Is even a linking word

Even is an adverb. We use even to refer to something surprising, unexpected, unusual or extreme: He didn’t even have enough money to pay the rent.


  • 1 What form of speech is the word even?
  • 2 Is even an adverb?
  • 3 Is even a conjunction?
  • 4 What part of speech is even though?
  • 5 What part of speech is each?
  • 6 Is even if a preposition?
  • 7 What is even though in grammar?
  • 8 Is even a linking word?
  • 9 What type of conjunction is even?
  • 10 What kind of conjunction is even?
  • 11 Is even though an conjunction?
  • 12 Which type of adverb is even?
  • 13 Is even though a contrast word?
  • 14 What is odd even rule?
  • 15 Which is the following number is even?
  • 16 What are odd and even numbers?
  • 17 Is the word every an adjective?
  • 18 Is the word other an adjective?
  • 19 Which part of speech is the word he?
  • 20 Can a sentence start with even?

It can be an adjective – an even surface, an even number, an even balance, an even temperature – or it can be a verb – to even the score (although, as a verb, it is more commonly used with the particle out). Even can also be an adverb and here it has three main uses.

Is even an adverb?

The word ‘even’ can be used as an adverb and an adjective.

Is even a conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that connects two sentences together, such as, ‘and’, ‘because’, and ‘but’. Even alone cannot be used as a conjunction. It needs to be combined with if or though to connect two clauses.

What part of speech is even though?

Note that even if, even when and even though are conjunctions, linking two clauses. Even so like though, meaning however, is an adverb and is used for introducing a statement that seems surprising after what has been said before.

What part of speech is each?

The dictionary says “each” can be an adjective, pronoun or adverb.

Is even if a preposition?

The expressions though, although, even though and even if are conjunctions. They are followed by clauses. Despite and in spite of are prepositions followed by nouns or gerunds. While these expressions have very similar meanings, they are used in different structures.

What is even though in grammar?

‘Even though’ precedes a statement of fact. It means ‘despite/in spite of’ the fact. It is more emphatic or stronger than ‘though’ or ‘although’. Even though John is rich, he lives in a small house.

Is even a linking word?

Although / even though
These linking words are the same, and they are both followed by a clause (subject + verb). Even though is stronger, more emphatic than although. Besides, even though is used when the given condition is negative but the outcome/result is positive.

What type of conjunction is even?

A CONJUNCTION is a word that connects or joins together words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. There are two kinds of conjunctions, a primary class of COORDINATING conjunctions and a secondary class called SUBORDINATING or SUBORDINATE conjunctions.

after since when
how what even though

What kind of conjunction is even?


after in order (that) unless
as though once whether
because provided (that) while
before since why
even if so that

Is even though an conjunction?

Though, although and even though are subordinating conjunctions. They introduce a dependent clause that needs to be attached to an independent clause.

Which type of adverb is even?

Even is an adverb. We use even to refer to something surprising, unexpected, unusual or extreme: He didn’t even have enough money to pay the rent.

Is even though a contrast word?

Even though, even if
Even though is similar to although but it makes a stronger contrast: Even though I cycle to work, I don’t feel very fit. Even if means ‘whether or not’: Even if you run, you’ll still be late.

What is odd even rule?

Follow. The odd-even scheme of the Delhi government is a traffic rationing measure under which private vehicles with registration numbers ending with an odd digit will be allowed on roads on odd dates and those with an even digit on even dates.

Which is the following number is even?

Even numbers are those numbers that can be divided into two equal groups or pairs and are exactly divisible by 2. For example, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on. Suppose you have 10 candies.
Even Numbers.

1. What Are Even Numbers?
2. Odd and Even Numbers
3. Properties of Even Numbers
4. FAQs on Even Numbers

What are odd and even numbers?

A number which is divisible by 2 and generates a remainder of 0 is called an even number. An odd number is a number which is not divisible by 2. The remainder in the case of an odd number is always “1”.

Is the word every an adjective?

What type of word is every? As detailed above, ‘every’ is a determiner.

Is the word other an adjective?

