Is buffaloes a word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Ernestine Hodkiewicz III

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(3 votes)

The plural of buffalo is buffaloes or buffalos.. Buffaloes will engage in mobbing behavior when fighting off predators.

What is the plural form of the word buffalo?

plural buffalo or buffaloes also buffalos.

What is more than one buffalo called?

n. the noun buffalo (American bison), an animal, in the plural (equivalent to «buffaloes» or «buffalos»), in order to avoid articles.

How many times can you say buffalo?

So far, we’ve got a “buffalo” sentence using one word five times as two parts of speech – noun and verb. But “Buffalo” can also be a proper noun.

What do you call a buffalo?

In the United States, we use “bison” and “buffalo” interchangeably for the same animal: the North American Buffalo or Bison. Traditionally speaking … The first written and recorded name for this animal was «buffalo» in the 1600’s.

25 related questions found

Is it OK to call bison buffalo?

Genetically, bison are more closely related to domestic cattle than they are to cape or water buffalo. So wildlife guides, park rangers, and scientists prefer to use the common name bison over buffalo to avoid confusion between the species.

Why do Indians call bison buffalo?

The word buffalo is derived from the French “bœuf,” a name given to bison when French fur trappers working in the US in the early 1600s saw the animals. The word bœuf came from what the French knew as true buffalo, animals living in Africa and Asia.

What is the weirdest sentence?

The 20 Strangest Sentences in the English Language

  1. I never said she stole my money. …
  2. All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life. …
  3. The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families. …
  4. The horse raced past the barn fell.

What is the shortest sentence?

Many writers agree with you that Go. is the shortest complete sentence in the English language, and that any two- or three-letter second-person verbs used as imperatives (Sit! Eat!) are also shorter complete sentences than I am..

What is the difference between buffalo and bison?

So how do you tell the difference between buffalo and bison? Bison have large humps at their shoulders and bigger heads than buffalo. They also have beards, as well as thick coats which they shed in the spring and early summer. Another simple way to tell a buffalo from a bison is to look at its horns.

What animal eats buffalo?

Although bison have few natural predators because of their size, wolves, mountain lions and bears do attack the very young or very old bison.

What is meat of Buffalo called?

Buffalo meat is known by various names in different countries. In some places it is known as red beef, or buff in India and Nepal; in some countries it is known as carabeef, from the Spanish term and breed name carabao.

What does Buffalo mean in slang?

verb. (US, slang) To outwit, confuse, deceive, or intimidate.

How do you use the word buffalo?

Most people do not use the word «buffalo» as a verb. The plural form of the noun «buffalo» can be «buffaloes» or «buffalo». In this sentence, the second form is used, which is spelled the same way as the verb. There is no punctuation.

Is Bison a bovine?

Bison and buffalo are bovines (a subfamily of bovids), but bison are in a different genus from buffalo. Other relatives include antelopes, cattle, goats and sheep.

Is hi a full sentence?

If you use a greeting such as hi or hello, it is a complete sentence and should end with a period.

What is the longest word in English?

1 Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (forty-five letters) is lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica or quartz dust.

Why is I am the shortest sentence?

To make a complete sentence in English you need a subject and a predicate. The sentence ‘I am’ has both- the subject- I and Predicate- am. It also expresses a complete thought. So ‘I am’ is the shortest sentence.

What is the most confusing sentence?

Confusing Sentences That Actually Make Sense

  1. 1 All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life. …
  2. 2 One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. …
  3. 3 The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families. …
  4. 4 The man the professor the student has studies Rome.

What is the longest sentence using one word?

“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.” According to William Rappaport, a linguistics professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo (naturally), that — the word “Buffalo,” eight times in a row — is a legitimate, grammatically valid sentence.

What is the longest sentence in the world?

The Guinness Book of Records lists the longest proper sentence as one from William Faulkner’s novel ‘Absalom, Absalom!’ (1,287 words). Some ancient languages, such as Sanskrit and Greek, did not have any punctuation. So all their sentences were long!

Do buffalo still exist in America?

For millennia, tens of millions of bison, also called buffalo, roamed the North American continent, critical to the Great Plains ecosystem and to the cultural and spiritual lives of Native Americans. …

Does Yellowstone have bison or buffalo?

Yellowstone is the only place in the United States where bison have lived continuously since prehistoric times. … The largest bison population in the country on public land resides in Yellowstone.

