Is clubhouse one word

Тема сегодняшнего подкаста — «Где лучше жить в многоквартирном доме или клубном доме».
В статье 3 аудио к тексту: для начинающих, продвинутых и транскрипт с объяснением английских терминов.

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Для начинающих — медленная скорость речи.
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Разговорная скорость речи  

Текст к уроку

Diane: I’m so exasperated! I’m really tired of the homeowner’s association in my condo building.

Ricardo: What’s the matter with it?

Diane: The people who sit on the condo association board are a bunch of do-nothings. I’ve filed complaint after complaint and they refuse to enforce the house rules.

Ricardo: Well, that might not be so bad. I used to live in a co-op in New York City. The board of directors in my building was constantly issuing violations to the shareholders and we were fined for the smallest infraction. It was a nightmare. What kinds of complaints have you been filing?

Diane: I’ve been complaining about my noisy neighbors. They have parties every weekend. The board said it sent letters to them, but nothing has changed.

Ricardo: That’s a tough one. It’s often hard to get people to quiet down.

Diane: That’s not all. The common areas aren’t well maintained, and they’re often dirty or in need of repair.

Ricardo: That’s too bad…

Diane: And, the clubhouse is always busy with board events when I want to reserve it.

Ricardo: That’s frustrating…

Diane: You bet it is. And, what’s more…

Ricardo: Whoa. I think I have a solution for you.

Diane: What?

Ricardo: Move!


Дайан: Я так возмущена! Я так устала от этого общества домовладельцев в моем кондоминиуме.

Рикардо: А что с ним?

Дайан: Те, кто сидят в управлении кондоминиумом — это кучка ничего не делающих людей. Я подаю жалобу за жалобой, а они отказываются исполнять правила внутреннего распорядка..

Рикардо: Ну, может это не так уж и плохо. Я вот раньше жил в кооперативном доме в Нью-Йорке. Совет директоров в моем здании постоянно предписывал нарушения собственникам, и нас постоянно штрафовали за малейшее нарушение. Это был кошмар. Какие жалобы ты подавала?

Дайан: Я жаловалась на своих шумных соседей. Каждые выходные у них вечеринки. Совет сказал, что отправил им письма, но ничего не изменилось.

Рикардо: Да. Тяжело. Очень часто трудно заставить людей чтоб не шумели.

Дайан: Это еще не все. Общие места пользования содержатся в плохом состоянии, они часто грязные или нуждаются в ремонте.

Рикардо: Да уж…

Диана: И клубное здание всегда занято всякими мероприятиями членов, когда я хочу забронировать.

Рикардо: Да. Неприятно..

Дайан: Да вообще…. И, кроме того..

Рикардо: Стой. Думаю, у меня есть решение для тебя.

Диана: Что?

Рикардо: Съезжай оттуда!

Транскрипт к уроку

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 294: Living in a Condo or Co-op.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 294. I’m your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

Remember to visit our website at You can download a Learning Guide for this episode that contains all of the vocabulary, definitions, sample sentences, additional definitions not found on the podcast, cultural notes, and a complete transcript.

This episode is about two people talking about living in a “condo,” or condominium, or a co-op. Let’s get started.

[start of story]
[end of story]

Our dialogue between Diane and Ricardo begins with Diane saying, “I’m so exasperated!” To be “exasperated” means to be frustrated, to be tired of something, to be angry that something continues to happen over and over again. “My neighbor’s children are always yelling and screaming outside. I am exasperated” – I don’t know what to do. Move, I guess!

Diane says that “I’m really tired of the homeowner’s association in my condo building.” A “condo” (condo) is a condominium. It’s like an apartment building, but each person owns their own apartment; we would probably call it their own “unit” (unit). It’s not something you rent, it’s something that you buy and then you own. Condominiums are very popular in big cities; they’re cheaper than buying a house.

Everyone who owns a condo in the building is part of, usually, a homeowner’s association. A “homeowner” is someone who owns their own house – who has their own house. An “association” is an organization or a group of people. So, a “homeowner’s association” is the group of people who live in a particular building. Most condominiums have homeowner’s associations, and they have rules. And, each month you have to pay money to the homeowner’s association so that what are called the “common areas,” the places where everyone uses such as the stairs and the hall area, can be clean and kept up. To “keep up” something means to make sure that it is in good condition, that it doesn’t get dirty, that it continues to work properly

Ricardo says, “What’s the matter with it?” meaning what is the problem – what is wrong with your homeowner’s association. Diane says, “The people who sit on the condo association board are a bunch of do-nothings.” A “board” is a group of people who run an organization. Some businesses have “boards of directors.” The verb to “sit” is used to mean to be on or to be part of. Diane complains that the people who sit on her condo’s association board are a “bunch” of, or a group of, do-nothings. A “do-nothing” is a person who doesn’t do anything – someone who is lazy, someone who doesn’t do what they are supposed to do.