Like many English words, other possesses great flexibility in meaning and function. Over the past few centuries, it has served as an adjective, an adverb, a noun, and a pronoun.

Which part of speech is the word he?

The word ‘he’ can be a pronoun, adjective, or noun. It is used as a pronoun in this sentence: He gave me his lunch money when I lost mine.

Can a sentence start with even?

Even is used for emphasis mainly before a word, a phrase, or a clause beginning with ‘as’, ‘if’, or ‘though’. When emphasizing verbs, even comes before an ordinary verb: They even served champagne at breakfast. But even comes after an auxiliary verb, a modal verb, or the verb ‘to be’: She doesn’t even know his name.

how to use even“Even” is an interesting word. It can be used for a variety of specific meanings that may be hard to generalise, and can raise particular confusion when it comes to its place in a sentence. It can add emphasis to examples (“I don’t like ducks – not even small ones.”) or verbs (“I didn’t even know the man!”). It can show unavoidable results (“Even when we tried our hardest, we failed.”). It can even show contrasts (“I like them, even though I hate their dog.”). So, how can you use it in sentences?

The meaning of “even”

As an adverb, on its own, even gives the idea of a surprising extreme. It describes verbs, other adverbs or adjectives. Even says something is ‘more than expected’.

  • She can even speak Chinese.
  • That dog is fast. But the cat is even faster.

Not even is used for extreme negatives, suggesting ‘less than expected’.

  • He is not even nice to children.

Where to place “even” in a sentence

When used with a verb, even usually comes with a verb, in the middle position. This means it comes after auxiliary verbs such as have, do, and be (important for the perfect and continuous tenses and question, negative or modal forms); or it comes before a main verb on its own.

I have heard every genre of music. I have even heard gypsy swing music. (After auxiliary verb, before main verb.)

  • He broke all the plates. He even broke her favourite plate. (Before main verb.)

When even refers to a subject, it usually goes before the subject, for instance at the start of clause.

  • Even the young boy was disappointed with the clown’s performance.

It can also before other words or phrases that you want to emphasise.

  • Peter collects many types of coins, even plastic ones.
  • I swim in the sea every day, even when it is raining.

With negatives, even comes after not.

“even if”, “even though” and “even when”

You should not use even as a conjunction, on its own, but with if, when or though it can be used as a conjunction. These emphasise contrasting clauses, as something that is surprising or unexpected.

  • Even if I won the lottery, I would live in this house.
  • I had a good time, even though I spilt my drink.
  • He was unhappy, even when they bought him a new car.

The three expressions cannot always be used in the same way. Certain rules can help separate them:

Even though should be used for general rules or facts. It is particularly common for states.

  • I like chocolate even though it is unhealthy.
  • We met at the park even though it was raining.

Even if is used with imagined or rare ideas.

  • I would not kiss him even if he was the last man on Earth.

Even when is used for events, which can be occasional, regular or one-off. It often shows an unavoidable result.

  • He sits in the park, even when it rains.

“even so”

Even so is usually used at the start of a clause, meaning ‘however’, ‘in spite of that’, but particularly focusing on surprising or unexpected results. It is used to present a contrast to an idea that has already been given (unlike ‘even though’, which joins two ideas with a contrast).

  • It is sunny now. Even so, I am staying at home.
  • Even though it is sunny now, I am staying at home.

“Even so” is very much like the word “but” or “however.” “Even so” is different in that it is used with surprising or unexpected results.

Other uses of “even”

Even can also be used to mean something is flat, equal or neutral. For example an even surface is flat.

When a debt is paid, or something has been settled (such as a dispute), the involved subjects may be considered even.

  • He owed me two pounds, but he paid, so we are even.

Even is also used to describe numbers that can be divided by 2 (2, 4, 6, 8 etc.). These even numbers are alternate numbers starting at 2. Alternate numbers starting at 1 (1, 3, 5, etc.) are called odd numbers.

Чтобы ваше письменная и устная речь не отличались от речи носителя языка, необходимо знать не только грамматику, но и использовать разнообразную лексику, в том числе и Linking Words. Слова-связки в английском — это слова и выражения, делающие вашу речь лаконичной и связной.