  • 1


    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > buffaloes

  • 2
    buffaloes cohabiting with cows

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > buffaloes cohabiting with cows

  • 3
    young buffaloes

    1. молодняк буйволов

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > young buffaloes

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cohabit

  • 5


    1. сожительствовать

    2. жить совместно, уживаться

    buffaloes cohabiting with cows — бизоны, пасущиеся вместе с коровами

    3. сосуществовать

    two strains cohabit in his philosophy — в его философии сосуществуют /уживаются/ две тенденции

    НБАРС > cohabit

  • 6
    got it in for

    иметь зуб, затаить злобу: After the Tigers beat Chicago Buffaloes Chicago’s coach got it in for the Tigers.— После того, как «»тигры»» победили команду «»Чикагские Бизоны «», у чикагского тренера вырос зуб на «»тигров «».

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > got it in for

  • 7
    Plural: forms



    baby — babies

    party — parties


    day — days .


    Kennedy — Kennedys .



    church — churches

    bus — buses


    quiz — quizzes .



    concerto — concertos.





    half — halves

    wife — wives





    analysis — analyses (из греческого)

    bacterium — bacteria (из латинского)

    formula — formulae или formulas (из латинского)



    Chinese — Chinese


    aircraft — aircraft


    sheep, deer, reindeer, grouse, fish, cod, plaice, salmon, trout



    shoe shop — shoe shops


    passer-by — passers-by

    — Употребление форм множественного числа существительных см. Plural: usage.

    — Существительные, у которых форма единственного числа оканчивается на и которые не принимают окончания во множественном числе см. Singular, 1.

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > Plural: forms

  • 8
    be on the war-path

    вступить на путь войны, вести борьбу, войну; готовиться к войне, замышлять войну

    No — better still, he would join the Indians and hunt buffaloes, and go on the war-path in the mountain ranges… (M. Twain, ‘Tom Sawyer’, ch. VIII) — Нет, еще лучше: он убежит к индейцам, будет охотиться на буйволов, будет воевать где-нибудь там, в горах…

    Japan was on the warpath — the struck at Indo-China, the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Islands of the Pacific. She stretched her empire thousands of miles in three months. (W. Du Bois, ‘Worlds of Color’, ch. XI) — Япония вступила на путь войны: она напала на Индокитай, Филиппины, Сингапур, Гонконг, острова Тихого океана. За три месяца коммуникации империи удлинились на тысячи миль.

    Elsie Brand… lowered her voice. ‘She’s in and on the warpath.’ ‘What about?’ ‘You.’ (E. S. Gardner, ‘Double or Quits’, ch. 14) — Элси Бранд… понизив голос, сказала: — Берта у себя — рвёт и мечет. — Кто на этот раз провинился? — Ты.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > be on the war-path

  • 9

    бить; удар

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. rhythms (noun) cadences; measures; meters; metres; rhymes; rhythms; swings

    6. bastes (verb) bastes; batters; belabors; belabours; buffets; drubs; forges; hammers; lambastes; lams; pastes; pelts; pounds; pummels; wallops; whops

    7. bests (verb) bests; conquers; defeats; overcomes; prevails; routs; subdues; triumphs; trounces; vanquishes; wins; worsts

    8. cheats (verb) boodles; cheats; chisels; cozens; defrauds; does; flimflams; gyps; overreaches; reams; suckers; swindles; takes

    9. frustrates (verb) baffles; balks; bilks; circumvents; dashes; disappoints; foils; frustrates; ruins; thwarts

    12. scours (verb) combs; forages; grubs; rakes; ransacks; rummages; scours; searches

    13. surpasses (verb) betters; caps; cobs; dings; exceeds; excels; outdoes; outgoes; outshines; outstrips; passes; surpasses; tops; transcends; trumps

    14. throbs (verb) palpitates; pulsates; pulses; throbs

    15. waves (verb) flaps; flops; flutters; lashes; switches; waggles; wags; waves

    16. whips (verb) blasts; curries; dusts; flogs; lay into; licks; mops up; overruns; overwhelms; shellacs; skunks; smears; smothers; steamrollers; thrashes; trims; upends; whips; whisks

    English-Russian base dictionary > beats

  • 10

    1. v сожительствовать

    2. v жить совместно, уживаться

    3. v сосуществовать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. have sexual relations (verb) be carnal; copulate; couple; fornicate; have sex; have sexual relations; make love; mate; unite sexually

