Is concerning a real word

Asked by: Dr. Arnaldo Kub II

Score: 4.4/5
(20 votes)

The use of concerning as an adjective, meaning «giving cause for concern,» is decried by some as being a misuse of the present participle of the verb concern. … Both participles are from the transitive sense of the verb frighten.

When did concerning become a word?

The first known use of concerning was in 1535.

How do you use the word concerning?

Concerning sentence example

  1. He reiterated his concern for the utmost confidentiality concerning the location. …
  2. Arguments concerning contact with tip lines became heated as well. …
  3. When Dean questioned her, she told of receiving a phone call concerning that same property some weeks earlier.

What’s the difference between concerning and disconcerting?

As adjectives the difference between concerning and disconcerting. is that concerning is causing concern; worrisome while disconcerting is tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting.

Can the word concerning be a preposition?

See -cern-. concern is a noun and a verb, concerned is an adjective, concerning is a preposition:His low grades concern me.

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Is Long a preposition?

Long is an adjective or an adverb.

What is an example of a preposition?

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like «in,» «at,» «on,» «of,» and «to

What is concerning in grammar?

The use of concerning as an adjective, meaning «giving cause for concern,» is decried by some as being a misuse of the present participle of the verb concern. … Both participles are from the transitive sense of the verb frighten.

What does Disconcerning mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to throw into confusion disconcerting their plans. 2 : to disturb the composure of were disconcerted by his tone of voice.

What is Disconcerning?

adjective. disturbing to one’s composure or self-possession; upsetting, discomfiting. confusing, usually in the face of something totally unexpected; perplexing.

How do you use the word concern in a sentence?

They have raised concerns about the cost of the project. Their friend’s health is a constant concern. His concern with the well-being of his family is obvious. She has always shown genuine concern for the poor.

Is Unconcerning a word?

(obsolete) Not interesting or affecting; insignificant.

What is the opposite of concerning?

concerning. Antonyms: omitting, disregarding. Synonyms: about, of, relating, regarding, touching, respecting, with respect to, with regard to, relative to.

Is it correct to say concerned about?

It is also acceptable to say you have a concern or are concerned over something (rather than «about»). Also you may say you are concerned for someone or something. None of them if you want to use the verb concern. The state of my father’s health concerns us greatly.

What is the synonym of concerning?

Synonyms for concerning. covering, dealing (with), pertaining (to), treating (of)

What is a discerning man?

adjective. If you describe someone as discerning, you mean that they are able to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad.

Is disconcerting a bad word?

«Disconcerning» is actually not a word–at least not a correct one. … If the non-word has crept into your vocabulary, below are words you may intend: Disconcerting may mean «embarrassing,» «confusing,» «frustrating» (as in «upsetting»), or «disturbing the composure of» depending on the context.

Who is a discerning person?

To be discerning is to be able to tell things apart—to separate them, even when they appear to be very similar. People who are discerning are able to make keen observations about things. A person with a discerning palate may be able to discern flavors that others cannot.

What type of word is towards?

Towards is a preposition — Word Type.

What do you mean by alarming?

: causing people to feel danger or alarm or to be worried or frightened alarming news The statistics revealed an alarming increase in childhood obesity.

What is this word poured?

transitive verb. 1a : to cause to flow in a stream. b : to dispense from a container poured drinks for everyone. 2 : to supply or produce freely or copiously poured money into the project. 3 : to give full expression to : vent poured out his feelings.

What are the 4 main types of prepositions?

There are following types of prepositions.

  • Simple Preposition. When a preposition consists of one word is called single or simple preposition. …
  • Double Preposition. …
  • Compound Preposition. …
  • Participle Preposition. …
  • Disguised Prepositions. …
  • Phrase Prepositions.

How do you identify a preposition in a sentence?

A preposition is an important part of the English language. It is used to show a relationship between a noun or pronoun in a sentence and another word in the sentence. A preposition must always be followed by a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It can never be followed by a verb.

What are 10 common prepositions?