Diane says she’s filed a complaint. A “complaint” (complaint) is when you say that there is something wrong. A “complaint” is sometimes called a “grievance.” It’s when you write something down or you talk someone to tell them that you are not happy, that there is a problem. Diane says that the condo board “refuses to enforce the house rules.” To “enforce” means to make someone do what the rules say, to make a law or a rule be obeyed. In this case, she’s asking for the board “to enforce the house rules.” These are the rules, the regulations, the laws that everyone agrees on in a particular place. So, each condo association – each building – has its own rules that you have to follow. These could be about noise; they could be about where to put your trash; they could even be about the color of your door. All of these could be part of the “house rules.”

Ricardo says that he “used to live in a co-op in New York City.” A “co-op” (co-op – it can be also spelled without the hyphen – coop) stands for “cooperative.” A co-op is a little different than a condo; a co-op is almost like a business that everyone owns and is a part of. When we talk about a “housing cooperative,” everyone owns and is a part of the building where you live, and so you usually have a group of people who you elect to help “run,” or manage, the property. It’s not quite the same thing as owning your own separate unit in a building; it’s similar. Co-ops are sometimes less expensive than condos.

Ricardo says that the board of directors in his co-op building were “constantly issuing,” or giving, “violations to the shareholders.” A “violation” (violation) is when someone tells you that you are breaking the rules, or when you break the rules – when you do something wrong. A “shareholder” is someone who is part owner of a company. Remember, I said that co-ops are different from condos because you are like someone who owns part of a business. We call the person who owns stock, or someone who owns part of a business, a “shareholder.”

Ricardo says that in his co-op they “were fined,” they had to pay money, “for the smallest infraction.” An “infraction” (infraction) is similar to a violation – when you do something wrong. An “infraction” is usually less serious than some other sort of violation.

Diane says that she’s “been complaining about her noisy neighbors” because “they have parties every weekend.” She says the board has sent them letters, “but nothing has changed.” Ricardo says, “That’s a tough one” – that’s a difficult situation. “It’s hard to get people to quiet down” – not to make noise.

Diane says that the common areas aren’t well maintained. To “maintain,” remember, means to make sure that they are clean and that everything is working in them. She says that the common areas are “often dirty” and “in need of repair,” meaning they are not working properly.

She goes on to complain that “the clubhouse is always busy with board events when I want to reserve it.” A “clubhouse” (clubhouse – one word) is a building in a co-op or a condominium or other organization, where a big group can meet or do something “recreational,” something for fun. To “reserve” means to arrange for something to use in the future, to say I want to use that thing or that place on this day at this time. Both “clubhouse” and the verb to “reserve” have some additional meanings; take a look at our Learning Guide for those extra explanations.

The dialogue ends with Ricardo saying, “That’s frustrating…” and Diane says, “You bet it is. And, what’s more…” meaning she has even more things to complain about, even more problems to tell Ricardo.

Ricardo interrupts her and says, “Whoa,” which is an informal way of saying stop: “whoa” (whoa). “I have a solution for you,” Ricardo says. Diane says, “What?” and Ricardo says, “Move!” – move to a different place.

Now let’s listen to the dialogue, this time at a normal speed.

[start of story]
[end of story]

The script for this episode was written by Dr. Lucy Tse.

From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thanks for listening. We’ll see you next time on ESL Podcast.

English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse, hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan. This podcast is copyright 2007.


exasperated – frustrated; tired of something; angry that something continues to happen over time; very annoyed

* The caller became exasperated when we told her that there was nothing we could do to fix her problem.

homeowner’s association – an organization that makes rules about how a group of people living in a certain area can behave and what they can do with their homes

* The homeowner’s association requires everyone to paint their homes the same color.

condo – condominium; an apartment building or a group of apartment buildings where each person owns his or her own apartment, but the areas that people share are owned by everyone

* When our condo building’s roof needed to be replaced, everyone who lived there had to help pay for it.

What’s the matter? – What’s wrong? Why are you sad or upset?

