Is destined a word

Asked by: Meda Metz

Score: 4.8/5
(21 votes)

destined Add to list Share. Someone who’s destined is fated or meant to do something.

Is destined a real word?

Confined to a predetermined fate or destiny; certain. He is sure he is destined for fame.

What destined means?

transitive verb. 1 : to decree beforehand : predetermine was not destined to attain the throne. 2a : to designate, assign, or dedicate in advance believed their son was destined for the priesthood destined to succeed a flaw that destines them to fail.

What type of word is destined?

destined adjective (FUTURE)

Can destined be a verb?

verb (used with object), des·tined, des·tin·ing. to set apart for a particular use, purpose, etc.; design; intend.

25 related questions found

What part of speech is destined?

DESTINED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the antonym of destined?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for destined. avoidable, evadable, uncertain, unsure.

Are we destined meaning?

Someone who’s destined is fated or meant to do something. If your mom says you’re destined for a life on the stage, she means that it’s certain you’ll be an actor one day. … The Old French root is destinée, «purpose, intent, fate, or destiny.»

What is a synonym for the word destined?

fated, ordained, preordained, foreordained, predestined, predetermined, certain. sure, bound, assured, guaranteed, very likely. doomed, foredoomed, meant. written in the cards, in the air, in the wind.

What does preordained mean in a sentence?

: to decree or ordain in advance : foreordain.

How do you use destined in a sentence?

Destined sentence example

  1. His sister, Katie, had insisted that they were destined to be together. …
  2. We are destined to become the mates of deities. …
  3. The histories and their relationship were destined to end this way. …
  4. I believe we all know I was destined to prevail. …
  5. She was destined for him.

What word means destined for greatness?

1 bound, certain, designed, doomed, fated, foreordained, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, intended, meant, ordained, predestined, unavoidable.

What word means something is destined to happen?

Inevitable comes from the Latin word inevitabilis, which means unavoidable. If you say something is inevitable, you give the sense that no matter what scheme you come up with to get around it, it’s going to happen sooner or later.

What is a Doomee?

Doomed is a plural noun for referring to a group of unfortunate people, and it’s also an adjective describing someone who’s destined to die.

What type of noun is destiny?

Destiny is what’s meant to be, what’s written in the stars, your inescapable fate. … A noun meaning fate, destiny is synonymous with other nouns like divine decree, fortune, and serendipity. There’s no avoiding destiny — it’s going to happen no matter what you do.

What foreordained mean?

transitive verb. : to dispose or appoint in advance : predestine.

What is a better word than amazing?

1 awesome, wondrous, miraculous, prodigious, astonishing, amazing, astounding, phenomenal, unique, curious, strange.

Which is the closest synonym for the word success?

  • accomplishment,
  • achievement,
  • acquirement,
  • attainment,
  • baby,
  • coup,
  • triumph.

Could you give another word for greatness?

In this page you can discover 49 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for greatness, like: grandeur, glory, eminence, splendor, importance, prominence, renown, magnanimity, largeness, virtue and littleness.

What does it mean when something is meant to be?

if something is meant to be, it seems certain to happen, usually because it has been decided by God or other forces that people believe cannot be controlled. Oh well – it was just not meant to be. Synonyms and related words. Certain or likely to happen.

What is the sentence of interrupted?

1. The telephone rang and interrupted my train of thought. 2. She was interrupted by the entrance of an attendant.

How do you use the word eternal in a sentence?

Eternal sentence example

  1. Some people are very concerned about their eternal destiny. …
  2. The young girl wasn’t allowed to have a pet dog, but she had an eternal craving for one. …
  3. These atoms, which are the seeds of all things, are, however, not eternal but created by God.

What is the difference between preordained and predestined?

As verbs the difference between preordain and predestine

is that preordain is to determine the fate of something in advance while predestine is to determine the future or the fate of something in advance; to preordain.

What is preordained destiny?

If you say that something is preordained, you mean you believe it to be happening in the way that has been decided by a power such as God or fate. [formal] …the belief that our actions are the unfolding of a preordained destiny. Synonyms: predetermined, fated, doomed, destined More Synonyms of preordained.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


True, not everyone is destined to be together.

