Is drunk a bad word

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What is the abstract noun for drunk?

The word drunk is an abstract noun, as well as the past tense of
the verb to drink, and an adjective. The noun drunk is a word for a
person who is drunk or who habitually drinks to excess.

When to use drunk or drank?

you use drank in the past like i drank a bottle of water and
drunk like never drunk is an incorrect word.

Which word in the thesaurus has the most synonyms?

the word with most number of synonyms is ‘drunk’

Is word life a bad word?

no it is not a bad word. but if life is bad it could be a bad
word. only if u consider it.

Is the word swag a bad word?

No -.- Swag is not a bad word :P

Asked by: Dejon Stamm

Score: 4.2/5
(30 votes)

adjective. intoxicated; drunk. given to drunkenness. pertaining to, caused by, or marked by intoxication: a drunken quarrel.

What is drunken state?

adj. 1 intoxicated with or as if with alcohol. 2 frequently or habitually drunk. 3 prenominal caused by or relating to alcoholic intoxication.

How do you use drunken?

It is used also as an adjective before the noun: He was broadsided by a drunk driver. drunken is an older form of the past participle of the verb drink, and it hasn’t been used much as past-participle for the last 200 years though it exists alongside drunk as an adjective.

Is drunk a bad word?

Disparaging and Offensive. a habitual drinker of alcohol who is frequently intoxicated: My dad was a drunk who never held a steady job.

What does drunken mean?

: drunk or often becoming drunk. : caused by drinking too much alcohol. : involving people who are drunk.

33 related questions found

What does drunk out mean?

1 intoxicated with alcohol to the extent of losing control over normal physical and mental functions. 2 overwhelmed by strong influence or emotion.

How many drinks get you drunk?

Most people get intoxicated after taking three to four shots; this influence can happen more rapidly if the person involved is small in stature.

What’s a drunk man called?

a chronic drinker. synonyms: drunkard, inebriate, rummy, sot, wino. types: alcoholic, alky, boozer, dipsomaniac, lush, soaker, souse.

How long does drunk last?

Generally speaking, it takes about 6 hours for the effects of being drunk to wear off. If you count the hangover/detoxification period that happens after drinking alcohol, the effects may last longer. For most people, one drink leads to a . 02 blood alcohol level.

What is the British term for drunk?

Pissed / Pished

Strictly speaking, “pissed” (or “pished” in Scotland) is a swear word and you shouldn’t use it in a formal, professional or school context. However it is probably the most commonly used word in the UK to describe being drunk.

Is it I haven’t drank or drunk?

In modern usage guides, drank is the past tense of drink, as in «I drank a lot last night,» and drunk is the past participle (following «have»), as in «Yes, I have drunk wine before.» Throughout history, however, these words have been confused and used in their opposite contexts, perhaps because of the association …

Is it drunk or drunken?

The past participle is «drunk«. «Drunken» is an adjective, its use as the past participle is obsolete. … drunken is an adjective meaning that someone has drunk alcohol more than he can handle: (similar to another usage of drunk): He’s really drunk.

When he is drunk meaning?

He’s drunk» (He is drunk) means he drank too much alcohol. » He drank» is past tense for «He drinks». His drink — «his» — belongs to him Drink — noun — like brandy or wine or cola.

How do I know Im drunk?

Drinking alcohol can make you drunk, which is associated with:

  1. slow and/or poor judgment.
  2. lack of coordination.
  3. slowed breathing and heart rate.
  4. vision problems.
  5. drowsiness.
  6. loss of balance.

Why does being drunk feel good?

When the concentration of alcohol begins to increase in your bloodstream, you’ll start to feel good. You might feel happy, more social and confident, and less inhibited. This is because alcohol stimulates the release of dopamine and serotonin, which are rightfully referred to as your “feel good” hormones.

How can you tell if someone is physically drunk?

