Is broadening a word

Broadening is a type of semantic change by which the meaning of a word becomes broader or more inclusive than its earlier meaning. Also known as semantic broadening, generalization, expansion, or extension. The opposite process is called semantic narrowing, with a word taking on a more restricted meaning than it had before.

As Victoria Fromkin points out, «When the meaning of a word becomes broader, it means everything it used to mean and more,» (An Introduction to Language, 2013).

Explanations of Broadening

A number of writers, linguists, and others have provided explanations of how broadening came about, as this selection of quotes demonstrates.

Sol Steinmetz

Broadening of meaning . . . occurs when a word with a specific or limited meaning is widened. The broadening process is technically called generalization. An example of generalization is the word business, which originally meant ‘the state of being busy, careworn, or anxious,’ and was broadened to encompass all kinds of work or occupations.

Adrian Akmajian

Sometimes the use of existing words can become broader. For example, the slang word cool was originally part of the professional jargon of jazz musicians and referred to a specific artistic style of jazz (a use that was itself an extension). With the passage of time, the word has come to be applied to almost anything conceivable, not just music; and it no longer refers just to a certain genre or style, but is a general term indicating approval of the thing in question.

Terry Crowley and Claire Bowern

Quite a number of words have undergone semantic broadening in the history of English. The modern English word dog, for example, derives from the earlier form dogge, which was originally a particularly powerful breed of dog that originated in England. The word bird derives from the earlier word bridde, which originally referred only to young birds while still in the nest, but it has now been semantically broadened to refer to any birds at all.

Othe language experts have used examples of specific words or phrases—such as «thing,» «holiday,» or «you guys»—to show how broadening has developed over time.

Andrew Radford

The word thing is a classic example of such broadening. In Old English and Old Norse, this word meant ‘a public assembly.’ In present-day Icelandic, a language with similar Germanic roots to English, it still does. In Modern English, however, it has now been extended so much that it simply means ‘an entity of any kind.’ The word companion provides another example. It used to mean ‘someone who eats bread with you’ (see Italian con ‘with’ plus pain ‘bread’); now it means ‘someone who is with you.’ The word broadcast, which only a couple of centuries ago meant ‘to sow seeds,’ has now, in this technological age, been extended to include the spreading of information on television and radio. Pudding, which today is usually sweet and eaten for dessert, comes from the French word boudin, meaning a sausage made with animal intestines, a meaning retained in English black pudding.

Stephan Gramley and Kurt-Michael Pätzold

A recent generalization or semantic broadening has taken place in the phrase you guys in AmE, which is no longer restricted to men and can refer to mixed company, or even women only. Sell-by date also shows an extended meaning (metaphor) in Kennedy kept Hoover on past his sell-by date.

David Crystal

Extension or Generalization. A lexeme widens its meaning. Numerous examples of this process have occurred in the religious field, where office, doctrine, novice, and many other terms have taken on a more general, secular meaning.

George Yule

An example of broadening of meaning is the change from holy day as a religious feast to the very general break from work called a holiday.

John Holm

Semantic shift represents an extension of a word’s meaning with the loss of its earlier meaning (e.g. pineapple no longer means ‘fir cone’ in standard English). Semantic broadening is such extension without the loss of the original meaning. For example, tea in most English Creoles refers not only to the infusion made from various leaves, but also to any hot drink.

Benjamin W. Forston IV

Thing used to refer to an assembly or council, but in time came to refer to anything. In modern English slang, the same development has been affecting the word shit, whose basic meaning ‘feces’ has broadened to become synonymous with ‘thing’ or ‘stuff’ in some contexts (Don’t touch my shit; I’ve got a lot of shit to take care of this weekend). If a word’s meaning becomes so vague that one is hard-pressed to ascribe any specific meaning to it anymore, it is said to have undergone bleaching. Thing and shit above are both good examples. When a word’s meaning is broadened so that it loses its status as a full-content lexeme and becomes either a function word or an affix, it is said to undergo grammaticalization.

Broadening is the process by which the meaning of a word changes to become more generalised over time. Broadening is a type of semantic change. It is important that we first understand what semantics and semantic change are.

  • Semantics refers to the study of the meaning of words or phrases. There are two types of semantics: logical and lexical. Logical semantics has to do with reference (the symbolic relationship between language and real-world objects) and implication (the relationship between two sentences). Lexical semantics has to do with word meaning.
  • Semantic change refers to how the meanings of words change over time.

Broadening is a key example of semantic change and is a common process that tends to occur slowly over many years. A synonym of broadening is a semantic generalisation .

