Is bottom line one word


  1. bottom line
  2. Полезное
  3. Смотреть что такое «bottom line» в других словарях:
  4. the bottom line
  5. Смотреть что такое «the bottom line» в других словарях:
  6. Bottom line — перевод на русский
  7. Словосочетания
  8. Автоматический перевод
  9. Перевод по словам
  10. Примеры
  11. Примеры, ожидающие перевода
  12. bottom line
  13. Полезное
  14. Смотреть что такое «bottom line» в других словарях:
  15. bottom line
  16. См. также в других словарях:

bottom line

Our objective is to grow our bottom line by about 10 per cent. — Наша цель — увеличить размер чистой прибыли примерно на 10%.

A company’s bottom line is its net income — or net earnings, or net profits — or the «bottom» figure on its income statement, measuring income after all expenses have been deducted from revenues. — Чистая прибыль компании, т. е. доход за вычетом всех расходов, называется нижней чертой или последним показателем в отчете о прибылях и убытках.

The bottom line is that the sponsors want a French driver on the team. — Основной момент в том, что спонсоры хотят видеть в команде французского водителя.

Англо-русский экономический словарь .


Смотреть что такое «bottom line» в других словарях:

bottom line — ˌbottom ˈline noun [countable] informal 1. the figure showing a company s total profit or loss: • The company s bottom line showed a net profit of 173 million euros. • Cost cutting moves under way at the banks should help bottom lines. 2. the end … Financial and business terms

bottom line — bottom lines 1) N COUNT: usu sing, usu the N The bottom line in a decision or situation is the most important factor that you have to consider. The bottom line is that it s not profitable. The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of… … English dictionary

bottom line — noun count 1. ) BUSINESS the amount of money that a business makes or loses: He keeps a careful eye on the bottom line. 2. ) the bottom line the most basic fact or issue in a situation: The bottom line is that he lied to Congress. someone s… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

bottom line — n [singular] 1.) the bottom line used to tell someone what the most important part of a situation is, or what the most important thing to consider is ▪ The bottom line is that recycling isn t profitable. ▪ In radio you have to keep the listener… … Dictionary of contemporary English

bottom line — is a term in accounting for the line in a profit and loss account that shows the final figure. It has developed a figurative meaning ‘the decisive factor or objective’, which should only be used informally: • The bottom line is that we all love… … Modern English usage

bottom line — ☆ bottom line n. 1. the lowest line of the earnings report of a company, on which net profit per share of stock is shown 2. Informal profits or losses, as of a business 3. Slang a) the basic or most important factor, consideration, meaning, etc.… … English World dictionary

bottom line — fig. sense is attested from 1967, from profit and loss accounting, where the final figure after both are calculated is the bottom line on the page. Also (esp. as an adj.) bottomline … Etymology dictionary

bottom line — In accountancy, the bottom line is net income, and is used idiomatically to mean the conclusion … The small dictionary of idiomes

bottom line — bottom line, adj. 1. the last line of a financial statement, used for showing net profit or loss. 2. net profit or loss. 3. the deciding or crucial factor. 4. the ultimate result; outcome. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium

bottom line — (izg. bȁtm lȁjn) ž DEFINICIJA ekon. u poslovanju poduzeća prag rentabilnosti, granica ispod koje se ne može poslovati bez gubitka ETIMOLOGIJA engl.: donja granica … Hrvatski jezični portal

bottom line — [n] conclusion determination, final decision, income, last word, loss, main point, net, profit; concept 230 … New thesaurus


the bottom line

The bottom line is that the miners will strike if their wage increase is less than 10%. — Главное то, что шахтёры начнут бастовать, если их зарплата увеличится меньше, чем на 10%.

The bottom line is that he killed his mother, but is not prepared to admit it. — Суть в том, что он убил свою мать, но не хочет признаться в этом.

Выражение стало очень популярно в 1970-х гг., после того, как Генри Киссинджер, американский госсекретарь, употребил её, чтобы описать сложность международных переговоров. На самом деле «самая низкая линия» — последняя строчка бухгалтерского баланса, которая показывает конечный результат, самое главное: успешна или нет была коммерческая деятельность истекшего года.

English-Russian dictionary of expressions . 2014 .

