Is deprived a word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

In the process of time she became almost completely deprived of words.

Другие результаты

Stus, in violation of the procedure, was deprived of the last word and removed from the courtroom.

Стус в нарушение процедуры был лишен последнего слова и удален из зала суда.

It is appropriate to compare realias — words with specific national and historical coloring — connotative lexis — with words deprived of such coloring.

Это позволяет сопоставить реалии (слова, имеющие специфическую национальную и/или историческую окраску) с коннотативной лексикой (слова, не имеющие такого колорита).

A proposal was made by some delegations that further consideration be given at the second reading to adding the words «by arrest or detention», following the words «deprived of their liberty».

Ряд делегаций предложил в ходе второго чтения еще раз рассмотреть возможность добавления к словам «лишенные свободы» слов «в результате ареста или задержания».

We pointed out before that the meaningless words of metaphysics usually owe their origin to the fact that a meaningful word is deprived of its meaning through its metaphorical use in metaphysics.

Ранее мы говорили, что метафизические слова, не имеющие значения, образуются потому, что слово, обладающее значением, благодаря метафорическому употреблению в метафизике его лишается.

In fact, people have been deprived not only true words, but also their own history.

По сути, народ был лишён не только правдивого слова, но и собственной истории.

With regard to element 3, we suggest that the words «and intentionally» should be added before the word «deprived«.

В элементе З мы предлагаем перед словом «серьезно» добавить слова «умышленно и».

«Lists of words» are locally urgent, but the form is deeply archaic and tendentious, although it is not deprived of some curious paradoxes, if such a phrase is generally applicable in this context.

«Списки слов» местами актуальны, но форма подачи глубоко архаична и тенденциозна, хотя и не лишена некоторых курьёзных парадоксов, если такое словосочетание вообще применимо в данном контексте.

Thanks to Mehriban khanum, children deprived of parental care and being brought up at children’s homes are today being taken care, and a family environment has been created for them in a true sense of word.

Благодаря Мехрибан ханым, дети, лишенные родительской опеки и воспитывающиеся в детских домах, окружены сегодня вниманием и заботой, для них создана семейная атмосфера в истинном смысле этого слова.

In other words, American national minorities deprived of affirmative action could still get their benefits as socio-economically deprived individuals.

Другими словами, американские национальные меньшинства при отсутствии позитивного действия по-прежнему будут пользоваться своими льготами как лица, ущемленные в социально-экономическом отношении.

Deprived of citizenship, these people are excluded from Soviet society and are in the literal meaning of the word the state’s slaves.

Лишенные гражданства, эти люди исключены из советского общества и являются в точном смысле этого слова государственными рабами.

In other words, they were deprived of protection afforded by these institutions.

То есть, они были лишены защиты тех институтов.

If such a strict reading were applied, the words «groups of individuals» would be deprived of any independent meaning.

В случае подобного строгого толкования фраза «группы лиц» лишалась бы всякого самостоятельного значения.

Key words: orphans, children deprived of parental care, health care, social protection, orphanage.

Ключевые слова: дети-сироты; дети, лишенные родительской опеки, охрана здоровья, социальная защита, дом ребенка.

In other words, the civil administrative apparatus is deprived of all power, and the proletarian dictatorship establishes itself.

Другими словами гражданский административный аппарат лишён всей власти и это способствует установлению пролетарской диктатуры.

In other words, upon completing school, he or she is deprived of the opportunity to receive information, to communicate.

«Фактически после окончания школы он лишается возможности получать информацию, общаться.

In other words, our bodies are deprived of healthy nutrition and physical activity, the two staples of good overall health.

Другими словами, наши тела лишены здорового питания и физической активности, двух основных составляющих хорошего состояния здоровья.

In a word, ladies are not deprived of pleasant events.

In other words, majority of fleeing children are deprived of fundamental right of education.

Таким образом, многие девочки из семей беженцев оказываются лишены фундаментального права на образование.

In other words, cancer is a natural process that occurs in your body when it is deprived of essential nutrients.

Другими словами, рак — это естественный процесс, который происходит в вашем теле, если ему не хватает питательных веществ.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 25697. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 609 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The mankind is deprived the most sacred- memories of ancestors.


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Человечество лишено самого святого- памяти предков.


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И посочувствуйте тем, кто этого лишен.


It first and secondly, similar lecture is deprived of force and internal persuasiveness.


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А во-вторых, подобное поучение лишено силы и внутренней убедительности.