* What’s the matter with Jenny? She has been crying all morning.

do-nothing – a person (or organization) who doesn’t do anything; a person who is lazy or inefficient; a person who doesn’t do what he or she is supposed to do

* Keanu is a do-nothing who stays at home all day watching TV while his brother works.

complaint – grievance; something that is written or said to show that one is unhappy or dissatisfied with something

* I wrote a letter of complaint and sent it to the phone company because it charged me twice as much as it should have last month.

to enforce – to make a law or rule be obeyed; to make people do something that they are supposed to do

* The police are enforcing the speed limit, stopping all cars that drive faster than 45 miles per hour on this road.

house rules – rules, regulations, or laws that are agreed upon by all the people in a specific group; rules made by the people who will be affected by them

* In Sandra’s family, the house rules are that each person has to help make dinner and wash the dishes.

co-op – housing co-op; housing cooperative; a type of housing that is owned and operated by the people who live there, sharing expenses and responsibilities

* Some college students live in co-ops because they’re cheaper than dorms or apartments.

board of directors – the group of people who make important decisions for a business or organization and are responsible for hiring the president

* The board of directors has decided to change the company’s vacation policy.

violation – infraction; an action that goes against a law, rule, or regulation; the act of breaking a law, rule, or regulation

* Driving while drinking alcohol is a violation of state law.

shareholder – a person who owns stock in a company; a person who has partial ownership of a company

* The shareholders were disappointed to hear that the company wasn’t going to make as much money as they had expected.

infraction – violation; an action that goes against a law, rule, or regulation; the act of breaking a law, rule, or regulation

* The student committed an infraction of the university’s rules when he cheated on his exam.

common area – shared area; an area that is shared by many people

* This apartment building’s common areas include a gym, computer room, laundry room, garden, and basketball court.

clubhouse – a building that can be used for group meetings and/or recreational activities

* The clubhouse has a pool table, a big-screen TV, and lots of games for people to play.

to reserve – to arrange for something to be available for one’s use at a future time

* Don’t forget to reserve a table at the restaurant for this Friday night at 7:00.

The word “clubhouse,” in this podcast, means a building that can be used for group meetings and/or recreational activities: “The children are at a holiday party at the clubhouse tonight.” It is called a “clubhouse” because it belongs to a “club,” or an organization of people with similar interests. There are clubs for sports, chess, languages, music, and much more. When a club has a clubhouse, it is usually open only to the club members, or the people who participate in the club: “Do you have to be a member of the club to use this clubhouse, or is it open to anyone?” Another use of the word “clubhouse” is in “clubhouse sandwich,” usually called a “club sandwich,” which is a type of food that has three slices of bread (not just two), turkey, bacon, lettuce, and tomato.

to reserve

In this podcast, the verb “to reserve” means to arrange for something to be available for one’s use at a future time: “Did you remember to reserve a hotel room for the 15th in New York City?” As a noun, a “reserve” can be an area of land that is protected for a specific purpose: “The nature reserve is home to many different kinds of birds.” A “reserve” is also a supply of something that can be used in the future: “The United States has a large oil reserve in Alaska.” The word “reserve” is sometimes used to talk about people who keep their feelings to themselves and have difficulty talking openly to other people: “Charles speaks to his children with such reserve that most people don’t even know they are his children!”

Culture Note

A “cooperative,” or “co-op,” is any business or organization that is owned and operated by the people who use it. This podcast talked about housing co-ops, where the people who live in the building share the expenses and responsibilities of living there. For example, they might take turns cooking, cleaning, fixing the house, mowing the “lawn” (grass), and doing other things. Two other common types of co-ops are agricultural co-ops and business co-ops.

An “agricultural co-op” is an organization where farmers share their “resources” (money, time, etc.). They work together to buy their “supplies” (the things they need to farm, like seeds and tools) and then market, sell, and distribute the things that they grow.

A “business co-op” is a business that is owned by the people who use its services. One common type of business co-op is a “credit union,” which is like a bank, but people who wish to use its services must qualify as members. Sometimes a credit union member can be anyone who works for the state government, or anyone who lives in a certain area. Another common type of business co-op is a “food co-op,” or a grocery store where the people who shop there are also the owners, and they work to make the store successful.

Sometimes business co-ops are formed when a regular business is going “bankrupt,” meaning that it doesn’t have enough money to pay its expenses. When that happens, the owner tries to sell the business. If the employees decide that they want to buy the business, it becomes a co-op, because it is owned and operated by the people who work there.

