Is bro a word

Bros are a type of white male between the ages of 16-24. They originated in Southern California during the early 2000s, but are now prevalent in most major cities throughout the US and Canada. They are characterized mainly by their frequent use of the word «bro» to describe other males who are actually unrelated to them, but can be noted by many other distinguishing features such as:

1. A brightly colored Abercrombie and Fitch polo (often pink) worn with the collar popped

2. A Livestrong bracelet

3. A trucker hat, worn either backwards or tilted to the side

4. A pair of gino sunglasses, most likely purchased from Armani Exchange for $39.99, and often worn indoors / in non-sunny weather

5. Being overly tanned, to the point at which it is apparent they spend several days a week at the tanning salon

6. Hair with too much gel in it

7. Working out all the time and wearing overly tight shirts to make it look like they are more jacked than they actually are

8. Frequent use of the words «chill» and «sweet»

9. Liking Family Guy better than the Simpsons

10. Listening to a combination of soft rock (Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Dave Matthews), the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and some rap.

11. Ripped jeans for formal attire and track pants for informal attire

12. The excessive use of cologne and axe body spray

There are several «bro repellants» available to the common North American young man:

1. Listening to thrash metal, grunge metal, or classic rock

2. Using words longer than six letters

3. Staying away from Laguna Beach, Malibu, or any other towns with names that are printed on Hollister shirts

Bro #1: Yo bro, let’s go chill at Laguna beach bro, but first we have to work on our tans bro, I hear Lauren Conrad is gonna be there bro.

Bro #2: Sweet bro, sounds chillin’ bro, let’s do it up bro.

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Brohood is a special type of romance. It involves no sexual activitys. A bro is a person who usually shares your gender who you can trust with your life. This person can also be responsible for making sure your romances are working out and whatnot. s/he will give you there food and lend you there video games for free.

Signs of affection include playing video games on the same couch, playful punches, and most importantly, bro hugs.

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A person who would give you the shirt off his back if he doesn’t want to wear it anymore. A Bro is a person who will bend over backwards to help you bend someone over backwards. In short, a Bro is a lifelong companion you can always trust to be there for you, unless he’s got something else going on.

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Table of Contents

  1. Where does Broseph come from?
  2. How old is Emma from stoked?
  3. How old is Finn from stoked?
  4. What does Broseph mean in texting?
  5. What do you call your bro?
  6. Why do British say bruv?
  7. What is the meaning of Broseph?
  8. What are cute names for a guy best friend?
  9. Is there a bro code?
  10. Is Stoked set in Australia?

Slang. noun, plural bros. a brother. a guy or fellow: used as a term of address.

Where does Broseph come from?

While most people mistakenly believe that the word was created in the movie Anchorman, the true origin is thought to come from The Jamie Foxx Show, in which Braxton often calls Jamie “broseph”. Source : Richard Ledo to Michael Kutzler, November 13, 2010.

How old is Emma from stoked?


Age: 16
Family: Mother, brothers, dog
Friends: Fin, Broseph, Johnny, Lo, Reef
Talents: surfing, encouraging others, waiting on people

How old is Finn from stoked?

Fin McCloud is one of the six main characters on Stoked….

Fin McCloud
Age: 16
Family: Sam McCloud (sister), four brothers, mother, father, grandma, dog
Friends: Emma, Johnny, Broseph, Lo, occasionally Reef, Rosie
Talents: Surfing

What does Broseph mean in texting?

broseph (plural brosephs) (slang) A comrade or friend.

What do you call your bro?

Best Nicknames For Your Brother

  • Bro.
  • Brobama.
  • Broball.
  • Broboat.
  • Brobe Bryant.
  • Brodown.
  • Brofessional.
  • Brohammed.

    Why do British say bruv?

    ‘Bruv’ – it’s a shortened version of brother. Note the spelling B-R-U-V. Often, in informal writing such as song lyrics and text messages, the spelling of words is shortened. In this case, U-V replaces O-T-H.

    What is the meaning of Broseph?

    Noun. broseph (plural brosephs) (slang) A comrade or friend.

    What are cute names for a guy best friend?

    Nicknames for Guy Best Friends

    • Buddy.
    • King.
    • Champ.
    • Bro.
    • Amigo.
    • Bubba.
    • Tank.
    • Tiny.

      Is there a bro code?

      The Bro-Code is the book of certain unsaid rules of a man’s friendship with another one that we all must agree to abide by. Here are some of the rules.

      Is Stoked set in Australia?

      It aired on Teletoon in Canada, ABC3 in Australia and on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is from the same creators as 6teen and the Total Drama series….Stoked (TV series)

      Created by Jennifer Pertsch Tom McGillis
      Directed by Faruk Cemalovic

На знаменитых форумах в социальных сетях периодически появляются новые слова (сленги) в переписке пользователей. Но любой новичок может не понять значения подобных выражений.

Что такое бро

В последнее время таким распространенным и все более популярным в интернете стало выражение «бро». Что оно значит? Как возникло?

Происхождение слова

Известно, что когда-то словом «бро» называли друг друга чернокожие представители молодёжи Америки. Затем этот удобный и короткий термин потихоньку перешёл в сеть Интернет.

Что такое «бро»? Оно стало все больше и больше появляться в общении. В 2005 году и на телевидении стало фигурировать данное выражение. В известном американском сериале (комедия) «Как я встретил вашу маму» есть упоминание о «Кодексе Братана» (на английском «The Bro Code»).

Что такое «бро»: значение слова

Это своего рода интернет-мем.

Слово заимствовано с английского языка и является сокращенной формой «brother», что означает в переводе «брат». Выходит, что так можно обращаться к тем людям, которых воспринимают как брата, или братишку.

Однако знать значение данного слова еще недостаточно, нужно еще понять, в каких случаях его стоит употреблять.

Бро, что это значит

Что означает «бро»? По сути, любой человек подобным образом может обращаться к другому собеседнику, с которым он находится в прекрасных добрых и дружеских отношениях, а также если это хоть и малознакомые люди, но отношения сложились положительные.

