Is because a complex word

Is because a complex word?

Complex sentences are often formed by putting these words at the beginning of the dependent clause: as , as if, before, after, because , though, even though, while, when, whenever, if, during, as soon as , as long as , since , until, unless, where, and wherever. These words are called subordinating conjunctions.

Is because a complex sentence?

The word used to link an independent clause to a dependent clause is called a subordinating conjunction. The most common subordinating conjunctions are although, because , before, even though, if, since , until, and when. In these examples of complex sentences , the subordinating conjunctions are shown in bold.

What are 5 examples of complex sentences?

Common Complex Sentence Examples

  • Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave.
  • Although he was wealthy, he was still unhappy.
  • She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged.
  • Whenever prices goes up, customers buy less products.

What are complex words examples?

In English grammar and morphology, a complex word is a word made up of two or more morphemes. Contrast with monomorphemic word . A complex word may consist of (1) a base (or root) and one or more affixes (for example , quicker), or (2) more than one root in a compound (for example , blackbird).

What words are complex sentences?

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence , but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone.

How do you identify a complex sentence?

A complex sentence is an independent clause (a sentence that can stand on its own) with 1 or more dependent clauses added (dependent clauses can’t stand on their own as a sentence ).

What complex means?

adjective. composed of many interconnected parts; compound; composite: a complex highway system. characterized by a very complicated or involved arrangement of parts, units, etc.: complex machinery. so complicated or intricate as to be hard to understand or deal with: a complex problem. Grammar.

What are 10 examples of compound sentences?

Compound Sentences

  • I like coffee. Mary likes tea. → I like coffee, and

    What are 10 examples of complex sentence?

    10 Complex Sentences in English

    • Although my friends begged me, I chose not to go to the reunion.
    • Many people enjoyed the movie; however, Alex did not.
    • Although the farmer is ready, the ground is still too wet to plow.
    • If the ozone layer collapses, the global community will suffer.
    • Although I’m not very good, I really enjoy playing football.

    What is the most complex word?

    Why ‘Run’ Is The Most Complex Word in the English Language | Mental Floss.

    How do you use complex sentences?

    Change several sentences into one complex sentence . Add adjectival clauses to describe the nouns and make the sentence more interesting. Add adverbial clauses to modify the verbs and make the sentence more interesting.

Table of Contents

  1. What is complex and compound sentence?
  2. How complex sentences are used in ielts?
  3. How do you use the word complex?
  4. Is because a complex word?
  5. What is the complex word?
  6. Why is run the most complex word?
  7. What is a word with 4 E’s?

Levels of Language Complexity Some writers use simple, straightforward sentences with few modifying phrases and clauses. Others use complex sentences with many modifiers, interjected descriptions, and multiple clauses and phrases. This sentence has two modifying words (“a,” “red”) but no other phrases or clauses.

What is complex and compound sentence?

A COMPLEX SENTENCE has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause. A COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined to one or more dependent clauses.

How complex sentences are used in ielts?

To make a complex sentence we normally should have two things- a dependent clause and an independent clause. A clause is a group of words with both a subject and a verb….Let’s now look at other ways we can make complex sentences.

  1. Relative Clauses.
  2. Subordinate Clauses.
  3. Conditional Clauses.
  4. Compound Sentences.

How do you use the word complex?

You may need to use a more complex word to give a more precise meaning. You may also find some words, such as prohibit or require, are difficult to avoid because of your writing task and subject matter. For example, you may find it easier to keep to simpler words in a memo or letter than in a report or regulation.

Is because a complex word?

Complex sentences are often formed by putting these words at the beginning of the dependent clause: as, as if, before, after, because, though, even though, while, when, whenever, if, during, as soon as, as long as, since, until, unless, where, and wherever. These words are called subordinating conjunctions.

What is the complex word?

In English grammar and morphology, a complex word is a word made up of two or more morphemes. A complex word may consist of (1) a base (or root) and one or more affixes (for example, quicker), or (2) more than one root in a compound (for example, blackbird).

Why is run the most complex word?