Смотреть что такое «the bottom line» в других словарях:

the bottom line — ► the most important fact in a situation: »The bottom line is we don t have enough health care professionals. Main Entry: ↑bottom line … Financial and business terms

the bottom line — the final number, the conclusion The bottom line is this: we can t afford to buy another store … English idioms

The Bottom Line — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español

(the) bottom line — 1. the most important fact in a situation. The bottom line is that people s health is at risk if they smoke. 2. the total amount of money that a business makes or loses. The bottom line is what counts in most companies these days … New idioms dictionary

the bottom line is — the base of it is, the final determination was … English contemporary dictionary

The Bottom Line (radio program) — The Bottom Line is a business discussion programme broadcast in the UK on BBC Radio 4. It began in 2006 and is presented by the BBC s Economics Editor, Evan Davis and produced by the BBC s Radio Current Affairs department. As of August 2007 it… … Wikipedia

Land of the Bottom Line — Infobox Album | Name = Land of the Bottom Line Type = Album Artist = John Gorka Released = 1990 Recorded = Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA Genre = Folk Singer songwriter Length = 59:33 Label = High Street/Windham Hill Producer = Bill Kollar Reviews … Wikipedia

the top line — UK US noun [S] ACCOUNTING, FINANCE ► the first line in the accounts of a company or organization, which states the amount it receives from sales, rather than its final profit or loss: »The top line normally includes gross revenues before any… … Financial and business terms

Bottom line (disambiguation) — Bottom line may refer to: *The Bottom Line, a biweekly alternative student newspaper sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of California Santa Barbara *ESPN sports scores and news (ESPN BottomLine). *the bottom line, or net… … Wikipedia

bottom line — ˌbottom ˈline noun [countable] informal 1. the figure showing a company s total profit or loss: • The company s bottom line showed a net profit of 173 million euros. • Cost cutting moves under way at the banks should help bottom lines. 2. the end … Financial and business terms

Bottom Line — The Bottom Line was an intimate music venue in New York City s Greenwich Village, at 15 West Fourth Street between Broadway and Washington Square Park. During 1970s, it played a major role in maintaining Greenwich Village s status as a cultural… … Wikipedia


Bottom line — перевод на русский


Автоматический перевод

Перевод по словам


Sign your name on the bottom line.

Подпишите ваше имя в нижней строке. ☰

All the suits care about is the bottom line.

«Деловых» не интересует ничего, кроме прибыли. (сл. a suit — бизнесмен или сотрудник спецслужб, по форме одежды) ☰

What’s the bottom line? *

Сколько я тебе должен? ☰

Just tell me the bottom line. *

Скажи мне просто общую сумму. ☰

What was the bottom line of all this? *

Чем все это кончилось? ☰

The bottom line was that I had to quit. *

В итоге мне пришлось уйти с работы. ☰

The bottom line is that nobody got killed. *

Главное, что никого не убили. ☰

The bottom line is that you don’t really care. *

Тебе просто наплевать, вот и все. ☰

When you get down to the bottom line, it’s only money that matters. *

В конце концов, главное — это деньги. ☰

They smile at one another, jump around and are generally so psyched that elation becomes their bottom line. *

Они улыбаются друг другу, носятся по сцене и вообще находятся в таком приподнятом настроении, что оно, кажется, стало их второй натурой. ☰

Примеры, отмеченные * , могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

. the company’s apparently healthy bottom line was merely an illusion, the result of years of accounting skulduggery. ☰

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.


bottom line

Универсальный англо-русский словарь . Академик.ру . 2011 .


Смотреть что такое «bottom line» в других словарях:

bottom line — ˌbottom ˈline noun [countable] informal 1. the figure showing a company s total profit or loss: • The company s bottom line showed a net profit of 173 million euros. • Cost cutting moves under way at the banks should help bottom lines. 2. the end … Financial and business terms

bottom line — bottom lines 1) N COUNT: usu sing, usu the N The bottom line in a decision or situation is the most important factor that you have to consider. The bottom line is that it s not profitable. The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of… … English dictionary

bottom line — noun count 1. ) BUSINESS the amount of money that a business makes or loses: He keeps a careful eye on the bottom line. 2. ) the bottom line the most basic fact or issue in a situation: The bottom line is that he lied to Congress. someone s… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

bottom line — n [singular] 1.) the bottom line used to tell someone what the most important part of a situation is, or what the most important thing to consider is ▪ The bottom line is that recycling isn t profitable. ▪ In radio you have to keep the listener… … Dictionary of contemporary English

bottom line — is a term in accounting for the line in a profit and loss account that shows the final figure. It has developed a figurative meaning ‘the decisive factor or objective’, which should only be used informally: • The bottom line is that we all love… … Modern English usage

