Is commonplace one word

Asked by: Hilario Witting

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(27 votes)

“Commonplaceness.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster,

What does Commonplaceness mean?

adjective. ordinary; undistinguished or uninteresting; without individuality: a commonplace person. trite; hackneyed; platitudinous: a commonplace remark.

Is it commonplace or a commonplace?

Noun It is a commonplace that we only use a small part of our brain’s capacity. We now accept cell phones and laptop computers as commonplaces of everyday life. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘commonplace.

Is common place one word?

Something commonplace is ordinary. … Things that are common can be found all over the place — they’re commonplace! The word is a literal translation of the Latin locus communis for «general topic.» Commonplace things and behavior are ordinary. For example, a commonplace job is a boring, mind-numbing task.

How do you say something is commonplace?


  1. average,
  2. common,
  3. cut-and-dried.
  4. (also cut-and-dry),
  5. everyday,
  6. garden-variety,
  7. normal,
  8. ordinary,

23 related questions found

What is a popinjay person?

: a strutting supercilious person.

What word means very old?

out-of-date. relic. rusty. timeworn. venerable.

What is the word semiaquatic mean?

: growing equally well in or adjacent to water also : frequenting but not living wholly in water.

What does it mean overstated?

transitive verb. : to state in too strong terms : exaggerate overstated his qualifications.

What is commonplace rhetoric?

In classical rhetoric, a commonplace is a statement or bit of knowledge that is commonly shared by members of an audience or a community.

Are not commonplace meaning?

adj. 1 ordinary; everyday. commonplace duties. 2 dull and obvious; trite.

How do you use commonplace?

Commonplace sentence example

  1. They just live their own old, quiet, and commonplace life, thought Natasha. …
  2. «Life is remarkably commonplace , if you think about it,» I countered. …
  3. It became a commonplace to say that he was put to death for an error of judgment.

Is commonplace an adjective?

COMMONPLACE (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What do you write in a commonplace book?

A commonplace book is a system for writing down and sorting all manner of tidbits: quotes, anecdotes, observations, and information gleaned from books, conversations, movies, song lyrics, social posts, podcasts, life experiences, or anything else that you might want to return to later.

What’s long in the tooth mean?

Getting on in years, old, as in Aunt Aggie’s a little long in the tooth to be helping us move. This expression alludes to a horse’s gums receding with age and making the teeth appear longer. [

What is the opposite sad?

Word. Antonym. Sad. Happy, Glad, Merry.

What’s a better word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What is Jackanape?

1a : an impudent or conceited fellow. b : a saucy or mischievous child. 2 : monkey, ape.

What does surgical Curettement mean?

curettement Add to list Share. Definitions of curettement. surgery to remove tissue or growths from a bodily cavity (as the uterus) by scraping with a curette. synonyms: curettage.

What is commonplace sentence?

Definition of Commonplace. ordinary; not unusual. Examples of Commonplace in a sentence. 1. Even though my sister and I equally shared the car, it was commonplace for the car to be missing from the driveway.

What’s the meaning of unexceptional?

: not out of the ordinary : commonplace.

What is the middle of the road?

: standing for or following a course of action midway between extremes especially : being neither liberal nor conservative in politics. middle of the road. noun phrase. Definition of middle of the road (Entry 2 of 2) : a course of action or a standpoint midway between extremes.

I realize this thread is old, however, people are still questioning the difference between «commonplace» and «common» and even «Common place»

I tend to agree with Regina grammaticae’s view on this, although she goes into a variant definition of common, the vulgar one and the shared among a group one.

Original question, part 1: «What is the difference between commonplace and common»

Common seems to be agreed upon. Common means something that is typical, without distinction. It can also mean something that is shared by a group (hence the word communal), and it can have a negative connotation meaning something is boring, lackluster, or uninteresting (consider the word «commoner»).
«It was common to find dirty socks on the teenager’s floor»

Commonplace is almost synonymous with common, but it adds a little more. Commonplace can, in all circumstances that I can think of, be used/replaced with common if you’re using the definition of common that means typical or usual. Commonplace cannot be used with the other definitions of common. Arguably, some might use commonplace with the same negative connotation as they use common, but it would sound odd, in which case using common would be acceptable. Commonplace adds more to the general theme of a scenario than common, based on the etymology of the word. This is not a strict hard rule. It does not answer when you can or cannot use commonplace/common, but it offers when you could or couldn’t use it.

