Is chairperson one word



- председатель (мужчина или женщина)

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

Address your remarks to the chairperson.

Направьте свои замечания председателю.

A new chairperson for the committee has not yet been appointed.

Новый председатель комитета ещё не назначен.

The chairperson will determine the order in which people will speak.

Председатель определит порядок, в котором люди будут выступать.

Dorothy had put in a lot of hard work during her six years as chairperson.

За шесть лет на посту председателя Дороти хорошенько потрудилась.

After his name was cleared, he was reinstated as committee chairperson.

После того, как его доброе имя было очищено, он был восстановлен в должности председателя комитета.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The chairperson has adjourned the meeting.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): chairperson
мн. ч.(plural): chairpersons

The chairperson, also chairman, chairwoman or chair, is the presiding officer of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly. The person holding the office, who is typically elected or appointed by members of the group, presides over meetings of the group, and conducts the group’s business in an orderly fashion.[1]

In some organizations, the chairperson is also known as president (or other title).[2][3] In others, where a board appoints a president (or other title), the two terms are used for distinct positions. Also, the chairman term may be used in a neutral manner not directly implying the gender of the holder.


Terms for the office and its holder include chair, chairperson, chairman, chairwoman, convenor, facilitator, moderator, president, and presiding officer.[4][5][6][7][8] The chairperson of a parliamentary chamber is often called the speaker.[9][10] Chair has been used to refer to a seat or office of authority since the middle of the 17th century; its earliest citation in the Oxford English Dictionary dates to 1658–1659, four years after the first citation for chairman.[11][12][13] Chairman has been criticized as sexist.[14]

In World Schools Style debating, as of 2009, chair or chairperson refers to the person who controls the debate; it recommends using Madame Chair or Mr. Chairman to address the chair.[15] The FranklinCovey Style Guide for Business and Technical Communication and the American Psychological Association style guide advocate using chair or chairperson.[16][17] The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style (2000) suggested that the gender-neutral forms were gaining ground; it advocated chair for both men and women.[18] The Telegraph style guide bans the use of chair and chairperson; the newspaper’s position, as of 2018, is that «chairman is correct English».[19] The National Association of Parliamentarians adopted a resolution in 1975 discouraging the use of chairperson and rescinded it in 2017.[20][21]


The word chair can refer to the place from which the holder of the office presides, whether on a chair, at a lectern, or elsewhere.[1] During meetings, the person presiding is said to be «in the chair» and is also referred to as «the chair».[1] Parliamentary procedure requires that members address the «chair» as «Mr. (or Madam) Chairman (or Chair or Chairperson)» rather than using a name – one of many customs intended to maintain the presiding officer’s impartiality and to ensure an objective and impersonal approach.[6][23]

In the British music hall tradition, the chairman was the master of ceremonies who announced the performances and was responsible for controlling any rowdy elements in the audience. The role was popularised on British TV in the 1960s and 1970s by Leonard Sachs, the chairman on the variety show The Good Old Days.[24]

«Chairman» as a quasi-title gained particular resonance when socialist states from 1917 onward shunned more traditional leadership labels and stressed the collective control of Soviets (councils or committees) by beginning to refer to executive figureheads as «Chairman of the X Committee». Vladimir Lenin, for example, officially functioned as the head of Soviet Russian government not as prime minister or as president but as «Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian SFSR».[25][26] At the same time, the «Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee» was the head of the state, an office held by Kalinin between 1919 and 1938, when it was replaced by the «Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR».
Later, Mao Zedong was commonly called «Chairman Mao», as he was officially Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission.

Roles and responsibilitiesEdit

Duties at meetingsEdit

In addition to the administrative or executive duties in organizations, the chairperson presides over meetings.[27] Such duties at meetings include:

  • Calling the meeting to order
  • Determining if a quorum is present
  • Announcing the items on the order of business or agenda as they come up
  • Recognition of members to have the floor
  • Enforcing the rules of the group
  • Putting questions (motions) to a vote, which is the usual way of resolving disagreements following discussion of the issues
  • Adjourning the meeting

While presiding, the chairperson should remain impartial and not interrupt a speaker if the speaker has the floor and is following the rules of the group.[28] In committees or small boards, the chairperson votes along with the other members; in assemblies or larger boards, the chairperson should vote only when it can affect the result.[29] At a meeting, the chairperson only has one vote (i.e. the chairperson cannot vote twice and cannot override the decision of the group unless the organization has specifically given the chairperson such authority).[30]


The powers of the chairperson vary widely across organizations. In some organizations they have the authority to hire staff and make financial decisions. In others they only make recommendations to a board of directors, and or may have no executive powers, in which case they are mainly a spokesperson for the organization. The power given depends upon the type of organization, its structure, and the rules it has created for itself.

Disciplinary proceduresEdit

If the chairperson exceeds their authority, engages in misconduct, or fails to perform their duties, they may face disciplinary procedures. Such procedures may include censure, suspension, or removal from office. The rules of the organization would provide details on who can perform these disciplinary procedures.[31] Usually, whoever appointed or elected the chairperson has the power to discipline them.

Public corporationsEdit

There are three common types of chairperson in public corporations.

Chairperson and CEOEdit

The chief executive officer (CEO) may also hold the title of chairperson, in which case the board frequently names an independent member of the board as a lead director. This position is equivalent to the position of président-directeur général in France.

