Is busting a word

Мои примеры


flak busting — подавление зенитных средств  
tank-busting air-to-ground missile — авиационная ПТУР  
stubble busting — поверхностная почвообработка без оборота пласта  
busting one’s guts — делание с большим усилием  
pot busting — полицейский налёт на склад наркотиков; реквизиция наркотиков полицией  
silo busting — способный уничтожать шахтные пусковые установки  
bridge busting — уничтожение мостов с воздуха  
busting attack — удар значительно превосходящими силами  
city-busting — разрушение городов  
pan busting — почвоуглубление  

Примеры с переводом

Tom and Helen were busting up again last night.

Том и Хелен вчера опять ссорились.

I hear that Jim and Mary are busting up.

Я слышал, Джим и Мэри разводятся.

Фразовые глаголы

bust up — разъединяться, порвать связь

Возможные однокоренные слова

bust  — бюст, банкротство, арестовать, обанкротиться, обанкротившийся
buster  — попойка, пирушка, кутеж, что-либо необыкновенное

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Examples of using
Is busting
in a sentence and their translations

Old man Leland is busting my hump over these reports.

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Старик Лиланд навалил на меня эти отчеты.

The President is busting my nuts about this UN speech.

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Президент мне яйца оторвет за эту речь в ООН.

Someone is busting this Sasha out of prison… unless we get there first.

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Кто-то вытаскивает этого Сашу из тюрьмы… если только мы не будем там раньше.

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Автомат с» Кока-колой» сломан.

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  • 1

    busting disc indicator

    сигнальное очко разрядки

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > busting

  • 2


    уничтожение; разрушение; подавление

    English-Russian military dictionary > busting

  • 3

    1. вскрытие (шифра или ключа)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > busting

  • 4

    бороздовая (гребневая) пахота

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > busting

  • 5

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > busting

  • 6

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > busting

  • 7

    Новый англо-русский словарь > busting

  • 8

    Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > busting

  • 9

    1. (money) разорение
    2. (tech) слом

    English-Russian project management dictionary > busting

  • 10

    English-Russian smart dictionary > busting

  • 11
    Busting Suds

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Busting Suds

  • 12
    busting seam

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > busting seam

  • 13
    busting seam

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > busting seam

  • 14
    busting attack

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > busting attack

  • 15
    busting disc indicator

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > busting disc indicator

  • 16
    busting one’s guts

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > busting one’s guts

  • 17
    busting seam

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > busting seam

  • 18
    busting diaphragm

    Англо русский политехнический словарь > busting diaphragm

  • 19
    busting seam

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > busting seam

  • 20
    busting disc indicator

    Англо-русский словарь по авиации > busting disc indicator


  • Следующая →
  • 1
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  • 4
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • -busting — noun and adjective ● ball * * * busting UK [bʌstɪŋ] US suffix mainly journalism used with some nouns to make adjectives describing someone or something that attacks or removes something bad a cr …   Useful english dictionary

  • busting — [ bʌstıŋ ] suffix MAINLY JOURNALISM used with some nouns to make adjectives describing someone or something that attacks or removes something bad: a crime busting initiative inflation busting salary increases …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Busting — is a 1974 film. It was directed by Peter Hyams and stars Elliott Gould and Robert Blake as police officers. The film is episodic, depicting the two cops teaming on several different cases with varying degrees of success.The film is also extremely …   Wikipedia

  • Busting — Les Casseurs de gang Les Casseurs de gang (Busting) est un film américain réalisé par Peter Hyams, sorti en 1974. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Lien extern …   Wikipédia en Français

  • -busting — UK [bʌstɪŋ] / US suffix mainly journalism used with some nouns to make adjectives describing someone or something that attacks or removes something bad a crime busting initiative inflation busting pay rises …   English dictionary

  • busting — adjective Urgently needing to urinate. Can you tell me where the toilets are? Im busting. Syn: bursting …   Wiktionary

  • Busting — badly needing to urinate or defecate; completely eager: He s busting to have a go …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • busting — Australian Slang badly needing to urinate or defecate; completely eager: He s busting to have a go …   English dialects glossary

  • Busting Vegas — a non fiction book by Ben Mezrich, author of New York Times Best Seller Bringing Down the House . It describes the gambling activities of a group of MIT students who in the early 1990s made millions by using their mathematics and card skills to… …   Wikipedia

  • Busting Loose — Infobox Album Name = Busting Loose Type = studio Artist = Peggy Scott Adams Released = June 17, 2003 Recorded = 2002 2003 Genre = Soul, R B, Blues Length = 52:83 Label = Miss Butch Producer = Jimmy Lewis Reviews = Last Album = This Album = Next… …   Wikipedia

  • busting — bÊŒst n. artistic representation (sculpture, painting, etc.) of the upper part of a human body; chest, breast, woman s breasts; arrest; failure; bankruptcy; sudden economic decline; blow, hit v. arrest, imprison; break, tame; attack, hit;… …   English contemporary dictionary


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

перебор m











из кожи вон лезла



But busting with alcohol can play a cruel joke with a man at the most crucial moment, this should not be forgotten.

