Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!
Asked by: Ms. Loma Abernathy DDS
Score: 4.8/5
(8 votes)
Meaning of caretaking in English
the work of taking care of people or animals: She talked about her caretaking during her husband’s illness.
Is caretaker one word or two?
If you are describing someone who cares for something that isn’t a person, you should use caretaker in both American and British English. For example, someone who attends the grounds of a cemetery is a caretaker. For someone who cares for a person, use carer in British English and caregiver in American English.
What is the difference between caring and caretaking?
Caregiving is rooted in love and kindness. Caretaking, however, is rooted in insecurity and the need for control or the need to be needed for fear of loss.
Is caretaker hyphenated?
caregiver, caretaker
Both are one word, with no hyphen.
What is the meaning of a keeper?
: a person whose job is to guard or take care of something or someone. US, informal : something or someone that is worth keeping : something or someone that is good, valuable, etc.
35 related questions found
What is a antonym for career?
career. Antonyms: misproceeding, misdeportment, unsuccess, miscarriage. Synonyms: course, success, walk, line, progress, history, race.
Is a nurse a caretaker?
A nurse is a caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical needs, prevent illness, and treat health conditions. To do this, they need to observe and monitor the patient, recording any relevant information to aid in treatment decision-making.
Is a parent a caretaker?
Definition of Caretaker Relative
This includes the spouse of such parent or relative. If a child lives with a parent and another relative, such as a grandparent, the other relative may qualify as the caretaker relative if he or she has primary responsibility for the child’s care.
What is caretaking behavior?
Lefever defines compulsive helping as “the need to be needed.” There’s nothing unusual about the desire to be needed, but like other addictions, caretaking is a behavior taken to an extreme. This is a perverted sort of caring that, rather than helping, turns out to be both self-destructive and harmful to others.
What is the cause of codependency?
Codependency is usually rooted in childhood. Often, a child grows up in a home where their emotions are ignored or punished. This emotional neglect can give the child low self-esteem and shame. They may believe their needs are not worth attending to.
What is compulsive caretaking?
Compulsive care-giving is a pattern of adult attachment behavior in which the person emphasizes the importance of giving care in relationships rather than receiving it. The developmental antecedent of this pattern derives from role reversal in the parent-child relationship.
Is caretaker a bad word?
While there’s nothing grammatically incorrect about the term caretaker in North American English, it does have specific psychological and emotional implications.
Is caretaker a profession?
Let’s start with defining what exactly it means to be a professional in-home, non-medical caregiver. A professional caregiver is someone whose career is to assist another person in a way that enables them to live as independently as possible. Professional caregivers can go by many different job titles.
Is CNA the same as a caregiver?
To summarize, caregivers and CNA jobs have similar functions, but CNAs have more education which enables increased job functions and pay. Caregiver jobs provide care and comfort like CNAs, but without the medical assistance, and are a great starting point for those looking to become CNAs.
Who is considered a caretaker?
«Caregiver» or «caretaker» refers to anyone who provides care for another person. There are different types of caregivers that provide specific care, like family caregivers and respite caregivers. Caregivers can help relieve burdens and support individuals in need.
What are 4 types of caregivers?
The most common type of caregiver is the family caregiver: someone who takes care of a family member without pay. The other types are professional, independent, private, informal, and volunteer caregivers.
Who can be considered a caregiver?
A caregiver is someone, typically over age 18, who provides care for another. It may be a person who is responsible for the direct care, protection, and supervision of children in a child care home, or someone who tends to the needs of the elderly or disabled.
Is a nurse a professional?
Nicola Rowlands, professional adviser for education at the NMC, says: “Being a professional means adhering to the code: standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. …
Do I need to be a nurse to be a caregiver?
However, caregivers cannot administer medicines or perform clinical interventions such as wound care and IV Therapy. For that, you need a qualified nurse.
What is the synonym career?
In this page you can discover 42 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for career, like: profession, job, work, diversion, craft, racket, run, avocation, occupation, vocation and lifework.
What is a synonym for success?
In this page you can discover 89 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for success, like: victory, triumph, accomplishment, achievement, attaining, accomplishing, being out in front, failure, fortune, progress and good-luck.
What kind of word is keeper?
A person who keeps something.
Asked by: Ms. Loma Abernathy DDS
Score: 4.8/5
(8 votes)
Meaning of caretaking in English
the work of taking care of people or animals: She talked about her caretaking during her husband’s illness.
Is caretaker one word or two?
If you are describing someone who cares for something that isn’t a person, you should use caretaker in both American and British English. For example, someone who attends the grounds of a cemetery is a caretaker. For someone who cares for a person, use carer in British English and caregiver in American English.
What is the difference between caring and caretaking?
Caregiving is rooted in love and kindness. Caretaking, however, is rooted in insecurity and the need for control or the need to be needed for fear of loss.
Is caretaker hyphenated?
caregiver, caretaker
Both are one word, with no hyphen.
What is the meaning of a keeper?