bottom line — ☆ bottom line n. 1. the lowest line of the earnings report of a company, on which net profit per share of stock is shown 2. Informal profits or losses, as of a business 3. Slang a) the basic or most important factor, consideration, meaning, etc.… … English World dictionary

bottom line — fig. sense is attested from 1967, from profit and loss accounting, where the final figure after both are calculated is the bottom line on the page. Also (esp. as an adj.) bottomline … Etymology dictionary

bottom line — In accountancy, the bottom line is net income, and is used idiomatically to mean the conclusion … The small dictionary of idiomes

bottom line — bottom line, adj. 1. the last line of a financial statement, used for showing net profit or loss. 2. net profit or loss. 3. the deciding or crucial factor. 4. the ultimate result; outcome. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium

bottom line — (izg. bȁtm lȁjn) ž DEFINICIJA ekon. u poslovanju poduzeća prag rentabilnosti, granica ispod koje se ne može poslovati bez gubitka ETIMOLOGIJA engl.: donja granica … Hrvatski jezični portal

bottom line — [n] conclusion determination, final decision, income, last word, loss, main point, net, profit; concept 230 … New thesaurus


bottom line

1 bottom line

2 bottom line

3 bottom line

4 bottom-line

5 bottom line

Our objective is to grow our bottom line by about 10 per cent. — Наша цель — увеличить размер чистой прибыли примерно на 10%.

A company’s bottom line is its net income — or net earnings, or net profits — or the «bottom» figure on its income statement, measuring income after all expenses have been deducted from revenues. — Чистая прибыль компании, т. е. доход за вычетом всех расходов, называется нижней чертой или последним показателем в отчете о прибылях и убытках.

The bottom line is that the sponsors want a French driver on the team. — Основной момент в том, что спонсоры хотят видеть в команде французского водителя.

6 bottom line

7 bottom-line

8 bottom-line

9 bottom line

10 bottom line

skip the details and give me the bottom line — опусти детали и изложи суть

11 bottom line

12 bottom-line

13 bottom line

Bottom line: many Europeans today fear, or detest, America more than they fear Saddam. (New-York Times) возможен перевод «резюмирую»

14 bottom line

The bottom line is, I don’t have enough money.

15 bottom-line

16 bottom line

17 bottom line

line advance — перевод строки; переход на следующую строку

continuation line — строка продолжения; строка-продолжение

line overset — излишек букв в строке, переполнение строки

18 bottom line

19 bottom line

20 bottom-line

См. также в других словарях:

bottom line — ˌbottom ˈline noun [countable] informal 1. the figure showing a company s total profit or loss: • The company s bottom line showed a net profit of 173 million euros. • Cost cutting moves under way at the banks should help bottom lines. 2. the end … Financial and business terms

bottom line — bottom lines 1) N COUNT: usu sing, usu the N The bottom line in a decision or situation is the most important factor that you have to consider. The bottom line is that it s not profitable. The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of… … English dictionary

bottom line — noun count 1. ) BUSINESS the amount of money that a business makes or loses: He keeps a careful eye on the bottom line. 2. ) the bottom line the most basic fact or issue in a situation: The bottom line is that he lied to Congress. someone s… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

bottom line — n [singular] 1.) the bottom line used to tell someone what the most important part of a situation is, or what the most important thing to consider is ▪ The bottom line is that recycling isn t profitable. ▪ In radio you have to keep the listener… … Dictionary of contemporary English

bottom line — is a term in accounting for the line in a profit and loss account that shows the final figure. It has developed a figurative meaning ‘the decisive factor or objective’, which should only be used informally: • The bottom line is that we all love… … Modern English usage

bottom line — ☆ bottom line n. 1. the lowest line of the earnings report of a company, on which net profit per share of stock is shown 2. Informal profits or losses, as of a business 3. Slang a) the basic or most important factor, consideration, meaning, etc.… … English World dictionary

bottom line — fig. sense is attested from 1967, from profit and loss accounting, where the final figure after both are calculated is the bottom line on the page. Also (esp. as an adj.) bottomline … Etymology dictionary

bottom line — In accountancy, the bottom line is net income, and is used idiomatically to mean the conclusion … The small dictionary of idiomes

bottom line — bottom line, adj. 1. the last line of a financial statement, used for showing net profit or loss. 2. net profit or loss. 3. the deciding or crucial factor. 4. the ultimate result; outcome. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium

bottom line — (izg. bȁtm lȁjn) ž DEFINICIJA ekon. u poslovanju poduzeća prag rentabilnosti, granica ispod koje se ne može poslovati bez gubitka ETIMOLOGIJA engl.: donja granica … Hrvatski jezični portal

bottom line — [n] conclusion determination, final decision, income, last word, loss, main point, net, profit; concept 230 … New thesaurus


bottom line



нижняя [последняя] черта, итог, баланс доходов и расходов [прибылей и убытков]




Our objective is to grow our bottom line by about 10 per cent. — Наша цель — увеличить размер чистой прибыли примерно на 10%.