Executive chairpersonEdit

Executive chairperson is an office separate from that of CEO, where the titleholder wields influence over company operations, such as Larry Ellison of Oracle, Douglas Flint of HSBC and Steve Case of AOL Time Warner. In particular, the group chair of HSBC is considered the top position of that institution, outranking the chief executive, and is responsible for leading the board and representing the company in meetings with government figures. Before the creation of the group management board in 2006, HSBC’s chair essentially held the duties of a chief executive at an equivalent institution, while HSBC’s chief executive served as the deputy. After the 2006 reorganization, the management cadre ran the business, while the chairperson oversaw the controls of the business through compliance and audit and the direction of the business.[32][33][34]

Non-executive chairpersonEdit

Non-executive chairperson is also a separate post from the CEO; unlike an executive chairperson, a non-executive chair does not interfere in day-to-day company matters. Across the world, many companies have separated the roles of chairperson and CEO, saying that this move improves corporate governance. The non-executive chairperson’s duties are typically limited to matters directly related to the board, such as:[35]

  • Chairing the meetings of the board.
  • Organizing and coordinating the board’s activities, such as by setting its annual agenda.
  • Reviewing and evaluating the performance of the CEO and the other board members.


Many US companies have an executive chairperson; this method of organization is sometimes called the American model. Having a non-executive chairperson is common in the UK and Canada, and is sometimes called the British model. Expert opinion is rather evenly divided over which is the preferable model.[37] There is a growing push by public market investors for companies with an executive chairperson to have a lead independent director to provide some element of an independent perspective.[38][39]

The role of the chairperson in a private equity-backed board differs from the role in non-profit or publicly listed organizations in several ways, including the pay, role and what makes an effective private-equity chairperson.[40] Companies with both an executive chairperson and a CEO include Ford,[41] HSBC,[42] Alphabet Inc.,[43] HP,[44] and Apple.[45]

Vice-chairperson and deputy chairpersonEdit

A vice- or deputy chairperson, subordinate to the chairperson, is sometimes chosen to assist and to serve as chairperson in the latter’s absence, or when a motion involving the chairperson is being discussed.[46] In the absence of the chairperson and vice-chairperson, groups sometimes elect a chairperson pro tempore to fill the role for a single meeting.[47] In some organizations that have both titles, deputy chairperson ranks higher than vice-chairperson, as there are often multiple vice-chairpersons but only a single deputy chairperson.[48] This type of deputy chairperson title on its own usually has only an advisory role and not an operational one (such as Ted Turner at Time Warner).[49]

An unrelated definition of vice- and deputy chairpersons describes an executive who is higher ranking or has more seniority than an executive vice-president (EVP). Sometimes, EVPs report to a vice-chairperson, who in turn reports directly to the chief executive officer (CEO) (so vice-chairpersons in effect constitute an additional layer of management), while other vice-chairpersons have more responsibilities but are otherwise on an equal tier with EVPs. Executives with the title vice-chairperson and deputy chairperson are usually not members of the board of directors.[citation needed]

See alsoEdit

  • Executive director
  • Non-executive director
  • Parliamentary procedure in the corporate world
  • President (corporate title)


  1. ^ a b c Robert, Henry M.; et al. (2011). Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-306-82020-5.
  2. ^ Robert 2011, p. 448
  3. ^ Sturgis, Alice (2001). The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure (Fourth ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 163. ISBN 978-0-07-136513-0.
  4. ^ Hellinger, Marlis, ed. (2001). Gender across languages: The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men (IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society). Amsterdam: Benjamins. p. 125. ISBN 90-272-1841-2.
  5. ^ «Chairperson». Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2014-01-10.
  6. ^ a b Sturgis 2001, p. 11
  7. ^ «moderator». Chambers 21st Century Dictionary via Search Chambers. Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap.
  8. ^ Although convener means someone who summons (convenes) a meeting, the convener may take the chair. The Oxford English Dictionary (2nd edition, 1989) offers this citation: 1833 Act 3–4 Will. IV, c. 46 §43 «The convener, who shall preside at such committee, shall be entitled to a casting vote.» This meaning is most commonly found in assemblies with Scottish heritage.
  9. ^ «The many roles of the Speaker». New Zealand Parliament. Office of the Speaker, Parliament of New Zealand. 2006-02-01. Archived from the original on 2019-05-09. Retrieved 2019-05-09.
  10. ^ «About Parliament: The Lord Speaker». Parliament of the United Kingdom. Archived from the original on 2008-06-09. Retrieved 2008-10-23. … responsibilities of the Lord Speaker include chairing the Lords debating chamber,…
  11. ^ Merriam-Webster’s dictionary of English usage. Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster. 1993. p. 235. ISBN 0-87779-132-5.
  12. ^ «Chairman». Unabridged (v 1.1). 2006. Retrieved 2008-10-22.
  13. ^ See also the American Heritage Dictionary, the Oxford English Dictionary, the online edition of the current Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Word Origins by Anatoly Liberman (page 88), Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage (page 235)
  14. ^ *Margrit Eichler (28 October 2013). Nonsexist Research Methods: A Practical Guide. Routledge. p. 14. ISBN 978-1-134-97797-0. Typically, these analyses pointed out the use of so-called generic male terms as sexist… As a consequence of these critiques, guides were published that replaced so-called generic male terms with truly generic terms: policeman became police officer; fireman, fire fighter; postman, mail carrier; workman, worker; chairman, chairperson; mankind, humanity; and so on.
    • Barrie Thorne; Nancy Henley (1975). Language and Sex: Difference and Dominance. Newbury House Publishers. p. 28. ISBN 9780883770436. Is it possible to change sexist language? … Much of the debate has centered around two types of change: the coining of new terms (such as Ms. to replace Miss/Mrs., and chairperson to replace chairman and chairwoman), and various proposal to replace he as the generic third person singular pronoun.
    • Dale Spender (1990). Man Made Language. Pandora. pp. 29–30. ISBN 978-0-04-440766-9. Another factor which we must bear in mind is that women need more words — and more positive words — not less. The removal of sexist words would not leave a large repertoire of words for women to draw upon! … Some attempts have been made to modify sexist words and there arc signs that this on its own is insufficient to reduce sexism in language. Words such as police officer and chairperson have been an attempt to break away from the negative value which female words acquire by the creation of sex-neutral terms
    • «The language of gender». Oxford Living Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 2019-05-10. Retrieved 2019-05-20. People also object to the use of the ending —man in words referring to professions and roles in society, for example postman, spokesman, or chairman. Since women are generally as likely as men to be involved in an occupation or activity nowadays, this type of word is increasingly being replaced by gender-neutral terms, e.g. postal worker, spokesperson, or chair/chairperson.
    • «Chairman (usage note)». Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2019-05-20. When you are writing or speaking English it is important to use language that includes both men and women equally. Some people may be very offended if you do not … Neutral words like assistant, worker, person or officer are now often used instead of —man or —woman in the names of jobs … Neutral words are very common in newspapers, on television and radio and in official writing, in both British English and North American English.
    • «Chairman (usage note)». Cambridge Dictionary. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved 2019-05-20. Although chairman can refer to a person of either sex, chairperson or chair is often preferred to avoid giving the idea the person is necessarily male.
    • «Chairperson (usage note)». Retrieved 2019-05-20. Chairperson has, since the 1960s, come to be used widely as an alternative to either chairman or chairwoman. This change has sprung largely from a desire to avoid chairman, which is felt by many to be inappropriate and even sexually discriminatory when applied to a woman … Chairperson is standard in all varieties of speech and writing.
    • «Chairman (usage note)». Macmillan Dictionary. Springer. Retrieved 2019-05-20. Many people prefer to say chair or chairperson, because the word chairman suggests that the person in this position is always a man.
    • «Chairman (usage note)». The American Heritage Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Retrieved 2019-05-20. These compounds sometimes generate controversy because they are considered sexist by some people who believe that —man necessarily excludes females. Others believe that —man, like the word man itself, is an accepted and efficient convention that is not meant to be gender-specific.
    • «Chairman (usage note)». Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 2019-05-20. Chairman can seem inappropriate when applied to a woman, while chairwoman can be offensive. Chair and chairperson can be applied to either a man or a woman; chair is generally preferred to chairperson
    • Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010). Sex and society Volume 1: Abstinence – Gender Identity. New York: Marshall Cavendish Reference. p. 300. ISBN 978-0-7614-7906-2.
    • Zinsser, William (2007). On writing well : the classic guide to writing nonfiction (30. anniversary ed., 7. ed., rev. and updated, [Nachdr.] ed.). New York: HarperCollins. p. 81. ISBN 978-0-06-089154-1.

