Is escalate a word

Asked by: Russ Zemlak

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intransitive verb. : to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope a little war threatens to escalate into a huge ugly one— Arnold Abrams. transitive verb.

What is escalate the situation?

If a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it, it becomes greater in size, seriousness, or intensity. [journalism] Both unions and management fear the dispute could escalate. The protests escalated into five days of rioting. Synonyms: increase, develop, extend, intensify More Synonyms of escalate.

What does this word mean escalate?

verb (used with or without object), es·ca·lat·ed, es·ca·lat·ing. to increase in intensity, magnitude, etc.: to escalate a war; a time when prices escalate. to raise, lower, rise, or descend on or as if on an escalator.

What does escalate mean example?

To escalate is defined as to increase quickly, to become more serious or to become worse. … An example of escalate is when the price of grain quickly goes up. An example of escalate is when tensions between two countries become worse.

Is escalate a negative word?

Even peacetime uses of “escalate” tend to be negative. The “escalating” is often from bad to worse (as in “health costs are escalating”). This makes us wonder why the word was attractive to the jargonistas of the business world.

43 related questions found

How do you use the word escalate?

​to become greater, worse, more serious, etc.; to make something greater, worse, more serious, etc.

  1. the escalating costs of healthcare.
  2. escalate into something The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.
  3. escalate something (into something) We do not want to escalate the war.

What is to escalate a problem?

to involve someone more important or higher in rank in a situation or problem: You might need to escalate the issue to the next highest level management team. The customer is threatening to escalate his complaint.

What is escalation in job?

Term Definition

Escalation in project management is an anticipated rise in uncommitted costs of resources (labor, material, equipment) over time, due to reduced purchasing power of money. … The Project Manager develops the Project Plan with the team and manages the team’s performance of project tasks.

How do you know when to escalate an issue?

Escalate only if any of the following statements match your situation:

  1. The issue you are planning to escalate is likely going to cause a delay of the project or an overrun of budget OR.
  2. The issue is causing significant extra work on your side or on the side of your team members.

What does it mean to escalate a request?

to become more important or serious, or to make something do this: a problem/crisis/dispute escalates Mediation can be used to settle disputes at an early stage and stop problems escalating. escalate a problem/matter/complaint If the customer remains dissatisfied with the response, they may then escalate the complaint.

How do you use escalate in a sentence?

Escalating sentence example

  1. He didn’t tell her of his escalating concerns over the Shipton case, nor, surprisingly did she ask about it. …
  2. Fatty tissue is more likely to be resistant to the effects of insulin, causing escalating glucose levels.

What do you mean by juxtapose?

: to place (different things) side by side (as to compare them or contrast them or to create an interesting effect) juxtapose unexpected combinations of colors, shapes and ideas— J. F. T. Bugental.

How do you handle escalation at work?

Here are five best practices your customer success team should use during customer escalations.

  1. #1: Listen to the Customer.
  2. #2: Put Yourself in the Customer’s Shoes.
  3. #3: Understand a Customer’s Value to Your Business.
  4. #4: Route Customers to the Right Person From the Start.
  5. #5: Close Each Escalation Within 30 Days.

How do you de escalate a situation between others?

CPI’s Top 10 De-Escalation Tips:

  1. Be Empathic and Nonjudgmental. Do not judge or be dismissive of the feelings of the person in distress. …
  2. Respect Personal Space. …
  3. Use Nonthreatening Nonverbals. …
  4. Keep Your Emotional Brain in Check. …
  5. Focus on Feelings. …
  6. Ignore Challenging Questions. …
  7. Set Limits. …
  8. Choose Wisely What You Insist Upon.

How do you escalate an issue?

Escalate by giving background, highlight correct data, severity of the situation (high/medium/low) and suggested solutions. Arrange a separate meeting or a call or an explicit email to escalate the matter. Keep it focused on the specific issue and make it only one escalation at a time.

What is the key to de-escalation?

The five keys are: give the person undivided attention; be nonjudgmental; focus on the person’s feelings, not just the facts; allow silence; and use restatement to clarify messages.

Why is it important to escalate an issue?

What Makes Escalation Management So Important? Effectively escalating issues means that these issues are dealt with faster. IT issues have a habit of snowballing; if the issue isn’t resolved quickly, it can impact the organization as a whole.

Who is responsible for escalating potential quality issues?

Therefore, the project manager is responsible for the process of the escalation from detection of the problem to the implementation of the decision. The following six steps describe an effective escalation in projects.

What are the two types of escalation?

Incident escalation processes

  • Hierarchical escalation. Hierarchical escalation is when an incident is passed to a team or person based on their experience level or seniority within the organization. …
  • Functional escalation. …
  • Automatic escalation.