The opposite of broadening is semantic narrowing. This is when a word’s meaning becomes less generalised over time.

What causes broadening?

Semantic broadening is caused by extra-linguistic factors. These are factors that occur outside the language itself. This type of semantic change occurs naturally and gradually over time.

Broadening typically occurs when a word is used more frequently. This will lead to its meaning becoming more encompassing of related definitions. This can be caused by factors such as socio-cultural and psychological reasons. Let’s take a look at some examples.

  1. Socio-cultural factors

Sociocultural factors can cause broadening. This happens when there is a major shift in a country’s politics or social landscape. Revolutions, wars, and civil rights movements can all lead to broadening. A good example of this is how some words change their meaning following political coups.


The word ‘guy’ gained popularity in England following the failed Gunpowder Plot led by Guido ‘Guy’ Fawkes. Because of Fawkes’ role in the plot, the word ‘guy’ came to mean a grotesque person. This developed over time until the word meant a man or boy.

  1. Psychological Factors

Broadening can also happen when an item gains popularity. This is especially common in the twentieth century. When a brand becomes the leader in its field, sometimes its meaning will broaden to include the entire field itself. This will lead to the word meaning becoming broader in the minds of its consumers.

Broadening Tissue Box StudySmarterFig. 1 — ‘Kleenex’ is an example of broadening.


The tissue brand, ‘Kleenex’ is often used interchangeably with the word ’tissue’. This is because, as the product became more popular, people began to link the two in their minds, leading to the broadening of the meaning of the word.

Examples of broadening

  1. Business

Broadening Business Group StudySmarterFig. 2 — ‘Business’ is an example of broadening.

The word ‘business’ was originally only used to mean someone was busy. However, over the years, the meaning of this word has changed. Now, the word’s meaning has been broadened to refer to any type of work or job.

  1. Cool

The modern use of the term ‘cool’ was originally used in jazz to refer to a specific style (‘cool jazz’)! As jazz grew in popularity, the word started to be applied more widely.

  1. Demagogue

‘Demagogue’ derives from the Greek word ‘demos’, meaning ‘people’. Historically it was used to describe a popular leader. However, this meaning broadened through the years to indicate a political leader who panders to the prejudices of the masses.

Broadening — key takeaways

  • Semantics refers to the study of meaning.
  • Semantic change refers to how the meaning of a word can change over time.
  • Broadening is when the meaning of a word becomes broader and more generalised over time.

  • Broadening is typically caused by extralinguistic factors.

Frequently Asked Questions about Broadening

Broadening is a type of semantic change where a word’s meaning changes to become more generalised over time. 

The term, ‘cool’, was originally used in jazz to refer to a specific style (cool jazz)! As jazz grew in popularity, ‘cool’ started to be used more widely!

Final Broadening Quiz

Broadening Quiz — Teste dein Wissen


Semantics is/refers to the study of the meaning of words

Show question


Semantic change is the term given to how the meanings of words can change over time

Show question


What are the two types of semantics?

Show answer


Two examples are logical and lexical semantics.

Show question


Which is not an example of semantic change?

Show answer


What is semantic broadening?

Show answer


Semantic broadening is the name given to the process where a word’s meaning becomes more general over time.

Show question


What is a synonym for broadening?

Show answer


A synonym for broadening is semantic generalisation.

Show question


True or false?

Broadening is a slow process.

Show answer


What is the opposite of broadening?

Show answer


The opposite of broadening is a process called narrowing.

Show question


Narrowing is a process where over time, a word’s meaning becomes more specific.

Show question


What is the difference between narrowing and broadening?

Show answer


Narrowing is when the meaning of a word becomes more specialized whereas broadening happens when a word’s meaning changes to be more generalized.

Show question


What factor causes semantic broadening?

Show answer


It is caused by extralinguistic factors typically.

Show question


What are extralinguistic factors?

Show answer


These are defined as factors that occur outside the system of the language.

Show question


Which two are not extralinguistic factors?

Show answer


How do socio-cultural factors influence semantic broadening?

Show answer


Sociocultural factors can influence broadening as a major shift in a country’s politics or social landscape will lead to semantic changes.

Show question


Which is a factor that can cause socio-cultural change?

Show answer


The word, ‘guy’ is currently used to indicate a boy or man — what did it originally mean?

Show answer


Following the failed Bonfire Plot, it was used to mean a grotesque man’.

Show question


How can psychological factors influence semantic broadening?

Show answer


Psychological factors can influence broadening as they can occur when something becomes more popular. This will cause a psychological change in how people view a word and its meaning.

Show question


Which is an example of a potential psychological factor?