  15. ^ Quinn, Simon (2009). Debating in the World Schools style: a guide. New York: International Debate Education Association. p. 5. ISBN 978-1-932716-55-9.
  16. ^ England, Stephen R. Covey, Larry H. Freeman, Breck (2012). FranklinCovey style guide for business and technical communication (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-13-309039-0.
  17. ^ Gurung, Beth M. Schwartz, R. Eric Landrum, Regan A. R. (2012). An easyguide to APA style. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications. p. 54. ISBN 978-1-4129-9124-7.
  18. ^ Garner, Bryan A. (2000). The Oxford dictionary of American usage and style (2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 61. ISBN 0-19-513508-3.
  19. ^ «Banned words». The Telegraph. 23 January 2018. Archived from the original on 2022-01-10.
  20. ^ «Chair, Chairperson, Chairman … Which Should You Use?». National Association of Parliamentarians. 6 October 2017. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  21. ^ Miller, Casey; Swift, Kate (2000). The Handbook of Nonsexist Writing: For writers, editors and speakers (2nd ed.). Lincoln, NE: p. 32. ISBN 0-595-15921-4.
  22. ^ Dixit, Aabha (24 September 2018). «Ambassador Leena Al-Hadid Takes Over as New Chairperson of IAEA Board of Governors». International Atomic Energy Agency.
  23. ^ Robert 2011, p. 23
  24. ^ Baker, Richard Anthony (2014). British Music Hall: An Illustrated History. Barnsley: Pen & Sword. p. 207. ISBN 978-1-78383-118-0.
  25. ^ Cawthorne, Nigel (2012-07-24). Stalin: The Murderous Career of the Red Tsar. Arcturus Publishing (published 2012). ISBN 978-1-84858-951-3. Retrieved 2015-02-25. […] Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Molotov and Abel Yenukidze […] began discussing the structure of the new government. Lenin did not want to have ‘ministers’ as such, so Trotsky suggested that they should be called «peoples’ commissars». The government itself would be the «Council of People’s Commissars» and its chairman would be prime minister, in effect.
  26. ^ Brackman, Roman (2004). The Secret File of Joseph Stalin: A Hidden Life. Routledge. p. 116. ISBN 978-1-135-75840-0. On 26 October 1917, Lenin announced the creation of the Council of People’s Commissars, having rejected the traditional title of minister as being too «bourgeois», and named himself the «Chairman of the Council».
  27. ^ Robert 2011, p. 449
  28. ^ Robert 2011, p. 44: «The presiding officer must never interrupt a speaker simply because he knows more about the matter than the speaker does.»
  29. ^ «Frequently Asked Questions about RONR (Question 1)». The Official Robert’s Rules of Order Web Site. The Robert’s Rules Association. Archived from the original on 2004-11-12. Retrieved 2015-12-17.
  30. ^ Robert 2011, p. 406
  31. ^ «Frequently Asked Questions about RONR (Question 20)». The Official Robert’s Rules of Order Web Site. The Robert’s Rules Association. Archived from the original on 2004-11-12. Retrieved 2015-12-24.
  32. ^ HSBC investors against Michael Geoghegan becoming chairman. Telegraph. Retrieved on 2013-08-22.
  33. ^ HSBC chief Michael Geoghegan ‘to quit’ after failing to get top job Archived 2013-12-04 at the Wayback Machine. (2010-09-24). Retrieved on 2013-08-22.
  34. ^ HSBC ex-chief Michael Geoghegan relaxes as another marathon looms. Telegraph. Retrieved on 2013-08-22.
  35. ^ Kefgen, Keith (2004-05-11). «The Non-Executive Chairman Comes of Age». HVS web site. HVS. Archived from the original on 27 October 2007. Retrieved 2011-04-03.
  36. ^ «We at Confidencen: Board and General Management». Retrieved 9 May 2019.
  37. ^ Behan, Beverly (10 January 2008). «Splitting the Chairman and CEO roles». BusinessWeek. Archived from the original on 2011-04-16. Retrieved 2011-04-03.
  39. ^ «Corporate Governance Principles for US Listed Companies». Archived from the original on 2 February 2017.
  40. ^ «What is the role of a chair of the board in a private equity company?». 2018-05-04. Retrieved 2019-02-25.
  41. ^ «About Us». Ford Motor Company. Ford Motor Company. 2019. Archived from the original on 2011-05-11. Retrieved 2011-04-05.
  42. ^ «Leadership». HSBC. 2019. Retrieved 2011-04-05.
  43. ^ «Board — Investor Relations». Retrieved 2011-04-05.
  44. ^ «HP Investor Relations – Board of directors». Hewlett-Packard. Retrieved 2011-09-24.
  45. ^ «Apple Leadership». Apple Inc. Retrieved 2014-11-06.
  46. ^ Robert 2011, p. 452
  47. ^ Robert 2011, p. 453
  48. ^ «Leadership». Retrieved 8 October 2017.
  49. ^ «Ted Turner quits as AOLTW Vice Chairman – TV News». Digital Spy. 2003-01-29. Retrieved 2011-12-31.