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  • 1


    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > clubhouse

  • 2

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > clubhouse

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > clubhouse

  • 4


    1. здание клуба

    НБАРС > clubhouse

  • 5

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > clubhouse

  • 6


    помещение, занимаемое клубом

    раздевалка для спортсменов

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > clubhouse

  • 7

    (n) здание клуба; клубная раздевалка

    * * *

    помещение, занимаемое клубом

    * * *

    1) помещение, занимаемое клубом (особ. гольф-клубом)
    2) раздевалка для спортсменов

    Новый англо-русский словарь > clubhouse

  • 8



    1) помещение, занимаемое клубом

    Англо-русский современный словарь > clubhouse

  • 9

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > clubhouse

  • 10

    1. n здание клуба

    2. n клубная раздевалка

    Синонимический ряд:

    club (noun) base; center; centre; club; headquarters; meeting house

    English-Russian base dictionary > clubhouse

  • 11

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > clubhouse

  • 12

    Subsidiary English-Russian dictionary > clubhouse

  • 13
    clubhouse lawyer

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > clubhouse lawyer

  • 14
    clubhouse sandwich

    клубный сэндвич, клаб-сэндвич

    трёхслойный, с начинкой из ветчины, индейки, бекона, овощей и майонеза

    English-Russian dictionary restaurant vocabulary > clubhouse sandwich

  • 15
    Irish clubhouse

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Irish clubhouse

  • 16

    1. n дубинка

    2. n дубина, средство устрашения; угроза

    3. n булава

    4. n клюшка

    5. n бита

    6. n приклад

    7. v бить дубинкой, прикладом

    8. v бить прикладом

    9. v вынуждать, заставлять под нажимом

    10. n клуб

    Rotary Club — клуб «Ротари»; клуб деловых людей, бизнесменов

    11. n «клуб», коммерческая организация, предоставляющая льготы своим клиентам

    12. n полит. жарг. группа; группировка, блок

    nuclear club — «ядерный клуб», державы, обладающие ядерным оружием

    13. n ночной клуб

    strip club — клуб с показом стриптиза, стриптиз-клуб

    14. n помещение клуба

    15. a клубный

    16. a дежурный

    17. v собираться вместе; объединяться

    18. v устраивать складчину

    19. n трефы, трефовая масть

    20. n трефа, карта трефовой масти; трефовка

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. association (noun) association; brotherhood; circle; clique; confederation; congress; coterie; federation; fellowship; fraternity; guild; league; lodge; order; organisation; organization; society; sodality; union

    2. clubhouse (noun) base; center; centre; clubhouse; headquarters; meeting house

    3. cudgel (noun) bat; baton; billy; billy club; blackjack; bludgeon; cudgel; knobkerrie; mace; nightstick; shillelagh; spontoon; stick; truncheon; war club

    4. night club (noun) bar; cabaret; casino; discotheque; lounge; night club; nightclub

    5. beat (verb) batter; beat; bludgeon; buffet; hit; pommel; pound; slug; thump; whack

    English-Russian base dictionary > club

  • 17
    assembly room

    Синонимический ряд:

    public building or room (noun) ballroom; banquet room; clubhouse; concert hall; dance hall; hall; meeting place; music hall; public building or room

    English-Russian base dictionary > assembly room

  • 18

    Синонимический ряд:

    public building or room (noun) assembly room; banquet room; clubhouse; concert hall; dance hall; gymnasium; hall; meeting place; music hall; public building or room

    English-Russian base dictionary > ballroom

  • 19

    1. n гимнастический зал

    2. n гимназия

    3. n гимнастический

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. large exercise room (noun) athletic club; athletic department; exercise room; field house; indoor court; large exercise room; playing floor; recreation center; sports center

    English-Russian base dictionary > gymnasium

  • 20

    1. n зал; большое помещение

    2. n возвыш. чертог

    3. n здание колледжа или университета, предназначенное для собраний или занятий; университетское общежитие

    4. n студенты, живущие или занимающиеся в этом здании

    city hall — ратуша, здание муниципалитета, городского совета

    5. n редк. университетский колледж

    6. n университетская столовая

    7. n обед в университетской столовой

    8. n административное здание

    town hall — ратуша, здание муниципалитета

    9. n холл, вестибюль, приёмная; коридор

    10. n помещичий дом, усадьба

    11. n разг. мюзик-холл

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. college building (noun) arts building; assembly room; auditorium; classroom building; college building; dormitory; meeting hall; meeting house; science building

    3. entryway (noun) anteroom; corridor; couloir; entrance; entry; entryway; foyer; hallway; lobby; passage; passageway; vestibule

    4. public building or room (noun) ballroom; banquet room; clubhouse; concert hall; dance hall; gymnasium; meeting place; music hall; public building or room

    English-Russian base dictionary > hall

См. также в других словарях:

  • clubhouse — 1818, from CLUB (Cf. club) (n.) in the associative sense + HOUSE (Cf. house) (n.). Clubhouse lawyer is baseball slang by 1940s …   Etymology dictionary

