Is barriered a word

Definitions For Barriered


(not comparable)
Equipped with a barrier.


simple past tense and past participle of barrier

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барьер, препятствие, шлагбаум, преграда, ограждать, заграждать


- барьер; перила, ограждение

show your ticket at the barrier of the railway station — предъявляйте билет у контрольного барьера железнодорожной станции
the police formed a barrier around the building — полиция образовала кордон вокруг здания

- застава, шлагбаум

custom duty was collected at the barrier — на заставе взимали пошлину

- спец. барьер

sonic [energy. heat, nuclear] barrier — звуковой [энергетический, тепловой, ядерный] барьер

- спорт. барьер; препятствие
- стартовые ворота на бегах
- воен. заграждение

barrier zone — полоса препятствий /заграждений/

- преграда; помеха, препятствие

trade barriers — торговые ограничения /барьеры/; помехи на пути развития торговли
poor health may be a barrier to education — плохое здоровье может помешать получению образования

- перегородка, барьер; стена

national [racial] barriers — национальные [расовые] перегородки
the barriers of class or caste — классовые или кастовые барьеры

- (естественная) граница, линия раздела, рубеж; естественная преграда

the Sahara Desert is a natural barrier that separates North and Central Africa — пустыня Сахара

- пограничная крепость, форт
- pl. барьер (на рыцарском турнире)
- спец. шельфовый лёд, обрыв материкового льда

ice barrier — кромка льда; ледяной барьер

- горн. перемычка; целик


- ограждать барьером, обносить перилами и т. п.

Мои примеры


to break the sound barrier — преодолеть звуковой барьер  
to break a racial barrier — преодолеть расовый барьер  
sonic barrier — звуковой барьер  
tank barrier — противотанковое препятствие  
to erect / place / set up a barrier — воздвигнуть барьер  
to lean on / over the barrier — облокотиться на перила  
mountain barrier — горная преграда  
language barrier — языковой барьер  
racial barrier — расовые перегородки  
psychological barrier — психологический барьер  

Примеры с переводом

The last barriers fell.

Последние рубежи пали.

A fire on the barrier!

Перестрелка на границе!

The horse leapt over the barrier.

Лошадь перескочила через барьер.

The mountains were a formidable barrier.

Горы были труднопреодолимым препятствием.

Disability need not be a barrier to a successful career.

Инвалидность необязательно должна становиться препятствием для успешной карьеры.

The stock market broke the 10,000 barrier.

Фондовый рынок преодолел десятитысячную отметку.

The rushing water broke through the barrier.

Стремительный напор воды пробился сквозь преграду.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

With one last thrust he broke through the barrier.

Crowds burst through the barriers and ran onto the pitch.

There’s an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): barrier
мн. ч.(plural): barriers

Asked by: Gunnar Prosacco

Score: 4.2/5
(27 votes)

a person or thing that varies.

What is varier?

Noun. varier (plural variers) One who varies. A wanderer; one who strays in search of variety.

Is varier a scrabble word?

Yes, varier is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does Varrier mean?

Varrier is a surname found amongst people in Kashmir, meaning prosperous in Kashmiri. … The surname belonged to the wealthy merchants that had come from Iran for trade and the leaders of the area during the Mughal empire.

Is Vocabulistics a word?

Vocabulistics: noun. The study of vocabulary, one who studies this is a vocabulist.

34 related questions found

What is a Vocabulist?

vocabulist in British English

(vəˈkæbjʊlɪst) noun. a vocabulary. someone who compiles a vocabulary.

How do Americans pronounce barriers?

Break ‘barrier’ down into sounds: [BARR] + [EE] + [UH] — say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

What are the 7 barriers to communication?

Let’s dig in.

  • Communication barrier #1: Physical barriers.
  • Communication barrier #2: Cultural barriers.
  • Communication barrier #3: Language barriers.
  • Communication barrier #4: Perceptual barriers.
  • Communication barrier #5: Interpersonal barriers.
  • Communication barrier #6: Gender barriers.

Is Barriered a word?

Equipped with a barrier.

What is the English of Harang?

Alternative spelling of harangue. A tirade or rant, whether spoken or written. noun.

What does no barriers mean?

expression used to point out that one has to struggle or suffer to achieve his goal. Jason: Damn it! I can’t take it anymore. This exercise is killing me!

What is the meaning of breaking barriers?

to improve understanding and communication between people who have different opinions: The talks were meant to break down barriers between the two groups.

What is example of barrier?

The definition of a barrier is anything, either natural or manmade, that keeps something from passing through. An example of a barrier is a fence. A boundary or limit. (physiology) A membrane, tissue, or mechanism that blocks the passage of certain substances.

What are the 7 listening flaws?

Here are seven different types of listening that can negatively impact our ability to effectively connect with and truly hear what others have to say.

  • Evaluative listening. …
  • Self-protective listening. …
  • Assumptive listening. …
  • Judgmental listening. …
  • Affirmative listening. …
  • Defensive listening. …
  • Authoritative listening.