What is the role of an escalation manager?

Escalations Manager Careers. A professional in charge of resolving and dealing with customer escalations while maintaining an excellent relationship with the customer is known as Escalation Manager. You are to manage high communication with internal leadership and clients from engagement to resolution.

When can TCS terminate an employee?

2.4 If they do not comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct or are found to have slavery or human- trafficking in their business, or knowingly in their supply chain, TCS may terminate the contract with immediate effect and pursue legal remedies against the supplier concerned.

How do you effectively escalate?

Make your escalation structured and action-oriented.

If you can, list out 1) what the issue is, where you are stuck at, 2) what the perceived consequences are, 3) what are the options you considered, 4) what specifically you need help with, 5) when do you need a decision/response by.

How can escalation be prevented?

7 Tips To Reduce Customer Escalations with Helpdesk Software

  1. Listen carefully to the customer. …
  2. Ask questions in the right manner. …
  3. Apologise without blaming. …
  4. Empathise not just sympathise. …
  5. Ask the customer, “What would be an acceptable solution for you?” …
  6. Explore options, find ways to help.

Is it de-escalate or deescalate?

De-escalate meaning

Alternative spelling of deescalate. To decrease the size, scope, or intensity of (a war, for example). To decrease or diminish in size, scope, or intensity. The birth rate has begun to de-escalate.

What does escalated quickly mean?

The phrase that escalated quickly is often used when a scenario goes from relatively calm or innocuous to out of hand and intense.

обострять, обостряться, расширять, подниматься, совершать восхождение


- подниматься на эскалаторе
- обострять (конфликт, положение и т. п.)

the conflict was escalated — конфликт обострился

- обостряться (о конфликте, о положении и т. п.)

the conflict escalated into war — столкновение переросло в войну

- (into) ввергать

to escalate the world into a war — ввергнуть человечество в войну

- расти, увеличиваться

costs escalate — издержки растут

- увеличивать, повышать (цены, зарплату и т. п.)

Мои примеры


to escalate / step up a war — наращивать военные действия  
escalate down — смягчать (конфликт и т. п.)  
to escalate confrontation — углублять конфронтацию  
to escalate conflict in this region — обострять конфликт в этом регионе  
escalate campaign — усиливать кампанию; расширять кампанию  
escalate a conflict to the nuclear dimension — осуществлять эскалацию конфликта до уровня ядерного  
escalate confrontation — углублять конфронтацию  
de-escalate the war — сворачивать военные действия  
de escalate — сокращать размах; сократить размах; сокращаться  
escalate the world into war — ввергнуть человечество в войну  

Примеры с переводом

The costs were escalating alarmingly.

Расходы росли тревожными темпами.

The local war escalated into a major conflict.

Эта локальная война переросла в серьёзный конфликт.

Her fear was escalating into panic.

Её страх перерастал в панику.

The fighting on the border is escalating.

Боевые действия на границе обостряются.

We are trying not to escalate the violence.

Мы стараемся не допустить эскалации насилия.

The cold weather has escalated fuel prices.

Из-за холодной погоды цены на горючее /топливо/ поднялись.

We do not want to escalate the war.

Мы не хотим эскалации войны.

The Allies escalated the bombing.

Союзники усилили бомбардировки.

The conflict has escalated into an all-out war.

Конфликт перерос в полномасштабную войну.

The conflict could escalate into a full-blooded war.

Этот конфликт мог перерасти в самую настоящую войну.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Salaries of leading executives have continued to escalate.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

escalating  — возрастающий, растущий
escalation  — эскалация, обострение, расширение, увеличение масштабов
escalator  — эскалатор

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: escalate
he/she/it: escalates
ing ф. (present participle): escalating
2-я ф. (past tense): escalated
3-я ф. (past participle): escalated

  • 1

    1) расширя́ть, обостря́ть ( конфликт

    и т.п.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > escalate

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > escalate

  • 3


    escalate повышать escalate расти escalate расширять, обострять (конфликт и т. n.); to escalate confrontation углублять конфронтацию; escalate down смягчать (конфликт и т. n.) escalate совершать (постепенное) восхождение escalate увеличиваться escalate расширять, обострять (конфликт и т. n.); to escalate confrontation углублять конфронтацию; escalate down смягчать (конфликт и т. n.) escalate расширять, обострять (конфликт и т. n.); to escalate confrontation углублять конфронтацию; escalate down смягчать (конфликт и т. n.)