Further readingEdit

  • Trohan, Colette Collier (2014). A Great Meeting Needs a Great Chair. A Great Meeting. ASIN B00NP7BR8O.

Table of Contents

  1. Is chairman a common noun or proper noun?
  2. Is the word chairman a noun?
  3. Which is correct chair or chairman?
  4. What is a female chairman called?
  5. Who is the present chairman of 2020?
  6. Who is the CEO of 2020?
  7. Who is the richest CEO in the world?
  8. Who is big CEO or MD?
  9. Who is Google CEO?
  10. Is Sundar Pichai a Brahmin?
  11. Who is the CEO of alphabet?
  12. Is Sundar Pichai a billionaire?
  13. Who is the No 1 richest person in world?
  14. Who is richest actor in the world?
  15. Is Sundar Pichai richer than Larry Page?
  16. Is Larry Page a billionaire?
  17. Who is most richest person in India?
  18. Who is the 1st richest man in the world 2021?
  19. Who is a zillionaire?
  20. Who is the richest YouTuber kid in the world?
  21. Is Ryan’s mom in jail?
  22. Who is the oldest YouTuber?
  23. Who is the richest kid in India?

the person who is in charge of a meeting or committee. Many people prefer to say chair or chairperson, because the word chairman suggests that the person in this position is always a man….chairman ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

Is chairman a common noun or proper noun?

A typical mistake that people make with common nouns is to capitalize them. But remember, only a proper noun (like your name or title) needs to start with a capital letter. A person’s “job” (chairman, president, king/queen) may or may not need capitalisation.

singular chairman
plural chairmen

Is the word chairman a noun?

noun, plural chair·men. the presiding officer of a meeting, committee, board, etc. the administrative head of a department in a high school, college, or university. someone employed to carry or wheel a person in a chair.

Which is correct chair or chairman?

The chairperson (also chair, chairman, or chairwoman) is the presiding officer of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly.

What is a female chairman called?


Who is the present chairman of 2020?

New Delhi – Dr Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Health and Family Welfare, India, was today elected the Chair of World Health Organization’s Executive Board.

Who is the CEO of 2020?

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was elected WHO Director-General for a five-year term by WHO Member States at the Seventieth World Health Assembly in May 2017.

Who is the richest CEO in the world?

Top 50 Richest CEOs

  • Jeff Bezos. $196 Billion.
  • Elon Musk. $168 Billion.
  • Mark Zuckerberg. $125 Billion.
  • Larry Ellison. $91 Billion.
  • Steve Ballmer. $91 Billion.
  • Phil Knight. $55 Billion.
  • Jack Ma. $50 Billion.
  • Michael Dell. $30 Billion.

Who is big CEO or MD?

Hierarchy. The CEO is at the highest position in a company. They head C-level members such as the COO, CTO, CFO, etc. They also rank higher than the vice president and many times, the Managing Director.

Who is Google CEO?

Sundar Pichai (Oct 2, 2015–)

Is Sundar Pichai a Brahmin?

In the USA, 68% of Indian-born immigrants hold college degrees, and tech CEOs like Microsoft’s Satya Nadella and Google’s Sundar Pichai (both Brahmins) continue to make our engineering institutions proud.

Who is the CEO of alphabet?

Sundar Pichai (Dec 3, 2019–)

Is Sundar Pichai a billionaire?

With a wealth of Rs 5,900 crore, Sundar Pichai shares the fifth position with Satya Nadella in the ranking of richest professional manager Indians in the list. He joined Google in 2004 and was promoted to CEO in under a decade. Pichai is one of the highest paid CEOs in the world.

Who is the No 1 richest person in world?

Jeff Bezos

Who is richest actor in the world?

2, $950 million), Shahrukh Khan (No. 3, $600 million); and Tom Cruise (No….Richest Actors In The World For 2021.

Rank Name Net Worth
1 Tyler Perry $1 billion
2 Jerry Seinfield $950 million
3 Shahrukh Khan $600 million
4 Tom Cruise $580 million

Is Sundar Pichai richer than Larry Page?

