Is configured a word

Asked by: Miss Jennifer Luettgen II

Score: 5/5
(73 votes)

Capable of being configured; customisable; permitting rearrangement or adjustment.

How do you spell configurable?

verb (used with object), con·fig·ured, con·fig·ur·ing. to design or adapt to form a specific configuration or for some specific purpose: The planes are being configured to hold more passengers in each row.

What is a synonym for configure?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for configure, like: build, structure, form, compose, make, setup, customize, pattern, shape, install and configuration.

How do you use configure in a sentence?

Examples of configure in a Sentence

The instructions tell you how to configure the kit correctly. The plane is configured for military use.

Is configurational a word?


45 related questions found

What is the meaning of Configurate?

: to give or assign a form to : fashion, shape, form.

What is use configuration?

A configuration file, often shortened to config file, defines the parameters, options, settings and preferences applied to operating systems (OSes), infrastructure devices and applications in an IT context. Software and hardware devices can be profoundly complex, supporting myriad options and parameters.

What does Configering mean?

to design or adapt to form a specific configuration or for some specific purpose: The planes are being configured to hold more passengers in each row. Computers. … to set up (a software program or device) for a particular computer, computer system, or task: to configure the printer for a wireless network.

How do I run Windows Setup?

The Run window offers one of the fastest ways to open the System Configuration tool. Simultaneously press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to launch it, type «msconfig», and then press Enter or click/tap on OK. The System Configuration tool should open immediately.

What is a configuration message?

Configuration message (OMACP) is an official app that lets you properly use SMS and MMS notifications on your Samsung device. You need this tool to be able to view received texts as well as multimedia messages. … Configuration message is an official Samsung app, and thus required on all devices from this brand.

What do you call someone who configures?

In practice the normal term would be installer, but configurer and configurator could be used.

What does the word configuration more nearly mean?

1a : relative arrangement of parts or elements: such as. (1) : shape. (2) : contour of land configuration of the mountains. (3) : functional arrangement a small business computer system in its simplest configuration.

Which is the closest synonym for the word customize?


  • custom-make.
  • tailor-make.
  • personalize.
  • tailor.
  • contrive.
  • design.
  • fashion.

What does non configurable mean?

if the machine is not customizable this means you can’t select any changes and have to just order the base model.

What is configurable product?

A configurable product looks like a single product with drop-down lists of options for each variation. … You could achieve a similar effect by using a simple product with custom options, but without the ability to track inventory for each variation.

What is a configurable software?

Configurable software is flexible, scalable and can be continually shaped to meet an organization’s industry-specific and organization-specific needs.

Will there be a Windows 11?

Windows 11 is here, and if you own a PC, you might be wondering whether it’s time to upgrade your operating system. After all, you are likely to get this new software free. Microsoft first revealed its new operating system in June, its first major software upgrade in six years.

How do I run an EXE file on Windows 10?

If installation doesn’t start automatically, browse the disc to find the program setup file, usually called Setup.exe or Install.exe. Open the file to start installation. Insert the disc into your PC, and then follow the instructions on your screen. You might be asked for an admin password.

What are the requirements for Windows 10?

Windows 10 system requirements

  • Latest OS: Make sure you’re running the latest version—either Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update. …
  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC.
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit.
  • Hard disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit OS or 20 GB for 64-bit OS.

What does consigliere mean in English?

: a person who serves as an adviser or counselor to the leader of a criminal organization the consigliere of a Mafia family I remember both the book and movie [The Godfather] portrayed a sitdown of the dons.

What confided means?

1 : to have confidence : trust We cannot confide wholly in our own powers. 2 : to show confidence by imparting secrets confide in a friend. transitive verb. 1 : to tell confidentially He dared not confide the secret to his family. 2 : to give to the care or protection of another : entrust …

What does configuring Roblox mean?

The Configuration object is intended to be placed inside a BasePart in a Model or Tool . It was originally intended to be used with a tool that provided a GUI interface to edit these properties. However it is more common now for developers to edit these values directly in the Roblox Studio properties window.

What is your configuration?

A configuration is the way a system is set up, or the assortment of components that make up the system. Configuration can refer to hardware, software, or a combination of both.

What is configuration example?

The definition of configuration is the way parts are arranged to work together. … When you try to set up your computer hardware and software to work the way you want such as adding a wireless mouse and keyboard, this is an example of configuration.

Why do we need configuration files?

