Is empower a word

Asked by: Miss Lavinia Bergnaum

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to give power or authority to; authorize, especially by legal or official means: I empowered my agent to make the deal for me. The local ordinance empowers the board of health to close unsanitary restaurants. to enable or permit: Wealth empowered him to live a comfortable life.

Whats it mean to empower someone?

Empowerment means people having power and control over their own lives. People get the support they need that is right for them. … You can’t empower someone else or make someone empowered. It is about ways of working and supporting someone that means they can take control and responsibility for their own lives.

What’s the best definition of the word empower?

empowered; empowering; empowers. Essential Meaning of empower. 1 : to give power to (someone) seeking changes in the workplace that will empower women. 2 : to give official authority or legal power to (someone)

What does empower mean in the Bible?

The short definition of the word endunamoó means, “I fill with power, strengthen, make strong.” Notice the definition alludes to the truth that there is power coming from someone else. The particular combination of en and dunamoo (empowered) is only found in biblical related Greek. “Strength” is the Greek word, ischus.

What is an example of Empower?

Empower is defined as to enable or give authority to someone. An example of empower is to leave the second in command in total charge for the day.

18 related questions found

How can I use the word empower?

Examples of ’empower’ in a sentence empower

  1. You empower people by embracing their differences. …
  2. We are then able to provide employment opportunities and are empowering people to earn an income.
  3. There is something fabulously empowering about that.

What are the five types of empowerment?

Types of Empowerment

However, empowerment of women now can be categorized into five main parts – social, educational, economic, political and psychological.

How do you empower yourself spiritually?

How to empower yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

  1. Step One: Time for Yourself. Schedule a relaxing moment, I say about 15 to 30 minutes tops, but you can go for an hour if you’d like. …
  2. Step Two: Think Positively. Think of all the positive things you love about yourself. …
  3. Step Three: Ask Yourself.

How do we receive Holy Spirit?

Peter, in his Pentecost sermon, gives to us the answer: «Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.» To be filled and led by the Spirit of God does not require any great spiritual work on our part.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Lord and Giver of Life in the Nicene creed. … For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and is Almighty God.

What does the word empower mean in a sentence?

to give power or authority to; authorize, especially by legal or official means: I empowered my agent to make the deal for me. The local ordinance empowers the board of health to close unsanitary restaurants. to enable or permit: Wealth empowered him to live a comfortable life.

Is Empowerers a word?

One who, or that which, empowers.

What is the synonym of Empower?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for empower, like: enable, endow, deputize, disenfranchise, invest, warrant, permit, indue, allow, commission and endue.

Is empower a good word?

By definition it means «to give (someone) the authority or power to do something» or «to make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights». It’s a great word. … The word ’empower’ never raised red flags in these years so I used it confidently and frequently.

What would you to empower yourself?

Self-empowerment means making a conscious decision to take charge of your destiny. It involves making positive choices, taking action to advance, and being confident in your ability to make and execute decisions. Self-empowered people understand their strengths and weaknesses and are motivated to learn and achieve.

What’s wrong with the word empowerment?

The word «empowerment» is a trap. It’s a beautified way of saying «delegation,» boosting the manager’s ego. … The idea of empowerment presumes that bosses own the power and that it’s something they can give (or not) rather than something that resides within each person. Empowering people is a deceptive idea.

How do you know if the Holy Spirit is in you?

One sign that you have received the holy spirit is the presence of the fruit of the Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. … Growth takes time, and you can be patient with yourself as you grow in the fruit of the Spirit.

How do I invite the Holy Spirit into my life?

If you want to let the Holy Spirit lead your life and walk by the Spirit, it’s a conscious choice you need to make each and every day. Pray that the Lord will fill you with His Spirit. Pray that you would walk by the Spirit. Throughout your day, watch and listen for opportunities to obey the Spirit’s promptings.

Is it necessary to speak in tongues to go to heaven?

“There is no place the Bible said that speaking in tongues would take you to heaven, the only standard to make heaven is to be born of water and spirit as stipulated in the Bible in John 3 verse 5 ‘Jesus answered, ‘verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into …

How do you empower your soul?

