Is budgeted a word

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бюджете предусмотрены

заложены в бюджете

предусмотрены в бюджете

проводятся в бюджете

An additional $0.3 million is budgeted to cover separations expected to take effect in 2003.

В бюджете предусмотрены дополнительные ассигнования в объеме 0,3 млн. долл. США на покрытие расходов, связанных с предполагаемыми увольнениями в 2003 году.

A one-time charge for standard equipment (telephone sets) is budgeted at a standard rate of $300 per newly proposed staff member.

В бюджете предусмотрены единовременные ассигнования в связи с закупкой стандартного оборудования (телефонные аппараты) по стандартным расценкам, составляющим 300 долл. США на каждую новую предлагаемую должность.

A further $17.1 million relating to implementation is budgeted for travel ($1.2 million) and communications equipment ($15.9 million).

Еще 17,1 млн. долл. США в связи с внедрением системы заложены в бюджете на поездки (1,2 млн. долл. США) и аппаратуру связи (15,9 млн. долл. США).

The provision for common staff costs ($8,420,600) is budgeted at 35 per cent of net national salaries.

Ассигнования по статье общих расходов по персоналу (8420600 долл. США) предусмотрены в бюджете на уровне 35 процентов от чистых национальных окладов.

I also will carefully consider how time is budgeted.

If a project is budgeted for $1,000,000, all of the stakeholders should understand that that number is a target.

Если в бюджет проекта заложено $1,000,000, все заинтересованные лица должны понимать, что это число является целевым.

Construction and equipment is budgeted at a very low level.

A significant increase is budgeted for grants and subsidies.

Бюджет предусматривает значительное увеличение ассигнований на дотации и субсидии.

This provision is budgeted to upgrade existent software equipment and reflects no change over the revised 2005 budget requirements.

Эти ассигнования предусматриваются в бюджете в целях модернизации имеющегося программного обеспечения и не отражают какого-либо изменения объема ресурсов по сравнению с пересмотренными бюджетными потребностями на 2005 год.

Current expenditure is budgeted for on a pay-as-you-go basis.

It is budgeted at 4 to 9 billion per year.

На неё выделяется от 4 до 9 миллиардов долларов в год.

A similar amount is budgeted for 2014.

Much of the money is budgeted for the preparation and participation of national teams in competitions at various levels.

В то же время немалые средства в бюджете заложены на подготовку и участие национальных сборных в соревнованиях разного уровня.

The film is budgeted at under $50 million.

This is regardless if it is budgeted for or not.

Spending on health and education is budgeted to increase in real terms in 2001.

Расходы на здравоохранение и образование должны возрасти в реальном выражении по бюджету на 2001 год.

There is budgeted deficit and consequent reductions of its supply and growth of fiscal load to increase the income.

Возник дефицит бюджета и вытекающие отсюда сокращения его расходной части и повышение фискальной нагрузки для увеличения доходов.

A major decrease of $16,100 is budgeted for rental and maintenance of premises, due to efficiency measures.

В бюджете предусмотрено существенное сокращение расходов на аренду и эксплуатацию служебных помещений в размере 16100 долл. США вследствие мер по обеспечению эффективности.

The draft programme is budgeted at $85 million, which still needs to be mobilized.

На реализацию проекта программы предусмотрено выделить средства в объеме 85 млн. долл. США, которые еще предстоит мобилизовать.

Every year, more than $US1 billion is budgeted for «public diplomacy,» a circumlocutory term for outward-facing propaganda.

Ежегодно более миллиарда долларов выделяется из бюджета на «общественную дипломатию» (описательный термин) для направленной вовне пропаганды.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 144. Точных совпадений: 144. Затраченное время: 90 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Мои примеры


budgeted cost of work performed to date — сметная стоимость выполненных к дате работ  
budgeted cost of work remaining — сметная стоимость незавершённой работы  
budgeted cost for work scheduled — сметные издержки на запланированные работы  
budgeted cost of work scheduled to date — сметная стоимость работ планировавшихся к дате  
amount of work budgeted — количество работ по смете; объём работ по смете  
budgeted amount — расход, предусмотренный сметой  
budgeted amounts — расходы, предусмотренные сметой  
budgeted current standard costs — сметные текущие нормативные издержки  
budgeted expenses — сметные расходы  
the budgeted amount — сумма, запланированная в бюджете  

Примеры с переводом

We’ve budgeted for a new car next year.