  • Clubhouse — Club house , n. A house occupied by a club. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clubhouse — /klebˈaus, klabˈaus, klubˈaus, ingl. ˈklʌbhaus/ [loc. ingl., propr. «casa (house) di un club»] s. f. inv. (est.) circolo, club (ingl.) …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • clubhouse — ► NOUN ▪ a building having a bar and other facilities for the members of a club …   English terms dictionary

  • clubhouse — [klub′hous΄] n. 1. a building occupied by or used by a club 2. ☆ a) a locker room used by an athletic team b) Baseball such a room with showers and physical therapy apparatus 3. an enclosed section of the grandstand at a racetrack with a… …   English World dictionary

  • Clubhouse — The term clubhouse may refer to: The meetinghouse of : A club In the United States, a country club In the United Kingdom, a gentlemen s club The locker room of a baseball team, which at the highest professional level also features eating and …   Wikipedia

  • Clubhouse — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Clubhouse peut désigner : Clubhouse, un bâtiment dans lequel les membres d un club sportif ou un gentlemen s club se retrouvent ; Clubhouse, un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • clubhouse — UK [ˈklʌbˌhaʊs] / US noun [countable] Word forms clubhouse : singular clubhouse plural clubhouses UK [ˈklʌbˌhaʊzɪz] / US [ˈklʌbˌhaʊzəz] 1) a building used for meeting or relaxing in by members of a sports club, especially a golf club 2) mainly… …   English dictionary

  • clubhouse — [[t]klʌ̱bhaʊs[/t]] clubhouses also club house N COUNT A clubhouse is a place where the members of a club, especially a sports club, meet …   English dictionary

  • Clubhouse Games — 42 All Time Classics North American cover art Developer(s) Agenda Publisher(s) Nintendo …   Wikipedia

  • Clubhouse (TV series) — Clubhouse Intertitle Genre Drama Created by Daniel Cerone Developed by …   Wikipedia

Asked by: Abby Rodriguez IV

Score: 4.8/5
(49 votes)

a room used by a club.

What is the meaning of club room?

1. clubroom — a room used for the activities of a club. clubhouse, club — a building that is occupied by a social club; «the clubhouse needed a new roof» room — an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; «the rooms were very small but they had a nice view»

Is club a real word?

club noun [C] (GROUP)

an organization of people with a common purpose or interest who meet regularly and share activities: My book club meets the first Tuesday of every month to discuss a new book we’ve all read.

What word is club?

noun. a heavy stick, usually thicker at one end than at the other, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel. a group of persons organized for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other purpose: They organized a computer club. the building or rooms occupied by such a group.

What do you call a club house?

1 : a house occupied by a club or used for club activities. 2 : locker rooms used by an athletic team. 3 : a building at a golf course typically housing a locker room, pro shop, and restaurant.

15 related questions found

What is meant by club house app?

Clubhouse is a social audio app for iOS and Android where users can communicate in audio chat rooms that accommodate groups of thousands of people.

What is club house retail?

Clubs, which are similar to Facebook Groups, are virtual communities usually centered around a specific interest, hobby, career or industry. Listen to or host audio-only live chats called rooms. There are dozens of live chat rooms going on at any given moment.

Why is a club called a club?

Its original French name is Trèfle which means «clover» and the card symbol depicts a three-leafed clover leaf. … The English name «Clubs» is derived from the suit of Bastoni (batons) in Italian-Spanish suited cards.

What is the opposite of a club?

Opposite of an association dedicated to a particular interest or activity. division. individual. separation. sisterhood.

Does club mean to combine?

: to combine the money of the individuals in a group (in order to pay for something) We clubbed together to buy him a new watch.

What does it mean to be a member of a club?

1. club member — someone who is a member of a club. gild, guild, social club, society, club, lodge, order — a formal association of people with similar interests; «he joined a golf club»; «they formed a small lunch society»; «men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today»

What does a club mean in golf?

1 : a special long stick with a larger part at the bottom that is used to hit the ball in golf She bought a new set of golf clubs. 2 : an organization whose members play golf He joined a golf club last year.

What is a Club double room?

Double club room means, a queen size bed for two people and the Meridien Club level. … The double has a King Size Bed.

What is the meaning of suite room?

a connected series of rooms to be used together: a hotel suite. … a set of furniture, especially a set comprising the basic furniture necessary for one room: a bedroom suite.

What is a club tool?

A club (also known as a cudgel, baton, bludgeon, truncheon, cosh, nightstick, or impact weapon) is among the simplest of all weapons: a short staff or stick, usually made of wood, wielded as a weapon since prehistoric times.

What is another word for social club?

social club; order; society; lodge; club; guild; gild.

What makes a club a club?