In our example of the dirty socks, to say «Finding dirty socks on the floor was commonplace» conveys to the reader a sense that things of a dirty nature were usually found. Using «common» here conveys to the reader that specifically dirty socks are usually found. Again, this is not a hard rule, but it gives us the opportunity to add some specificity to the idea we are trying to express.

Check out the etymology of commonplace, from Greek meaning «General Theme» and Latin meaning «Common to the place/location».

Anyway, feedback is welcome, and I’m humble enough to admit my own thoughts on this may not be 100% accurate.

банальный, обывательский, банальность, общее место, повторять общие места


- банальный, избитый, плоский

commonplace remark — банальность, банальное замечание
the plots of television movies are often commonplace — в телефильмах часто используются избитые темы

- серый, неинтересный (о человеке); безликий

a commonplace person — серая /невыразительная/ личность

- обыкновенный, рядовой

commonplace men — простые люди


- избитое выражение; банальность

it’s a mere commonplace — это общее место
commonplaces about weather — пустой разговор о погоде

- распространённая цитата; известный афоризм
- обыкновенное происшествие; обычная вещь

the atmosphere of commonplace — будничная атмосфера
today television is a commonplace — телевидение ныне вошло в быт


- редк. записывать в тетрадь для заметок
- повторять избитые выражения, истины

Мои примеры


commonplace people — заурядные люди  
vapid commonplace — скучная банальность  
commonplace book — тетрадь блокнот для выписки литературных цитат с комментариями владельца  
commonplace man — простые люди  
commonplace mark — общеизвестный знак  
commonplace person — заурядный человек  
commonplace word — повседневное слово; обыденное слово  
it’sa mere commonplace — это общее место  
commonplace opinion — общераспространенное мнение  
conventional / stereotyped / commonplace pattern — трафарет  

Примеры с переводом

It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship.

Общеизвестно, что отпуска являются серьёзным испытанием отношений на прочность.

Car thefts are commonplace in this part of town.

Автомобильные кражи являются обычным явлением в этой части города.

Drug use has become commonplace at rock concerts.

Употребление наркотиков на рок-концертах стало обычным явлением.

The more banal, the more commonplace, the more predictable, the triter, the staler, the dumber, the better.

Чем банальнее, зауряднее, предсказуемее, скучнее, неоригинальнее, тупее, — тем лучше.

Air travel has now become commonplace.

Сейчас авиаперелёты стали обычным явлением.

It is a commonplace that we only use a small part of our brain’s capacity.

Принято считать, что мы используем лишь малую часть своих умственных способностей.

We now accept cell phones and laptop computers as commonplaces of everyday life.

Теперь мы воспринимаем сотовые телефоны и портативные компьютеры, как самые обычные части нашей повседневной жизни.

Women’s groups have become a commonplace.

Женские группы стали обычным явлением.

He photographed commonplace objects like lamps and bowls.

Он фотографировал самые обычные предметы, например, лампы и миски.

His remarks were trite and commonplace.

Его замечания были избитыми и банальными.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Political parties are banned, and harassment of dissidents is commonplace.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): commonplace
мн. ч.(plural): commonplaces

commonplace word

Реклама: обыденное слово, повседневное слово

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «commonplace word» в других словарях:

  • commonplace — com•mon•place [[t]ˈkɒm ənˌpleɪs[/t]] adj. 1) ordinary; undistinguished or uninteresting 2) dull or platitudinous: a commonplace remark[/ex] 3) a well known, customary, or obvious remark; a trite or uninteresting saying; platitude 4) anything… …   From formal English to slang