Использование подходящих слов-связок для письма и эссе по английскому поможет получить высокий балл на любом экзамене. Ведь проверяющий оценивает кроме языкового оформления текста и решения коммуникативной задачи еще и организацию текста, которая подразумевает правильное использование средств логической связи. Поэтому сегодня мы продолжим знакомить вас со словами-связками 2 типа: Contradiction, рассказывать о которых мы начали в предыдущей статье. Они пригодятся для написания личного письма ЕГЭ и эссе по английскому языку ЕГЭ. 

Союзы although, though, even though: разница в использовании

Linking words/phrases





Хотя/несмотря на то, что

Although the weather was nice, they didn’t go on a picnic.

They didn’t go on a picnic although the weather was nice.

Bill, although painting better, still needs to improve his painting style.

Althoughэто подчинительный союз, который используется для противопоставления двух идей, поэтому предложение должно иметь две части, в каждой из которых должно быть подлежащее и сказуемое.

Можно как начинать с придаточного предложения, вводимого союзом although, что более традиционно, так и заканчивать им.

В первом случае после придаточного предложения надо поставить запятую. Во втором — запятая не нужна.

В формальной речи although используется в начале неполного предложения, где отсутствует подлежащее, а сказуемое идет в форме герундия (V-ing)


Хотя/несмотря на то, что

Все же/тем не менее/однако

Though it was rainy and cool, kids went for a walk.

Bill, though painting better, still needs to improve his painting style.

It was raining. He didn’t take an umbrella, though.

Though — это подчинительный союз, который в отличии от although чаще используется в разговорной речи, но также его можно встретить и в формальном стиле, где он вводит неполное предложение (though+V-ing), как в случае с although.

Если предложение начинается с придаточного, то перед главным нужно поставить запятую.

Though в значении «все же, тем не менее, однако» синонимично however и является наречием. Однако в отличии от however стоит в конце предложения и обособляется запятой. Переводить предложение с though в этом случае нужно с конца.

Even though

Хотя/несмотря на то, что

Even though she hadn’t studied hard, she passed her exam.

Чтобы сделать предложение более эмоционально окрашенным к though добавляется even.

Despite, in spite of: разница в использовании

Linking words/phrases





Несмотря на

Despite having a temperature, she went to school.

Despite the fact that Rosy had a temperature she went to school.

Оба предлога по переводу совпадают с союзами although, though, even though, но поскольку это все-таки предлоги, после них не может стоять подлежащее и сказуемое.

despite/in spite of + cущ./V-ing.

Важно! Despite НЕ требует после себя OF.

Если вам нужно подлежащее со сказуемым, то можно использовать выражения despite the fact that subject+verb/in spite of the fact that subject+verb

Despite более формальный чем in spite of и чаще используется в письменной речи.

In spite of

Несмотря на

In spite of bad weather, they went out.

In spite of training a lot, he couldn’t win a competition.

In spite of the fact that Peter had trained a lot, he couldn’t win a competition.

В наших следующих статьях мы познакомим вас с новыми линкерами данного типа. Так что следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с АВС.

The definition of adverb from Webster’s College (1) and Collins (2; quoted from definition 1a), via

  1. a member of a class of words functioning as modifiers of verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or clauses, typically expressing some relation of place, time, manner, degree, means, cause, result, exception, etc. …
  2. a word or group of words that serves to modify a whole sentence, a verb, another adverb, or an adjective

Modifying sentences as above is the function of even, thus it’s an adverb.

It’s not a conjunction because even doesn’t group or join things together. It neither defines collections (e.g. A, B or C) nor connects two parts of a sentence (e.g. I went to the store and bought some things). I would even go farther and say it separates things, by using emphasis to make them stand out. A verb, quality or condition marked with even is notably different from the norm; even provides emphasis, not connectivity. You can have conjunction phrases which include even, such as even so, but in these cases even serves to modify the meaning of the actual conjunction. If you remove even from such a conjunction, it will still be grammatical (though it may no longer be semantically correct). Even doesn’t join a clause to the rest of the sentence; it modifies the meaning of the clause itself.