A company’s bottom line is its net income — or net earnings, or net profits — or the «bottom» figure on its income statement, measuring income after all expenses have been deducted from revenues. — Чистая прибыль компании, т. е. доход за вычетом всех расходов, называется нижней чертой или последним показателем в отчете о прибылях и убытках.




окончательный [конечный] результат ; конечная цель



важный [решающий, основной, главный] фактор [момент]

The bottom line is that the sponsors want a French driver on the team. — Основной момент в том, что спонсоры хотят видеть в команде французского водителя.


* * *

последняя черта:
1) сумма или результат всех строк баланса или счета; финальная прибыль или убыток;
2) окончательный результат;
3) конечная цель;
= .

* * *

итог; результат; конечный итог; баланс; остаток; кризисное дно’

Англо-русский экономический словарь.


Смотреть что такое «bottom line» в других словарях:

  • bottom line — ˌbottom ˈline noun [countable] informal 1. the figure showing a company s total profit or loss: • The company s bottom line showed a net profit of 173 million euros. • Cost cutting moves under way at the banks should help bottom lines. 2. the end …   Financial and business terms

  • bottom line — bottom lines 1) N COUNT: usu sing, usu the N The bottom line in a decision or situation is the most important factor that you have to consider. The bottom line is that it s not profitable… The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of… …   English dictionary

  • bottom line — noun count 1. ) BUSINESS the amount of money that a business makes or loses: He keeps a careful eye on the bottom line. 2. ) the bottom line the most basic fact or issue in a situation: The bottom line is that he lied to Congress. someone s… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bottom line — n [singular] 1.) the bottom line used to tell someone what the most important part of a situation is, or what the most important thing to consider is ▪ The bottom line is that recycling isn t profitable. ▪ In radio you have to keep the listener… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bottom line — is a term in accounting for the line in a profit and loss account that shows the final figure. It has developed a figurative meaning ‘the decisive factor or objective’, which should only be used informally: • The bottom line is that we all love… …   Modern English usage

  • bottom line — ☆ bottom line n. 1. the lowest line of the earnings report of a company, on which net profit per share of stock is shown 2. Informal profits or losses, as of a business 3. Slang a) the basic or most important factor, consideration, meaning, etc.… …   English World dictionary

  • bottom line — fig. sense is attested from 1967, from profit and loss accounting, where the final figure after both are calculated is the bottom line on the page. Also (esp. as an adj.) bottomline …   Etymology dictionary

  • bottom line — In accountancy, the bottom line is net income, and is used idiomatically to mean the conclusion …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • bottom line — bottom line, adj. 1. the last line of a financial statement, used for showing net profit or loss. 2. net profit or loss. 3. the deciding or crucial factor. 4. the ultimate result; outcome. [1965 70] * * * …   Universalium

  • bottom line — (izg. bȁtm lȁjn) ž DEFINICIJA ekon. u poslovanju poduzeća prag rentabilnosti, granica ispod koje se ne može poslovati bez gubitka ETIMOLOGIJA engl.: donja granica …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • bottom line — [n] conclusion determination, final decision, income, last word, loss, main point, net, profit; concept 230 …   New thesaurus

What Is the Bottom Line?

The bottom line refers to a company’s earnings, profit, net income, or earnings per share (EPS). The reference to the bottom line describes the relative location of the net income figure on a company’s income statement.

The term «bottom line» is commonly used in reference to any actions that may increase or decrease net earnings or a company’s overall profit. A company that is growing its earnings or reducing its costs is said to be improving its bottom line. Most companies aim to improve their bottom lines through two simultaneous methods: increasing revenues (i.e., generate top-line growth) and improving efficiency (or cutting costs).

Key Takeaways

  • The bottom line refers to a company’s net income, which is presented at the bottom of the income statement.
  • Management can increase the bottom line by enacting strategies to increase revenues or decrease expenses.
  • Net income, or the bottom line, can be retained for future use in the business, distributed in the form of dividends, or used to repurchase shares of outstanding stock.
  • The top line refers to gross sales or revenues, which are found on the top line of the income statement.
  • Triple bottom line (TPL) refers to measuring the profitability of a company, along with how socially and environmentally responsible a company is.