В следующем году мы запланировали покупку новой машины.

The project is budgeted at more than $100,000.

На данный проект выделено более ста тысяч долларов.

They budgeted millions of dollars to make the film.

Они заложили в бюджет миллионы долларов, для того чтобы снять этот фильм.

Возможные однокоренные слова

budget  — бюджет, запас, финансовая смета, составлять бюджет, ассигновать

The program is budgeted at $6.8 billion to produce 180,000 radios,

an average cost per radio of $37,700.

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Бюджет программы составлял$ 6. 8 миллиарда на

производство 180000 радиостанций.

In the Republic of Korea,

substantial scaling back of defence and investment expenditures is budgeted.


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В бюджете Республики Корея предусмотрено значительное свертывание расходов на оборону и инвестиционные проекты.


A significant increase is budgeted for grants and subsidies.


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Бюджет предусматривает значительное увеличение ассигнований на дотации и субсидии.



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На нее выделяется от 4 до 9 миллиардов долларов в год.


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Эти поступления отражены в бюджете по разделу 2 сметы поступлений.


The development of the DDT electronic reporting system is budgeted separately.


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Бюджет разработки системы электронной отчетности по ДДТ предусмотрен отдельно.



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Предусмотрено финансирование проведения до двух обзорова.


Sharp reductions in government expenditures have

been budgeted

in Thailand and Malaysia, with cutbacks of large investment projects,

and a smaller consolidation is budgeted for Indonesia.


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В бюджетах Таиланда и Малайзии предусмотрено резкое сокращение государственных расходов, в частности отказ от крупных инвестиционных проектов, а в Индонезии принят секвестрованный бюджет.


The Advisory Committee points out that, in its view,

a disproportionate share of resources is budgeted for programme support.


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Консультативный комитет отмечает, что, по его мнению,

непропорционально большая доля ресурсов выделяется в бюджете на вспомогательное обслуживание программ.


In accordance with the current


practice and the approved resourcing policy,

the cost of the transfer and refurbishment of transferred equipment is budgeted for in the individual peacekeeping missions.


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В соответствии с нынешней практикой составления бюджетов и утвержденной политикой финансирования расходы на передачу и восстановление переданного имущества учитываются в бюджетах отдельных миротворческих миссий.


Currency fluctuations can affect

cash flow since the United Nations share is budgeted in United States dollars



subject to adjustment in performance reports.


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Колебания валютных курсов могут повлиять на поступления денежной наличности, поскольку суммы, приходящиеся на долю Организации Объединенных Наций, выражены в бюджете в долларах США и подлежат корректировке в докладах об исполнении бюджета.


Some $35.7 million is budgeted for the police and $13.1 million for the prisons.14.


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Бюджетом предусматривается выделение порядка 35, 7 млн. долл. США на нужды полиции и 13, 1 млн. долл. США- для пенитенциарной системы14.


CRCC will take responsibility for 60% of the project, which is budgeted at US$380 million,

while their Moroccan partners, The General Construction Company of Casablanca(TGCC), handle the other 40.


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Доля китайской CRCC составит 60% от общего бюджета строительства в US$ 380 миллионов,

а остальные 40% будет контролироваться марокканской стороной.


A one-time charge for standard equipment(telephone sets) is budgeted at a standard rate of $300 per newly proposed staff member.


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В бюджете предусмотрены единовременные ассигнования


связи с закупкой стандартного оборудования( телефонные аппараты) по стандартным расценкам, составляющим 300 долл. США на каждую новую предлагаемую должность.


A further $17.1 million relating to implementation is budgeted for travel($1.2 million) and communications equipment $15.9 million.


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Еще 17,

1 млн. долл. США


связи с внедрением системы заложены в бюджете на поездки( 1,

2 млн. долл. США) и аппаратуру связи 15, 9 млн. долл. США.


This provision is budgeted to upgrade existent software equipment

and reflects no change over the revised 2005




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Эти ассигнования предусматриваются в бюджете


целях модернизации имеющегося программного обеспечения

и не отражают какого-либо изменения объема ресурсов по сравнению с пересмотренными бюджетными потребностями на 2005 год.


