Is babysat a word

  • #1

«I don’t need to be babysitted/babysat anymore»..
I know that «babysat» is correct one but I keep hearing babysitted…
Is it in colloquial English….??? Someone who’s a native pls help…colloquial???

  • Andygc

    • #2

    Try putting «babysitted» in the search box. On the results page click on «in context». See many examples.


    • #4

    Oxford Dictionaries Online gives the past participle as «babysat». I’ve never heard «babysitted», either: I don’t think it’s correct, even if some people do use it colloquially.


    • #5

    There’s a hitch to the «in context» feature: the search doesn’t seem to be able to distinguish between edited text written by professional journalists and semi-literate comments added by any Tom Dick or Harry with a computer.

    I did check up on some of the examples of «babysitted» I found with the «in context» link, but most of them were posted in comments by ordinary readers of the news items, not by professionals. I wouldn’t put much faith in their being good examples, or even typical examples, of English usage.

    suzi br

    • #6

    Why do you need past tense in this context? I would say I don’t need baby sitting any longer.

    Even in the past I would say I used to babysit for them,
    OR she has done babysitting for my kids.
    OR she was the baby sitter.


    • #7

    There’s a hitch to the «in context» feature: the search doesn’t seem to be able to distinguish between edited text written by professional journalists and semi-literate comments added by any Tom Dick or Harry with a computer.

    I did check up on some of the examples of «babysitted» I found with the «in context» link, but most of them were posted in comments by ordinary readers of the news items, not by professionals. I wouldn’t put much faith in their being good examples, or even typical examples, of English usage.

    They are all examples taken from the press and can be seen as representative of colloquial English. Colloquial English isn’t necessarily good English, and the OP asked about colloquial.

    I know that «babysat» is correct one but I keep hearing babysitted…
    Is it in colloquial English….??? Someone who’s a native pls help…colloquial???

    The answer is «yes, it’s colloquial».


    • #8

    I’m not sure that «babysitted» is colloquial. I understand «colloquial English expressions» to mean expressions that are acceptable or correct in spoken English, but not in written English. What is correct is always debatable, but «babysitted» to me sounds at least «non-standard» if not «incorrect».

    babysat — перевод на русский

    I babysat my nephew this weekend.

    На выходных я сидела с племянником.

    ~ She babysat for you quite regularly?

    — Она часто сидела с вашей дочкой?

    Could Tina have babysat for Donna’s kid, maybe?

    Может быть, Тина сидела с ребенком Донны?

    You know, i babysat travis once when he was 12,

    Когда я сидел с Трэвисом, ему было 12.

    My crazy Uncle Andy used to walk around the house bottomless when he babysat us.

    Мой чокнутый дядюшка Энди имел привычку ходить по дому без штанов, когда сидел с нами.

    Показать ещё примеры для «сидела с»…

    I babysat you way back when.

    Я нянчила тебя когда-то.

    She babysat my kids!

    Она нянчила моих детей!

    So you babysat Pat.

    Значит, ты нянчила Пета.

    I babysat for the Putneys last night.

    Вчера я нянчила детей Патни.

    And you remember when you babysat for me?

    А помнишь, как ты сам один раз нянчил Элис?

    Показать ещё примеры для «нянчила»…

    My daughter, Tash, babysat him like, two, three afternoons a week.

    Моя дочь, Таш, присматривала за ним два-три раза в неделю днём.

    She even babysat the kid while Rosario was at work.

    Она даже присматривала за девочкой, пока Розарио была на работе.

    Guys, listen, yesterday, did Haley mention where she was gonna go after she babysat for Lily?

    Слушайте, Хейли вчера говорила куда собирается пойти после того, как закончит присматривать за Лили?

    You’re here because you know too much, and you must be babysat till it’s over.

    Ты здесь, потому что слишком много знаешь, и за тобой нужно присматривать, пока всё не закончится.

    Babysat here?

    Присматривала здесь?

    Показать ещё примеры для «присматривала за»…

    A regular visitor to the Crawford household, where Crawford’s teenage daughter frequently babysat the young boy.