A preposition usually precedes a noun or a pronoun. Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

  • #1

Hi guys. I am wondering what the difference is between «concerning» and «regarding»

Ex 1:
This information regards the ticket
This information concerns the ticket

Ex 2:
This is an email response concerning your questions
This is an email response regarding your questions

When am I supposed to use these two words? Is there a rule?

  • judkinsc

    • #2

    «regarding» literally refers to «looking», but it is typically used as «in regards to…» or «regarding…».

    In the first example, I would not use «regards», but you could say «This information is in regards to your ticket.» if you wished to give more information about the ticket.

    I don’t have a rule for you there, they seem pretty much the same. «regards» is a bit more eloquent, is all.

    • #3

    Thanks a lot for your reply.

    and if I say… Information «regarding» xxx… or Information concerning xxx

    I am stuck with those two words since I don’t know the right usage.

    I have seen «regarding» and «concerning» in many cases but I can’t distinguish the difference.

    Maybe it may have some significance as well depending on the context or situation.

    Thanks to everybody and to you judkinsc.

    • #4

    Another possibility:

    «This is the ticket information» Or «This is the ticket information you requested»
    «This email is in response to your questions.» Or «In response to your questions of December 14. . .»


    • #5

    In most cases «concerning» and «regarding» and «with regard to» are flourishy ways of saying about. Why not just keep it simple?

    Information about the tickets.


    • #6

    mggrlica said:

    Hi guys. I am wondering what the difference is between «concerning» and «regarding»

    Ex 1:
    This information regards the ticket
    This information concerns the ticket

    Ex 2:
    This is an email response concerning your questions
    This is an email response regarding your questions

    When am I supposed to use these two words? Is there a rule?

    I wouldn’t often use «regarding» or «concerning». «About» is usually good enough. But if pressed to comment, I would suggest either:
    This information concerns the ticket you bought yesterday …
    This is information regarding the ticket you bought yesterday …

    My own choice would be either:
    This information is about the ticket …
    This is information about the ticket …

    Regarding and concerning have other meanings that distract from the message you are trying to get across.

    This is an email about …
    …sounds perfectly OK to me.

    This doesn’t really answer your question — but I think it is worth suggesting that regarding and concerning are terms from the pseudo-formal past. About is a perfectly good alternative in most cases.

    • #7

    I prefer the single word substitute about, regarding, concerning over in regard to.

    • #8

    Thanks guys!

    It has helped me a lot already but there is still something stuck in my mind.

    If «concerning» or «regarding» is the same as the word «about», what do people use it for? Is it more formal in a way to use «regarding and concerning»?

    So, if we exclude my sentences from my first thread and we forget everything above… pretending I don’t know anything about «regarding» and «concerning» . What would you guys suggest me about those two words? When am I supposed to use them? What do they really mean? In what contexts am I supposed to use them?

    Thanks again to everybody that has tried to help me.


    • #9

    «This email is regarding and concerning» would be redundant.

    Use them if you want to say «xxxxx is about xxxxx», to make it more formal.

    «xxxx is in regards to yyyy» Often «yyyy» is something in the past. i.e. «your last email».

    «aaaa concerns your/a/the bbbb» Often used for many things.

    «cccc is concerning your/a/the dddd» The same as «concerns».

    We don’t say «xxxx regards yyyy». This is too literally, «xxxx is looking at gggg».

    «Regards» is often a way to sign a letter.

    My regards,


    • #10

    Using either concerning or regarding in place of about is a matter of genuine, habitual or attempted formality.

    With reference to your letter of 14 December 2005 concerning the property in dispute, I can assure you that … it’s mine, all mine, and you’re getting none of it:p

    You may detect a shift in style somewhere in that sentence:)

    I would prefer a simpler sentence using about but that’s because I often try to keep communications as simple as possible (except here, of course:) ). But if I had already written everything up the end of the date in that sentence, I would almost certainly write either concerning or regarding, not about, simply because they fit the tone of the sentence better.