: a person whose job is to guard or take care of something or someone. US, informal : something or someone that is worth keeping : something or someone that is good, valuable, etc.
35 related questions found
What is a antonym for career?
career. Antonyms: misproceeding, misdeportment, unsuccess, miscarriage. Synonyms: course, success, walk, line, progress, history, race.
Is a nurse a caretaker?
A nurse is a caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical needs, prevent illness, and treat health conditions. To do this, they need to observe and monitor the patient, recording any relevant information to aid in treatment decision-making.
Is a parent a caretaker?
Definition of Caretaker Relative
This includes the spouse of such parent or relative. If a child lives with a parent and another relative, such as a grandparent, the other relative may qualify as the caretaker relative if he or she has primary responsibility for the child’s care.
What is caretaking behavior?
Lefever defines compulsive helping as “the need to be needed.” There’s nothing unusual about the desire to be needed, but like other addictions, caretaking is a behavior taken to an extreme. This is a perverted sort of caring that, rather than helping, turns out to be both self-destructive and harmful to others.
What is the cause of codependency?
Codependency is usually rooted in childhood. Often, a child grows up in a home where their emotions are ignored or punished. This emotional neglect can give the child low self-esteem and shame. They may believe their needs are not worth attending to.
What is compulsive caretaking?
Compulsive care-giving is a pattern of adult attachment behavior in which the person emphasizes the importance of giving care in relationships rather than receiving it. The developmental antecedent of this pattern derives from role reversal in the parent-child relationship.
Is caretaker a bad word?
While there’s nothing grammatically incorrect about the term caretaker in North American English, it does have specific psychological and emotional implications.
Is caretaker a profession?
Let’s start with defining what exactly it means to be a professional in-home, non-medical caregiver. A professional caregiver is someone whose career is to assist another person in a way that enables them to live as independently as possible. Professional caregivers can go by many different job titles.
Is CNA the same as a caregiver?
To summarize, caregivers and CNA jobs have similar functions, but CNAs have more education which enables increased job functions and pay. Caregiver jobs provide care and comfort like CNAs, but without the medical assistance, and are a great starting point for those looking to become CNAs.
Who is considered a caretaker?
«Caregiver» or «caretaker» refers to anyone who provides care for another person. There are different types of caregivers that provide specific care, like family caregivers and respite caregivers. Caregivers can help relieve burdens and support individuals in need.
What are 4 types of caregivers?
The most common type of caregiver is the family caregiver: someone who takes care of a family member without pay. The other types are professional, independent, private, informal, and volunteer caregivers.
Who can be considered a caregiver?
A caregiver is someone, typically over age 18, who provides care for another. It may be a person who is responsible for the direct care, protection, and supervision of children in a child care home, or someone who tends to the needs of the elderly or disabled.
Is a nurse a professional?
Nicola Rowlands, professional adviser for education at the NMC, says: “Being a professional means adhering to the code: standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. …
Do I need to be a nurse to be a caregiver?
However, caregivers cannot administer medicines or perform clinical interventions such as wound care and IV Therapy. For that, you need a qualified nurse.
What is the synonym career?
In this page you can discover 42 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for career, like: profession, job, work, diversion, craft, racket, run, avocation, occupation, vocation and lifework.
What is a synonym for success?
In this page you can discover 89 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for success, like: victory, triumph, accomplishment, achievement, attaining, accomplishing, being out in front, failure, fortune, progress and good-luck.
What kind of word is keeper?
A person who keeps something.
Персональный Сократ > caretaker
caretaker лицо, присматривающее за домом, квартирой caretaker смотритель (здания) caretaker смотритель caretaker сторож caretaker уборщица caretaker attr.: caretaker government правительство, временно руководящее страной до новых выборов caretaker attr.: caretaker government правительство, временно руководящее страной до новых выборов government: government: caretaker caretaker правительство, временно исполняющее обязанности до всеобщих выборов
English-Russian short dictionary > caretaker
ответственный за поддержание порядка ; смотритель, сторож
The front door is locked now but the caretaker will let you out at the back. — Парадная дверь уже заперта, но сторож выведет вас через чёрный ход.
; = caregiver ухаживающий за престарелым, больным
caretaker manager — ; спорт. временно исполняющий обязанности главного тренера
in a caretaker role / capacity — в качестве временного главы, руководителя
Англо-русский современный словарь > caretaker
смотритель, сторож, комендант
The front door is locked now but the caretaker will let you out at the back. — Парадная дверь уже заперта, но сторож проводит вас через черный ход.
