Is baby boy one word

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∙ 9y ago

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It is two separate words.

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My gut feeling aligns with yours – it sounds off to me. I did some research on Google that seems to confirm our hunches.

One reason it sounds off, I think, is because kid and boy both connote a young age. So, the phrase sounds redundant. You could simply say:

There was a boy hurling stones at a cute puppy.


There was a kid hurling stones at a cute puppy.

I suppose one could argue that a «boy» could be an adoloscent, so, some clarification about age might be in order. However, if you wanted to clarify, you could say:

There was a young boy hurling stones at a cute puppy.

Ngrams found plenty of hits for «a young boy» and «a young girl,» but came back empty-handed for «a kid boy» and «a kid girl».

I found several hits on Google for «a kid boy», but they were excellent examples of why hit counts need to be examined carefully. Many of them had extra punctuation, like this:

If you had a kid, boy or girl, and wanted to know…

Some even used the word boy as an exclamation, like this Pinterest tag:

Pins about: Toys I had as a kid. Boy I miss them!

There were several hits that were labels to stock illustrations:

Illustration of a Kid Boy Dressed as Prince Sitting on a Student Chair

but redundancy makes sense in that context, because those who title images in an image database want customers to get hits if they search for boy or search for kid.

But I’d avoid it in a context like the one you are asking about.

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A term for a male in a romantic situation. The word can be used negatively or positively. Its been around for years, but has been most recently popularized by Beyonce Knowles and Destiny’s Child.

From «Baby Boy» by Beyonce: ‘Baby boy you stay on my mind/Fulfill my fantasies/I think about you all the time/I see you in my dreams.’

From «Rosa Parks» by Outkast: ‘I met a gypsy and she hipped me to some life game/To stimulate then activate the left and right brain/Said baby boy you only funky as your last cut/You focus on the past your ass’ll be a has what.’

See Matteo


A name for a Male friend, a guy you like or an acquaintance. used as a term of endearment- love or just friendship.

Hey what’s up baby boy are you up for a part tonight

See baby boy, baby boi, love, baby, flirt


A term used to describe a male that has no prospects in life whatsoever. A man who drifts through life aimlessly without any goals in mind. See: Scrub.

Popularized by John Singleton’s movie of the same name, which featured Snoop Doggand Tyrese.

Some characteristics (but not limited to) are:

1) Still lives with his mama,

2) Has no job/money,

3) Has a kid (or children) from more than one girl.

«Yo foo, did you just father another child from a different girl? Damn, yousea Baby Boy.»

See Elmer


a young man that has not mentally developed into a man yet and still plays childish games

you justa baby boy call me when you grow up

See rissa


bbbaby boypretty blonde friendlababy booty

best friend, nice, caring, affectionate, likes to dance, loves to give jump hugs (and recieve them), is quite fond of pretty blonde friends, and mnb’s, and mnbj’s. Baby Boy is very specific and can only be used to describe one person who has a very irish temper and likes to wrestle. Most baby boys, in fact, were very cute girly babies.

oh look who it is, the baby boy and his pretty blonde friend

See bb, baby boy, pbf, dods

baby boy — перевод на русский

Do you understand, baby boy?

Малыш, ты же понимаешь?

I swear to you, baby boy, that I couldn’t refuse.

Клянусь тебе, малыш, я не смог бы отказаться.

How’s our baby boy?

Как наш малыш?

— What’s up, baby boy?

Как дела, малыш?

Watch out for that tree Twenty-five years later, the bouncing baby boy… has grown into a swinging jungle king.

Ричард Браунтли 25 лет спустя упавший с самолёта малыш стал настоящим королём джунглей.

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It’s my baby boy.

Это мой мальчик.

Well, you got a fine baby boy here, and a hungry one, too.

Ну, у вас прекрасный мальчик, и к тому же голодный.

My baby boy!

— Жозеф, мальчик мой! — Мама…

— It’s a healthy baby boy.

— Здоровенький мальчик.

But then one day a gypsy woman advised the cobbler’s wife to buy a mug for four pennies, and to breathe in it three times. The cobbler’s wife did not put much faith in that, so she was greatly surprised when a baby boy was born.

И когда однажды цыганка посоветовала жене сапожника купить на 4 монеты заварного лопухового листа и трижды вдохнуть его жена сапожника не особо поверила в это и была крайне удивлина, когда родился мальчик.

