Is even though one word

  • #1

Can even though be written all together (eventhough)?
I think I’ve seen this word like this many times but everywhere I write the word, I am told it is not correct.

Thank you very much!

  • aztlaniano

    • #2

    Even though you may have seen it written «eventhough», it is still «even though», even so.


    • #3

    Could you possibly be thinking of «although»? Its meaning is pretty much the same as even though and the both can be translated as «aunque».


    • #4

    Are you possibly thinking of «although»? «Even though» can never be written as one word.


    • #5

    Wow, sunRAE, we must be on the same channel today!


    • #7

    Haha thank you very much, I might have dreamt it!

    Даже если / хотя = even though, even if

    Уровень грамматики – C1 (Advanced level, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL)

    Image result for even thoughЯ столкнулась с тем, что не понимаю разницу между even though и even if. Не понимаю до конца и делаю ошибки в тестах. А если делаю ошибки на уровне пассивных действий, то активно точно не смогу использовать этот оборот. А мне надо! Разобралась и делюсь с вами.

    Ниже я привожу 3 объяснения, первые два из разных форумов, где эта тема обсуждалась.
    Кому интересно сразу прочитать чёткое объяснение, ищете его под номером 3.

    Разница между even though и even if – Объяснение №1

    even if” usually is used before a situation occurs
    ex: “even if it rains, I’ll still go to the park”

    even though” is used in the middle of a situation
    ex: “even though its raining, I’ll still go to the park”

    Even if – ситуация еще НЕ случилась
    Even thoufh – ситуация УЖЕ происходит

    Разница между even though и even if – Объяснение №2

    even if” is more like if something happened it would not change the outcome or results.
    “Even if he apologizes she will not forgive him”
    even though” is for when something has happened and it didnt change the outcome or results. “Even though she added sugar to the drink it is still sour”

    Even if – ситуация еще не случилась, но если случится, то все равно не поможет
    Even though – ситуация свершилась, но не помогло. Печаль.

    Прочитали и не очень поняли разницу? Или ещё хуже – запутались и всё показалось ещё более сложным, чем могло бы быть?  Читаем ниже мои объяснения. Я “переварила” много источников и грамматических объяснений и вывела более легко запоминающуюся формулу.

    Разница между even though и even if – Объяснение №3

    Even though = but / despite the fact = это как факт, я это точно знаю
    1 – I know you don’t like musicals but you may enjoy this one”.
    The word “but” was substituted for “even though” (Even though I don’t usually like musicals, I loved this one.)

    2 – I’m going to apply for the job, even though it pays very little.
    Я собираюсь устраиваться на эту работу, хоть они (=пусть они) и мало платят.
    Я знаю, что они мало платят, но все равно соглашаюсь, другого выхода нет.

    3 – The necklace, even though (it was) staggeringly expensive, would match the dress perfectly.
    Ожерелье, пусть и ошеломительно дорогое, идеально подошло бы к этому платью.
    (=я знаю, что оно дорогое, и допускаю, что его можно купить/Взять/примерить).

    Even if = whether or not
    1 – “Even if you don’t like musicals, you might enjoy this one.” OR, “Whether or not you like musicals, you might enjoy this one.”

    2 – I’m going to apply for the job, even if it pays very little.
    Я собираюсь устраиваться на эту работу, даже если мне мало заплатят.
    Я еще НЕ знаю, мало заплатят или много, но мне нужна работа, а не деньги.


    Even if – я ничего не знаю, ситуация не случилась еще, ничего не ясно
    я ПРЕДПОЛАГАЮ, рисую картины/догадки в своем воображении
    even though – я знаю и допускаю эту ситуацию
    я ДЕЛАЮ ВЫБОР, принимаю решение

    Ещё короче (формула):

    • Even if – моя догадка
    • Even though – факт

    Ещё больше примеров:

    Even if I knew where John is, I wouldn’t tell you
    даже если бы я знал, где был Джон, я бы тебе не сказал
    (=я не имел ни малейшего представления, где был Джон, но я мог бы представить)

    Even though I know where John is, I won’t tell you –
    Хотя (=пусть) я знаю, где сейчас Джон, я не расскажу тебе этого.
    (=я знаю его местоположение точно)

    P.S. Even so означает примерно то же самое, что и even though, но используется в ситуациях, где нужно выразить больше контраста и удивления.

    She is loud and unfriendly. Even so, I like her. (=это странно, что она мне нравится).

    Разница между even though и even if – Видео ресурсы + тесты/квизы

    • – even though / even if / even when – Adam  (там же под видео шикарный тест с 9 вопросами)
    • – Niharika (ссылка на youtube)
    • Тест с 12 вопросами на even though / even if / even when / even so

    Если вы знаете другие ресурсы и тесты на эту тему, буду благодарна каждому, кто оставит ссылку в комментариях к этому посту и внесёт тем самым небольшой вклад в изучении языков для всех нас:)

    “Even though” is one of those phrases in English that doesn’t come with an official structure or type. It’s not a noun, adjective, adverb, or anything in between. But we still need to know whether it’s one or two words, and this article will help you with that.