    I looked for web sources and found THIS ONE, which suggests using about, or on, in place of either concerning or regarding. You would need to search for concerning or regarding, but the references are very short, saying no more than I have said. The rest of the guide is worth a look, along with the many others you may favour:D

    • #11

    Ex 1:
    This information about the ticket

    Ex 2:
    This is an email in response to your questions
    This is an email in/with regard to your questions

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2018

    context icon

    Do you want to experience for yourself what a real concern for small children.


    Political issues are a real concern. Congressman Bedell is


    we are taking the Antineoplastons away from Burzynski.

    context icon

    Вопрос политики является реальной проблемой. конгрессмен Беделл обеспокоен тем,

    что мы забираем Антинеопластоны у Буржински.

    While this is a real concern, ways need to be found through,

    for instance, more realistic and attainable results within the time frame of the budget period.


    context icon

    Хотя это и является реальной проблемой, необходимо находить обходные пути,

    например за счет определения более реалистичных и достижимых результатов в течение периода действия бюджета.


    Outside our circle here, there is scant evidence that the

    prolonged inactivity of this body is causing any real concern.


    context icon

    За пределами нашего здесь круга имеются скудные признаки того,

    что продолжительное бездействие нашего форума вызывает сколь- либо реальную озабоченность.


    Real concern was expressed over the unacceptable loss of so many lives in the course of

    humanitarian activities and the absolute imperative that this be resolutely addressed.


    context icon

    Была выражена реальная обеспокоенность недопустимой гибелью столь многих людей в ходе гуманитарных операций

    и подчеркивалась абсолютная необходимость срочного решения этой проблемы.


    There is a great need for action on land-mines, and the real concern of States

    and peoples provides an opportunity to strengthen the Convention and widen adherence.


    context icon

    Проблема наземных мин настоятельно требует конкретных действий, а реальная озабоченность государств и народов открывает

    возможность для укрепления Конвенции и обеспечения более широкого присоединения к ней.


    Real concern for children was not a question of meting out charity,

    but of creating the bases for a strong economy, a just society and peace.


    context icon

    Реальная забота о детях— это не только благотворительность, но

    и создание базы для сильной экономики, справедливого общества и мира.


    These are by no means groundless fears or alarmist talk,


    context icon

    И тут речь идет вовсе не о беспочвенных страхах и не о паникерских настроениях,


    He admitted that there was real concern that most of the countries subsidizing such positions were developed countries.


    However, there is a real concern that the number of countries that do not extend

    invitations for in situ visits is increasing.


    context icon

    направляют приглашения для поездок на места.


    There is a great need for action on land-mines, and the real concern of States

    and peoples provides an opportunity to strengthen the Convention and widen adherence.


    context icon

    в этом вопросе дает возможность укреплять Конвенцию и расширять круг ее участников.


    The real concern is that the target amount will not be sufficient to

    address the current global needs in all four Conference areas.


    context icon

    Существует серьезное опасение в том, что достижения этого целевого показателя не будет достаточно

    для удовлетворения текущих потребностей во всех четырех областях, определенных на Конференции.


    The view was

    expressed that non-registration of space objects constituted not only a violation of international law but also a real concern, since orbital objects,

    including debris, and the multiplication of launch services were placing new constraints on global space activities.


    context icon

    Было высказано мнение,

    что нерегистрация космических объектов является не только нарушением международного права, но и реальной проблемой, поскольку появление орбитальных объектов,

    включая мусор, и многократное расширение услуг по запуску накладывают новые ограничения на глобальную космическую деятельность.


    I also sensed the real concern felt by many delegations at the continued paralysis in the Conference’s work,

    at a time when the world is witnessing sweeping changes in all domains, including in the field of disarmament.


    context icon

    Я также ощущал у многих делегаций реальную озабоченность по поводу продолжающегося паралича в работе Конференции в то самое время,

    когда мир наблюдает кардинальные перемены во всех областях, включая и сферу разоружения.


    In EU countries, more stringent water quality objectives and progress towards full cost recovery also mean that

    paying for water and sanitation services is becoming a real concern for lower-income families.


    context icon

    В странах ЕС более жесткие требования к качеству воды и прогресс в достижении полной окупаемости затрат также означают,

    что оплата услуг водоснабжения и санитарии становится реальной проблемой для домохозяйств с невысоким доходом.