В языке русском для подобных обращений есть формы уменьшительно-ласкательные, например: братик, братан, братишка. Но в случае английского языка часто используются такие сокращения. Чаще всего такое можно встретить у канадцев и американцев.

Итак, что такое «бро»? Это человек, разделяющий взгляды собеседника, близкий духовно. Вообще с таким «бро» должно быть легко общаться на любую тему. Название это не означает обязательно какую-то родственную кровную связь, оно лишь демонстрирует проявление взаимной симпатии и заинтересованности людей друг в друге.

Если при спорах (в сетях) у людей практически совпадают мнения и позиции по каким-либо вопросам, то они, как правило, называют каждый другого этим словом.

«Зига, бро»

Данная фраза тоже нередко встречается в общении молодежи. Слово «зига» обозначает известный приветственный (своеобразный) жест фашистов. Значит полностью фраза переводится примерно как: «Привет, братан».

В связи с тем, что слово «зига» на сегодня утратило свое первоначальное прямое значение, если человек употребил его в своей речи, это не говорит о том, что он придерживается фашистских позиций и взглядов.

«Бро или не бро» — что это значит?

Не только в обращении друг к другу используют данное слово. Существует немалое количество различных картинок серии «бро – не бро».

В положительном случае это слово значит, что предмет какой-то хороший, нужный, стоящий или полезный, а «не бро» – что-то неприятное, нехорошее и чуждое, вызывающее даже ненависть и отвращение.

Иные значения слова

А теперь несколько слов о тех, кто не знаком с термином «бро». Что это значит такое в понимании не знающих сленга пользователей ПК? В связи с тем, что многие не знакомы со «инетовским» сленгом, частенько возникают какие-то недопонимания.

Что означает бро

Люди могут принять этот термин в качестве оскорбления, негативного отношения к себе. Хотя в некоторых моментах так оно и есть: слово рассматриваемое некоторые могут употреблять в унизительном и даже в презрительном смысле, например, когда старших так называют маленькие дети, пытаясь продемонстрировать свое превосходство, неуважительное и высокомерное отношение к ним. Однако такие случаи довольно редки, и чаще термин этот употребляется в смысле положительном.

Вот один из примеров такого обращения: «Привет, бро, ты молодец!»

Подобное слово, озвучиваемое в словарях

В вышеописанном понимании слово это в словарях не встречается. Есть слова, похожие по звучанию и написанию.

Бро – это:

– французская коммуна;

– встречается часто как фамилия;

– система (сетевая) обнаружения вторжений, которая работает в операционной системе.

Что такое бро на молодежном сленге

Итак, что такое «бро» на молодежном сленге? Проще говоря, в общем это понятие имеет следующий смысл и значение. Это тот, кто может выручить в любой сложный момент в жизни, будет рядом в любой трудной ситуации и безоговорочно поможет в беде. Таковым может оказаться любой человек, живущий либо рядом, либо на любом другом конце планеты. Выходит, что это самый настоящий друг.

Asked by: Dr. Braeden Zboncak DDS

Score: 4.5/5
(32 votes)

BRO means «Brother

Is Bro short for brother?

Bro was originally an abbreviated form of the word brother but began to assume non-familial connotations in the 20th century. In this evolution, it was first used to refer to another man, such as a «guy» or «fellow». In these ways, it was semantically similar to the use of «brother».

Is Bro a friend?

As nouns the difference between bro and friend

is that bro is (slang) brother; a male sibling while friend is a person other than a family member, spouse or lover whose company one enjoys and towards whom one feels affection.

What is short for brother?

Bros. is an abbreviation for brothers.

What kind of word is bro?

brother; a male sibling. brother; a male comrade or friend; one who shares one’s ideals.

32 related questions found

Can a girl be a bro?

Just be prepared for people to look at you strangely because you are using a somewhat gender-defined term in an obscure way. However, «Yeah brah, girls can be bro’s. As long as they’re Bi.»

What is full form bro? The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) is a road construction executive force in India that provides support to and is a part of the Indian Armed Forces.

What names can I call my brother?

Best Nicknames For Your Brother

  • Bro.
  • Brobama.
  • Broball.
  • Broboat.
  • Brobe Bryant.
  • Brodown.
  • Brofessional.
  • Brohammed.

What is the full form of BRO in love?

Bro is short for ‘Brother‘ but is used in slang to mean ‘close friend’. It is just another way of saying buddy or pal. We have found 3 more results for Bro. Border Roads Organisation.

Does Bros have a period?

There is no period after the word “bros,” so the implication is that Thomson is not using the word — or at least not ONLY using the word “bros” — as an abbreviation of “Brothers” but also playing off the breezy, millennial appropriation of the word as, as in “Hey, bro, how’s it going?”

What if a boy calls you bro?

If he gives you a boyish nickname like “bro” or “sis,” he sees you as a close friend. … If he doesn’t give you any nickname, he sees you as just a friend. If he can’t remember your name, he doesn’t see you at all. But if he calls you “baby,” that means he’s thinking about physical and/or emotional intimacy.

Is there a girl code?

What is ‘girl code’? “’Girl code’ is the rules of being a woman, especially with regards to dating,” says Ellen Scott. It’s stuff like: you can’t date your friend’s ex, you also can’t date your ex’s friend. If you saw your friend’s boyfriend cheating on them – you’d have to tell your friend.

Is the Bro Code real?

Though there’s not a set list of what this code is made up of, the rules are often widely defined and understood. This male version of friendship etiquette is dead or at least dying. However, bro code is still alive in some ways, but hopefully not thriving.

Is bruh a bad word?

An Academic Look at BRUH

BRUH is a slang word. Slang refers to words, phrases and uses of language that are regarded as very informal and which are often restricted to a special context or a particular group of users. When used as an expression of disdain or incredulity, BRUH is typically used as an interjection.

Whats means bruh?

Bruh (slang), an expression referring to a «brother»

How do you say brother in British?

