Is darknesses a word

Definitions For Darkness


  • A swarthy complexion
  • Having a dark or somber color
  • An unenlightened state
  • An unilluminated area
  • Absence of light or illumination
  • Absence of moral or spiritual values


  • A state in which no light can be seen
  • A place where little or no light can be seen
  • The time of day when night begins : the time when the sky becomes dark for the night

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Examples of Darkness in a Sentence

  • She sat in the dark room alone.
  • Soon it will be dark enough to see the stars.
  • It was a dark and stormy night.
  • He’s 12 years old and still afraid of the dark.
  • The burglars hid in the dark between the two buildings.
  • He bought the kids special rings that glow in the dark.

Synonyms for Darkness

Antonyms for Darknesses



adj. dark·er, dark·est


a. Lacking or having very little light: a dark corner.

b. Lacking brightness: a dark day.

c. Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light; tending toward black: dark clothing.

d. Served without milk or cream: dark coffee.

2. Being or having a complexion that is not light in color.

3. Sullen or threatening: a dark scowl.


a. Characterized by gloom or pessimism; dismal or bleak: a dark day for the economy; dark predictions of what lies in store.

b. Being or characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor.


a. Unknown or concealed; mysterious: a dark secret; the dark workings of the unconscious.

b. Lacking enlightenment, knowledge, or culture: a dark age in the history of education.


a. Evil in nature or effect; sinister: «churned up dark undercurrents of ethnic and religious hostility» (Peter Maas).

b. Morally corrupt; vicious: dark deeds; a dark past.

7. Having richness or depth: a dark, melancholy vocal tone.

8. Not giving performances; closed: The movie theater is dark on Mondays.

9. Linguistics Pronounced with the back of the tongue raised toward the velum. Used of the sound (l) in words like full.


1. Absence of light.

2. A place having little or no light.

3. Night; nightfall: home before dark.

4. A deep hue or color.

5. darks Pieces of laundry having a dark color.


in the dark

1. In secret: high-level decisions made in the dark.

2. In a state of ignorance; uninformed: kept me in the dark about their plans.

[Middle English derk, from Old English deorc.]

dark′ish adj.

dark′ly adv.

dark′ness n.

Synonyms: dark, dim, murky, dusky, shady, shadowy
These adjectives indicate the absence of light or clarity. Dark, the most widely applicable, can refer to a lack or near lack of illumination (a dark night), deepness of shade or color (dark brown), somberness (a dark mood), or immorality (a dark past). Dim means having or producing little light (dim shadows; a dim light bulb) and further suggests lack of sharpness or clarity: «the terrible dim faces known in dreams» (Carson McCullers).«tales now dim and half forgotten» (Jane Stevenson).
Murky refers to a thick or clouded darkness: «Dolphins use sonar beams to navigate the murky depths of the ocean» (Tim Hilchey).
Like dim, it is also used of what is indistinct or uncertain: «Modern warfare is murky, and with no clear frontlines, the distinction between combat and support can become meaningless» (Kristin Henderson).
Dusky suggests a subdued half-light: «The dusky night rides down the sky, / And ushers in the morn» (Henry Fielding).
It can also refer to deepness or darkness of color: «A dusky blush rose to her cheek» (Edith Wharton).
Shady refers literally to what is sheltered from light, especially sunlight (a shady grove of pines) or figuratively to what is of questionable honesty (shady business deals). Shadowy also implies obstructed light (an ill-lit, shadowy street) but may refer to what is indistinct or little known: «[He] retreated from the limelight to the shadowy fringe of music history» (Charles Sherman).
It can also refer to something that seems to lack substance and is mysterious or sinister: a shadowy figure in a black cape.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈdɑrk nɪs)


1. the state or quality of being dark.

2. absence or deficiency of light: the darkness of night.

3. wickedness or evil: the forces of darkness.

4. obscurity; concealment.

5. lack of knowledge or enlightenment.

6. lack of sight; blindness.

[before 1050]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


an abnormal fear of darkness. Also called scotophobia.

1. the state or condition of being sooty or smoky.
2. soot or smoke. — fuliginous, adj.

any thing or creature that shines or glows in the dark, especially a phosphorescent or bioluminescent marine or other organism. — noctilucine, adj.

an abnormal love of the night.

an abnormal fear of darkness or night.

Rare. the act or process of darkening or obscuring.

an abnormal fear of shadows.


vision in dim light or darkness. See also photopia. — scotopic, adj.

-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



  1. Dark and cool as a cave —David Huddle
  2. Dark and heavy like a surface stained with ink —John Ashbery
  3. (It was) dark as a closet —Niven Busch
  4. Dark as a dungeon —Anon

    The simile is the title of a ballad from the American South.