The source alleges that Zhou Yung Jun is deprived of the right to counsel.


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Источник утверждает, что Чжоу Юн Цзюню отказано в праве на адвоката.


But what will happen once she is deprived of money and proper papers?

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Но что поизойдет, когда она лишится денег и документов?

If a large percentage of humanity is deprived of opportunities to enjoy the benefits of the world’s resources,

what would


the use of this large-scale exercise?


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Если значительная часть человечества лишена возможностей пользоваться благами мировых ресурсов, в чем

будет смысл этой широкомасштабной работы?




necessary to understand clearly that the Space Matter is deprived of the evil, but those images angry,

sated with negative energy of the person,


created already by him the evil will.


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Следует ясно понять, что Космическая Материя лишена зла, но что образы злые, насыщенные

отрицательными энергиями человека, создает уже он своей злою волей.


To ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health-care services;


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Обеспечения того, чтобы ни один ребенок не был лишен своего права на доступ к подобным услугам системы здравоохранения;


In particular, it is deprived of its ability to apply anti-racism laws,

policies and programmes to those living in the part of the country under Turkish occupation.


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В частности, оно лишено возможности выполнять антидискриминационное законодательство, политику и

программы в отношении жителей той части страны, которая находится под оккупацией Турции.


In this case the customer is deprived of the need to maintain its own bulky storage

and acquires only the products that


in demand at the moment.


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При этом заказчик лишен необходимости содержать собственные громоздкие склады и приобретает

только ту продукцию, которая востребована в данный момент.


The civilian population residing in the occupied territories is deprived of minimal safeguards for the protection of their rights provided by the international conventions.


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Гражданское население, проживающее на оккупированных территориях, лишено минимальных гарантий своих прав, закрепленных в международных конвенциях.


States Parties shall ensure that no person with disabilities is deprived of that right,

and shall take all appropriate measures to ensure full access for persons with disabilities to rehabilitation services.


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Государства- участники обеспечивают, чтобы ни один инвалид не был лишен этого права,

и принимают все надлежащие меры для обеспечения инвалидам полного доступа к услугам в области реабилитации.


Question: my daughter is deprived of parental rights, and extradition of the parent certificate it




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Вопрос: Моя дочь лишена родительских прав, и в выдаче материнского сертификата ей отказано.


the right to additional government support occurs in a child children.


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Если женщина лишена родительских прав,

то право на дополнительные меры государственной поддержки возникает у ребенка детей в равных долях.


Development would


empty for a person who is deprived of his individual rights and freedoms.


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Развитие будет пустым звуком для человека, который лишен своих индивидуальных прав и свобод.


To prevent a person who is deprived of freedom or found while committing a criminal offence that


prosecuted ex officio from escaping;


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Недопущения побега какого-либо лица, которое лишено свободы или поймано с поличным при совершении уголовного преступления,

подлежащего преследованию по закону;




admissible to adopt a child without the consent of a parent who is deprived of rights after one year after the deprivation rights.


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Разрешается усыновление ребенка без согласия родителя, который был лишен прав, по истечении одного года с момента лишения прав.


At present a large part of the society-

people with motoric disorders- is deprived of the possibility to use library services.


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В настоящее время большая часть общества

лица с расстройством опорно- двигательного аппарата лишены возможности пользоваться услугами библиотек.


Therefore force of the Beam


used only partially,

but even it


good because the majority is deprived of gift of a conscious catch of the Highest Beams.


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Потому сила Луча используется только частично, но даже и это хорошо, ибо большинство лишено дара сознательного уловления Высших Лучей.


Intelligence includes in it what


present in mind and resoning, and therefore is deprived of their onesidedness.

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Разум включает в себя то, что присуще уму и рассудку, и потому лишен их односторонности.

She is deprived of any resemblance of personal life,

and keeps a set of sadomasochistic instruments under her bed.


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Она лишена всякого подобия личной жизни

и под кроватью держит набор садомазохистских инструментов.


It urged the Government to ensure that no child is deprived of the right to education,

particularly in the rural areas and among disadvantaged and marginalized groups.


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Он настоятельно призвал правительство активизировать свои усилия по обеспечению того, чтобы ни один ребенок не был лишен права на образование,

особенно в сельских районах и среди уязвимых и маргинализованных групп.


That approach demotivates owners of big enterprises in modernizing their manufacture,

as the modernization is deprived or almost


of economic sense,

it does not save anything.