Show answer


The word ‘Kleenex’ was originally used to indicate a specific product. What has it broadened to mean now?

Show answer


Now, the word ‘Kleenex’, is used to reference any type of tissue.

Show question


True or false?

The opposite of broadening is called slimming.

Show answer


Fill in the blank:

The modern use of the term ‘cool’ was originally used in ____.

Show answer


‘Demagogue’ derives from the Greek word ‘demos’, meaning what?

Show answer


Fill in the blank:

‘Demagogue’ derives from the Greek word _____.

Show answer


Fill in the blank:

_______ semantics has to do with word meaning.

Show answer


Fill in the blank:

Logical semantics has to do with ________.

Show answer

Broadening is a type of semantic change by which the meaning of a word becomes broader or more inclusive than its earlier meaning. Also known as semantic broadening, generalization, expansion, or extension.

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5.1. Broadening (or Generalisation) of Meaning. Narrowing (or Specialisation) of Meaning

Sometimes, the process of
transference may result in a considerable change in range of meaning.
For instance, the verb to
borrowing) began its life in English in the narrow meaning “to come
to shore, to land”. In Modern English it has greatly widened its
combinability and developed the general meaning “to come” (e.g.
to arrive
in a village, town, city, country, at a hotel, hostel, college,
theatre, place,
The meaning developed through transference based on contiguity (the
concept of coming somewhere is the same for both meanings), but the
range of the second meaning is much broader.

Extension (widening of
the extension of semantic capacity of a word, i.e. the expansion of
polysemy in the course of its historical development, e.g. manuscript
“smth hand-written”.

Another example of the
broadening of meaning is pipe.
earliest recorded meaning was “a musical wind instrument”.
Nowadays it can denote any hollow oblong cylindrical body (e. g.
meaning developed through transference based on the similarity of
shape (pipe as a musical instrument is also a hollow oblong
cylindrical object) which finally led to a considerable broadening of
the range of meaning.

The word bird
its meaning from “the young of a bird’ to its modern meaning
through transference based on contiguity (the association is
obvious). The second meaning is broader and more general.

It is interesting to trace
the history of the word girl
as an
example of the changes in the range of meaning in the course of the
semantic development of a word.

In Middle English it had the
meaning of “a small child of either sex’. Then the word underwent
the process of transference based on contiguity and developed the
meaning of “a small child of the female sex”, so that the range
of meaning was somewhat narrowed. In its further semantic development
the word gradually broadened its range of meaning. At first it came
to denote not only a female child but, also, a young unmarried woman,
later, any young woman, and in modern colloquial English it is
practically synonymous to the noun woman
(e.g. The
old girl must be at least seventy),
that its range of meaning is quite broad. Cf. UA

meant пускати
стрілу з лука
the word
gradually broadened its range of meaning
to стріляти
будь-якої зброї, що вражає на відстані
(з гвинтівки, пістолета чи пушки)

Narrowing of meaning is
the restriction of the semantic capacity of a word in the historical
development, e.g. in
Old English the word (ОЕ
denoted the mistress of the house, i. e. any married woman. Later, a
new meaning developed which was much narrower in range: “the wife
or daughter of a baronet” (aristocratic title). In Modern English
the word lady
can be
applied to any woman, so that its range of meaning is even broader
than that of the OE hlǽfdize.
In Modern English the difference between girl
and lady
in the
meaning of woman
is that
the first is used in colloquial style and sounds familiar whereas the
second is more formal and polite.

Here are some more examples
of narrowing of meaning:

Deer: any
beast →
a certain kind of beast

Meat: any
food → a
certain food product

any young person of the male sex
→ servant of
the male sex

It should be pointed out
once more that in all these words the second meaning developed
through transference based on contiguity, and that when we speak of
them as examples of narrowing of meaning we simply imply that the
range of the second meaning is more narrow than that of the original

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Regional interaction is broadening and the role of international organizations

is being



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Расширяется региональное сотрудничество и возрастает роль международных организаций.


The reverse trend has also



the IT industry is broadening the range of digital tools available to traditional areas of business,

reshaping their image and increasing their efficiency and capacity for innovation.


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Наблюдается и обратный тренд- индустрия IT расширяет спектр цифровых инструментов для традиционных сфер предпринимательства,

преображая их облик, повышая эффективность и инновационность.


UNV is broadening and diversifying its donor base, including contributions from emerging/non-traditional donors.


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ДООН расширяет и диверсифицирует свою донорскую базу, в том числе взносы от новых/ нетрадиционных доноров.