Run, as a verb, has a record-breaking 645 definitions, making it the most complex word in the English language. “You might think this word simply means ‘to go with quick steps on alternate feet, never having both or (in the case of many animals) all feet on the ground at the same time.

What is a word with 4 E’s?

10 letter words with 4 e’s

Word No of Letters
Beneficence 11
Benevolence 11
Bereavement 11
Beseechment 11

What is a complex in a person?

A complex is a core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such as power or status. If these thoughts were troubling and pervasive, Jung might say he or she had a complex about the leg.

What’s a word for complex?

What is another word for complex?

complicated involved
tangled elaborate
difficult hard
impenetrable labyrinthine
serpentine sophisticated

What is the opposite word for complex?

What is the opposite of complex?

straightforward elementary
unsophisticated clear
discernible evident
obvious rudimental
simplified simplistic

Does complex mean difficult?

If a problem is complex, it means that it has many components. Complexity does not evoke difficulty. On the other hand, complicated refers to a high level of difficulty. If a problem is complicated, there might be or might not be many parts but it will certainly take a lot of hard work to solve.

What are complex words examples?

In English grammar and morphology, a complex word is a word made up of two or more morphemes. Contrast with monomorphemic word. A complex word may consist of (1) a base (or root) and one or more affixes (for example, quicker), or (2) more than one root in a compound (for example, blackbird).

Is once a complex word?

A compound-complex sentence with “once” contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

Is because a complex word?

Complex sentences are often formed by putting these words at the beginning of the dependent clause: as, as if, before, after, because, though, even though, while, when, whenever, if, during, as soon as, as long as, since, until, unless, where, and wherever. These words are called subordinating conjunctions.

What are 5 examples of complex sentences?

Common Complex Sentence Examples

  • Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave.
  • Although he was wealthy, he was still unhappy.
  • She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged.
  • Whenever prices goes up, customers buy less products.

What are 5 examples of compound sentences?

For example:

  • She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do.
  • I really need to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.
  • I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert.
  • He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker.
  • They got there early, and they got really good seats.

How do you know if a sentence is simple compound or complex?

A simple sentence consists of only one clause. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has at least one independent clause plus at least one dependent clause.

What are the 3 types of compound sentences?

Three methods of forming compound sentences

  • with a coordinating conjunction (one of the fanboys);
  • with a semicolon; or.
  • with a semicolon and a transitional expression.

What are 10 examples of compound sentences?

Compound Sentences

  • I like coffee. Mary likes tea. → I like coffee, and Mary likes tea.
  • Mary went to work. John went to the party. I went home. → Mary went to work, but John went to the party, and I went home.
  • Our car broke down. We came last. → Our car broke down; we came last.

How do you identify a complex sentence?

  1. A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
  2. A compound sentence has two independent clauses.
  3. A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
  4. The BBC has a great factsheet and game on complex sentences:

How do you rewrite a complex sentence?

A complex sentence is formed by adding one or more subordinate (dependent) clauses to the main (independent) clause using conjunctions and/or relative pronouns. A clause is a simple sentence. Simple sentences contain only one clause (verb group).

How do you turn a sentence into a complex sentence?

A simple sentence can be converted into a complex sentence by expanding a word or phrase into a complex sentence. The complex sentence can be a noun clause, adjective clause or adverb clause.

How do you read a complex English sentence?

Complex sentences always have a main clause and at least one subordinating clause. The clauses are linked by subordinating conjunctions such as although, because, when, while and who. Here is an example of complex sentence: She went to the cafeteria (main clause) because she was hungry (subordinating clause).

Does a complex sentence need a comma?

Unnecessary Commas in Complex Sentences Generally, if the dependent clause comes second in a complex sentence, a comma is not used. In the last example, the dependent clause was used before the independent clause, so a comma was placed in this complex sentence.

What is the effect of long complex sentences?

Complex sentences can force the reader to focus on one part of a sentence (one idea) rather than another part of a sentence. For example, the Supreme Court–especially Justice Scalia–disdains creating law by its decisions since enacting laws is the job of Congress.

How do you speak complex sentences?