    English-Russian base dictionary > cohabit

  • 11

    губить; руина

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. bane (noun) bane; destroyers; destruction; downfalls; havoc; ruination; wrecks

    2. confusions (noun) banes; confusions; destructions; devastations; havocs; losses; ruinations

    3. deteriorations (noun) atrophies; decadences; declensions; declinations; declines; degeneracies; degenerations; deteriorations; devaluations; devolutions; downgrades

    4. injuries (noun) damages; harms; hurts; injuries; mischiefs; outrages

    5. undoing (noun) decimation; degeneration; deterioration; devastation; disintegration; undoing

    6. wreckage (noun) ancient foundation; archeological find; crumbling walls; debris; hulk; relics; remainders; remains; remnants; shipwreck; vestiges; wracks; wreck; wreckage

    7. bankrupts (verb) bankrupts; busts; dilapidates; does in; folds up; impoverishes; pauperizes; paupers; shipwrecks; wrecks

    8. breaks (verb) breaks; crushes; fails; overwhelms; subdues

    9. destroys (verb) annihilates; atomizes; decapitates; decimates; demolishes; destroys; destructs; dismantles; dissolves; dynamites; finishes; pulls down; pulverizes; quenches; razes; rubs out; shatters; shoots; sinks; smashes; tears down; torpedoes; totals; undoes; unmakes; wracks

    10. frustrates (verb) baffles; balks; beats; bilks; buffaloes; circumvents; dashes; disappoints; foils; frustrates; thwarts

    English-Russian base dictionary > ruins

  • 12
    be on the warpath


    1) вcтупить нa тpoпу вoйны (


    go on the warpath) [

    пepвoнaч. aмep.

    т.к. oб индeйцax]

    No — better still, he would join the Indians and hunt buffaloes, and go on the war-path in the mountain ranges (M. Twain). Japan was on the warpath — she struck at Indo-China, the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Islands of the Pacific. She stretched her empire thousands of miles in three months (W. Du Bois)

    2) быть в вoинcтвeннoм нacтpoeнии; pвaть и мeтaть

    I asked Angela what she had been up to, playing truant, and told her Miss Williams was on the warpath (A. Christie). Elsie Brand… lowered her voice. ‘She’s in and on the warpath.’ ‘What about you?’ (E. S. Gardner)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > be on the warpath

См. также в других словарях:

  • Buffaloës — (engl.), Büffel, auch gezähmte, zum Ziehen u. Milchgewinn gebraucht …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Buffaloes — Buffaloes, gezähmte Büffel in Rußland und den Donauländern …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Buffaloes — Buffalo Buf fa*lo, n.; pl. {Buffaloes}. [Sp. bufalo (cf. It. bufalo, F. buffle), fr. L. bubalus, bufalus, a kind of African stag or gazelle; also, the buffalo or wild ox, fr. Gr. ? buffalo, prob. fr. ? ox. See {Cow} the animal, and cf. {Buff} the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • buffaloes — azijiniai buivolai statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas gentis apibrėžtis Gentyje 4 rūšys. Paplitimo arealas – P. Azija, Sulavesi, Kalimantano, Mindoros salos. atitikmenys: lot. Bubalus angl. Asiatic buffaloes; Asiatic buffalos;… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

  • Buffaloes de Calgary — Centennials de Calgary Centennials de Calgary Ville Calgary Ligue Western Hockey League 1966 1977 Patinoire Stampede Corral Couleurs …   Wikipédia en Français

  • buffaloes — buf·fa·lo || bÊŒfÉ™ləʊ n. any of several wild oxen, bison v. baffle, confuse …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Colorado Buffaloes — University University of Colorado Boulder Conference(s) Pacific 12 Conference …   Wikipedia

  • Orix Buffaloes — League Pacific League Location Osaka, Kobe Ballpark Kyocera Dome Osaka and Hotto Motto Field Kobe …   Wikipedia

  • Colorado Buffaloes football — Current season …   Wikipedia

  • Tiger and buffaloes — is a two player abstract strategy board game from Myanmar (Burma). It belongs to the hunt game family. The board is a 4×4 square grid, where pieces are played on the intersection points. It is one of the smallest hunt games. Three tigers are… …   Wikipedia

  • Orix Buffaloes — Partido de los Buffaloes desde el Skymark Stadium. Orix Buffaloes (en japonés オリックス・バファローズ, Orikkusu Bafarōzu) es un equipo de béisbol con sede en conjunta en las ciudades de Kōbe y Osaka, Japón. Fue fundado en 2004 a partir de la fusión del Orix …   Wikipedia Español



A city of western New York at the eastern end of Lake Erie on the Canadian border. It is a major Great Lakes port of entry and an important manufacturing and milling center.