лицо, осуществляющее уход
a caretaker for the elderly [a child] with cerebral palsy — тот, кто ухаживает за престарелым [ребенком] с церебральным параличом
скотник; скотница
исполняющий обязанности, временный руководитель [управляющий]
caretaker prime minister [chairman, president] — временно исполняющий обязанности премьер-министра [председателя, президента]
in a caretaker role [capacity] — в качестве временного главы [руководителя]
Англо-русский экономический словарь > caretaker
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > caretaker
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > caretaker
Politics english-russian dictionary > caretaker
тот, кто временно ответственен за что-л.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > caretaker
1) смотри́тель м
2) вре́менное руково́дство
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > caretaker
1> сторож, смотритель (здания); вахтер
the care-taker of a school школьный сторож
2> исполняющий обязанности (кого-л.)
care-taker government кабинет, временно исполняющий
обязанности до всеобщих выборов
C. Government _ист. кабинет, существовавший между отставкой
правительства Черчилля в мае 1945 г. и выборами в июле 1945 г.
3> опекунНБАРС > caretaker
Англо-русский технический словарь > caretaker
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > caretaker
ответственный за поддержание в порядке; смотритель, сторож
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > caretaker
(n) опекун; смотритель здания
* * *
* * *
сторож, смотритель
* * *
Новый англо-русский словарь > caretaker
1) опекун
2) смотритель здания
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > caretaker
США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > caretaker
тот, кто временно ответственен
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > caretaker
English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > caretaker
управляющий домом; сторож; дворник
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > caretaker
English-Russian smart dictionary > caretaker
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Caretaker — usually refers to one of the following: * Property caretaker, a person who cares for a property * Caretaker government, a temporary governmentCaretaker may also refer to: * Caretaker ( Voyager episode), the pilot episode of Star Trek: Voyager *… … Wikipedia
caretaker — Ⅰ. caretaker UK US /ˈkeəˌteɪkər/ noun [C] (US, Scottish also janitor, US also custodian) ► a person who is employed to take care of a large building, such as a school or office building, and to deal with the cleaning, repairs, etc.: »He lived on… … Financial and business terms
caretaker — ► NOUN 1) Brit. a person employed to look after a public building. 2) (before another noun ) holding power temporarily: a caretaker government … English terms dictionary
caretaker — [ker′tāk΄ər] n. 1. a person hired to take care of something or someone, esp. of a house, estate, etc. for an owner who is not always in residence; custodian 2. a person temporarily carrying out the duties as of an office 3. a person who takes… … English World dictionary
caretaker — I (one caring for property) noun archivist, attendant, concierge, convoy, curator, custodian, governor, guard, guardian, keeper, lookout, overseer, porter, sentry, sexton, steward, superintendent, supervisor, warden, watchman II (one fulfilling… … Law dictionary
caretaker — 1858, from CARE (Cf. care) + agent noun of TAKE (Cf. take) … Etymology dictionary
caretaker — [n] person who maintains something baby sitter, concierge, curator, custodian, house sitter, janitor, keeper, porter, sitter, super*, superintendent, supervisor, warden, watchperson; concept 348 … New thesaurus
caretaker — [[t]ke͟ə(r)teɪkə(r)[/t]] caretakers 1) N COUNT A caretaker is a person whose job it is to look after a large building such as a school or a block of flats or apartments, and deal with small repairs to it. [BRIT] Syn: janitor (in AM, use janitor)… … English dictionary
caretaker — Kahu (for various kinds, see Haw. Eng. entry and entries that follow it); kahu mālama, mālama, kia i; hānai (rare); ♦ land caretaker, hoa āina; ♦ caretaker of images, kahuna ki i; ♦ caretaker of bones of dead, lawelawe iwi; ♦… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
caretaker — care|tak|er1 [ ker,teıkər ] noun count * 1. ) someone whose job is to take care of a house or land, usually for an owner who is away 2. ) someone who takes care of a person who cannot take care of themselves, for example because they are too… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
caretaker — I UK [ˈkeə(r)ˌteɪkə(r)] / US [ˈkerˌteɪkər] noun [countable] Word forms caretaker : singular caretaker plural caretakers 1) someone whose job is to look after a large building such as a school, office building, or block of flats. The usual… … English dictionary
смотритель, сторож, лицо, присматривающее за домом
- брит. ответственный за поддержание порядка (в здании); смотритель, сторож
- амер.; = caregiver ухаживающий за престарелым, больным
- временно исполняющий обязанности (кого-л.)
- преим. амер. опекун
- упр. исполняющий обязанности, временный руководитель [управляющий] (лицо, временно осуществляющее руководство, до избрания или назначения нового руководителя)
- уборщик
Мои примеры
caretaker of the farm — смотритель фермы
cemetery caretaker — сторож кладбища
caretaker for the elderly — ухаживающий за престарелыми
caretaker prime minister — временно исполняющий обязанности премьер-министра
in a caretaker role / capacity — в качестве временного главы, руководителя
caretaker government — переходное правительство, временное правительство
adviser of caretaker government — советник временного правительства
caretaker administration — администрация, временно исполняющая обязанности до создания правительства
‘caretaker’ government — правительство Австралии, назначенное генерал-губернатором в 1975
caretaker speech — язык родителей
Примеры с переводом
The caretaker boarded the window.
Смотритель дома заколотил окно досками.
The front door is locked now but the caretaker will let you out at the back.