Но перебор с алкоголем может сыграть с мужчиной злую шутку в самый ответственный момент, об этом не следует забывать.

But there is a possibility of busting when the actions and statements of a person, his overactivity will act against him.

Но есть возможность перебора, когда поступки и высказывания человека, его сверхактивность будут действовать против него самого.

Here, we will tell you how you can spend a vacation in the tropical island without busting your budget.

Здесь мы расскажем вам, как вы можете провести отпуск на тропическом острове без перебора вашего бюджета.

The most frequent of them — a habit to avoid busting, ie abandon card, when the probability of busting is too high.

Самая часто встречающаяся из них — привычка избегать перебора, то есть отказываться от карты, когда вероятность перебора становится слишком высокой.

Because I’m busting out tonight.

Это хорошо, потому что я линяю отсюда сегодня ночью.

Doris is busting to congratulate you.

Дорис никак не дождется, чтобы вас поздравить.

Also get ready for busting popular myths that exists among uninitiated people.

Laughing releases stress busting hormones so find the funny side of things.

Смех ослабляет стресс, подавляя гормоны, так что находите веселые стороны в жизни.

The thought of busting Batman makes me feel all dirty.

При мысли о том, что он будет уничтожен, я чувствую себя такой грязной.

Said she wanted my help busting Ben out of your basement.

Сказала, что ей нужна моя помощь, Чтобы выкрасть Бена из подвала.

I really never expected a commendation for busting Bello.

Я, в действительности, никогда не ожидал благодарности за арест Белло.

She mentioned something about seeing you busting up Beverly’s room.

Она упомянула о том, что видела, как ты разгромил комнату Беверли.

The rising demand versus rising cost to produce means only one thing — budget busting prices.

Снижение же конкуренции на фоне растущих издержек означает только одно: рост цен на билеты.

Then they talked about getting back into testing new nuclear devices such as bunker busting nukes.

Затем они заговорили о возврате к испытаниям новых ядерных устройств, таких как ядерные бомбы, разрушающие бункеры.

Since this hand has a degree of flexibility, it protects you from busting after a hit.

Так как эта рука обладает некоторой гибкостью, она защищает вас от разгрома для удара.

Some of these animals were rescued by people and some by police after busting cases of animal trafficking.

Некоторые из этих животных были спасены людьми, а некоторые полицией, после пресечения случаев незаконной торговли животными.

You should let the dealer risk busting instead of yourself.

Among other reasons, cache busting is used to provide a more accurate count of the number of requests from users.

Среди прочих, причиной запрета кэширования является необходимость более точного подсчета запросов пользователя.

Now anonymous companies are great for sanctions busting too.

Анонимные компании — это также отличное средство для обхода санкций.

I… I didn’t realize you were so close to busting him.

Я… Я не подозревал, что ты был так близок, чтобы арестовать его.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Asked by: Colten Hermiston

Score: 4.2/5
(60 votes)

Busting sentence example

I was busting up a Friday night drink-out. Don’t worry about it, I was just busting you. He’s just busting you over it—showing he’s in control—of all of us.

What does I’m busting mean?

2 Answers. 2. 3. «Busting» is a synonym for «bursting.» When George says he’s busting, he means he’s «bursting with emotion» (see «a sudden expression or manifestation, as of emotion»).

What does busting in someone mean?

Vulgar Slang To make extreme or unreasonable demands of someone. 2. To harass or scold someone. go bust.

What does slang word busting mean?

No nutcracker necessary. The expression bust a nut variously means “to be excited about something,” “to lose your temper,” “to work hard,” or … “to ejaculate or orgasm,”

How can you use the word explode in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] It might explode. ( …
  2. [S] [T] I saw the car explode. ( …
  3. [S] [T] It’s going to explode. ( …
  4. [S] [T] Tom was trying to defuse the bomb when it exploded. ( …
  5. [S] [T] Tom was killed instantly when the bomb he was trying to defuse exploded. ( …
  6. [S] [T] My head is exploding. ( …
  7. [S] [T] It’s about to explode! (

29 related questions found

What is a good sentence for reptile?

Reptile sentence example. Many stories tell of the grateful reptile which brought valuable gifts to a benefactor. The Reptile House has African dwarf crocodiles with their babies.

What is the verb for explode?

verb (used without object), ex·plod·ed, ex·plod·ing. to expand with force and noise because of rapid chemical change or decomposition, as gunpowder or nitroglycerine (opposed to implode).

What does YEET mean?