    English-Russian short dictionary > escalate

  • 4

    ˈeskəleɪt гл.
    1) подниматься на эскалаторе;
    перемещаться на эскалаторе
    2) а) расширять, обострять( ситуацию, конфликт и т. п.) б) обостряться( о конфликте, положении) ;
    перерастать to escalate confrontation ≈ углублять конфронтацию The local war escalated into a major conflict ≈ Местные распри переросли в глобальный конфликт. ∙ escalate down
    подниматься на эскалаторе обострять (конфликт, положение) — the conflict was *d конфликт обострился обостряться (о конфликте, о положении) — the conflict *d into war столкновение переросло в войну ввергать — to * the world into a war ввергнуть человечество в войну расти, увеличиваться — costs * издержки растут увеличивать, повышать (цены, зарплату)
    escalate повышать ~ расти ~ расширять, обострять (конфликт и т. n.) ;
    to escalate confrontation углублять конфронтацию;
    escalate down смягчать( конфликт и т. n.) ~ совершать( постепенное) восхождение ~ увеличиваться
    ~ расширять, обострять (конфликт и т. n.) ;
    to escalate confrontation углублять конфронтацию;
    escalate down смягчать( конфликт и т. n.)
    ~ расширять, обострять (конфликт и т. n.) ;
    to escalate confrontation углублять конфронтацию;
    escalate down смягчать (конфликт и т. n.)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > escalate

  • 5


    Increases in new home prices may escalate prices of nearby resale homes. — Увеличение в ценах новых домов может еще больше увеличить цены расположенных рядом домов из вторичного сектора.






    передавать по инстанции

    If you are not satisfied with the status or for other reasons wish to escalate the problem, please ask to speak with a Supervisor in the Data Maintenance Center.


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > escalate

  • 6

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > escalate

  • 7


    1) расширять(ся), обострять(ся)

    2) ( into) ввергать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > escalate

  • 8


    1. подниматься на эскалаторе

    2. 1) обострять ()

    2) обостряться ()

    3) (into) ввергать

    3. 1) расти, увеличиваться

    2) увеличивать, повышать ()

    НБАРС > escalate

  • 9


    1) совершать (постепенное) восхождение

    2) расширять, обострять (конфликт и т. п.); to escalate confrontation углублять конфронтацию

    escalate down

    * * *

    (v) ввергать; ввергнуть; обострить; обостриться; обострять; обостряться; повысить; повышать; подниматься на эскалаторе; расти; увеличивать; увеличиваться; увеличиться

    * * *

    * * *

    [es·ca·late || ‘eskəleɪt]
    подниматься, совершать восхождение, обострять, обостряться, расширять

    * * *



    * * *

    1) подниматься на эскалаторе; перемещаться на эскалаторе
    2) а) расширять, обострять (ситуацию, конфликт и т. п.)
    б) обостряться (о конфликте, положении)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > escalate

  • 10



    1) подниматься на эскалаторе; перемещаться на эскалаторе


    б) обостряться ; перерастать, усугубляться

    Англо-русский современный словарь > escalate

  • 11

    1. v подниматься на эскалаторе

    2. v обострять

    3. v обостряться

    4. v ввергать

    5. v расти, увеличиваться

    6. v увеличивать, повышать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. ascend (verb) ascend; escalade; mount; scale; upclimb; upgo

    2. expand (verb) broaden; expand; grow; heighten; intensify; step up

    3. increase (verb) accelerate; build; burgeon; climb; increase; magnify; multiply; rise

    Антонимический ряд:

    decrease; limit

    English-Russian base dictionary > escalate

  • 12

    уси́ливать, нара́щивать

    escalate the war — нара́щивать вое́нные де́йствия, вести́ эскала́цию войны́

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > escalate

  • 13


    1) Общая лексика: ввергать, взойти, обострить, обострять, перерастать, переходить , подниматься на новую ступень, подниматься на эскалаторе, расширить, расширять , совершать восхождение, совершать постепенное восхождение, увеличивать, увеличиться, возрасти, превысить, возрастать

    4) Дипломатический термин: обострять , обостряться , расширяться

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > escalate

  • 14


    подниматься на эскалаторе; перемещаться на эскалаторе

    расширять, обострять

    обостряться; перерастать

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > escalate

  • 15


    1) расширять(ся); обострять(ся); усугублять(ся)

    2) ввергать (во

    Politics english-russian dictionary > escalate

  • 16

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > escalate

  • 17

    English-Russian military dictionary > escalate

  • 18

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > escalate

  • 19

    English-Russian smart dictionary > escalate

  • 20

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > escalate


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • escalate — es‧ca‧late [ˈeskəleɪt] verb [intransitive] if amounts, prices etc escalate, they increase: • They saw costs escalating and sales slumping as the effect of rising oil prices hit the company. escalation noun [uncountable] : • The rapid escalation… …   Financial and business terms