Ten Ways to Empower Your Soul

  1. ONE: Be Resilient.
  2. TWO: Don’t Settle For Ordinary.
  3. THREE: Work It Out!
  4. FOUR: Laugh.
  5. FIVE: Simplify!
  6. SIX: Eat for Health.
  7. SEVEN: Be Positively Positive.
  8. EIGHT: Choose a Direction.

What makes a person feel empowered?

Personal empowerment is about taking control of your own life, and making positive decisions based on what you want. It’s closely linked to attributes like self-esteem and self-confidence , but true empowerment comes when you convert intention into action.

How do I empower myself as a woman?

10 Ways to Empower YOURSELF

  1. Find your passion. Whether it’s art, academia, writing, tech, fashion, charity, animals, food, reading, etc find something that you love and care about. …
  2. Don’t wait around…Take action. …
  3. Kindness. …
  4. Tidy up. …
  5. Set the right kind of goals. …
  6. Raise up others. …
  7. Let go. …
  8. Have a self care day.

What are the three major types of empowerment?

3 Important Types of Empowerment as Defined by Bowen and Lawler

  • Suggestion involvement. It represents a small shift away from the control model. …
  • Job involvement. ADVERTISEMENTS: …
  • High involvement.

What are the four key components of empowerment?

Four Essential Components of Empowerment

  • Authority. Employees need the latitude to take the initiative to solve problems. …
  • Resources. A second necessary component of empowerment is resources; that is, employees must be given the means to carry out the authority they have been given. …
  • Information. …
  • Accountability.

What is the aim of empowerment?

The goal of empowerment is to provide information and permission for employees to address problems and move forward towards achieving company goals. If people have what they need to solve their own problems, it will free up your time and allow you to challenge yourself at work.


•• empower, empowering, empowerment

•• Empower to give power or authority to (Oxford American Dictionary).

•• Многие считают, что это не более чем модное словечко, за которым мало что стоит. Я думаю, что это не совсем так. Видимо, слово вошло в широкое употребление взамен гораздо более простого help. Говорю так потому, что почти всегда глагол to empower можно заменить глаголом to help, и «смысловой катастрофы» не произойдет. Но в то же время ясно, что не всем нравится быть в положении стороны, которой помогают. И это следует учитывать при переводе. Поэтому, например, одной из целей конференции ООН по положению женщин объявлялось empowering women at the grass roots level, а рекламная брошюра одного из кенийских банков называется Empowering the Common Man: Cooperative Bank of Kenya. По-настоящему удачных переводов этого слова мне не встречалось, а заимствование его русским языком затруднительно (дело в том, что русский язык легче ассимилирует слова греко-латинского происхождения, чем англосаксонские, особенно многосложные). Пробовались разные варианты, особенно для слова empowerment: предоставление возможностей, повышение роли, даже обретение своей (достойной) роли, своего места и т.п. Все это довольно неуклюже, хотя смысл в общем передает.

•• Мне кажется, что в основе, в глубинном значении слова empowerment лежит идея самостоятельности (или, как раньше говорили, самодеятельности) – обретения самостоятельной роли или содействия в достижении самостоятельности. В английском языке нет слова, адекватно выражающего отличие формальной, политической независимости (independence) или технической автономии (autonomy) от самостоятельности как способности «стоять самому». До некоторой степени этот пробел восполняет слово self-reliance (опора на собственные силы). Исподволь ту же роль выполняет и слово empowerment. Если согласиться с такой трактовкой, то легче понять и перевести такую, например, фразу: When I speak in urban grade schools, their No. 1 issue is rain forest! That is disempowering, when these communities are surrounded by incinerators and toxic dumps (Time). Пожалуй, говорящий упрекает школьников в отсутствии самостоятельного мышления, просто в несамостоятельности.