К несчастью, не всем суждено быть вместе.

When a leaf is destined to become green tea, its natural fermentation process needs to be arrested soon after plucking.

Когда чайному листу суждено стать зеленым чаем, его естественный процесс окисления должен быть остановлен вскоре после сбора урожая.

More than 90 percent of the total is destined for the international market, and banana growing occupies about 4200 hectares.

Более 90% от общего объема предназначено для международного рынка, и выращивание бананов занимает около 4200 га.

Not all of the weaponry exported by Canada is destined for militaries or security services.

Не всё экспортируемое из Канады оружия предназначено для военных или спецслужб.

I genuinely think this girl is destined for great things.

Я действительно верю в то, что мой ребенок предназначен для какой-то чудесной судьбы.

I certainly believer that someone is destined for me.

Очень надеюсь, что где-то есть тот человек, что мне предназначен.

However, it does not mean that it is destined only for large companies.

Но это не значит, что этот продукт предназначен для крупных предприятий.

The remnant central stellar core is destined to become a white dwarf star.

Остатку центрального ядра звезды, суждено стать белым карликом.

Someone today is destined to receive an expensive gift of fate in the form of acquaintance with the future half.

Кому-то сегодня суждено получить дорогой подарок судьбы в виде знакомства с будущей половинкой.

And the fruit, which is destined to remain a girl, so it remains.

А плод, которому суждено остаться девочкой, так ею и остается.

First, it is simply an enormously large state that is destined to play a critical role in regional and global politics.

Во-первых, это просто невероятно огромное государство, которому суждено играть критическую роль в региональной и глобальной политике.

The latter is destined to become the continent’s freight terminal.

Последнему суждено стать грузовым терминалом континента.

Often in karmic relationships, you will be constantly pushing a conviction that the relationship is destined to be.

Часто в кармических отношениях вы будете постоянно настаивать на убеждении, что отношениям суждено быть.

Not even when he finally meets the young woman who is destined to end his existence.

Даже тогда, когда он, наконец, встречает молодую девушку, которой суждено закончить его существование.

According to representatives of the brand, this model is destined to overcome the speed barrier at 483 km/ h.

По заверениям представителей бренда, именно этой модели суждено преодолеть скоростной барьер в 483 км/ч.

There is a plan for Humanity that is destined to succeed and absolutely nothing will prevent its successful completion.

Есть для человечества план, которому суждено добиться успеха, и абсолютно ничто не помешает его успешному завершению.

Now he should rule the seven seas — the boy Arthur, who is destined to become a real superhero.

Теперь править семью морями должен именно он — мальчик Артур, которому суждено стать настоящим супергероем.

Perhaps the Swiss online store knows more about whether Xiaomi Mi A2 is destined to appear on the market.

Возможно, швейцарский интернет-магазин знает больше о том, суждено ли появиться Xiaomi Mi A2 на рынке.

Modernist Cuisine at Home is destined to change the way we cook — and the way we use recipes.

«Модернистской кухне для дома» суждено изменить способ приготовления и то, как мы используем рецепты.

She is destined to live richly like a Goddess.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат is destined

Результатов: 1589. Точных совпадений: 1589. Затраченное время: 149 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



- назначенный, предназначенный, предначертанный

the destined hour — роковой час
to set smb. on his destined path — направить, кого-л. по предначертанному ему пути

Мои примеры


an old house destined to be demolished — старый дом, предназначенный к сносу  
desex the baby chickens destined for market — кастрировать цыплят, предназначенных для продажи  
a book destined to be a hands-down bestseller — книга, которой суждено стать бестселлером  
a book destined to be a best-seller — книга, которой суждено стать бестселлером  
be destined — предстоять  
destined to become — которому предстоит стать  
destined trajectory — заранее выбранная траектория; предопределённая траектория  
is destined for — предназначен для  
it destined to become — которому предстояло стать  
one is destined / fated — суждено  

Примеры с переводом

He is destined to be famous.

Ему суждено быть знаменитым.

She was destined for greatness.

Она была рождена для величия.

She seemed destined to end her days living alone.

Казалось, ей суждено до конца дней своих прожить в одиночестве.