‘Bruv’ is probably the most common term, but there are others which have a similar function and express a similar bond – Bro (B-R-O), blud (B-L-U-D) and cuz (C-U-Z) are just some. Again, notice the spelling changes in ‘blud’ and ‘cuz’.

What is the full form of Anna?

ANNA. Association of National Numbering Agencies.

What is India full form?

India is not an acronym. So, it doesn’t have any full form. … The name India is derived from the word Indus which itself derived from the old Persian word Hindu, from Sanskrit Sindhu. Indus is also the name of a river. Greeks used to refer the country on the other side of the river Indus as Indoi.

How do you wish your brothers day?

Nothing can be compared to the great sibling bond I have with you. Wish you a very Happy Brothers Day. You are the friend I’ve got by born and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Happy Brothers Day dear.

What is the best nickname for brother?

Cute Nicknames For Brother

  • Baby Brother: If your brother is younger to you by a few years.
  • Bruh: A cool name for a super cool brother.
  • Chipmunk: For a brother who has chubby cheeks that you like to pull.
  • Duckling: In case your brother always follows you around.
  • Champ: Suitable for a sporty brother.
  • Zippy: If he is energetic.

How do you call your siblings?

Nicknames That Are Perfect For Your Sister

  1. Bitsy.
  2. Issy.
  3. See see.
  4. Sissy.
  5. Sista.
  6. Sistie.
  7. Sis.
  8. Miss sis.

Do Brothers always fight?

While many kids are lucky enough to become the best of friends with their siblings, it’s common for brothers and sisters to fight. … Often, sibling rivalry starts even before the second child is born, and continues as the kids grow and compete for everything from toys to attention.

Is Bro part of Indian Army?

The Border Roads Organisation (BRO)(Indian army corps of engineers) develops and maintains road networks in India’s border areas and friendly neighboring countries.

What does bro love mean?

noun. Love for one’s brother; love or fellow feeling between people.

What is full form of Kiss?

KISS, an acronym for keep it simple, stupid, is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

Is Bro a slang word?

It became a synonym for “guy” in the mid-20th century. Around the 1970s, African-American men began to use both “bro” and “brother” as slang for their male friends, and the usage spread from there.

What do you call your siblings?

93 Clever Group Chat Names For Siblings, Because Your Family Ties Are Tight

  • My Gene Pool.
  • The Bad Apples.
  • Our Family Tree.
  • The Brady Bunch.
  • My Brother Half.
  • The Misfits.
  • The Golden Girls.
  • My Sister Lining.

Do you call your brother bro?

In all cases the use of “brother” implies a close relationship. Being called “bro” implies a close relationship except in those cultural groups where “brother” and its abbreviated form do not imply a close relationship.

What is short for sister?

Most common short form of Sister is SIS.

What is it called when your sister has a baby?

A sororal niece or sororal nephew is the child of one’s sister. A fraternal niece or fraternal nephew is the child of one’s brother.

What is the daughter of my brother called?


What is daughter son called in English?

Family Vocabulary

my relatives relationship to me
male female
son daughter relative of whom I am the parent
nephew niece child of my sibling
grandchild child of my child

What do I call my sister’s husband?


Can you marry your wife’s sister?

If a man has a widow, he’s dead and can’t marry anyone. If you mean a man is a widower (his wife has died) is it legal for him to marry one of his wife’s sisters, then it is legal for him to marry his former sister in law in the United States.

What is my wife sister daughter called?

niece. a daughter of your brother or sister, or a daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister. Their son is called your nephew.

What is devrani called in English?

Devrani ( Hindi: देवरानी) is the Hindi word for husband’s younger brother’s wife.

Who is a co sister?

New Word Suggestion. brother-in-law’s (husband’s brother) wife. since, husband’s sister is also sister-in-law, the above word will serve to avoid any confusion between husband’s sister and husband’s brother’s wife.

Is Jugaad an English word?

The world’s most trusted English dictionary Oxford has officially accepted the word ‘Jugaad’ in their latest update. According to the dictionary, noun Jugaad means a flexible approach to solve a problem, that uses limited resources in an innovative way.

What is cousin law?

1 : a wife or husband of one’s cousin. 2 : a cousin of one’s wife or one’s husband.

Can you marry your 1st cousin?

In the United States, second cousins are legally allowed to marry in every state. However, marriage between first cousins is legal in only about half of the American states. All in all, marrying your cousin or half-sibling will largely depend on the laws where you live and personal and/or cultural beliefs.

What do you call someone married to your cousin?


Are 3rd cousins blood related?

Are third cousins blood related? Third cousins are always considered to be relatives from a genealogical perspective, and there is about a 90% chance that third cousins will share DNA. With that said, third cousins who do share DNA only share an average of . 78% of their DNA with each other, according to 23andMe.

Is dating your 3rd cousin wrong?

It’s legal in all 50 states to marry a cousin who’s your second cousin or further. But according to a new study out of the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, it’s not just legal, it’s smart. The researchers found your third or fourth cousin isn’t just safe to marry — they’re your ideal partner.

Why is it not good to marry your cousin?

Children of first-cousin marriages have an increased risk of autosomal recessive genetic disorders, and this risk is higher in populations that are already highly ethnically similar. Children of more distantly related cousins have less risk of these disorders, though still higher than the average population.

Did Kevin Bacon marry his cousin?

The couple is, in fact, very distant cousins. Bacon and Sedgwick married in 1988, after meeting on the sets of the television film ‘Lemon Sky’ when Sedgwick was 22 and Bacon was 29. Since then, they have starred together in Pyrates, Murder in the First, The Woodsman, and Loverboy, and also have two children together.

How is Kyra Sedgwick so rich?

Kyra Sedgwick has earned her net worth through her many acting roles in films, television and video. She was born in New York City in 1965. Her mother, Patricia is a speech teacher and educational/family therapist. Her father, Henry Dwight Sedgewick V made a living investing in business ventures.

What famous person married their cousin?