    Постоянный посетитель дома Кроуфордов, Где подростковая дочь Кроуфорда нянчилась с маленьким мальчиком.

    I babysat you many a day, many nights.

    Я нянчилась с тобой столько дней, столько ночей.

    Lau’s having her babysat for a reason.

    Лао нянчится с ней неспроста.

    Because all of a sudden, I don’t feel so babysat.

    Потому что вдруг я не чуствую, что со мной нянчатся.

    I should have been loving it, but I had to admit that ever since Matty and I babysat Morgan, I’d been a little… distracted.

    Казалось бы, я должна была наслаждаться этим, но признаюсь честно, с тех пор, как мы с Мэтти нянчились с Морган, я постоянно… витала в облаках.

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    Asked by: Dr. Junius Hirthe V

    Score: 5/5
    (1 votes)

    The past tense of babysit is babysat. The third-person singular simple present indicative

    present indicative

    The past tense of make more efficient is made more efficient. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of make more efficient is makes more efficient. The present participle of make more efficient is making more efficient. The past participle of make more efficient is made more efficient.

    form of babysit is babysits. The present participle of babysit is babysitting. The past participle of babysit is babysat.

    Is it babysit or babysat?

    From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishba‧by‧sit /ˈbeɪbisɪt/ verb (past tense and past participle babysat /-sæt/, present participle babysitting) [intransitive, transitive] BOLOOK AFTER somebodyto take care of children while their parents are away for a short time —babysitting noun [uncountable] a babysitting …

    What do you call someone you babysit?

    What’s a professional word for babysitting? Some alternative words for babysitter that sound more professional are: caregiver, governess, nanny, au pair, child-care worker, day-care provider, mother’s helper, and guardian.

    What do Americans call nannies?

    Most people in the States just call their child care providers «babysitters

    What are the qualities of a good babysitter?

    Here are 14 of the important traits a good babysitter will have:

    • You’re playful. Parents want a babysitter with a good imagination who can create games, activities and crafts. …
    • You’re active. …
    • You’re responsible. …
    • You have experience. …
    • You’re flexible. …
    • You’re a teacher. …
    • You’re sensitive. …
    • You’re trustworthy.

    39 related questions found

    Why is it called babysitting?

    Etymology. The term «baby sitter» first appeared in 1937, while the verb form «baby-sit» was first recorded in 1947. … The term may have originated from the action of the caretaker «sitting on» the baby in one room, while the parents were entertaining or busy in another.

    What part of speech is babysit?

    BABYSIT (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

    What tense is have you ever been?

    Have you ever been on TV? The present perfect can be used to talk about things you have done in your life, without saying when you did them. It can be used to talk about experiences you’ve had, or things you have done or tried in the past. The present perfect is used to talk about if you did something, not when!

    Is Babysitted a word?

    (nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of babysit.

    Do you babysit meaning?

    intransitive verb. : to care for children usually during a short absence of the parents broadly : to give care babysit for a neighbor’s pets. transitive verb. : to babysit for She babysits her grandchildren.

    What do you learn from babysitting?

    Babysitting teaches you a wide range of skills including practical childcare techniques, business know-how, essential homemaker experience, and personal growth. … Babysitting jobs are a popular alternative to childcare internships because you can learn so much and often get better pay.

    How do you babysit?

    How to Be a Good Babysitter: 11 Tips

    1. Understand your comfort level. Before you agree to babysit, know your limitations. …
    2. Keep an open line of communication. …
    3. Be prepared for everything. …
    4. Be well-informed. …
    5. Be organized. …
    6. Be active and have fun. …
    7. Reinforce rules and limits. …
    8. Be watchful.

    Is it correct to say hurted?

    (archaic or nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of hurt.

    What is the past tense of bleed?

    Bled is the past tense and past participle of bleed.

    How much should I charge for babysitting?

    The average hourly rate for a babysitter is $16.75 for one child and $19.26 for two kids, according to the 2019 annual study compiled by UrbanSitter. For comparison, that’s more than twice the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

    How much do you get for babysitting?

