Is cluing a word

Definitions For Cluing


  • Something that helps a person find something, understand something, or solve a mystery or puzzle
  • An understanding of something : knowledge about something

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Cluing is worth 9 points in Scrabble and 14 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Cluing in a Sentence

  • The book gives the reader plenty of clues to solve the mystery.
  • Science gives us clues about the origin of the universe.
  • “Guess who I met today.” “Can you give me a clue?”

Definitions For Crying


  • The process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds)


  • Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
  • Demanding attention

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Crying is worth 12 points in Scrabble and 14 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Crying in a Sentence

  • A crying need for more activities for young people in this town

Synonyms for Crying

Antonyms for Crying

ключ, ключ к разгадке, нить, улика, раскрывать, сообщать, раскрывать тайну


- ключ к разгадке, путеводная нить

clue to a puzzle — ключ к решению головоломки

- улика
- амер. сведение, информация

not have a clue — ничего не понимать, не иметь никакого представления (о чём-л.); не находить объяснения (чему-л.)


- амер. сообщить (кому-л.) о (каком-л.) событии; раскрыть (новые факты и т. п.)
- раскрыть секрет, тайну (часто clue in)

Мои примеры


a faint clue to the origin of the mystery — слабый намёк на разгадку этой тайны / маленький ключик к разгадке этой тайны  
a small clue of yarn — маленький моток пряжи  
clinker clue — комки спёкшегося материала; комья клинкера  
clue in — раскрыть секрет; раскрыть тайну  
clue marker — маркёр, наносящий опознавательные метки  
diagnostic clue — диагностический критерий; диагностический ключ  
discover a clue — найти ключ  
find a clue — найти ключ  
foot clue — нижний угол паруса  
grope for a clue — искать ключ  
have a clue — понимать  

Примеры с переводом

I haven’t a clue how to talk to girls.

Я понятия не имею, как разговаривать с девушками.

“Guess who I met today.” “Can you give me a clue?”

“Угадай, кого я встретил сегодня.” “Можешь дать мне подсказку?”

Police have found a vital clue.

Полиция нашла жизненно важную улику.

It gives a clue as to how to proceed.

Это дает представление о том, как действовать далее.

I can’t imagine where you have hidden it, please clue me in.

Я не имею ни малейшего понятия, где вы это спрятали, расскажите мне, пожалуйста.

Those people ain’t got a clue.

Эти люди ничего не смыслят /не знают, не соображают, не понимают/.

Michael is all clued up about radio.

В том, что касается радио, Майкл дока.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘I haven’t a clue what’s going on.’ ‘That makes two of us.’

…employees regarded the latest turnabout as a sure sign that management hadn’t a clue as to what it was doing…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

clued  — проинформированный, располагающий информацией
clueless  — невежественный, необразованный, беспомощный, растерянный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: clue
he/she/it: clues
ing ф. (present participle): clueing
2-я ф. (past tense): clued
3-я ф. (past participle): clued

ед. ч.(singular): clue
мн. ч.(plural): clues

плач, крик, кричащий, вопиющий, плачущий


- кричащий; плачущий
- вопиющий, возмутительный

crying shame — ужасный стыд, чудовищный позор
crying evil — вопиющее зло

- неотложный, не терпящий отлагательства

to supply the crying wants of the people — удовлетворить насущные потребности людей

Мои примеры


the relentless crying of a small baby — безудержный плач маленького ребёнка  
a wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants — замечательная ловкость в умиротворении плачущих младенцев  
crying children — плачущие дети  
crying need — крайняя, насущная необходимость  
eyes red from crying — глаза, покрасневшие от слёз  
crying out — взмолившийся  
crying towel — любитель «плакаться в жилетку»  
crying will not mend matters — слезами делу не поможешь  
fall a-crying — расплакаться  
it’s not worth crying over spilt milk — не стоит плакать над сбежавшим молоком; что упало, то пропало  
quiet a crying baby — успокоить плачущего ребёнка; унять плачущего ребёнка  
she felt like crying — она чуть не заплакала; ей захотелось плакать  

Примеры с переводом

Crying won’t help.

Плач не поможет. / Слёзы не помогут.

Why are you crying?

Почему ты плачешь?

The baby is crying.

Ребёнок плачет.

I hear the baby crying.

Я слышу, что малыш плачет.

