Is dependant a word

Asked by: Emmanuelle Skiles

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also de·pen·dant One who relies on another, especially for financial support. de·pen′dent·ly adv.

Is it Dependant or dependent?

The difference between dependent and dependant is merely a matter of preferred spelling. «Dependent» is the dominant form in American English for both the noun and adjective, while in British English, «dependant» is more common for the noun.

What do you call a person who depends on others?

dependant Add to list Share. A dependant is someone who relies on someone else, possibly for financial support.

What is another word for being independent?

Some common synonyms of independent are autonomous, free, and sovereign.

What is the noun of dependent?

dependency. A state of dependence; a refusal to exercise initiative. Something dependent on, or subordinate to, something else: A colony, or a territory subject to rule by an external power.

24 related questions found

Is a wife a dependant?

A person can be considered your dependant if they meet the criteria for one of the categories below: your spouse. your child.

What is a Dependee?

Noun. dependee (plural dependees) (programming) An agent that is depended on by a depender, the target of a dependency (used in agent-oriented programming)

What is a word for being your own person?

In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self, like: individual, by one’s own effort, selfhood, self, ego, one’s being, narcissism, be, inner nature, of one’s self and person.

What is a female leader called?

captain; woman-leader; forewoman; chief.

What do you call a person who always takes and never gives?

I hear the term freeloader a lot. a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.

What is a period of one hundred years?

a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.

What do you call someone who always gets what they want?

resolute Add to list Share. Use the adjective resolute to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way.

Is Dependant on meaning?

a person who depends on or needs someone or something for aid, support, favor, etc. a child, spouse, parent, or certain other relative to whom one contributes all or a major amount of necessary financial support: She listed two dependents on her income-tax form.

How do you use the word dependent?

  1. [S] [T] Don’t be too dependent on others. ( …
  2. [S] [T] He is still dependent on his parents. ( …
  3. [S] [T] She’s still dependent on her parents. ( …
  4. [S] [T] Tom is still dependent on his parents. ( …
  5. [S] [T] Tom and Mary are dependent on each other. ( …
  6. [S] [T] She’s dependent on her husband. (

Is a Dependant a child?

Children may be dependent or non-dependent. A dependent child is any person aged 0 to 15 in a household (whether or not in a family) or a person aged 16 to 18 in full-time education and living in a family with his or her parent(s) or grandparent(s).

What is the oldest woman in the family called?

: a woman who rules or dominates a family, group, or state specifically : a mother who is head and ruler of her family and descendants Our grandmother was the family’s matriarch.

How many genders are there?

Most cultures use a gender binary, having two genders (boys/men and girls/women); those who exist outside these groups may fall under the umbrella term non-binary.

What do you call a strong minded woman?

She is a strong-minded, independent woman. Synonyms: determined, resolute, strong-willed, firm More Synonyms of strong-minded. Synonyms of.

Is there a word Genuinity?

Is it “genuinity,” “genuineness,” or even “genuity”? The short answer is that you should use “genuineness.” That’s the noun agreed to by dictionaries, and it’s the one most people use today. However, “genuineness” may seem a bit cumbersome to say, and even more so when it comes to writing.

What is the word for no identity?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for WITHOUT IDENTITY [faceless]

What are the 3 types of dependencies?

Dependencies can be of different types as internal and external factors can affect them.

The following are some of the major categories of project dependencies.

  • Logical dependencies. …
  • Resource dependencies. …
  • Preferential dependencies. …
  • External dependencies. …
  • Cross-team dependencies.

What are the dependencies of the project?

Project dependencies are any tasks, events or situations that are either dependent on a previous completion of a task or on which a task is dependent on. It is the relationship between two separate activities within one larger project.

Are parents dependents?

Your parent must first meet income requirements set by the Internal Revenue Service to be claimed as your dependent. To qualify as a dependent, Your parent must not have earned or received more than the gross income test limit for the tax year. This amount is determined by the IRS and may change from year to year.

Because American and British English sometimes have different spellings for the same word, beginning writers and English language learners can easily become confused.

In some cases, the spelling of a word also changes based on its usage in a sentence. Dependent is one such word. In the past, it had been spelled as dependant when used as a noun. As an adjective, writers used dependent.

Modern English has all but dispensed with this differentiation. It still exists in British English, though it is rarely enforced. Continue reading to find out in what situations you should use dependent and dependant.

What is the Difference Between Dependent and Dependant?

In this article, I will compare dependent vs. dependant. I will use each in a sentence, and then I will show you a helpful trick to use when deciding if dependent or dependant is the better choice.

When to Use Dependent

dependent versus dependant What does dependent mean? Dependent can fill multiple roles in a sentence. It can be an adjective, where it means the condition of relying on someone or something.

For example,

  • A dependent clause is not a complete sentence by itself.
  • The researchers hoped their independent variable would influence their dependent variable, so they could justify more funding.
  • Bahrain also faces increasing economic pressure as its oil-dependent economy has suffered from depressed global crude prices. –The Washington Post

It can also be a noun, where it refers to someone who relies on someone else to provide basic necessities. In this sense, it is most often used in the context of taxation.

