Is attacked a feeling word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Or, if you sense your partner is feeling attacked, offer to return to the topic later.

Или, если вы чувствуете, что ваш партнер испытывает приступ, предложите вернуться к теме позже.

When the other person is feeling attacked and blamed, he or she is more likely to retreat into insecurity and fear, and to defend their reality.

Когда другой человек чувствует себя атакованным и обвиняемым, он или она с большей вероятностью отступает в неуверенность и страх и защищают свою реальность.

Другие результаты

I understand that you are feeling attacked, babe.

When we’re feeling attacked it makes sense to be on guard and not trust others.

Okay. I’m feeling attacked by these meat bars.

Just «brushing it off» doesn’t always seem possible when you’re feeling attacked and angry.

Просто «счищать» не всегда представляется возможным, когда вы чувствуете себя напали и злой.

I know this is challenging, when you’re feeling attacked.

Ordinarily the average person will respond by feeling attacked and threatened (which is fair enough because so frequently criticism is an attack).

Среднестатистический индивидуум, слыша критику в свой адрес, обычно воспринимает её как нападки или угрозу (и это чувство вполне обосновано, ибо очень часто критика действительно представляет собой нападение).

Ordinarily the average person will respond by feeling attacked and threatened (which is fair enough because so frequently criticism is an attack).

Обычный человек реагирует на критику ощущением, что на него нападают или ему угрожают (что имеет свои основания, поскольку часто критика действительно является нападением).

For example, anxiety is often caused by fear, sadness by loss, anger by feeling attacked, etc.

Например, тревога часто вызвана страхом, грустью от потери, злостью из-за того, что на вас нападают, и так далее.

If you are routinely getting angry at people, feeling attacked and defensive and confronting them, I would highly recommend changing those behaviors.

Если вы постоянно сердитесь на людей, нападаете на них и защищаетесь от них, я бы очень рекомендовал изменить такое поведение.

How do we keep people from feeling attacked on either side?

That usually has the double effect of making the other person think about what they have said without feeling attacked, and also of protecting my friend from absorbing the programming by disagreeing with it.

Это обычно имеет двойной эффект: другого человека думать о том, что они говорили, не чувствуя себя напала, а также защиту моего друга из поглощающего программирования, соглашаясь с ним.

The U.S. has recently been feeling attacked by the Internet in the only way the Internet could ever wage a war: with information.

В последнее время США чувствуют угрозу со стороны Интернета, который ведет войну единственным доступным для него способом — с помощью информации.

Many people don’t recognize that they are making life difficult for others, and in a group setting with a trained professional, they can learn to behave differently without feeling attacked.

Многие люди отказываются признавать, что они усложняют жизнь другим, но на групповых занятиях с обученным профессионалом, такие люди смогут учиться вести себя по-другому, не чувствуя нападения.

Both have the feeling of being attacked.

Opening by affirming your love for your parents will help prevent them from feeling defensive or attacked.

Начните разговор с подтверждения любви к вашим родителям, и это поможет уберечь их от ощущения нападения и желания обороняться.

He says, there can be no hard feelings: We attacked, you defended.

Он говорит, обид тут быть не может: «Мы напали, вы защищались.

We want to wage war to banish the feeling of being unjustly attacked or unable to protect the blameless.

Мы хотим вступить в войну, чтобы избавиться от чувства того, что мы несправедливо пострадали или не смогли защитить безвинных.

You haven’t felt safe in your mind, at times feeling you were attacked from the inside or the outside.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1916. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 410 мс


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attack verb

The report attacks the idea of exams for seven and eight-year-olds.

Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
  • criticizeHe criticized the government’s handling of the crisis.
  • attackShe wrote an article attacking the judge and the way the trial had been conducted.
  • condemnShe was condemned for her comments about the candidate.
  • denounceThe government’s economic policy has been denounced on all sides.
  • come under fireThe government programme has come under fire for mismanaging funds.

See more results »

attack verb

attack verb

attack verb

attack noun

attack noun

figurative an attack of the giggles

attack noun

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

(Definition of attack from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

attack | American Dictionary

attack verb

attack verb

Critics have attacked her ideas as antidemocratic.

In TV ads, he attacked his opponent’s record.


attack noun [C/U]

attack noun [C/U]

[ U ] The more he speaks out, the more he comes under attack.