He saw that she was crying.

Он увидел, что она плачет.

I just couldn’t stop crying.

Я никак не могла перестать плакать.

She was near to crying.

Она была готова вот-вот разреветься.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her eyes were puffy from crying.

The baby is crying. Is she okay?

There is a crying need for doctors.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

cry  — крик, плач, вопль, клич, окрик, мольба, лозунг, плакать, кричать, взывать, вопить

Asked by: Nels Watsica IV

Score: 4.1/5
(44 votes)

Scrabble Word CLUED

ball or skein of thread, yarn, etc.

Is clued in the scrabble dictionary?

Yes, clued is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is meaning of clued?

1 : something that guides through an intricate procedure or maze of difficulties specifically : a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem. 2 : idea, notion had no clue what he meant. clue. verb. clued; clueing or cluing.

Is Fringe a scrabble word?

Fringe is a Scrabble word.

Is this word OK for scrabble?

«OK» is now OK to play in a game of Scrabble. The two-letter word is one of 300 new additions to the latest version of the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, which Merriam-Webster released on Monday. … Not all Scrabble players are OK with OK, however, especially at the game’s highest levels.

19 related questions found

What are fringe words?

Words that can be made with fringe

  • feign.
  • finer.
  • grief.
  • infer.
  • reign.
  • renig.

What words can you make with growth?

Words that can be made with growth

  • rowth.
  • throw.
  • whort.
  • worth.
  • wroth.

What words can be made from design?

Words that can be made with design

  • deigns.
  • design.
  • dinges.
  • signed.
  • singed.

What is the meaning of I have no clue?

to be completely unable to guess, understand, or deal with something: «Who invented algebra?» «I don’t have a clue.»

What is to be clued up?

British, informal. : having a lot of information about something : having a lot of information about the latest developments She’s totally clued up. —often + on or about He’s totally clued up on/about the latest computer developments.

What is example clues?

An example clue is a word or phrase that provides an example to illustrate the unfamiliar word. Look for words or phrases that introduce examples, such as for example, for instance, to illustrate, like, and such as.

Why do people say no clue?

They have no idea and in fact, they do things that are a little bit silly or unintelligent. So, our phrases for today were “I have no clue,” meaning I don’t have any idea; I don’t know. Saying someone doesn’t have a clue which means the same thing; the person doesn’t know at all.

What is a sentence for no clue?

Sentence examples for I have no clue on from inspiring English sources. «I have no clue on that last one». On whether he’ll vote in future elections: Congress and stuff like that—I would have to educate myself on, because I have no clue really on those things.

What 5 letter words can you make from design?

5 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in design

  • deign.
  • dines.
  • dinge.
  • dings.
  • nides.
  • segni.
  • sengi.
  • singe.

What is the description of design?

A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process. … The verb to design expresses the process of developing a design.

What words can you make with nothing?

An unofficial list of all the Scrabble words you can make from the letters in the word nothing.

  • hongi.
  • ingot.
  • night.
  • ninth.
  • niton.
  • ohing.
  • thing.
  • thong.

How many words can you make from the word growth?

Words made by unscrambling the letters R E G R O W T H

We found a total of 88 words by unscrambling the letters in regrowth.

How many words can you make from dislike?

71 words can be made from the letters in the word dislike.

What words can you spell with the letters legacy?

Words that can be made with legacy

  • agley.
  • cagey.
  • glace.
  • lacey.
  • lycea.

What is the core of a word?

the final segment of a syllable beginning with the vowel and including any following consonants; the nucleus plus the coda. Compare onset (def. 3).

What is a core board?

Core boards are a form of low-tech AAC that includes core vocabulary for a given activity. SLPs use this in many settings, but parents, take note! It can easily be used at home.

How do you use fringe in a sentence?

decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe.

  1. She has a fringe and glasses.
  2. The company plans to beef up our fringe benefit.
  3. A fringe of trees stood round the pool.
  4. The girl wears her hair in a fringe.
  5. Nina remained on the fringe of the crowd.
  6. Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.

What do you do when you have no clue?

What to Do When You Have No Idea What to Do: 15 of the Best Ideas

  1. Stop fighting it. Just accept you are having a fuzzy, confused, indecisive, non-action oriented day. …
  2. Talk a walk. Or a run. …
  3. Do mindless tasks. …
  4. Learn something new. …
  5. Borrow a brain. …
  6. Try meditation. …
  7. Do something creative. …
  8. Help someone else.