In computing, configuration files (commonly known simply as config files) are files used to configure the parameters and initial settings for some computer programs. They are used for user applications, server processes and operating system settings. … Others periodically check the configuration files for changes.

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If PHP is configured with safe mode, no files outside this directory




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Если PHP сконфигурирован с безопасный режим, файлы вне этой директории не обрабатываются.


After the client is configured, the refresh operation



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После настройки клиента обновление выполняется автоматически.

Ensure that each 22 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter is configured on the same operating radio channel.


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Убедитесь, что для всех адаптеров PCI Adapter сконфигурирован один и тот же рабочий радиоканал.


After a method is configured, it can then


enabled or disabled.

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После настройки метода его можно включить и отключить.

The permitted mode is configured based on application requirement.


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Конфигурация допустимого режима основана на условиях применения.


After confirmation, Traktor DJ automatically starts Z1, which is configured and ready to go.


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После подтверждения, Traktor DJ автоматически запускает Z1, который сконфигурирован и готов к работе.


Clients connect to a management point that is configured for Internet-based client management.

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Клиенты подключаются к точке управления, настроенной для интернет- управления клиентами.

BDE system is configured using the BDE Administrator BDEADMIN. EXE.

By modifying this resistor as the SLI is configured, an Ultra can


turned into an SLI.

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Изменяя этот резистор, поскольку SLI конфигурируется, Ultra может быть превращен в SLI.

PSG works with you to ensure your system is configured and implemented according to best practices.


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Сотрудничество с PSG гарантирует оптимальность настройки и внедрения вашей системы.


Select an application pool that is configured to use the version of the.

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Выберите пул приложений, настроенный на использование версии.

Terminator to intercept this entity is configured and will


sent via.


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Терминатор для перехвата данной сущности конфигурируется и будет отправлен через.


These steps may vary depending on how Windows 8 is configured on your system.


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Данные шаги могут отличаться в зависимости от способа настройки Windows 8 в системе.


NET Framework, you can select an application pool that is configured for no managed code.

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NET Framework, можно выбрать пул приложений, настроенный для управляемого кода.

The liquid in the constant temperature bath is configured as follows:

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Жидкость в ванне с постоянной температурой конфигурируется следующим образом:

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Check your computer manual to make sure that the PCI slot is configured properly.


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Обратитесь к руководству по компьютеру, чтобы проверить правильность настройки гнезда PCI.


Specifies that the client is configured dynamically by the server when it connects.

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Указывает, что настройка клиента выполняется динамически сервером при подключении.

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Позволяет регистрировать номер порта сервера, настроенного для служб.

Regardless of how your remote desktop architecture is configured, ThinPrint offers you.


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Независимо от конфигурации архитектуры удаленного рабочего стола ThinPrint предлагает следующие возможности.


Depending on how the installation is configured, irregular coloring.


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В зависимости от конфигурации установки может произойти нарушение цветопередачи.


Each line is configured separately in mode of working with 2 independent output lines.


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В режиме с двумя независимыми выходными линиями настройка выполняется для каждой линии отдельно.


Any counter that is configured with the All instances option selected cannot


learned by Essentials2007.

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Operations Manager2007 не может настраивать счетчик с включенным параметром Все экземпляры.

Make sure a field of type Label is configured with the Fields function see menu.


The following procedure shows how a typical connection is configured.

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Следующая процедура показывает, как настроить типичное подключение.

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Заданное значение задается внутри как фиксированное- 100.


In Debian ntpd is configured to drop root privileges, which limits the impact of this issue.


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В Debian ntpd настроена так, чтобы права суперпользователя сбрасывались, что ограничивает опасность этой проблемы.


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When the proper IP information is configured press MENU to go to the next setting.


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Когда необходимая IP информация будет сконфигурирована, нажимайте кнопку MENU для перехода к следующим установкам.


Results: 527,
Time: 0.0417





They each have their own uses, although some would argue configure can be used in place of configurate in most scenarios.

According to MWD and,


  • to give or assign a form to
  • to give a configuration, form, or design to


  • to set up for operation especially in a particular way.
  • to design or adapt to form a specific configuration or for some specific purpose

Configure should be used to describe the formation of a configuration.

Configurate can be used to describe the assignment of a configuration.

It should be noted that configurate is a back-formation of configure.

Given the little context you’ve given us, it appears the email did incorrectly use configurate. If you’d include the entire text with the question we would know for sure but it does appear they did mean configured, instead.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

When such messages are received, there is no audio notification, even if one is configured for regular incoming SMS messages.