    It may therefore be asserted that the EMTA opposition to legislative measures to curtail vulture fund

    activity is actuated more by self-interest than a real concern for the development prospects of poor countries.


    context icon

    Поэтому можно утверждать, что противодействие ТАФР законодательным мерам по ограничению деятельности фондов- стервятников вызвано, скорее,

    ее собственными интересами, нежели реальной заботой о перспективах развития бедных стран.


    Given that in the Cook Islands for most couples the principal bread winner remains the husband,

    there is a real concern that current law provides women with inadequate

    property protections in the event of the death of her husband.


    context icon

    Учитывая, что на Островах Кука основным кормильцем семьи остается муж,

    права на собственность в случае смерти мужа.


    In European Union countries, more stringent water quality objectives and progress towards full cost recovery also means that paying

    for water and sanitation services has become a real concern for lower income families.


    context icon

    В странах Европейского союза более жесткие целевые показатели качества воды и прогресс на пути к полному покрытию расходов также означают,

    что оплата услуг водоснабжения и санитарии стала реальной проблемой для семей с более низкими доходами.


    Within the scientific community there is widespread scepticism that such

    systems could ever work effectively, and real concern that their deployment could lead to a new arms race,

    set back nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation policies, and create new incentives for missile proliferation.


    context icon

    В научных кругах широко распространены скептицизм относительно того,

    что такие системы смогут когда-либо работать эффективно, и реальная обеспокоенность тем, что их развертывание может привести к новой гонке вооружений,

    подорвать политику в области ядерного разоружения и нераспространения и создать новые стимулы к распространению ракет.


    The real concern that I have sensed among many delegations over the abiding paralysis

    in the Conference’s work is counterbalanced by an equal measure of


    on the part of all delegations to preserve the credibility of the Conference as the sole multilateral forum for disarmament negotiations.


    context icon

    Реальная озабоченность, которая, как я ощутил, присутствует среди многих делегаций в связи с довлеющим

    параличом в работе Конференции, в равной степени уравновешивается заботой всех делегаций о сохранении убедительности Конференции как единственного многостороннего форума о разоруженческих переговорах.


    If there is any real concern about the credibility of the non-proliferation regime,

    a win-win approach is set to achieve it, and we stand ready to take this approach here in the CD.


    context icon

    И если есть какаято реальная озабоченность по поводу убедительности нераспространенческого режима,

    то для ее достижения предлагается взаимовыигрышный подход, и мы готовы принять этот подход здесь, на КР.


    It is only when we have a real concern for the other, when we are compassionate about the other,

    that we take the first step/action to alleviate the other’s burden.


    context icon

    Только тогда, когда у нас есть реальная забота о другом, когда мы милосердны друг о друге, что

    мы возьмем первый шаг/ действие, чтобы облегчить бремя у другого.


    An action that emanates from a real concern and compassion for the other

    and brought to God’s ready and always in-waiting providential grace allows God’s hand to move on our behalf.


    context icon

    Действие, которое исходит из реальной заботы и сострадания к другим, и привел

    к Богу и готов всегда ожидающего промыслительное благодать позволяет Божья рука, чтобы двигаться от нашего имени.


    It was also stated that real concern existed on the part of communities;

    they feared that without equal access to resources they would not only lose their culture but also the chance to modernize.


    context icon

    Было также заявлено о реальной озабоченности, проявляемой различными общинами, которые опасаются,

    что, не имея равного доступа к ресурсам, они утратят не только свою культуру, но и шанс осуществить модернизацию своего общества.


    The real concern is whether these amounts will be sufficient

    to meet the family planning and reproductive health needs, given that most of the increase would be due to increases in HIV/AIDS funding. B. Key areas requiring further attention.


    context icon

    Реальное опасение заключается в том, будет ли этих средств достаточно

    для удовлетворения потребностей в областях планирования семьи и охраны репродуктивного здоровья с учетом того, что значительная часть этого увеличения объясняется расширением финансирования деятельности по борьбе с ВИЧ/ СПИДом.