Парадная дверь уже заперта, но сторож выведет вас через чёрный ход.
He acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected.
Он выступал в качестве временно исполняющего обязанности (главы государства), пока не появилась возможность избрать нового президента.
…hired a caretaker for the mansion during the winter months…
…наняли смотрителя особняка на зиму… (досл.: на период зимних месяцев)
The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.
Смотритель несёт ответственность за содержание и ремонт школьных построек.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
We have a caretaker who watches the place for us while we are away.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
Формы слова
ед. ч.(singular): caretaker
мн. ч.(plural): caretakers
: one that gives physical or emotional care and support
served as caretaker to the younger children
: one that takes care of the house or land of an owner who may be absent
: one temporarily fulfilling the function of office
Example Sentences
We have a caretaker who watches the place for us while we are away.
hired a caretaker for the mansion during the winter months
Recent Examples on the Web
Ditto for elderly homeowners who might want a space for a live-in caretaker.
—Jon Healey, Los Angeles Times, 29 Mar. 2023
One caretaker asked whether the robot knew how to listen, because older people tell stories.
—Jason Horowitz,, 26 Mar. 2023
This is the design of the system, based on the belief that a child’s parents are their best caretakers, and reliant upon government employees who are often overwhelmed.
—Alex Mar, Rolling Stone, 25 Mar. 2023
One caretaker asked whether the robot knew how to listen, because older people tell stories.
—Jason Horowitz, New York Times, 25 Mar. 2023
His sister Erin became Ronnie’s tutor and caretaker when Wittig needed to be at work.
—Albina Sportelli, USA TODAY, 23 Mar. 2023
Not everyone has the capacity to learn the systems or can afford to leave their job to become a full-time caretaker.
—John Elder Robison, STAT, 23 Mar. 2023
Her shelter focuses on rehabilitating residents to be more independent and giving them as much freedom as possible while also having enough equipment and caretakers to assist residents with daily needs.
—Siobhán O’grady, Washington Post, 18 Mar. 2023
Under the bill, smokable cannabis products would be prohibited, and card holders would have to be 18 years old or a caretaker for a child.
—Joe Sonka, The Courier-Journal, 14 Mar. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘caretaker.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
First Known Use
1801, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of caretaker was
in 1801
Dictionary Entries Near caretaker
Cite this Entry
“Caretaker.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
More from Merriam-Webster on caretaker
Last Updated:
31 Mar 2023
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I grew up near King’s Cross station in London, living in an apartment block where my dad was a caretaker.
Phil Daniels
Caretaker is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.
Caretaker usually refers to one of the following: ▪ a chocolate bar ▪ British word for janitor ▪ Property caretaker, a person who cares for a property ▪ Caretaker government, a temporary government ▪ A person who takes care of another in the general sense or in the sense of a caregiver or looks after someone who is severely physically disabled and/or mentally ill and is not able to care for themselves / carer Caretaker may also refer to: ▪ «Caretaker», the pilot episode of Star Trek: Voyager ▪ Caretaker manager, someone who takes temporary charge of team affairs of a football club ▪ The Caretaker, play by Harold Pinter ▪ The Caretaker, project of electronic musician Jim Kirby ▪ Caretaker, a Marvel Comics character who appeared in Ghost Rider ▪ Caretaker genes, a group of tumour suppressor genes ▪ Caretaker, a character played by Chris Rock in The Longest Yard ▪ Caretaker, a three piece rock band…
Definition of caretaker in the English dictionary
The definition of caretaker in the dictionary is a person who is in charge of a place or thing, esp in the owner’s absence. Other definition of caretaker is holding office temporarily; interim.
Synonyms and antonyms of caretaker in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «caretaker» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «caretaker» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of caretaker to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of caretaker from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «caretaker» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
người trông coi
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of caretaker
The term «caretaker» is quite widely used and occupies the 30.368 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Quite widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «caretaker» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of caretaker
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «caretaker».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «caretaker» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «caretaker» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about caretaker
Famous quotes and sentences with the word caretaker.
I grew up near King’s Cross station in London, living in an apartment block where my dad was a caretaker.
We want people who work for us to be entrepreneurs. We like them to look at ideas. We like them to chase ideas. We like them to not be what I call a caretaker of an asset.
If you’re a caretaker, who are you when there’s no one else to take care of?
Being a caretaker is, and never will be, an easy job; in fact, it is that hardest job in the world and many times a thankless job. You have to be the pillar of strength even when you feel like you are crumbling to pieces inside.
I didn’t run for mayor to be the caretaker of the status quo.
I’ve always been a caretaker; I think a lot of women are. We take care of everybody else first, and very rarely do we think about ourselves.
Discover the use of caretaker in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to caretaker and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The Caretaker: A Ranjit Singh Novel
A gripping tale of hidden histories, political intrigue and dangerous attractions, A. X. Ahmad’s The Caretaker introduces a new hero for our times: an immigrant caught between two worlds and a man caught between two loves.