He is also the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Larry Page ($84.5 billion): The co-founder of Google is now the eighth richest person with a net worth of $84.5 billion. In December 2019, Page stepped down as the CEO of Alphabet which is now headed by Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Is Larry Page a billionaire?

Creating Google built a significant amount of wealth. According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, as of April 10, 2021, Page has a net worth of approximately $103.7 billion, making him the 6th-wealthiest person in the world….

Larry Page
Children 2

Who is most richest person in India?

Free food grain supply till November to cost govt over ….

  • #1 Mukesh Ambani. Net worth: $84.5 billion.
  • #2 Gautam Adani. Net worth: $50.5 billion.
  • #3 Shiv Nadar. Net worth: $23.5 billion.
  • #4 Radhakishan Damani. Net worth: $16.5 billion.
  • #5 Uday Kotak. Net worth: $15.9 billion.
  • #6 Lakshmi Mittal.
  • #7 Kumar Birla.
  • #8 Cyrus Poonawalla.

Who is the 1st richest man in the world 2021?


No. Name Net worth (USD)
1 Jeff Bezos $177 billion
2 Elon Musk $151 billion
3 Bernard Arnault & family $150 billion
4 Bill Gates $124 billion

Who is a zillionaire?

: an immeasurably wealthy person.

Who is the richest YouTuber kid in the world?

Ryan Kaji

Is Ryan’s mom in jail?

The mother of Ryan Kaji, 7, who earned $22 million last year through his YouTube channel ‘Ryan ToysReview’, is a convicted criminal who was jailed for shoplifting. His wife, who is credited for creating the lucrative YouTube channel, is former high school chemistry teacher Loan Guan, 35.

Who is the oldest YouTuber?

Hamako Mori

Who is the richest kid in India?

1. Anant Ambani. Anant Ambani might have come from a wealthy family, but he has pioneered his path and fought numerous challenges along the way. He is the youngest child of India’s billionaire Mukesh Ambani.

  • 1

    chairperson [ˊtʃeəpɜ:sən]


    глава́, руководи́тель

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > chairperson

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > chairperson

  • 3

    English-Russian short dictionary > chairperson

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > chairperson

  • 5

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > chairperson

  • 6

    НБАРС > chairperson

  • 7



    председатель (собрания)


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > chairperson

  • 8

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Chairperson

  • 9

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > chairperson

  • 10

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > chairperson

  • 11

    Politics english-russian dictionary > chairperson

  • 12

    «председательствующее лицо»

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > chairperson

  • 13

    Новый англо-русский словарь > chairperson

  • 14

    English-Russian word-building patterns > chairperson

  • 15

    English-Russian word-building patterns > chairperson

  • 16

    председатель; председательствующий

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > chairperson

  • 17

    Англо-русский современный словарь > chairperson

  • 18

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > chairperson

  • 19

    English-Russian smart dictionary > chairperson

  • 20

    n председатель

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > chairperson


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • chairperson — chair‧per‧son [ˈtʆeəˌpɜːsn ǁ ˈtʆerˌpɜːrsn] noun chairpersons PLURALFORM or chairpeople [ ˌpiːpl] [countable] COMMERCE someone who is in charge of a meeting or who directs the work of a committee or o …   Financial and business terms

  • chairperson — n. the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization; same as {chair[3]} or {chairman[1]}, but used to achieve a sex neutral register. Syn: president, chairman, chairwoman, chair. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chairperson — index chief Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • chairperson — (n.) 1971, from CHAIR (Cf. chair) (n.) + PERSON (Cf. person) …   Etymology dictionary

  • chairperson — [n] person in charge of proceedings administrator, captain, chair, director, introducer, leader, moderator, monitor, president, presider, principal, prolocutor, speaker, spokesperson, symposiarch; concepts 348,376 …   New thesaurus

  • chairperson — ► NOUN ▪ a chairman or chairwoman …   English terms dictionary

  • chairperson — [cher′pʉr΄sən] n. CHAIRMAN (n. 1): used to avoid the masculine implication of chairman …   English World dictionary

  • chairperson — chairman, chairwoman, chairperson, chair The term chairman, which combines connotations of power with grammatical gender bias, has been a keyword in feminist sensitivities about language. Chairwoman dates from the 17c, but (as the OED notes) it… …   Modern English usage

  • chairperson — chairpersonship, n. /chair perr seuhn/, n. 1. a person who presides over a meeting, committee, board, etc. 2. the administrative head of a department in a high school, college, or university. [1970 75; CHAIR(MAN) + PERSON] Usage. CHAIRPERSON has …   Universalium

  • Chairperson — Der Begriff Chairperson wird verwendet: allgemein als emanzipierte Form des Begriffs Chairman im Zusammenhang mit der Themenzentrierten Interaktion von Ruth Cohn, siehe Chairperson (TZI) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • chairperson — [[t]tʃe͟ə(r)pɜː(r)s(ə)n[/t]] chairpersons N COUNT The chairperson of a meeting, committee, or organization is the person in charge of it. She s the chairperson of the safety committee …   English dictionary


: the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, committee, or event


: the administrative officer of a department of instruction (as in a college)


Example Sentences

A new chairperson for the committee has not yet been appointed.

the chairperson will determine the order in which people will speak

Recent Examples on the Web

On Monday, the commission was scheduled to deliver more than 12,000 pounds of food to people in need, said Sharon Ingram, chairperson of the commission.

Will Langhorne, Arkansas Online, 17 Jan. 2023

If a stoppage lasted only one to three days, the impact may be muted, especially given that there’s less freight traffic on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, according to Jason Miller, chairperson of supply chain management at Michigan State University.

Aimee Picchi, CBS News, 14 Sep. 2022

And her death comes at a time of global realignment, sovereignty movements, and the formation of regional blocs that provide more relevance for many developing countries today, argues William Gumede, executive chairperson of the Democracy Works Foundation in South Africa.