A club sandwich, also called a clubhouse sandwich, is a sandwich of bread (traditionally toasted), sliced cooked poultry, ham or fried bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. … Modern versions frequently have two layers which are separated by an additional slice of bread.

What are club activities?

The concept of Clubs is seen as an opportunity for adaptation to life in the group, forming good lifelong habits, and cultivating a voluntaristic spirit. Club activities supplement academics and give the students practical training which they require in day-to-day life.

What does a club symbolize?

Otherwise known as trefoils, clubs represent many things: fall, winter, night, darkness, males, fire, energy, will, wealth, work, luck, and happiness.

How do you use a Clubhouse?

How To Use Clubhouse App?

  1. Step 1: Accept an invite to open Clubhouse.
  2. Step 2: Choose topics of interest and follow other users.
  3. Step 3: Set up your profile.
  4. Step 4: Scroll through the discussions.
  5. Step 5: Use the Explore page to find more clubs, users, and rooms.
  6. Step 6: Join clubs or rooms or start a club.

How do you get invited to a Clubhouse?

The easiest — and quickest — way to access the platform is to get invited by a friend who already has a Clubhouse account. Initial Clubhouse users receive 2 invites. As long as your friend has your phone number, they can send you an invite to download the app with that phone number.

Why Clubhouse is so popular?

Clubhouse is big with celebrities. … In some ways, that’s part of Clubhouse’s appeal. You get the chance to hear, and even participate in, unvarnished conversations with famous and powerful people. Refinery29 described networking as the primary reason for Clubhouse’s rising popularity.

Who uses Clubhouse?

There are celebrities? Yeah, Kevin Hart, Drake, Tiffany Haddish, and a handful of others are using it. In fact, the app is becoming popular in the Black entertainment community, in particular. Haddish was the first person to break 1 million followers on Clubhouse.

9 Letters

5 Consonants

4 Vowels

2 Syllables

Types Of Speech
You can use clubhouse as a noun in a sentence.
About Clubhouse
A 2 syllables noun and 9 letters with the letters b, c, e, h, l, o, s, and u, 5 consonants, 4 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter h. Clubhouse starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters c, cl, clu, club, clubh, and the ending characters are e, se, use, ouse, house, ..
A building occupied by a club; «the clubhouse needed a new roof»
Compound Words
A compound word, clubhouse has more than one word within it. There’s 2 words which are club, and house.
Pig Latin
Clubhouse in Pig Latin is said as «ubhouseclay or ubhouseclway».
c | l | u | b | h | o | u | s | e
cl | lu | ub | bh | ho | ou | us | se
clu | lub | ubh | bho | hou | ous | use
club | lubh | ubho | bhou | hous | ouse
Word Gram
  • second letter l
  • third letter is u
  • fourth letter is b
  • fifth letter is h
  • sixth letter is o
  • Anagrams
  • Hypernyms


There are 1 anagrams from clubhouse.

Anagram Definition
Clubhouse a building occupied by a club
«the clubhouse needed a new roof»

View English words with the unique letters used in clubhouse. Words With The Letters Bcehlosu


Clubhouse has 2 hypernyms.

Word Definition
Building the act of constructing or building something
«during the construction we had to take a detour»
«his hobby was the building of boats»
Edifice a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place
«there was a three-story building on the corner»
«it was an imposing edifice»

Clubhouse Is In These Word Lists

  • Starts With C
    • Nine letters, starting with c
    • Starting with c, ending with e
    • Nine letters with the second letter l
    • Five consonants, starting with c
    • Four vowels, starting with c
    • Two syllables, starting with c
  • Ends With E
    • Nine letters, ending in e
    • Five consonants, ending in e
    • Four vowels, ending in e
    • Two syllables, ending in e
  • Spelled With / Contains Letters
    • Solve the puzzle _l_b_o_s_
    • Solve the puzzle _lu_ho_se
    • Solve the puzzle _lub_ous_
    • Solve the puzzle _lubh_use

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When I was in baseball and you went into the clubhouse, you didn’t see ball players with curling irons.

Red Barber





Clubhouse is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of clubhouse in the English dictionary

The definition of clubhouse in the dictionary is the premises of a sports or other club, esp a golf club.


Synonyms and antonyms of clubhouse in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «clubhouse» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of clubhouse to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of clubhouse from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «clubhouse» in English.

Translator English — Chinese

> 俱乐部会所

1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

local social, sobre todo en clubs deportivos

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

क्लब हाउस

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

sede do clube

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Rumah kelab

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

클럽 회관

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

câu lạc bộ

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

क्लब हाऊस

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

kulüp binası

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

sede del circolo

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of clubhouse


The term «clubhouse» is very widely used and occupies the 18.754 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «clubhouse» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of clubhouse

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «clubhouse».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «clubhouse» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «clubhouse» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about clubhouse


Famous quotes and sentences with the word clubhouse.