Act. Three. Two weeks later. MICK is lying on the floor, down left, his head resting
onthe rolled carpet, looking up at the ceiling. DAVIES is sittingin the chair,
holding his pipe. He is wearing the smokingjacket. It is afternoon. Silence.
The Caretaker and The Dumb Waiter: Two Plays
Since the remarkable success of The Caretaker in 1960, Harold Pinter has been
recognized as «the most fascinating, enigmatic, and accomplished dramatist in
the English language» (Jack Kroll, Newsweek). «The Caretaker is … a powerful …
Alzheimer: A Handbook for the Caretaker
A great manual written by a person who has spent a lifetime caring for these patients, from the onset of the disease until their passing. A great book for carers, but especially helpful for family members, relatives and friends.
Care for the Caretaker: How Jim Backus Wife Did It: An …
Here comes Mr. Magoo! Look kids, Mr. Magoo just fell out of his car head first! Isn’t Mr. Magoo a funny fellow!» Sometimes being visible isn’t much fun.—from the book.
Most often, paths chosen leads to no success. the book DESTINY CARETAKER intends to remind man of the unfailing path designed by God for individuals and how parents can trian up their children in this path as part of the assignment given to …
Firestorm: The Caretaker Trilogy:
This is a book every environmentally conscious school science program should make required reading.
Risktaker, caretaker, surgeon, undertaker: the four faces of …
For each type of leader, this groundbreaking book describes the most appropriate strategy, strategic team and situation. This integration of strategy, leadership, people and timing makes this book unique.
William E. Rothschild, 1993
1972. While vacationing reporter BrianAllen Bennett visits a charming villa inTuscany, Italy, he receives a gift fromthe mysterious caretaker-a Bible thatcontains two cryptic documents: abirth certificate dated April 20, 1889, and a letter …
Mark Cooper is the caretaker of wealthy summer homes during the winter, but one winter he finds himself taking care of more than homes when he comes to the aid of his alcoholic father and a young woman who says she needs him.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term caretaker is used in the context of the following news items.
Watch: The moment high school students gave their caretaker her …
A popular school caretaker was given the surprise of a lifetime when students helped to rebuild – and fully furnish – the home she lost in a … «The Independent, Jul 15»
JLP discontinues process to select West Central St Catherine …
The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) secretariat has discontinued the selection process to determine the caretaker for West Central St Catherine … «Jamaica Gleaner, Jul 15»
After loss, a caretaker seeks new meaning
In guilty moments, Gary LeBlanc’s thoughts turned to the life he’d live when it was over. He’d take a long trip up north, see some old friends, … «, Jul 15»
Man Bites Off Caretaker’s Nose Over Wrong Turn: Police
Vernon police have arrested a South Windsor man accused of biting a caretaker’s nose off because she made a wrong turn on the way to a … «NBC Connecticut, Jul 15»
School caretaker attacked teenagers in Horsham
Karl Lucas, 27, of Manor Fields, Horsham, who is employed as a premises officer at the Three Bridges Primary School, Gales Drive, was … «West Sussex County Times, Jul 15»
Malaysian civil society, opposition leaders call for caretaker govt …
CIVIL society and opposition leaders have called for a caretaker government and fresh elections next year, following claims that nearly US$700 … «The Straits Times, Jul 15»
Family speaks of ‘broken’ hearts after Phil Walsh’s death
… after Phil Walsh’s death; Adelaide Crows to announce caretaker coach … over as the team’s caretaker coach for the rest of the AFL season. «ABC Online, Jul 15»
issolution Of Caretaker Committees Tears APC Apart
Bello, Niger state governor THE dissolution of the caretaker committees of the 25 Local Governments in Niger State may have pitched the party, … «The Guardian Nigeria, Jul 15»
Hilary Swank: Acting On Hold To Be ‘Sole Caretaker‘ For Ailing Dad …
Swank, an Oscar winner, could be up for daughter of the year as she divulged in an interview Thursday that she is the sole caretaker for her … «The Inquisitr, Jul 15»
Caretaker AK Party gov’t criticized for police operation against youth …
Police raided a youth association founded by former Balıkesir Governor Ahmet Turhan that is giving Quran lessons to 60 children, based on … «Today’s Zaman, Jul 15»
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- caretaker
(one caring for property) noun
archivist, attendant, concierge, convoy, curator, custodian, governor, guard, guardian, keeper, lookout, overseer, porter, sentry, sexton, steward, superintendent, supervisor, warden, watchman
II(one fulfilling the function of office) noun
administrator, collector, commissioner, controller, director, district officer, government servant, grand vizier, high official, key person, magistrate, manager, minister, officeholder, officer, officer in charge, officer of state, overseer, person in charge, public servant, state servant, superintendent
