Is essentially a word

Table of Contents

  1. What does essentially mean mean?
  2. Does essentially mean basically?
  3. How do you use essentially correctly?
  4. Do you put comma after essentially?
  5. What are essential elements in grammar?
  6. Can you start sentence with essentially?
  7. What can I say instead of pretty much?
  8. Can I use basically in an essay?
  9. Is using the word basically informal?
  10. Where is the word basically used?
  11. What word can I use instead of basically?
  12. What’s the opposite of basically?
  13. What does it mean when you say literally speaking?
  14. What does methodologically mean?

As an adverb, then, essentially refers to something’s nature. In spite of your faults, you’re essentially a good person. The word essentia came from the Lower Latin, referring to something’s inherent qualities.

What does essentially mean mean?

: in essence : fundamentally —used to identify or stress the basic or essential character or nature of a person or thing or to say that a description is basically true or accurate He’s essentially a good man.…

Does essentially mean basically?

The difference between Basically and Essentially When used as adverbs, basically means in a fundamental, essential or basic manner, whereas essentially means in an essential manner.

How do you use essentially correctly?

You use essentially to indicate that what you are saying is mainly true, although some parts of it are wrong or more complicated than has been stated. His analysis of urban use of agricultural land has been proved essentially correct.

Do you put comma after essentially?

presented before the main clause of your sentence. Some of the introductory phrases might start with since, if, although, and while. Essentially, if the non-essential clause is taken out, you would still have a complete sentence. The comma before and after signifies a pause in the flow of your sentence.

What are essential elements in grammar?

Some modifying elements of a sentence are essential, restricting the meaning of a modified term, while others are nonessential and don’t restrict the modified term’s meaning. These nonessential elements, which can be words, phrases, or clauses, are set off with commas.

Can you start sentence with essentially?

When you want to explain something complicated in a simple way, you can start your sentence with “Essentially, ___”: Essentially, the higher the model number, the newer and more powerful it is. Another word that you can use in a similar way is “Basically”.

What can I say instead of pretty much?

other words for pretty much

  • fairly.
  • kind of.
  • quite.
  • rather.
  • reasonably.
  • moderately.
  • ample.
  • large.

Can I use basically in an essay?

As to whether The single word whether will suffice. Basically, essentially, totally These words seldom add anything useful to a sentence. Due to the fact that Using this phrase is a sure sign that your sentence is in trouble.

Is using the word basically informal?

Usage police periodically go so far as to claim that the word “basically” is mere filler, that it doesn’t even mean anything. But try it with “basically” and – even though the word is first recorded in a London literary magazine of 1903 – people jump up and down, calling it “informal” or worse.

Where is the word basically used?

You use basically for emphasis when you are stating an opinion, or when you are making an important statement about something. This gun is designed for one purpose–it’s basically to kill people. Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.

What word can I use instead of basically?


  • altogether,
  • by and large,
  • chiefly,
  • generally,
  • largely,
  • mainly,
  • mostly,
  • overall,

What’s the opposite of basically?

completely, fully, entirely, absolutely, thoroughly, minimally, wholly, barely, perfectly, scarcely, just, categorically, unqualifiedly, hardly, totally, marginally.

What does it mean when you say literally speaking?

“Literally speaking” is a explanation without exaggeration or embellishment, of how something thinks, feels, believes, and acts. It is how most people address a question or make statements, because the opposite is “Figuratively speaking”. ( The use of “literally” is overused nowadays, but that’s a different subject)

What does methodologically mean?

in a way that relates to the method used for doing, teaching, or studying something: a study that was methodologically sound/unsound. They dismiss his study as methodologically flawed.

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What does that word essentially mean in English?

The word essentially means nothing.

Другие результаты

But note that a keystroke includes the space, tab or ENTER mark after every wordessentially any key you press on the keyboard.

Но обратите внимание, что под знаком подразумевается и пробел, табуляция или ENTER, по сути, любая клавиша, которую вы нажимаете на клавиатуре.

In other words consciousness is essentially a phenomenon of information.

Another word for essentially the same thing is naturalism.

А во-вторых, все то же ключевое слово — естественность.

It’s the same word, essentially, «other things».

In other words, essentially, people are currently being tried for things they did not do.

То есть фактически сейчас людей привлекают к ответственности за то, чего они не совершали.

Crimes against humanity, in other words crimes essentially committed against civilians.

З) «Преступления против человечности», т.е. главным образом, против гражданского населения.