    “Even though” is always correct as two words. We can never write it as one word. It is instead referred to as a simple phrase because it is not a noun, adjective, or any other language form. Therefore, we must keep the space between the words to show that it’s a phrase.

    Eventhough or Even though?

    According to Google Ngram Viewer, “even though” is the only acceptable choice of the two. The huge differences in popularity tell us all we need to know about the one-word variation. There are no written cases where it works.

    Eventhough or Even though - Statistics

    Also, we can go further and check out The Cambridge Dictionary and The Oxford Dictionary. Both of which provide us with entries for “even though.” They mention that it’s simple to the meaning of “despite that.”

    Neither dictionary mentions that “eventhough” is ever correct. They also don’t show us examples or mention it as a brief variation on the spelling. You must avoid it.

    Is “Eventhough” One Word?

    “Eventhough” is incorrect. There are no exceptions to this either. You should never choose to group the phrase “even though” because it takes away from the intended meaning of what we’re looking for. Make sure you always include the space.

    The AP Stylebook will allow us to group certain two-word phrases in specific circumstances. However, these circumstances only apply when working with adjectives or verbs. There are no reasons in AP Style why we should group “eventhough.”

    Some people might choose to do so in favor of simplicity, but this is simply incorrect. It will make your sentence much harder to read if you group the words rather than leave them separate.

    These examples will demonstrate how much harder it can be to read the one-word variation:

    • Correct: Even though you’re clearly a bad person, I still think there’s a chance I can redeem you.
    • Incorrect: Eventhough you told me this would never work out, I’ve still managed to find a way to keep you here!
    • Correct: I didn’t have to say any of that, even though I knew it was my duty to do so.
    • Incorrect: We could have had everything we wanted, eventhough you were always trying to fight me at every hurdle!

    Is “Even though” Two Words?

    “Even though” is always two words. Again, there are no exceptions to this. You should make sure to use “even” and “though” as different words that modify each other to come up with a meaning similar to “despite that.” This only works when they are two words.

    There are no reasons why a native speaker would choose to group them together. If “eventhough” has ever appeared in English, it’s almost entirely due to a typo rather than a conscious choice.

    Here are a few examples that should help you understand more about it:

    1. Even though he was much bigger than me, I still didn’t feel threatened by him when he came over.
    2. I thought about it, even though I knew there wasn’t much I could have done to fix the situation.
    3. Even though I had time to get it done, I still didn’t want to help you out.
    4. We weren’t going to come to this event, even though we had the invite, because we didn’t like the idea of it!

    Tip To Remember The Difference

    Finally, it’s time to look over a quick tip. Once you’ve got your head around what we’re about to teach you, you’ll never make the mistake of writing “eventhough” again.

    The best tip we can give you is to say the sentence with “even though” aloud. You will notice that you have to take time to stress both “even” and “though.” This shows that you must always include a space between them to give them the stress they deserve.

    “Eventhough” as one word would be much more rushed in speech. If we said it aloud, it would sound like the words have become one, but this doesn’t stress them correctly, so it’s incorrect.

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    Although and even though are two conjunctions (linking words) that are used to show contrast. Though these two terms have similar meanings and are used in similar grammatical contexts, there is a slight difference between although and even though. Even though is slightly stronger and emphatic than although. This is the key difference between although and even though. However, these two conjunctions can be used interchangeably in most contexts.


    1. Overview and Key Difference
    2. What Does Although Mean
    3. What Does Even Though Mean
    4. Similarities Between Although and Even Though
    5. Side by Side Comparison – Although and Even Though in Tabular Form
    6. Summary

    What Does Although Mean?

    Although is a conjunction that is used to indicate contrast. It has the same meaning as “in spite of,” “even though” and “though.” This conjunction always follows a clause. The following examples show the usage of this conjunction.

    Although he is much older than me, he looks younger.

    He bought me an expensive watch, although I told him not to.

    She has an expensive leather watch, although I have never seen her wear it.

    Although he worked hard, he couldn’t pass the exam.

    Although the restaurant was crowded, he managed to find a good table.

    Difference Between Although and Even Though

    Figure 01: Although it was raining, the children didn’t stop playing.

    If you observe the above example sentences carefully, you’ll notice that although is always followed by a subject and a verb. You’ll also note that all these sentences have two clauses. The phrase with the conjunction can be either at the beginning of the sentence or at the middle. For example:

    Although he worked hard, he couldn’t pass the exam. = He couldn’t pass the exam although he worked hard.

    What Does Even Though Mean?

    Even though has the same meaning as although. It also indicates contrast. Therefore, it is also used after a clause, just like although. The only difference between although and even though is that even though often indicates a stronger and a more emphatic contrast. For example,

    Even though he is a billionaire, he still drives his father’s old car. = He still drives his father’s old car even though he is a billionaire.