Yeet: an exclamation of enthusiasm, approval, triumph, pleasure, joy, etc.

Is bussin a bad word?

Bussin is a slur, the word was derived from a young slave child who was named Busty by his master for how easy he would crack under pressure when threatened with the whip, slave masters would say “they bussin” when a slave would crack under pressure quickly.

What does Kizzy mean?

The name Kizzy is a girl’s name meaning «cassia tree». … In Roots the name is explained by the hero Kunta as ‘you sit down’ or ‘you stay put’ in the Mandinka language meaning that ‘this child would never get sold away’.

What does it mean to nut in a woman?

Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid in a noticeable amount from the urethra of women during orgasm. It is estimated that between ten percent and forty percent of women are able to ejaculate.

What does it mean to bust on a girl?

A woman’s bust is her breasts. See breast — bust — bosom.

Does bussin mean?

Bussin is a word that frequently pops up on TikTok, and it means that something is really good.

What is meant by stress buster?

/ (ˈstrɛsˌbʌstə) / noun. a product, practice, system, etc that is designed to alleviate stress.

What does busting mean in England?

-busting in British English

(ˈbʌstɪŋ) suffix. 1. ( forming adjectives) signifying beating.

What is no cap?

Saying “no cap” means that you aren’t lying, or if you say someone is “capping,” then you are saying they are lying. … Another way of saying swag. When someone has good drip, people will hype them up by having them do a “drip check,” which is showing off your outfit. Example: “Hey my dude you have some serious drip.

What does is it bussin Janelle mean?

What does ‘bussin’ mean? If you’re just as confused as Janelle was, ‘bussin’ is a word that essentially means ‘very good‘. You’d describe something as ‘bussin’ if you wanted to praise it, and the slang term is used all the time on TikTok.

Is YEET a bad word?

But yeet isn’t actually a nonsense word, that’s just how most people use it. … So yeet is a word that means “to throw,” and it can be used as an exclamation while throwing something. It’s also used as a nonsense word, usually to add humor to an action or verbal response.

What does YW mean?

The abbreviation yw is an internet acronym for you’re welcome. Yw also sometimes stands for yeah, whatever and you whitey.

What does Yeeet mean?

Yeet is an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something.

What type of verb is recognized?

verb (used with object), rec·og·nized, rec·og·niz·ing. to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc.: He had changed so much that one could scarcely recognize him. to identify from knowledge of appearance or characteristics: I recognized him from the description.

What is the base word of explosion?

Originally, explosion was used to mean «scornful rejection,» from its root in the Latin explodere, «hiss off the stage,» and a disappointed audience today might still be described as «exploding with boos.»

What is the verb form of belief?

Believe. Explanation: The plural form of BELIEF is BELIEFS. The verb form of BELIEF is BELIEVE.

What is a sentence for mammal?

1 Mammals have an inborn fear of snakes. 2 He’s a world expert on marine mammals. 3 Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals. 4 Whales are mammals that live in the sea.

What is a synonym for reptile?


  • cheater.
  • coward.
  • cur.
  • dastard.
  • louse.
  • rascal.
  • slink.
  • toad.

  • #1

Hi Group,

What does «Busting» mean? Is the same thing as «Busted»

    • #2

    All from the verb to bust
    Bust -present tense
    busted — past tense

    diferent expressions

    I am busted — I got caught
    It’s busted — It’s broken
    I’m busting at the seams- expression meaning that it’s so full it’s going to explode
    busting -breaking
    busting- catching someone in the act
    I hope it heelps

    • #3

    There’s a difference in meaning between «Busting» and «Bustin’» or not? both have the same meaning?

    • #4

    bustin is not proper but rather a colloquial expression, like «I’m goin to the store» or «I wanna go home»


    • #5

    Just a quick note:

    You can’t say «I’m busting at the seams.»

    The proper phrase is «I’m bursting at the seams.»

    • #6

    What does «I’m bustin’ my a** outta here» means?

    • #7

    You are right! I stand corrected. I was thinking of different local expressions using busting, but busting at the seams was not a good choice.


    • #8

    I think it means working very hard


    • #9

    I disagree, I think it means to make a quick getaway.

    • #10

    Yeap, I only read the first part, «I’m busting my a***»

    • #11

    I’m busted…:);)

    • #12

    Pilar Astor said:

    All from the verb to bust
    Bust -present tense
    busted — past tense

    diferent expressions

    I am busted — I got caught
    It’s busted — It’s broken
    I’m bursting at the seams- expression meaning that it’s so full it’s going to explode
    busting -breaking
    busting- catching someone in the act
    I hope it helps

    Note that all of these uses of «bust» are informal. :)


    • #13

    Antonio said:

    What does «I’m bustin’ my a** outta here» means?

    It means your «getting out of here», I think. I need more context.