Bottom Line

Understanding the Bottom Line

The bottom line refers to the net income reported at the bottom of the income statement. The income statement has a general format and, although there are multiple variations of layouts, all of them result in net income at the end of this financial statement.

The income statement begins with a company’s main business activity’s sale or service revenues at the top of the report. Other sources of revenue, such as interest or investment income, are listed next. The following section reports expenses, which may be grouped and reported differently depending on the industry and company preferences. At the bottom of the income statement, the total revenue minus total expenses leaves the net income for the accounting period that is available for company retention or dividend distribution.

Management can enact strategies to increase the bottom line. Increases to top-line revenues can increase the bottom line. This may be done by increasing production, lowering sales returns through product improvement, expanding product lines, or increasing product prices. Other income such as investment income, interest income, rental or co-location fees collected, and the sale of property or equipment also increase the bottom line.

$88.21 billion

The net income of the most profitable company in the world, Saudi Aramco.

A company can also increase its bottom line through the reduction of expenses. In relation to goods and products, items can be produced using cheaper raw materials or by using more efficient methods. Decreasing wages and benefits, operating out of less expensive facilities, and limiting the cost of capital are ways to decrease expenses to increase the bottom line.

How the Bottom Line Is Used

The bottom line, or net income, of a company, does not carry over from one accounting period to the next on the income statement. Accounting entries are performed to close all temporary accounts, including all revenue and expense accounts, at the end of the period. Upon the closing of these accounts, the net income is transferred into retained earnings, which appears on the balance sheet.

From here, a company may elect to use net income in several different ways. The bottom line can be used to issue payments to stockholders as an incentive to maintain ownership; this payment is called a dividend. Alternatively, the bottom line can be used to repurchase stock and retire equity. A company may simply keep all earnings reported on the bottom line to utilize in product development, location expansion, or other means of improving the business.

Bottom Line vs. Top Line

Bottom line refers to a company’s net income found at the bottom of its income statement. Net income is derived from deducting expenses (and COGS, if applicable) from revenues. The bottom line shows how profitable a business is and how well it controls expenses.

The top line, also found on the income statement, is a component of net income. It refers to the gross revenues generated by a business within a certain period. As the name suggests, the top line refers to the top line item of an income statement. Bottom line results can give insight on whether there are issues with the top line, or revenues.

Increases in the top line indicate an increase in sales or revenues, whereas increases in the bottom line could indicate an increase in sales, a decrease in expenses, or both. An increased top line indicates that more products and services were sold in the reported period. However, it does not necessarily correspond to a higher net profit or income. If the top line increases yet the bottom line decreases, attention should be given to expenses and other deductions from revenues.

Example of Bottom Line

Cigna, a publicly-traded health insurance company, reported its bottom line for the year ending December 31, 2020, as $8.49 million, a 65.8% increase from the previous year.

It recorded total revenues as $160.40 million and total benefits and expenses as $152.25 million, resulting in an income from operations of $8.15 million. From the income from operations, gains and other income totaling $4.35 million were added, and costs and losses of $1.64 million were deducted, resulting in an income before taxes of $10.87 million. Taxes of $2.38 were deducted, leaving a bottom line of $8.49 million.

Special Considerations

In addition to analyzing a company’s bottom line for profitability, there is a push to view the company holistically by measuring its impact on society and the environment. Hence was born the concept of the triple bottom line (TPL), which focuses on profit, people, and the planet.

The triple bottom line theory suggests that qualitative factors should be incorporated in measuring the success of an organization. In accordance with this theory, a company’s commitment to being socially and environmentally responsible is used along with profitability to evaluate performance.

There are no defined measurements prescribed, and there is no consensus among companies on how to measure success in these areas. So, it remains largely subjective. Some suggest converting social capital and environmental protections to monetary figures, whereas some suggest that TBL be measured according to an index.

Despite how it’s measured, it warrants attention as more focus is given to how we protect and sustain the environment and contribute to society.

Bottom Line FAQs

What Is the Bottom Line in Business?

The bottom line in business refers to a business’s net income, net earnings, or net profit. It is referred to as the bottom line as it is found at the bottom of the net income financial statement. The bottom line is calculated by deducting expenses from revenues.

What Is Another Word for Bottom Line?