custodian (warden), fiduciary, guardian, proctor, procurator, superintendent, trustee
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Caretaker — usually refers to one of the following: * Property caretaker, a person who cares for a property * Caretaker government, a temporary governmentCaretaker may also refer to: * Caretaker ( Voyager episode), the pilot episode of Star Trek: Voyager *… … Wikipedia
caretaker — Ⅰ. caretaker UK US /ˈkeəˌteɪkər/ noun [C] (US, Scottish also janitor, US also custodian) ► a person who is employed to take care of a large building, such as a school or office building, and to deal with the cleaning, repairs, etc.: »He lived on… … Financial and business terms
caretaker — ► NOUN 1) Brit. a person employed to look after a public building. 2) (before another noun ) holding power temporarily: a caretaker government … English terms dictionary
caretaker — [ker′tāk΄ər] n. 1. a person hired to take care of something or someone, esp. of a house, estate, etc. for an owner who is not always in residence; custodian 2. a person temporarily carrying out the duties as of an office 3. a person who takes… … English World dictionary
caretaker — 1858, from CARE (Cf. care) + agent noun of TAKE (Cf. take) … Etymology dictionary
caretaker — [n] person who maintains something baby sitter, concierge, curator, custodian, house sitter, janitor, keeper, porter, sitter, super*, superintendent, supervisor, warden, watchperson; concept 348 … New thesaurus
caretaker — [[t]ke͟ə(r)teɪkə(r)[/t]] caretakers 1) N COUNT A caretaker is a person whose job it is to look after a large building such as a school or a block of flats or apartments, and deal with small repairs to it. [BRIT] Syn: janitor (in AM, use janitor)… … English dictionary
caretaker — Kahu (for various kinds, see Haw. Eng. entry and entries that follow it); kahu mālama, mālama, kia i; hānai (rare); ♦ land caretaker, hoa āina; ♦ caretaker of images, kahuna ki i; ♦ caretaker of bones of dead, lawelawe iwi; ♦… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
caretaker — care|tak|er1 [ ker,teıkər ] noun count * 1. ) someone whose job is to take care of a house or land, usually for an owner who is away 2. ) someone who takes care of a person who cannot take care of themselves, for example because they are too… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
caretaker — I UK [ˈkeə(r)ˌteɪkə(r)] / US [ˈkerˌteɪkər] noun [countable] Word forms caretaker : singular caretaker plural caretakers 1) someone whose job is to look after a large building such as a school, office building, or block of flats. The usual… … English dictionary
Смотреть что такое CARETAKER в других словарях:
[`kɛəˏteɪkə]лицо, выполняющее обязанности смотрителяопекунвременный правительственный орган
[`kɛəˏteɪkə]ответственный за поддержание в порядке; смотритель, сторож
сущ.1) эк. тр., брит. смотритель, сторож, комендант (лицо, ответственное за поддержание в порядке здания, дома в частной собственности и т. д.)
caretak… смотреть
caretaker: translationⅠ.
caretaker UK US /ˈkeəˌteɪkər/ noun [C] (US, Scottish also janitor, US also custodian)
► a person who is employed to take ca… смотреть
[ʹkeə͵teıkə] n1. сторож, смотритель (здания); вахтёрthe care-taker of a school — школьный сторож2. исполняющий обязанности (кого-л.)care-taker governme… смотреть
сущ. 1) брит. ответственный за поддержание в порядке (особ.: здания; дома в частной собственности); смотритель, сторож caretaker of the farm — смотритель фермы cemetery caretaker — сторож кладбища The front door is locked now but the caretaker will let you out at the back. — Парадная дверь уже заперта, но сторож проводит вас через черный ход. 2) амер. (ухаживащий за престарелым или больным) a caretaker for the elderly / a child with cerebral palsy — тот, кто ухаживает за престарелыми / за ребенком с ДЦП Syn: caregiver, carer 3) (временно осуществляющий руководство) caretaker government — переходное правительство caretaker prime minister / chairman / president — временно исполняющий обязанности премьер-министра / председателя / президента caretaker manager брит.; спорт. — временно исполняющий обязанности главного тренера in a caretaker role / capacity — в качестве временного главы / руководителя… смотреть
{ʹkeə͵teıkə} n 1. сторож, смотритель (здания); вахтёр the ~ of a school — школьный сторож 2. исполняющий обязанности (кого-л.) ~ government — кабин… смотреть
caretaker: übersetzungcaretaker
1. Betreuer m, Pfleger m;
2. Amtsverwalter m;
3. Hausmeister m
care-taker [ʹkeə͵teıkə] n 1. сторож, смотритель (здания); вахтёр the ~ of a school — школьный сторож 2. исполняющий обязанности (кого-л.) ~ governme… смотреть
care-taker1> сторож, смотритель (здания); вахтер_Ex:the care-taker of a school школьный сторож2> исполняющий обязанности (кого-л.)_Ex:care-taker govern… смотреть
caretaker: translationSynonyms and related words:air warden, attendant, castellan, conservator, curator, custodian, forest ranger, game warden, gamekee… смотреть
• Custodian • Forest Lawn employee • Guardian • Sexton, for one • Steward • Super, e.g. • Super, say • A custodian who is hired to take care of someth… смотреть
caretaker: translation adj.