  • If you claim someone else’s children as dependents, you could be investigated by the IRS.

When to Use Dependant

Definition of dependant definition and definition of dependent definitionWhat does dependant mean? Dependant is an older word than dependent. Historically, dependant was the preferred spelling in British English when used as a noun. As an adjective, dependent has always been the preferred spelling. This distinction is waning, however, with dependent being with increased frequency in all contexts.

  • Determine if you are a student dependant (under 23), a mature student dependant (over 23 but living with parents on January 1st, 2016), or an independent mature student (over 23) who can prove independent living prior to October 1st, 2015. –The Irish Times

American English, for example, has used dependent in all contexts since at least the mid-20th century. There is no reason to use dependant when writing for American audiences.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Define dependant and define dependentHere is a helpful trick to remember dependant vs. dependent.

Dependent is the safe choice in all contexts. It has become accepted even as a British English noun, where dependant was the historically preferred choice. Dependent is preferred as an American English noun and as an adjective.

You can remember to avoid using dependant since dependant and avoid both contain an “a.” Dependent is the better choice in all contexts, even for British English nouns.


Is it dependent or dependant? Dependent and dependant are two variants of the same word.

  • As an adjective, this word means the condition of relying on someone or something.
  • As a noun, it is usually something a person claims when filing their taxes.

Dependant was the historically preferred variant when used as a noun in British English, but today both variants are accepted. American English uses dependent as a noun, and dependent is the adjective variant in both American and British English.

Dependent will always work, so avoid dependant by remembering the a it shares with avoid. If you still can’t decide whether you should use dependant or dependent, you can refer back to this article for guidance.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Dependent and Dependant?
  • 2 When to Use Dependent
  • 3 When to Use Dependant
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

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Together with a dependent word communion forms the turnover is, you want to be able to find in the sentence to avoid punctuation errors.

Вместе с зависимым словом причастие образует оборот, который необходимо уметь находить в предложении, чтобы не допускать пунктуационных ошибок.

If communion is the dependent word, together they form a involved in trafficking.

Если у причастия есть зависимое слово, то вместе они образуют причастный оборот.

not dried out for the night clothes (communion with the dependent word)

«Stolen yesterday from the Bank» — a gerund, where «kidnapped» is an adjective, and «yesterday» and «from Bank» is the dependent word.

«Похищенная вчера из банка» — причастный оборот, где «похищенная» — страдательное причастие, а «вчера» и «из банка» — зависимые слова.

Другие результаты

In this sentence, the participle «read» acts as a simple definition, it has no dependent words.

В этом предложении причастие «прочитанное» выступает в роли простого определения, у него нет зависимого слова.

These dependent words are prepositions and conjunctions.

Служебные части речи составляют предлоги и союзы.

A gerund always consists of a participle and its dependent words.

Traditionally, comma definitions are those that are expressed by participles with dependent words, if they are located in a sentence after the word being defined.

Традиционно выделяются запятыми те определения, какие выражаются причастиями с зависимыми словами, если они располагаются в предложении после определяемого слова.

Despite the fact that the treatment is not a part of the sentence, it may be common (that is, to have dependent words).

Несмотря на то, что обращение не является членом предложения, оно может быть распространенным (то есть иметь зависимые слова).

Names of states, organizations, institutions, etc., consisting of more than one word, are abbreviated by first letters of all the words (except for dependent words) in capitals, e.g.:

Состоящие из нескольких слов названия государств, организаций, учреждений и т.п. сокращаются до одной начальной буквы каждого слова (за исключеним служебных), напр.:

We have become too dependent on words.

In the past we were way too dependent on word of mouth.

В прежние времена мы слишком зависели от случайности.

Phantasies are not dependent upon words, although they may under certain conditions be capable of expression in words.

е) фантазии не зависят от слов, хотя при определенных обстоятельствах они приобретают способность выражаться в словах

unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.

Инакомыслие должно было стать немыслимым, в буквальном смысле, по крайней мере, в той мере, насколько мышление зависит от слововыражения.

Not dependent on words and letters,

What is remarkable, from all the above — mentioned English construction we have made a translation of only one worddependent.

Что примечательно, из всей указанной выше английской конструкции мы сделали перевод всего лишь одного словаdependent.

The protective effect of leisure time physical activity is dose dependent — in other words, the more you do, the better.

Защитное действие физической активности зависит от дозы — иными словами, чем больше вы делаете, тем лучше.

And since search is dependent on words being typed (or spoken) into an interface, you can’t get away from the fact that some research is vital.

И так как поиск зависит от набираемых слов (или разговорный) в интерфейс, вы не можете уйти от того факта, что некоторые исследования имеют жизненно важное значение.

The shape of the crystals is determined by the physicochemical conditions, but it is not exactly dependent on words and other external «influences».

Форма кристаллов зависит от физико-химических условий, но точно не от слов и прочих «воздействий».