    • #14

    Pilar Astor said:

    I think it means working very hard

    bust your ass American, very informal!

    to work very hard
    He’ll just have to bust his ass to make sure the job is finished on time.

    (from Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms)

    • #15


    bust out
    Bust out

    to escape from somewhere, especially prison
    He bust out of the county jail. [often + of]

    (American, informal) to lose all your money, especially while you are playing a game for money
    Jim busted out of the poker game and left. [often + of]

    (American, informal) to do something different from what you usually do in order to make your situation or way of living better or more exciting
    The dancers seemed to enjoy busting out of the stricter forms of classical ballet. [often + of]

    (from Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs)


    • #16

    lainyn said:

    I disagree, I think it means to make a quick getaway.

    Ah, which idiom are you replying to, busting out, or bursting at the seams? :)


    • #17


    (American, informal) to lose all your money, especially while you are playing a game for money
    Jim busted out of the poker game and left. [often + of]

    I don’t think this is common. I think there is another, more used idiom:

    Jim went bust in/during the poker game and left…

    • #18

    gaer said:

    Ah, which idiom are you replying to, busting out, or bursting at the seams? :)

    Busting out, Gaer. At least bursting at the seams means a place very crowded, packed with people!! Look:


    be bulging/bursting at the seams informal

    if a place is bursting at the seams, it has a very large number of people or things in it
    All my family came to stay for the wedding and our little house was bursting at the seams.

    (from Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms)

    <waving at Gaer> ;) :) :p

    • #19

    gaer said:


    (American, informal) to lose all your money, especially while you are playing a game for money
    Jim busted out of the poker game and left. [often + of]

    I don’t think this is common. I think there is another, more used idiom:

    Jim went bust in/during the poker game and left…

    Oh Oh!!! YES!!! YES!!! New phrase for my list!! (the only thing that keeps failing me is my memory to retain all those phrases I have in that infinite list!!) :eek:


    • #20

    gaer said:

    Ah, which idiom are you replying to, busting out, or bursting at the seams? :)

    I was refering to the idiom directly above my post (in the two preceeding posts)

    «I’m busting my a** out of here» = «I’m making a quick getaway»

    Sorry for the confusion,



    • #21

    lainyn said:

    I was refering to the idiom directly above my post (in the two preceeding posts)

    «I’m busting my a** out of here» = «I’m making a quick getaway»

    Sorry for the confusion,


    No confusion for me!

    I’ve been busting me a— to keep up with this thread!



    te gato

    • #22

    Antonio said:

    What does «I’m bustin’ my a** outta here» means?

    Hi Antonio;

    ‘I’m bustin’ my a** outta here’—I’m getting out of here..I’m leaving…
    ‘I’m bustin’ my a**’—I’m going as fast as I can..
    ‘Busting a gut’—to laugh so hard you almost pee your pants..:D
    ‘to bust or go bust’—loose at poker…
    ‘I’m busted’—have no money..or get caught doing something you were not supposed to be doing..
    ‘Busting at the seams’—eat too much…or have to go pee BADLY!!..or a very crowded place..(as per Art..:p )

    te gato;)


    • #23

    te gato said:

    Hi Antonio;

    ‘I’m bustin’ my a** outta here’—I’m getting out of here..I’m leaving…
    ‘I’m bustin’ my a**’—I’m going as fast as I can..
    ‘Busting a gut’—to laugh so hard you almost pee your pants..:D
    ‘to bust or go bust’—loose at poker…
    ‘I’m busted’—have no money..or get caught doing something you were not supposed to be doing..
    ‘Busting at the seams’—eat too much…or have to go pee BADLY!!..or a very crowded place..(as per Art..:p )

    te gato;)

    GOOD LIST!!!


    te gato

    • #24

    gaer said:

    Thank you Gaer;
    I was busting a brain cell trying to think of all of them..:D

    te gato;)


    • #25

    te gato said:

    Thank you Gaer;
    I was busting a brain cell trying to think of all of them..:D

    te gato;)

    There is also:

    «June is bustin’ out all over», meaning everwhere you look you can see signs of summer. :)

    • #26

    Some more «busting phrases»… ;)

    :cross: :tick: bust a gut informal
    to work very hard or to make a big effort to achieve something
    I really bust a gut to get that report finished on time.

    :cross: :tick: burst/bust a blood vessel informal
    +to use a lot of effort doing something
    I’d like the designs as soon as possible, but don’t bust a blood vessel!
    +to become very angry and start shouting
    He nearly burst a blood vessel when he heard what they’d done to his car.

    :warning: bust your ass/balls American, very informal!, Australian, very informal! bust your arse
    to use a lot of effort to do something
    I busted my balls getting him that ticket, and now he’s changed his mind!
    He bust his arse for ten years in that job and got no thanks for it.