About $30,000 is budgeted annually for legal aid



given at the discretion of the Head of the Ministry of Justice.


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Ежегодно из бюджета выделяется около 30 тыс. долл. США

на оказание правовой помощи по усмотрению главы Министерства юстиции.


A major decrease of $16,100 is budgeted for rental and maintenance of premises, due to efficiency measures.


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В бюджете предусмотрено существенное сокращение расходов на аренду и эксплуатацию служебных помещений


размере 16 100 долл. США вследствие мер по обеспечению эффективности.


A one-time charge for standard equipment(telephone sets) is budgeted per newly proposed staff member.


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В бюджете предусмотрены единовременные ассигнования


связи с закупкой стандартного оборудования(

телефонные аппараты) для каждой новой предлагаемой должности.


Recurrent, operating expenditure in 2009/10 is budgeted at Pound21,046,253, an increase of 12 per cent from that of 2008/09.


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В бюджете на 2009/ 10 год на покрытие текущих расходов выделяется 21 046 253 фунтов стерлингов, что на 12 процентов больше, чем

в бюджете

на 2008/ 09 год.


Since temporary assistance for meetings is budgeted under other staff costs, there will have



a consequential adjustment under other staff costs.


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Поскольку ассигнования на привлечение временного персонала для обслуживания заседаний проводятся в рамках бюджета по категории прочих расходов по персоналу,

необходимо будет произвести соответствующую корректировку суммы ассигнований на покрытие прочих расходов по персоналу.


As of 1 July 1998,

any provision for reimbursement of major equipment is budgeted under contingent-owned equipment.


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По состоянию на 1 июля 1998 года любые ассигнования на

возмещение расходов по основному имуществу закладываются в бюджет по статье, касающейся имущества, принадлежащего контингентам.


The bulk of reproduction, approximately 80 per cent on average,


done by the IAEA common printing service and is budgeted under subprogramme 5, Library services.


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Основной объем работ по размножению документов- в среднем примерно

80 процентов- приходится на общую типографскую службу МАГАТЭ и финансируется по подпрограмме 5« Библиотечное обслуживание».


The provision for common staff costs($8,420,600) is budgeted at 35 per cent of net national salaries.


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Ассигнования по статье общих расходов по персоналу(

8 420 600 долл. США) предусмотрены в бюджете на уровне 35 процентов от чистых национальных окладов.


IF YES, what percentage of the total HIV programme funding is budgeted for M&E activities?% write in.


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Если ДА, какой процент общего финансирования в связи с ВИЧ выделяется для МиО?% впишите.


Current UNDP programming in Africa for uprooted populations is budgeted at $60 million,

while in 1995, WFP delivered 800,000 tons of food to some 5.6 million refugees and 6.6 million internally displaced persons in sub-Saharan Africa.


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В настоящее время бюджет программы ПРООН по оказанию помощи перемещенному

населению стран Африки составляет 60 млн. долл. США, в то время как в 1995 году в странах Африки, расположенных к югу от Сахары, МПП оказала помощь почти 5, 6 млн. беженцев и 6, 6 млн. лиц, перемещенных внутри страны, предоставив им 800 000 тонн продовольствия.


An increase of $505,500, or 16.6 per cent, is budgeted for:(a) the replacement of material-handling equipment and(b)

the increased cost of repairs and maintenance of rented vehicles owing to fluctuations in the exchange rate.


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Предлагается увеличить бюджет на 505 500 долл. США, или 16, 6 процента, в связи с: а необходимостью замены

оборудования для обработки материалов и b увеличением расходов на ремонт и эксплуатацию арендованного транспорта изза колебаний обменного курса.


An estimate of $1,810,200 is budgeted for salaries, common staff costs

and staff assessment for 12 continuing posts and for one new post as Security Coordination Officer.


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Ассигнования в размере 1 810 200 долл. США предусмотрены для покрытия расходов на оклады, общих

расходов по персоналу и расходов по плану налогообложения персонала в связи с 12 сохраняющимися должностями и одной новой должностью сотрудника по координации вопросов безопасности.