Perhaps the easiest way to form a complex sentence is to use conjunctions. Conjunctions are words which join sentences together – and simple coordinating conjunctions include words such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’. ‘Because’, ‘so that’, ‘before’, ‘when’ and ‘although’ are also examples of conjunctions.

What is a simple sentence example?

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. The train was late.

Which is an example of a compound sentence?

A compound sentence is made up of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so) and a comma or by a semicolon alone. Example: The pirate captain lost her treasure map, but she still found the buried treasure.

What are 20 examples of compound sentences?

20 Compound Sentences in English

  • I want to lose weight, yet I eat chocolate daily.
  • A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.
  • I used to be snow white, but I drifted.
  • We went to the mall; however, we only went window-shopping.
  • She is famous, yet she is very humble.
  • I saw Samuel yesterday but he didn’t see me.

What is compound sentence give 2 examples?

A compound sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses joined by a comma, semicolon or conjunction. An independent clause is a clause that has a subject and verb and forms a complete thought. An example of a compound sentence is, ‘This house is too expensive, and that house is too small.

What is simple and compound sentences and examples?

Sometimes, we want to join simple sentences together to form one sentence. When we join two or more independent clauses into one sentence, we have a compound sentence. Compound sentences are sentences that contain two or more independent clauses and no dependent clauses. I kicked the ball, and it hit Tom.

How do you know if its a simple sentence?

A simple sentence must be a single independent clause in order to be a simple sentence. It is a complete thought and can stand alone. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete thought.

One of the biggest issues, when you are writing an essay or an article, is using the word because too many times. This word connects two sentences and is called a conjunction. It helps present arguments, reasons and shows the relationship between two sentences. Of course, there are other words for because that have the same effect but can improve the stylistic outcome of your writing.

Why Choose Other Words for Because

Finding the right words to use instead of because can help you refine your language. It also prevents repetition in your vocabulary. When it comes to college papers and assignments, especially, good writing helps you earn better grades.

Sometimes, replacing the word because or eliminating it entirely can even help you manage the word count of your writing. This is crucial when you have to write shorter essays and make an impact with the content. You can use fewer words, be more direct with your messaging and keep the readers engaged.

The simplest way to prevent reusing the word is to use a direct replacement word for because. Here is a list of other words to use instead of because:

  • As: She walked alone because as she had no friends.
  • Being that: Because Being that he was late, he missed the beginning of the movie.
  • Since: He became slimmer because since he started cycling regularly.
  • Given that: Life expectancy has increased because given that medical care is better today.
  • Now that: We started the show because now that the band had arrived.
  • On the grounds that: Your story was rejected because on the grounds that it wasn’t suited to our theme.
  • For: He did not perform well because for he did not study well.
  • Since that: These flowers are expensive because since that they are rare.
  • Considering that: Because Considering that he wakes up late, he will not make it at 6AM.

Words Like Because

There are some words instead of because that can be used when you are writing. However, these words cannot replace the word exactly. These words allow you to imply the same meaning of the sentence without using the word because. Although the following are more words for because, you may have to reframe the sentence for it to retain its meaning:

  • So:

With because: I passed the test because I studied.

With so: I studied. So I passed the test.

  • Hence:

With because: We left early because it was a long drive.

With so: It was a long drive. Hence, we left early.

  • Therefore:

With because: Because she is tall, she can reach the higher shelves.

With therefore: She is tall, therefore she can reach the higher shelves.

When to Use Because And its Synonyms

The word because is used to point out the reason for an action. It is also used to connect sentences, hence serving as a conjunction. However, the various appearances or synonyms of because can’t be used just anyhow. Due to its various uses, Some are acceptable in an informal way while others are acceptable only in formal settings. In view of the facts stated before, check the following example

For example,

Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow will die

The use of for in this statement cannot be easily substituted for other forms of because.

If words like hence and as a result of were used, it changes the meaning as well as the grammatical accuracy of the statement.

Let us eat and drink, hence we die tomorrow

Let us eat and drink, therefore we die tomorrow

Due to the number of examples stated before, it should be noted that the various use of because and its synonyms must be carefully used.

