Is enquiries a word

запрос, расследование, дознание, спрос, вопрос, исследование, справка, следствие

В американском варианте как правило используется inquiry


- запрос

official enquiry — официальный запрос
+2 enquiry report — отчет по запросу

parliamentary enquiry — парламентский запрос
They’ve passed the enquiry over to the police. — Они передали запрос в полицию.

- запросная система
- расследование, рассмотрение

to make an enquiry — проводить расследование
police enquiry — полицейское расследование
judicial enquiry — судебное расследование

Мои примеры

В выражениях, идиомах и прочем

enquiry office — справочное бюро  

Примеры с переводом

The enquiry was continued in a very inexact manner.

Расследование было проведено очень небрежно. 

We shall not fail to revert to your enquiry.

Мы не замедлим вернуться к вашему запросу. 

The committee has the power to order an enquiry.

Комитет имеет право дать указание о проведении расследования. 

The police are following several different lines of enquiry.

Полиция ведёт расследование сразу в нескольких направлениях. 

The official enquiry was a long-drawn-out process.

Процесс официального расследования чрезвычайно затянулся. 

The results of the police enquiry were equivocal.

Результаты полицейского расследования были двусмысленными. 

We are hoping the enquiry will provide an explanation for the accident.

Мы надеемся, что данное расследование даст какое-то объяснение причин этой аварии. 

The enquiry will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a formal hearing.

Характер этого расследования будет больше напоминать открытое заседание, чем формальное слушание. 

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The enquiry recommended the building of a tunnel.

The two police officers have been suspended until an enquiry is carried out.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Однокоренные слова

enquire  — спрашивать, исследовать, узнавать, наводить справки, справляться о
enquirer  — тот, кто спрашивает, опросник

Asked by: Arden West

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(71 votes)

‘Enquire’, and the associated noun ‘enquiry’, are more common in British English, while ‘inquire’ and ‘inquiry’ are more common in American English. In Australia, we use either spelling although enquire and enquiry for the general sense of ‘ask’, and inquire and inquiry for a formal investigation, is preferred.

What is the difference between Enquiries and Enquiries?

There Is a Distinction Developing in the UK

The word «inquiry» is being used in relation to a formal inquest (i.e., an investigation), while «enquiry» is being used to denote «the act of questioning.» However, there is still considerable leniency on this distinction.

Is the word Enquiries correct?

the plural ofenquiry.

Should it be inquiries or Enquiries?

There is a very simple answer here — there is no difference in meaning. The spelling with ‘e’ is British, the spelling with ‘i’ is North American. The same goes for the nouns, ‘inquiry’ and ‘enquiry’. There are of course other differences in spelling between American and British English.

Is it Thank you for your inquiry or enquiry?

When adhering to American or Canadian English, we should say “thank you for the inquiry” when asking for general information, for example, products and services. However, both British and Australian English lean more toward using “enquiry” when seeking general information.

37 related questions found

Would like to Enquire or inquire?

Traditionally, enquire simply meant “ask,” while inquire was used for formal investigations. In the UK, the two words are used interchangeably, although inquire is still the more commonly used word for formal or official investigations. In the United States, inquire is the strongly preferred spelling in all uses.

Is enquiry singular or plural?

The noun enquiry can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be enquiry. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be enquiries e.g. in reference to various types of enquiries or a collection of enquiries.

How do you use inquiry?

Examples of inquiry in a Sentence

The board ordered an inquiry to determine whether the rules had been followed. Further inquiry showed that he had visited the city twice before. The police are pursuing a new line of inquiry.

How do you use inquiry in email?

How To Write An Inquiry Email (Updated)

  1. Research the company or person so you can be clear about what you are inquiring about. Do not write an inquiry email that is vague. …
  2. Find a person to write to. Search on the website for a person’s name and email. …
  3. Always include a resume. You get one chance to grab their attention.

How do you ask for enquiry?