In other words, essentially, wise people experienced less loneliness.

Другими словами, «мудрые» люди значительно меньше испытывали чувство одиночества.

In other words, essentially all the basic and complex work does exactly.

Другими словами, по сути всю основную и сложную работу делает именно человек.

These words of wisdom all essentially

There actually is no good evidence for making any distinction between the two and, in fact, the words are essentially synonymous in this context.

На самом деле, не существует веских причин, чтобы проводить различие между этими двумя словами, и в данном контексте эти слова, по сути, используются, как синонимы.

an Afrikaans word which essentially means segregation.

выражено словом, которое вообще означает родовое различие.

I mean, not in those words, but essentially.

In other words consciousness is essentially a phenomenon of information.

Иными словами, сознание по сути своей является феноменом информации.

A word is essentially a key that gets us into certain people’s heads.

Слово — это фактически ключ, который открывает для нас мысли человека,

We are teaching them to train their staff and are also providing our own personnel — in other words, essentially, leasing out professionals, in order for them to work on location.

Проводим с ними учения по подготовке персонала и дополнительно обеспечиваем собственным персоналом, то есть, по сути дела, даём в аренду людей, которые являются профессионалами, для того чтобы они работали на местах.

In other words, this essentially shows that the work recently done in the transport sector deserves the highest praise.

По сути это свидетельствует о том, что работа, проделанная в последнее время в транспортном секторе, заслуживает самой высокой оценки.

In other words, they essentially hold their breath 12 hours a day!

In other words, they were essentially abandoned.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 359. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 214 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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по существу, существенным образом


- по существу

essentially negative approach — в основном отрицательное отношение
matters which are essentially within domestic jurisdiction — дела, по существу входящие во внутреннюю компетенцию (государства)

- существенно, существенным образом

the new model differs essentially from the old one — новая модель существенно отличается от старой

Мои примеры


something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics — что-то, по большому счёту, вульгарное и подлое в политике  
punishments…essentially vindictive in their nature — наказания…по своей сути являются своеобразной местью  
essentially bounded — существенно ограниченный  
essentially unlovable woman — в высшей степени непривлекательная женщина  
essentially irreducible chain — существенно неприводимая цепь  
essentially complete class — существенно полный класс  
essentially complete — существенно полный  
essentially continuous — существенно непрерывный  
essentially convergent — существенно сходящийся  
essentially strictly convex — существенно строго выпуклый  
essentially countable — существенно счетный  
essentially infinite cover — существенно бесконечное покрытие  

Примеры с переводом

Oil is essentially their only resource.

Нефть, по сути, является их единственным ресурсом.

A society is essentially an organism.

Общество, по сути своей, есть организм.

Essentially, we are talking about the cold war period.

По сути, мы говорим о периоде «холодной войны».

The winking of the eyes is essentially automatic.

Моргание происходит, по большей части, непроизвольно.

Free speech is an essential right of citizenship.

Свобода слова является неотъемлемым правом гражданина.

Ballet is essentially a middle-class interest.

Балетом интересуются в основном представители среднего класса.

That blessed union has contributed so essentially to the prosperity of both countries.

Этот благословенный союз внёс столь существенный вклад в процветание обеих стран.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…taking that statement completely out of context essentially falsifies it, whether that’s your intention or not…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

essential  — необходимый, существенный, основной, сущность, неотъемлемость
essentialism  — эссенциализм, материализм

Asked by: Kitty Kulas

Score: 4.6/5
(57 votes)

You use essentially to indicate that what you are saying is mainly true, although some parts of it are wrong or more complicated than has been stated.

What does essentially mean mean?

: in essence : fundamentally —used to identify or stress the basic or essential character or nature of a person or thing or to say that a description is basically true or accurate He’s essentially a good man.…

What is a another word for essentially?

as in basically, fundamentally. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for essentially. basically, elementally, fundamentally.

Is essentially the same as basically?

As adverbs the difference between basically and essentially

is that basically is in a fundamental, essential or basic manner while essentially is in an essential manner; in essence.

Should you use essentially?

Essentially should mean in essence or in an essential manner. But it is also often used to mean almost or mostly: e.g. «I am essentially done with my courses this semester»; «He was essentially an adult although he was technically a child.»

16 related questions found

What can I say instead of pretty much?

pretty much

  • about,
  • all but,
  • almost,
  • borderline,
  • fair.
  • [chiefly British],
  • fairly,
  • feckly.

How do you put essentially in a sentence?

at bottom or by one’s (or its) very nature.