Caretaker is used with these nouns: ↑administration, ↑capacity, ↑government, ↑manager, ↑prime minister
сущ. 1) лицо, выполняющее обязанности смотрителя 2) обыкн. амер. опекун 3) временный правительственный орган (исполняющий обязанности) caretaker administration — временная администрация… смотреть
n1) особа, що доглядає за будинком, приміщенням і т. ін.2) охоронець, сторож
особа, яка тимчасово виконує обов’язки; орган, що тимчасово виконує обов’язки — caretaker government
n(временно) исполняющий обязанности- caretaker prime minister
лицо, присматривающее за домом, квартирой и т. п. смотритель (здания) 2) опекун 3) временный правительственный орган (исполняющий обязанности)
n 1) доглядач; охоронець, сторож; прибиральниця; 2) особа, що доглядає за будинком (приміщенням); той, хто тимчасово відповідає (за щось).
care-taker noun 1) лицо, присматривающее за домом, квартирой и т. п. 2)смотритель (здания) 3) attr. — care-taker government
особа, яка тимчасово виконує обов’язки; орган, що тимчасово виконує обов’язки
caretaker government
лицо, особу, опікуне, обличчя, лице, піклувальник
лицо, обличчя, сторож, охоронець, особа, особу
сторож, смотритель опекун; смотритель здания
служебное правительство; администрация, временно исполняющая обязанности до формирования правительства
пол. временное правительство (обеспечивает законность и нормальное функционирование администрации в период между отставкой старого и началом работы но… смотреть
care-taker government правительство, временно руководящее страной до новыхвыборов
caretaker status: translationA nonoperating condition in which the installations, materiel, and facilities are in a care and limited preservation statu… смотреть
статус кабинета, временно исполняющего свои обязанности до всеобщих выборов
a person in charge of maintenance or in charge of an estate: He is the caretaker of the mansion and the grounds.
Not to be confused with:
caregiver – a person who cares for the sick or disabled: She is the old man’s caregiver.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
1. One that is employed to look after or take charge of goods, property, or a person; a custodian.
2. One that temporarily performs the duties of an office: The government resigned, but the premier served as caretaker until new leaders could be elected.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. a person who is in charge of a place or thing, esp in the owner’s absence: the caretaker of a school.
2. (modifier) holding office temporarily; interim: a caretaker government.
3. (Social Welfare) social welfare a person who takes care of a vulnerable person, often a close relative. See also carer
ˈcareˌtaking n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈkɛərˌteɪ kər)
1. a person in charge of the maintenance of a building, estate, etc.
2. a person or group that temporarily performs the duties of an office: a caretaker government.
3. a person who takes care of another.
care′tak`ing, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | concierge — a French caretaker of apartments or a hotel; lives on the premises and oversees people entering and leaving and handles mail and acts as janitor or porter sacristan, sexton — an officer of the church who is in charge of sacred objects super, superintendent — a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector verger — a church officer who takes care of the interior of the building and acts as an attendant (carries the verge) during ceremonies |
2. | caretaker — an official who performs the duties of an office temporarily; «he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
A person who is legally responsible for the person or property of another considered by law to be incompetent to manage his or her affairs:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
حَارِسحارِسُ عَمارَه، فرّاش
domovníksprávcesprávce domu
umsjónarmaîur, húsvörîur
người trông coi
A. N
1. (Brit) [of school, flats etc] → portero/a m/f, conserje mf; (= watchman) → vigilante m
2. (US) (= care giver) → cuidador(a) m/f (de atención domiciliaria)
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈkɛərteɪkər] n → gardien(ne) m/f, concierge mfcaretaker manager n → directeur/trice m/f sportif/ive (par interim)care-worker [ˈkɛərwɜːkər] n → travailleur/euse m/f social(e)car-fare [ˈkɑːrfɛər] n (US)
I don’t have car-fare → Je n’ai pas de quoi payer mon ticket de [ˈkɑːrfɛərfɛri] n
(on river) → bac m
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
[ˈkɛəˌteɪkəʳ] n → custode m/f; (of school) → bidello/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(keə) noun
1. close attention. Do it with care.
2. keeping; protection. Your belongings will be safe in my care.
3. (a cause for) worry. free from care; all the cares of the world.
4. treatment. medical care; skin care.
1. to be anxious or concerned. Don’t you care if you fail?; I couldn’t care less (= It’s of no importance to me); She really cares about her career.
2. to be willing (to). Would you care to have dinner with me?
ˈcareful adjective
1. taking care; being cautious. Be careful when you cross the street; a careful driver.
2. thorough. a careful search.
ˈcarefully adverbˈcarefulness nounˈcareless adjective
not careful (enough). This work is careless; a careless worker.
ˈcarelessly adverbˈcarelessness nounˈcarefree adjective
light-hearted. a carefree attitude.
care’giver noun
someone whose job is to look after a sick or disabled person.