IMO has produced a project document entitled“Enhancement

of safety of navigation on Lake Victoria”; the project is budgeted at$US 13.54 million,

and IMO


seeking donor funding to implement the project over a five-year period.


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ИМО подготовила проектный документ под названием»

Повышение безопасности судоходства на озере Виктория»; бюджет проекта составляет 13,

54 млн. долл. США, и ИМО изыскивает доноров для финансирования этого проекта на протяжении пяти лет.


As shown in Table III.7, UNHCR security costs in 2003 amounted to$ 24.0 million.

An amount of $24.5 million is budgeted in 2004, while for 2005, the


proposals amount to $28.9 million.


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Как показано в таблице III. 7, в 2003 году расходы УВКБ на безопасность составили 24, млн. долл. В бюджете 2004 года выделяется 24, 5 млн. долл., а в бюджете 2005 года испрашиваются ассигнования в размере 28, 9 млн. долларов.


Definitions For Budgeted


  • An amount of money available for spending that is based on a plan for how it will be spent
  • A plan used to decide the amount of money that can be spent and how it will be spent
  • An official statement from a government about how much it plans to spend during a particular period of time and how it will pay for the expenses


  • To plan to spend (an amount of money) for a particular purpose
  • To make and follow a plan for spending your money
  • To plan how to use (something, such as your time)

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Budgeted is worth 13 points in Scrabble and 16 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Budgeted in a Sentence

  • What’s the average weekly budget for a family of five?
  • The film has a million-dollar budget.
  • He’s been trying to live on a budget of less than $1,500 a month.
  • They budgeted millions of dollars to make the film.
  • The project is budgeted at more than $100,000.
  • He budgets $50 for entertainment each month.
  • A budget phone plan for people on fixed incomes

Antonyms for Budgeted





a. An itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures for a given period along with proposals for financing them: submitted the annual budget to Congress.

b. A systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually fixed resource, such as money or time, during a given period: A new car will not be part of our budget this year.

c. The total sum of money allocated for a particular purpose or period of time: a project with an annual budget of five million dollars.

2. A stock or collection with definite limits: «his budget of general knowledge» (William Hazlitt).

3. Appalachian Mountains A wallet or small pouch.

v. budg·et·ed, budg·et·ing, budg·ets

1. To plan in advance the expenditure of: needed help budgeting our income; budgeted my time wisely.

2. To enter or account for in a budget: forgot to budget the car payments.


To make or use a budget.


1. Of or relating to a budget: budget items approved by Congress.

2. Appropriate for a restricted budget; inexpensive: a budget car; budget meals.

[Middle English bouget, wallet, from Old French bougette, diminutive of bouge, leather bag, from Latin bulga, of Celtic origin; see bhelgh- in Indo-European roots.]

budg′et·ar′y (bŭj′ĭ-tĕr′ē) adj.

budg′et·er, budg′et·eer′ (-ĭ-tîr′) n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Accounting & Book-keeping) an itemized summary of expected income and expenditure of a country, company, etc, over a specified period, usually a financial year

2. (Accounting & Book-keeping) an estimate of income and a plan for domestic expenditure of an individual or a family, often over a short period, such as a month or a week

3. a restriction on expenditure (esp in the phrase on a budget)

4. (modifier) economical; inexpensive: budget meals for a family.

5. (Accounting & Book-keeping) the total amount of money allocated for a specific purpose during a specified period

6. archaic a stock, quantity, or supply

vb, -gets, -geting or -geted

7. (Accounting & Book-keeping) (tr) to enter or provide for in a budget

8. (Accounting & Book-keeping) to plan the expenditure of (money, time, etc)

9. (Accounting & Book-keeping) (intr) to make a budget

[C15 (meaning: leather pouch, wallet): from Old French bougette, diminutive of bouge, from Latin bulga, of Gaulish origin; compare Old English bælg bag]

ˈbudgetary adj




(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the Budget an estimate of British government expenditures and revenues and the financial plans for the ensuing fiscal year presented annually to the House of Commons by the Chancellor of the Exchequer

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈbʌdʒ ɪt)

1. an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expenses for a given period in the future.

2. a plan of operations based on such an estimate.

3. an itemized allotment of funds, time, etc., for a given period.