(Definition of attack from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of attack


A multinational attacked the nation’s dignity by colonising a national image for its global enterprise.

We only have inadequate knowledge of the planned attacks, but we are sure of the detainee’s involvement and of the attack’s seriousness and imminence.

He could still change his mind about the attacks (or he could be run over by a bus).

Lizards attacked far fewer sawfly larvae than pierid caterpillars.

We also hear of demonstrations in which pilgrims were booed or attacked by anticlerical crowds.#!

The predators deterred/household cattle cross effects variable suggests that households with larger cattle herds are willing to pay more to deter predators from attacking.

Over the next 14 months, the child remained cyanosed, becoming increasingly so with time, but with no history of overt hypercyanotic attacks.

They were taught how to ward off and resist unexpected attacks and disable their attacker.

Last year pro had two heart attacks within two to three months.

Secondly, he was a fellow bishop and these attacks besmirched the honour of the office which he shared with other prelates.

Night terrors (different from nightmares) and somnambulism attacks also occur during slow wave sleep, all these data showing non-visual mental activity during sleep.

How does one go from neurons firing to the dream experience of being attacked, and what are the mechanisms to achieve this transformation?

Attacks resulting in death and consumption of the prey were deemed successful attacks.

Unfortunately, this situation becomes even more complicated when a given problem is attacked by perturbation methods.

The objective is to clearly identify the potential role and also the limits of agricultural technology in attacking poverty.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Collocations with attack

These are words often used in combination with attack.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

acute attack

Treatment of tension headache involves reassurance, simple analgesia as abortive treatment for the acute attack and treatment of any psychopathology that may be present.

aggressive attack

When landowners are faced with such an aggressive attack, naturally, they respond by being aggressive in their own right.

air attack

Such air attack is said to be pressed home at levels determined by military considerations only.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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  • #1

— He is an aggressive person. he does not care about other people’s feeling .

a) passive

b) offensive

c) attacking

d) opponent

Am I right?

I am confused also with (b)

  • owlman5

    • #2

    Hi, Ali. I’m not sure what this test wants you to do, but (b) seems to be the most likely adjective to describe this man. If he is «offensive», then he readily offends other people.

    • #3

    Thank you for your kind reply

    : In each sentence below there is a word in boldface. From the words below each choose the one that has the nearest meaning to the boldfaced word.

    — He is an aggressive person. he does not care about other people’s feeling .

    a) passive

    b) offensive

    c) attacking

    d) opponent


    • #4

    You’re welcome.

    Thanks for the additional information. «Attacking» does seem closer to the meaning of «aggressive» than the other choices do. However, I don’t think a fluent English-speaker would use «He is an attacking person» to describe an aggressive person.

    • #5

    so we should use (b) offensive)?


    • #6

    That’s a good question, Ali. An «offensive person» might not deliberately attack another person, but he offends the other person in some way. I’m not sure what answer the test expects you to choose.


    • #7

    I think the original sentence is not very good. I think they mean to say the person shows aggression (he is hostile), not that he is aggressive (which can mean «vigorously energetic»).


    • #8

    I agree with Myridon. From the choices listed, b or c are the only possibly correct ones, but neither is ideal. «Hostile» would be better in this particular context.

    In general, though, both «attacking» and «offensive» are synonyms of «aggressive,» as all can be used to refer to the instigator of a violent or competitive action.

    context icon

    context icon

    Children respond really well to empathy because they don’t feel attacked.


    context icon


    Do I feel attacked when somebody suggests an improvement to my work?


    You’re right to feel attacked by these people, but this is about Francis.

    I don’t want you to feel attacked by all of us, so I’m just gonna say»me.

    When someone says or does something to make us


    put down, hurt, frustrated, or angry,

    we may feel attacked and try to protect ourselves by using one or more of these six defensive reactions.


    context icon

    Cuando alguien dice o hace algo que nos hace sentir desalentados, dolidos, frustrados, o enojados,

    podemos sentirnos atacados y tratar de protegernos usando una o mas de estas seis reacciones defensivas.