In response to requests from governments, UNIDO is broadening its technical support in a range of areas,

from industrial parks, industrial upgrading and energy efficiency to responsible knowledge transfer.


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В ответ на просьбы правительств ЮНИДО расширяет свою техническую поддержку в ряде областей- от индустриальных

парков, модернизации промышленности и повышения энергоэффективности до компетентной передачи знаний.




now prioritizing PMTCT as part of a focused initiative of enhanced support.


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ПеПФар расширяет свою поддержку другим странам

и в настоящее время уделяет первостепенное внимание ППМр в рамках целевой инициативы по предоставлению усиленной поддержки.


Responding to the new challenges, the Committee is broadening its horizons in step with other organs of the United Nations.


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В связи с новыми проблемами Комитет наряду с другими органами Организации Объединенных Наций расширяет сферу своей деятельности.


In medical and veterinary sciences, the development of diagnostics,

vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals is broadening the ability to manage diseases that


until very

recently considered as incurable.


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В медицинских и ветеринарных науках разработка методов диагностики,

вакцин и других биофармацевтических средств расширяет возможности лечения болезней, которые до недавнего времени считались неизлечимыми.


Such organizations


proliferating and the scope of their activities is broadening, thereby fostering democratic principles and participation at the international level.


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Число таких организаций растет, а сфера их деятельности расширяется, что в свою очередь способствует закреплению демократических механизмов и принципов участия на международном уровне.


Participation in IGF and the WSIS Forum is broadening, but concerns


still expressed at the under-representation of development ministries,

business Internet users and some LDCs.


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Участие в работе ФУИ и Форума ВВИО расширяется, однако по-прежнему выражалась обеспокоенность недостаточной представленностью министерств по вопросам развития, коммерческих

пользователей Интернета и некоторых НРС.


As the Secretary-General’s report makes apparent, the partnership between the two organizations in all these aspects of international activity


facilitating increasingly well coordinated action by the United Nations and

the OSCE and is broadening the arsenal of effective mechanisms available to them for solving specific problems.


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Партнерство двух организаций по всем перечисленным аспектам международной деятельности, как следует из доклада Генерального секретаря, способствует все более скоординированным действиям между Организацией Объединенных Наций и

ОБСЕ и расширяет арсенал имеющихся в их распоряжении эффективных механизмов решения конкретных проблем.


Following the dissemination of chapter 6 of the UNDP Programming Manual and the handbook mentioned earlier,

the Evaluation Office is broadening the system to include those projects meeting the criterion of duration of cooperation.


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В связи с изданием главы 6 Руководства по программированию деятельностью ПРООН и

вышеупомянутого справочника Управление оценки расширяет эту систему, с тем чтобы включить в нее проекты, отвечающие критерию продолжительности сотрудничества.


The starting point for the fourth and last round of experiments,



completed in September 2007, is broadening the availability of facilities relating to labour

and care from’7 to 7’rather than the existing practice of’9 to 5.


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Отправной точкой четвертого и последнего этапа экспериментальной программы,

который был завершен в сентябре 2007 года, явилось расширение возможностей для совмещения работы и обязанностей по уходу,

предоставляемых в рамках графика работы с 7 до 19 часов вместо существующего графика с 9 до 17.


Monitoring progressive realization of the right to education is broadening and deepening our knowledge of inequalities that need to



so that they could


effectively opposed and remedied.


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Благодаря мониторингу постепенного осуществления права на образование расширяются и углубляются наши знания о неравенстве, которое необходимо предавать гласности, с тем чтобы можно

было найти эффективные средства противодействия и защиты от него.


The World Bank is broadening and deepening its solidwaste assistance through the introduction of new

tools such as those on development policy loans(for a solidwaste project in Morocco); stand-alone and fully integrated carbon finance for solidwaste efforts, such as that for landfill gas recovery in Jordan; city-specific, country-specific and global technical reviews; and targeted support for wastepickers and improved working conditions for wastemanagement employees.


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Всемирный банк расширяет и углубляет предоставляемую им помощь регулированию твердых отходов путем внедрения новых инструментов, таких как

инструменты, связанные с займами по линии политики развития( для проекта регулирования твердых отходов в Марокко), автономное и полностью интегрированное углеродное финансирование для регулирования твердых отходов, например, для сбора свалочного газа в Иордании, технические обзоры по конкретным городам и странам и глобальные технические обзоры, а также адресная поддержка сборщиков отходов и улучшение условий труда занятых в удалении отходов.


We‘re broadening it to include other developments, like DLT and peer-to-peer lending.


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Мы расширяем его, чтобы включать другие события, как DLT и одноранговое кредитование.