Buf′fa·lo′ni·an adj. & n.



n. pl. buffalo or buf·fa·loes or buf·fa·los


a. Any of several large African and Asian ruminant mammals of the family Bovidae, such as the water buffalo and the African buffalo.

b. The North American bison.

c. The flesh of the North American bison, used as food.

2. Any of several North American suckers of the genus Ictiobus, having a dark body and an arched back. Also called buffalo fish.

tr.v. buf·fa·loed, buf·fa·lo·ing, buf·fa·loes

1. To intimidate or frighten, as by a display of authority: «The board couldn’t buffalo the federal courts as it had the Comptroller» (American Banker).

2. To confuse or deceive: «Too often … job seekers have buffaloed lenders as to their competency and training» (H. Jane Lehman).

[Italian bufalo or Portuguese or Spanish búfalo, from Late Latin būfalus, from Latin būbalus, antelope, buffalo, from Greek boubalos, antelope, perhaps from bous, cow; see gwou- in Indo-European roots.]

Word History: When most Americans hear the word buffalo, they probably think of the American bison. In fact, buffalo originally referred to the water buffalo (an animal that was introduced to western Europe from Asia in late antiquity) and other large bovid animals of Eurasia and Africa. The history of buffalo begins with the Greek word boubalos, «antelope.» The Romans borrowed this word as būbalus, «antelope.» In his work on natural history, however, the Roman author Pliny the Elder notes that the common people used būbalus to refer to the urus, the huge wild ox (now extinct) that once roamed northern Europe, and Pliny considered this to be a mistake. Eventually the Latin word, in its Late Latin form būfalus, became the name for the water buffalo when it was introduced to Europe. Būfalus developed into buffalo in Italian and búfalo in Portuguese and Spanish, and then English borrowed buffalo, with the sense «any of various species of large bovine animals,» from one or more of these languages. How did the word buffalo come to be the popular name for the American bison? When the English first began to visit and settle in North America, it is likely that most of them had never seen the European bison, or wisent, the closest relative of the American bison. The wisent had mostly vanished from western Europe in the Middle Ages, the victim of hunting and deforestation. The English were probably much more familiar with domestic water buffalo, and they may even have heard of the urus, and so when they encountered the American bison, many of them called it by the name of the largest bovine animal they had known before, the buffalo. Already in 1625, English writers were using buffalo to describe the bison of America.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



n, pl -loes or -lo

1. (Animals) Also called: Cape buffalo a member of the cattle tribe, Syncerus caffer, mostly found in game reserves in southern and eastern Africa and having upward-curving horns

3. (Animals) Also called: bison US and Canadian a member of the cattle tribe, Bison bison, formerly widely distributed over the prairies of W North America but now confined to reserves and parks, with a massive head, shaggy forequarters, and a humped back.

vb (tr)

4. (often passive) to confuse

5. to intimidate

[C16: from Italian bufalo, from Late Latin būfalus, alteration of Latin būbalus; see bubal]




(Placename) a port in W New York State, at the E end of Lake Erie. Pop: 285 018 (2003 est)

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈbʌf əˌloʊ)

n., pl. -loes, -los, (esp. collectively) -lo, n.

1. any of several large wild oxen of the family Bovidae, as the bison or water buffalo.

2. a buffalofish.

v.t. Informal.

3. to puzzle or baffle; confuse.

4. to intimidate by a display of power, importance, etc.


5. patterned in buffalo plaid.