    We want to create a relationship of trust and cooperation with the community, with whom we often have to be careful in regards to how we address certain topics, since many people have a closed and traditional vision of agriculture and lifestyle; thus, according to how

    the situation is presented, they can feel attacked and offended, which is something we do not want.


    context icon

    Nosotros queremos crear una relación de confianza y cooperación con la comunidad, con lo que muchas veces tenemos que ir con cuidado en cómo abordamos ciertos temas, pues muchas personas tienen una visión cerrada y tradicional de la agricultura y la forma de vivir,

    así que según como plantees la situación pueden sentirse atacados u ofendidos, cosa que no queremos.


    context icon

    context icon

    Provocative victims tend to be quick-tempered and

    try to fight back if they feel insulted or attacked.


    context icon

    Las víctimas provocadoras suelen ser irascibles y


    Many of these people are mostly immigrants who feel angry, attacked and threatened by all that Trump said against Hispanics.


    context icon

    Muchas de estas personas que en su mayoría son inmigrantes, se sienten indignadas, atacadas y amenazadas por todo lo que ha dicho Trump contra los hispanos.


    Women are often intimidated, threatened and even in some cases attacked by men who feel challenged by their presence and engagement.


    context icon

    Las mujeres a menudo son intimidadas, amenazadas e incluso en algunos casos atacadas por hombres que se sienten desafiados por su presencia y participación.


    The Special Rapporteur is

    deeply concerned that artists in many parts of the world feel threatened or have been attacked by aggressive audiences.


    context icon

    Preocupa profundamente a la Relatora

    Especial que artistas en muchas partes del mundo se sientan amenazados o hayan sido atacados por públicos agresivos.


    Both people feel equally threatened; both people dream of being attacked.


    I would want to make her feel as vulnerable as I did the night I was attacked.

    context icon

    Querría hacerla sentir tan vulnerable como yo me


    la noche que fui atacada.

    The International Bar Association’s Terrorism Task Force has also expressed concern that the use of race, religion or citizenship as criteria for screening may be both discriminatory and ineffective, since terrorists who do not fit these criteria may pass undetected,

    while innocent parties who fit these stereotypes might feel alienated and attacked when their assistance could be essential in combating terrorism.


    context icon

    El Grupo de Tareas sobre el Terrorismo de la Asociación Internacional de Abogados ha expresado su preocupación también porque el uso de la raza, la religión o la nacionalidad como criterios para detectar a presuntos terroristas puede ser a la vez discriminatorio e ineficaz, ya que los terroristas que no se ajustan a esos criterios pueden pasar desapercibidos,

    mientras que los inocentes que sí cumplen esos estereotipos pueden sentirse alienados y atacados cuando su ayuda podría resultar fundamental para combatir el terrorismo.


    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    The unfortunate events produce a flood of negative emotions because he feels attacked directly.


    context icon

    Los lamentables acontecimientos le producen un torrente de emociones negativas ya que se siente atacado directamente.


    If a group feels attacked by what you’re saying or trying to do, that’s a

    different kind of issue.


    context icon

    Si un grupo se siente atacado por lo que la iniciativa está diciendo o tratando de hacer,

    ése es un asunto diferente.


    According to The Washington Post, their refusal to accept the United

    States’ definition of black has left many feeling attacked from all directions.

    context icon

    Según el Washington Post, su negativa


    aceptar la definición de

    negro de los Estados Unidos ha dejado a muchos sintiéndose atacados desde todas las direcciones.

    context icon

    context icon

    All the more, when he


    attacked and needed to speak to someone about this topic, besides his wife, he felt overwhelmed, exhausted, nervous, and cornered.


    context icon

    Más aún: cuando


    veía acosado y tenía que hablar con alguien sobre este tema, claro está, fuera de su mujer, se sentía abrumado sobremanera, agotado, nervioso y acorralado.


    context icon

    Results: 628,
    Time: 0.0673

    Both sides feel attacked and denigrated.

    When people feel attacked they attack back.

    We might feel attacked and defensive when problems occur.

    Partners who feel attacked during conflict, will attack back.

    You can feel attacked and want to lash out.

    I feel attacked and tormented mentally, physically and emotionally.

    I hope so because personally, I already feel attacked attached.

    Investigations, by their nature, make parents feel attacked and ashamed.

    Both feel attacked and both are trying to defend themselves.

    Operations should not feel attacked by safety, but rather assisted.





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