Sara Miller Llana, The Christian Science Monitor, 13 Sep. 2022

The debate began around noon and continued until midnight, the deadline set by committee chairperson and Fort Worth GOP Rep. Stephanie Klick.

Lauren Mcgaughy, Dallas News, 28 Mar. 2023

First announced in 2022, the series is also produced by PsyOps8 together with its partner, Fire and Ice Media, a new production company headed by Liza Diño, former chairperson and CEO of the Film Development Council of the Philippines, which is raising financing for the project.

Patrick Frater, Variety, 16 Mar. 2023

Those are the conclusions of Dr. Nirvana Manning, chairperson and associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

Ryan Anderson, Arkansas Online, 29 Jan. 2023

Since 2008, she’s run her family’s business, Sully’s Irish Pub on West Liberty Street, and has been an active member and chairperson on Main Street Medina’s Promotions Committee.

Sam Boyer, cleveland, 13 Jan. 2023

Still, a long and steady period of rainfall is what the state needs to pull out of this drought, said Vandana Rao, the state’s director of water policy and chairperson of the drought task force.

Nick Stoico,, 22 Aug. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘chairperson.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1899, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of chairperson was
in 1899

Dictionary Entries Near chairperson

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“Chairperson.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Darrion Erdman DVM

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(30 votes)

Terms for the office and its holder include chair, chairperson, chairman, chairwoman, convenor, facilitator, moderator, president, and presiding officer. … The Telegraph style guide bans the use of chair and chairperson; the newspaper’s position, as of 2018, is that «chairman is correct English».

Should I say chair or chairman?

The person in charge of a meeting or organization is referred to as the chair, or sometimes the chairperson. These words can be used to refer to either a man or a woman. … A chairman is a man who is in charge of a meeting or debate. The vicar, full of apologies, took his seat as chairman.

Can a female be called chairman?

A chairman is the leader of a business meeting or group. … The noun chairman can refer to this person, whether male or female, though sometimes a woman is called a chairwoman. These days, it’s more common still to simply call her (or him) a chair.

Is chairman one word or two?

noun, plural chair·men. the presiding officer of a meeting, committee, board, etc.

What kind of word is chairman?

verb (used with object), chair·maned or chair·manned, chair·man·ing or chair·man·ning. to act as or be chairman of (a meeting, committee, etc.).

35 related questions found

Is the chairman the owner?

In basic terms, the Chairman is the head of a board of directors and is in this position because they are elected by the shareholders. The over-arching responsibility of the Chairman is to protect shareholders’ interests and ensure the company is run profitably and in a stable fashion.

How do you address a female chairman?

Use «Madam Chair» or «Madam Chairman» to address a female chair. The term «chairwoman» can be used if there is a particular reason to make the clear distinction that a female is fulfilling the role.

What does a chairperson mean?

a person who presides over a meeting, committee, board, etc. the administrative head of a department in a high school, college, or university.

What are the responsibilities of chairman?

Role of the Chairman

The Chairman is responsible for leading the Board and focusing it on strategic matters, overseeing the Group’s business and setting high governance standards. He plays a pivotal role in fostering the effectiveness of the Board and individual Directors, both inside and outside the board room.

What is the plural of chairman?

noun. chair·​man | ˈcher-mən plural chairmen.

Is chairman higher than CEO?

Who is higher, CEO or chairman? A chairman is technically “higher” than a CEO. A chairman can appoint, evaluate, and fire the CEO. The CEO still holds the highest position in the operational structure of the company, and all other executives answer to the CEO.

What is the salary of a chairman?

Chairman salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.3 Lakhs to ₹ 102.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 23.0 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 37 salaries received from Chairmans.

Is chairman higher than President?

The president, commonly also referred to as the chief executive officer, is the top executive in a company responsible for managing a company’s operations and performance. … The chairman presides over the board meetings, but may or may not have actual executive authority.

What is difference between chairman and chairperson?

There is basically no difference between the words chairman and chairperson and they only refer to the fact that the person occupying the chair is a man or a woman. It is better to use the word chairperson, if you are not aware of the gender of the person occupying the chair.

Can you still say chairman?

The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style (2000) suggested that the gender-neutral forms were gaining ground; it advocated chair for both men and women. The Telegraph style guide bans the use of chair and chairperson; the newspaper’s position, as of 2018, is that «chairman is correct English».

How do you address a chairman?

When writing to the Chair of a committee or the Speaker of the House, whether in an email or a physical letter, it is proper to address them as: «Dear Mr. Chairman/Madam Chairwoman,» or «Dear Mr. Speaker.»

How do you greet a chairman?

They are formally addressed as ‘Mr./Ms./Dr./etc. (Name)‘ and are identified as member/chairman of the board of (whatever). ‘Governor’, ‘regent’, ‘director’ might be used orally & informally as an honorific – e.g., ‘Governor (Name) will here in a few minutes.

Who has more power CEO or chairman?

A chairman technically has higher powers than a CEO. Although a CEO is called the “ultimate boss” of a company, they still have to answer to the board of directors, which is headed by the chairman.

Can a chairman be a CEO?

In companies with boards of directors, leadership may include both a chief executive officer (CEO) and a chairman of the board—also called chair, chairperson or COB. CEOs and chairmen may be totally distinct or share some duties and responsibilities. In some instances, one individual holds both titles.

Who gets paid more CEO or chairman?

Glassdoor reports 24 people who have reported their salary in the role of an executive chairman, with the average of all reports being $36,000 per year. … According to, the average CEO salary is much higher, at $758,000 per year, with a top average range close to $1 million.

Who appoints the chairman?

A Chairman is Usually Appointed by Election. Every organisation, while electing the office-bearers, decides at a meeting who will hold what post. The Chairman of a Board of Directors of a company is elected at the first meeting of the Board.