•• Итак, сегодня это слово в моде. Как будет дальше – мне неведомо. Может быть, оно просто выйдет из моды. В устном переводе не грех иногда пойти на упрощение («жертву качества») и просто сказать помощь. А глагол to empower совсем не обязательно «терминологичен» и в конкретном контексте легко поддается переводу. Вот пример из статьи в журнале Newsweek, посвященной католической монахине матери Терезе: In order to pull people out of poverty, it is important first to empower them with the hope that change is possible. В этом контексте вполне адекватен такой, например, вариант перевода: Для того чтобы избавить людей от бедности, важно сначала окрылить их надеждой на то, что перемены возможны.

English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary .


Смотреть что такое «empower» в других словарях:

  • EMPOWER — (Education Means Protection Of Women Engaged in Recreation) or Moolniti Songserm Okard Pooying ( th. มูลนิธิส่งเสริมโอกาสผู้หญิง) is a non profit organisation in Thailand that supports sex workers by offering free classes in language, health, law …   Wikipedia

  • EmPower — 15 Volt Stecker EmPower ist ein für Flugzeuge entwickeltes Bord Energieversorgungssystem der US amerikanischen Firma Astronics AES. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 EmPower 15 Volt Gleichstrom …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • EMPOWER — (Akronym für Education Means Protection Of Women Engaged in Recreation, auch bekannt als Center for Sex Workers Protection, in Thai: มูลนิธิส่งเสริมโอกาสผู้หญิง, Mun nithi Songsoem Okaad Phuying) ist eine thailändische gemeinnützige Organisation …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • empower — em‧pow‧er [ɪmˈpaʊə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] formal LAW to give a person or an organization the power or the legal right to do something: empower somebody to do something • The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court. * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • empower — em·pow·er /im pau̇ ər/ vt: to give official authority or legal power to no branch of government should be empower ed unilaterally to impose a serious penalty L. H. Tribe Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • empower — empower, empowerment Empower is a 17c verb meaning ‘to give power or authority to’. In the 1970s it acquired a new meaning, ‘to make (someone) able to do something’, implying the freedom to adopt moral values and principles of one s choice as… …   Modern English usage

  • Empower — Em*pow er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Empowered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Empowering}.] 1. To give authority to; to delegate power to; to commission; to authorize (having commonly a legal force); as, the Supreme Court is empowered to try and decide cases,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • empower — empower, empowerment → empoderar(se) …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • empower — 1650s, used by Milton, but the modern popularity dates from 1986; from EN (Cf. en ) (1) + POWER (Cf. power). Related: Empowered; empowering; empowerment …   Etymology dictionary

  • empower — *enable Analogous words: *authorize, commission, accredit, license: train, instruct, discipline, *teach: endow, endue (see DOWER) Contrasted words: debar, disbar, shut out, rule out, *exclude …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • empower — [v] authorize, enable accredit, allow, capacitate, charge, commission, delegate, entitle, entrust, grant, invest, legitimize, license, okay, permit, privilege, qualify, sanction, vest, warrant; concepts 50,88 Ant. disenfranchise, refuse, reject,… …   New thesaurus

Other forms: empowered; empowering; empowers

Empower means «give power or authority to.» When you educate children and believe in them, you empower those kids to go after their dreams.

Empower might seem like a new word, but it’s been around since the 17th century. Today, empower often refers to helping someone realize their abilities and potential, perhaps for the first time. For example,
in the 1960s, when women felt like second-class citizens, the women’s movement empowered them to stand up and demand their equal rights.

Definitions of empower

  1. verb

    give or delegate power or authority to

  2. verb

    give someone confidence, strength, and self-determination

  3. verb

    give qualities or abilities to


    endow, endue, gift, imbue, indue, invest

    see moresee less



    invest with a large or excessive amount of something

    type of:


    render capable or able for some task

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘empower’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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transitive verb


: to give official authority or legal power to

empowered her attorney to act on her behalf


: enable sense 1a

… nootropic agents empower the lower amounts of acetylcholine in diseased brains to work overtime …Science News


: to promote the self-actualization or influence of

The American women’s movement has been inspiring and empowering women for nearly 20 years …Ron Hansen

Members of our discipline often envision themselves as agents of social change who try to promote critique of dominant ideologies and empower students to become active participants in the larger political world.Christy Friend


Example Sentences

seeking changes in the workplace that will empower women

the federal agency empowered to collect taxes

Recent Examples on the Web

Furthermore, the draft bill included provisions that would empower the Fed to determine which non-bank entities have the authority to issue payment stablecoins.