    (from Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms) :eek:


    • #27

    Artrella said:

    Some more «busting phrases»… ;)

    :cross: bust a gut informal
    to work very hard or to make a big effort to achieve something
    I really bust a gut to get that report finished on time.

    :cross: burst/bust a blood vessel informal
    +to use a lot of effort doing something
    I’d like the designs as soon as possible, but don’t bust a blood vessel!
    +to become very angry and start shouting
    He nearly burst a blood vessel when he heard what they’d done to his car.

    :warning: bust your ass/balls American, very informal!, Australian, very informal! bust your arse
    to use a lot of effort to do something
    I busted my balls getting him that ticket, and now he’s changed his mind!
    He bust his arse for ten years in that job and got no thanks for it.

    (from Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms) :eek:

    Two questions: First, why did you use :cross:? Because that to me means a mistake.

    Second, why don’t I have some of the icons the rest of you have? Do you drag them from other places? Or do you have something turned on that I don’t have turned on?

    I’m busting to know the icon secret. :)


    • #28

    gaer said:

    Two questions: First, why did you use :cross:? Because that to me means a mistake.

    Second, why don’t I have some of the icons the rest of you have? Do you drag them from other places? Or do you have something turned on that I don’t have turned on?

    I’m busting to know the icon secret. :)


    No’ I’ve used them because I like them!!! :cool:
    What other icons Gaer?




    These ones? ….. I’ll give you the secret via PM… ;)

    te gato

    • #29

    Artrella said:

    No’ I’ve used them because I like them!!! :cool:
    What other icons Gaer?




    These ones? ….. I’ll give you the secret via PM… ;)

    I’m busting to know how also.!!!!

    te gato;)

    • #30

    te gato said:

    I’m busting to know how also.!!!!

    te gato;)

    Hi Yadda Yadda!!! I go there now!!! :D

    te gato

    • #31

    Artrella said:

    Hi Yadda Yadda!!! I go there now!!! :D

    Hey Art…Girlfriend;

    Thanks for bustin’ your butt to get there !!:D

    yadda, yadda
    te gato;)


    • #32

    Busting up also has the same meaning as busting a gut (in some cases). Out of context, though, it means to break; to vandalize.

    She was busting up for three minutes after Mike told that story. (laughing)

    As he entered our driveway, we saw his Jeep was busting up right before our eyes. His muffler hit the ground with a loud thud as he slammed the dented door. (falling apart, falling to pieces, breaking)

    The principal looked at the three students he caught busting up the windows in the faculty lounge. (causing damage to, vandalizing)


    • #33

    Nick said:

    Busting up also has the same meaning as busting a gut (in some cases). Out of context, though, it means to break; to vandalize.

    She was busting up for three minutes after Mike told that story. (laughing)

    As he entered our driveway, we saw his Jeep was busting up right before our eyes. His muffler hit the ground with a loud thud as he slammed the dented door. (falling apart, falling to pieces, breaking)

    The principal looked at the three students he caught busting up the windows in the faculty lounge. (causing damage to, vandalizing)

    Yes, busting up is short for busting up with laughter.

    What time zone are you in? I’m always surprised there are not more people around at this time, since it is just now coming up on 11 PM in California.



    • #34

    gaer said:

    What time zone are you in? I’m always surprised there are not more people around at this time, since it is just now coming up on 11 PM in California.

    Mountain Time, it 5 minutes to midnight now. I am a bit surprised as well.


    • #35

    Nick said:

    Mountain Time, it 5 minutes to midnight now. I am a bit surprised as well.

    Sure because the are millions of people on Pacific time. It’s not odd to still be using the computer up to 11 PM. Hmm…

    • #36

    «I’m busted» means to get caught but also means when something is broken in this case, something «broken» can be a machine like a computer, car and appliances like stereo’s, cd’s and so on or what are you referring to, when you say «broken» specifically for the word busted? Can you please, give me some example to get the whole picture?


    • #37

    Antonio said:

    «I’m busted» means to get caught but also means when something is broken in this case, something «broken» can be a machine like a computer, car and appliances like stereo’s, cd’s and so on or what are you referring to, when you say «broken» specifically for the word busted? Can you please, give me some example to get the whole picture?

    Yes, it can refer to anything, basically.

    The television set was busted.
    She had busted the heel of her right shoe at the party.
    The busted door swung in the cool breeze of the night.

    te gato

    • #38

    Antonio said:

    «I’m busted» means to get caught but also means when something is broken in this case, something «broken» can be a machine like a computer, car and appliances like stereo’s, cd’s and so on or what are you referring to, when you say «broken» specifically for the word busted? Can you please, give me some example to get the whole picture?