  • Word processor — Writer in Version 3.2 …   Wikipedia

  • commonplace — I UK [ˈkɒmənˌpleɪs] / US [ˈkɑmənˌpleɪs] adjective not unusual It is now commonplace for people to use the Internet at home. II UK [ˈkɒmənˌpleɪs] / US [ˈkɑmənˌpleɪs] noun [countable] Word forms commonplace : singular commonplace plural… …   English dictionary

  • History of the word ‘fuck’ — In the modern English speaking world, the word fuck is often considered highly offensive. Most English speaking countries censor it on television and radio. A study of the attitudes of the British public found that fuck was considered the third… …   Wikipedia

  • Asshole — (or arsehole in British English) is slang for the anus and can be used to describe an unpleasant person. It is formed from arse , which according to the Oxford English Dictionary has been used since the 11th century to refer to the rump of an… …   Wikipedia

  • -gry — The Gry Puzzle is a popular puzzle that asks for the third English word, other than angry and hungry, that ends with the letters gry. Aside from words derived from angry and hungry, there is no stand alone word ending in gry that is in current… …   Wikipedia

  • Vulgarism — (also called scurrility) derives from Latin vulgun , the mean folk , and has carried into English its original connotations linking it with the low and coarse motivations that were supposed to be naturally endemic to the meaner classes, who were… …   Wikipedia

  • Booze —    Booze, meaning an alcoholic drink, is a barroom term not found in the vocabulary of the genteel. Yet for centuries it enjoyed credentials that made it, in one form or another, a commonplace word in the English language. With time, however, it… …   Dictionary of eponyms

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

  • Phonological change — Sound change and alternation Metathesis Quantitative metathesis …   Wikipedia

  • Christian mortalism — incorporates the belief that the human soul is not naturally immortal,[1][2][3][4][5] and the belief that the soul is uncomprehending during the time between bodily death and Judgment Day resurrection …   Wikipedia

commonplace — перевод на русский


No, I’m afraid that’s too commonplace.

Нет, боюсь, это слишком банально

Too commonplace !


Commonplace ! A car !

Машина — банально?

Commonplace, I say !

— Я же сказал, банально!

Stories about jealous husbands are commonplace, but they can be dangerous.

Знаешь, все эти истории с ревнивыми мужьями… Банально, но опасно.

Показать ещё примеры для «банально»…

He lived in a neighbourhood where screams were commonplace.

В этом районе крики — обычное дело.

With so much to gain, fights over prime hunting territory would be commonplace.

Учитывая столь большой куш, бои за главные охотничьи угодья — обычное дело.

You see blood and death as commonplace.

Кровь и смерть для тебя обычное дело.

This is commonplace, ‘specially ‘tween recruits

Это обычное дело, особенно среди военных.

Misunderstandings are commonplace

Объясните им, что недоразумения — обычное дело.

Показать ещё примеры для «обычное дело»…

IRENE NARRATING: Saints were commonplace in the villages.

[Ирэн Повествуя] Святые были обычным явлением в деревнях.

Mountains, which climb, have become commonplace.

Горы, по которым лазают, стали обычным явлением.

In fact, it soon became commonplace for parents to give their children dimes, silver dollars, reals when they lost a tooth, in lieu of the standard copper penny.

Кстати, вскоре стало обычным явлением, что родители дают детям десятицентовые монеты, серебряные доллары, реалы, когда они теряли зуб, вместо обычного медного пенни.

Imagery of little grey aliens has been commonplace for years. — Colson could have a picture.

Образы маленьких серых пришельцев обычное явление на Земле в течении многих лет, поэтому у Колсона и могли быть фотографии.

Just because it’s out of the ordinary for us doesn’t mean it’s not commonplace here.

Ведь мы же в центре другой галактики. Только то, что это необычно для нас, не означает, что это не обычное явление здесь.

Показать ещё примеры для «обычным явлением»…

— Well… it’s preferable to being commonplace.

— Ну… предпочла бы, чтобы было как обычно.

For all the horror of the past 24 hours, that’s commonplace at Lennox Gardens.

После всех ужасов за последние 24 часа это уже обычно в Леннокс Гарденс.

Which in the war is commonplace and crude.

Смерть на войне обычна и сурова.

This kind of thing is commonplace for actresses!