How do you use chairman in a sentence?

1 The chairman has designated her as his successor. 2 The committee voted to re-elect him chairman. 3 The chairman made a few conventional remarks. 4 The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman.

In India, a male public official elected to chair a committee is still called Chairman, while a female official is nowadays called Chairperson. The term ‘chairwoman’ is never used, but a male official is never called ‘chairperson’ either. What is the global trend?

I cannot digest the use of both «chairman» and «chairperson», especially in the same institution, as in

the convener welcomed all chairmen and chairpersons on behalf of the planning forum

the Chairman for Public Works and the Chairperson for Town Planning attended the meeting

with the «chairperson» therefore being assumed to be female by default. I THINK ALL SUCH OFFICIALS OUGHT TO BE CALLED CHAIRPERSON not necessarily for perfect gender neutrality by itself (though it is certainly one aim) but for linguistic consistency while applying gender neutral terminology. What is the expert position on this matter?

Note: Merriam-Webster defines ‘chairwoman’ as a woman who serves as chairman, which is itself defined as a officer (not a man) who heads a committee or institution, while ‘chairperson’ is also assigned this very same meaning…

…but the way the word ‘chairperson’ is being used here, exclusively for women, will probably lead Indians to think that a ‘female chairman’ is a ‘chairperson!’

Added by edit:

The Wikipedia article on ‘chairman’ suggests that this is by no means an issue unique to India, but occurs worldwide:


In his 1992 State of the Union address, then-U.S. President George H. W. Bush used «chairman» for men and «chair» for women. A 1994 Canadian study found the Toronto Star newspaper referring to most presiding men as «chairman», and to most presiding women as «chairperson» or as «chairwoman».

The Chronicle of Higher Education uses «chairman» for men and «chairperson» for women. An analysis of the British National Corpus found chairman used 1,142 times, chairperson 130 times and chairwoman 68 times.[16] The National Association of Parliamentarians does not approve using «chairperson».[17]

The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and United Press International all use «chairwoman» or «chairman» when referring to women, and forbid use of «chair» or of «chairperson» except in direct quotations.[18][19][20] In World Schools Style debating, male chairs are called «Mr. Chairman» and female chairs are called «Madame Chair».[21]

The FranklinCovey Style Guide for Business and Technical Communication, as well as the American Psychological Association style guide, advocate using «chair» or «chairperson», rather than «chairman».[22][23]

The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style suggests that the gender-neutral forms are gaining ground. It advocates using «chair» to refer both to men and to women.[24]


I found the following related question

«Chair» or «chairman?»

but I think its focus is on whether the use of CHAIR as substitute for Chairman is appropriate, which is not quite what I would like to know.

So my question is whether routinely using both words — ‘chairman’ for men and ‘chairperson’ for women — is linguistically appropriate, since the gender neutral ‘chairperson’ has acquired female gender connotation (at least in India) as a consequence!

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The country rapporteur or the chairperson made concluding remarks, highlighting both concerns and positive developments.

Докладчик по стране или председатель формулируют заключительные замечания, обращая в них внимание одновременно на вызывающие озабоченность вопросы и позитивные моменты.

Each session will have a different high-level chairperson.

На каждом заседании будет назначен свой председатель из числа должностных лиц высокого уровня.

Please direct your questions to the chairperson.

In classic Guerrino fashion, he is again thinking long term and starting the transition to a new chairperson for the future.

В классической манере Guerrino он снова думает надолго и начинает переходить к новому председателю в будущем.

These cities have mayoral elections, while other municipalities elect a chairperson.

В крупных городах существует процедура выбора мэра, в то время как другие муниципалитеты избирают председателя.

Under the circumstances the filming spot shall be determined by the PEC chairperson.

В таком случае, место, откуда может осуществляться съемка, определит председатель соответствующей участковой избирательной комиссии».

Accordingly the Commission chairperson makes a decision who to hire and how.

Соответственно, председатель Комиссии сам принимает решения о том, кого и как принимать на работу.

The protocol has to be signed by the chairperson of the meeting.

Протокол должен быть подписан председателем собрания.

Each committee is composed of a chairperson and one or more members.

Каждая из комиссий состоит из председателя и двух или более членов.

The board shall elect annually a chairperson and secretary.

Педагогический совет избирает председателя и секретаря ежегодно.

As chairperson he has been a highly constructive partner for me.

Как председатель он был очень конструктивным партнером для меня.

The applicant, a retired senior police officer, was the chairperson of a police trade union.

Заявитель, вышедший на пенсию старший офицер полиции, была председателем полицейского профсоюза.

In the case that the number of judges exceeds twelve, the post of deputy chairperson of the commercial court will also be created.

Если число судей будет превышать 11 человек, то создается также должность заместителя председателя коммерческого суда.

The chairperson of an acclaimed nationalized bank stated that present generation of children is quite apt in using the varied technologies developed.

Председатель признанного национализированного банка заявил, что нынешнее поколение детей весьма склонно использовать различные разработанные технологии.

A chairperson and a rapporteur will be elected from among the treaty body representatives at the meeting.

Из числа представителей договорных органов на совещании будут избраны председатель и докладчик.

The chairperson of the informal drafting group explained that the term was used to indicate non-members of the sub-committee.

Председатель неофициальной редакционной группы пояснила, что этот термин был использован применительно к нечленам подкомитета.

The Committee chairperson may change the order if necessary.

Председатель Комиссии в случае необходимости может вносить изменения в ее состав.

The task of expressing appropriate courtesies towards the representatives of the reporting State should be entrusted solely to the chairperson of the relevant committee.

Обязанность надлежащим образом приветствовать представителей государства, представившего доклад, должна быть возложена исключительно на председателя соответствующего комитета.

Two of its five members must have experience of working as a judge; one of them acts as chairperson of the Court.