Writing an Enquiry

  1. Starting your enquiry. Dear Sir / Madam (especially in a letter when you don’t know the name of the person) …
  2. Introduction. I’m interested in an English course at your school. …
  3. Asking questions. …
  4. If you have a lot of questions. …
  5. Do you provide wi-fi and airport transfers? …
  6. Ending. …
  7. Email 1. …
  8. Email 2.

What is a public inquiry UK?

Public inquiries are investigations which deal with matters of public concern. … In the UK, public inquiries are conducted by a senior official, often a judge, who will review documents, hear witness evidence and evidence from experts, draw conclusions and make recommendations.

What is an email inquiry?

The definition: The word inquiry means an act of asking for information. So, business inquiries email are email used to ask for information. It is very simple: you write an email to ask people for the information you need. Most of the time, you use an inquiry email to express your interest in a specific product.

What is a letter of Enquiry?

An Enquiry letter is a formal letter, written to enquire and get details regarding something that a person is interested in. It could be written with respect to an item that a person is interested in buying, a course that a person wants to study, a vacation trip that a person wants to go on, etc.

How do you email a business inquiry?

Let’s look at the different parts of the perfect business inquiry email format in detail.

  1. Email subject for inquiry. …
  2. Greeting. …
  3. Body. …
  4. Closing. …
  5. Sign-off/Signature. …
  6. Tailor the message. …
  7. Explain who you are. …
  8. Be clear about what you want, when, and why.

What is inquiry example?

Frequency: The definition of an inquiry is a question or an investigation. An example of inquiry is a policeman interrogating a crime suspect. … Search for truth, information, or knowledge; examination of facts or principles; research; investigation; as, physical inquiries.

What is online inquiry?

In Internet Inquiry, a topic or question is identified and researched. This research includes traditional sources (such as encyclopedias, atlases, and biographies) as well as Internet-based resources. Students analyze the information and prepare a report, which is then presented to the rest of the class.

What is your enquiry?

enquiry Add to list Share. The noun enquiry is a British spelling of the word «inquiry.» Both words mean the act of asking questions to gain information. … The noun also means a systematic investigation, usually undertaken for the benefit of the public.

What are customer Enquiries?

Use the customer enquiries to investigate and find information about your customer accounts and transactions. This helps you to determine the status of individual accounts. …

How do you use Enquiries in a sentence?

Enquiries In A Sentence

  1. The subsequent enquiries failed to show.
  2. He made enquiries about the man he had just met.
  3. At Mantes the enquiries did not take long.
  4. The result of my enquiries I will briefly submit to you.
  5. A friend has made most careful enquiries for me on this point.

How do you use enquiry in a sentence?

(1) I want to make an enquiry about train times. (2) The enquiry must be independently conducted. (3) The governor announced an enquiry into the events. (4) These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.

Why do we write letter of enquiry?

A letter of inquiry is a request for information that the writer believes the reader can provide. Regardless of its subject, the objective is to get the reader to respond with an action that satisfies the inquiry. The action taken can benefit either the writer or the reader, and sometimes both.

Which of these is not a letter of enquiry?

Which of these is not a letter of enquiry? Explanation: Letters of enquiry are of three types: General enquiries, status enquiries and sales related enquiries. Friendly enquiry doesn’t exist. 4.

What is an inquiry letter in business?

Inquiry letters are written for the purpose of asking for something from the recipient. Inquiries can be sent as a formal business letter (outside of your company) or as an e-mail. Before sending your inquiry, you should be certain that the information is not available through other means, such as the company website.

How do you write a formal email for inquiry?

Follow these steps to write a polite and engaging job inquiry letter.

  1. Research the company.
  2. Find the right person to contact.
  3. Tailor the subject line.
  4. Offer your expertise.
  5. Write a short and concise letter.
  6. Close with a compelling call to action.

What is inquiry letter and example?

Sample Inquiry Letters: An inquiry letter is a letter you wrote if you want to find out something. … You need to give the person at least a few weeks to reply to the inquiry you make. You must add all the critical necessary contact details about yourself. The tone in your inquiry letter should be polite and formal.