    Furthermore, the Task Force found at the highest levels of Pristina Airport management a readiness to handle public funds provided by the Kosovo Trust Agency

    as well as revenues generated by the airport without any real concern about accountability.


    context icon

    Кроме того, Целевая группа обнаружила на высших уровнях руководства Приштинского аэропорта готовность распоряжаться государственными средствами, предоставленными Косовским траст- агентством,

    а также выручкой от работы аэропорта без всякой реальной заботы об ответственности.


    Mr. VAUGHN-FENN(United Kingdom) said that his delegation’s decision to call a vote on the draft resolution should in no way be

    taken to mean that his Government underestimated the sponsors’ real concern regarding mercenary activities.


    context icon

    Г-н ВОН- ФЕНН( Соединенное Королевство) говорит, что решение его делегации призвать к проведению голосования по проекту резолюции никоим образом не следует расценивать как

    факт недооценки его правительством реальной озабоченности авторов проекта резолюции в связи с деятельностью наемников.


    The security situation, however, remains a real concern for all, despite the decrease in security related events in December 2011

    and January 2012, compared to the previous two-month reporting period of last year.


    context icon

    В то же время обстановка в

    плане безопасности остается источником всеобщей реальной тревоги, даже несмотря на снижение в декабре 2011 года и январе 2012 года—

    по сравнению с предыдущим двухмесячным отчетным периодом прошлого года— числа сказывающихся на безопасности событий.


    Achieving the internationally agreed Millennium Development Goals is vital,

    and we have a real concern that the proposed 2010 interim targets in the draft

    outcomes document are not sufficiently ambitious.


    context icon

    Достижение согласованных на международном уровне целей


    области развития, сформулированных



    тысячелетия, имеет важнейшее значение, и мы испытываем реальную озабоченность в связи с тем, что промежуточные показатели,

    предложенные на 2010 год


    проекте итогового документа, являются недостаточно смелыми.


    The use of concerning as an adjective, meaning «giving cause for concern,» is decried by some as being a misuse of the present participle of the verb concern. However, there are countless precedents in the English language of a verb’s present participle being used as an adjective: troubling, alarming, caring, to name a few. So what’s the concern over the participle adjective concerning?

    alt 5aa6da5e4eac1

    ‘Concerning’ tends to have less threatening connotations than analogous words like ‘alarming’ or ‘distressing.’

    First, a refresher on participles. There’s the present participle, which has the ending -ing, and the past participle, usually ending in -d or -ed. The present participle is sometimes used as an adjective for something that causes a certain feeling or emotion to overcome a person or animal—for example, when a person describes a clown as «frightening,» that person is saying that the clown is making them afraid. On the other hand, the past participle is used as an adjective to describe a person or animal that has been caused to experience a certain feeling or emotion, as in «the frightened dog,» which means someone or something (probably a clown) has made the dog afraid. Both participles are from the transitive sense of the verb frighten. (Transitive verbs have objects; the implied person and the stated dog in our examples are the objects that are frightened.)

    Concern is also a transitive verb relating to feeling or emotion, as in «The child’s behavior concerns the parents» (the object being «parents»). It is from its past participle that we get the adjective concerned, as in «concerned parents.» By rule, the present participle can also be applied as an adjective—and it has been since the 17th century, when it appears with the meaning «important,» in constructions such as «a very concerning question to ponder.» A century later, concerning could also mean «giving cause for concern.» Inexplicably, the adjective falls into disuse by the 20th century. By that century’s end, however, it experiences a revival—to the chagrin of those who strive for clarity.

    The objection to the adjective relates chiefly to statements like «The text message was concerning» that become cliff-hangers for those expecting an object to follow the verb. «Concerning what?,» they ask (often with an exclamation point added for emphasis and in frustration). In addition, they might point out that concerning is being mistakenly used for disconcerting, meaning «disturbing» or «upsetting.» (It’s likely that rewording our example to «a concerning text message» would have avoided this chiding altogether.)