South-South cooperation should be broadened and strengthened for the benefit of the Non-Self-Governing Territories.


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Необходимо расширять и укреплять сотрудничество Юг- Юг в интересах несамоуправляющихся территорий.


Such interaction should be broadened in order to enhance bilateral and multilateral cooperation.


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Следует расширять такое взаимодействие в целях укрепления двустороннего и многостороннего сотрудничества.


Partnerships have to be broadened to involve all stakeholders.


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Необходимо расширять партнерские отношения, охватив ими все заинтересованные стороны.


The scope of application of the Act was broadened compared to the earlier act.


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По сравнению с предыдущим законом сфера действия нового Закона была расширена.


The point


made that the proposal might even be broadened.


In that decision,

the eligibility criteria applied under previous housing schemes were broadened.


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В этом решении

критерии отбора, применяемые в предыдущих жилищных программах, были расширены.


You will


on a learning curve as your horizon are broaden.

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Вас ждет поучительный поворот, и горизонт расширится.

But, the area of discussion can be broadened if circumstances permit.



Every person should feel their possibilities for self-expression are broadening and their quality of life




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Каждый должен ощущать, что возможности его самовыражения расширяются, и качество его жизни улучшается.


Regular meetings with NGOs


held at the

Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and public relations were broadened.


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В министерстве экологии и природных ресурсов на регулярной

основе проводятся встречи с представителями НПО и расширяются отношения с общественностью.


Acquainted with life and living conditions Maasai- indigenous people of Kenya,

historical- that is, broadening the horizons of knowledge and we become richer with new experiences.

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Познакомившись с жизнью и условиями жизни масаев- коренное население Кении,

исторические- то есть, расширение горизонтов знания, и мы становимся богаче с новым опытом.

By the said Protocol the meaning of refugee is broadened so as to cover persons who have become refugees

as a result of events occurring after January 1951.


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Согласно этому Протоколу было расширено понятие» беженец» с целью охватить лиц, которые стали беженцами в

результате событий, происшедших после января 1951 года.


расширять, расширяться


- расширение
- мед. дилатация

Мои примеры


dipole-dipole coupling broadening — дипольное уширение  
emission spectrum broadening — расширение спектра излучения  
emission-spectrum broadening — расширение спектра излучения  
exchange broadening — обменное уширение  
foreign-gas broadening — примесное уширение  
homogeneous broadening — однородное уширение  
hyperfine broadening — сверхтонкое уширение  
hyperfine interaction broadening — сверхтонкое уширение  
impact broadening — уширение в результате соударений частиц; столкновительное уширение  
inhomogeneous applied magnetic field broadening — уширение за счёт неоднородности поля подмагничивания  

Примеры с переводом

By broadening the tax base (=all the people who pay taxes), he could raise more revenues.

За счёт расширения налоговой базы (т.е. всех людей, которые платят налоги) он может увеличить поступления.