When I was in baseball and you went into the clubhouse, you didn’t see ball players with curling irons.

Tony La Russa was quoted as saying that I was using steroids back then, and I was talking about it in the clubhouse, openly.

It’s hard to be a clubhouse guy without being a great guy. I mean, the nature of the job is, you know, you’re picking up dirty clothes and you’re doing all the tasks that the players — that nobody else wants to do.

I don’t want to be considered a leader based on what people think goes on in the clubhouse.

The first time that I ever saw Babe Ruth was in the Boston Red Sox clubhouse.

I’m like the Shaolin monk, the counselor in the clubhouse.

In baseball, you pack your uniform in the clubhouse after a ball game, and you see it hanging up in your locker when you get to your next city.

In the glory days of Orioles, when I was a newbie baseball writer for the Post, the roster of talkers was as good as the everyday lineup. Singy — Ken Singleton — Flanny, and Cakes — the underwear spokesman Jim Palmer — were my go-to guys, occupying stalls along one wall of the shabby chic clubhouse.

Pitchers really don’t deal with the managers a whole lot. When we come in the clubhouse, we see him, we say, ‘Hey.’ That’s really it.

Usually during the regular season, if you’re starting pitcher, you’re kind of walking back and forth from the clubhouse to the dugout and not really paying attention to what’s going on.


Discover the use of clubhouse in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to clubhouse and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing

Looks at the gender gap that exists in computer science.

Jane Margolis, Allan Fisher, 2003


Henry and the Clubhouse

Fiery Ramona Quimby and the well-meaning Henry Huggins may clash, but in this delightful and hilariously told novel by Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, an unlikely compromise wins the day.


The 19th Hole: Architecture of the Golf Clubhouse

Examines the design of 18 legendary golf clubs from around the world.


Outsiders in the Clubhouse: The World of Women’s …

A sociological examination of life within the subworld of women’s professional golf that explores the interpersonal relations between athletes, fans, and sponsors on the LPGA tour and looks at tensions between gender, class, and prowess …


No Girls in the Clubhouse: The Exclusion of Women from Baseball

This book builds on recently published histories of women as amateur and professional players, umpires, sports commentators and fans to analyze the cultural and historical contexts for excluding females from America’s past time»—Provided …


The clubhouse model: empowering applications of theory to …

This innovative book demonstrates how one model draws a variety of theories and components of theory into practical use-helping your students see the many, creative ways that theory can be applied to real-life generalist practice, at micro, …

Henry and Matthew put up a tent in Matthewa s backyard. It is going to be their new club house but they need more members.

It’s almost Halloween, and Mickey and the gang are getting ready for their big Clubhouse Halloween party, but Donald is having trouble deciding on a costume. On board pages.


The Clubhouse Experience

Mental health clubhouses are community centers that serve the psychosocial and vocational needs of individuals with serious mental illness.


The Secret Clubhouse Game Book

Provides games, puzzles, jokes, and activities to entertain children with a variety of interests.

Derrick Niederman, Bob Longe, Glen Vecchione, 2004


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term clubhouse is used in the context of the following news items.

Virgin Atlantic’s new LAX Clubhouse — review

I am in the brand new £2.5m Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse waiting for my return flight to London — but boy, oh boy, it does not feel like a wait at all. «Evening Standard, Jul 15»

Rookies sent on a Starbucks run before doubleheader

CHICAGO • There is, right across the street from Wrigley Field and within easy sight of the visitors’ clubhouse, a Starbucks, and it’s not unusual … «, Jul 15»

Maine Amateur: John Hayes leads clubhouse with sensational 65

WATERVILLE — John Hayes IV of Cape Elizabeth overcame double bogey on the third hole to shoot a sizzling 5-under 65 for a four-shot lead … «Lewiston Sun Journal, Jul 15»

New clubhouse now open at Artesia Naples

WCI Communities has completed construction on the clubhouse at Artesia Naples, WCI’s 261-acre master-planned community centrally located … «Naples Daily News, Jul 15»

Blue Jays all-star trio heartbeat of clubhouse

Together, they are the heartbeat of the Blue Jays clubhouse. “Their ability to compete and the fact that they hate to lose,” Bautista said when … «, Jul 15»

These kids are helping to raise $800000 to build Carly’s Clubhouse

Connor Herrero and Aly Kate Ratcliffe, both of Pelham, are some of the children involved in the Carly’s Clubhouse Junior Board to help raise … «, Jul 15»