Albert Einstein The revered genius married his first cousin Elsa Lowenthal. Rudy Giuliani The former New York mayor married his second cousin once removed, Regina Peruggi. Jerry Lee Lewis The rock and roll musician married his first cousin once removed Myra Gale Brown.

Can you marry your first cousin once removed?

As of February 2014, 24 U.S. states prohibit marriages between first cousins, 19 U.S. states allow marriages between first cousins, and seven U.S. states allow only some marriages between first cousins. Seven states prohibit first-cousin-once-removed marriages.

What singer married a 13 year old?

Jerry Lee Lewis

Can fourth cousins have babies?

The researchers suggest marrying third and fourth cousins is so optimal for reproduction because they sort of have the “best of both worlds.” While first-cousin couples could have inbreeding problems, couples who are far-removed from each other could have genetic incompatibilities. …


Alternative forms[edit]

  • bra, brah, breh, bruh


PIE word

Clipping of brother.


  • (General American) IPA(key): /bɹoʊ/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /bɹəʊ/
  • Rhymes: -əʊ
  • Hyphenation: bro
  • Homophone: Breaux


bro (plural bros)

  1. (slang) brother (a male sibling)
  2. (slang) brother (a male comrade or friend; one who shares one’s ideals)
  3. (slang) brother (usually used to address a male)
  4. (slang) fratboy (or someone that espouses the fraternity bro culture)


bro (third-person singular, masculine, nominative or objective case)

  1. (originally African-American Vernacular, slang) he or him

    Bro said he finna go off today

    You gotta go up to bro and say, «I know what you mean»

Derived terms[edit]

  • Bernie bro
  • bro out
  • bro-country
  • bro-hug
  • brocialism
  • brocialist
  • brodeo
  • brodown
  • broette
  • brofist
  • brogrammer
  • brogressive
  • brohawk
  • brohemian
  • brohoof
  • brojob
  • brolationship
  • bromance
  • brony
  • broseph
  • brosephine
  • broship
  • broski
  • brostep
  • brotastic
  • cool story bro
  • cryptobro
  • dudebro
  • gym bro
  • ladybro
  • lax bro
  • lezbro
  • newbro
  • stepbro
  • tech bro


used to address a male

  • Arabic: أَخِي‎ m (ʔaḵī)
  • Catalan: frai m
  • Chinese:
  • Italian: fratello (it) m
  • Japanese: 兄弟 (ja) (kyōdai), ブラザー (burazā)
  • Mandarin: 兄弟 (zh) (xiōngdi) 老兄 (zh) (lǎoxiōng)
  • Esperanto: amiko (eo), ulo (eo)
  • Finnish: äijä (fi), kaveri (fi), jätkä (fi), jäbä (fi)
  • French: frérot (fr) m
  • Hebrew: אָחִי (he) m (akhí)
  • Pashto: مړه
  • Portuguese: mano (pt) m
  • Russian: брата́н (ru) m (bratán), брато́к (ru) m (bratók), бра́тец (ru) m (brátec), брати́шка (ru) m (bratíška)
  • Spanish: hermano (es)
  • Turkish: kanka (tr)
  • Yiddish: חבֿר (yi) m (khaver), גוטער־ברודער‎ m (guter-bruder)

See also[edit]

  • bruv (an abbreviated form of bruvver)
  • brotha
  • broseph


  • BOR, Bor, Bor., ORB, ROB, Rob, bor, orb, rob



From Proto-Brythonic *broɣ, from Proto-Celtic *mrogis.


bro f (plural broioù)

  1. country (-side)



From Old Danish bro, from Old East Norse brō, from Proto-Germanic *brūwō (bridge; brow), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰruh- (beam, bridge).


  • IPA(key): /broː/, [b̥ʁoːˀ]


bro c (singular definite broen, plural indefinite broer)

  1. bridge



Norwegian Bokmål: bro


  • “bro” in Den Danske Ordbog
  • “bro” in Ordbog over det danske Sprog



(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


bro m (plural bros)

  1. thorn



From Sanskrit बृहत् (bṛhat, lofty, high, tall), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰérǵʰonts. Cognate with Persian بلند(boland), English borough.



  1. mountain top, peak
  2. succession of peaks which make up a ridge



(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


bro m (plural bros)

  1. (Jersey) pitcher

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • bru


From Danish bro, from Old Danish bro, from Old East Norse brō, from Proto-Germanic *brōwō (bridge; brow), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰruh- (beam; bridge).


bro f or m (definite singular broa or broen, indefinite plural broer, definite plural broene)

  1. bridge

Derived terms[edit]

  • bogebro
  • brokar
  • buebro
  • flytebro
  • fotgjengerbro
  • gangbro
  • hengebro
  • jernbanebro
  • kavlebro
  • kjørebro
  • kommandobro
  • kuldebro
  • landgangsbro
  • luftbro
  • låvebro
  • pongtongbro
  • svingbro
  • vindebro
  • vippebro


  • “bro” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Sranan Tongo[edit]


From English blow.


  • IPA(key): /bro/



  1. To blow, to produce air currents.
  2. To breathe.



  1. breath



From Old East Norse brō, from Proto-Germanic *brōwō (bridge; brow), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰruh- (beam, bridge).


  • IPA(key): /bruː/
  • Rhymes: -uː


bro c

  1. bridge (a construction that spans a divide)

    Stan mellan broarna

    The town between the bridges (Stockholm old town)

    Släpp ingen djävul över bron, håll ut en stund ännu!

    Let no devil across the bridge, hold out yet a while!
  2. road bank (a road reenforced with stone or timber, in particular across wetlands)
  3. quay
    Synonyms: brygga, skeppsbro
  4. porch

    Jag får min motion när jag går ifrån bron och till vår garageuppfart.