Возможные однокоренные слова

broaden  — расширять, расширяться
broadened  — расширенный

Definition and Examples of Broadening in English Broadening is a type of semantic change by which the meaning of a word becomes broader or more inclusive than its earlier meaning. Also known as semantic broadening, generalization, expansion, or extension. The opposite process is called semantic narrowing, with a word taking on a more restricted meaning than it had before. As Victoria Fromkin points out, When the meaning of a word becomes broader, it means everything it used to mean and more (An Introduction to Language, 2013). Examples and Observations Broadening of meaning . . . occurs when a word with a specific or limited meaning is widened. The broadening process is technically called generalization. An example of generalization is the word business, which originally meant the state of being busy, careworn, or anxious, and was broadened to encompass all kinds of work or occupations.(Sol Steinmetz, Semantic Antics: How and Why Words Change Meaning. Random House, 2008)Cool: Sometimes the use of existing words can become broader. For example, the slang word cool was originally part of the professional jargon of jazz musicians and referred to a specific artistic style of jazz (a use that was itself an extension). With the passage of time, the word has come to be applied to almost anything conceivable, not just music; and it no longer refers just to a certain genre or style, but is a general term indicating approval of the thing in question.(Adrian Akmajian, Richard Demers, Ann Farmer, and Robert Harnish, Linguistics: An Introductio n to Language and Communication. The MIT Press, 2001) Dog and Bird: Quite a number of words have undergone semantic broadening in the history of English. The modern English word dog, for example, derives from the earlier form dogge, which was originally a particularly powerful breed of dog that originated in England. The word bird derives from the earlier word bridde, which originally referred only to young birds while still in the nest, but it has now been semantically broadened to refer to any birds at all.(Terry Crowley and Claire Bowern, An Introduction to Historical Linguistics, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2010)Thing, Companion, Broadcast, and Pudding: The word thing is a classic example of such broadening. In Old English and Old Norse, this word meant a public assembly. In present-day Icelandic, a language with similar Germanic roots to English, it still does. In Modern English, however, it has now been extended so much that it simply means an entity of any kind. The word companion provides another example. It used to mean so meone who eats bread with you (see Italian con  with plus pain  bread); now it means someone who is with you. The word broadcast, which only a couple of centuries ago meant to sow seeds, has now, in this technological age, been extended to include the spreading of information on television and radio. Pudding, which today is usually sweet and eaten for dessert, comes from the French word boudin, meaning a sausage made with animal intestines, a meaning retained in English black pudding.(Andrew Radford,  et al.,  Linguistics: An Introduction, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2009) You Guys and Sell-by Date: A recent generalization or  semantic broadening  has taken place in the phrase you guys in AmE, which is no  longer restricted to men and can refer to mixed company, or even women only. Sell-by date also shows an extended meaning (metaphor) in Kennedy kept Hoover on past his sell-by date.(Stephan Gramley and Kurt-Michael Ptzold,A Survey of Modern English, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2004)Religious Terms: — Extension or Generalization. A lexeme widens its meaning. Numerous examples of this process have occurred in the religious field, where office, doctrine, novice, and many other terms have taken on a more general, secular meaning.(David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2003)- An example of broadening of meaning is the change from holy day as a religious feast to the very general break from work called a holiday.(George Yule, The Study of Language, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2006)Semantic Shift a nd Semantic Broadening: Semantic shift represents an extension of a words meaning with the loss of its earlier meaning (e.g. pineapple no longer means fir cone in standard English).  Semantic broadening  is such extension without the loss of the original meaning. For example,  tea in most English Creoles  refers not only to the infusion made from various leaves, but also to any hot drink.(John Holm,  An Introduction to Pidgins and Creoles. Cambridge University Press, 2000) Bleaching and Grammaticalization: Thing used to refer to an assembly or council, but in time came to refer to anything. In modern English slang, the same development has been affecting the word shit, whose basic meaning feces has broadened to become synonymous with thing or stuff in some contexts (Dont touch my shit; Ive got a lot of shit to take care of this weekend). If a words meaning becomes so vague that one is hard-pressed to ascribe any specific meaning to it anymore, it is said to have undergone bleaching. Thing and shit above are both good examples. When a words meaning is broadened so that it loses its status as a full-content lexeme and becomes either a function word or an affix, it is said to undergo grammaticalization.(Benjamin W. Forston IV, An Approach to Semantic Change. The Handbook of Historical Linguistics, ed. by Brian D. Joseph and Richard D. Janda. Wiley-Blackwell, 2003)

Предложения с «is broadening»

Cows are conscious, pigs are conscious, chimpanzees are conscious, chickens are conscious, so if we go that way, first of all, we need to broaden our horizons and remember very clearly we are not the only sentient beings on Earth, and when it comes to sentience — when it comes to intelligence, there is good reason to think we are the most intelligent of the whole bunch.

Сознание есть у коров, свиней, у шимпанзе и у куриц, поэтому в первую очередь нам следует раздвинуть наши горизонты и всегда помнить, что мы не единственные чувствующие существа на Земле, а что касается чувств, вернее, что касается интеллекта, то у нас есть основания полагать, что мы умнее всех.

He thinks he can broaden their range of frequency.

Он думает, что может расширить их диапазон частот.

These youth organizations give young people a chance to develop and broaden their interests and to gain experience in working with others.

Эти молодежные организации дают молодым людям возможность развивать и расширять их интересы и набираться опыта в работе с другими людьми.

I think that the main thing is that our hobby increases our knowledge in some particular field and broaden our outlook.

Я думаю, главное, что наше хобби увеличивает наши знания в той или иной области и расширяет наше мировоззрение.

It does not only broaden our scope, but also makes us wiser.

Оно не только расширяет кругозор, но и делает нас мудрее.

Beside that, visiting museums and art galleries, exhibitions and theatres, simple sightseeing or travelling can be very useful for every boy or girl, if they want to broaden their outlook, to study some subjects profoundly.

Кроме того, посещение музеев и картинных галерей, выставок и театров, просто осмотр достопримечательностей или путешествия могут быть очень полезными для любого юноши или девушки, если они хотят расширить кругозор, изучить некоторые предметы более основательно.

In other words, you will broaden your mind.

Другими словами, вы расширите свой кругозор.