    But what is the average rate you should be paying for a babysitter? According to Ms MacKenzie, the standard in babysitting circles is $20 an hour. «Asking $20 for an untrained babysitter isn’t unreasonable.

    Why do parents hire babysitters?

    Being with a babysitter can help your child learn social skills and practice how to bond with new people. It provides them the opportunity to learn and to reduce their dependence on their parents. … Your child can learn new things from the babysitter, for example, new games, concepts, activities, etc.

    What are the three biggest responsibilities of a babysitter?

    Here are the most common responsibilities of a babysitter:

    • Ensuring child safety.
    • Preparing meals and snacks.
    • Helping with homework.
    • Playing games and having fun!
    • Changing diapers.
    • Getting children to bed on time.
    • Laundry and light housework.
    • Bathing and dressing young children.

    What should be in a bio for babysitting?

    On your sitter profile, a great «About me» bio should include:

    1. Your education (and major if relevant). …
    2. Your experience working with children. …
    3. Why you love babysitting or what you like to do when you’re taking care of kids (crafts, outdoors, helping them with homework…etc).
    4. A sentence about you to make it more personal.

    What do you put on a resume for babysitting?

    How to put babysitting on a resume

    1. Make a list of your babysitting experience.
    2. Identify all your skills related to babysitting.
    3. Add an «Experience» section to your resume.
    4. Consider your work title.
    5. Write action-based bullets.
    6. Include a «Skills and Certifications» section.
    7. Add references.

    Babysat: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

    Произношение и транскрипция


    Предложения со словом «babysat»

    I babysat my nephew this weekend.

    На выходных я сидела с племянником.

    Yeah, the informant’s wife needs to be babysat , so keep an eye on her.

    Да, жена информатора нуждается в няньке, так что приглядывай за ней.

    I babysat you many a day, many nights.

    Я нянчилась с тобой столько дней, столько ночей.

    A regular visitor to the Crawford household, where Crawford’s teenage daughter frequently babysat the young boy.

    Постоянный посетитель дома Кроуфордов, Где подростковая дочь Кроуфорда нянчилась с маленьким мальчиком.

    She is mostly seen wearing only a diaper and is babysat by Lincoln on several occasions.

    В основном ее видят только в подгузнике, и Линкольн несколько раз нянчится с ней.

    In 1995, a 15-year-old babysitter who babysat Grammer’s daughter accused the actor of statutory rape.

    В 1995 году 15 — летняя няня, которая нянчилась с дочерью Грэммера, обвинила актера в изнасиловании по закону.

    Предлагаем Вашему вниманию современный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь EnglishLib, в котором содержиться более 2 000 000 слов и фраз. На этой странице содержится полезная информации о слове «babysat».
    А именно, здесь можно найти перевод (значение) «babysat» на русском языке, синонимы, антонимы, краткое определение слова «babysat» , произношение и транскрипцию к слову «babysat». Также, к слову «babysat» представлено грамотно составленные примеры предложений для лучшего восприятия слова в контексте.

    • «babysat» Перевод на арабский
    • «babysat» Перевод на бенгальский
    • «babysat» Перевод на китайский
    • «babysat» Перевод на испанский
    • «babysat» Перевод на хинди
    • «babysat» Перевод на японский
    • «babysat» Перевод на португальский
    • «babysat» Перевод на русский
    • «babysat» Перевод на венгерский
    • «babysat» Перевод на иврит
    • «babysat» Перевод на украинский
    • «babysat» Перевод на турецкий
    • «babysat» Перевод на итальянский
    • «babysat» Перевод на греческий
    • «babysat» Перевод на хорватский
    • «babysat» Перевод на индонезийский
    • «babysat» Перевод на французский
    • «babysat» Перевод на немецкий
    • «babysat» Перевод на корейский
    • «babysat» Перевод на панджаби
    • «babysat» Перевод на маратхи
    • «babysat» Перевод на узбекский
    • «babysat» Перевод на малайский
    • «babysat» Перевод на голландский
    • «babysat» Перевод на польский
    • «babysat» Перевод на чешский

    Definitions For Babysat


    • To take care of a child while the child’s parents are away

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    • She babysits their kids on Saturday nights.

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