Такие вещи — обычное дело для актрис!

What we consider commonplace today such as modern communication and transportation, would have been unimaginable in ancient times.

То, что мы считаем обычным сегодня, современные коммуникации и транспорт, нельзя было вообразить в древние времена.

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Drug use has become commonplace at rock concerts.

He photographed commonplace objects like lamps and bowls.


It is a commonplace that we only use a small part of our brain’s capacity.

We now accept cell phones and laptop computers as commonplaces of everyday life.

Recent Examples on the Web

Well, just wait until mind texting becomes commonplace, and a company like Microsoft adds a predictive text algorithm to the mix.

Annalee Newitz, Popular Mechanics, 4 Apr. 2023

The yield fell as low as 4.107% during the overnight session and climbed as high 4.254% around the start of U.S. trading—swings that would be unusual under normal circumstances, but have become commonplace recently.

Sam Goldfarb, WSJ, 22 Mar. 2023

This year’s open market seemed downright reasonable when compared to the big-dollar, market-resetting deals that had become commonplace in past offseasons.

Michael Middlehurst-schwartz, USA TODAY, 21 Mar. 2023

The snap throw to first base behind the runner is expected to become commonplace.

Peter Abraham,, 18 Mar. 2023

Political and criminal killings and kidnappings became commonplace.

Nazih Osseiran, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 Mar. 2023

Stories of people dealing with dire hospitalizations stemming from incessant vomiting or even heart failure became commonplace in most reports.

Zee Krstic, Good Housekeeping, 11 Mar. 2023

Sparse crowds becoming commonplace at the KFC Yum!

The Courier-Journal, 1 Mar. 2023

False bot accusations against humans will become commonplace — more than just a peculiar online predicament but a real-life problem.

Kate Lindsay, The Verge, 24 Feb. 2023

There is something in her description of the tourist’s Vegas that sums up her own characters’ encounters with the Gothic in everything from A Girl to Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon: an elusive American landscape hides beneath the commonplace.

Erik Morse, Vogue, 27 Sep. 2022

Is good ventilation commonplace?

The Week Staff, The Week, 24 Apr. 2022

Day: One of the things that we’ve been told as pretty commonplace and had come up in my reporting for the Britney Spears conservatorship cases was the extent to which our cell phones are not always private.

Katie Kilkenny, The Hollywood Reporter, 10 Mar. 2023

The discovery of the box plate was not shocking to Bryant; he was more taken aback by the general lack of awareness that traffic along the waterway during the Civil War has made relics from the era commonplace.

Keely Brewer, Journal Sentinel, 11 Nov. 2022

Virginia Woolf may have invented the commonplace that language struggles to communicate pain.

Kieran Setiya, The Atlantic, 1 Nov. 2022

It’s become a commonplace to make fun of the idea that Trump is igniting some controversy in order to distract from another blazing controversy.

Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 1 Sep. 2020

The erasure of historic architecture in Dallas is a sad commonplace.

Dallas News, 12 Jan. 2022

Instead, as hybrid work becomes more commonplace in North America, AMC and Zoom hope to enable companies with decentralized workforces and customer bases to meet for cohesive virtual and in-person events and meeting experiences.

Rebecca Rubin, Variety, 7 Nov. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘commonplace.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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I have been in teen shows for years, so doing that stuff — kissing — is kind of commonplace and not a big deal. It was way more cool just because it was Meg Ryan.

Adam Brody



Translation of Latin locus commūnis argument of wide application, translation of Greek koinos topos.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Commonplace can act as a noun and an adjective.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


Definition of commonplace in the English dictionary

The first definition of commonplace in the dictionary is ordinary; everyday. Other definition of commonplace is dull and obvious; trite. Commonplace is also something dull and trite, esp a remark; platitude; truism.


Synonyms and antonyms of commonplace in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «commonplace» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «commonplace» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of commonplace to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of commonplace from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «commonplace» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Biasa wae

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

phổ biến

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of commonplace


The term «commonplace» is quite widely used and occupies the 32.918 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «commonplace» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of commonplace

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «commonplace».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «commonplace» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «commonplace» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about commonplace


Famous quotes and sentences with the word commonplace.