    Concerning could very well be considered an eggcorn of disconcerting. In statements like «The text message contained some concerning content» or «It’s concerning that the building failed inspection,» it certainly can be argued that disconcerting is being misinterpreted as concerning. However, usage evidence shows a trend of people using the adjective concerning, meaning «giving cause for concern,» without concern of being criticized.

    As unnerving as driverless cars may seem, change can be hard for many people to accept. … Just consider how many people find it concerning every time Apple changes its charging cord on the iPhone. Yes, it’s concerning. But, we adapt … because we have to.
    — David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom, Forbes, 14 Apr. 2017

    One reason for the uptick in use may be the word’s softer and less threatening connotation in contrast with analogous words like alarming, troubling, and distressing. When an issue is said to be «concerning,» it’s worrisome but the notion of an alarm calling for immediate action doesn’t usually come to mind.

    In many cases, says [Martin] Taylor, the conservation status of the region’s birds is directly linked to human demands on resources that drive expanded agricultural programmes, afforestation, mining and urban growth. «Habitat loss is one of the most concerning threats while pollution from agriculture, mining and manufacturing centres are just as concerning.»
    The Independent Online (South Africa), 10 Mar. 2018

    We have no reason to criticize use of the present participle concerning as an adjective, as its formation and application are in line with others of its type. However, we do recommend avoiding its placement at the end of a sentence, especially in formal writing. Not everyone is familiar (or accepting) of the adjective, and not everyone will realize that you intentionally placed that period as a style choice, rather than a typo. They may just think you’re trying to clown them.

    заинтересованный, обеспокоенный, озабоченный, связанный, имеющий отношение


    - имеющий отношение (к чему-л.); связанный (с чем-л.)

    concerned with the crime — замешанный в этом преступлении

    - заинтересованный

    all concerned — все заинтересованные (лица)
    the parties concerned — заинтересованные стороны

    - озабоченный, обеспокоенный

    to have a concerned look /air/ — иметь озабоченный вид
    the concerned mothers anxiously waited for their children — взволнованные матери нетерпеливо поджидали своих детей

    - (in, with) занятый (чем-л.)

    concerned in the real estate business — занимающийся куплей и продажей недвижимости

    - увлечённый, интересующийся (особ. социальными проблемами); причастный

    concerned citizens — сознательные граждане
    our concerned youth — наша полная энтузиазма молодёжь

    Мои примеры


    factors concerned in the rise and fall of epidemics — факторы, связанные с возрастанием и падением числа эпидемий  
    a muster of concerned citizens — собрание обеспокоенных граждан  
    as far as his conduct is concerned — что касается его поведения  
    concerned person — заинтересованное лицо  
    concerned parties — заинтересованные стороны, участвующие стороны  
    concerned air — озабоченный вид  
    legally concerned — обеспечивающий правовую основу  
    parties concerned — участвующие стороны  
    to be vitally concerned — быть кровно заинтересованным  
    concerned in a business — участвовать в предприятии  
    be concerned about smth. — беспокоиться, заботиться о чем-л.  
    as far as smth is concerned — поскольку это касается кого-л./чего-л.  

    Примеры с переводом

    I’m a bit concerned about your health.

    Меня немного беспокоит твоё здоровье.

    Her mother looked concerned.

    Её мать выглядела взволнованной.

    He was concerned with English.

    Он занимался английским языком.

    We are naturally concerned about the future.

    Мы, естественно, озабочены будущим.

    Her family was very concerned for her safety.

    Её семья была обеспокоена её безопасностью.

    The conditions are acceptable to all concerned.

    Условия приемлемы для всех заинтересованных лиц.

    We are extremely concerned about his welfare.

    Мы очень обеспокоены тем, все ли у него благополучно.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    They didn’t seem overly concerned about the problem.

    The lawyers called a meeting of all the concerned parties.