Is I have no idea rude?

If they have to say “no idea,” they will try to be more polite and followed some words like my friend, mate, buddy. The words themselves don’t seem inherently rude or unkind, yet native speakers seem to treat them as such.

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  • British

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used without object), cried, cry·ing.

to utter inarticulate sounds, especially of lamentation, grief, or suffering, usually with tears.

to weep; shed tears, with or without sound.

to call loudly; shout; yell (sometimes followed by out).

to demand resolution or strongly indicate a particular disposition: The rise in crime cried out for greater police protection.

to give forth vocal sounds or characteristic calls, as animals; yelp; bark.

(of a hound or pack) to bay continuously and excitedly in following a scent.

(of tin) to make a noise, when bent, like the crumpling of paper.

verb (used with object), cried, cry·ing.

to utter or pronounce loudly; call out.

to announce publicly as for sale; advertise: to cry one’s wares.

to beg or plead for; implore: to cry mercy.

to bring (oneself) to a specified state by weeping: The infant cried itself to sleep.

noun, plural cries.

the act or sound of crying; any loud utterance or exclamation; a shout, scream, or wail.

a fit of weeping: to have a good cry.

the utterance or call of an animal.

a political or party slogan.

an oral proclamation or announcement.

a call of wares for sale, services available, etc., as by a street vendor.

public report.

an opinion generally expressed.

Fox Hunting.

  1. a pack of hounds.
  2. a continuous baying of a hound or a pack in following a scent.

Verb Phrases

cry down, to disparage; belittle: Those people cry down everyone who differs from them.

cry off, to break a promise, agreement, etc.: We made arrangements to purchase a house, but the owner cried off at the last minute.

cry up, to praise; extol: to cry up one’s profession.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about cry

    a far cry,

    1. quite some distance; a long way.
    2. only remotely related; very different: This treatment is a far cry from that which we received before.

    cry one’s eyes / heart out, to cry excessively or inconsolably: The little girl cried her eyes out when her cat died.

    in full cry, in hot pursuit: The pack followed in full cry.

Origin of cry

First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English verb crien, from Anglo-French, Old French crier, from unattested Vulgar Latin crītāre for Latin quirītāre “to cry out in protest, make a public cry”; associated by folk etymology with Quirītēs Quirites; noun from the verb

synonym study for cry

3. Cry, shout, bellow, roar refer to kinds of loud articulate or inarticulate sounds. Cry is the general word: to cry out. To shout is to raise the voice loudly in uttering words or other articulate sounds: He shouted to his companions. Bellow refers to the loud, deep cry of a bull, moose, etc., or, somewhat in deprecation, to human utterance that suggests such a sound: The speaker bellowed his answer. Roar refers to a deep, hoarse, rumbling or vibrant cry, often of tumultuous volume: The crowd roared approval.


coun·ter·cry, noun, plural coun·ter·cries.

Words nearby cry

Cruzan, cruzeiro, cruzeiro real, cruzie, crwth, cry, crybaby, crybully, cry, crying, cry down, cry for Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a basic definition fo cry?

Cry means to make sad noises along with tears, to yell loudly, or to make an animal’s noise. Cry has several other senses as a verb and a noun.

A person will cry when they are overcome with intense emotion, such as sadness, despair, or joy. Intense pain can also make a person start to cry. Crying can involve tears coming from the eyes or whimpering, sniffling, or other miserable noises or both. Children and babies usually cry more often than adults, but crying is a natural way of expressing an intense feeling.

  • Real-life examples: Babies frequently cry to tell their parents there is a problem. Young children cry when they want something or something has upset them. People often cry at funerals. Parents might cry due to happiness at the birth of a new baby.
  • Used in a sentence: He cried from joy when he saw that his daughter was safe.

This sense is also used as a noun to mean an act of crying.

  • Used in a sentence: I had a long cry yesterday. 

Cry can also mean to shout or yell really loudly. This sense of cry is sometimes followed by the word out.

  • Used in a sentence: I cried out to my sister to warn her of the oncoming car.

When animals cry, they are making a distinct noise. This sense of cry is used similarly to words like yelp, bark, screech, and howl.