Двое из пяти его членов должны обладать опытом работы в качестве судей; один из них назначается председателем суда.

A national coordinator acted as liaison between the committee chairperson and the five subcommittees responsible for the dual implementation of the preparatory committee’s decisions.

Связь между председателем Комитета и пятью подкомитетами, отвечающими за двойное выполнение решений подготовительного комитета, осуществляет национальный координатор.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат chairperson

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ chair-pur-suhn ]

/ ˈtʃɛərˌpɜr sən /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a person who presides over a meeting, committee, board, etc.

the administrative head of a department in a high school, college, or university.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

usage note for chairperson

Chairperson has, since the 1960s, come to be used widely as an alternative to either chairman or chairwoman. This change was motivated largely by a desire to avoid chairman, which was felt to be inappropriate and even sexually discriminatory when applied to a woman. Chairperson is standard in all varieties of speech and writing.
Despite such widespread acceptance, some organizations and publications do not use chairperson at all, usually on the grounds that it is awkward and that chairman is a well-established generic term. Many style guides advocate use of the term chair to designate the presiding officer, thus avoiding charges of both sexism and awkwardness: Jim will be chair of the entertainment committee this year, and Jane will be chair next year. See also -man, -person, -woman.

OTHER WORDS FROM chairperson

chair·per·son·ship, noun

Words nearby chairperson

chairlady, chairlift, chairman, chairman of the board, chairmanship, chairperson, chair rail, chair table, chair warmer, chairwoman, chair yoga Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to chairperson

administrator, captain, chair, director, leader, moderator, monitor, principal, speaker, spokesperson, symposiarch, introducer, presider, prolocutor

How to use chairperson in a sentence

  • Ian Hogarth, the former cofounder of concert discovery app Songkick and now a prominent angel and seed investor, is joining Phasecraft’s board as chairperson.

  • When he resigned and became the chairperson, his wife took over as director.

  • The state’s Republican senators and assembly members largely oppose legalization, and the party’s county chairpersons in September passed a resolution to oppose the ballot question.

  • That includes the chairperson of the House Natural Resources Committee, Raúl Grijalva.

  • At Politifest, Fletcher confirmed that if the Democrats take control of the County Board of Supervisors, they will take control of the chairperson role and be able to decide on the direction.

  • The chairperson at Doe’s disciplinary was faculty member Dennis Conway.

  • Art is resistance, said Freedom Theater chairperson Bilal Saadi.

  • My candidate for Fed chairperson would be Janet Yellen, who runs the San Francisco Fed.

British Dictionary definitions for chairperson

undefined chairperson

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

icon forward

The Chairperson shall be elected in turns from the five geographic

regions in accordance with the following order.


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Председатели избираются поочередно из пяти географических регионов в следующем порядке.


The chairperson of each branch shall be co-chairpersons of the plenary.


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Председатели каждого подразделения являются сопредседателями пленарной сессии.


In a majority of the countries, the theme group chairperson has been the WHO representative.


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В большинстве стран председателями тематических групп являются представители ВОЗ.


The Chairperson of subsidiary organs may participate in making decisions;


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В принятии решений могут участвовать председатели вспомогательных органов;


She would appreciate information about the secretariat of the Commission and who its chairperson was.


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Она хотела бы получить информацию о секретариате Комиссии и ее председателе.


Ii Jointly selecting the chairpersons and examining the need for a full time chairperson;


context icon

Ii совместные выборы председателей и изучение необходимости в постоянно работающем председателе;


The CEC comprises a chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary and 12 other members.


context icon

ЦИК состоит из председателя, заместителя


секретаря и 12 других членов.


The chairperson may wish subsequently to seek confirmation of the delegation’s intention.


The chairperson of the Women’s Committee is also a deputy prime minister.


context icon

Руководитель Комитета женщин одновременно является заместителем Премьер-министра.


The Chairperson thanked the outgoing members of the TIRExB for their contributions and cooperation.


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Комитет поблагодарил выбывающих членов ИСМДП за их вклад в работу и сотрудничество.


Meetings were held with the Chairperson of the State Committee on Combating Violence against Women.


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Совещания, проведенные с руководителем Комитета штата по борьбе с насилием в отношении женщин.


Each Chairperson could be supported by two deputies from the other Regional Groups.


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Для каждого Председателя могли бы обеспечивать поддержку два заместителя из других региональных групп.


He was chairperson of the Maricopa County Republican Central Committee.

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Являлся членом Центрального комитета Республиканской парти Аннаполиса.

The Chairperson will inform the meeting on the activities of the Operations

Committee during the reporting period.


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Сопредседатель проинформирует совещание о деятельности Комитета по операциям за отчетный период.


Chairperson of Paediatrics Department, 1996, till present.


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Руководитель кафедры педиатрии с 1996 года по настоящее время.


Mr. Deniau(France) nominated Ms. Kathryn Sabo(Canada) for the office of Chairperson.


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Г-н Деньо( Франция) выдвигает кандидатуру гжи Кэтрин Сабо( Канада) на должность Предсе— дателя.


Ms. Rosette Katungye Nyirinkindi(Uganda) was elected Chairperson by acclamation.


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Путем аккламации Председателем была избрана гжа Роузет Катунгье Ньиринкинди Уганда.


The Chairperson of the Commission opened the forty-fifth session.


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Сорок пятую сессию открыл Предсе— датель Комиссии.


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Unlike other international organizations, the PSI has no formal structure,


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В отличие от других международных организаций, ИБОР не имеет формальной структуры,


The PSI has no formal structure, headquarters or chairperson.


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In case of equal division of votes, the vote of the session’s Chairperson is decisive.

The Chairperson of the Commission opened the forty-sixth session.


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Сорок шестую сессию открыл Предсе— датель Комиссии.


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