What are the 7 barriers to effective communication class 10?

Although the barriers to effective communication may be different for different situations, the following are some of the main barriers:

  • Linguistic Barriers.
  • Psychological Barriers.
  • Emotional Barriers.
  • Physical Barriers.
  • Cultural Barriers.
  • Organisational Structure Barriers.
  • Attitude Barriers.
  • Perception Barriers.

What are 2 barriers of communication?

Common Barriers to Effective Communication:

  • The use of jargon. …
  • Emotional barriers and taboos. …
  • Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver. …
  • Differences in perception and viewpoint.
  • Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.

What are the barriers of communication?

Common Barriers to Effective Communication

  • Dissatisfaction or Disinterest With One’s Job. …
  • Inability to Listen to Others. …
  • Lack of Transparency & Trust. …
  • Communication Styles (when they differ) …
  • Conflicts in the Workplace. …
  • Cultural Differences & Language.

What is a human barrier?

Human Barriers. a man made feature which stops the spread of nature,people,goods,services,or ideas. Natruel Barriers. a landform that keeps people,goods,services, or ideas from spreading.

What is the description of barrier?

: something (such as a fence or natural obstacle) that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another. : a law, rule, problem, etc., that makes something difficult or impossible. : something that makes it difficult for people to understand each other.

Which is a physical barrier?

Physical barriers are described as structural obstructions in both humanmade and natural environments that block effective communication so that messages cannot be sent from the sender to the receiver. Some of the physical barriers are noise, technological problems, and organizational environment.

How do you break barriers?

5 tips for breaking down the barriers in your business

  1. Communicate a vision and common objectives. …
  2. Encourage collaboration between teams. …
  3. Create multi-skilled teams. …
  4. Use collaborative tools. …
  5. Resort to training.

How many barriers are there?

What are Barriers of Communication – 4 Major Barriers: Semantic Barriers, Psychological Barriers, Organisational Barriers and Personal Barriers. iv. Personal barriers.

How do you overcome barriers?

5 Ways to Overcome Success Barriers

  1. Decide What Success Means For You. Everybody wants success. …
  2. Detach Emotionally. When something prevents us from getting what we want, we typically become frustrated, fearful, or sad.
  3. Look at the Barrier as an Outsider. …
  4. Inform Yourself. …
  5. Keep Trying.

What are barriers to healthcare?

Physician shortages, poverty, a greater number of uninsured, and long travel distances add up to major discrepancies in healthcare equality between urban and rural America and pose a challenge to the national healthcare system that must be addressed.

Библиографическое описание:

Губайдулина, Инеш. The ways to overcome the language barrier / Инеш Губайдулина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 34 (376). — С. 155-157. — URL: (дата обращения: 14.04.2023).

The problem of language barrier is shown in this article. There are various definitions of this issue from different sources, types of language barrier and the ways of coping with it. The result of solving the language barrier problem while speaking foreign language is given in the end of the article.


language barrier, foreign, problem, vocabulary, knowledge, language skills.

В данной статье рассматривается проблема языкового барьера у изучающих иностранный яззык. Приводятся определения языкового барьера из разных источников, виды данной проблемы и способы ее преодоления. В завершении статьи подводится итог, результатом которого является пути решения преодоления языкового барьера при говорении на иностранном языке.

Have you had the problem of disability to speak or express your thoughts clearly in the target language? Haven’t you been able to formulate a thought and convey it verbally despite the fact that you studied grammar, enriched your vocabulary, translated texts, wrote letters, watched movies, listened to music and understood the content for a long time? A lot of learners of foreign languages face the challenge of language barrier.

Language is the key to a person’s self-identity. It enables the person to express emotions, share feelings, tell stories, and convey complex messages and knowledge. Language is our greatest mediator that allows us to relate and understand each other. It can be defined as a system of conceptual symbols that allows us to communicate. It also provides us with a significant frame of reference and a relational context that sustains our identities. [1]

Oxford dictionary defines it as a barrier to communication between people who are unable to speak a common language. Whereas Wiktionary gives definitions: a figurative phrase for the difficulties faced when people who have no language in common attempt to communicate with each other.

To overcome language barrier it is necessary to find out the reasons of its occurrence. There are two types of language barrier. They are linguistic and psychological. The linguistic aspect of the language barrier is associated with the application of theoretical knowledge in practice. You know grammar and vocabulary, but the mechanism for activating the necessary memory cells in a particular situation has not yet been worked. You can perfectly do complex timing exercises, but get stuck trying to order a drink at the pub. Difficulties with the perception of native speakers in real time play a crucial role here. Even if you completed listening tasks in class, watched films and even listened to the news in the original, then communication with the same bartender will be complicated by many unusual factors, for example, the speaker’s accent, tone and manner of speech, mood, eventually, the clatter of glasses in the background.