He was, however, not destined to escape so easily.

Однако ему не было назначено судьбой отделаться так легко.

He was destined to a lamentable end.

Ему судьбой был предназначен плачевный конец.

The technology is destined for oblivion.

Эту технологию ждёт забвение.

The meat was destined for the home market.

Мясо предназначалось для внутреннего рынка.

The younger son was destined for the priesthood.

Младший сын предназначался в священники.

His extreme height seemed to destine him for a career in basketball.

Из-за высокого роста казалось, что ему самой судьбой предначертано стать баскетболистом.

She was destined to become a great pianist.

Ей было суждено стать великой пианисткой.

The ship is destined to transport the missionaries

Корабль был предназначен для перевозки миссионеров.

Unfortunately, he was destined to live out his days as an irrecoverable alcoholic.

К сожалению, ему было суждено доживать свои дни, будучи неисправимым алкоголиком.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the larva looked ugly, but it was destined to hatch into a beautiful butterfly…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

destiny  — судьба, предназначение, удел, неизбежность, неизбежный ход событий
destinism  — фатализм

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Gwen Anderson

Score: 4.4/5
(12 votes)

Imminent, coming, future. Find another word for destined. In this page you can discover 72 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for destined, like: fated, ordained, looming, doomed, in-store, menacing, compelled, forthcoming, impending, imminent and brewing.

What’s a synonym for destined?

fated, ordained, preordained, foreordained, predestined, predetermined, certain. sure, bound, assured, guaranteed, very likely. doomed, foredoomed, meant. written in the cards, in the air, in the wind.

What word means destined to happen?

Inevitable comes from the Latin word inevitabilis, which means unavoidable. If you say something is inevitable, you give the sense that no matter what scheme you come up with to get around it, it’s going to happen sooner or later.

What is the meaning of destined for greatness?

Likely to do, receive, or become something in the future. We knew that Sean was destined for greatness the moment he stepped on the stage in his first play.

What mediocrity means?

English Language Learners Definition of mediocrity

: the quality of something that is not very good : the quality or state of being mediocre. : a person who does not have the special ability to do something well.

22 related questions found

What are 3 synonyms for destined?

Synonyms & Antonyms of destined

  • fated,
  • foreordained,
  • predestined,
  • predetermined,
  • preordained.

How do you speak destined?

Break ‘destined’ down into sounds: [DEST] + [UHND] — say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘destined’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

What does the word foredoomed mean?

verb transitive. to doom in advance; condemn beforehand. noun. Archaic. a sentence or judgment in advance; destiny.

What fated means?

: decreed, controlled, or marked by fate.

Which is the closest antonym for the word doomed?

antonyms for doomed

  • nice.
  • protected.
  • restored.
  • saved.
  • successful.
  • hopeful.
  • lucky.
  • intact.

Is it destined for or to?

destined for: That boy is destined for greatness. destined to do something: We both felt that we were destined to meet.

Is it beforehand or beforehand?

Before is merely an outline of time in question prior to an event, action, date or time. Beforehand is the description of the duration of time outlined in question.

What is the definition of Predestine?

: to destine, decree, determine, appoint, or settle beforehand especially : predestinate sense 1.

What is mean by condemned?

1 : to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation a policy widely condemned as racist. 2a : to pronounce guilty : convict. b : sentence, doom condemn a prisoner to die. 3 : to adjudge unfit for use or consumption condemn an old apartment building.

Is it pronounced beloved or beloved?

The three-syllable version is most often used when “beloved” is a noun, as in “You are my beloved.” In secular contexts, the adjective “beloved” is often pronounced as two syllables.

How do u say contrary?

  1. contrary. noun.
  2. con·​trary | ˈkän-ˌtrer-ē
  3. plural contraries.
  4. contrary. adjective.
  5. con·​trary | ˈkän-ˌtrer-ē, 4 is often kən-ˈtrer-ē

Is Undestined a word?

un-des′tind, adj. not destined.

Is Destinated a word?

To have arrived at ones destination. To reach the end of ones intended trip. We have traveled 400 miles today and have «destinated».

What causes mediocrity?