    Hey Antonio;
    ‘I got busted trying to sneak into the house.’
    ‘My cd was busted when my friend sat on it’
    ‘ I got busted by my teacher for not doing my homework.’
    ‘My computer busted when it fell off the desk.’

    te gato;)

    • #39

    Antonio said:

    Hi Group,

    What does «Busting» mean? Is the same thing as «Busted»

    You can also say a person is «busted», meaning VERY ugly (ex:»How was your blind date last night? Was she hot? No way, she was busted!»), or you can say a girl is «busting out», if she has a big chest and is wearing a tight or revealing shirt.
    This is about as slang as it gets though, and i wouldn’t recommend calling a girl busted, or saying that a girl is busting out to anyone besides your closest friends.


    te gato

    • #40

    mnzrob said:

    You can also say a person is «busted», meaning VERY ugly (ex:»How was your blind date last night? Was she hot? No way, she was busted!»), or you can say a girl is «busting out», if she has a big chest and is wearing a tight or revealing shirt.
    This is about as slang as it gets though, and i wouldn’t recommend calling a girl busted, or saying that a girl is busting out to anyone besides your closest friends.


    I have never heard that before…I have heard ‘busty’ for a girl big on top…
    As for busted meaning ugly….too funny..:D

    Now you are in trouble..we all know your sayings…Your Busted.!!!

    te gato;)

    • #41

    mnzrob said:

    You can also say a person is «busted», meaning VERY ugly (ex:»How was your blind date last night? Was she hot? No way, she was busted!»), or you can say a girl is «busting out», if she has a big chest and is wearing a tight or revealing shirt.
    This is about as slang as it gets though, and i wouldn’t recommend calling a girl busted, or saying that a girl is busting out to anyone besides your closest friends.


    Well if the girl is not busting out but in turn she is busted you can bust up with her! :eek:

    bust up phrasal verb MAINLY US INFORMAL
    to end a relationship after an angry argument:
    She’s bust up with Carlo.

    (from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

    We go way back.

    But that didn’t stop him from busting my fucking balls because I owe him some money.

    Anyway, I needed a little bridge loan to cover some of the gambling losses we’ve been talking about.

    Мы сто лет знакомы.

    Но он всё равно, блядь, крутит мне яйца. Я же денег ему задолжал.

    В общем нужна была небольшая сумма на покрытие части проигрышей, про которое я вам рассказывал.

    that that one point separates me from freedom.

    I have been running my tail off,busting my ass to make up for one lousy point,proving.

    you didn’t do me a favor.

    Что один балл отделяет меня от свободы.

    Я ноги стер, бегая, доказывая что-то, из-за одного жалкого балла.

    Никакая это не услуга.

    Where’d maddox find him?

    Outside a bar in omaha busting up a group of hells angels.

    Next time I catch you peeping at me… I’ll put you in a cage with him.

    Где Мэддокс нашел его?

    Рядом с баром в Омахе, ссорящимся с группой адских ангелов.

    В следующий раз, когда я поймаю тебя подглядывающим за мной… я посажу тебя к нему в клетку.

    Something’s going on.

    Screws are busting someone!


    Что-то случилось!

    Охрана схватила кого-то!


    On the bright side, i’ll be there with you that little fall angel on your shoulder.

    I’m busting my ass trying to keep you alive,Dean, and you act like you couldn’t care less.

    truth is,i’m tired,Sam.

    Но взгляни на это с хорошей стороны — я буду с тобой. Этакий маленький падший ангел на твоем плече.

    — Я надрываюсь, пытаясь спасти твою жизнь, Дин, а ты ведешь себя так, будто тебя это совсем не волнует.

    Поверь, я устал, Сэм.

    Show him what you got, Chloester.

    Look, you’re busting your butt on stories of substance while lois is on assignment in new york, grabbing

    Are you really gonna let your cousin beat you out of the basement?

    Давай, покажи ему, Хлостер.

    Слушай, ты пытаешься писать серьезные статьи, а Лоис тем временем в Нью Йорке пожинает всю славу.

    Что, позволишь кузине положить тебя на лопатки?

    Then there was a sequence where Jay and Silent Bob throughout the movie were running around the fucking mall and shit.

    One of the running gags in the first and second draft was they were constantly busting in on Gwen when

    And one of the times, they were in a booth next to her and they were peeking through a hole in the wall.

    И один из «регулярных» гэгов в первых вариантах сценария завязан на том, как они то и дело вламываются к переодевающейся Гвен.

    В одном из эпизодов они оказываются в соседней будочке, в стенке — дырочка, и они за ней подглядывают а-ля Porky’s.

    Дань уважения киношедевру Porky’s. Тихий Боб на неё дрочит, дрочит и спускает прямо в воздух,

    Last I checked, that’s not supposed to happen.

    And jumping off a six-story without busting your coconut kind of sways me to the side of «not just a

    Come on, Fred.

    В прошлый раз когда я проверял — этого не должно было произойти.