The psychological aspect of the language barrier is a reflection of our inner fears and diffidence. The very atypical situation of communicating with a foreigner in a foreign language makes a person feel uncomfortable. We are afraid of making a mistake, looking stupid, and also feeling embarrassed in front of the native speaker. There are some things that make us feel confused such as low tempo, pronunciation, incorrect stress. We are afraid of not being understood by our interlocutor, and our worst nightmare is to remain incomprehensible and start talking again. As a result, we feel like the dog: it understands everything, but it cannot say anything. The reasons for the psychological barrier are much deeper. It is based on a person’s fear of making a mistake in a conversation with a native speaker and lack of confidence in their knowledge. Perhaps the fear of speaking with mistakes arises from improper teaching and the methodology chosen by the teacher. That is why it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of each student separately and find the right approach. Another possible reason for the psychological barrier is the absence of motivation. The lack of the need to speak and express one’s thoughts is a very important obstacle to overcome the language barrier. [2]

Reasons for a language barrier:

  1. Difficulty of memorizing irules, words and phrases. No language can be learned with a dictionary alone. Words cannot be learned without context, and expressions and idioms cannot be used universally.
  2. Lack of speaking practice;
  3. Fear of saying wrong;
  4. Lack of active and necessary vocabulary;
  5. The wrong approach to speaking (for example, the desire to literally translate a phrase into a foreign language);
  6. Difficulty with pronunciation. [3]

How to deal with the language barrier?

It is easier to cope with the problem when you know about it. Forewarned is forearmed. Almost all learners face a language barrier. There are some advice which can help you!

Practice ahead of time.

Practice everyday situations before entering an English-speaking environment. Speak through typical dialogues such as “getting directions”, “ordering at a cafe”, “checking into a hotel”. You should practice orally as in this way you will accurately record the necessary phrases and formulations in the mind, and, if necessary, remember them automatically. Preparing for the predictable makes dealing the unforeseen easier.

Allow yourself to be wrong.

Remember, you are not on the exam. Nobody will evaluate you, nothing depends on whether you express yourself correctly or not. Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

Don’t be shy about your speech.

Imperfect knowledge of a foreign language is not a reason to be ashamed. Yes, now your grammar is not perfect, your pronunciation is lame, but this is a necessary step on the way to a higher level. The same goes for the accent: this is not a mistake, but just a feature of your speech. Your errors and hesitations will surely be treated favorably, moreover, they may not even pay attention to them at all. The other person is more likely to appreciate your enthusiasm, and help you through the conversation.

Repeat and ask again if necessary.

Do not give up on the situation if something goes wrong. Repeat your words loudly and clearly or reformulate if it is necessary. When the other person speaks too quickly, do not be embarrassed and ask him to speak more slowly — such requests are always treated with understanding.

Take advantage of the moment and appreciate it.

Remember that communication in the environment is a unique experience. The opportunity to speak with native speakers in a foreign language is not often provided and the practice is invaluable. The knowledge gained from personal experience will give a much more effective result than the theory from the textbook.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Challenge yourself to practice even more. Instead of silently poking a menu item in a cafe, try placing an order verbally. Use your navigator less and ask passers-by for directions more often. Initiate as much communication as possible, because communication practice is your main goal.

The linguistic language barrier can be solved by several ways:

– Learning the song.

This method helps to develop listening skills and memory. It also enriches your vocabulary and helps to keep up with the time. As modern songs introduce us new expressions and slang.

– Read aloud

To be confident in speaking you need to learn words and expressions, pronounce them not in a whisper, but clearly and loudly;

– Ask

If you are not sure of the correct meaning of the words be free to ask you to explain this or that word or phrase;

– Avoid the words that you do not understand

Otherwise it can lead you to a dead end at the end of the conversation;

– Train your listening skills by exercises

It is better to train with different accents.

– Translate everything you see

It is a good exercise to activate your passive vocabulary in the right moment.

A language barrier is the difficulty of expressing one’s own thoughts or the difficulty of understanding a foreign language associated with fear or shame. While learning English it seems that everything is clear in the book: you freely read and translate texts, after thinking a little, make up sentences yourself, have a basic vocabulary. But as soon as you have to speak in real life for example, at customs, at the airport, in a foreign hotel, it seems as if you are paralyzed, and you cannot remember even the elementary words.

The most effective way to remove the language barrier is to communicate in English. It allows you to give maximum practice of all language skills and speech skills, to influence the emotional state, to call and encourage speaking.


  1. Imberti, 2007
  2. Anna Kartashova,

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): языковой барьер.

  • #1

Which preposition should be used with barrier, i.e. «to» or «for». Please see the following context:

the time uncertainty involved in the work approach creates barriers for / to the owner to adopt such an approach.

Please advise.

  • #2

Although I have have no clear idea as to what you are talking about here, as_99, I would say that in general terms I’d expect to see:

‘….barriers for the owner to adopt such an approach. ‘
‘….barriers to the owner (from/in) adopting such an approach. ‘

It would be helpful if you were to provide more context — good context. What is it that’s in prospect here? What is ‘time uncertainty’, why is it a barrier, and what is the approach that cannot be adopted?

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