For several centuries what has passed for song in literary circles was any text that looked like the lyrics for a commonplace melodic setting.

Culturally, it is commonplace for African women to work.

Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.

To be immortal is commonplace; except for man, all creatures are immortal, for they are ignorant of death; what is divine, terrible, incomprehensible, is to know that one is immortal.

I think that the way of bringing realism into fantasy is to treat it as the commonplace.

It is a commonplace that the League of Nations is not yet-what its most enthusiastic protagonists intended it to be.

I have been in teen shows for years, so doing that stuff — kissing — is kind of commonplace and not a big deal. It was way more cool just because it was Meg Ryan.

Sometimes a neighbor whom we have disliked a lifetime for his arrogance and conceit lets fall a single commonplace remark that shows us another side, another man, really; a man uncertain, and puzzled, and in the dark like ourselves.

Security is a component of everyday life that one spending time in Washington, D.C., gets accustomed to. Metal detectors, police vehicle barriers and heavily-armed police officers become strangely commonplace after awhile.

The concern is over what will happen as strong encryption becomes commonplace with all digital communications and stored data. Right now the use of encryption isn’t all that widespread, but that state of affairs is expected to change rapidly.


Discover the use of commonplace in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to commonplace and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Printed commonplace-books and the structuring of Renaissance …

In this study, Ann Moss investigates the evolution of the commonplace-book from its medieval antecedents, through its humanist realization, its later printed manifestations, and, finally, to its gradual decline in the seventeenth century.


The Commonplace Book of William Byrd II of Westover

William Byrd II (1674-1744) was an important figure in the history of colonial Virginia: a founder of Richmond, an active participant in Virginia politics, and the proprietor of one of the colony’s greatest plantations.

William Byrd, Kevin Berland, Jan Kirsten Gilliam, 2001


The Transfiguration of the Commonplace: A Philosophy of Art

The book distinguishes what belongs to artistic theory from what has traditionally been confused with it, namely aesthetic theory and offers as well a systematic account of metaphor, expression, and style, together with an original account …

Arthur Coleman Danto, 1981


Commonplace Book: 1919-1953

First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Moore, George Edward, Moore George Edward, 2013


On the Sources of Patriarchal Rage: The Commonplace Books of …

Writing in these books, each assembled a prolonged series of observations laden with fear and hatred of women.

Kenneth A. Lockridge, 1994


Commonplace Books: A History of Manuscripts and Printed …

Comprised of a series of long historical essays followed by short hand-lists of exhibited items, this volume is the first comprehensive, introductory survey to cover the entire commonplace book tradition, from its origin in ancient Greek …

Earle Havens, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 2001


R. H. Tawney’s Commonplace Book

Richard Henry Tawney was a man of deep Christian beliefs and powerful emotions, and nowhere can we gain as full a view of his mind and temperament, of the limitations of his ideas as well as their strengths, as in the Commonplace Book or …

J. M. Winter, D. M. Joslin, 2006


The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry

These essays promote a clearly defined and compelling vision important to all people dissatisfied with the stress, anxiety, disease, and destructiveness of contemporary American culture.

Wendell Berry, Associate Professor and Chair Philosophy Department Norman Wirzba, 2003

Ray Midge is waiting for his credit card bill to arrive.


On Opening Mr Keatley’s Commonplace Book

This useful anthology of inspiring quotations is the book verson of the art installation entitled «On Opening Mr Keatley’s Commonplace Book» created by Brendan Bruce in the courtyard water garden of Gigouzac, Saint Eutrope de Born.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term commonplace is used in the context of the following news items.