Some of the other physical signs someone is drinking or intoxicated include glassy or bloodshot eyes, talking loudly, or increased moodiness. Unlike many other drugs, the smell of alcohol can also be a warning sign that someone is drinking.

Can 5% alcohol get you drunk?

Generally, craft beers have a higher ABV (alcohol by volume) value than mass-produced beers. … That means you need to drink more beer to get drunk if you choose a less strong type. For instance, a beer with 5% ABV will lead to drunkenness more quickly than a 4% ABV one.

Does throwing up sober you up?

Myth: Throw up to sober up

Throwing up won’t reduce your blood alcohol level. Alcohol is absorbed into your bloodstream very quickly, so unless you vomit immediately after taking a sip, it won’t make much difference. But, drinking too much can make you feel nauseous. And throwing up often helps relieve nausea.

How do I get Undrunk fast?

However, there are some things they can do to feel more alert and appear soberer.

  1. Coffee. Caffeine may help a person feel alert, but it does not break down alcohol in the body. …
  2. Cold showers. Cold showers do nothing to lower BAC levels. …
  3. Eating and drinking. …
  4. Sleep. …
  5. Exercise. …
  6. Carbon or charcoal capsules.

What happens if you drink at 15?

Drinking may cause youth to have trouble in school or with the law. Drinking alcohol also is associated with the use of other substances. Research shows that people who start drinking before the age of 15 are at a higher risk for developing alcohol use disorder later in life.

Can a 14 year old get drunk?

Young people can appear very drunk after consuming relatively small amounts of alcohol because they have a very low tolerance for alcohol. However, if your child has drunk more alcohol than his body can handle, he may be at risk of alcohol poisoning. … Is Your Teen’s Alcohol Use a Sign of Depression?

How do you get drunk without getting fat?

  1. High alcohol / low sugar cocktails. …
  2. Get into hard seltzers. …
  3. Eat a sizeable meal before you go out. …
  4. Practise mindful drinking – and drink some water. …
  5. Get out of the round system. …
  6. Take your spirits with low-sugar mixers. …
  7. Embrace Prosecco. …
  8. Swallow your pride and buy light beer.

How many shots does it take to get drunk?

For getting a little drunk, three shots of vodka are enough. If you continue to drink up to 8 to 9 shots, that’s when they start getting more drunk. The upper cap for men is ten shots of vodka. Exceeding this, they will be extremely drunk.

Do blackouts cause brain damage?

Blackouts – especially if they are happening frequently – are a sign that something more serious is happening and may certainly impact your memory and long term brain function. While blackouts seem to have a connection to heavy drinking, the amount alone is not enough to cause temporary memory loss.

Why do we black out when drunk?

Alcohol-related blackouts are gaps in a person’s memory for events that occurred while they were intoxicated. These gaps happen when a person drinks enough alcohol to temporarily block the transfer of memories from short-term to long-term storage—known as memory consolidation—in a brain area called the hippocampus.

Judging by your responses OP, you two are already boyfriend and girlfriend. It might be helpful to know how old you both are — if you’re in your 30’s or later, that’s a lot different from early 20’s.

Otherwise, it sounds like she wants you to care in some way about what she’s doing — but the «in some way» is critical, because there are healthy and unhealthy ways. If she wants you to be jealous or super-protective, figure out if that’s the type of relationship you have and if that’s the type of guy you want to be. Or, figure out if she wants you to feign/fake jealousy just so she can feel a bit more ‘wanted’ by you — that’s a bit of roleplay that you’d both know is fake, but you’re doing it because you know that she wants to hear it (and as long as you are both honest with each other, that you’re doing it so that each other can feel more desired or excited, that should be healthy).

Other than that, if it’s not such a healthy thing, you may want to have a talk with her later about the way you want to be able to trust each other in the relationship. It sounds like you are happy to trust her, and you believe she is trustworthy — which is awesome. Hopefully she can be on the same page, as that makes for a wonderful relationship. It’s possible that she isn’t so accustomed to that type of thing, and so needs that to be explained clearly. Of course trusting each other like that can be risky if one person violated that trust — but that’s the risk you take; and honestly if someone is going to cheat, they’d cheat whether you trust them or not, and you’d end up hurt the same way regardless.