There aren’t many words that mean the same thing in English but still can be used differently in varied contexts. «Enquire» and «inquire» are two of those relatively rare terms. So, how and when to use the two in your writings?

Both the terms «enquire» and «inquire» mean «to ask». However, the latter has got a slightly «formal» undertone. In U.S. English, «inquire» is the more commonly used term, both in casual and official texts. In the U.K., «inquire» is used more in official texts. «Enquire» is relegated to informal talks.

Kindly note, there is nothing «American» or «British» about either of these words. It’s just that one gets preferred over the other in specific regions and contexts. Keep reading to learn more about the two terms, their usage, and everything else.

«Enquire» – Definition

enquire word in the dictionary

The term «enquire» means «to ask», typically in a casual or friendly manner. The word is believed to have been derived from the Old French term, «enquerre», which is rooted in «inquirere». And «inquirere» is the root word for «inquire».

In the U.S., «enquire» and «enquiry» are considered antiquated variants of «inquire» and «inquiry». They are, therefore, not as commonly used. This perception or usage pattern, however, doesn’t exist outside of the United States.

«Inquire» – Definition

Like «enquire», «inquire» also means «to ask» or «to investigate». As mentioned above, it’s derived from «inquirere», a Latin word that means «seek».

Outside of the U.S., the term «inquire» is mostly used in formal conversations or in reference to «police investigations». The synonyms of the word, therefore, could be «cross-examine», «grill», «examine», «interrogate», etc. These alternative words are usually not associated with «enquire».

Unlike most of its synonyms, however, «inquire» implies «searching for truth or facts» by asking questions. Also, unlike «interrogating», «inquiring» is not necessarily «systematic questioning». In other words, prosecutors «interrogate» a witness and not «inquire» them.

And as far as comparing «query» and «inquire» is concerned, «query» denotes «the desire for or seeking authoritative confirmation or information». «Inquire» doesn’t necessarily imply the same.

Using the Word «Enquire» in Texts

Etymologically speaking, «enquire» is not different from «inquire». However, like «inquire» gets used more in official contexts or investigations, «enquire» or «enquiry» is preferred over «inquire» to denote the sense of «asking». The following are a few sentences that employ «enquire» in that general sense:

  • I enquired her name.
  • The first set of inquiries I received were about lost property.

Using «Enquire» in British and American English

As mentioned in one of the above sections, «enquire» is used in less dramatic situations. Also, «enquire» is to the British what «inquire» is to the Americans. It’s used in the U.K. in less formal or more casual conversations. For example:

  • She enquired about the hotel’s toilet facilities.

«Enquire» may also get used in business or slightly formal correspondences in the U.K. But since the U.K. predominantly uses «inquire» in business texts, «enquire» doesn’t feature in official communications as much.

Not to mention, «make an enquiry» is a common phrase used in texts, both in the U.S. and the U.K.

Using the Term «Inquire» in Texts

As mentioned above, «inquire» denotes «asking questions to find out the truth». The term could, therefore, be used in the following example sentences:

  • He started to inquire of teachers and friends the career she must pursue.
  • We will be inquiring into the incident.
  • The lawyers wanted to know when the inquiry would finish.

It’s common to see «inquire» getting used in all kinds of scenarios or contexts in the U.S. In the U.K., Australia, and other countries that follow the U.K. English rule, «inquire» is mostly used in bigger event contexts. In such cases, an «inquiry» could entail several «enquiries».

The U.S. and U.K Disparity

To reiterate, «inquire» is a lot more commonly used term in the U.S. than «enquire» – irrespective of whether the conversation or communication is «official» or not. For example:

  • She went to the place to inquire about the job.
  • He visited me last week to inquire about my health.

In the U.K., however, «inquire» is typically used in a lot more formal context. For example:

  • They asked Mr. Rodgers to inquire into the issue.

Also, as alluded to above, «inquire» could be used in less formal contexts at times, even in the U.K.

inquire word in the dictionary

Comparing «Enquire» and «Inquire»

«Enquire» and «inquire» have the same meanings and can be mostly used in lieu of another in texts. For instance, both terms can be used to seek «product price details» or learn more about «the level of corruption in a department». They both serve as synonyms of each other.