Libor Requests ‘Commonplace‘, Claims Trader

Tom Hayes said «requests» over the benchmark lending rate, known as Libor, were commonplace and known about by his bosses. «Sky News, Jul 15»

Squirrels: Commonplace Rodent Species Is Remarkably Intelligent

And it’s even more true for what some may see as an invasive species or commonplace pest—the grey squirrel. In fact, these creatures are … «Science World Report, Jul 15»

Fair Trade’ Becomes a Fashion Trend

Fair Trade coffee and chocolate have become commonplace. Get ready for Fair Trade fashion and décor. Two years after a garment-factory … «Nasdaq, Jul 15»

Hail a robo-cab, save the planet? Why driverless taxis are good for …

Driverless taxis may sound like science fiction, but there are good reasons to think they could be commonplace in just 15 years. According to a … «Los Angeles Times, Jul 15»

Beverly Johnson, Janice Dickinson react to Bill Cosby’s semi …

… and family so that it is commonplace to defend everyone’s right to be protected from all predators, no matter their status or accomplishments.». «, Jul 15»

How China’s media and risky trading fueled stock market crash

Buying on margin is incredibly risky, but has become commonplace among retail investors in China. The most compelling theory why the … «WZVN-TV, Jul 15»

23 Things That Feel Better Than A Facebook ‘Like’

… every cool rooftop bar before we even order a drink is commonplace. In other words, we may be a little too attached to the social media «likes» … «Huffington Post, Jul 15»

Does Yankee Stadium Warrant 3-Day Bullpen Shuffle?

Like shifting, it’s a notion that when first presented seems radical and excessive — until it becomes commonplace because it not only works, … «Athletics Nation, Jul 15»

Austin Dillon feels like Superman after Daytona crash

Consequently, spectacular multi-car wrecks are commonplace. «You can’t blame things on Daytona,» Dillon said. «I feel like it’s a racetrack that … «SB Nation, Jul 15»

How the Wassenaar Arrangement threatens responsible …

Since the introduction of the first bug bounty program at Netscape in 1995, the creation of such programs has become commonplace in the … «TechRepublic, Jul 15»


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The most commonplace unidentifiable intangible asset is goodwill.

Наиболее распространенный в банковском деле вид нематериальных активов — добрая воля.

These actions were commonplace in common-law countries.

Такие иски являются обычным делом в странах, в которых действуют нормы общего права.

This includes the gruesome video games that are now commonplace.

Это в том числе относится к отвратительным видеоиграм, которые стали частью повседневности.

Speeches like these should be commonplace.

А встречи, подобные этой, должны стать традиционными.

Electricity and water shortages are commonplace and raw sewage remains untreated.

Обычным явлением являются нехватки электроэнергии и воды, тогда как неочищенные сточные воды остаются необработанными.

Truly smart homes are still not particularly commonplace.

В действительности, однако, умные дома еще не особенно умны.

People simply do not believe such a commonplace commodity deserves serious attention.

Люди просто не верят, что такой совершенно обычный продукт заслуживает серьезного внимания».

And yet arbitrary detentions are commonplace in those states grappling with terrorism.

И, несмотря на это, произвольные задержания являются обычным делом в тех государствах, которые борются с терроризмом.

Appliances like refrigerators and televisions were becoming more commonplace.

Потребительские товары, такие как телевизоры и холодильники, стали обычным явлением.

Beatings during arrest were said to be commonplace.

Political imprisonment after unfair trial, and short-term arbitrary detention remain commonplace.

Заключение в тюрьму по политическим мотивам после несправедливого суда, а также краткосрочное произвольное задержание по-прежнему остаются обычной практикой.

Beatings during arrest were said to be commonplace.

Nonetheless, judicial challenges to sentences and statutes remain commonplace.

However, joint decision-making is commonplace.

Both observers discovered what is actually commonplace: human civilization cannot survive without spirituality.

Оба наблюдателя открыли то, что на самом деле является банальным: человеческая цивилизация не способна выжить без духовности.

This was before they became commonplace.

Use of child labour was commonplace, often in factories.

Использование детского труда, как правило, на заводах было обычным явлением.

What is considered illicit today is commonplace tomorrow.

То, что сегодня считается недозволенным, завтра будет обычным делом.

Belgians also worry that police raids on undocumented immigrants are becoming commonplace.

Бельгийцы также обеспокоены тем, что полицейские рейды по выявлению иммигрантов без надлежащих документов становятся привычным явлением.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат commonplace

Результатов: 3948. Точных совпадений: 3948. Затраченное время: 95 мс


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