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Такой подход демотивирует владельцев крупных предприятий модернизировать производства, поскольку такая модернизация лишена или почти лишена экономического смысла- она не дает никакой экономии.


The second paragraph of article 449

increases the penalty by up to one third when the person is deprived of liberty for more serious offences, including terrorism.


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Во втором пункте это наказание

увеличивается максимум на одну треть, если упомянутое лицо лишено свободы за наиболее тяжкие преступления, включая терроризм.


States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services.

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Государства- участники стремятся обеспечить, чтобы ни один ребенок не был лишен своего права на доступ к подобным услугам системы здравоохранения.

In this way guest room by its



similar to the children’s one, but is deprived of its characteristic children’s attributes.


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В таком случае гостевая по функциональности похожа детскую, но лишена ее характерных детских признаков.


Also, no Sudanese is deprived of the right to enter the Sudan, and because of

that many opposition and rebel leaders have returned to the Sudan.


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Кроме того, никто из суданских граждан не может быть лишен права на въезд в Судан,

вследствие чего в Судан вернулись многие руководители оппозиции и мятежных группировок.


Anyone who is deprived of this right would become stateless

and would lack legal protection.


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Каждый, лишенный этого права, становится лицом без гражданства

и не будет иметь правовой защиты.


As a result Mr. Kyab has to serve 10 years and

6 months in prison, is deprived of his political rights for 5 years,

and have his personal properties confiscated.


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В результате г-н Кьяб должен отбыть в тюрьме 10 лет и

6 месяцев, его лишили своих политических прав на пять лет,

а его личное имущество было конфисковано.


The problem of orphan children became one of the most discussed by society,

here only the majority of discussions is deprived of construct and


reduced to»parasitizing» on a fashionable subject.


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Проблема детей- сирот стала одной из самых обсуждаемых обществом,

вот только большинство дискуссий лишено конструктива и сводится к» паразитированию» на модной теме.


лишенный собственности, заброшенный


- бедный; живущий в нищете

deprived areas of the city — трущобные районы города
a child from a deprived family — ребёнок из нуждающейся семьи

Мои примеры


deprived children growing up in the slums — обездоленные дети, растущие в трущобах  
the deprived sections of the urban population — неимущие слои городского населения  
the deprived — малоимущие  
be deprived of the elementary essentials — быть лишённым самого необходимого  
person deprived of liberty — лицо, лишённое свободы  
deprived of livelihood — лишенный средств существования  
most deprived sections of the population — самые обездоленные слои населения  
colostrum-deprived — не получающий молозива  
deprived of control — лишённый права распоряжаться  
deprived of leaves — обезлиственный  
deprived of rights — бесправный  
deprived of — не содержащий  

Примеры с переводом

His cold deprived him of his sense of taste.

Простуда лишила его чувства вкуса.

Deprived children tend to do less well at school.

Дети из бедных семей обычно хуже успевают в школе.

The hot sun deprived the flowers of water.

Солнце иссушило цветы.

The government is launching a new initiative to bring jobs to deprived areas.

Правительство начало реализацию новой инициативы, чтобы обеспечить работой жителей неблагополучных районов.

The diet allows you to eat small amounts of your favorite foods, so you won’t feel deprived.

Данная диета позволяет вам есть небольшое количество ваших любимых продуктов, поэтому вы не будете чувствовать себя обделёнными.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…one of scores of bishops who had been deprived after the anticlericals came to power…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Asked by: Triston Waters

Score: 4.7/5
(68 votes)

verb (used with object), de·prived, de·priv·ing. to remove or withhold something from the enjoyment or possession of (a person or persons): to deprive a man of life; to deprive a baby of candy.

What does deprived mean?

1 : the state of being kept from possessing, enjoying, or using something : the state of being deprived : privation especially : removal from an office, dignity, or benefice.

What does I’m deprived mean?

Being deprived means lacking important things like food and water. For example, when warm clothing, housing, and nutrition are in short supply, the people are deprived of basics of life. You can use the adjective deprived to describe conditions or people who don’t have what they need or don’t have enough.

Does deprive mean take away?

Deprive means to keep from having. If your little brother gets loud and hyper every time he eats sweets, your parents might deprive him of sugary cereal and candy. Deprive can also mean to take away something that someone already had, or feels they deserve to have, like basic human rights.

What is an example of deprived?

The definition of deprived is not having enough of the necessities of life or a lack of positive opportunities and experiences. An example of someone deprived is a child who has never been sent to school.