Even may sometimes appear to function in a prepositional manner, just as it does in your example. But it’s not a preposition, because it doesn’t require a noun target (or any target, even) and it serves to modify a clause, not introduce one. In these cases, even stands at the beginning of an adverbial phrase. It’s grammatical and sensible to use a naked, targetless even at the end of a sentence, but it’s generally not to do so with a preposition. Observe:

  1. We all went, even Steve.
  2. We all went, even.

The two meanings are marginally different, but the general sense remains the same with or without Steve. Everyone was able to go, and this was unexpected or difficult to accomplish. Calling out Steve serves to indicate of the precise level of difficulty; presumably he is particularly unavailable or reluctant relative to the rest of the group.

No one can do it, even him.
And for my example above, what exactly do you call the boldface text … ?

I’d call it a clause functioning as an adverb. The clause emphasizes the whole sentence (no one can do it), by using whoever he is as a marker of difficulty, just as with Steve in my example.

As an aside, this sentence is unsemantic, because he is a member of the group who are unable to perform the action. But the negative is applied to the subject rather than the verb, so this suggests he can do it, because no one is contrasted with him. Adding not before even will fix this problem, by keeping him inside the negated group.

Сегодня мы поговорим о словах-связках (linking words) и фразах-связках в английском языке.

Содержание статьи:

Что такое linking words and phrases?

Таблицы linking words с переводом.

Упражнения на отработку linking words and phrases.

Что такое linking words and phrases?

В английской речи или на письме Вы можете использовать слова-связки (linking words) или короткие фразы (linking phrases), которые помогут организовать Вашу речь и сделать ее более логичной и понятной для того, кто Вас слушает или читает.

Слова-связки могут быть разными частями речи. Linking words важны для написания достойного и связного эссе (essay writing).

Обратите внимание, на использование слов-связок: неправильное использование linking words в английском языке может полностью изменить смысл того, что вы пытаетесь сказать.

Ниже приводятся таблицы слов-связок и фраз-связок с переводом. Этот перечень не является исчерпывающим. Будьте осторожны: хотя linking words and phrases сгруппированы в наших таблицах по сферам применения, слова-связки в каждой из таблиц не являются синонимичными – для их правильного применения необходимо уточнить перевод, а также место в предложении.

Некоторые слова-связки и фразы используются в нескольких таблицах, так как могут иметь различное (логическое) значение.

Listing (слова-связки, используемые для перечисления, организации логической последовательности).

first, second, third

Первое, второе, третье

firstly, secondly, thirdly

Во-первых, во-вторых, в-третьих

first, furthermore, finally

Во-первых, кроме того, наконец-то

to begin, to conclude, in conclusion

Для начала, чтобы сделать вывод, в завершение

next, last, finally

следующий, последний, наконец

In addition, moreover

Кроме того, кроме того

Further, furthermore

Далее / кроме того,

Примеры с переводом

Firstly, it could be rather risky, secondly, we don’t have enough qualification.  – Во-первых, это может быть очень рискованно, во-вторых, у нас нет достаточной квалификации.

And, moreover, Greg was a man of stainless character. – И, более того, Грег был человеком с честным характером.

Reinforcement (слова-связки, употребляющиеся для усиления, подкрепления мысли )




кроме того


более того

what is more

более того

in addition

кроме того


кроме того

above all

прежде всего

as well (as)

также (как)

in the same way

таким же образом

not only … but also

не только … но и

Примеры с переводом:

And, besides, I did not know the whole truth myself then. – И, кроме того, я и сам-то всей правды тогда не знал.

Molly is not only intelligent but also beautiful. – Молли не только умна, но и красива.

Similarity (слова-связки для выражения схожести / похожести)









in the same way

таким же образом

Примеры с переводом

Development banks, likewise, increased their loan commitments in 1999. — Банки развития также увеличили объем своих кредитов в 1999 году.