  • Used in a sentence: I heard wolves cry in the woods. 

In this sense, cry is also used as a noun to mean a particular noise that an animal makes.

  • Used in a sentence: My dog gave a long, loud cry.

Where does cry come from?

The first records of cry come from around 1175. It ultimately comes from the Latin verb quirītāre, meaning “to call for help.”

Did you know … ?

How is cry used in real life?

Cry is a very common word that most often means to make noises while having tears come out of your eyes.

I’m going to cry during these speeches, aren’t I?

— Alex Shibutani (@AlexShibutani) November 8, 2020

It’s a Christmas movie if it makes me cry at some point

— Danielle SepulVEEP is the greatest show (@ellesep) December 25, 2020

I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone but I can’t stop crying after watching the season 2 finale of the Mandalorian 😭

— Eugenia Cooney (@Eugenia_Cooney) December 19, 2020

Try using cry!

True or False?

People only cry when they are sad.

Words related to cry

howl, lament, sob, chatter, cheer, clamor, groan, grunt, outcry, roar, scream, shout, shriek, wail, whine, whistle, break down, complain, fret, grieve

How to use cry in a sentence

  • She’s the closest thing on the train to a doctor, and following cries for help, she rushes to save the woman with a defibrillator.

  • It’s a far cry from previous platform rollouts like Facebook Watch and Snapchat Discover when big-name publisher partners were proudly included in the launch announcements.

  • Members should be well prepared to ask questions – a far cry from the days when Alaska Senator Ted Stevens infamously described the internet as “a series of tubes” in a net neutrality hearing nearly 15 years ago.

  • San Diego’s water utility is preparing to absorb a five percent spike in rates this year despite cries from elected officials to freeze costs during a global pandemic.

  • They heard the crash and the cry as the chair went out from under her feet and she fell on the floor.

  • “He turned pale, trembled to a great degree, was much agitated, and began to cry,” she told the court.

  • The girls send a cry for help…the situation of these girls is distressing.

  • Both the Ramos sons squeezed their eyes and lowered their heads, doing their best not to cry.

  • It has long been a battle cry in conservative circles that Christmas is under siege.

  • Kendrick rapidly chants these last lines in repetition with Bilal and Anna Wise sing-shouting behind him, like a rallying cry.

  • Do not the widow’s tears run down the cheek, and her cry against him that causeth them to fall?

  • At Felipe’s cry, the women waiting in the hall hurried in, wailing aloud as their first glance showed them all was over.

  • I could have sworn I heard a cry, and one of my men spoke in a tone that assured me my imagination had not been playing a trick.

  • A sob rose in her throat, and broke from her lips transformed into a trembling, sharp, glad cry.

  • Antirosa had decided it was better to let the children «have their cry out,» and the boy had gone to school.

British Dictionary definitions for cry

verb cries, crying or cried

(intr) to utter inarticulate sounds, esp when weeping; sob

(intr) to shed tears; weep

(intr usually foll by out) to scream or shout in pain, terror, etc

(tr often foll by out) to utter or shout (words of appeal, exclamation, fear, etc)

(intr often foll by out) (of animals, birds, etc) to utter loud characteristic sounds

(tr) to hawk or sell by public announcementto cry newspapers

to announce (something) publicly or in the streets

(intr foll by for) to clamour or beg

Scot to call

cry for the moon to desire the unattainable

cry one’s eyes out or cry one’s heart out to weep bitterly

cry quits or cry mercy to give up a task, fight, etc

noun plural cries

the act or sound of crying; a shout, exclamation, scream, or wail

the characteristic utterance of an animal or birdthe cry of gulls

Scot a call

archaic an oral announcement, esp one made by town criers

a fit of weeping

hunting the baying of a pack of hounds hunting their quarry by scent

a pack of hounds

a far cry

  1. a long way
  2. something very different

in full cry (esp of a pack of hounds) in hot pursuit of a quarry

Word Origin for cry

C13: from Old French crier, from Latin quirītāre to call for help

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Translation for «be crying» to russian

  • Examples
  • Similar phrases

Translation examples

  • плакать

  • будет плакать

The complainant did not reply, but started to cry.

Заявительница не ответила, а стала плакать.

Children start to cry, to wet themselves.

Дети начинают плакать, непроизвольно мочиться.

The author’s son was crying, clutching at the car seat.