  5. Dark as anger —Sylvia Plath
  6. Dark as a pocket —American colloquialism, attributed to Vermont
  7. (All was) dark as a stack of black cats —J. S. Rioss
  8. Dark as a thundercloud —Steven Vincent Benet
  9. Dark as a troll —W. D. Snodgrass
  10. Dark as a wolfs mouth —Miguel de Cervantes

    “Dark as” and “Black as” have been used interchangeably since the simile’s appearance in Don Quixote.

  11. Dark as a womb —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  12. Dark as blackberries —Marge Piercy
  13. (The room was) dark as dreamless sleep —Harry Prince
  14. (Eyelashes … ) dark as night —Lord Byron
  15. Dark as sin —Mark Twain
  16. Dark as the devil’s mouth —Walter Scott
  17. Dark as the inside of a coffin —Gavin Lyall
  18. Dark as the inside of a magician’s hat —Robert Campbell
  19. Dark as the inside of a cow —Mark Twain
  20. Dark as the river bottom —Paige Mitchell
  21. Dark like wet coffee grounds —Ella Leffland
  22. The darkness ahead … looked like Alaska —Richard North
  23. Darkness as deep and cold as Siberian midnight —Gerald Kersh
  24. Darkness [in a rainstorm] came closer … like a sodden velvet curtain —Frank Swinnerton
  25. Darkness falls like a wet sponge —John Ashbery

    This is the opening line of an Ashbery poem entitled The Picture of Little J.A. in a Prospect of Flowers.

  26. Darkness fell like a swift blow —James Crumley
  27. Darkness fills her like a carbohydrate —Daniela Gioseffi
  28. The darkness flew in like an unwelcome bird —Norman Garbo
  29. Darkness had begun to come in like water —Alice McDermott
  30. Darkness hanging over them like a blotter —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  31. Darkness like a black lake —Erich Maria Remarque
  32. Darkness … like a warm liquid poured from the throat of an enormous bird —John Hawkes
  33. Darkness settling down round them like a soft bird —Rose Tremain
  34. Darkness should be a private matter, like thought, like emotion —William Dieter
  35. Darkness so total it seemed … like deep water —William Boyd
  36. The darkness was like a rising tide that covered the gardens and the houses, erasing everything as a still sea erased footprints on a beach —John P. Marquand
  37. Darkness was sinking down over the region like a veil —Thomas Mann
  38. The darkness was thin, like some sleazy dress that has been worn and worn for many winters and always lets the cold through to the bones —Eudora Welty
  39. Dim as a cave of the sea —Richard Wilbur
  40. Dim as a cellar in midafternoon —Joyce Cary
  41. Dim as an ill-lit railroad coach —Natascha Wodin
  42. (My sun has set, I) dwell in darkness as a dead man out of sight —Christina Rossetti
  43. Light … drained out of the windows like a sink —William H. Gass
  44. So dark and murky it [a movie, The Fugitive Kind,] looked like everyone was drowning in chocolate syrup —Tennessee Williams, quoted in interview with Rex Reed

Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. darkness - absence of light or illuminationdarkness — absence of light or illumination  


illumination — the degree of visibility of your environment

night — darkness; «it vanished into the night»

lightlessness, pitch blackness, total darkness, black, blackness — total absence of light; «they fumbled around in total darkness»; «in the black of night»

brownout, dimout, blackout — darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)

semidarkness — partial darkness

2. darkness — an unilluminated area; «he moved off into the darkness»

shadow, dark

scene — the place where some action occurs; «the police returned to the scene of the crime»

3. darkness — absence of moral or spiritual values; «the powers of darkness»

iniquity, wickedness, dark

condition, status — a state at a particular time; «a condition (or state) of disrepair»; «the current status of the arms negotiations»

foulness — disgusting wickedness and immorality; «he understood the foulness of sin»; «his display of foulness deserved severe punishment»; «mouths which speak such foulness must be cleansed»

4. darkness — an unenlightened state; «he was in the dark concerning their intentions»; «his lectures dispelled the darkness»


unenlightenment — a lack of understanding

5. darkness — having a dark or somber color

value — relative darkness or lightness of a color; «I establish the colors and principal values by organizing the painting into three values—dark, medium…and light»-Joe Hing Lowe

lightness — having a light color

6. darkness — a swarthy complexion

swarthiness, duskiness

complexion, skin color, skin colour — the coloring of a person’s face

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. dark, shadows, shade, gloom, obscurity, blackness, murk, dimness, murkiness, duskiness, shadiness The room was plunged into darkness.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



Absence or deficiency of light:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.






dimma, myrkurmyrkur







bóng tối

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈdɑːrknɪs] nobscurité f
The room was in darkness → La chambre était dans l’obscurité.
to be plunged into darkness → être plongé(e) dans l’obscurité

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(fig: = sinisterness) → Finsterkeit f

(fig: = gloominess, sadness) → Düsterkeit f

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(daːk) adjective

1. without light. a dark room; It’s getting dark; the dark (= not cheerful) side.