[1535–45; < Portuguese bufalo < Late Latin būfalus, variant of Latin būbalus < Greek boúbalos]


(ˈbʌf əˌloʊ)


a port in W New York, on Lake Erie. 310,548.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: buffaloed
Gerund: buffaloing

I buffalo
you buffalo
he/she/it buffalos
we buffalo
you buffalo
they buffalo
I buffaloed
you buffaloed
he/she/it buffaloed
we buffaloed
you buffaloed
they buffaloed
Present Continuous
I am buffaloing
you are buffaloing
he/she/it is buffaloing
we are buffaloing
you are buffaloing
they are buffaloing
Present Perfect
I have buffaloed
you have buffaloed
he/she/it has buffaloed
we have buffaloed
you have buffaloed
they have buffaloed
Past Continuous
I was buffaloing
you were buffaloing
he/she/it was buffaloing
we were buffaloing
you were buffaloing
they were buffaloing
Past Perfect
I had buffaloed
you had buffaloed
he/she/it had buffaloed
we had buffaloed
you had buffaloed
they had buffaloed
I will buffalo
you will buffalo
he/she/it will buffalo
we will buffalo
you will buffalo
they will buffalo
Future Perfect
I will have buffaloed
you will have buffaloed
he/she/it will have buffaloed
we will have buffaloed
you will have buffaloed
they will have buffaloed
Future Continuous
I will be buffaloing
you will be buffaloing
he/she/it will be buffaloing
we will be buffaloing
you will be buffaloing
they will be buffaloing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been buffaloing
you have been buffaloing
he/she/it has been buffaloing
we have been buffaloing
you have been buffaloing
they have been buffaloing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been buffaloing
you will have been buffaloing
he/she/it will have been buffaloing
we will have been buffaloing
you will have been buffaloing
they will have been buffaloing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been buffaloing
you had been buffaloing
he/she/it had been buffaloing
we had been buffaloing
you had been buffaloing
they had been buffaloing
I would buffalo
you would buffalo
he/she/it would buffalo
we would buffalo
you would buffalo
they would buffalo
Past Conditional
I would have buffaloed
you would have buffaloed
he/she/it would have buffaloed
we would have buffaloed
you would have buffaloed
they would have buffaloed

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Definitions For Buffalo


  • Any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo
  • Large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains
  • Meat from an American bison
  • A city on Lake Erie in western New York (near Niagara Falls)


  • Intimidate or overawe

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Buffalo is worth 17 points in Scrabble and 20 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Buffalo in a Sentence

  • I’m not some newcomer that you can buffalo with that nonsense.
  • In this debate I refuse to be buffaloed by a flurry of irrelevant issues

Antonyms for Buffaloes

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Символ показывает уровень знания интересующего вас языка и вашу подготовку. Выбирая ваш уровень знания языка, вы говорите пользователям как им нужно писать, чтобы вы могли их понять.

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  • Могу формулировать все виды общих вопросов. Понимаю ответы средней длины и сложности.

  • Понимаю ответы любой длины и сложности.

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буйвол, бизон, танк-амфибия, мистифицировать, озадачивать


- буйвол индийский (Bubalus bubalis)
- буйвол кафрский (Syncerus caffer)
- бизон (Bison americanus)


- озадачить; обманывать, мистифицировать

to get smb. buffaloed — обмануть /разыграть/ кого-л.

Мои примеры


a buffalo hide painted with red and black geometric designs — буйволиная шкура, окрашенная красными и чёрными геометрическими узорами  
to buffalo smb. into compliance — добиваться чьего-л. согласия при помощи угроз  
hunt buffalo — охотиться на бизонов  
buffalo or rhinoceros or whatever — бизон или носорог или что-нибудь ещё в этом роде  
band of buffalo — стадо бизонов  
water buffalo — азиатский буйвол, водяной буйвол (лат. Bubalus bubalis)  
buffalo bug — ковровая моль  
buffalo calf — буйволёнок  
buffalo cow — буйволица  
buffalo gnats — мошки  
buffalo rail — поручень на баке шхуны  

Примеры с переводом

Buffalo wallow in mud to keep away flies.

Буйвол валяется в грязи, чтобы спастись от мух.

We watered the buffalo.

Мы напоили буйвола водой.

Millions of buffalo once roamed the prairies.

Миллионы бизонов, когда-то бродили по прерии.

She is a brilliant liar and has buffaloed a psychiatrist in practice for 25 years.

Она виртуозная притворщица, ей удалось провести психиатра с двадцатипятилетним стажем работы.

In this debate I refuse to be buffaloed by a flurry of irrelevant issues.

В этой дискуссии я не дам сбить себя с толку шквалом неуместных вопросов.

The Dallas Cowboys clobbered the Buffalo Bills last night.

Вчера вечером «Даллас Ковбойз» разгромили «Баффало Биллз». (об амер. футболе)

The stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees.