  • escalate — is a 1920s back formation from escalator (first recorded in 1900), and has burst the bounds of meaning that a word for a moving staircase might be expected to impose. Not surprisingly, escalate is now rarely used in its first meaning ‘to travel… …   Modern English usage

  • escalate — 1922, back formation from ESCALATOR (Cf. escalator), replacing earlier verb escalade (1801), from the noun ESCALADE (Cf. escalade). Escalate came into general use with a figurative sense of raise after 1959 in reference to the possibility of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • escalate — ☆ escalate [es′kə lāt΄ ] vi. escalated, escalating [back form. < ESCALATOR] 1. to rise on or as on an escalator 2. to expand step by step, as from a limited or local conflict into a general, esp. nuclear, war 3. to grow or increase rapidly,… …   English World dictionary

  • escalate — index accrue (increase), enhance, enlarge, expand, increase, inflate, intensify, parlay (exploit successfully) …   Law dictionary

  • escalate — [v] increase, be increased amplify, ascend, broaden, climb, enlarge, expand, extend, grow, heighten, intensify, magnify, make worse, mount, raise, rise, scale, step up, widen; concepts 236,245 Ant. decrease, diminish, lessen, lower, weaken …   New thesaurus

  • escalate — ► VERB 1) increase rapidly. 2) become more intense or serious. DERIVATIVES escalation noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «travel on an escalator»: from ESCALATOR(Cf. ↑escalator) …   English terms dictionary

  • escalate — UK [ˈeskəleɪt] / US [ˈeskəˌleɪt] verb Word forms escalate : present tense I/you/we/they escalate he/she/it escalates present participle escalating past tense escalated past participle escalated 1) [intransitive/transitive] to become much worse or …   English dictionary

  • escalate — verb 1 become/make sth worse ADVERB ▪ quickly, rapidly ▪ gradually, steadily ▪ Violence between the two sides has been steadily escalating. ▪ The risks gradually escalate …   Collocations dictionary

  • escalate — 01. The argument outside the pub quickly [escalated] into a fistfight. 02. Prices for certain vegetables have [escalated] due to poor weather conditions in California last year. 03. Tensions in the region have [escalated] in the past few months,… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • escalate — es|ca|late [ˈeskəleıt] v [I and T] [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: escalator] 1.) if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse escalate into ▪ Her fear was escalating into panic. ▪ The fighting… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

intransitive verb

: to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope

a little war threatens to escalate into a huge ugly oneArnold Abrams


Example Sentences

The conflict has escalated into an all-out war.

a time of escalating tensions

We are trying not to escalate the violence.

Salaries of leading executives have continued to escalate.

The cold weather has escalated fuel prices.

Recent Examples on the Web

The rocket firings came after days of escalating violence on multiple fronts over tension in Jerusalem and an Israeli police raid on the city’s most sensitive holy site.

Josef Federman,, 9 Apr. 2023

The rocket firings came after days of escalating violence on multiple fronts over tension in Jerusalem and an Israeli police raid on the city’s most sensitive holy site.

Josef Federman, ajc, 9 Apr. 2023

Both Western policymakers and Putin have prolonged the war over concerns of escalating the conflict beyond Ukraine’s borders and drawing NATO into a full-fledged war with Russia.

Caitlin Mcfall, Fox News, 7 Apr. 2023

Motion sickness can begin with a generally dizzy or queasy feeling, escalate to cold sweat, and more extreme nausea, and cause vomiting.

Alesandra Dubin, Travel + Leisure, 5 Apr. 2023

Political tension between the Assembly and Bronson has mounted since his election in 2021, escalating as a series of controversies enveloped City Hall.

Emily Goodykoontz, Anchorage Daily News, 5 Apr. 2023

Someone else screams that the feds are the ones escalating things.

Laura Jedeed, The New Republic, 4 Apr. 2023

Documents reviewed by The Times show how the dispute quickly escalated.

Laura Blasey, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

And the comedy escalates!

Andy Hoglund,, 2 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘escalate.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


back-formation from escalator

First Known Use

1944, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense

Time Traveler

The first known use of escalate was
in 1944

Dictionary Entries Near escalate

Cite this Entry

“Escalate.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on escalate

Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Other forms: escalating; escalated; escalates

If an argument between you and your brother progresses from mean looks to a fist fight, you could say that the tension between the two of you escalated. To escalate is intensify or increase quickly.

When you see this word, picture an escalator that takes you up to the next floor quickly. But remember, there’s something you don’t like on that higher level because it’s usually bad if something escalates. Prices escalate when something becomes scarce, be it a popular toy, a concert ticket, or food during a crisis. And if a war or conflict escalates, it becomes more intense and violent.

Definitions of escalate

  1. verb

    increase in extent or intensity

    “The Allies
    escalated the bombing”


    intensify, step up

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘escalate’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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