4. a sum of money set aside or allowed for a particular purpose: the construction budget.

5. a limited stock or supply of something.

6. Dial. a small bag; pouch.


7. reasonably or cheaply priced: budget dresses.


8. to plan an allotment of (funds, time, etc.).

9. to deal with (specific funds) in a budget.


10. to subsist on or live within a budget.

[1400–50; late Middle English bowgett < Middle French bougette=bouge bag (< Latin bulga; see bulge) + -ette -ette]

budg′et•ar`y (-ˌtɛr i) adj.

budg′et•er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a bag or sack with its contents; a stock or accumulation; an estimate of expenses; a leather or skin bottle.

Examples: budget of freshwater [‘leather bottleful’], 1580; of general knowledge, 1822; of inventions, 1692; of nails [‘a bag’], 1677; of news; of olives, 1653; of paper, 1729; of paradoxes, 1867; of tools [‘a bag’], 1879.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: budgeted
Gerund: budgeting

I budget
you budget
he/she/it budgets
we budget
you budget
they budget
I budgeted
you budgeted
he/she/it budgeted
we budgeted
you budgeted
they budgeted
Present Continuous
I am budgeting
you are budgeting
he/she/it is budgeting
we are budgeting
you are budgeting
they are budgeting
Present Perfect
I have budgeted
you have budgeted
he/she/it has budgeted
we have budgeted
you have budgeted
they have budgeted
Past Continuous
I was budgeting
you were budgeting
he/she/it was budgeting
we were budgeting
you were budgeting
they were budgeting
Past Perfect
I had budgeted
you had budgeted
he/she/it had budgeted
we had budgeted
you had budgeted
they had budgeted
I will budget
you will budget
he/she/it will budget
we will budget
you will budget
they will budget
Future Perfect
I will have budgeted
you will have budgeted
he/she/it will have budgeted
we will have budgeted
you will have budgeted
they will have budgeted
Future Continuous
I will be budgeting
you will be budgeting
he/she/it will be budgeting
we will be budgeting
you will be budgeting
they will be budgeting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been budgeting
you have been budgeting
he/she/it has been budgeting
we have been budgeting
you have been budgeting
they have been budgeting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been budgeting
you will have been budgeting
he/she/it will have been budgeting
we will have been budgeting
you will have been budgeting
they will have been budgeting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been budgeting
you had been budgeting
he/she/it had been budgeting
we had been budgeting
you had been budgeting
they had been budgeting
I would budget
you would budget
he/she/it would budget
we would budget
you would budget
they would budget
Past Conditional
I would have budgeted
you would have budgeted
he/she/it would have budgeted
we would have budgeted
you would have budgeted
they would have budgeted

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


An estimate of government spending and government revenue for the coming year. If government spending is higher than government revenue, there is a budget deficit. If government spending is lower than government revenue, there is a budget surplus.

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. budget - a sum of money allocated for a particular purposebudget — a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose; «the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year»

Civil List — a sum of money voted by British Parliament each year for the expenses of the British royal family

operating budget — a budget for current expenses as distinct from financial transactions or permanent improvements

2. budget — a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them; «the president submitted the annual budget to Congress»

plan, program, programme — a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; «they drew up a six-step plan»; «they discussed plans for a new bond issue»

balanced budget — a budget is balanced when current expenditures are equal to receipts

Verb 1. budget — make a budget

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. inexpensive, economy, bargain, sale, reduced, keen, reasonable, low-priced, low-cost, cut-price, economical, cheapo (informal) Cheap flights are available from budget travel agents. a budget price

«Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery» [Charles Dickens David Copperfield]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


مِيزانِيَةميزانيّه، مُوازَنَهيُخَصِّصُ ميزانيَّهيضع يَضَعُ ميزانيَّه

rozpočetudělat si rozpočetdát/mít v rozpočtupočítat s

budgetbudgetterebudgettere forlægge budget



költségvetésköltségvetésben elõirányozköltségvetést biztosít

ætla til tiltekinna òarfafjárhagsáætlungera áætlun



biudžetasnumatyti lėšas biudžeteplanuoti išlaidassuplanuoti išlaidas

atvēlēt budžetābudžetsparedzēt budžetā


rozpočeturobiť si rozpočetzahrnúť do rozpočtu




bütçebütçe yapmakbütçeye koymak

ngân sách



budget for VI + PREPhacer un presupuesto para
we hadn’t budgeted for the price increaseno habíamos contado con el aumento de precios


