drained.
  5. The never-ending parade of tourists in the city made it difficult to find a quiet place to sit and relax.
  6. The never-ending list of chores and errands seemed to go on and on, never-ending.
  7. The never-ending stream of notifications on my phone was driving me crazy.
  8. The never-ending game of tag with my kids made me feel like I was running a marathon.
  9. The never-ending debate over the best way to solve the problem seemed to go nowhere.
  10. The never-ending scroll of social media posts made it hard to focus on anything else.
  11. The never-ending wait for the bus was getting frustrating.
  12. The never-ending cycle of conflict in the Middle East seems to have no resolution in sight.
  13. The never-ending mountain of laundry always seemed to multiply, no matter how much I tackled it.


The word everlasting is used to describe something that is eternal or enduring. It typically suggests something that lasts for a very long time and will continue on indefinitely, but not necessarily in a negative way. For example, when you say, “Their love is everlasting. It will never fade or die,” you are expressing admiration for the strength and longevity of the love in question.

Everlasting can be used to describe natural phenomena, like the sun or the stars, or abstract concepts, like love or friendship.

Synonyms for the word “Everlasting”: –

  • eternal
  • enduring
  • boundless
  • immortal
  • undying
  • lasting
  • timeless
  • abiding

Antonyms for the word “Everlasting”: –

  • ending
  • fleeting
  • ephemeral
  • ceasing

Examples of when the word “Everlasting” might be used:

  1. The mountains stand as an everlasting testament to the power of nature.”
  2. Their love was an everlasting bond that could not be broken.
  3. The artist’s legacy will be an everlasting part of art history.
  4. The city’s infrastructure is in need of an everlasting overhaul.
  5. The love between two people can be everlasting as long as they continue to nurture and care for each other.
  6. The sun’s warmth and light are an everlasting energy source for life on Earth.
  7. The ancient Egyptians believed in the concept of an everlasting soul that lived on after death.
  8. My grandmother’s love for gardening has been an everlasting passion of hers for as long as I can remember.
  9. The ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii have remained unchanged for centuries, an everlasting reminder of the power of nature.
  10. The Great Wall of China is an enduring and everlasting symbol of the country’s history and strength.
  11. The concept of everlasting love is often depicted in romantic literature and film.
  12. Some religious traditions believe in the existence of an everlasting paradise where the faithful will live forever after death.
  13. The memories of my childhood summer vacations will always be an everlasting source of joy and happiness for me.
  14. The beauty of a sunset is an everlasting sight that never fails to take my breath away.


The term endless is similar to never-ending in that it describes something that goes on without end, but it does not have the same connotations of monotony or frustration. It is often used to describe something vast or boundless, such as an endless ocean or sky. For example, when you say, “I was mesmerized by the endless beauty of the sunset,” you are expressing awe at the seemingly limitless nature of the sunset’s beauty.

Synonyms for the word “Endless”: –

  • boundless
  • ceaseless
  • continual
  • unlimited
  • infinite
  • limitless

Antonyms for the word “Endless”: –

  • boundless
  • ending
  • finite
  • halting
  • limited

Examples of when the word “Endless” might be used:

  1. The line at the amusement park seemed endless, snaking around the corner and out of sight.
  2. The desert seemed to stretch endlessly, a vast and featureless expanse of sand and rock.
  3. I spent hours scrolling through my social media feed, feeling like I was trapped in an endless loop of content.
  4. She had an endless supply of energy, always ready to take on the next challenge.
  5. I feel like I have been stuck in this endless cycle of work and sleep for months now.
  6. The ocean seems endless, stretching as far as the eye can see.
  7. She spent hours scrolling through the endless feeds on social media.
  8. The politicians’ speeches seemed endless, with no sign of them ever stopping.
  9. I am constantly searching for new music to listen to, but it feels like an endless task.
  10. The hiking trail seemed endless, as it seemed to go on forever into the mountains.
  11. The queue at the grocery store was endless, taking up the entire length of the building.
  12. I’m so sick of this endless winter, I can’t wait for spring to arrive.
  13. He spent endless hours practicing his guitar, determined to become a skilled musician.
  14. The marathon runners faced an endless challenge, pushing themselves to the limit to complete the race.

Differences among Never Ending, Everlasting, and Endless

Finally, it comes down to the connotations and associations of each word.

  • Never-ending is often used to describe something that is tedious or monotonous.
  • Everlasting has more positive connotations of eternal endurance.
  • Endless, on the other hand, is often used to describe something that is vast or boundless without any negative connotations.