    I get my exercise when I walk from the porch to our driveway.
    Synonym: förstubro


Declension of bro 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative bro bron broar broarna
Genitive bros brons broars broarnas


  • bilbro
  • broa
  • broavgift
  • brobana
  • brobyggare
  • brobygge
  • brobyggnad
  • brobänk
  • brofäste
  • broförbindelse
  • brohuvud
  • broklaff
  • brokonstruktion
  • broning
  • bropelare
  • broräcke
  • broslagning
  • brospann
  • brovakt
  • brovalv
  • broöppning
  • cykelbro
  • förstubro
  • gångbro
  • hängbro
  • Skeppsbron
  • stenbro
  • träbro
  • Ölandsbron
  • Öresundsbron


  • bro in Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL)
  • bro in Svenska Akademiens ordbok (SAOB)


  • bor



From English bro.


  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [ʔɓɹo˧˧], [ʔɓəː˨˩ zo˧˧]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [ʔɓɹow˧˧], [ʔɓəː˦˩ ʐow˧˧]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [ʔɓɹow˧˧], [ʔɓəː˨˩ ɹow˧˧]
  • Phonetic: brô, bờ rô



  1. (slang, Vietnam) bro (used to address a person (presumably) around the same age, usually male)
    • 2021 September 6, Koi Koi, “Bất ngờ bài ‘nhạc Thái’ lọt top trending cao nhưng hoá ra của ca sĩ Việt, nghe vui xả stress được khen ngợi hết lời! [«Thai» song unexpectedly shoots into the top trending list but turns out to be by Vietnamese singer; listen to relieve your stress; speechlessly recommend!]”, in Kênh 14[1], Hanoi: VCCorp, retrieved 2023-03-07:

      Mùa dịch này làm mấy bài vui vẻ này hợp lý quá bro ơi.

      This pandemic season makes these joyful songs so appropriate, bro.
    • 2022 August 5, Ngọc Nguyễn, “Lương Minh Trang và Vinh Râu thăng hạng visual, xưng hô thân thiết”, in Thể thao & Văn hóa[2], Hanoi: Vietnam News Agency, retrieved 2023-03-07:

      Trước đấy, khi được hỏi về mối quan hệ với «vợ cũ» Lương Minh Trang, Vinh Râu không ngần ngại thừa nhận: «Chúng tôi làm tri kỷ và thường xưng hô bằng bro«.

      Earlier, when asked about his relationship with his «ex» Lương Minh Trang, Vinh Râu admits, without hesitation: «We are confidants and often address each other as bro«.
    • 2022 December 21, Quang Vũ, “Tóc Tiên, JustaTee hẹn fan ‘cháy’ cùng lễ hội Noel siêu hoành tráng tại Hà Nội [Tóc Tiên, JustaTee promises fans they’ll be «on fire» at a super large-scale Christmas festival in Hanoi]”, in Thể thao & Văn hóa[3], Hanoi: Vietnam News Agency, retrieved 2023-03-07:

      Giờ thì mau mau chuẩn bị lên đồ và set kèo với hội bạn để «quẩy» tung Hà Nội cùng Tóc Tiên, JustaTee, Huy DX và BNUTs thôi nào các bro ơi!

      Now hurry up and prepare to set a bet with your friends to «hang out» in Hanoi with Tóc Tiên, JustaTee, Huy DX and BNUTs, bro!

See also[edit]

  • anh
  • anh em
  • bạn
  • bủh
  • em



From Middle Welsh bro, from Proto-Brythonic *broɣ, from Proto-Celtic *mrogis. Cognate with Old Irish mruig. Cognate with Briton bro.


  • IPA(key): /broː/
  • Rhymes: -oː


bro f (plural bröydd or brofydd)

  1. region, country, land, neighbourhood, native haunt
  2. border, limit, boundary, march
  3. vale, lowland, champaign


Welsh mutation
radical soft nasal aspirate
bro fro mro unchanged
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.


  • R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “bro”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies

Asked By: Evan Flores Date: created: Feb 28 2022

Does bro have a gender

Answered By: Jackson Smith Date: created: Mar 02 2022

Debatably, ‘bro’ is the most common gendered term of casual address used by women for women.

Until the 20th Century, the word was merely an abbreviation of the word ‘brother’, implying a male sibling, a religious title in Church, or a way for African-American men to express solidarity with each other..

Asked By: Gavin Jenkins Date: created: Mar 05 2023

Answered By: Patrick Perry Date: created: Mar 07 2023

‘Man’ and ‘dude’ are, as far as I use them but ‘bro’ is exclusively for men, unless I’m being cheeky. … “Bro”, “dude” and “man” are, but I find that “guys” is not. As a means of justification, I point out that the first three are singular terms (i.e. I’m talking to one male person.)

Asked By: Robert Diaz Date: created: Feb 09 2023

What does Bro mean

Answered By: Landon Morris Date: created: Feb 12 2023

brotherBro was originally an abbreviated form of the word brother but began to assume non-familial connotations in the 20th century. In this evolution, it was first used to refer to another man, such as a “guy” or “fellow”. In these ways, it was semantically similar to the use of “brother”.

Asked By: Wallace Anderson Date: created: Oct 07 2022

Can a girl call a girl bro

Answered By: Bernard Parker Date: created: Oct 07 2022

It’s entirely possible that a girl calls you bro because she calls all her friends that, it’s just what she calls people she likes but in most cases, her calling you bro has a different meaning or she just doesn’t like you romantically and sees you as nothing but a friend, a bro if you will.

Asked By: Douglas Walker Date: created: May 15 2022

Is bruh a bad word

Answered By: James Powell Date: created: May 18 2022

BRUH is a slang word. Slang refers to words, phrases and uses of language that are regarded as very informal and which are often restricted to a special context or a particular group of users. When used as an expression of disdain or incredulity, BRUH is typically used as an interjection.

Asked By: Henry Reed Date: created: Aug 22 2022

Is dude gender neutral

Answered By: Angel Clark Date: created: Aug 22 2022

In the early 1960s, dude became prominent in surfer culture as a synonym of guy or fella. The female equivalent was “dudette” or “dudess”. but these have both fallen into disuse and “dude” is now also used as a unisex term.