    И спрыгнуть с шестого этажа, не разбив свой кокос заставляет меня усомниться в том, что это «просто» мальчик.

    Перестань, Фред.

    For real.

    Someone around here do that shit… every narco in the world be down here busting heads.

    I guess them Park Heights niggers just ain’t got no fucking common sense.

    Это точно.

    Если кто-то здесь заварит такую кашу… все копы мира слетятся сюда на отрывание голов.

    Думаю, эти ниггеры из Парк Хайтс лишены нахер здравого смысла.

    I want to write about things that matter, like politics and the environment, and foreign affairs, things I’m interested in.

    Keep busting your butt. You’re going to get there.

    Hey, I’ve got something to cheer you up.

    Я хочу писать о важном: о политике, международных отношениях — мне интересно это.

    — Продолжай пахать и дождёшься.

    Эй, я развеселю тебя.

    There have been over a dozen robberies all over the county.

    This gang somehow gets in and out without busting a single lock.

    I didn’t hear about that.

    Уже было около дюжины подобных краж по всему округу.

    Они даже пытались проникнуть в смоллвильские «Сбережения и Займы».

    Я про это не слышал.

    You’re getting my customers conscience-stricken.

    — You’re busting up my show.

    — Take it easy.

    Вы смущаете моих клиентов.

    — Вы испортили мое шоу.

    — Успокойся.

    We were full of ambition

    But 2 weeks had hardly gone by and the cops started busting us every day

    Within one year 6 of our brothers died

    в поместье Тай Хинг, Туен Мун. У нас были большие планы.

    Но не прошло и двух недель, как полицейские стали нападать на нас.

    За один год погибли шестеро наших братьев, но я остался жив.

    -We spooked them.

    Busting the runner?

    Maybe it’s that, maybe it’s something else.

    -Мы их спугнули.

    -Захватом «бегуна»?

    Может быть, а может что-то еще.

    Come on, Reni.

    The guy is busting his ass asking about you!

    That’s our singer.

    Ш-шш, ш-шу!

    Замечательный голос. Пе-ви-ца!

    — Вокалистка — которая поёт.

    — Mussolini’s telling me how to play.

    Busting my eardrums with his noise! — Let’s not be cruel.

    — Break it up.

    — Я играю по нотам!

    — Да ты нот не знаешь!

    — Перестаньте!

    — She’s…

    This is what it’s come down to, busting down doors with J. Lo?

    You know, I didn’t know that they made bulletproof bras.

    — Она…

    Значит, до этого дошло, вышибаешь двери на пару с Джей-Ло?

    Знаешь, я и не знал, что делают пуленепробиваемые лифчики.

    — Oh, most definitely.

    Michael, having a nice day at the beach… while the rest of us are busting our asses to deliver your

    What do you want me to say?

    — Ну конечно.

    Майкл. Прохлаждаешься на пляже, когда остальные рвут задницу, чтобы доставить твоё письмо?

    Что ты от меня хочешь услышать?

    Does that scare you?

    You worried that old Spike might be busting loose of your shackles?

    What are you talking about?

    Это пугает тебя?

    Тебя беспокоит, что старина Спайк, возможно, выберется из твоих кандалов?

    О чем ты говоришь?

    Two thousand hits so far today.

    Looks like Carrick’s buddies are jumping on the Republican budget-busting Milton-Friedman-worshipping

    Blue Dogs’ll vote for new cap-gains tax cuts?

    Две тысячи просмотров за сегодня.

    Похоже приятели Кэррика получили доступ к бюджету республиканцев на хвастовство и обожествление Милтона-Фридмана

    Синие Псы проголосуют за снижение налогов для богатых?

    Late as usual.

    Dude’s gone six months in Thailand without a word and now he’s busting our chops.

    Since when did you get so sensitive?

    Вы как всегда опоздали.

    Ты полгода назад молча смотался в Таиланд. Не написал ни одного письма … — … а теперь выговариваешь нам?

    — С каких пор ты такой чувствительный?

    Or so they tell me.

    The way I read it, they cared more about busting up the union—

    Than anything else in the case. If we came at Frank straight?

    Или они мне так сказали.

    Как я поняла, они были в основном заинтересованы в уничтожении профсоюза.

    А что если мы откровенно поговорим с Фрэнком?

    Tilghman was Ladontay’s cousin or some such.

    He found out I ate the charge, he busting my chops.


    Это был Тилгмановский кузен, или типа того.

    Он узнал, что я словил срок, и теперь меня напрягает.


    You dang right, I live.

    So you best drop your dumpling-eating behind on down and tell me why we ain’t busting out the vows.

    But your greatness, General Li-Shang is not a son of Qui Gong.

    Ты чертовски прав, я живой.

    А ты лучше перестань есть свои клёцки на заре и скажи мне, почему мы не нарушаем клятвы.