Cuando el Ministro de Economía y Hacienda británico (Chancellor of the Exchequer) presenta los presupuestos generales del Estado al Parlamento cada noviembre, en el país se refieren a ellos simplemente como the Budget, el cual suele incluir cambios en los impuestos y en las prestaciones sociales. Su discurso se televisa en su totalidad, para que los ciudadanos se enteren por sí mismos de cómo afectarán los cambios a su declaración de la renta, así como al precio de artículos tales como la gasolina, el alcohol o el tabaco.

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈbʌdʒɪt] n (Brit) the Budgetil bilancio (preventivo) dello Stato



Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈbadʒit) noun

any plan showing how money is to be spent. my budget for the month.

verbpast tense, past participle ˈbudgeted

1. to make a plan showing this. We must try to budget or we shall be in debt.

2. (with for) to allow for (something) in a budget. I hadn’t budgeted for a new car.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مِيزانِيَة rozpočet budget Budget προϋλογισμός presupuesto budjetti budget budžet budget 予算 예산 budget budsjett budżet orçamento бюджет budget งบประมาณ bütçe ngân sách 预算

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget, in the context of «something of poor quality».

Andy: ”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me.»

Joe: «Budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”

Get the budgeted mug.

To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget in the context of «something of poor quality».

This word is known to be in common use by select groups of individuals in the UK, specifically in the areas of Berkshire, Slough, Hayes and Uxbridge.

”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me. In other words, I got budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get FUCKING budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”

”I pay £40 for a bag of skunk from my local drug dealer. He tells me at the time “It’s a bit dusty,” but I think no more of it until I get home when I find he has give me a £40 bag of nothing but badly smoking, foul tasting brown powder with twigs in. Yet again, I got budgeted.”

Get the budgeted mug.

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

What is budgeted?

A person’s ass (usually a female’s).

Hey girl, come here and let me check your budget.

👍79 👎75

budgeted — meme gif

budgeted meme gif

budgeted — video

Budgeted — what is it?

spending within a set limit, and not going apeshit with the credit card and bad checks.

Now that I bought a new Porsche, looks like I’m gonna have to be on a budget for the next 6 years.

👍69 👎55

What does «budgeted» mean?

n. Resource allocation plan, prescribed for specific duration; resource most commonly is money, but other resources such as food and even intangible resources like time can be allocated in a budget.

Yo ‘sup! I’ve had a miserable time managing my money, ‘cuz I been so muthafuckin’ focused on keepin’ up wid da bling! Werd.

👍97 👎81

Budgeted — what does it mean?

something that is poor/cheap or old

did you see his bike? hahaha that thing was budget like, it only had one tyre

👍145 👎79

Budgeted — meaning

Process of allocating money from your weak, skank ass job in order to buy food, pay rent, car payments and insurance and still have enough to buy party supplies.

Man, after paying my bills with that paycheck from Mack Donalds, I only have $3 to party on.

👍219 👎117

Budgeted — definition

Something that can be included in somebody’s budget.

The old oven has broken down again. a new one isn’t budgetable right now.

👍33 👎11

Budgeted — slang

To be of poor quality.

Did you see that girl that Aaron hooked up with, damn she was budget.

👍459 👎179


Comes from the word «budget» which is to manage your money, and the word «minimize», which usually means you are in the act of making smaller.

1) I need to budgetize my money for the parties this weekend.

2) I need to budgetize my money for that trip to Las Vegas next month!

👍81 👎21


To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget in the context of «something of poor quality».

This word is known to be in common use by select groups of individuals in the UK, specifically in the areas of Berkshire, Slough, Hayes and Uxbridge.

”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me. In other words, I got budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get FUCKING budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”

”I pay £40 for a bag of skunk from my local drug dealer. He tells me at the time “It’s a bit dusty,” but I think no more of it until I get home when I find he has give me a £40 bag of nothing but badly smoking, foul tasting brown powder with twigs in. Yet again, I got budgeted.”