Asked By: Wyatt Coleman Date: created: Apr 01 2023

What is the female of bro

Answered By: Peter Scott Date: created: Apr 03 2023

If you are addressing a brother you could say “bro” and for a sister you could say “sis”, but I personally wouldn’t say “sis” to a girl who was not my sister unless she was exactly like a sister to me (a close lifelong friend that was considered family).

Asked By: Curtis Diaz Date: created: Jan 11 2023

Can I say bro to a girl

Answered By: Ryan Bryant Date: created: Jan 11 2023

Bro is not a word. Its an emotion. Nowadays, girls call girls bro, guys call guys bro, guys to girls and vice versa. Bro can be used for anyone.

Asked By: Nathaniel Wood Date: created: Aug 31 2022

What can I say instead of bro

Answered By: Lawrence Jenkins Date: created: Aug 31 2022 items…

Asked By: Evan Bryant Date: created: Aug 15 2022

Why do guys call each other bro

Answered By: Graham Edwards Date: created: Aug 17 2022

Originally Answered: Why does my friend call me his bro? This means he has made his decision that he feels like you are a part if his family. Most men say this when they feel like their best friend is like a brother to them. I call it “brothers in the arms” as this means the same as a friend being like a brother.

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Question: Is Verizon Internet Good For Gaming?

Fiber is king for gaming, and Verizon Fios brings highly rated download and upload speeds.It’s not quite fair to compare fiber internet to cable or DSL, we know.But there are a few reasons why Verizon Fios brings the best speeds for gaming. Is Verizon High Speed Internet good for gaming? Verizon delivers fast, reliable internet speeds over its fiber-optic network. Its upload speeds are much faster than most other internet providers, so it’s great for gaming and uploading videos. Parents and bargain hunters should take a closer look at Xfinity for its overall value and advanced control settings. Is Fios Internet good for gaming? Our fastest internet speeds are great for gamers. Speed is a critical factor in online gameplay, and if your internet connection slows you down, you’re at a huge disadvantage. For those who want faster fiber-optic connections, Fios Gigabit Connection* delivers speeds up to 940 Mbps download…

Christopher Johnson


Question: Do You Have To Pay Monthly For Portable WiFi?

You will pay nothing for wifi.It is free and it originates from the router you own.You won’t pay anything extra beyond what you pay for you monthly Internet access now.If you don’t have a wireless access point or wireless on your router you will have to make a one time purchase of such an item but that’s it. How much does it cost for a portable WiFi? The Cheapest Mobile WiFi Hotspot Plans Mobile WiFi Hotspot ProviderHotspot Plan CostMobile Network UsedTotal Wireless hotspot$35/mo: 5GB $60/mo: 15GB $85/mo: 20GB $100/mo: 25GBVaries 4G LTE, 3GStraight Talk hotspot$15/mo: 1GB $25/mo: 2GB $40/2 mo: 4GB $50/2 mo: 5GB $75/2 mo: 7GBVerizon 4G LTE, 3G9 more rows Do you have to pay monthly for Netgear WiFi? Customer Questions & Answers. NETGEAR Orbi Ultra-Performance Whole Home Mesh WiFi System — fastest WiFi router and single… Normally, you have to pay a monthly fee to connect…

Michael Howard


Quick Answer: What Is Verizon Safe WiFi?

Safe Wi-Fi is a downloadable app that safeguards your connection on network-enabled devices using a VPN (Virtual Private Network).Safe Wi-Fi protects your privacy and blocks ad tracking, creating a secure Wi-Fi connection anywhere in the world.Get Safe Wi-Fi on up to 10 devices on your account for only $3.99/mo. Is Verizon safe WiFi free? Verizon introduced its own mobile VPN today called Safe Wi-Fi, which will hide your IP address when you use public networks. Safe Wi-Fi only works for Verizon customers on iOS and Android and it costs $3.99 monthly per account to cover up to 10 devices. Currently, Verizon is offering the first 30 days as a free trial. How do I turn off Verizon WiFi safe? Turn Verizon Safe Wi-Fi On / Off — Android™ From a Home screen, tap the Apps icon.Tap Safe Wi-Fi .Tap the Safe Wi-Fi switch to turn on or off. The device…

Jaden Bryant


What Does FIOS Internet 50/50 Mean?

How much is Verizon Internet a month? Streamlined package choices and no annual contract options soften the blow to your wallet.Plan*Advertised price**Download speedFios Internet 100/100$39.99/mo.100 MbpsFios Internet 300/300$59.99/mo.300 MbpsFios Gigabit Connection‡$79.99/mo.Up to 940 Mbps What is the cheapest Verizon FIOS package? Verizon Fios Plans and Pricing Plan namePriceInternet speedFios Gigabit Connection, Custom TV & Home Phone$79.99/mo*Up to 940/880 MbpsFios Gigabit Connection, Preferred TV & Home Phone$94.99/mo*Up to 940/880 MbpsFios Gigabit Connection, Ultimate TV & Home Phone$124.99/mo*Up to 940/880 Mbps1 more row How much does Fios Triple Play really cost? Best Verizon Fios Deals in June 2019 Fios PLANTriple Play Offer – New CustomersPromo Price (per month)Fios Triple Play BundleFiber Optic Gigabit Connection. Fios TV Test Drive. Fios TV One. Fios Phone. Setup fee waiver ($99 value). Free Galaxy LTE Smartwatch or Chromebook or$200 credit toward Samsung tech.$79.993 more rows What is Verizon Fios fastest Internet speed? Verizon has begun deploying…

Michael Rogers


Does FIOS Charge For Router?