Такие сообщения принимаются без звукового оповещения, даже если оно настроено для обычных входящих SMS сообщений.

Start the external editor (if one is configured) with the current contents of the editor window.

Запускает внешний редактор (если он настроен), с содержанием текущего окна редактора.

However, if one is configured on the full disposal of these arthropods, it may simply transferring them or seek the assistance of insecticides.

Однако если человек настроен именно на полное избавление от этих членистоногих, то он может просто передавить их или обратиться к помощи инсектицидов.

Of the two on-board computers, one is configured as backup and will take over in the event of problems with the main computer.

Из двух бортовых компьютеров один настроен в качестве резервного и возьмёт на себя управление в случае возникновения проблем с основным компьютером.

while the other one is configured as Expansion.

Other results

One electrode is configured as a periodic electric potential electrode, while the other electrode is configured as a ground electrode.

Один электрод сконфигурирован как электрод с периодическим электрическим потенциалом, в то время как другой электрод сконфигурирован как заземляющий электрод.

Thankfully, Windows 10 only sends ANQP queries if at least one Hotspot 2.0 is configured.

К счастью, Windows 10 посылает только ANQP запросы, если по крайней мере один Hotspot 2.0 сконфигурирован.

Note: The Microsoft Outlook products for various versions of MacOS do not work correctly with the MSN method if more that one account is configured in those products.

Обратите внимание: В случаях, если в продуктах Microsoft Outlook для некоторых версий MacOS есть настройки для более чем одного пользователя, то эти продукты работают с методом MSN некорректно.

The One Macro is configured with 4GB of RAM and 64GB storage, which you can expand via the hybrid card slot — it’s a choice between two nano-SIMs or nano-SIM + microSD.

One Macro сконфигурирован с 4 ГБ оперативной памяти и 64 ГБ памяти, которую вы можете расширить через слот гибридной карты — это выбор между двумя нано-SIM-картами или нано-SIM + microSD.

These validators will also be actively staking ETH, thus a user’s balance should go up over time if one‘s node is configured correctly.

Эти валидаторы также будут активно ставить ЕТН, поэтому баланс пользователя должен увеличиваться со временем, если один узел настроен правильно.

The at least one processor 3 is configured to receive input commands from the user interface 13 and also to provide output commands to the user interface 13.

Указанный по меньшей мере один процессор З конфигурирован для приема входных команд от пользовательского интерфейса 13, а также для передачи выходных команд в пользовательский интерфейс 13.

When more than one area is configured, one area is designated as area 0 — also called the backbone.

If more than one area is configured, one of these areas must be Area 0.

определено более одной области, то одна из областей назначается в качестве области 0 — также

One more DHCP scope is configured on the controller.

wherein at least one processor is configured to execute changes to the set of agents, and

где по меньшей мере одно из звеньев полки регулируемое с целью изменения ширины по меньшей мере одного из слотов, и

This requires that at least one trusted root CA is configured on or accessible through your network and that client computers have an associated computer certificate.

Для этого необходимо, чтобы был настроен или доступен по сети по крайней мере один доверенный корневой центр сертификации и чтобы клиентские компьютеры имели соответствующий сертификат компьютера.

at least one computer arrangement which is configured to

Dynamic link aggregation can be negotiated if one port group is configured to be the «active» group while the

Динамический агрегированный канал может быть установлен, если одна группа портов настроена как «активная» группа, в то время как другая настроена в качестве «пассивной» группы.

When the vehicle travels forward, the one-way clutch 50 is configured so as to engage, thereby locking the rotations of the ring gears 24A and 24B.

При перемещении транспортного средства вперед одностороння муфта 50 может зацепляться, тем самым, блокируя вращение кольцевых зубчатых колес 24А и 24В.

In one embodiment the agent is configured to establish a cellular data connection under special circumstances, for example if attempts to connect via the internet have been unsuccessful for more than a predetermined time period.

В одном из вариантов выполнения агент настраивают так, чтобы он устанавливал соединение для передачи данных по сотовой связи при возникновении особых обстоятельств, например, если попытки связаться через сеть Интернет в течение заранее заданного периода времени оказались безуспешными.

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Definitions For Configured


  • Organized so as to give configuration to


  • To arrange or prepare (something) so that it can be used

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The word Configured is worth 17 points in Scrabble and 21 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Configured in a Sentence

  • The instructions tell you how to configure the kit correctly.
  • The plane is configured for military use.

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