You need a woman who can challenge you and broaden your horizons.

Тебе нужна женщина, которая может бросить тебе вызов и расширить твои горизонты.

That you want to be challenged a little bit, break out of the traditional male-oriented toys and broaden your horizons.

Что ты хотел бросить вызов, отказаться от традиционных игрушек для мальчиков и расширить свои горизонты.

I know you did well with that article on Rufus, and mature readers help broaden your demo.

Я знаю,что тебе понравилась статья о Руфусе и зрелые читатели помогают расширять твой демо — образец.

One saw injuries and ailments in the field that could only serve to broaden and deepen a doctor’s knowledge.

На поле боя увидишь такие раны и болезни, которые могут расширить и углубить знания лекаря.

We only want to broaden her education and her experiences.

Мы только хотим улучшить ее манеры, расширить кругозор.

From inception every government continuously strives to broaden the parameters of that right.

И с момента своего возникновения любое правительство последовательно стремится расширить сферу применения этого права.

In this context, UNFPA is trying hard to broaden its donor base, and the goal for 2000 is to reach 100 donors.

В этом контексте ЮНФПА прилагает все усилия для расширения числа своих доноров, поставив себе цель довести его в 2000 году до 100.

There was broad consensus on the need to foster global prosperity and, in so doing, to broaden the discourse on ways of improving the quality of urban life.

Был достигнут общий консенсус относительно необходимости оказывать содействие глобальному процветанию и, в связи с этим, расширять обсуждение путей повышения качества жизни в городе.

She felt it might be dangerous to broaden the scope of the exception to the general rule contained in recommendation 87.

По ее мнению, было бы опасно расширять сферу применения исключения из общего правила, содержащегося в рекомендации 87.

It provides a good basis for evolving a long-term strategy to broaden our focus in the fight against terrorism.

Это закладывает хорошую основу для разработки долгосрочной стратегии в целях расширения нашей деятельности по борьбе с терроризмом.

She plans to deepen and broaden this analytical approach in her progress report.

В докладе о ходе работы Специальный докладчик намерен провести более глубокий анализ, охватывающий более широкий круг вопросов.

Both parties to the conflict seem determined to continue their direct contacts and to broaden their bilateral relations.

Представляется, что обе стороны в конфликте преисполнены решимости продолжать прямые контакты между собой и расширять двусторонние отношения.

During the first decade after the end of the Cold War, Germany sought to broaden its security horizons and participated in multilateral out-of-area missions.

В первое десятилетие после окончания холодной войны Германия стремилась к расширению своих горизонтов безопасности и принимала участие в многонациональных миссиях за пределами зоны ответственности НАТО.

The model is primarily a means to broaden the UNHCR donor base and to address the chronic shortfall in funding.

Эта модель является прежде всего средством расширения донорской базы УВКБ и решения проблемы хронической нехватки средств.

A new wave of innovation is required, one that can eliminate waste, reduce pollution, and broaden access to energy around the world.

Требуется новая волна инноваций, которая сможет ликвидировать отходы, снизить загрязнение окружающей среды и расширить доступ к энергии по всему миру.

To keep the tax cuts below $1.5 trillion, one would have to keep the corporate rate at or above 28% and broaden the tax base.

Для удержания суммы налоговых потерь ниже $1,5 трлн необходимо установить ставку налога на прибыль на уровне 28% или выше, а также расширить налоговую базу.

You can broaden the scope to include items in lists from more than one site by clicking one of the other options.

Чтобы расширить диапазон и включить элементы из списков с нескольких сайтов, выберите один из других параметров.

We get trapped in a filter bubble and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview.

мы оказываемся в плену у фильтров — пузырей и не получаем информацию, которая могла бы поставить под сомнение или расширить наш взгляд на мир.

Third, credit easing by central banks, or purchases of private assets, could broaden significantly.

В — третьих, центральные банки могут значительно расширить политику кредитного смягчения, то есть выкупа частных активов.

The findings help to broaden our understanding of how the brain’s memory and navigation systems work.

Данное открытие поможет расширить наши представления о том, как в головном мозге работают системы памяти и навигации.

This in turn tends to broaden the average of the entire line.

Что, в свою очередь, повышает среднее значение этой нормы по всем продуктам.

Most economists favor finding ways to broaden the tax base – for example, by eliminating special deductions and privileges – in order to keep marginal tax rates low.

Большинство экономистов высказываются за расширение налоговой базы – например, путем отмены специальных вычетов и привилегий – с целью сохранить предельную ставку налога на невысоком уровне.