As master of the Post Office, the Mint and the Royal Bank his input is, of course, vital… but largely dependent on words, which are fortunately not very heavy and don’t always need greasing.

Его вмешательство как начальника Почтамта, Королевского Банка и Монетного Двора, конечно, имеет жизненно важное значение… но во многом зависит от слов, которые, по счастью, не имеют веса и не нуждаются в смазке.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 218. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 219 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


He has been alcohol dependent for several years.

the dependent willow branches swayed in the gentle breeze


The insurance provides coverage for workers and their dependents.

a person’s spouse and dependents

Do you have any dependents?

Recent Examples on the Web

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The constant cheating, combined with no longer being on campus and being dependent on him, was what enabled me to feel serious about ending it for the first time.

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It’s also known that within this population — which is highly dependent on Chinook salmon — female orca whales share their bounty with their sons, splitting the fish in half.

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But its ability to do so is dependent on staffing.

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That includes veterans, reservists, active-duty service members transitioning to the civilian workforce, National Guard members, and their spouses and dependents.

Molly Smith, San Antonio Express-News, 9 Mar. 2023

Healey’s plan would remove the cap on the number of dependents and increase the dollar amount paid out to families.

Globe Staff,, 27 Feb. 2023

Hadler said that adults on HUSKY A (coverage for low-income children and their parents and caretaker relatives) and HUSKY D (coverage for low-income adults without dependents) are most at-risk of losing their Medicaid coverage because their income has risen above the eligibility limits.

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Just over 90% of US families can receive some amount of the credit, but the IRS has estimated that there are 2.2 million children at risk of getting passed over because they haven’t been claimed as a dependent on a recent tax return.

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Heads of households with 2020 incomes of less than $150,000 and at least one dependent will receive $700 (or $350 with no dependents).

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Most of the people who missed getting a $1,400 check they were entitled to are individuals with an ITIN — an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number — who didn’t receive a payment for an eligible dependent, Treasury said.

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On the 2022 returns that are being filed this year, the child tax credit is $2,000 per child under the age of 17 claimed as a dependent on your return.

Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, 10 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘dependent.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

The difference between dependent and dependant is merely a matter of preferred spelling. «Dependent» is the dominant form in American English for both the noun and adjective, while in British English, «dependant» is more common for the noun. «Dependent» is still used to indicate the adjective form in British English but its use in this form is uncommon.

The suffixes -ant and -ent are alike in sound and meaning, and they often give a noun or adjective variant spellings. For instance, propellant is the common spelling, but propellent is an accepted less-common variant. On the flip side, the -ent ending of repellent prevails over repellant. Truly, there’s nothing holding back a writer who wants to use a standard variant (provided they can take the inevitable criticism). That said, if dependant is being considered in place of dependent, there are a couple things to heed.

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The ‘-ent’ ending is influenced by the Latin form of the word, ‘dēpendēnt.’

Origin of Dependent and Dependant

Though dependant is older, dependent dominates in American English; thus, the -ant spelling might be read as a mistake. Additionally, in British English, the spellings function more as indicators of parts of speech than as variants: dependent tends to be used for the adjective and dependant for the noun.

The word is derived from French dépendant, which was borrowed into English with its French meaning of «hanging down» in the 14th century. (Dépendant is the present participle of dépendre, meaning «to hang down.»)

Toward the end of the 16th century, the adjective was applied to things decided or determined by something else, as in «a conclusion that is dependant on a premise.» Later, dependant came to describe people—especially children—who rely on the support of another. About the same time, the spelling of the word began to shift toward the -ent ending, influenced by the Latin form of the word, dēpendēnt. It is this Latinized spelling of the adjective that is predominately found in American and British English today. The French-derived dependant, however, still has life across the pond.

About 48,000 were without water, with resumption of services dependant on power supply.
— Mark Hilliard, The Irish Times, 17 Oct. 2017

You are allowed to claim exemption for yourself, your spouse, two children, dependant parents and dependant siblings.
Economic Times, 6 Nov. 2017

Noun Form

As for the noun form, it also appears in the early 16th century in reference to something attached to something else—for example, a consequence to an action or an appurtenance. And it, too, began to be freely spelled with either suffix. Later in the century, the word was applied to a person who looks to another for support—as in one of those aforementioned children who are dependent.

Some schemes allow you to keep your student children registered as dependants up to the age of 25 while others cut-off at 21 or 23.
— Vuyo Mkize, Independent Online, 23 Oct. 2017

Gaps in your working history due to unemployment, living abroad or taking time out to care for dependents could mean that you won’t have enough years of National Insurance contributions to be able to qualify for the full state pension.
— Tricia Phillips, Daily Mirror, 18 Oct. 2017

With adjectival use of the word becoming less frequent, the convention of using dependant as the preferred spelling for the noun in British English is useful to help keep them sorted. For American English, you’ll be covered either way if you stick to dependent, but you have a defensible position should you choose otherwise (and use it as a noun).

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