However, based on the region and the context, using «enquire» instead of «inquire» or vice versa may be more appropriate. However, do not use the two terms interchangeably in the same copy or passage as that could be confusing, thanks to how they might get interpreted by readers from different parts of the world.

Also, both terms can be used either as a noun or as a verb. The noun forms are «enquiry» and «inquiry».

The Confusion Between the Two

As mentioned above, «inquire» is primarily used more than «enquire» in official conversations. Adding to the confusion, some sources online state «enquire» is more common in the U.K. than in the U.S., and that «inquire» is commonly used by Americans. While the latter part of that statement is correct to a great extent, the «enquire» part is debatable.

The Guardian (not explicitly) states «inquire» and «inquiry» are the more common words in the UK than «enquire» and «enquiry». Therefore, it’s safe to assume «inquire» and «inquiry» are indeed incorporated more in texts by the British.

If you get confused between «enquire» and «inquire», remember «investigation» begins with «in-» and «inquire» has the same opening letters too.

Besides, do not make the mistake of writing «enquiries» instead of «enquires» – or vice versa. Your spell check will most likely not pick that up.

Adjoining Words

Also, when «inquire» is used formally, it’s likely to be immediately followed with «into» and not «about». For example:

  • A panel was set up to inquire into his activities.

The preposition «about» is used with «inquire» in casual conversations. For example:

  • If Tom inquires about her, what do I tell him?
  • She was inquiring about the bill.

«About» is usually paired with «enquire». For example:

  • They enquired (were enquiring) about the dates.

«Enquire» is seldom used in conjunction with «into».

What About Pronunciations? Are They the Same Too?

«Enquire» and «inquire» are technically different sounding terms. However, they sound quite alike in general or when speaking at an average pace. When enunciating with care or speaking slowly, however, the difference in their pronunciations becomes apparent.

Example Sentences with the Term «Enquire»

Though «enquire» is primarily used in regular conversations, it’s okay to use the term in more formal settings. The following sentences, incorporating the word «enquire», are a mix of both casual and formal texts:

  • Enquire about the dog’s exercise and feeding routines.
  • I wanted to enquire about my son’s academic performance.
  • Make sure you enquire about the business’ exchange and return policies.
  • Enquire about ticket discounts beforehand to score the best deal.
  • Enquire about the price of the two-week course.
  • Please enquire for more details.
  • I would like to enquire about the newly launched car.
  • Do enquire about their telephone bidding arrangements in advance.
  • Kindly enquire whether it will be possible to add the three cities to the tour itinerary.
  • Please contact me at the number below to enquire about therapy session bookings.
  • I want you to enquire about my lost watch with the hotel management.

Example Sentences with the Word «Inquire»

The following are sentences incorporating the term «inquire» in its different inflections, particularly «inquiry»:

  • Kindly inquire about the same at the reception desk.
  • I inquired about the jobs available at the store. They had zero openings.
  • An inquiry was promised by the commissioner of police.
  • The judge suspended the police shooting inquiry.
  • A proper inquiry will clear the clouds surrounding the case.
  • For the study, she inquired into queueing origins.
  • They held an inquiry into the staffing policy.
  • The police confirmed receipt of our inquiry.
  • The nurse called the day after the surgery to inquire about her health.
  • Inquire about the car and its history before making an offer.


question arrows on street sign

Though there are region biases or inclinations, it doesn’t matter much whether you use «enquire» or «inquire» in your texts. As mentioned above, make sure you do not alternate between the two in your texts.

Also, if you are not sure and want your grammar and word selection to be on point, contact the publication you’re writing for and ask them what they think about this «enquire and inquire» debate. If the publishing house is fine with either of the two words, go ahead and choose your pick. But if they do insist, strictly follow the guidelines.

Suppose you’re writing for your own blog or website and want to be absolutely clear in the head about «enquire» and «inquire». In that case, it’s recommended you use «enquire» when you need answers to general questions and employ «inquire» if you want to denote «digging deep».