    We planned a trip to Europe, even though we didn’t have money. = Even though we didn’t have money, we planned a trip to Europe.

    Key Difference - Although vs Even Though

    Figure 02: Even though he is a billionaire, he lived in a small cottage.

    However, it is not grammatically inaccurate to use even though and although interchangeably. This conjunctive can also be used either at the beginning or middle of the sentence.

    • We enjoyed our trip to Lake District even though it rained every day.
    • We enjoyed our trip to Lake District although it rained every day.
    • He kept singing loudly even though I told him to stop several times.
    • He kept singing loudly although I told him to stop several times.

    It should be also noted that this conjunction is always written as two words, not one word, i.e., even though, not even though.

    What are the Similarities Between Although and Even Though?

    • Although and even though are two conjunctions that indicate contrast.
    • Both of them have the same meaning.
    • Both these two conjunctions follow a clause, i.e., a subject and a verb.

    What is the Difference Between Although and Even Though?

    Although vs Even Though

    Although is not as emphatic or strong as even though. Even though is slightly stronger and emphatic than although.
    In Writing
    Although is written as one word. Even though is written as two words.

    Summary – Although vs Even Though

    Although and even though are two conjunctions that indicate contrast. They have similar meanings and are used in similar contexts. The only difference between although and even though is the effect created by them; even though is slightly stronger and emphatic than although.

    Download PDF Version of Although vs Even Though

    You can download PDF version of this article and use it for offline purposes as per citation note. Please download PDF version here Difference Between Although and Even Though


    1. “In spite of/despite/ although.” Learn English | British Council, Available here.

    Image Courtesy:

    1. “1807533” (Publci Domain) via Pixabay
    2. “946142” (Publci Domain) via Pixabay

    Содержание [показать]

    • Примеры
    • although / even though
    • Примеры
    • in spite of / despite
    • Примеры
    • though
    • Примеры

    Давайте сразу посмотрим примеры использования перечисленных слов.

    • Although we don’t agree, I think Mary is a good person. – Хотя мы не согласны, я думаю, Мэри – хороший человек.
    • Even though we don’t agree, I think Mary is a good person. – Хотя мы не согласны, я думаю, Мэри – хороший человек.
    • In spite of the wind, we continued walking. – Несмотря на ветер, мы продолжили идти.
    • Despite the wind, we continued walking. – Несмотря на ветер, мы продолжили идти.

    Although,even though, in spite of и despite используются, чтобы соединить две противоположных идеи. Главное отличие между ними в том, что они по-разному используются в предложениях.

    Эти слова могут встретиться как в начале, так и в середине предложения.


    • Despite the rain, we continued walking.
    • We continued walking, despite the rain.

    Давайте прочитаем два предложения.

    • She studied English a lot. She couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Она много учила английский. Она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.

    Вот каким образом можно противопоставить эти предложения:

    • Although (even though) she studied English a lot, she couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Хотя она много учила английский, она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.
    • Despite (in spite of) studying English a lot, she couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Несмотря на то, что она много учила английский, она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.
    • She studied English a lot, but despite (in spite of) that she couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Она много учила английский, но несмотря на это она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.

    Рассмотрим эти слова в сравнении.

    На примерах видно, что после слов although и even though следуют подлежащее и сказуемое. Even though звучит для носителя языка чуть «сильнее», чем although.


    • We enjoyed the trip, although it was raining all the time. – Нам понравилась поездка, хотя всё время шёл дождь.
    • Although we met very often, we weren’t friends. – Хотя мы частенько встречались, мы не были друзьями.
    • Even though I studied a little, I had good marks at school. – Хотя я учился очень мало, у меня были хорошие оценки в школе.
    • She didn’t help me, even though she had a lot of free time. – Она не помогла мне, хотя у неё было много свободного времени.

    in spite of / despite

    После in spite of и despite мы видим в предложении существительное, местоимение или герундий (глагол с окончанием -ing). Внимание: despite употребляется без предлога of.


    • You never travel to Russia, in spite of the relatives there. – Ты никогда не ездишь в Россию, несмотря на то, что у тебя там родственники.
    • In spite of the headache, I completed the test. – Несмотря на головную боль, я закончил писать тест.
    • Despite meeting John, I had a great day. – Несмотря на встречу с Джоном, у меня был хороший день.
    • Our flight was cancelled. In spite of that, we arrived on time. – Наш рейс отменили. Несмотря на это, мы приехали вовремя.

    Часто слова in spite of и despite используют с выражением the fact that, после которого обязательно идёт подлежащее и сказуемое.

    • In spite of the fact that Ned worked very hard, his boss didn’t promote him.
    • Despite the fact that Ned worked very hard, his boss didn’t promote him.


    Слово though является синонимом although. Они используются в предложениях одинаково.

    Though может встретиться в конце второго предложения. Это очень типично для разговорного английского.


    • Though I wasn’t a fan of sports, I enjoyed swimming with you every morning.
    • I didn’t like the actor. The film was really nice, though.

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