Other Words For Because Of

Because of also signifies a consequence like the word because. However, it is a two-word proposition. The difference between ‘because’ and ‘because of’ is that the former is followed by a subject and a verb while the latter is followed by a noun or noun phrase.

For example:

He had to run faster because he was being chased by the dog.

He had to run because of the dog chasing him.

Here are some of the most common phrases or other words than because of that can be used to replace it directly in a sentence:

  • Owing to
  • On account of
  • Out of
  • As a consequence of
  • As a result of
  • Considering
  • For
  • For the sake of
  • In view of

The Best Because Transition Words

Because and because of are known as transition words because they are able to connect two sentences. Transition words are used to make content more readable. Using because transition words help prevent overusing the word.

When choosing transition words that mean because, you need to remember that they must signify a consequence or a reason. You can connect two sentences effectively by using the following that mean because in other words:

  • Forasmuch as
  • Consequently
  • Thereupon
  • Under these circumstances
  • As a result
  • Thus
  • For that reason
  • For this reason

All the words to use besides because that are mentioned in the previous can also be considered transition replacement words for because. However, you need to make sure that the sentences are structured and used in the right format so that the replacement words are able to convey the same meaning.

Can You Start a Sentence With Because?

A formal sentence does not permit the use of because at the beginning of a sentence, owing to so many reasons. Inasmuch as it is in informal writings only, with the right use of prepositions, it is very acceptable.

However, owing to some reasons like the context of the word and the various synonyms of because. The word because and its synonyms can fit some forms of formal writing at the beginning.

In the use of because or it’s equivalent, Either a positive or negative outcome of using it at the beginning of formal writing lies in how the reader or the examiner views the writing.

Choosing Words To Replace Because

When you are choosing words that replace because you need to make sure that they are chosen correctly.  The goal should not be to merely pick words that mean because since you wish to avoid repetition. You need to take care of two more details:

  • Avoid redundancy: Sometimes, you cannot just find words that replace because. You may have to use phrases. They tend to cause redundancy and unwanted use of extra words that can make reading less pleasurable.
  • Increase readability: This is one of the primary goals of choosing other words instead of because. It helps you break down the sentences to make them easier to read. Because connects sentences but can also make them very complex.

Whenever you choose words for your writing, you need to think of making the text targeted effectively. Second, the content should be optimized for better reach and interest among readers.

***** NOT A TEACHER *****Hello, Creamcake:

May I make a very


suggestion? I think that if you post a complete sentence (not just the first three words), you will help the members to come up with answers.

1. First, I think it is


that we remember that sometimes «be» is NOT a linking verb. Please look at these sentences:

a. «The exhibition will be

in November

«; «The opening event is

on October 16

«; and «That was

before the war

i. The New Oxford American Dictionary (2001) says that with an adverbial, «be» can mean «occur» or «take place.»

b. Kindly remember that fact as I offer a few ideas (not «answers»).

2. I was wondering whether you were referring to such a sentence as: «It is

because he has behaved so badly

that he must be punished

That sentence comes from A.S. Hornby, A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English (first impression 1954), page 241.

That scholar tells us that the idea could also be expressed this way: «As he has behaved badly, he must be punished.»


, the scholar does not diagram the first sentence for us.

With your permission, I shall


to do so.

«It» is the formal subject. It means nothing. It is only a substitute word for the subject at the end of the sentence: «that he must be punished.»

«is» in my OPINION is NOT a linking verb there. It is a full verb meaning something like «take place.»

To better understand the structure, let’s forget «it.»

We then get «

That he must be punished is

because he has behaved badly

In my OPINION. the adverbial («because he has behaved badly») modifies the verb «is.»

In other words, it means something like «That he must be punished will take place because he has behaved badly.»

Of course, you would never say/write «That he must be punished is because he has behaved badly.» That sentence is used ONLY to explain the basic structure of that sentence.

If you were diagramming that sentence, then, it would be something like:

«It (that he must be punished) + is + because he has acted badly.»

a. The noun clause «that he must be punished» is in apposition with «it.»
b. The adverbial clause «because he has acted badly» modifies the verb «is» — in my OPINION.

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