Сын автора плакал, вцепившись в кресло.

One of her sisters was crying and the other was moaning.

Одна из ее сестер плакала, а другая стонала.

We were crying because we were very scared.

Мы плакали, нам было очень страшно.

«Pupils have the right to cry» Polityka magazine (Polish)

«Ученику можно плакать» — газета «Политика» (на польском языке)

She commented on how the children were scared and crying.

Свидетельница рассказала, насколько запуганы были плакавшие дети.

We did not come to the United Nations to cry or to lament.

Мы пришли в Организацию Объединенных Наций вовсе не плакать или стенать.

He is further socialized that crying and showing emotions is for girls.

Кроме того, ему внушают, что плакать и не скрывать своих чувств − удел девочек.

You’II be crying soon.

Скоро будешь плакать.

Eli would be crying.

Илай будет плакать.

— You’II be crying later.

Ты будешь плакать потом.

No, don’t be crying, boo.

Не надо плакать.

Then you won’t be crying.

Тогда и плакать не будешь.

You’ll be crying one day.

Однажды вы все будете плакать.

I’m the one that’s supposed to be crying.

Я должна плакать.

— You better not be crying.

— Тебе лучше не плакать. — Не плачу.

— why wouldn’t i be crying?

-А почему бы мне не плакать?

Hanna is the one to be crying.

Только Ханна должна плакать.

I felt inclined to cry;

мне даже хотелось плакать;

But what I say is this: if one convinces a person logically that he essentially has nothing to cry about, he’ll stop crying.

Но я про то говорю: если убедить человека логически, что, в сущности, ему не о чем плакать, то он и перестанет плакать.

Even the crying children became quiet.

Даже плакавшие дети затихли.

She was simply standing there, crying silently.

Чжоу стояла и беззвучно плакала.

You didn’t look closely, you kept crying.

Вы не вгляделись, вы всё плакали.

“Because she was crying,” Harry continued heavily.

— Потому что она плакала, — серьезно объяснил Гарри.

The poor girls was hanging to the king and crying;

Бедные девочки не отходили от короля и плакали;

It was in there when you was crying there, away in the night.

Он был там, когда вы плакали возле гроба поздно ночью.

And when he felt me he didn’t want to cry anymore.»

А когда он ощутил меня, он больше не хотел плакать.

Marie was standing at the coffin’s head, in all her rags, crying.

Мари стояла за гробом, как была, в своих лохмотьях, и плакала.

Kirk, however, is gonna be crying like a little teeny girl.

Кирк будет плакать как девчонка.

I’ll be dead soon enough, and then you’ll be crying.

Скоро я умру, и тогда вы будете плакать.

And then… he’ll be crying into my shoulder pads.

И тогда… он будет плакать у меня на плече.

By the time we’re done, that scum will be crying like a baby.

Когда мы закончим, этот мерзавец будет плакать как ребёнок.

She’ll be crying for shame that our sister, our only sister —

Она будет плакать от стыда, что наша сестра, наша единственная сестра…

I mean, she’d probably be crying, but, you know, still do what you wanted.

В смысле, она, наверное, будет плакать, но ты всё равно сделаешь что хочешь.

Or you can explain to Sergei why Katya will be crying into her sequins all night.

Или ты можешь объяснить Сергею, почему Катя будет плакать в стразы всю ночь.



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∙ 11y ago

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Yes, the word ‘crying’ is the present participle of the verb ‘to
cry’ (cries, crying, cried). The present participle of a verb is
also a verbal noun called a gerund, and an adjective.

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Q: Is crying a verb

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Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Is crying a gerund?

Yes, the gerund ‘crying’ is the form of a verb that acts as a
The present participle of a verb (the -ing form) also acts as an
verb — He is crying.
gerund — Crying will not help.
adjective — We were startled by the crying cat.

Is was crying transitive or intransitive verb?


Is Crying common noun?

It is not a noun, common or proper. It is a verb.

What are the principal parts of the verb cry?

The principle parts cry are: is crying, cried, and has cried

What part of speech is the word crying?

The form crying (verb to cry) is the present participle. Present participles can be used to create the progressive (continuous) tenses, as gerunds (verbal nouns), or adjectives.Verb: The baby is crying.Gerund: That crying is loud.Adjective: The crying baby kept us awake all night.

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