  1. He had an essentially subordinate role.
  2. Ballet is essentially a middle-class interest.
  3. The course is essentially theoretical in orientation.
  4. The school appeared essentially unchanged since my day.

When should you use the word basically?

You use basically for emphasis when you are stating an opinion, or when you are making an important statement about something. This gun is designed for one purpose–it’s basically to kill people. Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.

Is essentially informal?

Yes, «essentially» is more formal in that it gets to the essence (or nature) of the thing. If that’s the notion you intend, you might choose that word with better success. But the same problem can occur if «essentially» becomes just another filler word that doesn’t add meaning.

What is the similar meaning of essential?

Some common synonyms of essential are cardinal, fundamental, and vital. While all these words mean «so important as to be indispensable,» essential implies belonging to the very nature of a thing and therefore being incapable of removal without destroying the thing itself or its character.

What is another word for inherently?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inherently, like: innately, naturally, essentially, intrinsically, inseparably, genetically, congenitally, demonstrably, immanently, natively and fundamentally.

What is the synonym of effectively?

useful, impressive, efficient, sufficient, powerful, direct, potent, practical, competent, valid, compelling, active, adequate, forceful, dynamic, effectual, efficacious, able, capable, cogent.

Why do people use the word essentially so much?

You use essentially to emphasize a quality that someone or something has, and to say that it is their most important or basic quality. It’s been believed for centuries that great writers, composers, and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.

What is an example of essential?

The definition of essential is completely necessary or part of the basic nature of something. An example of essential is dedicated study skills to become valedictorian. An example of essential is innate intelligence. Containing, or having the properties of, a concentrated extract of a plant, drug, food, etc.

What does essentially normal mean?

“Essentially normal”: This combination of words is used frequently, particularly in oral communications. For some rea- son, doctors feel obliged to add words for emphasis, even when they have no meaning. If the examination of a patient is normal, the addition of “essentially” is unnecessary.

What can I say instead of basically?

Synonyms & Antonyms of basically

  • altogether,
  • by and large,
  • chiefly,
  • generally,
  • largely,
  • mainly,
  • mostly,
  • overall,

What does basically mean in text?

used to show that a statement is expressing the most important reason for something. : in a simple way. See the full definition for basically in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What kind of a word is basically?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishba‧sic‧ally /ˈbeɪsɪkli/ ●●● S1 adverb 1 [sentence adverb] spoken used to emphasize the most important reason or fact about something, or a simple explanation of something Basically, I’m just lazy.

Is eventually formal or informal?

Thanks in advance. Tenacious Learner What’s the difference between ‘eventually’ and ‘later on’? I don’t see them as different in terms of formality. Both are used in ordinary conversation, and both can be used in formal writing.

Is using the word basically informal?

Usage police periodically go so far as to claim that the word «basically» is mere filler, that it doesn’t even mean anything. … But try it with «basically» and – even though the word is first recorded in a London literary magazine of 1903 – people jump up and down, calling it «informal» or worse.

Is a lot informal?

They can be placed before singular or plural countable and uncountable nouns. Although lots and plenty are acceptable in academic writing, their usage is considered to be informal. In formal academic writing, it is more appropriate to use many, much, and more.

Do you put comma after essentially?

Assuming you mean to qualify the ‘yes’ both because there are complications and because the theory may not actually apply, you would need to insert a comma after essentially and omit the comma after theory or (much better) rephrase to something like Essentially, the theory would say yes here.

What is a fundamentally?

in a fundamental and essential way; centrally and foundationally: a nine-point plan that will fundamentally transform our system of eldercare. as regards the basic nature, character, or truth of something; basically and often emphatically: Fundamentally, they just want their independence.

What does not essentially mean?

adjective. not essential; not necessary: Nonessential use of gasoline was forbidden during the war. noun. a nonessential thing or person.

Notice the tie between essentially and the word «essence,» referring to the very core of something. As an adverb, then, essentially refers to something’s nature. In spite of your faults, you’re essentially a good person.

The word essentia came from the Lower Latin, referring to something’s inherent qualities. If you’re convinced that there’s not much difference between two things, you might say that they are essentially the same. Nietzsche once made the essentially sexist comment, «Man wishes woman to be peaceable, but in fact she is essentially warlike, like the cat.”

Definitions of essentially

  1. adverb

    in essence; at bottom or by one’s (or its) very nature

    “the argument was
    essentially a technical one”


    basically, fundamentally

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘essentially’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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