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The baby boy must be mine too

Ребенок ведь тоже мой.


Милый, мой маленький ребёнок…

I’m happy to report you have a healthy baby boy.

Я счастлива сообщить, что Ваш ребенок полностью здоров.

My, um, sister has this little boy, um, baby boy, but — well, he’s not really a baby anymore, I guess — but he’s just learning to talk and, um, and do animal noises.

У моей сестры ребенок… маленький мальчик, но… думаю, он уже не такой маленький… он учится говорить и подражает животным.

Except she did. She had a baby boy.

Не смотря на это, у нее был ребенок.

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Little baby boy.

Маленький мальчик.


К тому, что её маленький мальчик сосёт горячий твёрдый член?

My beautiful baby boy.

Мой замечательный маленький мальчик.

I’m mine. — You’re my baby boy.

Ты мой маленький мальчик.

My baby boy.

Мой маленький мальчик.

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I am so messed up. I just sent my baby boy off to military academy.

Я только что отправила своего сына в военную академию.

My little innocent unborn baby boy got hit with a one-in-a-million bolt of lightning.

В моего маленького невинного нерожденного сына, одного из миллиона, ударила эта молния.

No problem Look at him He’s not interested in anything but his baby boy

Ничем не интересуется кроме сына.

My baby boy got beat up by a girl.

Моего сына побила девчонка!

How could I not recognize my own baby boy?

Как я могла не узнать своего собственного сына?

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We got a baby boy.

У нас родился мальчик.

A year after they were married, they had a baby boy, and three days after the child’s birth, his mother died.

Спустя год после свадьбы, у них родился мальчик, три дня спустя после рождения ребенка, его мать умерла.

She had a baby boy.

— У неё родился мальчик.

She said we just had our baby boy.

Сказала, что у нас родился мальчик.

We got a baby boy!

..! У меня родился мальчик!

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Angela and I worked with a very disturbed young woman who gave birth to a baby boy.

С нами работала очень проблемная девушка, она родила мальчика.

Me girlfriend just had a baby boy.

Моя девушка вчера родила мальчика.

My girlfriend had a baby boy last week.

Моя девушка на той неделе тоже родила мальчика.

Donna had a little baby boy 11 years ago.

Что Донна родила мальчика, одиннадцать лет назад.

She gave birth to a baby boy six days ago.

Она родила мальчика шесть дней назад.

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My sister’s baby boy.

Сыночек моей сестрички.

Yeah, he’s my baby boy.

— Да. Он мой сыночек.

Don’t worry, baby boy.

Не волнуйся, сыночек.

Watch your back, baby boy!

— Будь начеку, сыночек.

Ooh, Daddy’s little baby boy!

Папочкин сыночек!

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Three minutes later, heaven sends, alas, not a baby boy, but Marguerite, a tourist from Quebec, bent on ending her life.

Три минуты спустя, небо посылает им ответ. Увы, это не долгожданный младенец, а Маргарита Бушар, самоубийца из Канады.

And here’s baby boy number one.

А вот и первый младенец.

Based on the recommendations of ACS and corporation counsel, baby boy Doe will return to an ACS facility until a new foster home can be found.

Основываясь на рекомендациях социальной службы младенец будет возвращен в приют, пока не будет найдена приемная семья.

The foreskin of an 8-day-old baby boy.

Там внутри обрезанная плоть 8-ми дневного младенца.

It is our recommendation that baby boy Doe not be returned.

— Мы рекомендуем, чтобы младенца не возвращали.

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The person responsible for allowing his baby boy to take a knife in the gut?

— Кто допустил, чтоб его маленького сына пырнули ножом в бок?

She’s probably sitting in some hellhole for stealing nuclear secrets and she had to give up the baby boy to keep him safe from retribution!

Возможно, она сидела в какой-то дыре за кражу ядерного оружия и ей пришлось бросить маленького сына, чтобы спасти его от возмездия!

My baby boy was taken from me and I tried and I tried to find him and I failed.

У меня забрали маленького сына. Я очень долго его искала, но не нашла.

It made you come back to me and your baby boy.

Она заставила тебя вернуться ко мне и к твоему маленькому сыну.

His poor wife standing there with their baby boy.

Его бедная жена была там вместе с их маленьким сыном.

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