Sam Lyman, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

The actress turned entrepreneur was inspired during the Covid-19 pandemic to create a community to connect and empower women.

Chloe Melas, CNN, 1 Apr. 2023

Get stories that empower and uplift daily.

Trisha Thomas, The Christian Science Monitor, 31 Mar. 2023

The president tried to ratchet up pressure on Tuesday by saying that the GOP demands on the budget would only empower China, the country’s key geopolitical rival.

Aamer Madhani, ajc, 29 Mar. 2023

Federal lawmakers have introduced several bills that would empower the Biden administration to ban it nationwide, with a bipartisan Senate bill from Democratic Sen. Mark Warner and Republican Sen. John Thune garnering bipartisan support.

Caitlin Yilek, CBS News, 29 Mar. 2023

This belief helps worshipers feel empowered rather than helpless and bolsters their sense of hope.

Manal Aman, Woman’s Day, 29 Mar. 2023

The School Committee voted unanimously Tuesday night to squelch an effort that would have empowered a select group of parents and teachers with sweeping influence over the city’s school system.

John Hilliard,, 28 Mar. 2023

In March 2023, however, Biden’s administration endorsed a bipartisan bill that would empower the government to eliminate TikTok in the U.S.

Karli Bendlin, Peoplemag, 24 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ’empower.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1648, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of empower was
in 1648

Dictionary Entries Near empower

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“Empower.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
6 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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To empower prosecutors to probe these mixed motivations is to empower them to exercise undemocratic control over crucial institutions of democracy.

Позволить прокуратуре расследовать эти сложные мотивы, значит позволить ей осуществлять антидемократический контроль над важнейшими институтами демократии.

Equally important will be interventions that empower local communities to improve their diets.

Не менее важными являются оперативные меры для того, чтобы дать возможность местным общинам улучшить рацион питания.

We work to accomplish the same mission-to empower people with innovative IT solutions.

И все мы работаем, чтобы выполнить одну и ту же миссию — предоставить людям инновационные IT-решения.

Jamaica plans to empower women household workers.

Please register and take action to empower teachers.

May we empower ourselves and others with these words.

Мы позволяем самим себе и другим людям навешивать на них ярлыки.

Strengthen the weak and empower the strong.

Укрепляйте слабых и усиливайте тех, кто уже силен.

Many wise people believe that accepting shortcomings can empower you.

Многие мудрые люди считают, что принятие недостатков может дать вам силу.

They must empower nations, not place them under impossible debt burden.

Они должны расширять права наций, а не ставить их под невозможное долговое бремя.

Policies should seek to empower all groups and individuals in society.

Политика должна быть направлена на расширение прав всех групп и отдельных людей в обществе.

Educating and empowering women would empower future generations and gradually reduce poverty throughout the world.

Просвещение женщин и расширение их возможностей позволят расширить права и возможности будущих поколений и постепенно сократить масштабы нищеты во всем мире.

The programme continued to create employment, generate income, reduce poverty and empower refugees.

Целями этой программы были, как и прежде, создание рабочих мест, организация приносящей доход деятельности, сокращение уровня нищеты и расширение возможностей беженцев.

We must empower women and girls to make them less vulnerable.

Everyone collaborates to empower citizens and promote the cultural changes necessary to eradicate discrimination.

Осуществляется взаимодействие между всеми участниками с целью расширения прав граждан и поощрения культурных изменений, необходимых для искоренения дискриминации.

Human rights education can empower the young generation.

The common man was deemed too untrustworthy to empower.

Cybersecurity is clearly a field that helps protect and empower people.

Кибербезопасность — это, несомненно, сфера, служащая защите людей и расширению их возможностей.

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