Anyway, hopefully this is something you can both grow on, and use to be happier with each other.

beast from east

  • #1

Hi guys,

I’m curious as to whether these two forms are correct or not

Bad drunk.
Heavy drinker.

Can I say to someone he’s drunk/drinker?

  • owlman5

    • #2

    Hello, Beast from East.

    A «bad drunk» does usually mean «a heavy drinker»:
    He’s a bad drunk = He’s a heavy drinker.

    A «bad drunk» could also mean «a really drunken experience». This is often called «a bender» in my part of the world: He was on a real bender last week.

    If you are talking about somebody who’s drunk with somebody else, you could say: He’s drunk.

    If you are talking about an alcoholic with somebody else, you could say: He’s a heavy drinker.
    You could also say: He’s a drunk.

    Elle Paris

    • #3

    I’d add that «a bad drunk» could also mean a person who always behaves badly/violently when drunk. «Don’t give him any more to drink; he’s a bad drunk.»
    I’d say «He’s a drunkard.» if he drinks and is drunk most all the time and «There’s a drunk in the street who cannot stand up,» when talking about a random drunk person; but maybe that’s just my way of saying it.

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011


    • #4

    I agree with the above posts.

    «Heavy drinker» just refers to the quantity / frequency of drinking, whereas «bad drunk» refers to what the person is like when intoxicated. You can be one without the other.


    • #5

    EP and SPL have made a useful distinction here. I agree that saying «he’s a bad drunk» often means «he’s nasty when he’s drunk».


    • #6

    As a side note, «He’s a bad drunk» can also mean that he behaves badly when he’s drunk. It depends on context. (sorry… slow to refresh the screen. Others have already brought this up.)

    There is a difference to me between an alcoholic and a drunk. I’ve known many alcoholics who look completely sober even though they are constantly drinking. That is not a drunk to me. A drunk is someone is regularly inebriated and shows all the signs of being drunk: slurred speech, poor coordination, impaired judgment.

    beast from east

    • #7

    Thank you all for clarifying this topic.;)


    • #8

    There is a difference to me between an alcoholic and a drunk. I’ve known many alcoholics who look completely sober even though they are constantly drinking. That is not a drunk to me. A drunk is someone is regularly inebriated and shows all the signs of being drunk: slurred speech, poor coordination, impaired judgment.

    Reminds me of a joke…

    Q: «What’s the difference between an alcoholic and a drunk?»
    A: «Alcoholics go to meetings!»

    • #9

    There is a difference to me between an alcoholic and a drunk. I’ve known many alcoholics who look completely sober even though they are constantly drinking. That is not a drunk to me. A drunk is someone is regularly inebriated and shows all the signs of being drunk: slurred speech, poor coordination, impaired judgment.

    Someone who drinks heavily but does not show any physical or cognitive effects of alcohol is a «maintenance drinker,» as opposed to a «binge drinker.» «Tolerance»—the need for larger and larger amounts of a substance to achieve its psychotropic effects—and the need to consume the substance to function normally are among the symptoms of substance dependence and addiction.

    Unlike «maintenance drinker» and «binge drinker,» I don’t think «drunk» is a technical term among students of substance abuse.

    Alcohol abuse or addiction may include periods of being «drunk»—exhibiting the symptoms Mr. M lists. However, people who exhibit those symptoms occasionally—such as once a year at a Christmas party—while they are «drunk» at the time, are not dependent on or addicted to alcohol and they are not alcoholics, if they do not display any of a variety of other symptoms of dependence or addiction, such as engaging in risky activities while under the influence of the substance, abandoning family and work responsibilities to use the substance, wanting to stop using the substance but being unable to do so, and others.

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