Rather than a restricted search for Earth-like planets orbiting sun-like stars, we should broaden our search,” he said.

Вместо того чтобы рассматривать только подобные Земле планеты, вращающиеся вокруг подобных Солнцу звезд, мы должны расширить наши поиски», — пояснил он.

Think of it as a way to broaden your horizons.

Подумай об этом как о возможности расширить кругозор.

It doesn’t matter if your company or website specializes only on financial markets or you just want to broaden the range of services with Forex – this program is for you anyway!

Не имеет значения, специализируется ли Ваша компания или сайт только на финансовых рынках, либо же Вы хотите расширить сферу предоставляемых услуг за счет Forex – эта программа для Вас!

We’ll just have to broaden the scope of my investigation.

Нам просто нужно расширить круг поисков моего расследования.

Where the drugs are concerned, and alcohol, they do seem to open a window for you they do seem to broaden the vistas, at first!

В случае наркотиков или алкоголя, они открывают окно для тебя… они расширяют перспективу, в начале!

Turns out being a gimp doesn’t exactly broaden your social horizons.

Оказалось, что хромота не расширяет социальные горизонты.

You need to broaden your horizons.

Тебе нужно расширять твои горизонты.

You might want to broaden the search just a little.

Тебе наверное стоит немного расширить область поисков.

You could use a wiretap case or two- broaden your horizons.

Ты бы мог использовать пару дел с прослушкой, расширил бы свои горизонты.

It’s not a bad idea to broaden your horizons.

Это неплохая идея – расширить свои горизонты.

You know, after a while, I just… felt like it was time to broaden my horizons, if you will.

Знаете, через некоторое время, я… у меня появилось чувство, что пришло время расширить горизонты.

It would broaden the scope of my powers greatly.

Это расширило бы мои возможности.

We can broaden the target segment from the top 10% to family-friendly. Then we should have opened up a theme park!

Мы можем расширить целевую аудиторию для семьи на 10% мы должны будет открыть тематически парк!

In their final stages rivers broaden and flow wearily across their flat flood plains.

В конце своего пути реки расширяются и устало текут по плоским равнинам.

Our horizons are going to broaden.

Горизонты нашей деятельности расширяются .

But before it reaches the coast, the rivers broaden, forcing back the forest.

Но перед тем, как достигнуть побережья, реки расширяются , заставляя лес отступать.

I just want to broaden my mind.

Просто хочу расширить кругозор.

We’re looking to broaden ourselves culturally.

Мы собираемся расширить наш культурный кругозор.

Could be a chance to broaden a young mind.

Мог бы расширить кругозор ребенка.

This is me saying, maybe we could broaden our suspect pool a little bit.

Нет, я всего лишь пытаюсь сказать, что может быть, мы могли бы немного расширить круг наших подозреваемых.

If she is in play for Gruner, then we will need to broaden our parameters.

Если она подходит Грунеру, нам нужно расширить круг.

We want to be the company to broaden that fan base here.

Мы хотим стать компанией, которая еще больше расширит круг его фанатов,

It could be something I did for myself, to broaden my horizons.

Я делала бы это только для себя. Ну, как бы для расширения кругозора.

Well,forgive me for trying to broaden your ctural experiences.

Хорошо, прости меня за попытку расширения твоих воспоминаний.

We just broaden the overall harmonic resonance of Cisco’s vibrational frequencies all while focusing them on a fixed temporal locus.

Мы просто расширим гармонический резонанс частоты вибрации у Циско, и сфокусируем их на определённом временном местоположении.

Art, how do you feel about laying the groundwork to broaden this into a study?

Арт, не хотите заложить базу для проведения исследования?

We’ve got to appeal for witnesses, broaden the enquiry.

Мы должны поговорить со свидетелям, узнать больше.

Because I think Hezbollah… is trying to broaden into a political party right now, so you care about what you’re thought of in America, and in America at this moment in time,

По — моему, Хэзболла пытается стать политической партией. Значит, вам важно знать, как к вам относятся в Америке.

If they let you in, you broaden your reach by a mile.

Если они тебя примут, ты на милю расширишь свои возможности.

For as she saw herself, then and before, she was wholly concerned with the beauty of life, and such creative achievements as tended to broaden and expand its experiences.

С тех пор как она себя помнила, ее всегда влекла только красота — желание узнать и испытать все прекрасное, что дает жизнь.

“Broaden your minds, my dears, and allow your eyes to see past the mundane!” Professor Trelawney cried through the gloom.

Расширьте горизонты своего разума, мои дорогие, позвольте своим глазам узреть неземное! — взывала профессор Трелани из мрака.

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