Verizon Fios equipment charges The router rental charge is $10 per month. Does Verizon charge for routers? New FiOS customers are told that they can rent an FiOS Quantum Gateway for $10 a month or buy it outright for $150. This is Verizon’s most up-to-date model, with 802.11ac Wi-Fi technology. Using a router not approved by Verizon is a bit complicated. Can I use FiOS with my own router? Use Own Router with FiOS ONT Ethernet. Eliminating the coaxial cable means you can use almost any router with FiOS internet instead of the one they force you to rent from them. Simply have Verizon turn the FiOS ONT Ethernet port on. This will allow you to have internet without coaxial in your house. Does FiOS charge for modem? Verizon modem and router rental fee. With Verizon Fios internet plans, you can either rent a Quantum Gateway modem/router for $12/mo. or…

Jackson Turner


Quick Answer: Can You Get Internet Without A Phone Jack?

How Do I Get Internet Service Without Any Phone Jacks?You don’t need a phone line in order to get Internet service.In fact, most cable companies offer Internet service by hooking up the coaxial cable line to a special cable modem. Can I have Internet without phone line? Virgin Media ( is the only major provider in the UK able to offer broadband that doesn’t need a phone line. Since it has its own fibre network separate from BT’s, it can bring a broadband connection to your home directly — completely eliminating the need for a landline. How much does it cost to get a phone jack installed? Phone Jack Wiring Cost In addition, hiring a professional electrician to set that wiring also increases costs, as electricians charge, on average, between $50 and $80 an hour for labor. Homeowners report paying anywhere from about $100 to $260 for phone jack installation,…

Table of Contents

  1. Is Bro a slang word?
  2. What do you call your siblings?
  3. What is it called when your sister has a baby?
  4. What is the daughter of my brother called?
  5. What is daughter son called in English?
  6. What do I call my sister’s husband?
  7. Can you marry your wife’s sister?
  8. What is my wife sister daughter called?
  9. What is devrani called in English?
  10. Who is a co sister?
  11. Is Jugaad an English word?
  12. What is cousin law?
  13. Can you marry your 1st cousin?
  14. What do you call someone married to your cousin?
  15. Is dating your 3rd cousin wrong?
  16. Is marrying your brother Legal?
  17. Can I marry my father’s brother’s daughter?
  18. Can I marry my mother’s sister’s son?
  19. Did Krishna marry his cousin?

It became a synonym for “guy” in the mid-20th century. Around the 1970s, African-American men began to use both “bro” and “brother” as slang for their male friends, and the usage spread from there. Sometimes, I think “bro” is a catchall term of derision for any aspect of being a guy that people don’t like.

What do you call your siblings?

93 Clever Group Chat Names For Siblings, Because Your Family Ties Are Tight

  • My Gene Pool.
  • The Bad Apples.
  • Our Family Tree.
  • The Brady Bunch.
  • My Brother Half.
  • The Misfits.
  • The Golden Girls.
  • My Sister Lining.

What is it called when your sister has a baby?

A sororal niece or sororal nephew is the child of one’s sister.

What is the daughter of my brother called?


What is daughter son called in English?

Family Vocabulary

my relatives relationship to me
male female
son daughter relative of whom I am the parent
nephew niece child of my sibling
grandchild child of my child

What do I call my sister’s husband?


Can you marry your wife’s sister?

If a man has a widow, he’s dead and can’t marry anyone. If you mean a man is a widower (his wife has died) is it legal for him to marry one of his wife’s sisters, then it is legal for him to marry his former sister in law in the United States.

What is my wife sister daughter called?

niece. a daughter of your brother or sister, or a daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister. Their son is called your nephew.

What is devrani called in English?

Devrani ( Hindi: देवरानी) is the Hindi word for husband’s younger brother’s wife.

Who is a co sister?

Wiktionary. co-sister(Noun) colleague (“sister” in the same craft, occupation, or society) co-sister(Noun) One’s husband’s brother’s wife.

Is Jugaad an English word?

The world’s most trusted English dictionary Oxford has officially accepted the word ‘Jugaad’ in their latest update. According to the dictionary, noun Jugaad means a flexible approach to solve a problem, that uses limited resources in an innovative way.

What is cousin law?

1 : a wife or husband of one’s cousin. 2 : a cousin of one’s wife or one’s husband.

Can you marry your 1st cousin?

In the United States, second cousins are legally allowed to marry in every state. However, marriage between first cousins is legal in only about half of the American states. All in all, marrying your cousin or half-sibling will largely depend on the laws where you live and personal and/or cultural beliefs.

What do you call someone married to your cousin?


Is dating your 3rd cousin wrong?

It’s legal in all 50 states to marry a cousin who’s your second cousin or further. But according to a new study out of the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, it’s not just legal, it’s smart. The researchers found your third or fourth cousin isn’t just safe to marry — they’re your ideal partner.

Is marrying your brother Legal?

It is still illegal to marry your half or full sibling in all fifty states of the US, because some people like to control the lives of others. There is no good reason to deny any consenting adults their right to marry, and eventually, our laws will catch up with that.

Can I marry my father’s brother’s daughter?

The answer is yes. Islam does not allow to marry father’s sister, father’s brother, mother’s sister, mother’s brother. For example you can marry your father’s brother’s daughter, father’s sister’s daughter, mother’s brother’s daughter and mother’s sister’s daughter.

Can I marry my mother’s sister’s son?

Originally Answered: Can I marry my mother’s sister’s son? A2A Your mother’s sister’s son is your cousin. In most countries, marrying your cousin is not allowed. Sharing the same genes can cause defects in the offspring.

Did Krishna marry his cousin?

She is named in the Bhagavat Purana as being the eighth wife of Krishna, and identified as being his cross(not parallel) cousin (her mother being a sister of his father)….Bhadra (Krishna’s wife)

Spouse Krishna

(slang) Brother; used to address a male. (slang) Brother; a male sibling. (slang) Brother; an African-American. (slang) A fratboy or someone that espouses the fraternity bro culture.

In this manner, What is the meaning of Meem?

meme MEEM noun. 1 : an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture. 2 : an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media.

Keeping this in view, What if a girl calls u bro?

When she calls you bro, it means she’s comfortable talking to you about some issues. She doesn’t have a boyfriend, and she hopes you’re the guy she can trust. In such situations, it might mean that you’re in the friend zone. Even if you don’t like the way she called you, don’t tell her to the face.