It’s also worth noting that these three words are not the only ones used to describe something that goes on indefinitely. Other common words and phrases that describe something that goes on without end include infinite, interminable, and perpetual. Each of these words has its own set of connotations and associations, and it’s important to choose the right one to accurately convey your meaning.


Never-ending, everlasting, and endless are words that are often used to describe things that go on indefinitely or for a very long time. However, there are subtle differences between these words, with never-ending referring to something that continues without end, everlasting referring to something that lasts forever or is eternal, and endless referring to something with no end or limit. Understanding these differences can help you use these words correctly in your writing and speaking.

Lasting forever; eternal.

Simply so Who is everlasting? 1 : lasting or enduring through all time : eternal. 2a(1) : continuing for a long time or indefinitely. (2) : having or being flowers or foliage that retain form or color for a long time when dried.

What do you call something that is forever? If something lasts forever or even if it just feels like it’s going to last forever, you could call it eternal, which means that it goes on and on and will never change or end.

also How do you use everlasting? 1, He believes in everlasting life after death. 2, God visited everlasting grief upon her. 3, I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb. 4, I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you.

What’s a word for not forever?

The adjective temporary is used to describe something that isn’t permanent or lasts only a short time. Its roots are in the Latin word tempus, meaning “time or season.” An employee who isn’t a permanent addition to the staff is temporary and in this use, the word is often shortened to temp.

What is the meaning of Everlast? Filters. (intransitive) To last always or forever; continue; endure; remain.

What is meant by unremitting?

Definition of unremitting

: not remitting : constant, incessant unremitting pain.

Is God everlasting or eternal? God is commonly portrayed as being eternal; however, there is more than one way to understand the concept of “eternal.” On the one hand, God may be thought of as “everlasting,” which means that God has existed through all time.

What is another word for living forever?

Endless life after death: afterlife, deathlessness, eternity, everlasting life, everlastingness.

What is the meaning of everlasting life? noun. Endless life after death: afterlife, deathlessness, eternity, everlastingness, immortality.

What kind of love is everlasting?

The everlasting love meaning defines well and shows how to know when you’re in love. When you’re in love, in everlasting love, you accept the person the way they are. You don’t want to change them a bit; you overlook their negative side, besides you cherish every bit of them.

What does everlasting bond mean? 1 never coming to an end; eternal. 2 lasting for an indefinitely long period.

What is the meaning temperance?

Definition of temperance

1 : moderation in action, thought, or feeling : restraint. 2a : habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions. b : moderation in or abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages.

Is non Temporary a word?

Non-temporary meaning

Alternative form of nontemporary.

What is the meaning of everlasting love? The everlasting love meaning defines well and shows how to know when you’re in love. When you’re in love, in everlasting love, you accept the person the way they are. You don’t want to change them a bit; you overlook their negative side, besides you cherish every bit of them.

Is Everlast made in the USA? Everlast boxing equipment is made in a factory in Moberly, Missouri; other products are manufactured outside the US by licensees. The company also made boxing equipment at a factory in the Port Morris section of the Bronx from the 1980s until 2003.

What’s the meaning of everlasting life?

noun. Endless life after death: afterlife, deathlessness, eternity, everlastingness, immortality.

What is the sentence of everlasting? 1, He believes in everlasting life after death. 2, God visited everlasting grief upon her. 3, I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb. 4, I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you.

What does unremitting fever mean?

adjective. (esp of a fever) not slackening or abating; incessant: Most material © 2005, 1997, 1991 by Penguin Random House LLC.

What are two synonyms for unremitting? synonyms for unremitting

  • ceaseless.
  • continuous.
  • enduring.
  • eternal.
  • incessant.
  • ongoing.
  • persistent.
  • recurrent.

Where is eternity in the Bible?

The Gospel of Matthew includes references to eternal life, in 19:16, 19:29 and 25:46. The reference in Matthew 19:16 is within the parable of Jesus and the rich young man which also appears in Mark 10:17–31 and Luke 18:18–30. This parable relates the term “eternal life” to entry into the Kingdom of God.

Does time exist for God? God is beyond time altogether. It could be said that although God does not exist at any time God exists at eternity. That is, eternity can be seen as a non-temporal location as any point within time is a temporal location. Second, it is thought that God does not experience temporal succession.

Is eternity and infinity the same?

Eternity vs Infinity

While infinity is something that cannot be expressed or measured in units or measurement, eternity is something that is present at all times, something that has no end or beginning.

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