ˈcaretaker noun
a person who looks after a building etc.
ˈcareworn adjective
worn out by worry. a careworn face.
ˈcare for
1. to look after (someone). The nurse will care for you.
2. to be fond of. I don’t care for him enough to marry him.
care of (usually written c/o)
at the house or address of.
take care
to be cautious, watchful, thorough etc. Take care or you will fall!
take care of
to look after. Their aunt took care of them when their parents died.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ حَارِس správce vicevært Hausmeister επιστάτης conserje talonmies gardien pazikuća custode 管理人 관리인 conciërge vaktmester dozorca zelador смотритель vaktmästare ผู้รับจ้างดูแล bakıcı người trông coi 看管者
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
caretaker — перевод на русский
Caretaker and a couple of old servants live at the top.
На верхних этажах помещаются смотритель и несколько старых слуг.
Hotel caretaker
Смотритель отеля.
Zathras is oldest living caretaker of Great Machine.
Затрас самый старый смотритель Великой Машины.
— Are you Mr Dudley, the caretaker ?
Yeah. I’m Mr Dudley, the caretaker.
Да, я мистер Дадли, смотритель.
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But the Caretaker has been bringing ships here for months now.
Но Опекун уже несколько месяцев приносит сюда корабли.
The Caretaker has sent you to us.
Опекун прислал вас к нам.
is this how the Caretaker communicates with you?
Так Опекун общается с вами?
The Caretaker’s been behaving strangely for the past several months-— abducting people, increasing the power supply.
Опекун ведет себя странно последние несколько месяцев — похищает людей, увеличивает снабжение энергией.
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As long is it burns, the Caretaker lives.
Пока оно горит, Хранитель жив.
— The Caretaker, Colonel.
— Хранитель, Полковник.
What if the Caretaker did more than just look after it?
Что если Хранитель делал нечто большее, чем просто присматривал за ним?
The Caretaker… he begged us to.
Хранитель … умолял нас об этом.
I’m your caretaker, Matthew.
Я твой хранитель.
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You’re Gohei, the caretaker?
Ты Гохеи, сторож?
It could be the caretaker.
Это мог быть сторож.
Tommy odds lives up there now, kind of a caretaker.
Чудной Томми живет неподалеку, как сторож.
I’m the caretaker.
— Сторож.
Well, I’m the caretaker, I’m meant to be here.
Но я же сторож, мне нужно здесь находиться.
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Well,rest assured,I am a very good caretaker.
Ну, уверяю тебя, я очень хорошая сиделка.
If I had a good caretaker, he’d be here on time.
Была бы хорошая сиделка, она пришла бы вовремя.
Where’s your caretaker?
Где твоя сиделка?
I don’t need a fucking caretaker, all right?
Мне сиделка нахуй не сдалась, ясно?
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Uh, look… Mr. Caretaker, I’m not really authorized to make deals.
Слушайте, мистер Нянька, я не уполномочена совершать сделки.
You’re the caretaker.
Ты — нянька.
— I’m your caretaker now. — Mm-hmm.
Я — твоя нянька.
Hey, Caretaker?
Эй, Нянька?
And if your caretaker is not paid, the only thing standing between your son and Amanda’s retribution is me.
И если твоя нянька не берет оплату, то единственное что стоит между твоим сыном и Амандой — это я.
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Won’t we, Caretaker?
Научим, Шустрило?
— Yes, Mr. Caretaker.
— Да, мистер Шустрило?
Where the hell is Caretaker?
— Куда Шустрило подевался?
Caretaker said he’d find us some gear to wear.
Шустрило каждому снаряжение нашёл.
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You know where’s the caretaker please?
Вы не знаете, где консьерж?
Caretaker, please!
Консьерж, пожалуйста.
That was the caretaker.
Это был консьерж.
This is the caretaker.
Это консьерж.
I’d prefer it if the caretaker watered my plants.
Я согласна, если консьерж полил мои цветы.
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But be careful with the caretaker. If she gets a whiff of anything…
Послушайте, только чтобы его не заметила консьержка, а то все раскроется
— Who? — My caretaker.
— Моя консьержка.
The neighbours never complained about him, and the woman caretaker had a high opinion of him because he was quite handsome.
Соседи на него никогда не жаловались, и консьержка была высокого мнения о нем, потому что он был довольно симпатичным.
I gave the flowers to the caretaker.
Я оставила цветы консьержке.
The caretaker at number 15, Nico and Karen…
Консьержка из номера 15, Нико и Карен…
Because she is loving, giving, unselfish, highly moral, and more than anything else, she’s a caretaker.
Потому что она любящая, уступчивая, бескорыстная, высоконравственная, и, самое главное, она заботливая.
You’re a natural caretaker.
Ты очень заботливая.
I’m a caretaker. That’s my archetype.
Я заботливая, это в моем характере.
I snap into caretaker mode
Я переключаюсь в режим заботливой сиделки
A caretaker, living for others.
Я такая заботливая, живу для других