Giving examples (слова-связки для примера, введения дополнительной информации)

for example


for instance


as follows:

следующим образом:

that is

то есть


а именно

in other words

другими словами

Примеры с переводом:

Three students were mentioned, namely John, Sarah and Sylvia. – Трое студентов были упомянуты, а именно Джон, Сара и Сильвия.

China, for example, faces increasing export difficulties – Китай, к примеру, все больше сталкивается с проблемами в области экспорта.

Summary (слова связки для подведения итогов высказывания)

in conclusion

в заключение

to conclude

в заключение

in brief

в кратце

to summarise

подводя итог


в целом



Примеры с переводом:

I wish in conclusion to express the view of the Group. —  В заключение я хотел бы выразить мнение Группы.

But overall, the situation has not changed much. — Однако в целом ситуация существенно не изменилась.

Expressing an alternative (слова-связки, которые используются для выражения альтернативы)


в качестве альтернативы / как вариант



on the other hand

с другой стороны

the alternative is

Альтернатива такова

another possibility would be

другой возможностью могло бы быть

Примеры с переводом:

Alternatively, we can assume that price changes stay large even as the period gets shorter. –В качестве альтенативы, можно предположить, что изменения цен остаются значительными, даже в случае сокращения периода.

Result/consequence (слова-связки для выражения результата / следствия)





as a result/consequence

в результате/вследствие





because of this/that

из-за этого/ того


таким образом



for this/that reason

По этой / той причине

so that

так что

in that case

в том случае

under these circumstances

при таких обстоятельствах

Примеры с переводом:

Central Asia thus remains only weakly integrated into the world economy. – Центральная Азия, таким образом, остается лишь ограниченно интегрированной в мировую экономику.

In these circumstances, there will be temporary financial loss to fishermen. – В таких обстоятельствах рыбаки будут терпеть временные финансовые потери.

Stating the obvious (слова-связки для выражения очевидности мысли)







of course


as can be expected

как можно ожидать



after all

Ведь, в общем, помимо прочего





 Примеры с переводом:

«I’ve obviously missed something,»– Видимо, я что-то недопонял.

He was, after all, a humorless child. — Он, в общем, и в детстве обладал не слишком развитым чувством юмора.

Emphasis (слова-связки для акцентирования мысли)





In fact

На самом деле

Particularly / in particular

Особенно / в особенности





Примеры с переводом:

Admittedly, the dates haven’t been fixed yet. – Правда, сроки еще не указаны.

More importantly, nine new services will be offered to our customers. – И, что еще важнее, клиентам будут предложены девять новых видов услуг.

Linking words exercises. Упражнения на слова-связки.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answers to the given text.

There are many reasons for visiting the city of Rome. _________ (1) , it is a city with an interesting history.__________ (2), it was the capital of the Roman Empire. _________ (3), Rome is very beautiful, _________ (4) its many palaces, churches and squares. __________ (5), many of the city’s classical monuments have been preserved, __________ (6) it is possible to see how the city used to be. ___________ (7), many people travel to Rome every year. ____________ (8), I believe that, ___________ (9) a trip to Rome may be expensive, it is well worth visiting such a wonderful city.






On the whole







in order to


All in all


due to




Apart from


In addition








For this reason


To sum up


For example




due to

Exercise 2. Choose the correct linking word.

  1. I have never been here before… (as/but/and) my friend has.
  2. We took a taxi… (in short/but/because) we were late.
  3. This house is beautiful… (In addition to/ However/ Because), it is in poor condition.
  4. I was tired, … (so/for example/since) I went to bed early.
  5. … (All in all / Despite / Although) she felt ill, she didn’t call the doctor.
  6. Some foods, … (moreover/as a result/such as) chocolate, are very fattening.
  7. Everyone attended the meeting… (whose / whereas / apart from) Steve, who was on holiday.
  8. Is this the boy… (whose/which/ what) parents own the factory.

Ответы к упражнениям на linking words.

Ex. 1.

1c, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9b

Ex. 2.

1 but, 2 because, 3 however, 4 so, 5 although, 6 such as, 7 apart from, 8 whose

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