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Is Enquired a word?

They are the same word with different spellings. Typically the British prefer the “e” version, but both are correct. When you enquire about something, you are asking a question.

Which is correct Enquiries or inquiries?

The nouns “enquiry” and “inquiry” can mean “question,” “inquest,” or “investigation.” They can be used interchangeably. However, in the US, “inquiry” is more widely used than “enquiry” (to the extent that many will consider “enquiry” a spelling mistake of “inquiry”).

How do you spell Enquired?

‘Enquire’, and the associated noun ‘enquiry’, are more common in British English, while ‘inquire’ and ‘inquiry’ are more common in American English. In Australia, we use either spelling although enquire and enquiry for the general sense of ‘ask’, and inquire and inquiry for a formal investigation, is preferred.

How do you use Enquired in a sentence?

Enquired sentence example

  1. “Why not?” enquired the Wizard.
  2. “Where are they?” enquired the girl.
  3. “How is Uncle Henry?” she enquired , after a pause during which the horse continued to trot with long, regular strides.
  4. “What are your products?” enquired the Wizard.
  5. “But how can you get down?” enquired the girl, wonderingly.

How can I Enquire in English?

Traditionally, enquire simply meant “ask,” while inquire was used for formal investigations. In the UK, the two words are used interchangeably, although inquire is still the more commonly used word for formal or official investigations.

Is request for correct?

Both phrases are correct. ‘Request to’ is used to request some one (person). And ‘request for’ is used to get something or something to be done by others.

How do you formally ask for something?

Fortunately, the structure of a formal email of request is very simple:

  1. You start the email or letter by explaining what you are writing about (the topic/subject) and what the email’s purpose is (i.e. you want to ask them some questions or for something).
  2. Then in the next section, you ask them the questions or requests.

How do you write a kindly request?


  1. We kindly request. . . .
  2. We politely request. . . .
  3. We humbly request. . . .
  4. We respectfully request. . . .
  5. We earnestly request. . . .

What is a humble request?

a always used before a noun : given or said in a way that shows you do not think you are better than other people. a humble request.

Is a humble request?

Otherwise, it’s pretty self-explanatory if you know the meaning of the two words. A “request” on its own might sound a bit aggressive whereas adding “humble” makes it much less so, like a kind request – not an order.

Is more humble or humbler?

The comparative form of the adjective “humble” is “humbler.” The superlative is “humblest.” Here are some examples of…

Is most humble correct?

Superlative form of humble: most humble; most humble.

Other forms: enquiries

The noun enquiry is a British spelling of the word «inquiry.» Both words mean the act of asking questions to gain information. If you are in London, you can make enquiries about the opening times of the many museums there.

Although enquiry is now considered the variant spelling in the United States, it was the original English spelling of the word that comes from the Old French word enquerre. The noun also means a systematic investigation, usually undertaken for the benefit of the public. If you discover pollution in your local river, the government may open an enquiry into the source of the pollution and ways to clean it up.

Definitions of enquiry

  1. noun

    an instance of questioning

  2. noun

    a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest

  3. noun

    a search for knowledge


    inquiry, research

    see moresee less


    show 11 types…
    hide 11 types…
    nature study

    the study of animals and plants in the natural world (usually at an elementary level)

    experiment, experimentation

    the testing of an idea

    empirical research

    an empirical search for knowledge

    investigation, probe

    an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities

    canvass, opinion poll, poll, public opinion poll, survey

    an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people


    the study and classification of armorial bearings and the tracing of genealogies

    pilot experiment

    a preliminary experiment whose outcome can lead to a more extensive experiment

    test, trial, trial run, tryout

    trying something to find out about it

    fishing expedition

    an investigation undertaken in the hope (but not the stated purpose) of discovering information

    exit poll

    a poll of voters as they leave the voting place; usually taken by news media in order to predict the outcome of an election

    straw poll, straw vote

    an unofficial vote taken to determine opinion on some issue

    type of:

    problem solving

    the thought processes involved in solving a problem

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘enquiry’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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