Another word for bottom line is net income, which is found on the bottom line of a company’s net income statement. Other words used to describe the bottom line are net earnings and net profit.

How Do You Calculate the Bottom Line?

The bottom line is calculated by deducting expenses from gross revenues or sales. Gross sales or revenues generally include the total sales and other income for a certain period. Examples of commonly used expenses include depreciation expenses, operating expenses, and interest expenses from the same accounting period.

Why Is the Bottom Line Important?

The bottom line tells a company how profitable it was during a period and how much it has available for dividends and retained earnings. What’s retained can be used to pay off debts, fund projects, or reinvest in the company.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line refers to the net income of a company for a certain period. It is recorded on the bottom line of the net income financial statement. The bottom line is calculated by subtracting expenses from gross sales or revenues, and it shows how profitable the business was during a specific accounting period. Business management can employ different tactics, such as reducing expenses or focusing on marketing efforts to generate more sales, to increase the bottom line. In contrast, the top line refers to the gross sales or revenues of a company during an accounting period. The top line, or gross revenues, is used to calculate the bottom line. Alternatively, the concept of triple bottom line suggests that companies should focus on the profitability of their company, as well as their commitment to being socially and environmentally responsible.

The phrase the bottom line, like many idioms, has its roots in a literal meaning. We will explore the definition of the term the bottom line and its origins, as well as look at some examples of use in sentences.

The bottom line describes the ultimate outcome of a situation or the most important or fundamental facet of that situation. When someone asks for the bottom line, he wants to cut out all superfluous details and focus on the primary problem or objective. The bottom line is an American phrase originally coined in the mid-1960s by corporate America to describe the physical bottom line of a profit and loss statement where the final numerical figure is placed, showing whether a company made a profit or took a loss. By the 1980s, the term the bottom line took on a figurative sense to mean the most important facet of a situation or the outcome of a situation. The bottom line is a noun, though increasingly it is being used as a verb as in bottom line me, a request to leave out the details of an explanation and skip to the important part. Related words are bottom lines, bottom lined, bottom lining. When used as an adjective before a noun, the term is hyphenated as in bottom-line.


The bottom line is, as it’s been written and spoken in various ways throughout the course of this great country’s history, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” (The Lockport Union-Sun & Journal)

“Fashion doesn’t just make us look good, it helps our nation’s bottom line,” said Maloney. (The Queens Gazette)

The Pentagon’s bottom line is national defense, not local and regional economies. (The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer)


bottom line — чистая прибыль ; итог; суть дела; определяющий фактор; учет нижняя [последняя] черта; баланс доходов и расходов [прибылей и убытков] ; практический результат ; нижняя часть лесы ; последняя строка результативного счета, счета прибылей и убытков ; основно
top-bottom line — линия нисходящего технологического производства
rig a bottom line — заводить подкильный конец
bottom line profit — чистая прибыль после налогообложения
bottom line of teeth — начальная окружность шестерни; окружность впадин
the bottom line is… — главное
bottom line of display — нижняя строка дисплея
sign on the bottom line — взять на себя издержки; расписаться
bottom line of type face — нижняя линия шрифта
slip the details and give me the bottom line — опусти детали и изложи суть

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

нижняя линия, нижняя строка, итог, практический результат

Перевод по словам

bottom  — нижний, последний, дно, нижняя часть, под, основывать
line  — линь, линия, строка, ряд, линейный, проводить линию, набивать


Sign your name on the bottom line.

Подпишите ваше имя в нижней строке.

All the suits care about is the bottom line.

«Деловых» не интересует ничего, кроме прибыли. (сл. a suit — бизнесмен или сотрудник спецслужб, по форме одежды)

What’s the bottom line? *

Сколько я тебе должен?

Just tell me the bottom line. *

Скажи мне просто общую сумму.

What was the bottom line of all this? *

Чем все это кончилось?

The bottom line was that I had to quit. *

В итоге мне пришлось уйти с работы.

The bottom line is that nobody got killed. *

Главное, что никого не убили.

The bottom line is that you don’t really care. *

Тебе просто наплевать, вот и все.

When you get down to the bottom line, it’s only money that matters. *

В конце концов, главное — это деньги.

They smile at one another, jump around and are generally so psyched that elation becomes their bottom line. *

Они улыбаются друг другу, носятся по сцене и вообще находятся в таком приподнятом настроении, что оно, кажется, стало их второй натурой.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the company’s apparently healthy bottom line was merely an illusion, the result of years of accounting skulduggery…  

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