Old blends with new as Gullane clubhouse is revamped ahead of …

He said: “The members’ clubhouse has been a landmark on Gullane’s skyline for nearly 100 years, so it was imperative that any changes … «East Lothian Courier, Jul 15»

LETTER: Closed Gleneagles clubhouse makes no logical sense

As someone who plays golf at Gleneagles from time to time, I am frustrated that the clubhouse is still not operational more than six months after … «North Shore News, Jul 15»

New clubhouse near Cirencester denied licence to open until 1am …

Ballihoo Clubhouse and Restaurant, in Lower Mill Estate, Somerford Keynes, had applied for a licence to sell alcohol, perform live music and screen films from … «Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard, Jul 15»

Philomathean Clubhouse needs repairs

STOCKTON — With its hardwood staircase, broad front porch and solarium, the historic Philomathean Clubhouse north of downtown has been … «Stockton Record, Jul 15»


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: a house occupied by a club or used for club activities


: locker rooms used by an athletic team


: a building at a golf course typically housing a locker room, pro shop, and restaurant


Example Sentences

we plan to meet at the clubhouse each week

Recent Examples on the Web

That type of play over the first two days at the Masters took him to 12-under par and a commanding clubhouse lead on Friday afternoon during the second round at Augusta National Golf Club.

Andrew Beaton,, 7 Apr. 2023

On his way back Right-handed starter Michael Lorenzen left the clubhouse on Wednesday morning with his luggage.

Jeff Seidel, Detroit Free Press, 5 Apr. 2023

In the clubhouses, food service will be limited to take-out only.

The Courier-Journal, 5 Apr. 2023

Wells then rushed to the clubhouse to put on his jersey and get his spikes before hurrying to the bullpen to warm up.

Jacob Calvin Meyer, Baltimore Sun, 4 Apr. 2023

The facility will include a clubhouse, a hotel, a wedding chapel, and practice areas.

Peter Abraham,, 1 Apr. 2023

No one outside that clubhouse expected the Guardians to win the division.

Bob Nightengale, USA TODAY, 28 Mar. 2023

When, four years later, it was deemed things got oppressive under Banister, Chris Woodward was brought in to bring positive vibes to the clubhouse.

Evan Grant, Dallas News, 23 Mar. 2023

Getting dressed in the visitors’ clubhouse at the Coliseum on Sunday morning wasn’t a completely unfamiliar experience for San Francisco Giants outfielder Stephen Piscotty.

Steve Kroner, San Francisco Chronicle, 26 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘clubhouse.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1746, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of clubhouse was
in 1746

Dictionary Entries Near clubhouse

Cite this Entry

“Clubhouse.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on clubhouse

Last Updated:
10 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

clubhouse is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

The word ‘clubhouse’ is made up of 9 letters.


  • (n) a building occupied by a club; «the clubhouse needed a new roof»


Using the word ‘clubhouse’ in Scrabble will fetch you 16 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 20 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

Check out the Anagrams of clubhouse

Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of clubhouse

Words Ending With ‘clubhouse’

There is 1 word which ends with ‘clubhouse

Words Starting With ‘clubhouse’

Following are 2 words which start with ‘clubhouse

Words Containing ‘clubhouse’

Following are 2 words which contain ‘clubhouse

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘clubhouse’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for clubhouse 16
Points in Words with Friends for clubhouse 20
Number of Letters in clubhouse 9
More info About clubhouse clubhouse
List of Words Starting with clubhouse Words Starting With clubhouse
List of Words Ending with clubhouse Words Ending With clubhouse
List of Words Containing clubhouse Words Containing clubhouse
List of Anagrams of clubhouse Anagrams of clubhouse
List of Words Formed by Letters of clubhouse Words Created From clubhouse
clubhouse Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
clubhouse Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
clubhouse Definition at Dictionary Click Here
clubhouse Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
clubhouse Info At Wikipedia Click Here
clubhouse Search Results on Google Click Here
clubhouse Search Results on Bing Click Here
Tweets About clubhouse on Twitter Click Here

Definitions For Clubhouse


  • A building that is occupied by a social club
  • A building used by a club for its activities
  • A building that has lockers and showers and that is used by a sports team
  • A building at a golf course that usually has a locker room, a store that sells golf equipment, and a restaurant

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Clubhouse is worth 16 points in Scrabble and 20 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Clubhouse in a Sentence

  • We plan to meet at the clubhouse each week

Synonyms for Clubhouse

Definitions of clubhouse

  1. noun

    a building that is occupied by a social club

    clubhouse needed a new roof”



DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘clubhouse’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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