    We are concerned by complaints that children are being bullied.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    concern  — концерн, беспокойство, интерес, забота, касаться, относиться, заботиться
    concerning  — относительно, касательно, относительно, касательно, касающийся
    unconcerned  — равнодушный, беззаботный, незаинтересованный, беспечный, не интересующийся

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    является реальной проблемой

    это реальная проблема

    представляет собой реальную проблему

    вызывает серьезную озабоченность

    это реальная забота

    The total loss of species through global extinction is a real concern.

    People with RA have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality from infections, and to discover that immunisation might not confer protection is a real concern.

    Люди с РА имеют повышенный риск заболеваемости и смертности от инфекций, и открытие того, что иммунизация может не обеспечивать защиту, является реальной проблемой.

    «If there is a threat to the winemakers, it is a real concern

    This is a real concern, so we need to emphasize the paramount importance of reducing emissions and how speculative these ideas are.

    Это реальная проблема, поэтому мы должны подчеркнуть важность сокращения выбросов и насколько рискованы эти идеи.

    Due to the nature of this activity, danger is a real concern.

    Cyber risk is a real concern for autonomous vehicles, and will need to be priced into insurance policies.

    That is a real concern that must be dealt with from a legal and technological standpoint.

    Это реальная проблема, которая должна решаться с юридической и технической точки зрения.

    This is a real concern for managers, teachers, therapists, and others who are interested in helping people develop useful self-efficacy beliefs.

    Это реальная проблема для менеджеров, учителей, терапевтов и других, которые заинтересованы в том, чтобы помочь людям развить полезные убеждения в собственной эффективности.

    No, this is a real concern For men with enlarged prostates in your age group.

    MDRSP is a real concern because it is challenging to treat and carries a higher risk of causing complications.

    Alzheimer’s is a real concern, but we needn’t fear that every slip is a sure sign.

    Болезнь Альцгеймера является реальной проблемой, но мы не должны бояться, ведь не каждый симптом является верным признаком.

    While this is a real concern, ways need to be found through, for instance, more realistic and attainable results within the time frame of the budget period.

    Хотя это и является реальной проблемой, необходимо находить обходные пути, например за счет определения более реалистичных и достижимых результатов в течение периода действия бюджета.

    The state of the world and of the planet is a real concern now and I am eager to follow what my soul dictates me to help in any way.

    Состояние мира и планеты является реальной проблемой, и теперь я в любых обстоятельствах стремлюсь следовать тому, что велит мне душа.

    This is a real concern for many businesses and organisations, but by investing in ergonomic furniture, not only is risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders such as damage to the joints in the neck and back reduced, but productivity is also enhanced.

    Это реальная проблема для многих детских учебных заведений, а недостаток инвестиций в эргономичную мебель — это не только риск развития костно-мышечной расстройств у детей, таких как повреждение суставов в области шеи и спины, но и понижение производительности учебного процесса.

    In this regard, it will be a tremendous challenge to cope with the fact that the Court will be operating in two to three different areas of the world in the medium to long term, and often in areas where safety is a real concern.

    В этой связи необходимость работы суда в двух-трех различных регионах мира в среднесрочной и долгосрочной перспективе, зачастую в районах, где безопасность является реальной проблемой, создаст колоссальную задачу.

    Drug diversion is a real concern for this class of drug, so the plan is to give the drug to providers who would then administer the drug to patients on-site, Sanacora said.

    «Переадресация наркотиков представляет собой реальную проблему для этого класса лекарств, но план состоит в том, что лекарство будет передано врачам, которые затем будут вводить лекарство пациентам на месте», — сказал Санакора.

    As such, financial responsibility is a real concern for all the players involved — from Infrastructure Ontario to Carillion to Marcomm Systems Group.

    Таким образом, финансовая ответственность является реальной проблемой для всех участвующих — от инфраструктуры до Магсомм Systems Group.

    Export of waste to countries with lower environmental standards is a real concern.

    This is a real concern for external legitimacy as well.

    That is why it is a real concern to us to minimize the consumption of energy and act ecologically in production.

    Именно поэтому по-настоящему важным для нас является минимизация потребления энергии, экологичное производство и использование продукции.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 71. Точных совпадений: 71. Затраченное время: 187 мс


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    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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