7 causes of mediocrity:

Confusion regarding strengths on the team. Fear of failure. Low expectations. … Insecure team members.

Is it OK to be mediocre?

Overall, it is safe to say mediocrity is underrated. Maybe it’s because we like to live in extremes. If anything, there’s no human conditioning more natural than being average, the semblance of balance comes across best in the world of average people.

Is mediocre a bad word?

Although some dictionaries accept the meaning of this word as “medium” or “average,” in fact its connotations are almost always more negative. When something is distinctly not as good as it could be, it is mediocre.

When should we use beforehand?

earlier (than a particular time); in advance: She had phoned beforehand to let me know she was coming.

What does Afterhand mean?

adverb. Scottish, US. Afterwards, subsequently; after the event. In modern US usage typically in contrast with beforehand, and probably representing a separate development.

icon forward

The program is destined to search for non-perfect repeats of various types in a nucleotide sequences.


context icon

Программа предназначена для поиска несовершенных повторов различных типов в нуклеотидных последовательностях.



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So it’s better to fly into the distant future, where humanity is destined to all.


context icon

Поэтому лучше устремляться в самое далекое будущее, где для человечества предначертано все.


An organisation which does not preserve its archives is destined for oblivion.


context icon

Организация, которая не сохраняет своих архивов, обречена на забвение.




the man who is destined to restore magic to England.

context icon

Если мы не сделаем этого, человечество обречено на страдания.


This lifting table is destined primarily to meet the needs of the test fields.


context icon

Подъемный стол предназначен, в первую очередь, для нужд испытательных стендов.


The cargo is destined for two terminal points- Luhansk and Donetsk regions.


context icon

Груз предназначен для доставки в два пункта назначения- Луганскую и Донецкую области.


Most outward investment is destined towards Europe and Latin America.


context icon

Большинство внешних инвестиций предназначено для Европы и Латинской Америки.


Second phase


three-stage filter, which is destined for double cleaning(refining) of oily waters.


context icon

Вторая фаза- это трехступенчатый фильтр, который предназначен для двойной очистки( переработки) нефтесодержащих вод.


The last floor


the most peculiar and is destined for the day zone.


context icon

Верхний этаж является самым необычным и предназначен для гостиной.


Any relationship with that foundation is destined to fail.

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Любые отношения с таким фундаментом обречены на неудачу.

context icon

The program is destined for work on operational systems Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP.


context icon

Программа рассчитана на работу в операционных системах Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP.


Vaccination is destined for students who


attached to the Medical Center of KSMU.


context icon

Вакцинации подлежат студенты, прикрепленные к Медицинскому центру КГМУ.


This desire is destined to teach souls to love and care about each other!


context icon

То влечение душ друг к другу- любви и заботе научить призвано!


context icon

context icon

He refuses to believe that he is destined for anything normal.

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Он отказывается верить, что он рожден для чего-то обыденного.

Probably it would be»yours» eaglet who is destined to go down in history.


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Как знать,


может Вашему орленку будет суждено попасть в историю.


context icon

Vedika’s marriage will not


according to your wishes… but where it is destined.

context icon

Замужество Ведики не будет зависеть


твоих желаний. А от ее судьбы.

Though the bulk of methamphetamine produced in Mexico is destined for the US market, small amounts 7 SAMHSA(2007),

National Survey on Drug Use and Health,


context icon

Хотя основная масса метамфетамина, производимого в Мексике, предназначена для рынка США, небольших объемов, остающихся в стране, достаточно

для повышения предложения на местном рынке.


The program is destined to visualise the results of repeats search by ReSearch program,



included in OligoRep program.


context icon

Программа предназначена для визуализации результатов поиска повторов и является

частью программы OligoRep.


Owing to the modern construction technologyes, the sports ground is destined for indoor-soccer, volleyball,

basketball, tennis and other sports games trainings.

context icon

Благодаря современным технологиям строительства спортивная площадка предназначена для занятий по мини-футболу,

волейболу, баскетболу, теннису и другим игровым видам спорта.

The constant reminder that your brother is destined to


ruler just because he



context icon

Постоянное напоминание, что твоему брату суждено быть правителем только потому, что ему повезло родиться первым.

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Time: 0.0369





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