    Но Ваше Могущество, генерал Ли Шанг не является сыном Ки Гонг.

    Now I must.

    I am busting to find out what’s going on in that feverish little brain waiting in there.

    Well… All right.

    Но теперь придется.

    Я должна знать, что происходит в этой горячей головке.


    I know the Gettysburg Address.

    Busting in here like a wild Indian of some kind.


    Я могу процитировать речь Линкольна в Геттисбурге.

    Ворвался сюда, как дикий индеец.

    — Черри?

    An arrow?

    Don’t mean to be busting in on you, but I couldn’t help seeing your fire from the ridge.

    — What are you…


    Не хотел вас побеспокоить… но заметил отблески вашего костра за горным хребтом.

    — Что тебе нужно…

    That’s unlike you

    Guys came busting into Gilbert’s place

    I heard the guns go off upstairs

    На тебя не похоже. Ребята пришли к Жильберу, чтобы всё там перебить.

    Они поднялись на второй этаж, и тут я услышал выстрел.

    И речи не могло быть о том, чтобы я пошёл смотреть, в чём дело. Я остался на кухне.

    — Turn him over to the police.

    They’ll nail us for busting in this car.

    — Why can’t we take care of him ourselves?

    — И сдать копам. — Мы не можем.

    Они скорее нас посадят.

    — Мы можем сами себя защитить.

    Remain quiet. Come on, boys.

    The coppers are crashing the joint, they’re busting in now.

    — So you didn’t squeal, huh? — Duke…

    Сохраняйте спокойствие.

    Полиция в зале, они идут сюда.

    — Вот чего стоит твоя клятва, да?

    Показать еще

    so damn good

    that waffle house was busting.

    by BoopD March 19, 2019


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    Like ejaculating, or nutting

    Yo Sean, i was busting all up in her

    by Diamonds August 29, 2004


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    The urgent need to go to the toilet to pee…

    ::Puts hand up:: Sir, i really need to go to the toilet. I’m busting!

    by K o k o [Dyn] January 11, 2006


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    Shooting a gun (usually a handgun).

    Yo, my man started busting last night, clapped two of ’em.

    by slimshady98 December 18, 2016


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    same thing as ‘cracking on’ someone.

    I kept busting their chops on the xbox, just like a mad man.

    by J. Long August 27, 2004


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    Teasing. Harsh teasing that often is embarrassing and/or annoying.

    Liz kept busting on my «ugly» shoes. Meanwhile, I know she wants a pair.

    Here comes Tom. Let’s bust him about that blind date he had last night. She was one fugly bitch.

    by Wabbit August 26, 2004


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    The use of cocaine/ Yayo

    Yo i be busting tonight!

    by popdatshit March 28, 2006


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    Definitions For Busting


    BUSTING (plural BUSTINGs)
    (colloquial) The process of something being broken or exploded.


    {{present participle of, en, bust, nocat=1}}


    {{qualifier, often followed by «to go to…»}} Urgently needing to urinate.
    : Can you tell me where the toilets are? I’m busting.
    : The kid is busting to go to the toilet.




    urgently needing to urinate, bursting


    gibnuts, tubings

    English International (SOWPODS)

    Points in Different Games


    Words with Friends

    The word Busting is worth 10 points in Scrabble and 14 points in Words with Friends

    Examples of Busting in a Sentence

    • He busted his watch when he fell.
    • I think the camera is busted.
    • Police busted 12 gang members on weapons charges.

    Antonyms for Busting


    If you bust something, you have broken it. A bust can also be a statue of someone from the shoulders up. Be careful to not bust a bust on your next field trip!


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    To break.

    I busted my cooker while trying to fix it.



    To arrest (someone) for a crime.



    To catch (someone) in the act of doing something wrong, socially and morally inappropriate, or illegal, especially when being done in a sneaky or secretive state.

    Еще значения (9)



    An emphatic synonym of do or get.

    He busted huge air off that jump!



    To reduce in rank.

    He busted him down to patrolman for insubordination.



    To undo a trade, generally an error trade, that has already been executed.



    To lose all of one’s chips.



    To exceed a score of 21.



    To break in (an animal).



    To ejaculate; to eject semen.



    The process of something being broken or exploded.



    (often followed by «to go to…») Urgently needing to urinate.

    Can you tell me where the toilets are? I’m busting.

    The kid is busting to go to the toilet.

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    Нет, это не так. 🙁

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    Several meanings of bust are pretty discouraging. You might describe your business as bust if it’s totally out of money, for example. Or you might threaten your younger sister, «If you bust my ceramic unicorn, you’re in big trouble!» There’s also the kind of bust that might sit on your piano, like a bust of Mozart or Bach — a statue of a person’s head and upper shoulders. This is the oldest meaning of the word, from the Italian busto, «upper body.»

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