Furthermore, Is bruh a bad word?

An Academic Look at BRUH

BRUH is a slang word. Slang refers to words, phrases and uses of language that are regarded as very informal and which are often restricted to a special context or a particular group of users. When used as an expression of disdain or incredulity, BRUH is typically used as an interjection.

What is a bro guy?

In this evolution, it was first used to refer to another man, such as a “guy” or “fellow”. In these ways, it was semantically similar to the use of “brother”. In the 1970s, bro came to refer to a male friend rather than just another man.

Secondly, What is the Bengali meaning of MIM?

primly quiet; affectedly modest; prim.

Is meme a real word?

The correct way to say “meme”, according to the Oxford English Dictionary and the BBC’s Pronunciation Unit, is “meem” – not “may may” or “mee mee”. The word was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene.

What is the difference between Meen and mean?

As verbs the difference between mean and meen

is that mean is to intend or mean can be to complain, lament while meen is .

Can a girl call a girl bro?

Debatably, ‘bro’ is the most common gendered term of casual address used by women for women. Until the 20th Century, the word was merely an abbreviation of the word ‘brother’, implying a male sibling, a religious title in Church, or a way for African-American men to express solidarity with each other.

What is the full form of BRO in love?

Bro is short for ‘Brother‘ but is used in slang to mean ‘close friend’. It is just another way of saying buddy or pal. We have found 3 more results for Bro. Border Roads Organisation.

What if a boy calls you bro?

If he gives you a boyish nickname like “bro” or “sis,” he sees you as a close friend. If he doesn’t give you any nickname, he sees you as just a friend. If he can’t remember your name, he doesn’t see you at all. But if he calls you “baby,” that means he’s thinking about physical and/or emotional intimacy.

What is a bruh girl?

The internet loves labels, and the “bruh girl” stamp has been applied to any female displaying tomboy mannerisms, low-maintenance appearances and either nonchalant or goofy attitudes. “Bruh girls” often describe themselves as being “one of the boys.”

What does XD mean?

an expression used in text messages or e-mails signaling happiness or laughter. XD is an emoticon. X represents closed eyes while D stands for an open mouth. OMG!

What is the female version of bruh?

GRUH is the female version of BRUH.

Can you call a girl bro?

Debatably, ‘bro’ is the most common gendered term of casual address used by women for women. Until the 20th Century, the word was merely an abbreviation of the word ‘brother’, implying a male sibling, a religious title in Church, or a way for African-American men to express solidarity with each other.

Is Bro a nickname?

For centuries, “bro” existed only as the short form of “brother,” says Katherine Connor Martin, head of U.S. dictionaries at Oxford University Press. It became a synonym for “guy” in the mid-20th century.

What does MIM mean in Arabic?

The Arabic letter mim is a moon letter. That means that the definite article is pronounced al and nothing else. The letters that are not moon letters are called sun letters, and they are assimilated with the definite article al. For example the Arabic word for disease is pronounced maraD and written ﻣَﺮَﺽ.

What is the meaning of sumaiya in Islam?

Sumaiya is baby girl name mainly popular in Muslim religion and its main origin is Arabic. Sumaiya name meanings is Pure, Exalted, High.

Is it pronounced meme or Meem?

The correct way to say “meme”, according to the Oxford English Dictionary and the BBC’s Pronunciation Unit, is “meem” – not “may may” or “mee mee”. The word was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene.

Is Meme short for anything?

meme, unit of cultural information spread by imitation. The term meme (from the Greek mimema, meaning “imitated”) was introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish Gene.

Does rude mean?

“Rude” means impolite and disrespectful. “Mean” means aggressive and unfriendly.

How do you spell mean people?

A mean (unkind) person. meanie.

Is it meant or ment?

The verb mean is defined as to have in the mind as a purpose; to design for or destine to a specified purpose or future; to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate; to have importance to the degree of; to direct to a particular individual. Pronunciation of Meant: Meant is pronounced ment.

Last Updated: 14 days ago – Authors : 14 – Contributors : 7 – References : 30 interviews and posts; 7 Videos.

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15 апр. 2020

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

This phrase is slang, and very common. «Word» means I agree, I hear you, or I feel the same way. «Bro» is short for brother, and it is a term for your friend. So «Word, Bro» means «I feel the same way, my friend.»

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@ung_leah Bro is short for brother, but is mainly used amongst friends you are close with. Normally it’s something guys would use, but girls may use it as well

  • Английский (американский вариант)

This phrase is slang, and very common. «Word» means I agree, I hear you, or I feel the same way. «Bro» is short for brother, and it is a term for your friend. So «Word, Bro» means «I feel the same way, my friend.»

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)


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What does-word,bro- mean ?

  • В чем разница между ​​What does this word mean? и ​​What means this word? ?


    The first one is correct, the second is not

  • -i’m so bored
    what does word mean?


    Either «same here» or simply an acknowledgement.

  • What does the word ‘dure’ mean?

  • What does lout mean? Is it a common word?


    An unsophisticated, sleazy person.
    It’s not common nowadays. I imagine old westerns when I hear it.

  • Что значит What does,,dosh» mean??

  • What does atoll mean? Is it a common word?


    An atoll is a group of islands. It is in some place names, like the Bikini Atoll, but outside of that it is rare.

  • В чем разница между What dose this word mean? и What means this word? ?


    “What means this word” sounds very unnatural. Always use “what does this word mean”

  • What does dabble mean? Is it a common word?


    @liu_jun to do something just a little bit. Not an expert. Yes, it’s fairly common. It’s not unusual

  • В чем разница между What does this word mean? и What does mean this word? ?


    What does this word mean?

    Those words make sense in that order. The other one doesn’t.

  • What does rejigger mean? Is it a common word?


    It means to “rearrange” and it’s not commonly used in everyday speaking

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    What’s the catch here??

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    Where do you study?

    Thank you.

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