29 related questions found

Is deprived of?

: to take (something) away from (someone or something) : to not allow (someone or something) to have or keep (something) The change in her status deprived her of access to classified information.

What is a good sentence for the word deprived?

1. The accident deprived her of her life. 2. The criminals were deprived of their civil rights.

Is it deprived of or deprived from?

«He is deprived of his rights.» is correct, and would probably not often be used with «from.» However, «He was deprived from going,» could also be said.

What is the best definition of deprived?

: not having the things that are needed for a good or healthful life. deprived. adjective.

How do you use the word deprived?

Deprived sentence example

  1. He was sleep deprived and not exactly in the mood. …
  2. In 1479 the native princes were deprived of all independence. …
  3. On the accession of Mary he was deprived of all his offices, but in the succeeding reign was prominently employed in public affairs.

What is deprivation of life?

Deprivation of life involves intentional or otherwise foreseeable and preventable life-terminating harm or injury, caused by an act or omission. It goes beyond injury to bodily or mental integrity or a threat thereto.

What happens when you are deprived of love?

Specifically, compared to people with less skin hunger, people who feel more affection-deprived: are less happy; more lonely; more likely to experience depression and stress; and, in general, in worse health. They have less social support and lower relationship satisfaction.

What is a love deprived person?

Another common sign of emotional deprivation is one’s own inclination to hold in and stuff emotions and feelings. “They tend to isolate and avoid expressing their needs,” says Dr. Lev. No matter how intense their need for attention and love is, emotionally deprived individuals often don’t speak up about it right away.

What type of word is deprived?

verb (used with object), de·prived, de·priv·ing. to remove or withhold something from the enjoyment or possession of (a person or persons): to deprive a man of life; to deprive a baby of candy. to remove from ecclesiastical office.

How can a person be deprived of his citizenship?

The President may deprive a person, other than a person who is a citizen of Nigeria by birth or by registration, of his citizenship, if he is satisfied that such a person has, within a period of seven years after becoming naturalized, been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than three years.

How does deprivation affect a child’s development?

Long-term impacts of play deprivation during early child development include isolation, depression, reduced self-control and poor resilience.

What does deprived mean in the Bible?

1 : to take something away from deprived him of his professorship— J. M. Phalen the risk of injury when the brain is deprived of oxygen. 2 : to withhold something from deprived a citizen of her rights.

What is mentally deprived?

noun. a lack of adequate psychological nurturance, usually occurring in the early developmental years.

Which preposition goes with suffer?

In general usage the preferred preposition after suffer is from, rather than with, in constructions such as He suffered from hypertension. Ninety-four percent of the Usage Panel found suffered with unacceptable in the preceding example.

Why should he be deprived of his share?

The sentence, “Why should he be deprived of his share?” can be stated in the active voice as follows: … So analyzing the reframed sentence: “why” is the question word, “should” is the auxiliary verb, “you” is the subject, “deprive” is the verb, and “him” is the object or predicate.

What is it called to deprive someone of water?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for DEPRIVED OF WATER [dehydrated]

How do you use sleep deprived in a sentence?

Sleep-deprived sentence example

Maybe Dean’s sleep-deprived brain was going in circles but something wasn’t clicking, and it bothered him the rest of the night. You’ll be sleep-deprived, and your baby will be adapting to all of the changes her development has in store for her.

How do you use the word fatal in a sentence?

controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined.

  1. The time that you are my most fatal.
  2. Her children’s death is a fatal blow on her.
  3. This illness is fatal in almost all cases.
  4. If she gets ill again it could prove fatal.
  5. Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.

How do you use the word efficient in a sentence?

(1) He has an efficient business setup. (2) Dolphins are incredibly graceful and efficient swimmers. (3) With today’s more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers. (4) We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Armani Skiles

Score: 4.2/5
(22 votes)

: to take (something) away from (someone or something) : to not allow (someone or something) to have or keep (something) The change in her status deprived her of access to classified information.

What does deprived mean?

verb (used with object), de·prived, de·priv·ing. to remove or withhold something from the enjoyment or possession of (a person or persons): to deprive a man of life; to deprive a baby of candy. to remove from ecclesiastical office.

Does deprive mean take away?

Deprive means to keep from having. If your little brother gets loud and hyper every time he eats sweets, your parents might deprive him of sugary cereal and candy. Deprive can also mean to take away something that someone already had, or feels they deserve to have, like basic human rights.