👍29 👎19


To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget, in the context of «something of poor quality».

Andy: ”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me.»

Joe: «Budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”

👍29 👎17

  • Dictionary
  • B
  • Budgeted


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [buhj-it]
    • /ˈbʌdʒ ɪt/
    • /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [buhj-it]
    • /ˈbʌdʒ ɪt/

Definitions of budgeted word

  • noun budgeted an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future. 1
  • noun budgeted a plan of operations based on such an estimate. 1
  • noun budgeted an itemized allotment of funds, time, etc., for a given period. 1
  • noun budgeted the total sum of money set aside or needed for a purpose: the construction budget. 1
  • noun budgeted a limited stock or supply of something: his budget of goodwill. 1
  • noun budgeted Obsolete. a small bag; pouch. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of budgeted

First appearance:

before 1400

One of the 24% oldest English words

1400-50; late Middle English bowgett < Middle French bougette (bouge bag (< Latin bulga; see bulge) + -ette -ette)

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Budgeted

budgeted popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 96% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

This word is included in each student’s vocabulary. Most likely there is at least one movie with this word in the title.

Synonyms for budgeted

adj budgeted

  • close at hand — lying in the near future or vicinity; nearby or imminent.
  • distributed — (in distinctive feature analysis) characterized by relatively extensive contact or constriction between the articulating organs, as the (sh) in show in contrast to the (s) in so.
  • down the line — complete, full, unreserved, or whole-hearted: a down-the-line endorsement.
  • down the road — a long, narrow stretch with a smoothed or paved surface, made for traveling by motor vehicle, carriage, etc., between two or more points; street or highway.

noun budgeted

  • allowanced — Simple past tense and past participle of allowance.
  • expensed — Simple past tense and past participle of expense.

See also

  • All definitions of budgeted
  • Synonyms for budgeted
  • Related words to budgeted
  • Sentences with the word budgeted
  • budgeted pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with b
  • Words starting with bu
  • Words starting with bud
  • Words starting with budg
  • Words starting with budge
  • Words starting with budget
  • Words starting with budgete
  • Words starting with budgeted
  • Words ending with d
  • Words ending with ed
  • Words ending with ted
  • Words ending with eted
  • Words containing the letters b
  • Words containing the letters b,u
  • Words containing the letters b,u,d
  • Words containing the letters b,u,d,g
  • Words containing the letters b,u,d,g,e
  • Words containing the letters b,u,d,g,e,t
  • Words containing b
  • Words containing bu
  • Words containing bud
  • Words containing budg
  • Words containing budge
  • Words containing budget


A budget is a sum of money set aside and divided up to cover particular expenses. Like allotting certain amounts for food, rent, movies, and manicures every month to make sure you don’t run out of cash.


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To construct or draw up a budget.

Budgeting is even harder in times of recession



To provide funds, allow for in a budget.

The PM’s pet projects are budgeted rather generously



To plan for the use of in a budget.

The prestigious building project is budgeted in great detail, from warf facilities to the protocollary opening.

Word Family

Which word is most closely related?

Nope, that wasn’t it. 🙁

Nice Job! 😎

Play again

Word associations is very effective to vocabulary learning because it helps people to understand words quickly and memorize them effectively.


From the Middle French bougette, the noun budget translated to “leather pouch” when it was first used in the early 15th century. Perhaps a leather pouch to hold gold coins? It wasn’t until 1733 that the word took on the more specific financial meaning it has nowadays. You can budget all sorts of things, including time, money, and energy. Every year, Congress tries to balance the federal budget — but that’s no easy task.

Pronunciations of budgeted on Youtube 🙋‍

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Nearby words

You may want to improve your pronunciation of «budgeted» by saying one of the nearby words below:


Test your pronunciation on words that have sound similarities with budgeted:

Tips to improve your English pronunciation:

Break budgeted down into sounds: — say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

Record yourself saying budgeted in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You’ll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.

Work on your intonation: stress, rhythm and intonation patterns are not easy to master in English but they are crucial to make others understand what you say. It’s what expresses the mood, attitude and emotion.

Perfect your pronunciation

Check out the YouTube section to improve your pronunciation of budgeted

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