Байки эти были настолько скучны, что утомили бы и буйвола.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Buffalo black

They followed the migrating herds of buffalo across the plains.

…I’m not some newcomer that you can buffalo with that nonsense….

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): buffalo
мн. ч.(plural): buffaloes


A buffalo is a large, ox-like animal with horns and shaggy fur. In North America, a buffalo is another name for a bison.


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Any of the Old World mammals of the family Bovidae, such as the Cape buffalo, Syncerus caffer, or the water buffalo Bubalus bubalis.



A related North American animal, the American bison, Bison bison.

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To outwit, confuse, deceive, or intimidate.

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There are various types of buffalo around the word, including South Asia’s water buffalo and the African buffalo, but the bison is the most well-known type of buffalo in the US. You can also use the word as a verb, meaning «to intimidate,» and when it’s capitalized, Buffalo is a city in New York state. These various meanings have resulted in the longest sentence in English that uses only one word: «Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.»

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Tips to improve your English pronunciation:

Break buffaloes down into sounds: — say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

Record yourself saying buffaloes in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You’ll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.

Work on your intonation: stress, rhythm and intonation patterns are not easy to master in English but they are crucial to make others understand what you say. It’s what expresses the mood, attitude and emotion.

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buffalo– (Noun) The animal also known as bison. In this case, buffalo is a plural noun.

Is Buffalo a countable noun?

(countable) A buffalo is a type of large mammal. Buffalo used to live in the plains of North America.

How do you know if a noun is plural?

The general rule of plural nouns is that they are created by adding the letter S to the end of a singular noun. For example, you take the singular noun apple and add an S to make the plural noun apples.

What is plural for water buffalo?

Word forms: plural water buffaloes , plural water buffalo. countable noun. A water buffalo is an animal like a large cow with long horns that curve upwards.

What is the plural of wife?

A wife is a married woman. … The plural of wife is wives.

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What is a plural noun in a sentence?

A plural noun is a word that indicates that there is more than one person, animal place, thing, or idea. When you talk about more than one of anything, you’re using plural nouns. When you write about more than one of anything, you usually use the same word, simply adding an s, es, or ies to the end.

Are bison and buffalo the same?

Though the terms are often used interchangeably, buffalo and bison are distinct animals. Old World “true” buffalo (Cape buffalo and water buffalo) are native to Africa and Asia. Bison are found in North America and Europe. Both bison and buffalo are in the bovidae family, but the two are not closely related.

What type of noun is Buffalo?

noun, plural buf·fa·loes, buf·fa·los, (especially collectively) buf·fa·lo. any of several large wild oxen of the family Bovidae. Compare bison, Cape buffalo, water buffalo.

What is the plural of person?

As a general rule, you’re absolutely right – person is used to refer to an individual, and the plural form is people. As you have said, we can also use peoples to talk about different groups within a nation or the world. For example: … We will be happy to accommodate up to four persons in each room.

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1 boy /ˈboɪ/ noun. plural boys. 1 boy. /ˈboɪ/ plural boys.

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door. plural. doors. DEFINITIONS7. a large flat object that you open when you want to enter or leave a building, room, or vehicle.

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The plural form of i is ies (rare). Find more words! Another word for. Opposite of. Meaning of.

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10 Examples of Adjective

  • Charming.
  • Cruel.
  • Fantastic.
  • Gentle.
  • Huge.
  • Perfect.
  • Rough.
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What are the plural words?

A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that noun (while a singular noun indicates that there is just one of the noun). Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. For example, there’s one dog (singular), but three dogs (plural).

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dor·​mouse | ˈdȯr-ˌmau̇s plural dormice ˈdȯr-​ˌmīs

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cattle. noun. cat·​tle | ˈka-tᵊl plural cattle.

What is the possessive form of girl?

When a plural noun ends in s, form the possessive by adding an apostrophe. For example, girls -> girls’. When a plural noun does not end in s, form the possessive by adding apostrophe s.

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noun. /skaɪ/ /skaɪ/ [countable, uncountable] (plural skies)

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church /ˈtʃɚtʃ/ noun. plural churches.

Can I say two persons?

The words people and persons can both be used as the plural of person, but they are not used in exactly the same way. People is by far the more common of the two words and is used in most ordinary contexts: «a group of people»; «there were only about ten people»; «several thousand people have been rehoused».

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