2. blackish or closer to black than white. a dark red colour; a dark (= not very white or fair) complexion; Her hair is dark.

3. evil and usually secret. dark deeds; a dark secret.


absence of light. in the dark; afraid of the dark; He never goes out after dark; We are in the dark (= we have no knowledge) about what is happening.

ˈdarken verb

to make or become dark or darker.

ˈdarkness noun

the state of being dark.

keep it dark

to keep something a secret. They’re engaged to be married but they want to keep it dark.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


ظُلْمَة temnota mørke Dunkelheit σκότος oscuridad, tinieblas pimeys obscurité tama oscurità 暗さ 어둠 duisternis mørke ciemność escuridão темнота mörker ความมืด karanlık bóng tối 黑暗

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The complete (or partial) absence of light is darkness. If you’ve ever lost power in your house during a nighttime storm, you know what it’s like to be suddenly engulfed in darkness.


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The state of being dark; lack of light.

The darkness of the room made it difficult to see.



The product of being dark.

Еще значения (2)



The state or quality of reflecting little light, of tending to a blackish or brownish color.

The darkness of her skin betrayed her Mediterranean heritage.



Evilness, lack of understanding or compassion, reference to death or suffering.

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There are degrees of darkness, from the complete darkness of the woods on a moonless night to the darkness of a room lit by candlelight. Darkness is open to interpretation, since it’s defined as a lack of light. There’s also a figurative darkness, which can represent wickedness, sadness, ignorance, or simply mystery: «The details of their adventures would remain in darkness, unless one of them wrote a book someday.»

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темнота, мрак, темень, морока, хмурость


- темнота; мрак; ночь

complete / pitch / total darkness — кромешная темнота
under the cover of darkness — под покровом темноты
to dissipate darkness — рассеять мрак
Stygian gloom /darkness/ — адский мрак

- темнота, невежество
- тёмный цвет; тёмный фон
- смуглость
- мрачность

the darkness of despair — мрачное отчаяние; безысходность отчаяния

- слепота
- тьма (особ. библ.)

Egyptian darkness — библ. тьма египетская
pitch darkness — тьма кромешная
the powers of darkness — силы тьмы
the deeds of darkness — тёмные дела

- секретность, тайна
- неясность, загадочность, смутность

the darkness of a subject — неясность темы

- воен. затемнение
- косм. тень (Земли)

Мои примеры


the hours of darkness — ночные часы  

Примеры с переводом

Darkness closed down on the city.

Над городом сгустилась тьма.

She sat in the dark room alone.

Она сидела в темной комнате одна.

It was a dark and stormy night.

Это была тёмная и бурная ночь.

We’d better get home before dark.

Нам лучше добраться домой до наступления темноты.

The room was in total darkness.

Комната была в полной темноте.

The red sunset merged into / with darkness.

Багровый закат переходил в сумерки.

We groped around in the darkness.

Мы пошарили вокруг в темноте.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He uses lots of darks in his decorating.

When darkness fell, he would venture out.

Soon it will be dark enough to see the stars.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

dark  — темный, черный, мрачный, темно, темнота, тьма, тень, потемки
darkly  — мрачно, загадочно, злобно, неясно

Other forms: darknesses

The complete (or partial) absence of light is darkness. If you’ve ever lost power in your house during a nighttime storm, you know what it’s like to be suddenly engulfed in darkness.

There are degrees of darkness, from the complete darkness of the woods on a moonless night to the darkness of a room lit by candlelight. Darkness is open to interpretation, since it’s defined as a lack of light. There’s also a figurative darkness, which can represent wickedness, sadness, ignorance, or simply mystery: «The details of their adventures would remain in darkness, unless one of them wrote a book someday.»

Definitions of darkness

  1. noun

    absence of light or illumination



    see moresee less


    light, lighting

    having abundant light or illumination


    show 9 types…
    hide 9 types…


    black, blackness, lightlessness, pitch blackness, total darkness

    total absence of light

    blackout, brownout, dimout

    darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)


    partial darkness

    cloudiness, overcast

    gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover

    shade, shadiness, shadowiness

    relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body

    dimness, duskiness

    the state of being poorly illuminated

    gloom, somberness, sombreness

    a state of partial or total darkness

    obscureness, obscurity

    the state of being indistinct or indefinite for lack of adequate illumination

    type of:


    the degree of visibility of your environment

  2. noun

    an unilluminated area

    “he moved off into the


    dark, shadow

  3. noun

    an unenlightened state

    “his lectures dispelled the



  4. noun

    absence of moral or spiritual values

    “the powers of


    dark, iniquity, wickedness

  5. noun

    having a dark or somber color

  6. noun

    a swarthy complexion

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Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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