What does deprive mean example?

Deprive is defined as to withhold or take something away from. An example of deprive is for an animal to not provide its young with proper nutrients. verb. 9. 1.

What is the best definition of deprived?

: not having the things that are needed for a good or healthful life. deprived. adjective.

15 related questions found

Is deprived of?

: to take (something) away from (someone or something) : to not allow (someone or something) to have or keep (something) The change in her status deprived her of access to classified information. The new environmental law will deprive some fishermen of their livelihood. They’re depriving him of a chance to succeed.

Who are called deprived?

Words related to deprived

disadvantaged, needy, underprivileged, destitute, dispossessed, wanting, broke, poor.

How do you use the word deprive?

Deprive in a Sentence ?

  1. Max is a racist who wants to deprive black people from their right to vote on election day.
  2. If implemented, the President’s crazy plan will deprive seniors of adequate healthcare.
  3. Upon entering the cult, William took upon himself to fast for a week to deprive himself of food.

What is deprive in the Bible?

1 : to take something away from deprived him of his professorship— J. M. Phalen the risk of injury when the brain is deprived of oxygen. 2 : to withhold something from deprived a citizen of her rights. 3 : to remove from office the Archbishop … would be deprived and sent to the Tower— Edith Sitwell.

What is the synonym of deprive?

In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for deprive, like: deny, seize, bereave, withhold, vulnerable, impoverished, strip, eviscerate, expropriate, enrich and deposition.

What can you be deprived of?

Being deprived means lacking important things like food and water. For example, when warm clothing, housing, and nutrition are in short supply, the people are deprived of basics of life. You can use the adjective deprived to describe conditions or people who don’t have what they need or don’t have enough.

Is it deprived of or deprived from?

«He is deprived of his rights.» is correct, and would probably not often be used with «from.» However, «He was deprived from going,» could also be said.

What is the adjective for decline?

declinate. Bent downward or aside. (botany) Bending downward in a curve; declined.

What does it mean to be love deprived?

lack of adequate interpersonal attachments that provide affirmation, love, affection, and interest, especially on the part of the primary caregiver during a child’s developmental years.

What does a deprived area mean?

Quick summary. To be deprived of something means not having something that is seen as essential. Others may still have it. A deprived area is one that is deprived of those essential things to life, to society, to living well and growing up well. Deprivation in an area is seen and felt.

What does it mean to deprive yourself?

deprive means to deny, remove or withhold something from the enjoyment or possession. if you deprieve yourself of sleep, you are not allowing yourself to sleep don’t deprive yourself = don’t deny yourself of something.

What does 1corinthians 7 4 mean?

Here, he is saying that men do not have any more authority over their bodies than their wives do over theirs. … So, while this verse is about the idea that sex within marriage is good, it is also about the idea that both husband and wife have equal duties toward the other and that neither spouse is superior to the other.

What is the meaning of 1 Corinthians 7?

1-7) This is an address on the issue of marriage. Since there is so much sexual immorality in the world it is good for people to marry. Married couples should have regular sexual relations. When one abstains it takes away the other’s natural right and vice versa.

What is it called to deprive someone of water?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for DEPRIVED OF WATER [dehydrated]

How do you use the word efficient in a sentence?

(1) He has an efficient business setup. (2) Dolphins are incredibly graceful and efficient swimmers. (3) With today’s more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers. (4) We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.

Is Deprivement a word?

noun The act of depriving, or the state of being deprived; deprivation.

Which is the closest antonym for the word deprive?

antonyms for deprive

  • build.
  • give.
  • keep.
  • appropriate.
  • confer.
  • indulge.
  • offer.
  • present.

Who is a deprived child?

In the current literature, the term “deprived” is used to describe a child who, for one reason or. another (such as ill-health, death or desertion of one or both parents) ‚ is unable to live with his. own family but is being brought up in an institution1’2,3.

What is an underprivileged child?

underprivileged Add to list Share. Someone underprivileged doesn’t have the advantages other people have. Underprivileged people usually live in poverty. … People often worry about underprivileged children who are living in poverty and may not have access to healthy food or good medical care.

Who are socially deprived child?

Culturally deprived children are products of families that occupy the lower strata, also known as the lower class, of our society. The parents of these children are unskilled workers, poor, with little education, living in crowded quarters, often unemployed, subsisting on welfare or unemploy- ment insurance benefits.

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